Ejemplo n.º 1
if ($create_incident) {

	if ($config['ticket_owner_is_creator']) {
		$assigned_user_for_this_incident = $usuario;
	} else {
		$assigned_user_for_this_incident = get_db_value("id_user_default", "tgrupo", "id_grupo", $id_grupo_incident);
} else {
	$assigned_user_for_this_incident = $usuario;

if ($has_im) {
	$src_code = print_image('images/group.png', true, false, true);
	$disabled_creator = false;
	if (!$config["change_creator_owner"] || $blocked_incident || get_standalone_user($config['id_user'])) {
		$disabled_creator = true;
	$params_assigned['input_id'] = 'text-id_user';
	$params_assigned['input_name'] = 'id_user';
	$params_assigned['input_value'] = $assigned_user_for_this_incident;
	$params_assigned['title'] = __('Owner');
	$params_assigned['help_message'] = __("The user assigned here will be responsible for managing tickets. If you are opening a ticket and want it to be solved by someone other than yourself, assign this value to another user.");
	$params_assigned['return'] = true;
	$params_assigned['return_help'] = true;
	$params_assigned['disabled'] = $disabled_creator;
	$params_assigned['attributes'] = 'style="width:210px;"';
	$table->data[2][1] = user_print_autocomplete_input($params_assigned);
	if (!$disabled_creator) {
Ejemplo n.º 2

// Wiki
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "WR") && $show_wiki != MENU_HIDDEN && (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]) == false)) {
	// Wiki
	if ($sec == "wiki" )
		echo "<li id='current' class='wiki'>";
		echo "<li class='wiki'>";
	echo "<div>|</div>";
	echo "<a href='index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki'>" . __('Wiki') . "</a>";
	echo "<div>|</div></li>";

// Custom Screens
if (((int)enterprise_include('custom_screens/CustomScreensManager.php', true) != ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) && (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]) == false)) {
	$custom_screens = CustomScreensManager::getInstance()->getCustomScreensList(false);

	if (!empty($custom_screens)) {
		$custom_link = '';
		foreach ($custom_screens as $custom_screen_id => $custom_screen) {
			if (isset($custom_screen['menuEnabled']) && (bool) $custom_screen['menuEnabled']) {
				//First custom screen
				$custom_link = 'index.php?sec=custom_screen-'.$custom_screen_id.'&sec2=enterprise/operation/custom_screens/custom_screens&id='.$custom_screen_id;
		if (!empty($custom_link)) {
			if ($sec == "custom_screen" )
				echo "<li id='current' class='custom_screen'>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
function incident_users_list($id_incident, $return = false)
    function render_sidebox_user_info($user, $label)
        $output = "";
        $output .= '<div style="text-align:center;"><b>' . __($label) . ' </b></div>';
        $output .= '<div class="user_info_sidebox">';
        $output .= print_user_avatar($user, true, true);
        $output .= '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&id=' . $user . '">';
        $output .= ' <strong>' . $user . '</strong></a><br>';
        $user_data = get_db_row("tusuario", "id_usuario", $user);
        if ($user_data["nombre_real"] != "") {
            $output .= $user_data["nombre_real"] . "<br>";
        if ($user_data["telefono"] != "") {
            $output .= $user_data["telefono"] . "<br>";
        if ($user_data["direccion"] != "") {
            $output .= $user_data["direccion"];
        if ($user_data["id_company"] != 0) {
            $company_name = (string) get_db_value('name', 'tcompany', 'id', $user_data['id_company']);
            $output .= "<br>(<em>{$company_name}</em>)";
        $output .= '</div>';
        return $output;
    $output = '';
    $users = get_incident_users($id_incident);
    $output .= '<ul id="incident-users-list" class="sidemenu">';
    // OWNER
    $output .= render_sidebox_user_info($users['owner']['id_usuario'], "Responsible");
    // CREATOR
    $output .= render_sidebox_user_info($users['creator']['id_usuario'], "Creator");
    // EDITOR (if different from CREATOR)
    $editor = get_db_sql("SELECT editor FROM tincidencia WHERE id_incidencia = {$id_incident}");
    if ($editor != $users['creator']['id_usuario'] and $editor != "") {
        $output .= render_sidebox_user_info($editor, "Editor");
    //if ($users['affected'])
    if ($users['affected'] == false) {
        $users['affected'] = array();
    foreach ($users['affected'] as $user_item) {
        $user = $user_item["id_usuario"];
        if (!get_standalone_user($user)) {
            $output .= render_sidebox_user_info($user, "Participant");
    $output .= '</ul>';
    if ($return) {
        return $output;
    echo $output;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Function to get a where filter to filter results
 * by accessible companies.
 * Please visit http://integriaims.com for more information
function get_filter_by_company_accessibility($id_user)
    global $config;
    $company = get_user_company($id_user, false);
    if (get_standalone_user($id_user)) {
        return "IN (" . $company['id'] . ")";
    $return = enterprise_hook('get_filter_by_company_accessibility_extra', array($company['id']));
    if ($return !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK && !dame_admin($id_user)) {
        return $return;
    return "";
Ejemplo n.º 5
function lionwiki_show($conf = null, $execute_actions_param = true) {
	global $plugins;
	global $TITLE;
	global $page;
	global $PG_DIR;
	global $DATE_FORMAT;
	global $HIST_DIR;
	global $plugin_ret_diff;
	global $PASSWORD;
	global $sc;
	global $content;
	global $error;
	global $action;
	global $html;
	global $preview;
	global $HEAD;
	global $PLUGINS_DIR;
	global $VAR_DIR;
	global $self;
	global $self_form;
	global $CON;
	global $execute_actions;
	global $rightnow;
	global $config;

	$execute_actions = $execute_actions_param;
	$is_enterprise = false;
	if (file_exists ("enterprise/include/functions_wiki.php")) {
		require_once ("enterprise/include/functions_wiki.php");
		$is_enterprise = true;
	//Default confs
	$wiki_title_conf = 'My new wiki';
	$password_conf = '';
	$template_conf = 'templates/dandelion.html';
	$protected_read_conf = false;
	$no_html_conf = false;
	$start_page_conf = 'Main page';
	$syntax_page_conf = 'http://lionwiki.0o.cz/?page=Syntax+reference';
	$date_format_conf = 'Y/m/d H:i';
	$local_hour_conf = 0;
	$var_dir_conf = 'var/';
	$plugin_dir_conf = 'plugins/';
	$lang_dir_conf = 'lang/';
	$self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?';
	$fallback_template = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
	<title>{PAGE_TITLE_HEAD  - }{WIKI_TITLE}</title>
	<style type="text/css">
body{font-size:12px;line-height:16px;padding:10px 20px 20px 20px}
a{color:#060;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:1px dotted #060}
pre{border:1px dotted #ccc;padding:4px;overflow:auto;margin:3px}
img,a img{border:0}
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:normal;margin:15px 0 15px 0;color:#060}
h1 a:hover,h2 a:hover,h3 a:hover,h4 a:hover,h5 a:hover,h6 a:hover{color:#060}
h1 a{border-bottom:0}
h2 .par-edit,h3 .par-edit,h4 .par-edit,h5 .par-edit,h6 .par-edit{visibility:hidden;font-size:x-small}
h2:hover .par-edit,h3:hover .par-edit,h4:hover .par-edit,h5:hover .par-edit,h6:hover .par-edit{visibility:visible}
hr{margin:10px 0 10px 0;height:1px;overflow:hidden;border:0;background:#060}
ul,ol{padding:5px 0px 5px 20px}
input,select,textarea{border:1px solid #AAA;padding:2px;font-size:12px}
#toc{border:1px dashed #060;margin:5px 0 5px 10px;padding:6px 5px 7px 0;float:right;padding-right:2em;list-style:none}
#toc ul{list-style:none;padding:3px 0 3px 10px}
#toc li{font-size:11px;padding-left:10px}
#diff {padding:1em; white-space: pre-wrap; width: 97%;}
#diff ins{color:green;font-weight:bold}
#diff del{color:red;text-decoration:line-through}
#diff .orig{color:#666;font-size:90%}
/* Plugins */
.tagList{padding:0.2em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;margin-top:0.5em;border:1px dashed #060;clear:right}
.tagCloud{float:right;width:200px;padding:0.5em;margin:1em;border:1px dashed #060;clear:right}
.resizeTextarea a{border-bottom:none}

<table width="100%" cellpadding="4">
	<td colspan="2">{HOME} {RECENT_CHANGES}</td>
	<td style="text-align:right">{EDIT} {SYNTAX} {HISTORY}</td>
<tr><th colspan="3"><hr/><h1 id="page-title">{PAGE_TITLE} {<span class="pageVersionsList">( plugin:VERSIONS_LIST )</span>}</h1></th></tr>
	<td colspan="3">
		{<div style="color:#F25A5A;font-weight:bold;"> ERROR </div>}
		{CONTENT} {plugin:TAG_LIST}
		<p style="float:right;margin:6px">{FORM_PASSWORD} {FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT} {plugin:CAPTCHA_QUESTION} {plugin:CAPTCHA_INPUT}
<tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr>
	<td style="text-align:right">{EDIT} {SYNTAX} {HISTORY}</td>
	if ($conf != null) {
		if (isset($conf['wiki_title'])) $wiki_title_conf = $conf['wiki_title'];
		if (isset($conf['password'])) $password_conf = $conf['password'];
		if (isset($conf['template'])) $template_conf = $conf['template'];
		if (isset($conf['protected_read'])) $protected_read_conf = $conf['protected_read'];
		if (isset($conf['no_html'])) $no_html_conf = $conf['no_html'];
		if (isset($conf['start_page'])) $start_page_conf = $conf['start_page'];
		if (isset($conf['syntax_page'])) $syntax_page_conf = $conf['syntax_page'];
		if (isset($conf['date_format'])) $date_format_conf = $conf['date_format'];
		if (isset($conf['local_hour'])) $local_hour_conf = $conf['local_hour'];
		if (isset($conf['var_dir'])) $var_dir_conf = $conf['var_dir'];
		if (isset($conf['plugin_dir'])) $plugin_dir_conf = $conf['plugin_dir'];
		if (isset($conf['lang_dir'])) $lang_dir_conf = $conf['lang_dir'];
		if (isset($conf['self'])) $self = $conf['self'];
		if (isset($conf['fallback_template'])) $fallback_template = $conf['fallback_template'];
	else {
	//Delete the last character, it is ? or & normality.
	$self_form = substr_replace($self, '', -1);
	 * Disabled for avoid lost the var $action or $page for example
	foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v)
		unset($$k); // register_globals = off
	// SETTINGS - default settings, can be overridden in config.php
	$WIKI_TITLE = $wiki_title_conf; // name of the site
	$PASSWORD = $password_conf; // SHA1 hash
	$TEMPLATE = $template_conf; // presentation template
	$PROTECTED_READ = $protected_read_conf; // if true, you need to fill password for reading pages too
	$NO_HTML = 0; //$no_html_conf; // XSS protection
	$START_PAGE = $start_page_conf; // Which page should be default (start page)?
	$SYNTAX_PAGE = $syntax_page_conf;
	$DATE_FORMAT = $date_format_conf;
	$LOCAL_HOUR = $local_hour_conf;
	@error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
	@ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) // magic_quotes_gpc can't be turned off
		for ($i = 0, $_SG = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST), $c = count($_SG); $i < $c; ++$i)
			$_SG[$i] = array_map('stripslashes', $_SG[$i]);
	$REAL_PATH = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/';
	$VAR_DIR = $var_dir_conf;
	$PG_DIR = $VAR_DIR . 'pages/';
	$HIST_DIR = $VAR_DIR . 'history/';
	$PLUGINS_DIR = $plugin_dir_conf;
	$PLUGINS_DATA_DIR = $VAR_DIR.'plugins/';
	$LANG_DIR = $lang_dir_conf;
	// default translation
	$T_HOME = 'Main page';
	$T_SYNTAX = 'Syntax';
	$T_DONE = 'Save changes';
	$T_DISCARD_CHANGES = 'Discard changes';
	$T_PREVIEW = 'Preview';
	$T_SEARCH = 'Search';
	$T_SEARCH_RESULTS = 'Wiki search results';
	$T_LIST_OF_ALL_PAGES = 'List of all pages';
	$T_RECENT_CHANGES = 'Recent changes';
	$T_LAST_CHANGED = 'Last changed';
	$T_HISTORY = 'History';
	$T_RESTORE = 'Restore';
	$T_REV_DIFF = '<b>Difference between revisions from {REVISION1} and {REVISION2}.</b>';
	$T_REVISION = "'''This revision is from {TIME}. You can {RESTORE} it.'''\n\n";
	$T_PASSWORD = '******';
	$T_EDIT = 'Edit';
	$T_EDIT_SUMMARY = 'Summary of changes';
	$T_EDIT_CONFLICT = 'Edit conflict: somebody saved this page after you started editing. See last {DIFF} before saving your changes.';
	$T_SHOW_SOURCE = 'Show source';
	$T_SHOW_PAGE = 'Show page';
	$T_ERASE_COOKIE = 'Erase cookies';
	$T_MOVE_TEXT = 'New name';
	$T_DIFF = 'diff';
	$T_CREATE_PAGE = 'Create page';
	$T_PROTECTED_READ = 'You need to enter password to view content of site: ';
	$T_WRONG_PASSWORD = '******';
	if ($_GET['lang']) {
		$LANG = clear_path($_GET['lang']);
		setcookie('LW_LANG', $LANG, time() + 365 * 86400);
	elseif ($_COOKIE['LW_LANG'])
		$LANG = clear_path($_COOKIE['LW_LANG']);
		list($LANG) = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
	if ((@include("$LANG_DIR$LANG.php")) === false && (@include($LANG_DIR . substr($LANG, 0, 2) . '.php')) === false)
		$LANG = 'en';
	// Creating essential directories if they don't exist
	if (!file_exists($VAR_DIR) && !mkdir(rtrim($VAR_DIR, "/")))
		die("Can't create directory $VAR_DIR. Please create $VAR_DIR with 0777 rights.");
		foreach (array($PG_DIR, $HIST_DIR, $PLUGINS_DATA_DIR) as $DIR)
			if (@mkdir(rtrim($DIR, '/'), 0777)) {
				$f = fopen($DIR . ".htaccess", "w"); fwrite($f, "deny from all"); fclose($f);
	if ($_GET['erasecookie']) // remove cookie without reloading
		foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v)
			if (substr($k, 0, 3) == 'LW_') {
	//Load Plugins
	for ($plugins = array(), $dir = @opendir($PLUGINS_DIR); $dir && $f = readdir($dir);) // load plugins
		if (preg_match('/wkp_(.+)\.php$/', $f, $m) > 0) {
			require_once $PLUGINS_DIR . $f;
			$plugins[$m[1]] = new $m[1]();
			if (isset($$m[1]))
				foreach ($$m[1] as $name => $value)
					$plugins[$m[1]]->$name = $value;
	foreach (array('action', 'content', 'error', 'esum', 'f1', 'f2',
		'last_changed', 'moveto', 'page', 'par', 'preview', 'query', 'restore',
		'sc', 'showsource', 'time') as $req)
		$$req = $_REQUEST[$req]; // export request variables to global namespace
	if (empty($page)) {
		$page = $start_page_conf;
	$TITLE = $page = clear_path($page);
	$moveto = clear_path($moveto);
	$f1 = clear_path($f1);
	$f2 = clear_path($f2);
	$CON = $content;
	if (!$action) {

		if (!$page) {

			error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=" . u($START_PAGE));
		elseif (file_exists("$PG_DIR$page.$LANG.txt")) { // language variant

			error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=" . u("$page.$LANG"));
		} elseif (!file_exists("$PG_DIR$page.txt")) {

			$action = 'edit'; // create page if it doesn't exist
			if (check_no_new_page()) {
				if (!plugin('check_no_new_page')) {
					$action = 'view-html';
				else {
					$action = 'view-html';
	//Disable the action
	if (!$execute_actions) {
		$action = '';

	//Check the create new page
	if ($action == 'edit') {
		if (!file_exists("$PG_DIR$page.txt")) {
			if (check_no_new_page()) {
				if (!plugin('show_message_no_new_page')) {
					$action = 'view-html';
				else {
					$action = 'view-html';
	if (check_no_read()) {
		if (!plugin('show_message_no_read')) {
			$CON = "<form action=\"$self_form" . "page=".u($page)."\" method=\"post\"><p>$T_PROTECTED_READ <input type=\"password\" name=\"sc\"/> <input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\"/></p></form>";
			$action = 'view-html';
		else {
			$action = 'view-html';
	else {
		if ($restore || $action == 'rev') { // Show old revision
			$CON = @file_get_contents("$HIST_DIR$page/$f1");
			if ($action == 'rev') {
				$rev_restore = "[$T_RESTORE|./$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=edit&amp;f1=$f1&amp;restore=1]";
				$CON = strtr($T_REVISION, array('{TIME}' => rev_time($f1), '{RESTORE}' => $rev_restore)) . $CON;
				$action = '';
		else if ($page) { // Load the page
			$last_changed_ts = @filemtime("$PG_DIR$page.txt");
			if (!$action || $action == 'edit') {
				$CON = @file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$page.txt");
				$CON = $par ? get_paragraph($CON, $par) : $CON;
				if (!$action && substr($CON, 0, 10) == '{redirect:' && $_REQUEST['redirect'] != 'no')
					error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "page=".u(substr($CON, 10, strpos($CON, '}') - 10)));
	if ($action == 'save' && check_no_save()) {
		if (!plugin('show_message_no_save')) {
			$action = 'view-html';
		else {
			$action = 'view-html';
	else {
		$rightnow = date('Ymd-Hi-s', time() + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600);
		if ($action == 'save' && !$preview && authentified()) { // do we have page to save?
			if (!trim($content) && !$par) // delete empty page
			elseif ($last_changed < @filemtime("$PG_DIR$page.txt")) {
				$action = 'edit';
				$error = str_replace('{DIFF}', "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=diff\">$T_DIFF</a>", $T_EDIT_CONFLICT);
			elseif (!plugin('writingPage')) { // are plugins OK with page? (e.g. checking for spam)
				if ($par) {
					$c = @file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$page.txt");
					$content = str_replace(get_paragraph($c, $par), $content, $c);
				if (!$file = @fopen("$PG_DIR$page.txt", 'w'))
					die("Could not write page $PG_DIR$page.txt!");
				fwrite($file, $content); fclose($file);
				// Backup old revision
				@mkdir($HIST_DIR.$page, 0777); // Create directory if does not exist
				if (!$bak = @fopen("$HIST_DIR$page/$rightnow.bak", 'w'))
					die("Could not write to $HIST_DIR$page!");
				fwrite($bak, $content); fclose($bak);
				$es = fopen("$HIST_DIR$page/meta.dat", 'ab');
				fwrite($es, '!' . $rightnow .
					str_pad($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 16, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) .
					str_pad(filesize("$PG_DIR$page.txt"), 11, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' .
					str_pad(substr($esum, 0, 128), 128 + 2)) . "\n";
				if ($moveto != $page && $moveto)
					if (file_exists("$PG_DIR$moveto.txt"))
						die('Error: target filename already exists. Page was not moved.');
					elseif (!rename("$PG_DIR$page.txt", "$PG_DIR$moveto.txt"))
						die('Unknown error! Page was not moved.');
					elseif (!rename($HIST_DIR.$page, $HIST_DIR.$moveto)) {
						rename("$PG_DIR$moveto.txt", "$PG_DIR$page.txt"); // revert previous change
						die('Unknown error2! Page was not moved.');
						$page = $moveto;
				if (!plugin('pageWritten')) {
					error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . 
						"page=" . u($page) . '&redirect=no' . 
						($par ? "&par=$par" : '') . ($_REQUEST['ajax'] ? '&ajax=1' : ''));
				else {
					$action = ''; // display content ...
				$par = 1; //reset counter
				//Show all page not only the section.
				$CON = $content;
			else {// there's some problem with page, give user a chance to fix it
				$action = 'edit';
		elseif ($action == 'save' && !$preview) { // wrong password, give user another chance
			$error = $T_WRONG_PASSWORD;
			$action = 'edit';
	if ($action == 'edit' || $preview) {

		$has_permission = true;
		if ($is_enterprise) {
			$has_permission = wiki_get_write_acl($config['id_user'], $page);

		if ($has_permission) {
			$CON_FORM_BEGIN = "<form action=\"$self_form\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"save\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_changed\" value=\"$last_changed_ts\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"showsource\" value=\"$showsource\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"par\" value=\"".h($par)."\"/><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"".h($page)."\"/>";
			$CON_FORM_END = '</form>';
			$CON_TEXTAREA = '<textarea class="contentTextarea" name="content" rows="27">'.h($CON).'</textarea>';
			$CON_PREVIEW = '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="preview" value="'.$T_PREVIEW.'"/>';
			if (!$showsource) {
				$CON_SUBMIT = '<input class="submit" type="submit" value="'.$T_DONE.'"/>';
				$EDIT_SUMMARY = '<input type="text" name="esum" value="'.h($esum).'"/>';
				if (!authentified()) { // if not logged on, require password
					$FORM_PASSWORD_INPUT = '<input type="password" name="sc"/>';
				if (!$par) {
					$RENAME_INPUT = '<input type="text" name="moveto" value="'.h($page).'"/>';
			if ($preview)
				$TITLE = "$T_PREVIEW: $page";
		} else {
			include "general/noaccess.php";
	elseif ($action == 'history') { // show whole history of page
		for ($files = array(), $dir = @opendir("$HIST_DIR$page/"); $f = @readdir($dir);)
			if (substr($f, -4) == '.bak')
				$files[] = $f;
		$CON = '<form action="'.$self_form.'" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="diff"/><input type="hidden" name="page" value="'.h($page).'"/><input type="submit" class="submit" value="'.$T_DIFF.'"/><br/>';
		$meta = @fopen("$HIST_DIR$page/meta.dat", "rb");
		for ($i = 0, $mi = 1, $c = count($files); $i < $c; $i++) {
			if (($m = meta_getline($meta, $mi)) && !strcmp(basename($files[$i], ".bak"), $m[0]))
			global $return_loadMetadata;
			$return_loadMetadata = '';
			plugin('loadMetadata',$page, $m);
			//Replace IP for the return of loadMetaData
			if (!empty($return_loadMetadata)) {
				$m[1] = $return_loadMetadata;
			$CON .= '<input type="radio" name="f1" value="'.h($files[$i]).'"/><input type="radio" name="f2" value="'.h($files[$i]).'"/>';
			$CON .= "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=rev&amp;f1=".$files[$i]."\">".rev_time($files[$i])."</a> - ($m[2] B) $m[1] <i>".h($m[3])."</i><br/>";
		$CON .= '</form>';
	elseif ($action == 'diff') {
		if (!$f1 && $dir = @opendir("$HIST_DIR$page/")) { // diff is made on two last revisions
			while ($f = @readdir($dir))
				if (substr($f, -4) == '.bak')
					$files[] = $f;
			$i = count($files);
			$f1=$files[$i - 1];
			$f2=$files[$i - 2];
			error_show_lionwiki("Location:$self" . "action=diff&page=".u($page)."&f1=$files[0]&f2=$files[1]");
		$r1 = "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=rev&amp;f1=$f1\">".rev_time($f1)."</a>";
		$r2 = "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=rev&amp;f1=$f2\">".rev_time($f2)."</a>";
		$CON = str_replace(array("{REVISION1}", "{REVISION2}"), array($r1, $r2), $T_REV_DIFF);
		$CON .= diff($f1, $f2);
	elseif ($action == 'search') {
		for ($files = array(), $dir = opendir($PG_DIR); $f = readdir($dir);) {
			if (substr($f, -4) == '.txt' && ($c = @file_get_contents($PG_DIR . $f)) !== false) {
				if (!$query || stristr($f . $c, $query) !== false)
					$files[] = substr($f, 0, -4);
		foreach ($files as $f)
			$list .= "<li><a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($f).'&amp;redirect=no">'.h($f)."</a></li>";
		$CON = "<ul>$list</ul>";
		if ($query && !file_exists("$PG_DIR$query.txt")) // offer to create the page
			$CON = "<p><i><a href=\"$self" . "action=edit&amp;page=".u($query)."\">$T_CREATE_PAGE ".h($query)."</a>.</i></p>".$CON;
		$TITLE = (!$query ? $T_LIST_OF_ALL_PAGES : "$T_SEARCH_RESULTS $query") . " (".count($files).")";
	elseif ($action == 'recent') { // recent changes
		for ($files = array(), $dir = opendir($PG_DIR); $f = readdir($dir);)
			if (substr($f, -4) == '.txt')
				$files[substr($f, 0, -4)] = filemtime($PG_DIR . $f);
		foreach (array_slice($files, 0, 100) as $f => $ts) { // just first 100 files
			$dir_name = basename($f, '.txt');
			if ($meta = @fopen($HIST_DIR . $dir_name . '/meta.dat', 'r')) {
				$m = meta_getline($meta, 1);
			global $return_loadMetadata;
			$return_loadMetadata = '';
			plugin('loadMetadata',$dir_name, $m);
			//Replace IP for the return of loadMetaData
			if (!empty($return_loadMetadata)) {
				$m[1] = $return_loadMetadata;
			$recent .= "<tr><td class=\"rc-diff\"><a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($f)."&amp;action=diff\">$T_DIFF</a></td><td class=\"rc-date\" nowrap>".date($DATE_FORMAT, $ts + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600)."</td><td class=\"rc-ip\">$m[1]</td><td class=\"rc-page\"><a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($f)."&amp;redirect=no\">".h($f)."</a> <span class=\"rc-size\">($m[2] B)</span><i class=\"rc-esum\"> ".h($m[3])."</i></td></tr>";
		$CON = "<table>$recent</table>";
	elseif ($action == 'read_acl') { 

		$page_acl = get_parameter('page');

		$delete_acl_read = get_parameter('delete_acl_read', 0);
		$add_acl_read = get_parameter('add_acl_read', 0);
		$acl = '';
		if ($add_acl_read) {

			$new_user = get_parameter('new_user');
			$values = array();
			$exists = wiki_exists_page($page_acl);
			if ($exists) {

				$update = wiki_update_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'read');
				if ($update === false) {
					$acl .= "<h4>Error updating user</h4>";
				} else {
					$acl .= "<h4>User succesfully added</h4>";
			} else {

				$insert = wiki_insert_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'read');
				if ($insert === false) {
					$acl .= "<h4>Error adding user</h4>";
				} else {
					$acl .= "<h4>User succesfully created</h4>";
		if ($delete_acl_read) {
			$id_user = get_parameter('id_user');
			$result = wiki_delete_acl($id_user, $page_acl, 'read');
			if ($result === false) {
				$acl .= "<h4>Error deleting user</h4>";
			} else {
				$acl .= "<h4>User succesfully deleted</h4>";
		$acl .= "<h3>$page_acl".print_help_tip (__("If a content has any users in its reading list, it will be accessible to all people. When we add an user to the access lists, only those users will have reading or writing permissions."), true)."</h3>";
		$acls = wiki_get_acls ($page_acl);
		$table->id = 'acl_list';
		$table->class = 'listing';
		$table->width = '98%';
		$table->data = array ();
		$table->head = array ();
		$table->size[1] = '80px';
		$table->head[0] = __('Read');
		$table->head[1] = __('Operation');
		if ($acls === false) {
			$acl .= "<h4>No acls</h4>";
		$read = $acls['read_page'];
		if (!empty($read)) {
			$users_read = explode(',', $read);
			foreach ($users_read as $key=>$user) {
				$data = array();
				$data[0] = $user;
				$data[1] = '<a href="index.php?sec=wiki&
							onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\'))
							return false;">
							<img src="images/cross.png" /></a>';
				array_push ($table->data, $data);
		$data = array();
		$params_assigned['input_id'] = 'text-new_user';
		$params_assigned['input_name'] = 'new_user';
		$params_assigned['input_value'] = '';
		$params_assigned['title'] = 'New user';
		$params_assigned['return'] = true;

		$url = "index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=read_acl&add_acl_read=1&page=$page_acl";

		$data[0] = "<form name=adduser method=post action='" . $url . "'>";
		$data[0] .= user_print_autocomplete_input($params_assigned);
		$data[1] = print_input_image("add_user", "images/add.png", 1, '', true);
		$data[1] .= "</form>";
		array_push ($table->data, $data);
		$acl .= print_table($table, true);

		$CON = "<table>$acl</table>";
	elseif ($action == 'write_acl') { 

		$page_acl = get_parameter('page');

		$delete_acl_write = get_parameter('delete_acl_write', 0);
		$add_acl_write = get_parameter('add_acl_write', 0);

		$new_user = get_parameter('new_user', '');
		$acl = '';
		if ($add_acl_write) {

			$new_user = get_parameter('new_user');
			$values = array();
			$exists = wiki_exists_page($page_acl);
			if ($exists) {

				$update = wiki_update_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'write');
				if ($update === false) {
					$acl .= "<h4>Error updating user</h4>";
				} else {
					$acl .= "<h4>User succesfully added</h4>";
			} else {

				$insert = wiki_insert_wiki($page_acl, $new_user, 'write');
				if ($insert === false) {
					$acl .= "<h4>Error adding user</h4>";
				} else {
					$acl .= "<h4>User succesfully created</h4>";
		if ($delete_acl_write) {
			$id_user = get_parameter('id_user');

			$result = wiki_delete_acl($id_user, $page_acl, 'write');
			if ($result === false) {
				$acl .= "<h4>Error deleting user</h4>";
			} else {
				$acl .= "<h4>User succesfully deleted</h4>";
		$acl .= "<h3>$page_acl".print_help_tip (__("If a content has any users in its writing list, it will be accessible to all people. When we add an user to the access lists, only those users will have reading or writing permissions."), true)."</h3>";
		$acls = wiki_get_acls ($page_acl);
		$table->id = 'acl_list';
		$table->class = 'listing';
		$table->width = '98%';
		$table->data = array ();
		$table->head = array ();
		$table->size[1] = '80px';
		$table->head[0] = __('Write');
		$table->head[1] = __('Operation');
		if ($acls === false) {
			$acl .= "<h4>No acls</h4>";
		$read = $acls['write_page'];
		if (!empty($read)) {
			$users_read = explode(',', $read);
			foreach ($users_read as $key=>$user) {
				$data = array();
				$data[0] = $user;
				$data[1] = '<a href="index.php?sec=wiki&
							onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\'))
							return false;">
							<img src="images/cross.png" /></a>';
				array_push ($table->data, $data);

		$data = array();
		$params_assigned['input_id'] = 'text-new_user';
		$params_assigned['input_name'] = 'new_user';
		$params_assigned['input_value'] = '';
		$params_assigned['title'] = 'New user';
		$params_assigned['return'] = true;

		$url = "index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=write_acl&add_acl_write=1&page=$page_acl";

		$data[0] = "<form id='form-adduser' name=adduser method=post action='" . $url . "'>";
		$data[0] .= user_print_autocomplete_input($params_assigned);
		$data[1] = print_input_image("add_user", "images/add.png", 1, '', true);
		$data[1] .= "</form>";
		array_push ($table->data, $data);
		$acl .= print_table($table, true);

		$CON = "<table>$acl</table>";
	else {
		if (!plugin('check_no_action', $action)) { //Check to block or not a action
			plugin('action', $action);
		else {
			if (!plugin('show_message_no_save')) {
				$action = 'view-html';
			else {
				$action = 'view-html';
	if (!$action || $action == 'save' || $preview) { // page parsing
		if (preg_match("/(?<!\^)\{title:([^}\n]*)\}/U", $CON, $m)) { // Change page title
			$TITLE = $m[1];
			$CON = str_replace($m[0], "", $CON);
		// subpages
		while (preg_match('/(?<!\^){include:([^}]+)}/Um', $CON, $m))
			if (!strcmp($m[1], $page)) // limited recursion protection
				$CON = str_replace($m[0], "'''Warning: subpage recursion!'''", $CON);
			elseif (file_exists("$PG_DIR$m[1].txt"))
				$CON = str_replace($m[0], file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$m[1].txt"), $CON);
				$CON = str_replace($m[0], "'''Warning: subpage $m[1] was not found!'''", $CON);
		// save content not intended for substitutions ({html} tag)
		if (!$NO_HTML) { // XSS protection
			preg_match_all("/(?<!\^)\{html\}(.+)\{\/html\}/Ums", $CON, $htmlcodes, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
			$CON = preg_replace("/(?<!\^)\{html\}.+\{\/html\}/Ums", "{HTML}", $CON);
		$CON = preg_replace("/(?<!\^)<!--.*-->/U", "", $CON); // internal comments
		$CON = preg_replace("/\^(.)/e", "'&#'.ord('$1').';'", $CON);
		$CON = str_replace(array("<", "&"), array("&lt;", "&amp;"), $CON);
		$CON = preg_replace("/&amp;([a-z]+;|\#[0-9]+;)/U", "&$1", $CON); // keep HTML entities
		$CON = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r)/", "\n", $CON); // unifying newlines to Unix ones
		preg_match_all("/{{(.+)}}/Ums", $CON, $codes, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
		$CON = preg_replace("/{{(.+)}}/Ums", "<pre>{CODE}</pre>", $CON);
		// spans
		preg_match_all("/\{([\.#][^\s\"\}]*)(\s([^\}\"]*))?\}/m", $CON, $spans, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		foreach ($spans as $m) {
			$class = $id = '';
			$parts = preg_split('/([\.#])/', $m[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
			for ($i = 0, $c = count($parts); $c > 1 && $i < $c; $i += 2)
				if ($parts[$i] == '.')
					$class .= $parts[$i + 1] . ' ';
					$id = $parts[$i + 1];
			$CON = str_replace($m[0], '<span'.($id ? " id=\"$id\"" : '').($class ? " class=\"$class\"" : '').($m[3] ? " style=\"$m[3]\"" : '').'>', $CON);
		$CON = str_replace('{/}', '</span>', $CON);
		$CON = strtr($CON, array('&lt;-->' => '&harr;', '-->' => '&rarr;', '&lt;--' => '&larr;', "(c)" => '&copy;', "(r)" => '&reg;'));
		$CON = preg_replace("/\{small\}(.*)\{\/small\}/U", "<small>$1</small>", $CON); // small
		$CON = preg_replace("/\{su([bp])\}(.*)\{\/su([bp])\}/U", "<su$1>$2</su$3>", $CON); // sup and sub
		$CON = preg_replace("/^([^!\*#\n][^\n]+)$/Um", '<p>$1</p>', $CON); // paragraphs
		// images
		preg_match_all("#\[((https?://|\./)[^|\]]+\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png))(\|[^\]]+)?\]#", $CON, $imgs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		foreach ($imgs as $img) {
			$link = $i_attr = $a_attr = $center = $tag = "";
			preg_match_all("/\|([^\]\|=]+)(=([^\]\|\"]+))?(?=[\]\|])/", $img[0], $options, PREG_SET_ORDER);
			foreach ($options as $o)
				if ($o[1] == 'center') $center = true;
				elseif ($o[1] == 'right' || $o[1] == 'left') $i_attr .= " style=\"float:$o[1]\"";
				elseif ($o[1] == 'link') $link = (substr($o[3], 0, 4) == "http" || substr($o[3], 0, 2) == "./") ? $o[3] : $self . "page=" . u($o[3]);
				elseif ($o[1] == 'alt') $i_attr .= " alt=\"$o[3]\"";
				elseif ($o[1] == 'title') $a_attr .= " title=\"$o[3]\"";
			$tag = "<img src=\"$img[1]\"$i_attr/>";
			if ($link) $tag = "<a href=\"$link\"$a_attr>$tag</a>";
			if ($center) $tag = "<div style=\"text-align:center\">$tag</div>";
			$CON = str_replace($img[0], $tag, $CON);
		$CON = preg_replace('#([0-9a-zA-Z\./~\-_]+@[0-9a-z/~\-_]+\.[0-9a-z\./~\-_]+)#i', '<a href="mailto:$0">$0</a>', $CON); // mail recognition
		// links
		$CON = preg_replace("#\[([^\]\|]+)\|(\./([^\]]+)|(https?://[^\]]+))\]#U", '<a href="$2" class="external">$1</a>', $CON);
		$CON = preg_replace("#(?<!\")https?://[0-9a-zA-Z\.\#/~\-_%=\?\&,\+\:@;!\(\)\*\$']*#i", '<a href="$0" class="external">$0</a>', $CON);
		preg_match_all("/\[(?:([^|\]]+)\|)?([^\]#]+)(?:#([^\]]+))?\]/", $CON, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); // matching Wiki links
		foreach ($matches as $m) {
			$m[1] = $m[1] ? $m[1] : $m[2]; // is page label same as its name?
			$m[3] = $m[3] ? '#'.u(preg_replace('/[^\da-z]/i', '_', $m[3])) : ''; // anchor
			$attr = file_exists("$PG_DIR$m[2].txt") ? $m[3] : '&amp;action=edit" class="pending';
			$CON = str_replace($m[0], '<a href="'.$self.'page='.u($m[2]).$attr.'">'.$m[1].'</a>', $CON);
		for ($i = 10; $i >= 1; $i--) { // Lists, ordered, unordered
			$CON = preg_replace('/^'.str_repeat('\*', $i)."(.*)(\n?)/m", str_repeat('<ul>', $i).'<li>$1</li>'.str_repeat('</ul>', $i).'$2', $CON);
			$CON = preg_replace('/^'.str_repeat('\#', $i)."(.*)(\n?)/m", str_repeat('<ol>', $i).'<li>$1</li>'.str_repeat('</ol>', $i).'$2', $CON);
			$CON = preg_replace("#(</ol>\n?<ol>|</ul>\n?<ul>)#", '', $CON);
		// headings
		preg_match_all('/^(!+)(.*)$/m', $CON, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
		$stack = array();
		for ($h_id = max($par, 1), $i = 0, $c = count($matches); $i < $c && $m = $matches[$i]; $i++, $h_id++) {
			$excl = strlen($m[1]) + 1;
			$hash = preg_replace('/[^\da-z]/i', '_', $m[2]);
			for ($ret = ''; end($stack) >= $excl; $ret .= '</div>', array_pop($stack));
			$stack[] = $excl;
			$ret .= "<div class=\"par-div\" id=\"par-$h_id\"><h$excl id=\"$hash\">$m[2]";

			if ($is_enterprise) {
				if (!get_standalone_user($config['id_user'])) {
					if (wiki_get_write_acl ($config['id_user'], $page)) { 
						$ret .= "<span class=\"par-edit\">(<a href=\"$self" . "action=edit&amp;page=".u($page)."&amp;par=$h_id\">$T_EDIT</a>)</span>";
			} else {
				if (!get_standalone_user($config['id_user'])) {
					if (is_writable($PG_DIR . $page . '.txt')) {
						$ret .= "<span class=\"par-edit\">(<a href=\"$self" . "action=edit&amp;page=".u($page)."&amp;par=$h_id\">$T_EDIT</a>)</span>";
			$CON = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[0], '/') . '/', "$ret</h$excl>", $CON, 1);
			$TOC .= str_repeat("<ul>", $excl - 2).'<li><a href="'.$self.'page='.u($page).'#'.u($hash).'">'.$m[2].'</a></li>'.str_repeat("</ul>", $excl - 2);

		$CON .= str_repeat('</div>', count($stack));
		$TOC = '<ul id="toc">' . preg_replace(array_fill(0, 5, "#</ul>\n*<ul>#"), array_fill(0, 5, ''), $TOC) . '</ul>';
		$TOC = str_replace(array('</li><ul>', '</ul><li>', '</ul></ul>', '<ul><ul>'), array('<ul>', '</ul></li><li>', '</ul></li></ul>', '<ul><li><ul>'), $TOC);
		$CON = preg_replace("/'--(.*)--'/Um", '<del>$1</del>', $CON); // strikethrough
		$CON = preg_replace("/'__(.*)__'/Um", '<u>$1</u>', $CON); // underlining
		$CON = preg_replace("/'''(.*)'''/Um", '<strong>$1</strong>', $CON); // bold
		$CON = preg_replace("/''(.*)''/Um", '<em>$1</em>', $CON); // italic
		$CON = str_replace('{br}', '<br style="clear:both"/>', $CON); // new line
		$CON = preg_replace('/-----*/', '<hr/>', $CON); // horizontal line
		$CON = str_replace('--', '&mdash;', $CON); // --
		$CON = preg_replace(array_fill(0, count($codes[1]) + 1, '/{CODE}/'), $codes[1], $CON, 1); // put HTML and "normal" codes back
		$CON = preg_replace(array_fill(0, count($htmlcodes[1]) + 1, '/{HTML}/'), $htmlcodes[1], $CON, 1);
	// Loading template. If does not exist, use built-in default
	$html = file_exists($TEMPLATE) ?
		file_get_contents(clear_path($TEMPLATE)) : $fallback_template;
	// including pages in pure HTML
	while (preg_match('/{include:([^}]+)}/U', $html, $m)) {
		$inc = str_replace(array('{html}', '{/html}'), '', @file_get_contents("$PG_DIR$m[1].txt"));
		$html = str_replace($m[0], $inc, $html);
	plugin('template'); // plugin templating
	$html = preg_replace('/\{([^}]* )?plugin:.+( [^}]*)?\}/U', '', $html); // get rid of absent plugin tags
	$has_perm = true;
	if ($is_enterprise) {
		$has_perm = wiki_get_write_acl($config['id_user'], $page); //if user has write permissions, he can read
		if (!$has_perm) {
			$has_perm = wiki_get_read_acl($config['id_user'], $page);
	if (!$has_perm) {
		$CON = __("You can't access this page");
	$tpl_subs = array(
		'HEAD' => $HEAD . ($action ? '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/>' : ''),
		'SEARCH_FORM' => '<form action="'.$self_form.'" method="post"><span><input type="hidden" name="action" value="search"/><input type="submit" style="display:none;"/>',
		'\/SEARCH_FORM' => "</span></form>",
		'SEARCH_INPUT' => '<input type="text" name="query" value="'.h($query).'"/>',
		'SEARCH_SUBMIT' => "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"$T_SEARCH\"/>",
		'HOME' => "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($START_PAGE)."\">$T_HOME</a>",
		'RECENT_CHANGES' => "<a href=\"$self" . "action=recent\">$T_RECENT_CHANGES</a>",
		'READ' => "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page). "&amp;action=read_acl\">Read ACL</a>",
		'WRITE' => "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page). "&amp;action=write_acl\">Write ACL</a>",
		'ERROR' => $error,
		'HISTORY' => $page ? "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=history\">$T_HISTORY</a>" : "",
		'PAGE_TITLE' => h($page == $START_PAGE && $page == $TITLE ? $WIKI_TITLE : $TITLE),
		'PAGE_URL' => u($page),
		'EDIT' => !$action?
			("<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."&amp;action=edit" . 
				(is_writable("$PG_DIR$page.txt") ? "\">$T_EDIT</a>" : "&amp;showsource=1\">$T_SHOW_SOURCE</a>"))
			: "",
		'LAST_CHANGED_TEXT' => $last_changed_ts ? $T_LAST_CHANGED : "",
		'LAST_CHANGED' => $last_changed_ts ? date($DATE_FORMAT, $last_changed_ts + $LOCAL_HOUR * 3600) : "",
		'CONTENT' => $action != "edit" ? $CON : "",
		'TOC' => $TOC,
		'SYNTAX' => $action == "edit" || $preview ? "<a href=\"$SYNTAX_PAGE\">$T_SYNTAX</a>" : "",
		'SHOW_PAGE' => $action == "edit" || $preview ? "<a href=\"$self" . "page=".u($page)."\">$T_SHOW_PAGE</a>" : "",
		'COOKIE' => '<a href="'.$self.'page='.u($page).'&amp;action='.u($action).'&amp;erasecookie=1">'.$T_ERASE_COOKIE.'</a>',
	if ($action == '') {
		$tpl_subs['SYNTAX'] = "<a href=\"$SYNTAX_PAGE\">$T_SYNTAX</a>";
	foreach ($tpl_subs as $tpl => $rpl) // substituting values

		$html = template_replace($tpl, $rpl, $html);
	header_lionwiki('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');

Ejemplo n.º 6
				$is_enterprise = true;
			if (!give_acl ($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "WW") || (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]))) {

				//~ $conf['fallback_template'] = '<li>{SEARCH_FORM}{SEARCH_INPUT}<br />{SEARCH_SUBMIT}{/SEARCH_FORM}</li>
					//~ <li>{plugin:UPLOAD}</li>
					//~ <li>{RECENT_CHANGES}</li>
					//~ <li>{SYNTAX}</li>
					//~ {plugin:SIDEMENU}';
				$conf['fallback_template'] = '<li>{SEARCH_FORM}{SEARCH_INPUT}<br />{SEARCH_SUBMIT}{/SEARCH_FORM}</li>
			elseif (!give_acl ($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "WM") || (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"]))) {

				$conf['fallback_template'] = '<li>{SEARCH_FORM}{SEARCH_INPUT}<br />{SEARCH_SUBMIT}{/SEARCH_FORM}</li>
					<li><a href="index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&action=syntax">Syntax</a></li>
			else {
				$translationAdminPages = __('Admin Pages');
				if ($is_enterprise) {
					$conf['fallback_template'] = '<li>{SEARCH_FORM}{SEARCH_INPUT}<br />{SEARCH_SUBMIT}{/SEARCH_FORM}</li>
$table->data[0][1] = $right_side;

echo "<div id='indicent-details-view'>";

echo '<h2>'.__('Tickets').' #'.$incident["id_incidencia"].'</h2><h4>'. $incident['titulo'];

if (!$pure) {
	echo integria_help ("incident_dashboard_detail", true);
	echo "<div id='button-bar-title'>";
	echo "<ul>";

	//Only incident manager and user with IR flag which are owners and admin can edit incidents
	$check_acl = enterprise_hook("incidents_check_incident_acl", array($incident, false, "IW"));

	if (get_standalone_user($config["id_user"])) {
		$check_standalone_acl = enterprise_hook("manage_standalone", array($incident, "write"));
		if ($check_standalone_acl === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK || $check_standalone_acl) {
			echo "<li>";
			echo '<a href="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_detail&id='.$id.'">'.print_image("images/application_edit.png", true, array("title" => __("Edit"))).'</a>';
			echo "</li>";
	} else {
		if ($check_acl === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK || $check_acl) {
			echo "<li>";
			echo '<a href="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_detail&id='.$id.'">'.print_image("images/application_edit.png", true, array("title" => __("Edit"))).'</a>';
			echo "</li>";
	echo '<li>';