Ejemplo n.º 1
							<td class="username">' . $row['p_username'] . '</td>
							<td class="firstname">' . $row['p_first_name'] . '</td>
							<td class="lastname">' . $row['p_last_name'] . '</td>
							<td>' . $row['p_email'] . '</td>
							<td>' . date($CFG_SHORTDATE, $row['u_created']) . '</td>
							<td class="passbox"><input type="checkbox" name="resetpass[]" value="' . $row['p_id'] . '" /></td>
							<td class="adminbox"><input type="checkbox" name="admin[]" value="' . $row['p_id'] . '"' . $check . ' /></td>
							<td class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="delete[]" value="' . $row['p_id'] . '" /></td>
        $contents .= '
        $contents .= get_sorttable_script($table_id, 'Number,StringCI,StringCI,StringCI,StringCI,DateTime,None,None,None');
        $contents .= '
				<input type="submit" value="Continue" name="submit" class="button" /><br />
				<br />
				<div class="inputlabel"><input type="button" value="Email ALL registered users" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'massmail.php\',\'message\',\'resizable,width=600,height=500,top=100,left=100\',\'_blank\');return false;" /></div>
        $hint = array('Here you can set users to be admin, or delete users.', 'When deleting users, the script will also delete all information regarding that user, such as games, messages, etc.', 'You can also send an e-mail to all registered users by clicking the link below the form.');
        $html = get_item($contents, $hint);
        // ====================================================
    // ====================================================
        // do nothing, it's already been done in index.inc.php
Ejemplo n.º 2
function get_game_table($label, $no_data_label, $data, $type = 'full')
    global $mysql;
    global $CFG_CHESS960, $CFG_LONGDATE;
    if (!is_array($data) || 0 == count($data)) {
        $html = '<div class="notable">' . $no_data_label . '</div>';
    } else {
        $sort_c960 = $CFG_CHESS960 ? ' , StringCI' : '';
        $sort_finished = 'finished' == $type ? ' , StringCI' : '';
        $sort_invite = 'invite' == $type ? ' , None' : ' , LongDate';
        $sort_moves = 'invite' == $type ? ' , StringCI' : ' , Number';
        $sort_gameid = 'invite' == $type ? '' : 'Number , ';
        $sort = $sort_gameid . 'StringCI , StringCI , StringCI ' . $sort_moves . $sort_c960 . $sort_finished . ' , LongDate ' . $sort_invite;
        $table_id = get_table_id();
        $link_table = 'invite' != $type ? ' link-table' : '';
        $html = '<table class="sort-table' . $link_table . '" id="' . $table_id . '">
					<caption>' . $label . '</caption>
        if ('invite' != $type) {
            $html .= '<th title="Game ID Number">Game</th>';
        $html .= '
							<th title="White\'s username">White</th>
							<th title="Black\'s username">Black</th>
							<th title="Who\'s turn it is">Turn</th>
        if ('invite' != $type) {
            $html .= '<th title="Moves">Moves</th>';
        } else {
            $html .= '<th title="Status">Status</th>';
        if ($CFG_CHESS960) {
            $html .= '<th title="Game Type">Type</th>';
        if ('finished' == $type) {
            $html .= '<th title="Game Result">Result</th>';
        $html .= '
							<th title="Start Date of the Game">Start Date</th>
        if ('invite' != $type) {
            $html .= '<th title="Date / Time of Last Move">Last Move</th>';
        } else {
            $html .= '<th title="Action">Action</th>';
        $html .= '
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($data as $game) {
            // we need some default values for some variables
            $myturn = false;
            $white = '';
            $black = '';
            $curMove = 0 == $game['num_moves'] % 2 ? 'white' : 'black';
            switch ($type) {
                case 'mine':
                    $link = ' onclick="loadGame(' . $game['g_id'] . ');"';
                    // based on number of moves, figure out who's turn it is
                    $color = $game['g_white_player_id'] == $_SESSION['player_id'] ? 'white' : 'black';
                    if ($curMove == $color) {
                        $myturn = true;
                case 'others':
                    $link = ' onclick="watchGame(' . $game['g_id'] . ');"';
                case 'finished':
                    $link = ' onclick="watchGame(' . $game['g_id'] . ');"';
                    if ($game['g_white_player_id'] == $_SESSION['player_id']) {
                        $link = ' onclick="loadGame(' . $game['g_id'] . ');"';
                        $white = ' class="notice"';
                    } elseif ($game['g_black_player_id'] == $_SESSION['player_id']) {
                        $link = ' onclick="loadGame(' . $game['g_id'] . ');"';
                        $black = ' class="notice"';
                    if (is_null($game['g_game_message'])) {
                        $result = '';
                    } else {
                        if ('Draw' == $game['g_game_message']) {
                            $result = '½-½';
                        } elseif ('Player Resigned' == $game['g_game_message']) {
                            $result = 'white' == $game['g_message_from'] ? '0-1' : '1-0';
                            $result .= ' <abbr title="Resignation">R</abbr>';
                        } elseif ('Checkmate' == $game['g_game_message']) {
                            $result = 'white' == $game['g_message_from'] ? '1-0' : '0-1';
                            $result .= ' <abbr title="Checkmate">CM</abbr>';
                        } else {
                            $result = '';
                case 'invite':
                    $link = '';
                    $from = $game['white_username'] == $_SESSION['username'] ? 'white' : 'black';
                    $status = substr($game['g_game_message'], strrpos(trim($game['g_game_message']), ' ') + 1);
                    $status = 'Declined' == $status ? '<span class="notice">' . $status . '</span>' : $status;
                    // based on which it is, outvite or invite, make the buttons
                    if (isset($game['invite'])) {
                        $buttons = '
										<input class="tblbutton" type="button" value="Accept" onclick="sendresponse(\'accepted\',\'' . $from . '\',' . $game['g_id'] . ')" />
										<input class="tblbutton" type="button" value="Decline" onclick="sendresponse(\'declined\',\'' . $from . '\',' . $game['g_id'] . ')" />
                    } else {
                        $buttons = '
										<input class="tblbutton" type="button" value="Withdraw" onclick="withdrawrequest(' . $game['g_id'] . ')" />
            // end type switch
            $alt = 0 == $i % 2 ? true : false;
            $class = '';
            if ($myturn || $alt) {
                $class = ' class="';
                if ($myturn && $alt) {
                    $class .= 'myturn alt';
                } elseif ($alt) {
                    $class .= 'alt';
                } else {
                    $class .= 'myturn';
                $class .= '"';
            $html .= "<tr{$link}{$class}>\n";
            if ('invite' != $type) {
                $html .= "\t<td class=\"numeric\">{$game['g_id']}</td>\n";
            $html .= "\t<td{$white}>{$game['white_username']}</td>\n";
            $html .= "\t<td{$black}>{$game['black_username']}</td>\n";
            $html .= "\t<td>" . ucfirst($curMove) . "</td>\n";
            if ('invite' != $type) {
                $html .= "\t<td class=\"numeric\">" . floor($game['num_moves'] / 2) . "</td>\n";
            } else {
                $html .= "\t<td>" . $status . "</td>\n";
            if ($CFG_CHESS960) {
                $gametype = 518 != $game['g_id960'] ? 'C960' : 'Normal';
                $html .= "\t<td>{$gametype}</td>\n";
            if ('finished' == $type) {
                $html .= "\t<td>{$result}</td>\n";
            $html .= "\t<td class=\"date\">" . date($CFG_LONGDATE, $game['u_date_created']) . "</td>\n";
            if ('invite' != $type) {
                $html .= "\t<td class=\"date\">" . date($CFG_LONGDATE, $game['u_last_move']) . "</td>\n";
            } else {
                $html .= "\t<td class=\"buttons\">" . $buttons . "</td>\n";
            $html .= '</tr>';
        $html .= '
        $html .= get_sorttable_script($table_id, $sort);
    return $html;