Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Get the RDN of this tree items DN.
  * @return RDN The RDN of this items DN.
 public function getRDN()
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
         debug_log('Entered (%%)', 33, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
     return get_rdn($this->getDn(), 0, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @subpackage Page
 * @see update.php
require './common.php';
$request = array();
$request['dn'] = get_request('dn', 'REQUEST', true);
if (!$request['dn'] || !$app['server']->dnExists($request['dn'])) {
    error(sprintf(_('The entry (%s) does not exist.'), $request['dn']), 'error', 'index.php');
$request['page'] = new PageRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
$request['template'] = $request['page']->getTemplate();
# Confirm the updates
if (count($request['template']->getLDAPmodify(true))) {
    echo '<center>';
    echo _('Do you want to make these changes?');
    echo '<br /><br />';
    echo "\n\n";
    echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update" />';
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($request['dn']));
    echo "\n";
    echo '<table class="result_table">';
    echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Variables that come in via GET variables
 *  - dn (rawurlencoded)
 * @package phpLDAPadmin
require './common.php';
if ($ldapserver->isReadOnly()) {
    pla_error(_('You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode'));
if (!$ldapserver->haveAuthInfo()) {
    pla_error(_('Not enough information to login to server. Please check your configuration.'));
$dn = $_GET['dn'];
$rdn = get_rdn($dn);
$attrs = $ldapserver->getDNAttrs($dn);
$select_server_html = server_select_list($ldapserver->server_id, true, 'dest_server_id');
$children = $ldapserver->getContainerContents($dn);
include './header.php';
# Draw some javaScrpt to enable/disable the filter field if this may be a recursive copy
if (is_array($children) && count($children) > 0) {

	<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
	function toggle_disable_filter_field(recursive_checkbox)
		if (recursive_checkbox.checked) {
			recursive_checkbox.form.remove.disabled = false;
			recursive_checkbox.form.filter.disabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function copy_dn($ldapserver_src, $ldapserver_dst, $dn_src, $dn_dst)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
        debug_log('copy_dn: Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)', 17, $ldapserver_src->server_id, $ldapserver_dst->server_id, $dn_src, $dn_dst);
    $new_entry = $ldapserver_src->getDNAttrs($dn_src);
    # modify the prefix-value (ie "bob" in cn=bob) to match the destination DN's value.
    $rdn_attr = substr($dn_dst, 0, strpos($dn_dst, '='));
    $rdn_value = get_rdn($dn_dst);
    $rdn_value = substr($rdn_value, strpos($rdn_value, '=') + 1);
    $new_entry[$rdn_attr] = $rdn_value;
    # don't need a dn attribute in the new entry
    # Check the user-defined custom call back first
    if (run_hook('pre_entry_create', array('server_id' => $ldapserver_dst->server_id, 'dn' => $dn_dst, 'attrs' => $new_entry))) {
        $add_result = $ldapserver_dst->add($dn_dst, $new_entry);
        if (!$add_result) {
            run_hook('post_entry_create', array('server_id' => $ldapserver_dst->server_id, 'dn' => $dn_dst, 'attrs' => $new_entry));
            echo '</small><br /><br />';
            pla_error(_('Failed to copy DN: ') . $dn_dst, $ldapserver_dst->error(), $ldapserver_dst->errno());
        return $add_result;
    } else {
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function copy_dn($serverSRC, $serverDST, $dnSRC, $dnDST, $remove)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
        debug_log('Entered (%%)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
    $request = array();
    $request['pageSRC'] = new PageRender($serverSRC->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
    $request['pageDST'] = new PageRender($serverDST->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
    $request['templateSRC'] = $request['pageSRC']->getTemplate();
    $request['templateDST'] = $request['pageDST']->getTemplate();
    $request['templateDST']->copy($request['pageSRC']->getTemplate(), get_rdn($dnDST, 0));
    # Create of move the entry
    if ($remove) {
        return $serverDST->rename($request['templateSRC']->getDN(), $request['templateDST']->getRDN(), $serverDST->getContainer($dnDST), true);
    } else {
        return $serverDST->add($request['templateDST']->getDN(), $request['templateDST']->getLDAPadd());
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Recursively descend on the given dn and draw the tree in html
  * @param dn $dn Current dn.
  * @param int $level Level to start drawing (start to -1)
 protected function draw_item($item, $level)
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
         debug_log('Entered (%%)', 33, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
     $server = $this->getServer();
     # Get entry to display as node
     $entry = $this->getEntry($item);
     # If the entry doesnt exist, we'll add it.
     if (!$entry) {
         $entry = $this->getEntry($item);
     # If the entry doesnt exist in the server, then return here with an empty string.
     if (!$entry) {
     # Get our children.
     $child_count = $this->readChildrenNumber($item);
     $rdn = get_rdn($item);
     $dnENCODE = rawurlencode($item);
     $href['expand'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=expand&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $server->getIndex(), $dnENCODE));
     $href['collapse'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=collapse&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $server->getIndex(), $dnENCODE));
     $href['edit'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $server->getIndex(), $dnENCODE));
     echo '<tr class="option">';
     printf('<td class="spacer" colspan=%s></td>', $level + 2);
     # Is this node expanded? (deciding whether to draw "+" or "-")
     if ($entry->isOpened()) {
         if (!$child_count && !$this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) {
             printf('<td class="expander"><img src="%s/minus.png" alt="-" /></td>', IMGDIR);
         } else {
             printf('<td class="expander"><a href="%s"><img src="%s/minus.png" alt="-" /></a></td>', $href['collapse'], IMGDIR);
     } else {
         if ($child_count !== false && !$child_count && !$this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) {
             printf('<td class="expander"><img src="%s/minus.png" alt="-" /></td>', IMGDIR);
         } else {
             printf('<td class="expander"><a href="%s"><img src="%s/plus.png" alt="+" /></a></td>', $href['expand'], IMGDIR);
     printf('<td class="icon"><a href="%s" id="node_%s_%s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="img" /></a></td>', $href['edit'], $server->getIndex(), preg_replace('/=/', '_', base64_encode($item)), IMGDIR, $entry->getIcon());
     printf('<td class="phplm" width=100%% colspan="%s"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">', $this->getDepth() + 3 - $level);
     printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $href['edit'], $this->get_formatted_dn($entry, $level));
     if ($child_count) {
         printf(' <span class="count">(%s)</span>', $child_count);
     echo '</span></td></tr>';
     if ($entry->isOpened()) {
         /* Draw the "create new" link at the top of the tree list if there are more than 10
          * entries in the listing for this node.
         if (!$server->isReadOnly() && count($entry->getChildren()) > 10 && $this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) {
             $this->draw_create_link($rdn, $level, $dnENCODE);
         foreach ($entry->getChildren() as $dnChildEntry) {
             $this->draw_item($dnChildEntry, $level + 1);
         # Always draw the "create new" link at the bottom of the listing
         if (!$server->isReadOnly() && !$entry->isLeaf() && $this->getServer()->isShowCreateEnabled()) {
             $this->draw_create_link($rdn, $level, $dnENCODE);
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
         debug_log('Leaving (%s,%s)', 33, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $item, $level);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    $query['filter'] = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'posixfilter');
    $attr = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'posixattr');
} else {
    $query['filter'] = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'filter');
    $attr = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'attr');
$query['attrs'] = array($attr);
$possible_values = array();
foreach ($app['server']->getBaseDN() as $base) {
    $query['base'] = $base;
    $possible_values = array_merge($possible_values, $app['server']->query($query, null));
usort($possible_values, 'pla_compare_dns');
$request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b>', _('Modify group'), get_rdn($request['dn'])));
printf('%s <b>%s</b> %s <b>%s</b>:', _('There are'), count($current_members), _('members in group'), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($request['dn'])));
$possible_members = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($possible_values); $i++) {
    if (preg_match("/^" . $request['attr'] . "\$/i", $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'posixgroupattr'))) {
        $possible_members[$i] = $possible_values[$i][$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'posixattr')][0];
    } else {
        $possible_members[$i] = $possible_values[$i][$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('modify_member', 'attr')];
# Show only user that are not already in group.
$possible_members = array_diff($possible_members, $current_members);
usort($possible_members, 'pla_compare_dns');
/* Draw form with select boxes, left for all possible members and
 * right one for those that belong to group */
# Modifications will be sent to update_confirm which takes care of rest of the processing
echo '<br />';
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Check if the entry exists.
if (!$request['dn'] || !$app['server']->dnExists($request['dn'])) {
    error(sprintf(_('The entry (%s) does not exist.'), $request['dn']), 'error', 'index.php');
$request['page'] = new TemplateRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
$request['template'] = $request['page']->getTemplate();
if ($request['attribute']->isReadOnly())
	error(sprintf(_('The attribute (%s) is in readonly mode.'),$request['attr']),'error','index.php');
# Render the form
if (get_request('meth', 'REQUEST') != 'ajax') {
    # Render the form.
    $request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b> %s <b>%s</b>', _('Add new'), $request['attr'], _('value to'), get_rdn($request['dn'])));
    if (!strcasecmp($request['attr'], 'objectclass')) {
        echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" class="new_value" name="entry_form">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="add_oclass_form" />';
    } else {
        echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" class="new_value" name="entry_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return submitForm(this)">';
        if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('confirm', 'update')) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_confirm" />';
        } else {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update" />';
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($request['dn']));
    echo '<center>';
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Displays a form for renaming an LDAP entry.
 * @package phpLDAPadmin
 * @subpackage Page
require './common.php';
# The DN we are working with
$request = array();
$request['dn'] = get_request('dn', 'GET');
$request['template'] = get_request('template', 'GET');
$request['page'] = new PageRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
# Render the form
$request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b>', _('Rename'), get_rdn($request['dn'])));
echo '<center>';
printf('%s <b>%s</b> %s:<br /><br />', _('Rename'), get_rdn($request['dn']), _('to a new object'));
echo '<form action="cmd.php?cmd=rename" method="post" />';
printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />', rawurlencode($request['dn']));
printf('<input type="hidden" name="template" value="%s" />', $request['template']);
printf('<input type="text" name="new_rdn" size="30" value="%s" />', get_rdn($request['dn']));
printf('<input type="submit" value="%s" />', _('Rename'));
echo '</form>';
echo '</center>';
echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function drawTitle($title = null)
     if (DEBUGTMP) {
         printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />', __METHOD__);
     if (is_null($title)) {
         switch ($this->getMode()) {
             case 'creation':
                 $title = _('Create Object');
             case 'modification':
                 $title = htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($this->dn));
                 $title = 'Title';
Ejemplo n.º 11
if ($ldapserver->isReadOnly()) {
    pla_error(_('You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode'));
if (!$ldapserver->haveAuthInfo()) {
    pla_error(_('Not enough information to login to server. Please check your configuration.'));
$dn = $_POST['dn'];
if (!$dn) {
    pla_error(_('You must specify a DN'));
if (!$ldapserver->dnExists($dn)) {
    pla_error(sprintf(_('No such entry: %s'), htmlspecialchars($dn)));
include './header.php';
echo '<body>';
printf('<h3 class="title">' . _('Deleting %s') . '</h3>', htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($dn)));
printf('<h3 class="subtitle">%s</h3>', _('Recursive delete progress'));
echo '<br /><br />';
echo '<small>';
# prevent script from bailing early on a long delete
$del_result = pla_rdelete($ldapserver, $dn);
echo '</small><br />';
if ($del_result) {
    echo '<script language="javascript">parent.left_frame.location.reload();</script>';
    printf(_('Entry %s and sub-tree deleted successfully.'), '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($dn) . '</b>');
} else {
    pla_error(sprintf(_('Could not delete the entry: %s'), htmlspecialchars($dn)), $ldapserver->error(), $ldapserver->errno());
function pla_rdelete($ldapserver, $dn)
Ejemplo n.º 12
$ldap['attrs']['must'] = array_unique($ldap['attrs']['must']);
/* Build a list of the attributes that this new objectClass requires,
 * but that the object does not currently contain */
$ldap['attrs']['need'] = array();
foreach ($ldap['attrs']['must'] as $attr) {
    if (is_null($request['template']->getAttribute($attr))) {
        array_push($ldap['attrs']['need'], $attribute_factory->newAttribute($attr, array('values' => array()), $app['server']->getIndex()));
# Mark all the need attributes as shown
foreach ($ldap['attrs']['need'] as $index => $values) {
if (count($ldap['attrs']['need']) > 0) {
    $request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b>', _('Add new objectClass to'), get_rdn($request['dn'])));
    echo '<div style="text-align: center">';
    printf('<small><b>%s: </b>%s <b>%s</b> %s %s</small>', _('Instructions'), _('In order to add these objectClass(es) to this entry, you must specify'), count($ldap['attrs']['need']), _('new attributes'), _('that this objectClass requires.'));
    echo '<br /><br />';
    echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" id="entry_form">';
    echo '<div>';
    if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('confirm', 'update')) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_confirm" />';
    } else {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update" />';
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($request['dn']));
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<table class="entry" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">';
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Check if the entry exists.
if (!$request['dn'] || !$app['server']->dnExists($request['dn'])) {
    error(sprintf(_('The entry (%s) does not exist.'), $request['dn']), 'error', 'index.php');
$request['page'] = new TemplateRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, null));
$request['template'] = $request['page']->getTemplate();
if ($request['attribute']->isReadOnly())
	error(sprintf(_('The attribute (%s) is in readonly mode.'),$request['attr']),'error','index.php');
# Render the form
if (!strcasecmp($request['attr'], 'objectclass') || get_request('meth', 'REQUEST') != 'ajax') {
    # Render the form.
    $request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b> %s <b>%s</b>', _('Add new'), htmlspecialchars($request['attr']), _('value to'), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($request['dn']))));
    if (!strcasecmp($request['attr'], 'objectclass')) {
        echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" class="new_value" id="entry_form">';
        echo '<div>';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="add_oclass_form" />';
    } else {
        echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" class="new_value" id="entry_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return submitForm(this)">';
        echo '<div>';
        if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('confirm', 'update')) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update_confirm" />';
        } else {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="update" />';
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
Ejemplo n.º 14
require 'common.php';
$dn = rawurldecode($_GET['dn']);
$server_id = $_GET['server_id'];
$format = $_GET['format'];
$scope = $_GET['scope'] ? $_GET['scope'] : 'base';
check_server_id($server_id) or pla_error("Bad server_id: " . htmlspecialchars($server_id));
have_auth_info($server_id) or pla_error("Not enough information to login to server. Please check your configuration.");
$objects = pla_ldap_search($server_id, 'objectClass=*', $dn, array(), $scope, false);
$server_name = $servers[$server_id]['name'];
$server_host = $servers[$server_id]['host'];
//echo "<pre>";
//print_r( $objects );
$rdn = get_rdn($dn);
$friendly_rdn = get_rdn($dn, 1);
switch ($format) {
    case 'win':
        $br = "\r\n";
    case 'mac':
        $br = "\r";
    case 'unix':
        $br = "\n";
if (!$objects) {
    pla_error("Search on dn (" . htmlspecialchars($dn) . ") came back empty");
Ejemplo n.º 15
if (isset($_POST['filter'])) {
    preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $_POST['filter']);
    $attributes = split(',', preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $_POST['attributes']));
} else {
    $attributes = array();
# add system attributes if needed
if (isset($_POST['sys_attr'])) {
    array_push($attributes, '*');
    array_push($attributes, '+');
isset($_POST['exporter_id']) or pla_error(_('You must choose an export format.'));
$exporter_id = $_POST['exporter_id'];
isset($exporters[$exporter_id]) or pla_error(_('Invalid export format'));
# Initialisation of other variables
$friendly_rdn = get_rdn($base_dn, 1);
$extension = $exporters[$exporter_id]['extension'];
# default case not really needed
switch ($format) {
    case 'win':
        $br = "\r\n";
    case 'mac':
        $br = "\r";
    case 'unix':
        $br = "\n";
# get the decoree,ie the source
$plaLdapExporter = new PlaLdapExporter($ldapserver->server_id, $filter, $base_dn, $scope, $attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Recursively descend on the given dn and draw the tree in plm
 * @param dn $dn Current dn.
 * @param object $LDAPServer LDAPServer object
 * @param int $level Level to start drawing (defaults to 2)
 * @todo: Currently draw PLM only shows the first 50 entries of the base children - possibly the childrens children too. Have disabed the size_limit on the base - need to check that it doesnt affect non PLM tree viewer and children where size > size_limit.
function draw_tree_plm($dn, $ldapserver, $level = 2)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
        debug_log('draw_tree_plm(): Entered with (%s,%s,%s)', 33, $dn, $ldapserver, $level);
    global $config;
    $tree = get_cached_item($ldapserver->server_id, 'tree');
    $encoded_dn = rawurlencode($dn);
    #$expand_href = sprintf('expand.php?server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn);
    $edit_href = sprintf('template_engine.php?server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s', $ldapserver->server_id, $encoded_dn);
    #$img_src = sprintf('images/%s',$tree['browser'][$dn]['icon']);
    $rdn = get_rdn($dn);
    $dots = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $level; $i++) {
        $dots .= '.';
    # Have we tranversed this part of the tree yet?
    if (isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['open'])) {
        $tree_plm = sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n", $dots, $rdn . ' (' . number_format(count($tree['browser'][$dn]['children'])) . ')', $edit_href, $dn, $tree['browser'][$dn]['icon'], 'right_frame', isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['open']) ? $tree['browser'][$dn]['open'] : 0);
        foreach ($tree['browser'][$dn]['children'] as $dn) {
            $tree_plm .= draw_tree_plm($dn, $ldapserver, $level + 1);
    } else {
        $size_limit = $config->GetValue('search', 'size_limit');
        $child_count = count($ldapserver->getContainerContents($dn, $size_limit + 1, '(objectClass=*)', $config->GetValue('deref', 'tree')));
        if ($child_count > $size_limit) {
            $child_count = $size_limit . '+';
        if ($child_count) {
            $tree_plm = sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n", $dots, $rdn . ' (' . $child_count . ')', $edit_href, $dn, $tree['browser'][$dn]['icon'], 'right_frame', isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['open']) ? $tree['browser'][$dn]['open'] : 0, $child_count);
        } else {
            $tree_plm = sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n", $dots, $rdn . ' (0)', $edit_href, $dn, $tree['browser'][$dn]['icon'], 'right_frame', isset($tree['browser'][$dn]['open']) ? $tree['browser'][$dn]['open'] : 0, $child_count);
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
        debug_log('draw_tree_plm(): Returning (%s)', 33, $tree_plm);
    return $tree_plm;
Ejemplo n.º 17
printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="%sdnChooserPopup.js"></script>', JSDIR);
echo '<center>';
printf('%s <b>%s</b> %s:<br /><br />', _('Copy'), get_rdn($request['dn']), _('to a new object'));
echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" name="copy_form">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="copy" />';
printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id_src" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn_src" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($request['dn']));
echo "\n";
echo '<table style="border-spacing: 10px">';
echo '<tr>';
printf('<td><acronym title="%s">%s</acronym>:</td>', _('The full DN of the new entry to be created when copying the source entry'), _('Destination DN'));
echo '<td>';
printf('<input type="text" name="dn_dst" size="45" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($request['dn']));
draw_chooser_link('copy_form.dn_dst', 'true', get_rdn($request['dn']));
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo "\n";
printf('<tr><td>%s:</td><td>%s</td></tr>', _('Destination Server'), server_select_list($app['server']->getIndex(), true, 'server_id_dst'));
echo "\n";
# We search all children, not only the visible children in the tree
$request['children'] = $app['server']->getContainerContents($request['dn']);
if (count($request['children']) > 0) {
    echo '<tr>';
    printf('<td><label for="recursive">%s</label>:</td>', _('Recursive copy'));
    echo '<td><input type="checkbox" id="recursive" name="recursive" onClick="copy_field_toggle(this)" />';
    printf('<small>(%s)</small></td>', _('Recursively copy all children of this object as well.'));
    echo '</tr>';
    echo "\n";
    echo '<tr>';
Ejemplo n.º 18
function copy_dn($source_server_id, $source_dn, $dest_server_id, $dest_dn)
    global $ds;
    $ds = pla_ldap_connect($dest_server_id) or pla_error("Could not connect to LDAP server");
    $attrs = get_object_attrs($source_server_id, $source_dn);
    $new_entry = $attrs;
    // modify the prefix-value (ie "bob" in cn=bob) to match the destination DN's value.
    $rdn_attr = substr($dest_dn, 0, strpos($dest_dn, '='));
    $rdn_value = get_rdn($dest_dn);
    $rdn_value = substr($rdn_value, strpos($rdn_value, '=') + 1);
    $new_entry[$rdn_attr] = $rdn_value;
    // don't need a dn attribute in the new entry
    $add_result = @ldap_add($ds, $dest_dn, $new_entry);
    if (!$add_result) {
        echo "</small><br /><br />";
        pla_error("Failed to copy {$source_dn} (server: {$source_server_id}) to " . "{$dest_dn} (server: {$dest_server_id})", ldap_error($ds), ldap_errno($ds));
    return $add_result;
Ejemplo n.º 19
require './common.php';
# The DN we are working with
$request = array();
$request['dn'] = get_request('dn', 'GET');
# Check if the entry exists.
if (!$request['dn'] || !$app['server']->dnExists($request['dn'])) {
    error(sprintf(_('The entry (%s) does not exist.'), $request['dn']), 'error', 'index.php');
$request['page'] = new TemplateRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, null));
$request['template'] = $request['page']->getTemplate();
# Render the form
if (get_request('meth', 'REQUEST') != 'ajax') {
    $request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b>', _('Add new attribute'), get_rdn($request['dn'])));
    echo '<div style="text-align: center;">';
    if (count($request['template']->getAvailAttrs())) {
        # If we have more than the configured entries, we'll separate our input to the old ways.
        if (count($request['template']->getAvailAttrs()) > $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance', 'max_add_attrs')) {
            $attr = array();
            $attr['avail'] = array();
            $attr['binary'] = array();
            foreach ($request['template']->getAvailAttrs() as $attribute) {
                if ($app['server']->isAttrBinary($attribute->getName())) {
                    array_push($attr['binary'], $attribute);
                } else {
                    array_push($attr['avail'], $attribute);
Ejemplo n.º 20
require './common.php';
# The DN we are working with
$request = array();
$request['dn'] = get_request('dn', 'GET');
$request['page'] = new PageRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
$request['template'] = $request['page']->getTemplate();
# Check if the entry exists.
if (!$request['dn'] || !$app['server']->dnExists($request['dn'])) {
    system_message(array('title' => _('Entry does not exist'), 'body' => sprintf('%s (%s)', _('The entry does not exist'), $request['dn']), 'type' => 'error'), 'index.php');
# We search all children, not only the visible children in the tree
$request['children'] = $app['server']->getContainerContents($request['dn'], null, 0, '(objectClass=*)', LDAP_DEREF_NEVER);
printf('<h3 class="title">%s %s</h3>', _('Delete'), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($request['dn'])));
printf('<h3 class="subtitle">%s: <b>%s</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; %s: <b>%s</b></h3>', _('Server'), $app['server']->getName(), _('Distinguished Name'), $request['dn']);
echo "\n";
echo '<center>';
if (count($request['children'])) {
    printf('<b>%s</b><br /><br />', _('Permanently delete all children also?'));
    $search['href'] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=query_engine&server_id=%s&filter=%s&base=%s&scope=sub&query=none&format=list', $app['server']->getIndex(), rawurlencode('objectClass=*'), rawurlencode($request['dn'])));
    $query = array();
    $query['base'] = $request['dn'];
    $query['scope'] = 'sub';
    $query['attrs'] = array('dn');
    $query['size_limit'] = 0;
    $query['deref'] = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER;
    $request['search'] = $app['server']->query($query, null);
    echo '<table class="forminput" border="0">';
    echo '<tr>';
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Gets a DN string using the user-configured tree_display_format string to format it.
function draw_formatted_dn($ldapserver, $dn)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
        debug_log('draw_formatted_dn(): Entered with (%s,%s)', 1, $ldapserver->server_id, $dn);
    global $config;
    $format = $config->GetValue('appearance', 'tree_display_format');
    preg_match_all("/%[a-zA-Z_0-9]+/", $format, $tokens);
    $tokens = $tokens[0];
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
        if (0 == strcasecmp($token, '%dn')) {
            $format = str_replace($token, pretty_print_dn($dn), $format);
        } elseif (0 == strcasecmp($token, '%rdn')) {
            $format = str_replace($token, pretty_print_dn(get_rdn($dn)), $format);
        } elseif (0 == strcasecmp($token, '%rdnvalue')) {
            $rdn = get_rdn($dn);
            $rdn_value = explode('=', $rdn, 2);
            $rdn_value = $rdn_value[1];
            $format = str_replace($token, $rdn_value, $format);
        } else {
            $attr_name = str_replace('%', '', $token);
            $attr_values = $ldapserver->getDNAttr($dn, $attr_name);
            if (null == $attr_values) {
                $display = 'none';
            } elseif (is_array($attr_values)) {
                $display = htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $attr_values));
            } else {
                $display = htmlspecialchars($attr_values);
            $format = str_replace($token, $display, $format);
    return $format;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Gets a DN string using the user-configured tree_display_format string to format it.
function draw_formatted_dn($server, $entry)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
        debug_log('Entered (%%)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
    $dn = $entry->getDn();
    $formats = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('appearance', 'tree_display_format');
    foreach ($formats as $format) {
        $has_none = false;
        preg_match_all('/%[a-zA-Z_0-9]+/', $format, $tokens);
        $tokens = $tokens[0];
        if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
            debug_log('The tokens are (%s)', 1, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $tokens);
        foreach ($tokens as $token) {
            if (strcasecmp($token, '%dn') == 0) {
                $format = str_replace($token, pretty_print_dn($dn), $format);
            } elseif (strcasecmp($token, '%rdn') == 0) {
                $format = str_replace($token, pretty_print_dn($entry->getRDN()), $format);
            } elseif (strcasecmp($token, '%rdnvalue') == 0) {
                $rdn = get_rdn($dn, 0, true);
                $rdn_value = explode('=', $rdn, 2);
                $rdn_value = $rdn_value[1];
                $format = str_replace($token, $rdn_value, $format);
            } else {
                $attr_name = str_replace('%', '', $token);
                $attr_values = $server->getDNAttrValue($dn, $attr_name);
                if (is_null($attr_values) || count($attr_values) <= 0) {
                    $display = '&lt;' . _('none') . '&gt;';
                    $has_none = true;
                } elseif (is_array($attr_values)) {
                    $display = implode(', ', $attr_values);
                } else {
                    $display = $attr_values;
                $format = str_replace($token, $display, $format);
        # If this format has all values available, use it. Otherwise, try the next one
        if (!$has_none) {
            return $format;
    return $format;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private function visitEnd()
     if (DEBUG_ENABLED && (($fargs = func_get_args()) || ($fargs = 'NOARGS'))) {
         debug_log('Entered (%%)', 129, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, $fargs);
     $server = $this->getServer();
     $afattrs = $this->getAFAttrs();
     # If Mass Actions Enabled
     if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('mass', 'enabled')) {
         $mass_actions = array(_('delete') => 'mass_delete', _('edit') => 'mass_edit');
     $ado = $this->template->getAttrDisplayOrder();
     $counter = 0;
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($this->template->results as $base => $results) {
         if (!($show = get_request('show', 'REQUEST'))) {
             $show = $counter === 1 ? $this->getAjaxRef($base) : null;
         printf('<div id="DN%s" style="display: %s">', $this->getAjaxRef($base), $show == $this->getAjaxRef($base) ? 'block' : 'none');
         echo '<table class="result_box" border="0" width="100%">';
         echo '<tr><td>';
         echo '<br/>';
         echo '<br/>';
         $this->drawResultsTable($base, count($results));
         echo '<br/>';
         echo '<br/>';
         switch (get_request('format', 'REQUEST', false, $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('search', 'display'))) {
             case 'list':
                 foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
                     $dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails);
                     # Temporarily set our DN, for rendering that leverages our DN (eg: JpegPhoto)
                     echo '<table class="result" border="0">';
                     echo '<tr class="list_title">';
                     printf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="icon" /></td>', IMGDIR, get_icon($server->getIndex(), $dndetails['dn']));
                     printf('<td colspan="2"><a href="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&amp;server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s">%s</a></td>', $server->getIndex(), $this->template->getDNEncode(), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($dndetails['dn'])));
                     echo '</tr>';
                     printf('<tr class="list_item"><td class="blank">&nbsp;</td><td class="heading">dn</td><td class="value">%s</td></tr>', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($dndetails['dn'])));
                     # Iterate over each attribute for this entry
                     foreach (explode(',', $ado) as $attr) {
                         $attr = strtolower($attr);
                         # Ignore DN, we've already displayed it.
                         if ($attr == 'dn') {
                         if (!isset($dndetails[$attr])) {
                         # Set our object with our values
                         if (is_array($dndetails[$attr])) {
                         } else {
                         echo '<tr class="list_item">';
                         echo '<td class="blank">&nbsp;</td>';
                         echo '<td class="heading">';
                         $this->draw('Name', $afattrs[$attr]);
                         echo '</td>';
                         echo '<td>';
                         $this->draw('CurrentValues', $afattrs[$attr]);
                         echo '</td>';
                         echo '</tr>';
                     echo '</table>';
                     echo '<br/>';
                 # Display the results.
             # Display the results.
             case 'table':
                 if (!$results) {
                     echo _('Search returned no results');
                 printf('<form action="cmd.php" method="post" id="massform_%s">', $counter);
                 echo '<div>';
                 printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $server->getIndex());
                 foreach ($this->template->resultsdata[$base]['attrs'] as $attr) {
                     printf('<input type="hidden" name="attrs[]" value="%s" />', $attr);
                 echo '</div>';
                 echo '<table class="result_table" border="0">';
                 echo '<thead class="fixheader">';
                 echo '<tr class="heading">';
                 echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                 echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                 foreach (explode(',', $ado) as $attr) {
                     echo '<td>';
                     $this->draw('Name', $afattrs[$attr]);
                     echo '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</thead>';
                 echo '<tbody class="scroll">';
                 foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
                     $dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails);
                     # Temporarily set our DN, for rendering that leverages our DN (eg: JpegPhoto)
                     printf('<tr class="%s" id="tr_ma_%s" onclick="var cb=document.getElementById(\'ma_%s\'); cb.checked=!cb.checked;">', $j % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd', $j, $j);
                     # Is mass action enabled.
                     if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('mass', 'enabled')) {
                         printf('<td><input type="checkbox" id="ma_%s" name="dn[]" value="%s" onclick="this.checked=!this.checked;" /></td>', $j, $dndetails['dn']);
                     $href = sprintf('cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $server->getIndex(), $this->template->getDNEncode());
                     printf('<td class="icon"><a href="cmd.php?%s"><img src="%s/%s" alt="icon" /></a></td>', htmlspecialchars($href), IMGDIR, get_icon($server->getIndex(), $dndetails['dn']));
                     # We'll clone our attribute factory attributes, since we need to add the values to them for rendering.
                     foreach (explode(',', $ado) as $attr) {
                         # If the entry is blank, we'll draw an empty box and continue.
                         if (!isset($dndetails[$attr])) {
                             echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
                         # Special case for DNs
                         if ($attr == 'dn') {
                             $dn_display = strlen($dndetails['dn']) > 40 ? sprintf('<acronym title="%s">%s...</acronym>', htmlspecialchars($dndetails['dn']), htmlspecialchars(substr($dndetails['dn'], 0, 40))) : htmlspecialchars($dndetails['dn']);
                             printf('<td><a href="cmd.php?%s">%s</a></td>', htmlspecialchars($href), $dn_display);
                         # Set our object with our values
                         if (is_array($dndetails[$attr])) {
                         } else {
                         echo '<td>';
                         $this->draw('CurrentValues', $afattrs[$attr]);
                         echo '</td>';
                     echo '</tr>';
                 # Is mass action enabled.
                 if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('mass', 'enabled')) {
                     printf('<tr class="%s">', ++$j % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even');
                     printf('<td><input type="checkbox" name="allbox" value="1" onclick="CheckAll(1,\'massform_\',%s);" /></td>', $counter);
                     printf('<td colspan="%s">', 2 + count(explode(',', $ado)));
                     foreach ($mass_actions as $display => $action) {
                         printf('<button type="submit" name="cmd" value="%s">%s</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;', $action, $display);
                     echo '</td>';
                     echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</tbody>';
                 echo '</table>';
                 echo '</form>';
                 echo "\n\n";
                 printf('Have ID [%s], run this query for page [%s]', $this->template_id, $this->page);
         echo '</td></tr>';
         echo '</table>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo "\n\n";
     if (get_request('format', 'REQUEST', false, 'table') == 'table') {
         printf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%sCheckAll.js"></script>', JSDIR);
Ejemplo n.º 24
# The DN we are working with
$request = array();
$request['dn'] = get_request('dn', 'GET');
# Check if the entry exists.
if (!$request['dn'] || !$app['server']->dnExists($request['dn'])) {
    error(sprintf(_('The entry (%s) does not exist.'), $request['dn']), 'error', 'index.php');
$request['page'] = new PageRender($app['server']->getIndex(), get_request('template', 'REQUEST', false, 'none'));
# Render the form
$request['page']->drawTitle(sprintf('%s <b>%s</b>', _('Compare another DN with'), get_rdn($request['dn'])));
printf('<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="%sdnChooserPopup.js"></script>', JSDIR);
echo '<center>';
printf('%s <b>%s</b> %s<br />', _('Compare'), get_rdn($request['dn']), _('with '));
echo '<form action="cmd.php" method="post" name="compare_form">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="compare" />';
printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
printf('<input type="hidden" name="server_id_src" value="%s" />', $app['server']->getIndex());
printf('<input type="hidden" name="dn_src" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($request['dn']));
echo "\n";
echo '<table style="border-spacing: 10px">';
echo '<tr>';
printf('<td><acronym title="%s">%s</acronym>:</td>', _('Compare this DN with another'), _('Destination DN'));
echo '<td>';
echo '<input type="text" name="dn_dst" size="45" value="" />';
draw_chooser_link('compare_form.dn_dst', 'true', '');
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 25


        if ($results) {
            foreach ($results as $dn => $attrs) {
                $encoded_dn = rawurlencode($dn);
                $rdn = utf8_decode(get_rdn($dn));
			<div class="search_result">
			<a href="edit.php?server_id=<?php 
                echo $server_id;
                echo $encoded_dn;
                echo htmlspecialchars($rdn);
			<table class="attrs">
Ejemplo n.º 26
 echo '<table class="result_box" width="100%" border="1">';
 echo '<tr><td>';
 echo '<br/>';
 echo '<table class="result" border="0">';
 echo '<tr><td>';
 printf(_('There will be %s updates done with this mass update'), sprintf('<b>%s</b>', count($request['update'])));
 echo '</td></tr>';
 echo '</table>';
 echo '<br/>';
 foreach ($request['update'] as $index => $page) {
     $template = $page->getTemplate();
     echo '<table class="result" border="0">';
     echo '<tr class="list_title">';
     printf('<td class="icon"><img src="%s/%s" alt="icon" /></td>', IMGDIR, get_icon($app['server']->getIndex(), $template->getDN()));
     printf('<td colspan="3"><a href="cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&amp;server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s">%s</a></td>', $app['server']->getIndex(), rawurlencode(dn_unescape($template->getDN())), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($template->getDN())));
     echo '</tr>';
     printf('<tr class="list_item"><td class="blank">&nbsp;</td><td class="heading">dn</td><td class="value" style="width: 45%%;">%s</td><td class="value" style="width: 45%%;"><b>%s</b></td></tr>', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($template->getDN())), _('Old Value'));
     foreach ($template->getLDAPmodify(true, $index) as $attribute) {
         echo '<tr class="list_item">';
         echo '<td class="blank">&nbsp;</td>';
         echo '<td class="heading">';
         $page->draw('Name', $attribute);
         echo '</td>';
         # Show NEW Values
         echo '<td><span style="white-space: nowrap;">';
         if (!$attribute->getValueCount() || $attribute->isForceDelete()) {
             printf('<span style="color: red">[%s]</span>', _('attribute deleted'));
             printf('<input type="hidden" name="mass_values[%s][%s][%s]" value="%s" />', $index, $attribute->getName(), 0, '');
         foreach ($attribute->getValues() as $key => $value) {
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected function drawFormReadWriteValueGidAttribute($attribute, $i)
     if (DEBUGTMP) {
         printf('<font size=-2>%s</font><br />', __METHOD__);
     $this->drawFormReadWriteValueAttribute($attribute, $i);
     $server = $this->getServer();
     $val = $attribute->getValue($i);
     # If this is a gidNumber on a non-PosixGroup entry, lookup its name and description for convenience
     if ($this->template->getDN() && !in_array_ignore_case('posixGroup', $this->getServer()->getDNAttrValue($this->template->getDN(), 'objectclass'))) {
         $query['filter'] = sprintf('(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=%s))', $val);
         $query['attrs'] = array('dn', 'description');
         # Reorganise our base, so that our base is first
         $bases = array_unique(array_merge(array($server->getContainerTop($this->template->getDN())), $server->getBaseDN()));
         # Search our bases, until we find a match.
         foreach ($bases as $base) {
             $query['base'] = $base;
             $group = $this->getServer()->query($query, null);
             if (count($group) > 0) {
                 echo '<br />';
                 $group = array_pop($group);
                 $group_dn = $group['dn'];
                 $group_name = explode('=', get_rdn($group_dn));
                 $group_name = $group_name[1];
                 $href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s', $this->getServerID(), rawurlencode($group_dn));
                 echo '<small>';
                 printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', htmlspecialchars($href), $group_name);
                 $description = isset($group['description']) ? $group['description'] : null;
                 if (is_array($description)) {
                     foreach ($description as $item) {
                         printf(' (%s)', $item);
                 } else {
                     printf(' (%s)', $description);
                 echo '</small>';
Ejemplo n.º 28
    $dns2 = array('dc=example, dc=com', 'cn=joe,dc=example,dc=com', 'CN =joe,dc=Example2,dc =com', 'cn= 2bob, dc= example,dc =com');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($dns1); $i++) {
        var_dump(pla_compare_dns($dns1[$i], $dns2[$i]));
        echo "\n";
// testing get_rdn()
if (false) {
    echo "Should be uid=bäb: ";
    echo get_rdn("uid=bäb,ou=People-copy1,ou=People-copy2,ou=People2,dc=example,dc=com");
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "Should be dc=com: ";
    echo get_rdn("dc=com");
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "Should be Fred: ";
    echo get_rdn("Fred");
    echo "<br>\n";
// testing get_container()
if (false) {
    echo "Should be ou=People-copy1,ou=People-copy2,ou=People2,dc=example,dc=com: ";
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "Should be null: ";
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "Should be null: ";
    echo "<br>\n";
// tests pla_explode_dn()
Ejemplo n.º 29
$friendly_attrs = process_friendly_attr_table();
# Iterate over each entry
$i = 0;
foreach ($results as $dn => $dndetails) {
    if ($i <= $start_entry) {
    if ($i >= $end_entry) {
    echo '<div class="search_result">';
    echo '<table><tr>';
    printf('<td><img src="images/%s" /></td>', get_icon($ldapserver, $dn));
    printf('<td><a href="template_engine.php?server_id=%s&amp;dn=%s">%s</a></td>', $ldapserver->server_id, rawurlencode(dn_unescape($dn)), htmlspecialchars(get_rdn($dn)));
    echo '</tr></table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<table class="attrs">';
    printf('<tr><td class="attr" valign="top">dn</td><td>%s</td></tr>', htmlspecialchars(dn_unescape($dn)));
    # Iterate over each attribute for this entry
    foreach ($dndetails as $attr => $values) {
        # Ignore DN, we've already displayed it.
        if ($attr == 'dn') {
        if ($ldapserver->isAttrBinary($attr)) {
            $values = array('(binary)');
        if (isset($friendly_attrs[strtolower($attr)])) {
            $attr = sprintf('<acronym title="Alias for $attr">%s</acronym>', htmlspecialchars($friendly_attrs[strtolower($attr)]));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function readEntry()
     static $haveVersion = false;
     if ($lines = $this->nextLines()) {
         # If we have a version line.
         if (!$haveVersion && preg_match('/^version:/', $lines[0])) {
             list($text, $version) = $this->getAttrValue(array_shift($lines));
             if ($version != 1) {
                 return $this->error(sprintf('%s %s', _('LDIF import only suppports version 1'), $version), $lines);
             $haveVersion = true;
             $lines = $this->nextLines();
         $server = $this->getServer();
         # The first line should be the DN
         if (preg_match('/^dn:/', $lines[0])) {
             list($text, $dn) = $this->getAttrValue(array_shift($lines));
             # The second line should be our changetype
             if (preg_match('/^changetype:[ ]*(delete|add|modrdn|moddn|modify)/i', $lines[0])) {
                 $attrvalue = $this->getAttrValue($lines[0]);
                 $changetype = $attrvalue[1];
             } else {
                 $changetype = 'add';
             $this->template = new Template($this->server_id, null, null, $changetype);
             switch ($changetype) {
                 case 'add':
                     $rdn = get_rdn($dn);
                     $container = $server->getContainer($dn);
                     return $this->template;
                 case 'modify':
                     if (!$server->dnExists($dn)) {
                         return $this->error(sprintf('%s %s', _('DN does not exist'), $dn), $lines);
                     $this->template->accept(false, true);
                     return $this->getModifyDetails($lines);
                 case 'moddn':
                 case 'modrdn':
                     if (!$server->dnExists($dn)) {
                         return $this->error(sprintf('%s %s', _('DN does not exist'), $dn), $lines);
                     return $this->getModRDNAttributes($lines);
                     if (!$server->dnExists($dn)) {
                         return $this->error(_('Unkown change type'), $lines);
         } else {
             return $this->error(_('A valid dn line is required'), $lines);
     } else {
         return false;