Ejemplo n.º 1
$author_url = ${$pp . 'author_url'};
$include_emptyurl = ${$pp . 'include_emptyurl'};
$author_IP = ${$pp . 'author_IP'};
$Widget = new Widget();
$template = $AdminUI->get_template('side_item');
$Widget->title = T_('Filters');
echo $Widget->replace_vars($template['block_start']);
$Form = new Form(NULL, 'comment_filter_form', 'get', 'none');
$Form->hidden('tab3', $tab3);
$Form->submit(array('submit', T_('Search'), 'search', '', 'float:right'));
echo '<fieldset>';
echo '<legend>' . T_('Comments to show') . '</legend>';
$exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_comment!'), array('redirected'));
$statuses = get_visibility_statuses('notes-array', $exclude_statuses);
foreach ($statuses as $status_key => $status_name) {
    // show statuses
		<input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
    echo $pp;
show_statuses[]" value="<?php 
    echo $status_key;
" id="sh_<?php 
    echo $status_key;
" class="checkbox" <?php 
    if (in_array($status_key, $show_statuses)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
    echo 'checked="checked" ';
		<label for="ts_max"><?php 
echo T_('Future');



// Get those statuses that current User can't view in this blog, and don't display those as filters
$exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_post!'), array('trash'));
$statuses = get_visibility_statuses('notes-array', $exclude_statuses);
foreach ($statuses as $status_key => $status_name) {
    // show statuses
			<input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
    echo $pp;
show_statuses[]" value="<?php 
    echo $status_key;
" id="sh_<?php 
    echo $status_key;
" class="checkbox" <?php 
    if (in_array($status_key, $show_statuses)) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Get buttons to change item type
 * @param object Item
 * @param integer Index of the row on page
 * @return string
function item_row_status($Item, $index)
    global $current_User, $AdminUI, $Blog, $admin_url;
    if (empty($Blog)) {
        // global Blog object is not set, e.g. back-office User activity tab
        $blog_ID = $Item->Blog->ID;
    } else {
        $blog_ID = $Blog->ID;
    // Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create posts in this blog
    $exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($blog_ID, 'blog_post!', 'create'), array('trash'));
    // Get allowed visibility statuses
    $status_options = get_visibility_statuses('', $exclude_statuses);
    if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->check_perm('item_post!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $Item) && isset($AdminUI, $AdminUI->skin_name) && $AdminUI->skin_name == 'bootstrap') {
        // Use dropdown for bootstrap skin and if current user can edit this post
        $status_icon_options = get_visibility_statuses('icons', $exclude_statuses);
        $r = '<div class="btn-group ' . ($index > 5 ? 'dropup' : 'dropdown') . ' post_status_dropdown">' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-status-' . $Item->status . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" id="post_status_dropdown">' . '<span>' . $status_options[$Item->status] . '</span>' . ' <span class="caret"></span></button>' . '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="post_status_dropdown">';
        foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
            $r .= '<li rel="' . $status_key . '" role="presentation"><a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=' . $blog_ID . '&amp;action=update_status&amp;post_ID=' . $Item->ID . '&amp;status=' . $status_key . '&amp;' . url_crumb('item') . '" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">' . $status_icon_options[$status_key] . ' <span>' . $status_title . '</span></a></li>';
        $r .= '</ul>' . '</div>';
    } else {
        // Display only status badge when user has no permission to edit this post and for chicago skin
        $r = $Item->get_format_status(array('template' => '<span class="note status_$status$"><span>$status_title$</span></span>'));
    return $r;
    $comment_date_input .= $Form->time_input('comment_issue_time', $edited_Comment->date, '');
    $Form->info(T_('Comment date'), $comment_date_input, '');
if ($comment_Item->can_rate() || !empty($edited_Comment->rating)) {
    // Rating is editable
    $edit_form_params = $disp_params['edit_form_params'];
    $before_rating = $edit_form_params['fieldstart'] . $edit_form_params['labelstart'] . T_('Rating') . $edit_form_params['labelend'] . $edit_form_params['inputstart'];
    $after_rating = $edit_form_params['inputend'] . $edit_form_params['fieldend'];
    $edited_Comment->rating_input(array('before' => $before_rating, 'after' => $after_rating));
$comment_Item =& $edited_Comment->get_Item();
// Comment status cannot be more than post status, restrict it:
$restrict_max_allowed_status = $comment_Item ? $comment_Item->status : '';
// Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create comments in this blog
$exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_comment!', 'edit', $edited_Comment->status, $restrict_max_allowed_status), array('redirected', 'trash'));
// Get allowed visibility statuses
$sharing_options = get_visibility_statuses('radio-options', $exclude_statuses);
if (count($sharing_options) == 1) {
    // Only one visibility status is available, don't show radio but set hidden field
    $Form->hidden('comment_status', $sharing_options[0][0]);
} else {
    // Display visibiliy options
    $Form->radio('comment_status', $edited_Comment->status, $sharing_options, T_('Visibility'), true);
// Display renderers
$comment_renderer_checkboxes = $edited_Comment->renderer_checkboxes(NULL, false);
if (!empty($comment_renderer_checkboxes)) {
    $Form->info(T_('Text Renderers'), $comment_renderer_checkboxes);
// Display comment attachments
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Display buttons to update a comment
 * @param object Form
 * @param object edited Comment
function echo_comment_status_buttons($Form, $edited_Comment)
    global $Blog;
    // Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create posts in this blog
    $exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_comment!', 'edit'), array('redirected', 'trash'));
    // Get allowed visibility statuses
    $status_options = get_visibility_statuses('button-titles', $exclude_statuses);
    $status_icon_options = get_visibility_statuses('icons', $exclude_statuses);
    $Form->hidden('comment_status', $edited_Comment->status);
    echo '<div class="btn-group dropup comment_status_dropdown">';
    echo '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-status-' . $edited_Comment->status . '" name="actionArray[update]">' . '<span>' . $status_options[$edited_Comment->status] . '</span>' . '</button>' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-status-' . $edited_Comment->status . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" id="comment_status_dropdown">' . '<span class="caret"></span>' . '</button>';
    echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="comment_status_dropdown">';
    foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
        echo '<li rel="' . $status_key . '" role="presentation"><a href="#" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">' . $status_icon_options[$status_key] . ' <span>' . $status_title . '</span></a></li>';
    echo '</ul>';
    echo '</div>';