function get_Meeting_report($SponsID) { require 'DBconnect.php'; //this is needed in every function that uses mySQL $rep_name = get_person_name($SponsID); $rep_calls = 0; $rep_emails = 0; $rep_Meetings = 0; $rep_Meeting_query = "SELECT * FROM Meeting WHERE SponsID = {$SponsID}"; $result = mysql_query($rep_Meeting_query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { switch ($row["MeetingType"]) { case "Call": $rep_calls++; break; case "Email": $rep_emails++; break; case "Meet": $rep_Meetings++; break; } } } return array($rep_name, $rep_calls, $rep_Meetings, $rep_emails); }
echo "<th class='heading'>" . _Th('case_input_author') . ' ' . '<a title="' . _T('fu_button_stats_' . ($show_more_times ? 'less' : 'more')) . '" href="' . $link_details->getUrl() . '">' . '<img src="images/spip/' . ($show_more_times ? 'moins' : 'plus') . '.gif" alt="" border="0" />' . '</a>' . "</th>\n"; echo "<th class='heading' width='120' nowrap='nowrap' align='right'>" . _Th('time_input_length') . ' (' . _T('time_info_short_hour') . ")</th>\n"; $total_time = 0; $total_sum_billed = 0.0; $meta_sum_billed = read_meta('fu_sum_billed'); if ($meta_sum_billed == 'yes') { $currency = read_meta('currency'); echo "<th class='heading' width='120' nowrap='nowrap' align='right'>" . _Th('fu_input_sum_billed') . ' (' . $currency . ")</th>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; // Show table contents & calculate total while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { $total_time += $row['time']; $total_sum_billed += $row['sumbilled']; echo "<tr><td>"; echo get_person_name($row); echo '</td><td align="right" valign="top">'; echo format_time_interval_prefs($row['time']); echo "</td>\n"; if ($meta_sum_billed == 'yes') { echo '<td align="right" valign="top">'; echo format_money($row['sumbilled']); echo "</td>\n"; } if ($show_more_times) { $fu_types = get_keywords_in_group_name('followups', false); $html = ""; foreach ($fu_types as $f) { $q2 = "SELECT type,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fu.date_end) > 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(fu.date_end)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fu.date_start), 0)) as time,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsum(sumbilled) as sumbilled\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_followup as fu\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fu.id_case = {$case}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND fu.id_author = " . $row['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND fu.hidden = 'N'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND fu.type = '" . $f['name'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY fu.type"; $r2 = lcm_query($q2); // FIXME: css for "ul/li" is a bit weird, but without specifying the height,
function sql_calendrier_interval_rv($avant, $apres) { /* // Debug info echo "<!-- sql_calendrier_interval_rv($avant, $apres)"; */ global $connect_id_auteur; $evenements = array(); if (!$connect_id_auteur) { return $evenements; } /* [ML] 2007-01-16: "group by a.id_app" was commented out because in theory there should not be multiple identical rows for (id_app, id_author) but who knows, there are mysterious bugs sometimes.. NOTE: if someone adds the 'group by', dont forget to group by on all 'select' fields, otherwise postgresql panics. */ $q = "SELECT a.*\n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_app as a, lcm_author_app as ap\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (ap.id_author = " . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\t\tAND a.id_app = ap.id_app\n\t\t\t\tAND a.hidden != 'Y'\n\t\t\t\tAND ((a.end_time >= {$avant} OR a.start_time >= {$avant}) AND a.start_time <= {$apres}))\n\t" . "\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY a.start_time"; $result = lcm_query($q); while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { $date_heure = $row["start_time"]; $date_fin = $row["end_time"]; $type = $row["type"]; $id_message = $row['id_app']; $cat = 9; $auteurs = array(); $result_aut = lcm_query("SELECT au.name_first, au.name_last\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\tlcm_author as au, lcm_author_app as ap\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\t(ap.id_app = {$id_message}\n\t\t\t\t\tAND\tau.id_author != " . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND\tap.id_author = au.id_author)"); while ($row_auteur = lcm_fetch_array($result_aut)) { $auteurs[] = get_person_name($row_auteur); } $jour_avant = substr($avant, 9, 2); $mois_avant = substr($avant, 6, 2); $annee_avant = substr($avant, 1, 4); $jour_apres = substr($apres, 9, 2); $mois_apres = substr($apres, 6, 2); $annee_apres = substr($apres, 1, 4); $ical_apres = sql_calendrier_jour_ical("{$annee_apres}-{$mois_apres}-" . sprintf("%02d", $jour_apres)); // Calcul pour les semaines a cheval sur deux mois $j = 0; $amj = sql_calendrier_jour_ical("{$annee_avant}-{$mois_avant}-" . sprintf("%02d", $j + $jour_avant)); while ($amj <= $ical_apres) { if (!($amj == sql_calendrier_jour_ical($date_fin) and preg_match("/00:00:00/", $date_fin))) { // Ne pas prendre la fin a minuit sur jour precedent $evenements[$amj][$id_message] = array('URL' => "app_det.php?app={$id_message}", 'DTSTART' => date_ical($date_heure), 'DTEND' => date_ical($date_fin), 'DESCRIPTION' => $row['description'], 'SUMMARY' => $row['title'], 'CATEGORIES' => $cat, 'ATTENDEE' => count($auteurs) == 0 ? '' : join($auteurs, ", ")); } $j++; $ladate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(1, 1, 1, $mois_avant, $j + $jour_avant, $annee_avant)); $amj = sql_calendrier_jour_ical($ladate); } } /* // Debug info echo " = "; var_dump($evenements); echo " -->\n"; */ return $evenements; }
function show_report_filters($id_report, $is_runtime = false) { // Get general report info $q = "SELECT * FROM lcm_report WHERE id_report = " . intval($id_report); $res = lcm_query($q); $rep_info = lcm_fetch_array($res); if (!$rep_info) { lcm_panic("Report does not exist: {$id_report}"); } // List filters attached to this report $query = "SELECT *\n\t\tFROM lcm_rep_filter as v, lcm_fields as f\n\t\tWHERE id_report = " . $id_report . "\n\t\tAND f.id_field = v.id_field"; // If generating the report (as opposed to editing), show filters // who have a filter type (eq, neq, in, ..), but no value. if ($is_runtime) { $query .= " AND v.type != '' AND v.value = '' "; } $result = lcm_query($query); if (lcm_num_rows($result)) { if ($is_runtime) { // submit all at once (else submit on a per-filter basis) echo '<form action="run_rep.php" name="frm_filters" method="get">' . "\n"; echo '<input name="rep" value="' . $id_report . '" type="hidden" />' . "\n"; if (isset($_REQUEST['export'])) { echo '<input name="export" value="' . $_REQUEST['export'] . '" type="hidden" />' . "\n"; } } echo "<table border='0' class='tbl_usr_dtl' width='99%'>\n"; while ($filter = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { if (!$is_runtime) { echo "<form action='upd_rep_field.php' name='frm_line_additem' method='get'>\n"; echo "<input name='update' value='filter' type='hidden' />\n"; echo "<input name='rep' value='{$id_report}' type='hidden' />\n"; echo "<input name='id_filter' value='" . $filter['id_filter'] . "' type='hidden' />\n"; } echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . _Th($filter['description']) . "</td>\n"; // Type of filter echo "<td>"; $all_filters = array('number' => array('none', 'num_eq', 'num_neq', 'num_lt', 'num_le', 'num_gt', 'num_ge'), 'date' => array('none', 'date_eq', 'date_in', 'date_lt', 'date_le', 'date_gt', 'date_ge'), 'text' => array('none', 'text_eq', 'text_neq')); if ($all_filters[$filter['filter']]) { // At runtime, if a filter has been selected, do not allow select if ($filter['type'] && $is_runtime) { echo _T('rep_filter_' . $filter['type']); } else { echo "<select name='filter_type'>\n"; echo "<option value=''>...</option>\n"; foreach ($all_filters[$filter['filter']] as $f) { $sel = $filter['type'] == $f ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo "<option value='" . $f . "'" . $sel . ">" . _T('rep_filter_' . $f) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } } else { // XXX Should happen only if a filter was removed in a future version, e.g. rarely // or between development releases. echo "Unknown filter"; } echo "</td>\n"; // Value for filter echo "<td>"; switch ($filter['type']) { case 'num_eq': case 'num_neq': if ($filter['field_name'] == 'id_author') { $name = $is_runtime ? "filter_val" . $filter['id_filter'] : 'filter_value'; // XXX make this a function $q = "SELECT * FROM lcm_author WHERE status IN ('admin', 'normal', 'external')"; $result_author = lcm_query($q); echo "<select name='{$name}'>\n"; echo "<option value=''>...</option>\n"; // TRAD while ($author = lcm_fetch_array($result_author)) { // Check for already submitted value $sel = $filter['value'] == $author['id_author'] || $_REQUEST['filter_val' . $filter['id_filter']] == $author['id_author'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo "<option value='" . $author['id_author'] . "'" . $sel . ">" . $author['id_author'] . " : " . get_person_name($author) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; break; } case 'num_lt': case 'num_gt': $name = $is_runtime ? "filter_val" . $filter['id_filter'] : 'filter_value'; echo '<input style="width: 99%;" type="text" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $filter['value'] . '" />'; break; case 'date_eq': case 'date_lt': case 'date_le': case 'date_gt': case 'date_ge': $name = $is_runtime ? "filter_val" . $filter['id_filter'] : 'date'; echo get_date_inputs($name, $filter['value']); // FIXME break; case 'date_in': // date_in has two values, stored ex: 2005-01-01 00:00:00;2006-02-02 00:00:00 $name = $is_runtime ? "filter_val" . $filter['id_filter'] : 'date'; $values = split(";", $filter['value']); echo get_date_inputs($name . '_start', $values[0]); echo "<br />\n"; echo get_date_inputs($name . '_end', $values[1]); break; case 'text_eq': case 'text_neq': $name = $is_runtime ? "filter_val" . $filter['id_filter'] : 'filter_value'; if ($filter['enum_type']) { $enum = explode(":", $filter['enum_type']); if ($enum[0] == 'keyword') { if ($enum[1] == 'system_kwg') { $all_kw = get_keywords_in_group_name($enum[2]); echo '<select name="' . $name . '">' . "\n"; echo '<option value="">' . "..." . "</option>\n"; // TRAD foreach ($all_kw as $kw) { $sel = $filter['value'] == $kw['name'] || $_REQUEST['filter_val' . $filter['id_filter']] == $kw['name'] ? ' selected="selected" ' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $kw['name'] . '"' . $sel . '>' . _Tkw($enum[2], $kw['name']) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } } elseif ($enum[0] == 'list') { $items = split(",", $enum[1]); echo '<select name="' . $name . '">' . "\n"; echo '<option value="">' . "..." . "</option>\n"; // TRAD foreach ($items as $i) { $tmp = $i; if ($enum[2]) { $tmp = _T($enum[2] . $tmp); } $sel = $filter['value'] == $i || $_REQUEST['filter_val' . $filter['id_filter']] == $i ? ' selected="selected" ' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $i . '"' . $sel . '>' . $tmp . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } } else { echo '<input style="width: 99%;" type="text" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $filter['value'] . '" />'; } break; default: echo "<!-- no type -->\n"; } echo "</td>\n"; if (!$is_runtime) { // Button to validate echo "<td>"; echo "<button class='simple_form_btn' name='validate_filter_addfield'>" . _T('button_validate') . "</button>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; // Link for "Remove" echo "<td><a class='content_link' href='upd_rep_field.php?rep=" . $id_report . "&" . "remove=filter" . "&" . "id_filter=" . $filter['id_filter'] . "'>" . "X" . "</a></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; if (!$is_runtime) { echo "</form>\n"; } } echo "</table>\n"; } if ($is_runtime) { echo "<p><button class='simple_form_btn' name='validate_filter_addfield'>" . _T('button_validate') . "</button></p>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; return; } // List all available fields in selected tables for report $query = "SELECT *\n\t\tFROM lcm_fields\n\t\tWHERE "; $sources = array(); if ($rep_info['line_src_name']) { array_push($sources, "'lcm_" . $rep_info['line_src_name'] . "'"); } // Fetch all tables available as rep colums // (this is not like rep line, because the source is not always in // lcm_report, but this should be 'fixed') $q_tmp = "SELECT DISTINCT table_name \n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_rep_col as rp, lcm_fields as f\n\t\t\t\tWHERE rp.id_field = f.id_field\n\t\t\t\t AND rp.id_report = " . $id_report; $result_tmp = lcm_query($q_tmp); while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result_tmp)) { array_push($sources, "'" . $row['table_name'] . "'"); } // Fetch all keyword sources if ($rep_info['col_src_type'] == 'keyword' && $rep_info['col_src_name']) { $kwg = get_kwg_from_name($rep_info['col_src_name']); if ($kwg['type'] == 'system') { switch ($kwg['name']) { } } else { if ($kwg['type'] == 'client_org') { array_push($sources, "'lcm_client'"); array_push($sources, "'lcm_org'"); } else { array_push($sources, "'lcm_" . $kwg['type'] . "'"); } } } // If lcm_case in there, also add lcm_stage $tmp = ''; foreach ($sources as $s) { if ($s == "'lcm_case'") { $tmp = "lcm_stage"; } } if ($tmp) { array_push($sources, "'lcm_stage'"); } // List only filters if table were selected as sources (line/col) if (count($sources)) { $query .= " table_name IN ( " . implode(" , ", $sources) . " ) AND "; $query .= " filter != 'none'"; $query .= " ORDER BY table_name "; echo "<!-- QUERY: {$query} -->\n"; $result = lcm_query($query); if (lcm_num_rows($result)) { echo "<form action='upd_rep_field.php' name='frm_line_additem' method='get'>\n"; echo "<input name='rep' value='" . $rep_info['id_report'] . "' type='hidden' />\n"; echo "<input name='add' value='filter' type='hidden' />\n"; echo "<p class='normal_text'>" . _Ti('rep_input_filter_add'); echo "<select name='id_field'>\n"; echo "<option value=''>...</option>\n"; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='" . $row['id_field'] . "'>" . _Ti('rep_info_table_' . $row['table_name']) . _Th($row['description']) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "<button class='simple_form_btn' name='validate_filter_addfield'>" . _T('button_validate') . "</button>\n"; echo "</p>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } } else { echo '<p class="normal_text">' . _T('rep_info_select_source_first') . "</p>\n"; } }
/** * print ASSO RELA information * * Ex1: * <code>1 ASSO @I1@ * 2 RELA Twin</code> * * Ex2: * <code>1 CHR * 2 ASSO @I1@ * 3 RELA Godfather * 2 ASSO @I2@ * 3 RELA Godmother</code> * * @param string $pid person or family ID * @param string $factrec the raw gedcom record to print * @param string $linebr optional linebreak */ function print_asso_rela_record($pid, $factrec, $linebr = false) { global $GEDCOM, $SHOW_ID_NUMBERS, $TEXT_DIRECTION, $pgv_lang, $factarray, $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $view; // get ASSOciate(s) ID(s) $ct = preg_match_all("/\\d ASSO @(.*)@/", $factrec, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) { $level = substr($match[$i][0], 0, 1); $pid2 = $match[$i][1]; // get RELAtionship field $assorec = get_sub_record($level, "{$level} ASSO ", $factrec, $i + 1); // if (substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],1) == "pedigree.php") { $rct = preg_match("/\\d RELA (.*)/", $assorec, $rmatch); if ($rct > 0) { // RELAtionship name in user language $key = strtolower(trim($rmatch[1])); $cr = preg_match_all("/sosa_(.*)/", $key, $relamatch, PREG_SET_ORDER); if ($cr > 0) { $rela = get_sosa_name($relamatch[0][1]); } else { if (isset($pgv_lang["{$key}"])) { $rela = $pgv_lang[$key]; } else { $rela = $rmatch[1]; } } $p = strpos($rela, "(="); if ($p > 0) { $rela = trim(substr($rela, 0, $p)); } if ($pid2 == $pid) { print "<span class=\"details_label\">"; } print $rela . ": "; if ($pid2 == $pid) { print "</span>"; } } else { $rela = $factarray["RELA"]; } // default // } // ASSOciate ID link $gedrec = find_gedcom_record($pid2); if (strstr($gedrec, "@ INDI") !== false or strstr($gedrec, "@ SUBM") !== false) { // ID name if (DisplayDetailsByID($pid2) || showLivingNameByID($pid2)) { $name = get_person_name($pid2); $addname = get_add_person_name($pid2); } else { $name = $pgv_lang["private"]; $addname = ""; } print "<a href=\"individual.php?pid={$pid2}&ged={$GEDCOM}\">" . PrintReady($name); // if (!empty($addname)) print "<br />" . PrintReady($addname); if (!empty($addname)) { print " - " . PrintReady($addname); } if ($SHOW_ID_NUMBERS) { print " "; if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") { print "‏"; } print "(" . $pid2 . ")"; if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") { print "‏"; } } print "</a>"; // ID age if (!strstr($factrec, "_BIRT_")) { $dct = preg_match("/2 DATE (.*)/", $factrec, $dmatch); if ($dct > 0) { print " <span class=\"age\">" . get_age($gedrec, $dmatch[1]) . "</span>"; } } // RELAtionship calculation : for a family print relationship to both spouses if ($view != "preview") { $famrec = find_family_record($pid); if ($famrec) { $parents = find_parents_in_record($famrec); $pid1 = $parents["HUSB"]; if ($pid1 and $pid1 != $pid2) { print " - <a href=\"relationship.php?pid1={$pid1}&pid2={$pid2}&followspouse=1&ged={$GEDCOM}\">[" . $pgv_lang["relationship_chart"] . "<img src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/" . $PGV_IMAGES["sex"]["small"] . "\" title=\"" . $pgv_lang["husband"] . "\" alt=\"" . $pgv_lang["husband"] . "\" class=\"sex_image\" />]</a>"; } $pid1 = $parents["WIFE"]; if ($pid1 and $pid1 != $pid2) { print " - <a href=\"relationship.php?pid1={$pid1}&pid2={$pid2}&followspouse=1&ged={$GEDCOM}\">[" . $pgv_lang["relationship_chart"] . "<img src=\"{$PGV_IMAGE_DIR}/" . $PGV_IMAGES["sexf"]["small"] . "\" title=\"" . $pgv_lang["wife"] . "\" alt=\"" . $pgv_lang["wife"] . "\" class=\"sex_image\" />]</a>"; } } else { if ($pid != $pid2) { print " - <a href=\"relationship.php?pid1={$pid}&pid2={$pid2}&followspouse=1&ged={$GEDCOM}\">[" . $pgv_lang["relationship_chart"] . "]</a>"; } } } } else { if (strstr($gedrec, "@ FAM") !== false) { print "<a href=\"family.php?famid={$pid2}\">"; if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr") { print " ‎"; } else { print " ‏"; } print "[" . $pgv_lang["view_family"]; if ($SHOW_ID_NUMBERS) { print " ‎({$pid2})‎"; } if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "ltr") { print "‎]</a>\n"; } else { print "‏]</a>\n"; } } else { print $pgv_lang["unknown"]; if ($SHOW_ID_NUMBERS) { print " "; if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") { print "‏"; } print "(" . $pid2 . ")"; if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") { print "‏"; } } } } if ($linebr) { print "<br />\n"; } print_fact_notes($assorec, $level + 1); if (substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 1) == "pedigree.php") { print "<br />"; if (function_exists('print_fact_sources')) { print_fact_sources($assorec, $level + 1); } } } }
// $q .= ($q ? ', ' : ''); $q .= get_person_name($row) . ($row['name'] ? " of " . $row['name'] : ''); // TRAD $q .= ' (<label for="id_rem_client' . $row['id_client'] . ':' . $row['id_org'] . '">'; $q .= '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_trash-16.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Remove?" title="Remove?" /></label> '; $q .= '<input type="checkbox" id="id_rem_client' . $row['id_client'] . ':' . $row['id_org'] . '" name="rem_client[]" value="' . $row['id_client'] . ':' . $row['id_org'] . '"/>)<br />'; // TRAD } echo "\t\t\t{$q}\n"; // List rest of the clients to add $q = "SELECT c.id_client, c.name_first, c.name_last, co.id_org,\n\t\t\tFROM lcm_client AS c\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN lcm_client_org AS co USING (id_client)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN lcm_org AS o ON (co.id_org = o.id_org)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN lcm_app_client_org AS aco ON (aco.id_client = c.id_client AND aco.id_app = " . _session('id_app', 0) . ")\n\t\t\tWHERE id_app IS NULL\n\t\t\tORDER BY c.name_first, c.name_last,"; $result = lcm_query($q); echo '<select name="client">' . "\n"; echo '<option selected="selected" value="0"> ... </option>' . "\n"; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<option value="' . $row['id_client'] . ':' . $row['id_org'] . '">' . get_person_name($row) . ($row['name'] ? ' of ' . $row['name'] : '') . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "<button name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"add_client\" class=\"simple_form_btn\">" . 'Add' . "</button>\n"; // TRAD echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; // Delete appointment if (_session('id_app', 0)) { // $checked = ($this->getDataString('hidden') == 'Y' ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $checked = $_SESSION['form_data']['hidden'] == 'Y' ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''; echo '<p class="normal_text">'; echo '<input type="checkbox"' . $checked . ' name="hidden" id="box_delete" />'; echo '<label for="box_delete">' . _T('app_info_delete') . '</label>'; echo "</p>\n"; }
function printGeneral($show_subtitle = true, $allow_edit = true) { // Read site configuration preferences $case_assignment_date = read_meta('case_assignment_date'); $case_alledged_crime = read_meta('case_alledged_crime'); $case_legal_reason = read_meta('case_legal_reason'); if ($show_subtitle) { show_page_subtitle(_T('generic_subtitle_general'), 'cases_intro'); } $add = allowed($this->data['case'], 'w'); $edit = allowed($this->data['case'], 'e'); $admin = allowed($this->data['case'], 'a'); // // Show various stages info // $q = "SELECT * FROM lcm_stage WHERE id_case = " . $this->data['case'] . " ORDER BY date_creation DESC"; $result = lcm_query($q); echo '<div style="float: right; width: 180px;">'; show_page_subtitle(_T('case_subtitle_stage'), 'cases_intro'); echo '<ul>'; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<li>' . format_date($row['date_creation'], 'date_short') . ': <br/>' . _Tkw('stage', $row['kw_case_stage']) . '</li>'; } echo "</ul>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; // // Show case info // echo '<ul class="info">'; // Case ID echo '<li>' . '<span class="label1">' . _Ti('case_input_id') . '</span>' . '<span class="value1">' . show_case_id($this->getDataInt('id_case')) . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; // Case title echo '<li>' . '<span class="label1">' . _Ti('case_input_title') . '</span>' . '<span class="value1">' . $this->getDataString('title') . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; // Show users assigned to the case $q = "SELECT id_case, a.id_author, name_first, name_middle, name_last\n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_case_author as ca, lcm_author as a\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (id_case=" . $this->getDataInt('id_case') . "\n\t\t\t\t AND ca.id_author = a.id_author)"; $authors_result = lcm_query($q); $cpt = 0; if (lcm_num_rows($authors_result) > 1) { echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_authors') . '</span>'; } else { echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_author') . '</span>'; } while ($author = lcm_fetch_array($authors_result)) { if ($cpt) { echo "; "; } $name = htmlspecialchars(get_person_name($author)); echo '<span class="value2">' . '<a href="author_det.php?author=' . $author['id_author'] . '" class="content_link"' . ' title="' . _T('case_tooltip_view_author_details', array('author' => $name)) . '">' . $name . "</a>" . '</span>'; if ($admin) { echo '<span class="noprint">'; echo ' <a href="edit_auth.php?case=' . $this->getDataInt('id_case') . '&author=' . $author['id_author'] . '"' . ' title="' . _T('case_tooltip_view_access_rights', array('author' => $name)) . '">' . '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_access_rights-16.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="" />' . '</a>'; echo "</span>\n"; } $cpt++; } // [ML] FIXME Double-check if this is OK here in all scenarios if ($admin) { echo '<span class="noprint">'; echo '<a href="sel_auth.php?case=' . $this->getDataInt('id_case') . '" title="' . _T('add_user_case') . '">' . '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_attach-16.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . _T('add_user_case') . '" />' . '</a>'; echo "</span>\n"; } echo "</li>\n"; echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_date_creation') . '</span>' . '<span class="value2">' . format_date($this->getDataString('date_creation')) . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; if ($case_assignment_date == 'yes') { // [ML] Case is assigned/unassigned when authors are added/remove // + case is auto-assigned when created. if ($this->data['date_assignment']) { echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_date_assigned') . '</span>' . '<span class="value2">' . format_date($this->getDataString('date_assignment')) . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; } } // Total time spent on case (redundant with "reports/times") $query = "SELECT " . lcm_query_sum_time('fu.date_start', 'fu.date_end') . " as time\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_followup as fu \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fu.id_case = " . $this->getDataInt('id_case', '__ASSERT__') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t AND fu.hidden = 'N'"; $result = lcm_query($query); $row_tmp = lcm_fetch_array($result); echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_total_time') . '</span>' . '<span class="value2">' . format_time_interval_prefs($row_tmp['time']) . ' ' . _T('time_info_short_hour') . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; if (substr($case_legal_reason, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_legal_reason') . '</span>' . '<span class="value2">' . clean_output($this->getDataString('legal_reason')) . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; } if (substr($case_alledged_crime, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo '<li>' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_alledged_crime') . '</span>' . '<span class="value2">' . clean_output($this->getDataString('alledged_crime')) . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; } // Keywords show_all_keywords('case', $this->getDataInt('id_case')); if ($this->data['stage']) { // There should always be a stage, but in early versions, < 0.6.0, // it might have been missing, causing a lcm_panic(). $stage = get_kw_from_name('stage', $this->getDataString('stage', '__ASSERT__')); $id_stage = $stage['id_keyword']; show_all_keywords('stage', $this->getDataInt('id_case'), $id_stage); } // Notes echo '<li class="large">' . '<span class="label2">' . _Ti('case_input_notes') . '</span>' . '<span class="value2">' . nl2br($this->getDataString('notes')) . '</span>' . "</li>\n"; // echo "</ul>\n"; // echo "<p class='normal_text'>"; if ($allow_edit && $admin) { // Show case status (if closed, only site admin can re-open) echo '<li>'; echo "<form action='edit_fu.php' method='get'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='case' value='" . $this->getDataInt('id_case') . "' />\n"; echo _Ti('case_input_status'); echo "<select name='type' class='sel_frm' onchange='lcm_show(\"submit_status\")'>\n"; // in inc/inc_acc.php $statuses = get_possible_case_statuses($this->getDataString('status')); foreach ($statuses as $s => $futype) { $sel = $s == $this->getDataString('status') ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $futype . '"' . $sel . '>' . _T('case_status_option_' . $s) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "<button type='submit' name='submit' id='submit_status' value='set_status' style='visibility: hidden;' class='simple_form_btn'>" . _T('button_validate') . "</button>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; // Show case stage echo "<form action='edit_fu.php' method='get'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='case' value='" . $this->getDataInt('id_case') . "' />\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='type' value='stage_change' />\n"; echo _Ti('case_input_stage'); echo "<select name='stage' class='sel_frm' onchange='lcm_show(\"submit_stage\")'>\n"; $stage_kws = get_keywords_in_group_name('stage'); foreach ($stage_kws as $kw) { $sel = $kw['name'] == $this->data['stage'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo "\t\t<option value='" . $kw['name'] . "'" . "{$sel}>" . _T(remove_number_prefix($kw['title'])) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "<button type='submit' name='submit' id='submit_stage' value='set_stage' style='visibility: hidden;' class='simple_form_btn'>" . _T('button_validate') . "</button>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; } else { echo '<li>' . _Ti('case_input_status') . _T('case_status_option_' . $this->getDataString('status')) . "</li>\n"; echo '<li>' . _Ti('case_input_stage') . _Tkw('stage', $this->data['stage']) . "</li>\n"; } // If case closed, show conclusion if ($this->data['status'] == 'closed') { // get the last relevant conclusion $q_tmp = "SELECT * \n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_followup\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_case = " . $this->getDataInt('id_case') . "\n\t\t\t\tAND (type = 'conclusion'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOR type = 'stage_change')\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY id_followup DESC \n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1"; $r_tmp = lcm_query($q_tmp); $row_tmp = lcm_fetch_array($r_tmp); if ($row_tmp) { echo '<li>'; echo '<div style="background: #f0f0f0; padding: 4px; border: 1px solid #aaa;">'; echo _Ti('fu_input_conclusion'); echo get_fu_description($row_tmp, false); echo ' <a class="content_link" href="fu_det.php?followup=' . $row_tmp['id_followup'] . '">...</a>'; echo "</div>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; } } echo '<li>' . _Ti('case_input_collaboration'); echo "<ul style='padding-top: 1px; margin-top: 1px;'>"; echo "<li>" . _Ti('case_input_collaboration_read') . _T('info_' . ($this->getDataInt('public') ? 'yes' : 'no')) . "</li>\n"; echo "<li>" . _Ti('case_input_collaboration_write') . _T('info_' . ($this->getDataInt('pub_write') ? 'yes' : 'no')) . "</li>\n"; echo "</ul>\n"; echo "</li>\n"; echo "</ul>\n"; // clear the right column with stage info echo "<div style='clear: right;'></div>\n"; }
{ echo '<form action="sort_search_table.php" class="search_form" method="post" align="center">'; echo 'Search by:<select name="search_by">'; $i = 0; while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) { $attr = mysql_fetch_field($result, $i); echo "<option>" . $attr->name . "</option>"; $i++; } echo '</select> '; echo '<input type="text" name="search_field">'; echo '<button type="submit" name="submit">Search</button>'; echo '</form>'; } $SponsAccessLevel = get_access_level($SponsID); $SponsName = get_person_name($SponsID); $SponsSector = get_person_sector($SponsID); $table_message = $_SESSION['table_message']; $main_query = $_SESSION['main_query']; echo '<header align="center"> <h1>Sponsorship Department</h1>'; if ($SponsAccessLevel == "SectorHead") { echo $SectorHeadBackButton; } if ($SponsAccessLevel == "SponsRep") { echo $SponsRepBackButton; } if ($SponsAccessLevel == "CSO") { echo $CSOBackButton; } echo '</header>';
// - To return xml with , it causes a syntax error. liveUpdated.js makes // an alert with the resulting code, which will look valid, but Firefox will // show in its javascript console where the xml error is located. header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; echo "<body>"; if (_request('find_name_client')) { include_lcm('inc_obj_client'); echo "<div id=\"autocomplete-client-popup\">"; $cpt = 0; $search = _request('find_name_client'); $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_client\n\t\t\t\tWHERE name_last LIKE '%{$search}%'\n\t\t\t\t\tOR name_first LIKE '%{$search}%'\n\t\t\t\t\tOR CONCAT(name_first, ' ', name_middle, ' ', name_last) LIKE '%{$search}%'\n\t\t\t\t\tOR CONCAT(name_first, ' ', name_last) LIKE '%{$search}%'"; $result = lcm_query($query); echo "<ul>"; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<li>" . $row['id_client'] . ": " . get_person_name($row) . "</li>\n"; $cpt++; } if (!$cpt) { echo "<li>0: No results</li>"; } // TRAD echo "</ul>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; } elseif (_request('find_name_org')) { include_lcm('inc_obj_org'); echo "<div id=\"autocomplete-org-popup\">"; $cpt = 0; $search = _request('find_name_org'); $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_org\n\t\t\t\tWHERE name LIKE '%{$search}%'\n\t\t\t\t\tOR tax_number LIKE '%{$search}%'\n\t\t\t\t\tOR court_reg LIKE '%{$search}%'\n\t\t\t\t\tOR stat_number LIKE '%{$search}%'"; $result = lcm_query($query);
echo "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr align=left>\n\t\t\t\t<th>Total earned:</th>\n\t\t\t\t<td>"; $Income = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Amount) as 'Sum' FROM AccountLog WHERE TransType='Deposit'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($Income); $row = $row['Sum']; echo "Rs." . $row; echo "</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</table>"; ?> <br><br><br> <!--<h3>Total Amount:<!-- Total amount --> </section> <div id="welcome" align="right"> <h2>Welcome, <?php echo get_person_name($SponsID); ?> <!-- The name of the SponsRep will come here --> <br> <a href='logout.php'>Logout</a> </div> <section class="options"> <div id="query" align="center"> <!-- SectorHead form --> <form action="query.php" method ="POST"> <h2>Options:</h2>
$Id: client_det.php,v 1.56 2007/01/12 17:37:04 mlutfy Exp $ */ include 'inc/inc.php'; include_lcm('inc_contacts'); include_lcm('inc_obj_client'); $client = intval(_request('client')); if (!($client > 0)) { lcm_header("Location: listclients.php"); exit; } $q = "SELECT *\n\t\tFROM lcm_client as c\n\t\tWHERE c.id_client = {$client}"; $result = lcm_query($q); if (!($row = lcm_fetch_array($result))) { die("ERROR: There is no such client in the database."); } lcm_page_start(_T('title_client_view') . ' ' . get_person_name($row), '', '', 'clients_intro'); /* Saved for future use // Check for access rights if (!($row['public'] || allowed($client,'r'))) { die("You don't have permission to view this client details!"); } $edit = allowed($client,'w'); */ $edit = true; // Show tabs $groups = array('general' => array('name' => _T('generic_tab_general'), 'tooltip' => _T('generic_subtitle_general')), 'cases' => array('name' => _T('generic_tab_cases'), 'tooltip' => _T('client_subtitle_cases')), 'attachments' => array('name' => _T('generic_tab_documents'), 'tooltip' => _T('client_subtitle_attachments'))); $tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : 'general'; show_tabs($groups, $tab, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if ($c = intval(_request('attach_case', 0))) { $q = "SELECT title\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_case\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id_case = " . $c; $result = lcm_query($q);
echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<th class="heading">' . "#" . '</th>'; echo '<th class="heading" width="99%">' . _Th('person_input_name') . '</th>'; echo '<th class="heading"> </th>'; echo "</tr>\n"; } else { // TODO info message? } $i = 0; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>\n"; // ID echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">' . $row['id_client'] . '</td>'; // Name of client echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '"><a href="client_det.php?client=' . $row['id_client'] . '" class="content_link">'; echo get_person_name($row) . "</a></td>"; // Delete association echo '<td nowrap="nowrap" class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">'; echo '<label for="id_rem_cli_' . $row['id_client'] . '">'; echo '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_trash-16.png" width="16" height="16" ' . 'alt="' . _T('org_info_delete_client') . '" title="' . _T('org_info_delete_client') . '" />'; echo '</label> '; echo '<input type="checkbox" onclick="lcm_show(\'btn_delete\')" id="id_rem_cli_' . $row['id_client'] . '" name="rem_clients[]" value="' . $row['id_client'] . '" />'; echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; $i++; } if ($show_table) { echo "</table>"; } echo '<div align="right" style="visibility: hidden">'; echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" id="btn_delete" value="' . _T('button_validate') . '" class="search_form_btn" />';
function get_author_link($item) { if (!is_array($item)) { lcm_log("Warning: show_author_link() was not given an array"); return; } return '<a class="content_link" ' . 'href="author_det.php?author=' . $item['id_author'] . '" ' . 'title="' . _T('case_tooltip_view_author_details', array('author' => get_person_name($item))) . '">' . get_person_name($item) . "</a>"; }
function get_fu_description($item, $make_short = true) { if (!is_array($item)) { lcm_debug("get_fu_description: parameter is not an array."); return ''; } global $prefs; global $fu_desc_len; // configure via my_options.php with $GLOBALS['fu_desc_len'] = NNN; $short_description = ''; // Set the length of short followup title (was: wide = 48, narrow = 115) $title_length = isset($fu_desc_len) && $fu_desc_len > 0 ? $fu_desc_len : 256; if ($item['type'] == 'assignment' && is_numeric($item['description'])) { $res1 = lcm_query("SELECT * FROM lcm_author WHERE id_author = " . $item['description']); $author1 = lcm_fetch_array($res1); $short_description = _T('case_info_author_assigned', array('name' => get_person_name($author1))); } elseif ($item['type'] == 'unassignment' && is_numeric($item['description'])) { $res1 = lcm_query("SELECT * FROM lcm_author WHERE id_author = " . $item['description']); $author1 = lcm_fetch_array($res1); $short_description = _T('case_info_author_unassigned', array('name' => get_person_name($author1))); } elseif ($item['type'] == 'stage_change' || is_status_change($item['type'])) { $tmp = lcm_unserialize($item['description']); // for backward compatibility, make it optional if ($item['case_stage']) { $short_description = _Tkw('stage', $item['case_stage']); } if ($tmp['description']) { $short_description .= " / " . $tmp['description']; } if ($tmp['result'] || $tmp['conclusion']) { $short_description .= "\n" . _Ti('fu_input_conclusion'); } if ($tmp['result']) { $short_description .= _Tkw('_crimresults', $tmp['result']) . "/"; } if ($tmp['conclusion']) { $short_description .= _Tkw('conclusion', $tmp['conclusion']); } if ($tmp['sentence']) { $short_description .= "\n" . _Ti('fu_input_sentence') . _Tkw('sentence', $tmp['sentence'], array('currency' => read_meta('currency'))); } if ($tmp['sentence_val']) { $short_description .= ": " . $tmp['sentence_val']; } } else { if ($item['description']) { if (!$make_short || strlen(lcm_utf8_decode($item['description'])) < $title_length) { $short_description = $item['description']; } else { $short_description = substr($item['description'], 0, $title_length) . '...'; } $short_description = clean_output($short_description); } else { $short_description = _T('fu_info_emptydesc'); } } $short_description = nl2br($short_description); if (empty($short_description)) { $short_description = _T('info_not_available'); } return $short_description; }
lcm_panic("Error seeking position {$list_pos} in the result"); } } $headers = array(); $headers[0]['title'] = _Th('person_input_name'); $headers[0]['order'] = 'order_name_first'; $headers[0]['default'] = 'ASC'; $headers[1]['title'] = _Th('authoredit_input_status'); $headers[1]['order'] = 'order_status'; $headers[1]['default'] = ''; show_list_start($headers); // Process the output of the query for ($i = 0; $i < $prefs['page_rows'] && ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)); $i++) { // Author name echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td class='tbl_cont_" . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . "'>"; echo '<a href="author_det.php?author=' . $row['id_author'] . '" class="content_link">'; echo highlight_matches(get_person_name($row), $find_author_string); echo "</a></td>\n"; // Author status echo "<td class='tbl_cont_" . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . "'>"; echo _T('authoredit_input_status_' . $row['status']); echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } show_list_end($list_pos, $number_of_rows); // New author button if ($GLOBALS['author_session']['status'] == 'admin') { echo '<p><a href="edit_author.php?author=0" class="create_new_lnk">' . _T('authoredit_button_new') . "</a></p>\n"; } lcm_page_end();
if ($id_case) { lcm_page_start(_T('title_case_edit'), '', '', 'cases_intro#edit'); } else { lcm_page_start(_T('title_case_new'), '', '', 'cases_intro#new'); } // Show the errors (if any) echo show_all_errors(); if ($attach_client || $attach_org) { show_context_start(); } if ($attach_client) { $query = "SELECT id_client, name_first, name_middle, name_last\n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_client\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_client = " . $attach_client; $result = lcm_query($query); while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { // should be only once echo '<li style="list-style-type: none;">' . _Ti('fu_input_involving_clients') . get_person_name($row) . "</li>\n"; } } if ($attach_org) { $query = "SELECT id_org, name\n\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_org\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_org = " . $attach_org; $result = lcm_query($query); while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { // should be only once echo '<li style="list-style-type: none;">' . _Ti('fu_input_involving_clients') . $row['name'] . "</li>\n"; } } if ($attach_client || $attach_org) { show_context_end(); } // Start edit case form echo '<form action="upd_case.php" method="post">' . "\n";
} echo "</tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</p>\n"; } $foo = get_date_range_fields(); echo $foo['html']; show_report_for_user($author, $foo['date_start'], $foo['date_end'], 'case'); show_report_for_user($author, $foo['date_start'], $foo['date_end'], 'fu'); show_report_for_user($author, $foo['date_start'], $foo['date_end'], 'agenda'); break; case 'appointments': if (!allowed_author($author, 'r')) { die("Access denied"); } show_page_subtitle(_T('author_subtitle_appointments', array('author' => get_person_name($author_data))), 'tools_agenda'); $foo = get_date_range_fields(); $date_start = $foo['date_start']; $date_end = $foo['date_end']; echo $foo['html']; echo "<p class=\"normal_text\">\n"; $q = "SELECT ap.*\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_author_app as aa, lcm_app as ap\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE aa.id_app = ap.id_app\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start_time) >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $date_start . "') "; if ($date_end != "-1") { $q .= " AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end_time) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $date_end . "') "; } $q .= " AND aa.id_author = " . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author']; // Sort agenda by date/time of the appointments $order = 'DESC'; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { if ($_REQUEST['order'] == 'ASC' || $_REQUEST['order'] == 'DESC') { $order = $_REQUEST['order'];
<th align="center" class="heading"><?php echo _Th('case_input_author'); ?> </th> <th align="center" class="heading"><?php echo _Th('case_ac_input_rights'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>\n"; // User name echo '<td align="left">'; echo '<a href="author_det.php?author=' . $row['id_author'] . '" class="content_link"' . ' title="' . _T('case_tooltip_view_author_details', array('author' => get_person_name($row))) . '">' . get_person_name($row) . '</a>'; echo "</td>\n"; // Access rights in case echo '<td align="center">'; echo '<select name="auth[' . $row['id_author'] . ']">' . "\n"; $all_rights = array('read', 'write', 'admin', '', 'remove'); foreach ($all_rights as $ac) { $sel = $row['ac_' . $ac] ? ' selected="selected" ' : ''; $dis = !$ac ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : ''; $title = $ac ? _T('case_input_option_ac_' . $ac) : ''; echo '<option value="' . $ac . '"' . $sel . $dis . '>' . $title . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; }
show_find_box('author', $find_author_string, '__self__'); echo '<form action="add_auth.php" method="post">' . "\n"; $headers = array(); $headers[0]['title'] = ''; $headers[0]['order'] = 'no_order'; $headers[1]['title'] = _Th('person_input_name'); $headers[1]['order'] = 'order_name'; $headers[2]['title'] = _Th('authoredit_input_status'); $headers[2]['order'] = 'order_status'; show_list_start($headers); for ($i = 0; $i < $prefs['page_rows'] && ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)); $i++) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="authors[]" value="' . $row['id_author'] . '" />'; echo "</td>\n"; echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">' . get_person_name($row) . "</td>\n"; echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">' . _T('authoredit_input_status_' . $row['status']) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } show_list_end($list_pos, $number_of_rows); ?> <input type="hidden" name="case" value="<?php echo $case; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="ref_sel_auth" value="<?php echo $dest_link->getUrl(); ?> " /> <button name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" class="simple_form_btn"><?php
function getPerson() { return get_person_name($this->data); }
<?php $chuck = array("fullname" => "Chuck Severance", 'room' => '3437NQ'); $colleen = array("familyname" => "van Lent", 'givenname' => 'Colleen', 'room' => '3439NQ'); function get_person_name($person) { if (isset($person['fullname'])) { return $person['fullname']; } if (isset($person['familyname']) && isset($person['givenname'])) { return $person['givenname'] . ' ' . $person['familyname']; } return false; } print get_person_name($chuck) . "\n"; print get_person_name($colleen) . "\n";
echo $meeting_arr[3]; echo "</td> </tr>" ?> </table> <br><br><br> <!--<h3>Total Amount:<!-- Total amount --> </section> <div id="welcome" align="right"> <h2>Welcome, <?php echo get_person_name($SponsID); ?> <!-- The name of the SponsRep will come here --> <br> <a href='logout.php'>Logout</a> </div> <section class="options"> <div align="center"> </div> <div id="query" align="center"> <!-- SponsRep form --> <form action="query.php" method ="post"> <h2>Options:</h2> <select name="query_type">
if ($list_pos >= $number_of_rows) { $list_pos = 0; } // Position to the page info start if ($list_pos > 0) { if (!lcm_data_seek($result, $list_pos)) { lcm_panic("Error seeking position {$list_pos} in the result"); } } // Output table tags show_listclient_start(); for ($i = 0; $i < $prefs['page_rows'] && ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)); $i++) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">' . $row['id_client'] . "</td>\n"; echo '<td class="tbl_cont_' . ($i % 2 ? "dark" : "light") . '">'; echo '<a href="client_det.php?client=' . $row['id_client'] . '" class="content_link">'; $fullname = clean_output(get_person_name($row)); echo highlight_matches($fullname, $find_client_string); echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } show_listclient_end($list_pos, $number_of_rows); ?> <p><a href="edit_client.php" class="create_new_lnk"><?php echo _T('client_button_new'); ?> </a></p> <br /><br /> <?php lcm_page_end();
echo '<header align="center">' . ' <h1>Sponsorship Department</h1>'; if ($SponsAccessLevel == "SectorHead") echo $SectorHeadBackButton; if ($SponsAccessLevel == "SponsRep") echo $SponsRepBackButton; if ($SponsAccessLevel == "CSO") echo $CSOBackButton; echo '</header>'; echo '<h3 class="SponsID">'; echo 'SponsID: ' . $SponsID; echo '<br>Name: ' . get_person_name($SponsID); $role = get_access_level($SponsID); $printing_role = $role; if ($role == 'SponsRep') $printing_role = "Sponsorship Representative"; if ($role == 'SectorHead') $printing_role = "Sector Head"; if ($role == 'CSO') $printing_role = "Chief Sponsorship Officer"; echo '<br>Role: ' . $printing_role; if (get_access_level($SponsID) == "SponsRep" || get_access_level($SponsID) == "SectorHead"){ echo '<br>Sector: ' . get_person_sector($SponsID); } echo '</h3>'; echo '<div align="center">';
} } } } else { // Fetch previously submitted values, if any if (!$_SESSION['form_data']['id_client']) { $_SESSION['form_data']['id_client'] = 0; } if (isset($_SESSION['form_data'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['form_data'] as $key => $value) { $form_data[$key] = $value; } } } if ($id_client > 0) { lcm_page_start(_T('title_client_edit') . ' ' . get_person_name($form_data), '', '', 'clients_newclient'); } else { lcm_page_start(_T('title_client_new'), '', '', 'clients_newclient'); } echo show_all_errors(); echo '<form action="upd_client.php" method="post">' . "\n"; if (_request('attach_case')) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="attach_case" id="attach_case" value="' . _request('attach_case') . '" />' . "\n"; } $obj_client = new LcmClientInfoUI($form_data['id_client']); $obj_client->printEdit(); // // Organisations this client represents // /* [ML] too confusing echo "<tr>\n";
} // Get participant author(s) $participants = array(); $q = "SELECT lcm_author_app.*,lcm_author.name_first,lcm_author.name_middle,lcm_author.name_last\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_author_app, lcm_author\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (id_app={$app} AND lcm_author_app.id_author=lcm_author.id_author)"; $res_author = lcm_query($q); if (lcm_num_rows($res_author) > 0) { while ($author = lcm_fetch_array($res_author)) { $participants[] = get_person_name($author); } } // Get appointment client(s) $q = "SELECT aco.*, c.name_first, c.name_middle, c.name_last,\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM lcm_app_client_org as aco\n\t\t\t\t\tNATURAL JOIN lcm_client as c\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN lcm_org as o ON (o.id_org = aco.id_org)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (id_app = {$app} AND aco.id_client = c.id_client)"; $res_client = lcm_query($q); if (lcm_num_rows($res_client) > 0) { while ($client = lcm_fetch_array($res_client)) { $participants[] = get_person_name($client) . ($client['id_org'] > 0 ? " of " . $client['name'] : ''); } // TRAD } $_SESSION['form_data']['id_app'] = $app; if (empty($_SESSION['errors'])) { // Propose a description based on the appointment $_SESSION['form_data']['description'] = _T('fu_info_after_event', array('title' => _Ti(_Tkw('appointments', $row['type'])) . $row['title'], 'date' => format_date($row['start_time']), 'participants' => join(', ', $participants))); $_SESSION['form_data']['date_start'] = $row['start_time']; $_SESSION['form_data']['date_end'] = $row['end_time']; $_SESSION['form_data']['description'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $_SESSION['form_data']['description']); } } } // // Check for access rights
if (!lcm_data_seek($result, $list_pos)) { lcm_panic("Error seeking position {$list_pos} in the result"); } } show_find_box('client', $find_client_string, '__self__'); echo '<form action="add_cli_org.php" method="post">' . "\n"; $headers = array(); $headers[0]['title'] = ''; $headers[0]['order'] = 'no_order'; $headers[1]['title'] = _Th('person_input_name'); $headers[1]['order'] = 'order_name'; show_list_start($headers); for ($i = 0; $i < $prefs['page_rows'] && ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)); $i++) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="clients[]" value="' . $row['id_client'] . '"></td>' . "\n"; echo '<td>' . get_person_name($row) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } ?> <tr> <td> </td> <td><a href="edit_client.php" class="content_link"><strong><?php echo _T('client_button_new'); ?> </strong></a></td> </tr> <?php show_list_end($list_pos, $number_of_rows); ?>