Ejemplo n.º 1
 function qry($mb_id)
     if (!IS_MEMBER) {
         alert_close("회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다.");
     $member = unserialize(MEMBER);
     if (!$member['mb_open'] && !SU_ADMIN && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) {
         alert_close("자신의 정보를 공개하지 않으면 다른분의 정보를 조회할 수 없습니다.\\n\\n정보공개 설정은 회원정보수정에서 하실 수 있습니다.");
     $mb = $this->Basic_model->get_member($mb_id, "mb_id, mb_level, mb_point, mb_homepage, mb_open, mb_nick, mb_datetime, mb_today_login, mb_profile");
     if (!isset($mb['mb_id'])) {
         alert_close("회원정보가 존재하지 않습니다.\\n\\n탈퇴하였을 수 있습니다.");
     if (!$mb['mb_open'] && !SU_ADMIN && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) {
         alert_close("정보공개를 하지 않았습니다.");
     $name = $this->config->item('cf_use_nick') && $mb['mb_nick'] ? $mb['mb_nick'] : $mb['mb_name'];
     $name = get_sideview($mb['mb_id'], $name);
     // 회원가입후 몇일째인지? + 1 은 당일을 포함한다는 뜻
     $query = $this->db->query("select (TO_DAYS('" . TIME_YMDHIS . "') - TO_DAYS('" . $mb['mb_datetime'] . "') + 1) as days");
     $row = $query->row_array();
     $mb_reg_after = $row['days'];
     $mb_homepage = prep_url($mb['mb_homepage']);
     $mb_profile = $mb['mb_profile'] ? conv_content($mb['mb_profile'], FALSE) : "소개 내용이 없습니다.";
     $mb_join_date = $member['mb_level'] >= $mb['mb_level'] ? substr($mb['mb_datetime'], 0, 10) . " (" . $mb_reg_after . " 일)" : "알 수 없음";
     $mb_last_login = $member['mb_level'] >= $mb['mb_level'] ? $mb['mb_today_login'] : "******";
     $head = array('title' => $mb['mb_nick'] . "님의 자기소개");
     $data = array('name' => $name, 'profile' => $mb_profile, 'homepage' => $mb_homepage, 'point' => number_format($mb['mb_point']), 'join_date' => $mb_join_date, 'last_login' => $mb_last_login);
     widget::run('head', $head);
     $this->load->view('member/profile', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function lists($flag, $page)
     $member = unserialize(MEMBER);
     if (!$flag) {
         $flag = 'R';
     if (!$page) {
         $page = 1;
     // 설정일이 지난 메모 삭제
     if ($member['mb_memo_call']) {
     $config['base_url'] = RT_PATH . '/member/memo/lists/' . $flag . '/';
     $total_cnt = $this->Member_memo_model->total_cnt($flag, $member['mb_id']);
     $config['total_rows'] = $total_cnt;
     $config['per_page'] = 10;
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $config['per_page'];
     $result = $this->Member_memo_model->list_result($flag, $member['mb_id'], $config['per_page'], $offset);
     $list = array();
     $token = get_token();
     foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
         $name = $this->config->item('cf_use_nick') && $row['mb_nick'] ? $row['mb_nick'] : $row['mb_name'];
         $check = 'X';
         $check_time = '아직 읽지 않음';
         if (substr($row['me_check'], 0, 1) != '0') {
             $check = 'O';
             $check_time = substr($row['me_check'], 2, 14);
         $list[$i] = new stdClass();
         $list[$i]->me_no = $row['me_no'];
         $list[$i]->check = $check;
         $list[$i]->check_time = $check_time;
         $list[$i]->name = get_sideview($row['me_mb_id'], $name);
         $list[$i]->datetime = substr($row['me_datetime'], 2, 14);
         $list[$i]->content = cut_str(get_text($row['me_content']), 40);
         $list[$i]->view_href = RT_PATH . '/member/memo/view/' . $flag . '/' . $row['me_no'];
         $list[$i]->del_href = '_trans/member/memo_delete';
         $list[$i]->del_parm = "{flag:'" . $flag . "',me_no:'" . $row['me_no'] . "',token:'" . $token . "'}";
     if ($flag == 'R') {
         $flag_title = '받은';
         $me_subject = '보낸이';
     } else {
         if ($flag == 'S') {
             $flag_title = '보낸';
             $me_subject = '받는이';
     $head = array('title' => "내 쪽지함");
     $data = array('token' => $token, 'path' => RT_PATH . '/member', 'flag_title' => $flag_title, 'total_cnt' => number_format($total_cnt), 'memo_del_day' => $this->config->item('cf_memo_del'), 'me_subject' => $me_subject, 'list' => $list, 'flag' => $flag, 'paging' => $this->pagination->create_links());
     widget::run('head', $head);
     $this->load->view('member/memo_list', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function get_convert($row, $board, $subject_len = 60, $qstr, $list_view = FALSE)
    $row['href'] = RT_PATH . '/board/' . BO_TABLE . '/view/wr_id/' . $row['wr_id'] . $qstr;
    $row['subject'] = cut_str(get_text($row['wr_subject']), $subject_len);
    $tmp_name = cut_str(get_text($row['wr_name']), 14);
    $row['name'] = $board['bo_use_sideview'] ? get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $tmp_name) : "<span class='" . ($row['mb_id'] ? 'member' : 'guest') . "'>" . $tmp_name . "</span>";
    // 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
    $row['datetime'] = substr($row['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
    $row['datetime2'] = $row['datetime'] == TIME_YMD ? substr($row['wr_datetime'], 11, 5) : substr($row['wr_datetime'], 5, 5);
    if ($list_view) {
        // 최근 갱신 시간
        $row['last'] = substr($row['wr_last'], 0, 10);
        $row['last2'] = $row['last'] == TIME_YMD ? substr($row['wr_last'], 11, 5) : substr($row['wr_last'], 5, 5);
        $row['comment_cnt'] = '';
        if ($row['wr_comment']) {
            $row['comment_cnt'] = '(' . $row['wr_comment'] . ')';
        // 답변 여백
        $reply = strlen($row['wr_reply']);
        $row['ico_reply'] = '';
        if ($reply > 1) {
            for ($k = 1; $k < $reply; $k++) {
                $row['ico_reply'] .= ' ';
        if ($reply > 0) {
            $row['ico_reply'] .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-expand text-danger" title="답변"></span>';
        $row['ico_new'] = '';
        if ($row['wr_datetime'] >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - $board['bo_new'] * 3600)) {
            $row['ico_new'] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fire text-danger" title="최신"></span>';
        $row['ico_hot'] = '';
        if ($row['wr_hit'] >= $board['bo_hot']) {
            $row['ico_hot'] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flag text-danger" title="이슈 ' . $board['bo_hot'] . 'Hit!"></span>';
        $row['ico_secret'] = '';
        if (strpos($row['wr_option'], 'secret') !== FALSE) {
            $row['ico_secret'] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock text-danger" title="비밀"></span>';
        // 가변 파일 - 첨부파일이 0개 이상일 경우에만 실행
        $row['ico_file'] = $row['ico_image'] = $row['ico_movie'] = '';
        if ($row['wr_count_file'] > 0) {
            $row['ico_file'] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file text-danger" title="파일"></span>';
        if ($row['wr_count_image'] > 0) {
            $row['ico_image'] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-picture text-danger" title="이미지"></span>';
        if (stripos($row['wr_content'], '&lt;embed')) {
            $row['ico_movie'] = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-facetime-video text-danger" title="동영상"></span>';
    return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function lists()
     $this->load->library(array('pagination', 'querystring'));
     $this->load->helper(array('admin', 'sideview'));
     $param =& $this->querystring;
     $page = $this->uri->segment(5, 1);
     $sst = $param->get('sst', 'mb_datetime');
     $sod = $param->get('sod', 'desc');
     $sfl = $param->get('sfl');
     $stx = $param->get('stx');
     $config['suffix'] = $param->output();
     $config['base_url'] = RT_PATH . '/' . ADM_F . '/member/lists/page/';
     $config['per_page'] = 15;
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $config['per_page'];
     $result = $this->Member_model->list_result($sst, $sod, $sfl, $stx, $config['per_page'], $offset);
     $config['total_rows'] = $result['total_cnt'];
     $list = array();
     $token = get_token();
     foreach ($result['qry'] as $i => $row) {
         $list[$i] = new stdClass();
         if ($this->config->item('cf_use_nick')) {
             $list[$i]->nick = $row['mb_nick'];
         if (!$row['mb_leave_date']) {
             $mb_id_s = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $row['mb_id']);
         } else {
             $mb_id_s = '<font color="crimson">' . $row['mb_id'] . '</font>';
         $list[$i]->id = $row['mb_id'];
         $list[$i]->name = $row['mb_name'];
         $list[$i]->id_s = $mb_id_s;
         $list[$i]->level_select = get_mb_level_select("mb_levels[" . $row['mb_id'] . "]", $row['mb_level'], TRUE);
         $list[$i]->point = number_format($row['mb_point']);
         $list[$i]->today_login = substr($row['mb_today_login'], 2, 8);
         $list[$i]->mailling_chk = $row['mb_mailling'] ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;';
         $list[$i]->open_chk = $row['mb_open'] ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;';
         $list[$i]->s_mod = icon('수정', 'member/form/u/' . $row['mb_id']);
         $list[$i]->s_del = icon('삭제', "javascript:post_send('" . ADM_F . "/_trans/member/delete', {mb_id:'" . $row['mb_id'] . "', token:'" . $token . "'}, true);");
         $list[$i]->email_certify = $row['mb_email_certify'];
         $list[$i]->mail_certify_chk = preg_match('/[1-9]/', $row['mb_email_certify']) ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;';
     $head = array('title' => '회원관리');
     $data = array('token' => $token, 'list' => $list, 's_add' => icon('작성', 'member/form'), 'use_nick' => $this->config->item('cf_use_nick'), 'sfl' => $sfl, 'stx' => $stx, 'total_cnt' => number_format($result['total_cnt']), 'leave_cnt' => number_format($result['leave_cnt']), 'paging' => $this->pagination->create_links(), 'sort_mb_id' => $param->sort('mb_id'), 'sort_mb_name' => $param->sort('mb_name'), 'sort_mb_nick' => $param->sort('mb_nick'), 'sort_mb_level' => $param->sort('mb_level', 'desc'), 'sort_mb_point' => $param->sort('mb_point', 'desc'), 'sort_mb_today_login' => $param->sort('mb_today_login', 'desc'), 'sort_mb_mailling' => $param->sort('mb_mailling', 'desc'), 'sort_mb_open' => $param->sort('mb_open', 'desc'), 'sort_mb_email_certify' => $param->sort('mb_email_certify', 'desc'));
     widget::run('head', $head);
     $this->load->view(ADM_F . '/member_list', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 5
     } else {
         $datetime2 = substr($datetime2, 5, 5);
 } else {
     // 코멘트
     $comment = '[코] ';
     $comment_link = '#c_' . $row['wr_id'];
     $row2 = sql_fetch(" select * from {$tmp_write_table} where wr_id = '{$row['wr_parent']}' ");
     $row3 = sql_fetch(" select mb_id, wr_name, wr_email, wr_homepage, wr_datetime from {$tmp_write_table} where wr_id = '{$row['wr_id']}' ");
     $list[$i] = $row2;
     $list[$i]['wr_id'] = $row['wr_id'];
     $list[$i]['mb_id'] = $row3['mb_id'];
     $list[$i]['wr_name'] = $row3['wr_name'];
     $list[$i]['wr_email'] = $row3['wr_email'];
     $list[$i]['wr_homepage'] = $row3['wr_homepage'];
     $name = get_sideview($row3['mb_id'], get_text(cut_str($row3['wr_name'], $config['cf_cut_name'])), $row3['wr_email'], $row3['wr_homepage']);
     // 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
     $datetime = substr($row3['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
     $datetime2 = $row3['wr_datetime'];
     if ($datetime == G5_TIME_YMD) {
         $datetime2 = substr($datetime2, 11, 5);
     } else {
         $datetime2 = substr($datetime2, 5, 5);
 $list[$i]['gr_id'] = $row['gr_id'];
 $list[$i]['bo_table'] = $row['bo_table'];
 $list[$i]['name'] = $name;
 $list[$i]['comment'] = $comment;
 $list[$i]['href'] = './board.php?bo_table=' . $row['bo_table'] . '&amp;wr_id=' . $row2['wr_id'] . $comment_link;
 $list[$i]['datetime'] = $datetime;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    $pp_tax = $row['pp_tax'];
    $pp_pay = $row['pp_pay'];
    $pp_shingo = $row['pp_shingo'];
    $pp_type = $row['pp_type'] == "2" ? '개인' : '기업';
    $pp_company = $row['pp_company'];
    $pp_name = '탈퇴(' . $row['mb_id'] . ')';
    $pinfo = get_member($row['mb_id'], 'mb_nick, mb_email, mb_homepage');
    if ($pinfo['mb_nick']) {
        $pp_name = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $pinfo['mb_nick'], $pinfo['mb_email'], $pinfo['wr_homepage']);
    $pp_staff = '';
    if ($row['pp_staff']) {
        $sinfo = get_member($row['pp_staff'], 'mb_nick, mb_email, mb_homepage');
        if ($sinfo['mb_nick']) {
            $pp_staff = get_sideview($row['pp_staff'], $sinfo['mb_nick'], $sinfo['mb_email'], $sinfo['wr_homepage']);
    $pp_mod = '<a href="./apms.inquiry.php?no=' . $row['pp_id'] . '" class="mod-inquiry">수정</a>';
    $bg = 'bg' . $i % 2;

    <tr class="<?php 
    echo $bg;
    echo $pp_num;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    if ($row['pt_leave']) {
        $p_status = '<span class="mb_leave_msg"><strike>' . $row['pt_leave'] . '</strike></span>';
    } else {
        if ($row['pt_register']) {
            $p_status = $row['pt_register'];
        } else {
            $p_status = '<span class="pt-request">신청</span>';
            $is_check = true;
    $p_type = $row['pt_type'] == "2" ? '개인' : '기업';
    $p_id = get_sideview($row['pt_id'], $row['pt_id'], $row['pt_email'], '');
    $p_mod = '<a href="./apms.admin.php?ap=pform&amp' . $qstr . '&amp;pt_id=' . $row['pt_id'] . '">수정</a>';
    $bg = 'bg' . $i % 2;

    <tr class="<?php 
    echo $bg;
        <td headers="mb_list_chk" class="td_chk">
            <input type="hidden" name="pt_id[<?php 
    echo $i;
]" value="<?php 
    echo $row['pt_id'];
Ejemplo n.º 8
            if ($read_level[$idx] <= $member['mb_level']) {
                //$content = cut_str(get_text(strip_tags($row['wr_content'])), 300, "…");
                $content = strip_tags($row['wr_content']);
                $content = get_text($content, 1);
                $content = strip_tags($content);
                $content = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $content);
                $content = cut_str($content, 300, "…");
                if (strstr($sfl, 'wr_content')) {
                    $content = search_font($stx, $content);
            } else {
                $content = '';
            $list[$idx][$i]['subject'] = $subject;
            $list[$idx][$i]['content'] = $content;
            $list[$idx][$i]['name'] = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], get_text(cut_str($row['wr_name'], $config['cf_cut_name'])), $row['wr_email'], $row['wr_homepage']);
            if ($k >= $rows) {
        if ($k >= $rows) {
        $from_record = 0;
    $write_pages = get_paging(G5_IS_MOBILE ? $config['cf_mobile_pages'] : $config['cf_write_pages'], $page, $total_page, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $search_query . '&amp;gr_id=' . $gr_id . '&amp;srows=' . $srows . '&amp;onetable=' . $onetable . '&amp;page=');
$group_select = '<label for="gr_id" class="sound_only">게시판 그룹선택</label><select name="gr_id" id="gr_id" class="select"><option value="">전체 분류';
$sql = " select gr_id, gr_subject from {$g5['group_table']} order by gr_id ";
Ejemplo n.º 9

include_once './_common.php';
$g5['title'] = '현재접속자';
include_once './_head.php';
$list = array();
$sql = " select a.mb_id,b.mb_name, b.mb_email, b.mb_homepage, b.mb_open, b.mb_point, a.lo_ip, a.lo_location, a.lo_url\n            from {$g5['login_table']} a left join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n            where a.mb_id <> '{$config['cf_admin']}'\n            order by a.lo_datetime desc ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $row['lo_url'] = get_text($row['lo_url']);
    $list[$i] = $row;
    if ($row['mb_id']) {
        $list[$i]['name'] = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], cut_str($row['mb_name'], $config['cf_cut_name']), $row['mb_email'], $row['mb_homepage']);
    } else {
        if ($is_admin) {
            $list[$i]['name'] = $row['lo_ip'];
        } else {
            $list[$i]['name'] = preg_replace("/([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)/", G5_IP_DISPLAY, $row['lo_ip']);
    $list[$i]['num'] = sprintf('%03d', $i + 1);
include_once $connect_skin_path . '/current_connect.skin.php';
include_once './_tail.php';
Ejemplo n.º 10
    $sell_price = $sum['price'];
    $item[$i]['send'] = $sc_type;
    $item[$i]['sendcost'] = $sc_price;
    $item[$i]['point'] = $point;
    $item[$i]['sell_price'] = $sell_price;
    $item[$i]['qty'] = $sum['qty'];
    $item[$i]['qty'] = $sum['qty'];
    $tot_point += $point;
    $tot_sell_price += $sell_price;
    if (!in_array($row['pt_it'], $g5['apms_automation'])) {
        $arr_it_orderform[] = $row['it_id'];
// for 끝
// 자동처리 주문서인지 체크
$is_delivery = false;
if (is_array($arr_it_orderform) && !empty($arr_it_orderform)) {
    $is_delivery = true;
$buyer = '';
if ($od['mb_id']) {
    $mb = get_member($od['mb_id'], 'mb_nick, mb_email, mb_homepage');
    if ($mb['mb_nick']) {
        $buyer = ' (' . get_sideview($od['mb_id'], $mb['mb_nick'], $mb['mb_email'], $mb['wr_homepage']) . ')';
define('G5_IS_ADMIN', true);
$g5['title'] = '주문서';
include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php';
include_once $skin_path . '/inquiryview.skin.php';
include_once G5_PATH . '/tail.sub.php';
Ejemplo n.º 11
    $list[$i]['content'] = $poll;
    $list[$i]['cnt'] = $po['po_cnt' . $i];
    if ($total_po_cnt > 0) {
        $list[$i]['rate'] = $list[$i]['cnt'] / $total_po_cnt * 100;
    $bar = (int) ($list[$i]['cnt'] / $max * 100);
    $list[$i]['bar'] = $bar;
    $list[$i]['num'] = $i;
$list2 = array();
// 기타의견 리스트
$sql = " select a.*, b.mb_open\n           from {$g5['poll_etc_table']} a\n           left join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n          where po_id = '{$po_id}' order by pc_id desc ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $list2[$i]['pc_name'] = get_text($row['pc_name']);
    $list2[$i]['name'] = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], get_text(cut_str($row['pc_name'], 10)), '', '', $row['mb_open']);
    $list2[$i]['idea'] = get_text(cut_str($row['pc_idea'], 255));
    $list2[$i]['datetime'] = $row['pc_datetime'];
    $list2[$i]['del'] = '';
    if ($is_admin == 'super' || $row['mb_id'] == $member['mb_id'] && $row['mb_id']) {
        $list2[$i]['del'] = '<a href="' . G5_BBS_URL . '/poll_etc_update.php?w=d&amp;pc_id=' . $row['pc_id'] . '&amp;po_id=' . $po_id . '&amp;skin_dir=' . $skin_dir . '" class="poll_delete">';
// 기타의견 입력
$is_etc = false;
if ($po['po_etc']) {
    $is_etc = true;
    $po_etc = $po['po_etc'];
    if ($member['mb_id']) {
        $name = '<b>' . $member['mb_nick'] . '</b> <input type="hidden" name="pc_name" value="' . $member['mb_nick'] . '">';
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 12

include_once './_common.php';
if (!$member['mb_id']) {
    alert_close('회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다.');
if (!$member['mb_open'] && $is_admin != 'super' && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) {
    alert_close('자신의 정보를 공개하지 않으면 다른분의 정보를 조회할 수 없습니다.\\n\\n정보공개 설정은 회원정보수정에서 하실 수 있습니다.');
$mb = get_member($mb_id);
if (!$mb['mb_id']) {
    alert_close('회원정보가 존재하지 않습니다.\\n\\n탈퇴하였을 수 있습니다.');
if (!$mb['mb_open'] && $is_admin != 'super' && $member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) {
    alert_close('정보공개를 하지 않았습니다.');
$g5['title'] = $mb['mb_nick'] . '님의 자기소개';
include_once G5_PATH . '/head.sub.php';
$mb_nick = get_sideview($mb['mb_id'], $mb['mb_nick'], $mb['mb_email'], $mb['mb_homepage'], $mb['mb_open']);
// 회원가입후 몇일째인지? + 1 은 당일을 포함한다는 뜻
$sql = " select (TO_DAYS('" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "') - TO_DAYS('{$mb['mb_datetime']}') + 1) as days ";
$row = sql_fetch($sql);
$mb_reg_after = $row['days'];
$mb_homepage = set_http(clean_xss_tags($mb['mb_homepage']));
$mb_profile = $mb['mb_profile'] ? conv_content($mb['mb_profile'], 0) : '소개 내용이 없습니다.';
include_once $member_skin_path . '/profile.skin.php';
include_once G5_PATH . '/tail.sub.php';
Ejemplo n.º 13
        <td colspan="<?php 
    echo $colspan;
" class="text-center" >
            데이터가 없습니다.
$qry = sql_query("select * from {$g5['sms5_member_history_table']} where 1 {$sql_search} order by mh_no desc limit {$page_start}, {$page_size}");
while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
    //$bg = 'bg'.($line++%2);
    $mb = get_member($row['mb_id']);
    $mb_id = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $mb['mb_nick']);
    echo $vnum--;
    echo $mb_id;
    echo $row['mh_reply'];
Ejemplo n.º 14
    $list[$i][content] = $poll;
    $list[$i][cnt] = $po["po_cnt" . $i];
    if ($total_po_cnt > 0) {
        $list[$i][rate] = $list[$i][cnt] / $total_po_cnt * 100;
    $bar = (int) ($list[$i][cnt] / $max * 100);
    $list[$i][bar] = $bar;
    $list[$i][num] = $i;
$list2 = array();
// 기타의견 리스트
$sql = " select a.*, b.mb_open\n           from {$g4['poll_etc_table']} a\n           left join {$g4['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n          where po_id = '{$po_id}' order by pc_id desc ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $list2[$i][name] = get_sideview($row[mb_id], cut_str($row[pc_name], 10), '', '', $row[mb_open]);
    $list2[$i][idea] = get_text(cut_str($row[pc_idea], 255));
    $list2[$i][datetime] = $row[pc_datetime];
    $list2[$i][del] = "";
    if ($is_admin == "super" || $row[mb_id] == $member[mb_id] && $row[mb_id]) {
        $list2[$i][del] = "<a href=\"javascript:del('./poll_etc_update.php?w=d&pc_id={$row['pc_id']}&po_id={$po_id}');\">";
// 기타의견 입력
$is_etc = false;
if ($po[po_etc]) {
    $is_etc = true;
    $po_etc = $po[po_etc];
    if ($member[mb_id]) {
        $name = "<b>{$member['mb_nick']}</b> <input type='hidden' name='pc_name' value='{$member['mb_nick']}'>";
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function lists()
     $config = array(array('field' => 'mb_id', 'label' => '아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]|xss_clean'), array('field' => 'po_content', 'label' => '포인트내용', 'rules' => 'trim|required'), array('field' => 'po_point', 'label' => '포인트', 'rules' => 'trim|required|numeric'));
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         $param =& $this->querystring;
         $page = $this->uri->segment(5, 1);
         $sst = $param->get('sst', 'po_id');
         $sod = $param->get('sod', 'desc');
         $sfl = $param->get('sfl');
         $stx = $param->get('stx');
         $config['suffix'] = $param->output();
         $config['base_url'] = RT_PATH . '/' . ADM_F . '/point/lists/page/';
         $config['per_page'] = 15;
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $config['per_page'];
         $result = $this->Point_model->list_result($sst, $sod, $sfl, $stx, $config['per_page'], $offset);
         $config['total_rows'] = $result['total_cnt'];
         if ($sfl == 'mb_id' && $stx && $result['total_cnt'] > 0) {
             $total_pnt = $stx . ' 님 포인트 합계 : ' . number_format($result['total_pnt']) . '점';
             $stx_mb_id = TRUE;
         } else {
             $total_pnt = '전체 포인트 합계 : ' . number_format($result['total_pnt']) . '점';
         $list = array();
         foreach ($result['qry'] as $i => $row) {
             $list[$i] = new stdClass();
             if ($this->config->item('cf_use_nick')) {
                 $list[$i]->mb_nick = $row['mb_nick'];
             $link1 = $link2 = '';
             if (!preg_match("/^\\@/", $row['po_rel_table']) && $row['po_rel_table']) {
                 $po_content = "<a href='" . RT_PATH . "/board/view/tbl/" . $row['po_rel_table'] . "/" . $row['po_rel_id'] . " target=_blank'>" . $row['po_content'] . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $po_content = $row['po_content'];
             $list[$i]->id = $row['po_id'];
             $list[$i]->mb_id = $row['mb_id'];
             $list[$i]->datetime = substr($row['po_datetime'], 2, 8);
             $list[$i]->content = $po_content;
             $list[$i]->point = number_format($row['po_point']);
             $list[$i]->mb_name = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $row['mb_name']);
             $list[$i]->mb_point = number_format($row['mb_point']);
         $head = array('title' => '포인트관리');
         $data = array('token' => get_token(), 'list' => $list, 'use_nick' => $this->config->item('cf_use_nick'), 'sfl' => $sfl, 'stx' => $stx, 'stx_mb_id' => isset($stx_mb_id) ? $stx : '', 'total_cnt' => number_format($result['total_cnt']), 'total_pnt' => $total_pnt, 'paging' => $this->pagination->create_links(), 'sort_mb_id' => $param->sort('mb_id'), 'sort_po_datetime' => $param->sort('po_datetime'), 'sort_po_content' => $param->sort('po_content'), 'sort_po_point' => $param->sort('po_point'));
         widget::run('head', $head);
         $this->load->view(ADM_F . '/point_list', $data);
     } else {
         $member = unserialize(MEMBER);
         $mb_id = $this->input->post('mb_id');
         $po_point = $this->input->post('po_point');
         $mb = $this->Basic_model->get_member($mb_id, 'mb_id,mb_point');
         if (!isset($mb['mb_id'])) {
             alert('존재하는 회원아이디가 아닙니다.');
         if ($po_point < 0 && $po_point * -1 > $mb['mb_point']) {
             alert('포인트를 깎는 경우 현재 포인트보다 작으면 안됩니다.');
         $this->Point_model->insert($mb_id, $po_point, $this->input->post('po_content'), '@passive', $mb_id, $member['mb_id'] . '-' . uniqid(''));
         goto_url(ADM_F . '/point/lists');
Ejemplo n.º 16
// 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지)
$from_record = ($page - 1) * $rows;
// 시작 열을 구함
$item = array();
$sql = "select *\n        {$sql_common}\n        {$sql_search}\n        {$sql_order}\n        limit {$from_record}, {$rows} ";
$qry = sql_query($sql);
$list = array();
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($qry); ++$i) {
    $row[num] = $total_count - ($page - 1) * $rows - $i;
    if (is_null($item[$row['vt_num']])) {
        $tmp = sql_fetch(" select * from {$mw['vote_item_table']} where vt_id = '{$vt_id}' and vt_num = '{$row['vt_num']}' ");
        $item[$row['vt_num']] = $tmp['vt_item'];
    $row['vt_item'] = $item[$row['vt_num']];
    $mb = get_member($row[mb_id], "mb_nick, mb_name, mb_email, mb_homepage");
    $row[name] = get_sideview($row[mb_id], $board[bo_use_name] ? $mb[mb_name] : $mb[mb_nick], $mb[mb_email], $mb[mb_homepage]);
    $list[$i] = $row;
$write_pages = get_paging($config[cf_write_pages], $page, $total_page, "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?bo_table={$bo_table}&wr_id={$wr_id}{$qstr}&page=");
$colspan = 5;
$g4[title] = "설문 참여 목록";
include_once "{$g4['path']}/head.sub.php";
<script src="<?php 
echo $g4[path];

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo $board_skin_path;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    $sql_where .= " and wr_is_comment = '1' ";
if ($stype == '4') {
    // 최다 댓글작성 (본인글 제외)
    $sql_where .= " and wr_parent not in (select wr_id from {$write_table} {$sql_where} and wr_is_comment = '' and mb_id = w.mb_id)  ";
    $sql_where .= " and wr_is_comment = '1' ";
$sql_group = " group by mb_id ";
$sql_order = " order by cnt desc ";
$sql = " {$sql_common} {$sql_where} {$sql_group} {$sql_order} limit {$limit} ";
if ($stype) {
    $qry = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($qry); $i++) {
    $mb = get_member($row[mb_id], "mb_id, mb_nick, mb_homepage, mb_email");
    $name = get_sideview($mb[mb_id], $mb[mb_nick], $mb[mb_homepage], $mb[mb_email]);
<tr align=center height=30 bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <td> <?php 
    echo $i + 1;
    <td> <?php 
    echo $name;
    <td> <?php 
    echo $row[cnt];
Ejemplo n.º 18
            $subject = get_text($row[wr_subject]);
            if (strstr($sfl, "wr_subject")) {
                $subject = search_font($stx, $subject);
            if ($read_level[$idx] <= $member[mb_level]) {
                $content = cut_str(get_text($row[wr_content]), 300, "…");
                if (strstr($sfl, "wr_content")) {
                    $content = search_font($stx, $content);
            } else {
                $content = '';
            $list[$idx][$i][subject] = $subject;
            $list[$idx][$i][content] = $content;
            $list[$idx][$i][name] = get_sideview($row[mb_id], cut_str($row[wr_name], $config[cf_cut_name]), $row[wr_email], $row[wr_homepage]);
            if ($k >= $rows) {
        if ($k >= $rows) {
        $from_record = 0;
    $write_pages = get_paging($config[cf_write_pages], $page, $total_page, "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?{$search_query}&gr_id={$gr_id}&srows={$srows}&onetable={$onetable}&page=");
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$g4['path']}/js/sideview.js\"></script>";
$group_select = "<select id='gr_id' name='gr_id' class=select><option value=''>전체 분류";
Ejemplo n.º 19

$sub_menu = '400660';
include_once './_common.php';
include_once G5_EDITOR_LIB;
auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "w");
$sql = " select *\n           from {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} a\n           left join {$g5['member_table']} b on (a.mb_id = b.mb_id)\n          where iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
$iq = sql_fetch($sql);
if (!$iq['iq_id']) {
    alert('등록된 자료가 없습니다.');
$name = get_sideview($iq['mb_id'], get_text($iq['iq_name']), $iq['mb_email'], $iq['mb_homepage']);
$g5['title'] = '상품문의';
include_once G5_ADMIN_PATH . '/admin.head.php';
$qstr .= ($qstr ? '&amp;' : '') . 'sca=' . $sca;

<form name="fitemqaform" method="post" action="./itemqaformupdate.php" onsubmit="return fitemqaform_submit(this);">
<input type="hidden" name="w" value="<?php 
echo $w;
<input type="hidden" name="iq_id" value="<?php 
echo $iq_id;
<input type="hidden" name="sca" value="<?php 
echo $sca;
<input type="hidden" name="sst" value="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 20
    $group = "";
    if ($row2[cnt]) {
        $group = "<a href='./boardgroupmember_form.php?mb_id={$row['mb_id']}'>{$row2['cnt']}</a>";
    if ($is_admin == 'group') {
        $s_mod = "";
        $s_del = "";
    } else {
        $s_mod = "<a href=\"./member_form.php?{$qstr}&w=u&mb_id={$row['mb_id']}\"><img src='img/icon_modify.gif' border=0 title='수정'></a>";
        //$s_del = "<a href=\"javascript:del('./member_delete.php?$qstr&w=d&mb_id=$row[mb_id]');\"><img src='img/icon_delete.gif' border=0 title='삭제'></a>";
        $s_del = "<a href=\"javascript:post_delete('member_delete.php', '{$row['mb_id']}');\"><img src='img/icon_delete.gif' border=0 title='삭제'></a>";
    $s_grp = "<a href='./boardgroupmember_form.php?mb_id={$row['mb_id']}'><img src='img/icon_group.gif' border=0 title='그룹'></a>";
    $leave_date = $row[mb_leave_date] ? $row[mb_leave_date] : date("Ymd", $g4[server_time]);
    $intercept_date = $row[mb_intercept_date] ? $row[mb_intercept_date] : date("Ymd", $g4[server_time]);
    $mb_nick = get_sideview($row[mb_id], $row[mb_nick], $row[mb_email], $row[mb_homepage]);
    $mb_id = $row[mb_id];
    if ($row[mb_leave_date]) {
        $mb_id = "<font color=crimson>{$mb_id}</font>";
    } else {
        if ($row[mb_intercept_date]) {
            $mb_id = "<font color=orange>{$mb_id}</font>";
    $list = $i % 2;
    echo "\n    <input type=hidden name=mb_id[{$i}] value='{$row['mb_id']}'>\n    <tr class='list{$list} col1 ht center'>\n        <td><input type=checkbox name=chk[] value='{$i}'></td>\n        <td title='{$row['mb_id']}'><nobr style='display:block; overflow:hidden; width:90;'>&nbsp;{$mb_id}</nobr></td>\n        <td><nobr style='display:block; overflow:hidden; width:90px;'>{$row['mb_name']}</nobr></td>\n        <td><nobr style='display:block; overflow:hidden; width:90px;'><u>{$mb_nick}</u></nobr></td>\n        <td>" . get_member_level_select("mb_level[{$i}]", 1, $member[mb_level], $row[mb_level]) . "</td>\n        <td align=right><a href='point_list.php?sfl=mb_id&stx={$row['mb_id']}' class=tt>" . number_format($row[mb_point]) . "</a>&nbsp;</td>\n        <td>" . substr($row[mb_today_login], 2, 8) . "</td>\n        <td>" . ($row[mb_mailling] ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;') . "</td>\n        <td>" . ($row[mb_open] ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;') . "</td>\n        <!-- <td title='{$row['mb_leave_date']}'>" . ($row[mb_leave_date] ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;') . "</td> -->\n        <td title='{$row['mb_email_certify']}'>" . (preg_match('/[1-9]/', $row[mb_email_certify]) ? '&radic;' : '&nbsp;') . "</td>\n        <td title='{$row['mb_intercept_date']}'><input type=checkbox name=mb_intercept_date[{$i}] " . ($row[mb_intercept_date] ? 'checked' : '') . " value='{$intercept_date}'></td>\n        <td>{$group}</td>               \n        <td>{$s_mod} {$s_del} {$s_grp}</td>\n    </tr>";
if ($i == 0) {
    echo "<tr><td colspan='{$colspan}' align=center height=100 class=contentbg>자료가 없습니다.</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan='{$colspan}' class='line2'></td></tr>";
Ejemplo n.º 21
while ($row = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
    $mb = get_member($row[mb_id]);
    if ($row[mb_id] == $config[cf_admin]) {
    if ($mb[mb_level] < 2) {
    if ($mb[mb_leave_datel] != "") {
    if ($mb[mb_intercept_datel] != "") {
    $list[$i][rank] = $i + 1;
    $list[$i][name] = get_sideview($mb[mb_id], $mb[mb_nick], $mb[mb_email] . $mb[mb_homepage]);
    $list[$i][point] = number_format($row[point]);
    if (++$i >= $rows) {
$list_count = sizeof($list);
//$paging = get_paging($rows, $page, $total_page, "?page=");

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $g4[path];

<style type="text/css">
Ejemplo n.º 22
function get_list($write_row, $board, $skin_path, $subject_len = 40)
    global $g4, $config;
    global $qstr, $page;
    // 배열전체를 복사
    $list = $write_row;
    $list['is_notice'] = preg_match("/[^0-9]{0,1}" . $list['wr_id'] . "[\r]{0,1}/", $board['bo_notice']);
    if ($subject_len) {
        $list['subject'] = conv_subject($list['wr_subject'], $subject_len, "…");
    } else {
        $list['subject'] = conv_subject($list['wr_subject'], $board['bo_subject_len'], "…");
    // 목록에서 내용 미리보기 사용한 게시판만 내용을 변환함 (속도 향상) : kkal3(커피)님께서 알려주셨습니다.
    if ($board['bo_use_list_content']) {
        $html = 0;
        if (strstr($list['wr_option'], "html1")) {
            $html = 1;
        } else {
            if (strstr($list['wr_option'], "html2")) {
                $html = 2;
        $list['content'] = conv_content($list['wr_content'], $html);
    $list['comment_cnt'] = "";
    if ($list['wr_comment']) {
        $list['comment_cnt'] = "({$list['wr_comment']})";
    // 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
    $list['datetime'] = substr($list['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
    $list['datetime2'] = $list['wr_datetime'];
    if ($list['datetime'] == $g4['time_ymd']) {
        $list['datetime2'] = substr($list['datetime2'], 11, 5);
    } else {
        $list['datetime2'] = substr($list['datetime2'], 5, 5);
    // 4.1
    $list['last'] = substr($list['wr_last'], 0, 10);
    $list['last2'] = $list['wr_last'];
    if ($list['last'] == $g4['time_ymd']) {
        $list['last2'] = substr($list['last2'], 11, 5);
    } else {
        $list['last2'] = substr($list['last2'], 5, 5);
    $list['wr_homepage'] = get_text(addslashes($list['wr_homepage']));
    if ($board['bo_use_sideview']) {
        $list['name'] = get_sideview($list['mb_id'], $list['wr_name'], $list['wr_email'], $list['wr_homepage']);
    } else {
        $list['name'] = "<span class='" . ($list['mb_id'] ? 'member' : 'guest') . "'>{$list['wr_name']}</span>";
    $reply = $list['wr_reply'];
    $list['reply'] = "";
    if (strlen($reply) > 0) {
        for ($k = 0; $k < strlen($reply); $k++) {
            $list['reply'] .= "<span class='reply'></span>";
    $list['icon_reply'] = "";
    if ($list['reply']) {
        $list['icon_reply'] = "<img src='{$skin_path}/img/icon_reply.gif' alt='' class='icon_reply' />";
    $list['icon_link'] = "";
    if ($list['wr_link1'] || $list['wr_link2']) {
        $list['icon_link'] = "<img src='{$skin_path}/img/icon_link.gif' alt='' />";
    // 분류명 링크
    $list['ca_name_href'] = "{$g4['bbs_path']}/board.php?bo_table={$board['bo_table']}&amp;sca=" . urlencode($list['ca_name']);
    $list['href'] = "{$g4['bbs_path']}/board.php?bo_table={$board['bo_table']}&amp;wr_id={$list['wr_id']}" . $qstr;
    $list['comment_href'] = $list['href'];
    $list['icon_new'] = "";
    if ($list['wr_datetime'] >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $g4['server_time'] - $board['bo_new'] * 3600)) {
        $list['icon_new'] = "<img src='{$skin_path}/img/icon_new.gif' alt='' />";
    $list['icon_hot'] = "";
    if ($list['wr_hit'] >= $board['bo_hot']) {
        $list['icon_hot'] = "<img src='{$skin_path}/img/icon_hot.gif' alt='' />";
    $list['icon_secret'] = "";
    if (strstr($list['wr_option'], "secret")) {
        $list['icon_secret'] = "<img src='{$skin_path}/img/icon_secret.gif' alt='' />";
    // 링크
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $g4['link_count']; $i++) {
        $list['link'][$i] = set_http(get_text($list["wr_link{$i}"]));
        $list['link_href'][$i] = "{$g4['bbs_path']}/link.php?bo_table={$board['bo_table']}&amp;wr_id={$list['wr_id']}&amp;no={$i}" . $qstr;
        $list['link_hit'][$i] = (int) $list["wr_link{$i}_hit"];
    // 가변 파일
    if ($list['wr_file']) {
        $list['file'] = get_file($board['bo_table'], $list['wr_id'], $board);
    if ($list['file']['count']) {
        $list['icon_file'] = "<img src='{$skin_path}/img/icon_file.gif' alt='' />";
    return $list;
Ejemplo n.º 23

if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) {
// 개별 페이지 접근 불가
$nick = get_sideview($mb['mb_id'], $mb['mb_name'], $mb['mb_email'], $mb['mb_homepage']);
if ($kind == "recv") {
    $kind_str = "보낸";
    $kind_date = "받은";
} else {
    $kind_str = "받는";
    $kind_date = "보낸";
// add_stylesheet('css 구문', 출력순서); 숫자가 작을 수록 먼저 출력됨
add_stylesheet('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $member_skin_url . '/style.css">', 0);

<div id="memo_view" class="new_win mbskin">
    <h1 id="win_title"><?php 
echo $g5['title'];

    <ul class="win_ul">
        <li><a href="./memo.php?kind=recv">받은쪽지</a></li>
        <li><a href="./memo.php?kind=send">보낸쪽지</a></li>
        <li><a href="./memo_form.php">쪽지쓰기</a></li>

    <article id="memo_view_contents">
Ejemplo n.º 24
function get_list($write_row, $board, $skin_url, $subject_len = 40)
    global $g5, $config;
    global $qstr, $page;
    //$t = get_microtime();
    // 배열전체를 복사
    $list = $write_row;
    $board_notice = array_map('trim', explode(',', $board['bo_notice']));
    $list['is_notice'] = in_array($list['wr_id'], $board_notice);
    if ($subject_len) {
        $list['subject'] = conv_subject($list['wr_subject'], $subject_len, '…');
    } else {
        $list['subject'] = conv_subject($list['wr_subject'], $board['bo_subject_len'], '…');
    // 목록에서 내용 미리보기 사용한 게시판만 내용을 변환함 (속도 향상) : kkal3(커피)님께서 알려주셨습니다.
    if ($board['bo_use_list_content']) {
        $html = 0;
        if (strstr($list['wr_option'], 'html1')) {
            $html = 1;
        } else {
            if (strstr($list['wr_option'], 'html2')) {
                $html = 2;
        $list['content'] = conv_content($list['wr_content'], $html);
    $list['comment_cnt'] = '';
    if ($list['wr_comment']) {
        $list['comment_cnt'] = "<span class=\"cnt_cmt\">" . $list['wr_comment'] . "</span>";
    // 당일인 경우 시간으로 표시함
    $list['datetime'] = substr($list['wr_datetime'], 0, 10);
    $list['datetime2'] = $list['wr_datetime'];
    if ($list['datetime'] == G5_TIME_YMD) {
        $list['datetime2'] = substr($list['datetime2'], 11, 5);
    } else {
        $list['datetime2'] = substr($list['datetime2'], 5, 5);
    // 4.1
    $list['last'] = substr($list['wr_last'], 0, 10);
    $list['last2'] = $list['wr_last'];
    if ($list['last'] == G5_TIME_YMD) {
        $list['last2'] = substr($list['last2'], 11, 5);
    } else {
        $list['last2'] = substr($list['last2'], 5, 5);
    $list['wr_homepage'] = get_text(addslashes($list['wr_homepage']));
    $tmp_name = get_text(cut_str($list['wr_name'], $config['cf_cut_name']));
    // 설정된 자리수 만큼만 이름 출력
    if ($board['bo_use_sideview']) {
        $list['name'] = get_sideview($list['mb_id'], $tmp_name, $list['wr_email'], $list['wr_homepage']);
    } else {
        $list['name'] = '<span class="' . ($list['mb_id'] ? 'sv_member' : 'sv_guest') . '">' . $tmp_name . '</span>';
    $reply = $list['wr_reply'];
    $list['reply'] = strlen($reply) * 10;
    $list['icon_reply'] = '';
    if ($list['reply']) {
        $list['icon_reply'] = '<img src="' . $skin_url . '/img/icon_reply.gif" style="margin-left:' . $list['reply'] . 'px;" alt="답변글">';
    $list['icon_link'] = '';
    if ($list['wr_link1'] || $list['wr_link2']) {
        $list['icon_link'] = '<img src="' . $skin_url . '/img/icon_link.gif" alt="관련링크">';
    // 분류명 링크
    $list['ca_name_href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $board['bo_table'] . '&amp;sca=' . urlencode($list['ca_name']);
    $list['href'] = G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $board['bo_table'] . '&amp;wr_id=' . $list['wr_id'] . $qstr;
    $list['comment_href'] = $list['href'];
    $list['icon_new'] = '';
    if ($board['bo_new'] && $list['wr_datetime'] >= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", G5_SERVER_TIME - $board['bo_new'] * 3600)) {
        $list['icon_new'] = '<img src="' . $skin_url . '/img/icon_new.gif" alt="새글">';
    $list['icon_hot'] = '';
    if ($board['bo_hot'] && $list['wr_hit'] >= $board['bo_hot']) {
        $list['icon_hot'] = '<img src="' . $skin_url . '/img/icon_hot.gif" alt="인기글">';
    $list['icon_secret'] = '';
    if (strstr($list['wr_option'], 'secret')) {
        $list['icon_secret'] = '<img src="' . $skin_url . '/img/icon_secret.gif" alt="비밀글">';
    // 링크
    for ($i = 1; $i <= G5_LINK_COUNT; $i++) {
        $list['link'][$i] = set_http(get_text($list["wr_link{$i}"]));
        $list['link_href'][$i] = G5_BBS_URL . '/link.php?bo_table=' . $board['bo_table'] . '&amp;wr_id=' . $list['wr_id'] . '&amp;no=' . $i . $qstr;
        $list['link_hit'][$i] = (int) $list["wr_link{$i}_hit"];
    // 가변 파일
    if ($board['bo_use_list_file'] || $list['wr_file'] && $subject_len == 255) {
        $list['file'] = get_file($board['bo_table'], $list['wr_id']);
    } else {
        $list['file']['count'] = $list['wr_file'];
    if ($list['file']['count']) {
        $list['icon_file'] = '<img src="' . $skin_url . '/img/icon_file.gif" alt="첨부파일">';
    return $list;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        <th scope="col"><?php 
echo subject_sort_link("is_score");
        <th scope="col"><?php 
echo subject_sort_link("is_confirm");
        <th scope="col">관리</th>
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $href = G5_SHOP_URL . '/item.php?it_id=' . $row['it_id'];
    $name = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], get_text($row['is_name']), $row['mb_email'], $row['mb_homepage']);
    $is_content = get_view_thumbnail(conv_content($row['is_content'], 1), 300);
    $bg = 'bg' . $i % 2;

    <tr class="<?php 
    echo $bg;
        <td class="td_chk">
            <label for="chk_<?php 
    echo $i;
" class="sound_only"><?php 
    echo get_text($row['is_subject']);
Ejemplo n.º 26
for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) {
<tr style="text-align:center; height:25px;">
    <td> <?php 
    echo $list[$i][num];
    <td> <?php 
    echo $list[$i][bf_no] + 1;
    <td> <?php 
    echo get_sideview($list[$i][mb_id], $list[$i][dl_name]);
    <td> <?php 
    echo $list[$i][dl_ip];
    <td> <?php 
    echo $list[$i][dl_datetime];
<tr><td colspan=<?php 
    echo $colspan;
Ejemplo n.º 27
$list = array();
$is_comment_write = false;
if ($member['mb_level'] >= $board['bo_comment_level']) {
    $is_comment_write = true;
// 코멘트 출력
//$sql = " select * from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$wr_id}' and wr_is_comment = 1 order by wr_comment desc, wr_comment_reply ";
$sql = " select * from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$wr_id}' and wr_is_comment = 1 order by wr_comment, wr_comment_reply ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    $list[$i] = $row;
    //$list[$i]['name'] = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], cut_str($row['wr_name'], 20, ''), $row['wr_email'], $row['wr_homepage']);
    $tmp_name = get_text(cut_str($row['wr_name'], $config['cf_cut_name']));
    // 설정된 자리수 만큼만 이름 출력
    if ($board['bo_use_sideview']) {
        $list[$i]['name'] = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $tmp_name, $row['wr_email'], $row['wr_homepage']);
    } else {
        $list[$i]['name'] = '<span class="' . ($row['mb_id'] ? 'member' : 'guest') . '">' . $tmp_name . '</span>';
    // 공백없이 연속 입력한 문자 자르기 (way 보드 참고. way.co.kr)
    //$list[$i]['content'] = eregi_replace("[^ \n<>]{130}", "\\0\n", $row['wr_content']);
    $list[$i]['content'] = $list[$i]['content1'] = '비밀글 입니다.';
    if (!strstr($row['wr_option'], 'secret') || $is_admin || $write['mb_id'] == $member['mb_id'] && $member['mb_id'] || $row['mb_id'] == $member['mb_id'] && $member['mb_id']) {
        $list[$i]['content1'] = $row['wr_content'];
        $list[$i]['content'] = conv_content($row['wr_content'], 0, 'wr_content');
        $list[$i]['content'] = search_font($stx, $list[$i]['content']);
    } else {
        $ss_name = 'ss_secret_comment_' . $bo_table . '_' . $list[$i]['wr_id'];
        if (!get_session($ss_name)) {
            $list[$i]['content'] = '<a href="./password.php?w=sc&amp;bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&amp;wr_id=' . $list[$i]['wr_id'] . $qstr . '" class="s_cmt">댓글내용 확인</a>';
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 28
                데이터가 없습니다.
$qry = sql_query("select * from {$g5['sms5_history_table']} where wr_no='{$wr_no}' {$sql_search} {$sql_renum} order by hs_no desc limit {$spage_start}, {$spage_size}");
while ($res = sql_fetch_array($qry)) {
    $bg = 'bg' . $line++ % 2;
    $group = sql_fetch("select * from {$g5['sms5_book_group_table']} where bg_no='{$res['bg_no']}'");
    if ($group) {
        $bg_name = $group['bg_name'];
    } else {
        $bg_name = '없음';
    if ($res['mb_id']) {
        $mb_id = get_sideview($res['mb_id'], $res['mb_id']);
    } else {
        $mb_id = '비회원';
    $res['hs_log'] = str_replace($config['cf_icode_pw'], '**********', $res['hs_log']);
        <tr class="<?php 
    echo $bg;
            <td class="td_numsmall"><?php 
    echo number_format($vnum--);
            <td class="td_name"><?php 
    echo $bg_name;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        <th scope="col"><?php 
echo subject_sort_link('po_datetime');
        <th scope="col">만료일</th>
        <th scope="col">포인트합</th>
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    if ($i == 0 || $row2['mb_id'] != $row['mb_id']) {
        $sql2 = " select mb_id, mb_name, mb_nick, mb_email, mb_homepage, mb_point from {$g5['member_table']} where mb_id = '{$row['mb_id']}' ";
        $row2 = sql_fetch($sql2);
    $mb_nick = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], $row2['mb_nick'], $row2['mb_email'], $row2['mb_homepage']);
    $link1 = $link2 = '';
    if (!preg_match("/^\\@/", $row['po_rel_table']) && $row['po_rel_table']) {
        $link1 = '<a href="' . G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $row['po_rel_table'] . '&amp;wr_id=' . $row['po_rel_id'] . '" target="_blank">';
        $link2 = '</a>';
    $expr = '';
    if ($row['po_expired'] == 1) {
        $expr = ' txt_expired';
    $bg = 'bg' . $i % 2;

    <tr class="<?php 
    echo $bg;
Ejemplo n.º 30
for ($i = 0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
    // 결제 수단
    $s_receipt_way = $s_br = "";
    if ($row['od_settle_case']) {
        $s_receipt_way = $row['od_settle_case'];
        $s_br = '<br />';
    } else {
        $s_receipt_way = '결제수단없음';
        $s_br = '<br />';
    if ($row['od_receipt_point'] > 0) {
        $s_receipt_way .= $s_br . "포인트";
    $mb_nick = get_sideview($row['mb_id'], get_text($row['od_name']), $row['od_email'], '');
    $od_cnt = 0;
    if ($row['mb_id']) {
        $sql2 = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['g5_shop_order_table']} where mb_id = '{$row['mb_id']}' ";
        $row2 = sql_fetch($sql2);
        $od_cnt = $row2['cnt'];
    // 주문 번호에 device 표시
    $od_mobile = '';
    if ($row['od_mobile']) {
        $od_mobile = '(M)';
    // 주문번호에 - 추가
    switch (strlen($row['od_id'])) {
        case 16:
            $disp_od_id = substr($row['od_id'], 0, 8) . '-' . substr($row['od_id'], 8);