Ejemplo n.º 1
 function _get_mgcategory_options($parent_id = 0)
     $res = array();
     $mod =& bm('gcategory', array('_store_id' => 0));
     $gcategories = $mod->get_list($parent_id, true);
     foreach ($gcategories as $gcategory) {
         //LLL 本店所有商品分类多语言
         $res[$gcategory['cate_id']] = get_part_string($gcategory['cate_name'], '', true);
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * LLL 截取数组第二维字符串中指定语言的部分
 * @param $source  在第二维array中包含$key=$thekey(如cate_name)的array,如$gcategories in app->category.app.php中
 * @param $thekey    the key of which the value to be modified
 * @param $lang2 形如sc
 * @return $result  the modified $source
function chg_array2_string($source, $thekey, $lang2, $show_all = false)
    foreach ($source as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($source[$key][$thekey])) {
            $source[$key][$thekey] = get_part_string($source[$key][$thekey], $lang2, $show_all);
    return $source;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function _assign_searched_goods($id)
     $goods_mod =& bm('goods', array('_store_id' => $id));
     $search_name = LANG::get('all_goods');
     $conditions = $this->_get_query_conditions(array(array('field' => 'goods_name', 'name' => 'keyword', 'equal' => 'like')));
     if ($conditions) {
         $search_name = sprintf(LANG::get('goods_include'), $_GET['keyword']);
         $sgcate_id = 0;
     } else {
         $sgcate_id = empty($_GET['cate_id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['cate_id']);
     if ($sgcate_id > 0) {
         $gcategory_mod =& m('gcategory');
         $sgcate = $gcategory_mod->get_info($sgcate_id);
         $search_name = $sgcate['cate_name'];
         //LLL 提取语言对应字符
         $search_name = get_part_string($search_name, get_lang2());
         $sgcate_ids = $gcategory_mod->get_descendant($sgcate_id);
     } else {
         $sgcate_ids = array();
     /* 排序方式 */
     $orders = array('add_time desc' => LANG::get('add_time_desc'), 'price asc' => LANG::get('price_asc'), 'price desc' => LANG::get('price_desc'));
     $this->assign('orders', $orders);
     $page = $this->_get_page(16);
     $goods_list = $goods_mod->get_list(array('conditions' => 'closed = 0 AND if_show = 1' . $conditions, 'count' => true, 'order' => empty($_GET['order']) || !isset($orders[$_GET['order']]) ? 'add_time desc' : $_GET['order'], 'limit' => $page['limit']), $sgcate_ids);
     foreach ($goods_list as $key => $goods) {
         empty($goods['default_image']) && ($goods_list[$key]['default_image'] = Conf::get('default_goods_image'));
     $this->assign('searched_goods', $goods_list);
     $page['item_count'] = $goods_mod->getCount();
     $this->assign('page_info', $page);
     $this->assign('search_name', $search_name);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function _assign_common_info($id)
     /* 取得商品信息 */
     $goods = $this->_goods_mod->get_info($id);
     //LLL 商品名称显示的多语言
     $goods['goods_name'] = get_part_string($goods['goods_name'], get_lang2());
     if (!$goods || $goods['if_show'] == 0 || $goods['closed'] == 1 || $goods['state'] != 1) {
         return false;
     $this->assign('goods', $goods);
     $this->assign('sales_info', sprintf(LANG::get('sales'), $goods['sales'] ? $goods['sales'] : 0));
     $this->assign('comments', sprintf(LANG::get('comments'), $goods['comments'] ? $goods['comments'] : 0));
     /* 设置店铺id */
     if (!$goods['store_id']) {
         $this->show_warning('store of goods is empty');
         return false;
     /* 赋值店铺信息 */
     $this->assign('store', $this->get_store_data());
     /* 取得浏览历史 */
     $this->assign('goods_history', $this->_get_goods_history($id));
     /* 默认图片 */
     $this->assign('default_image', Conf::get('default_goods_image'));
     /* 当前位置 */
     $this->assign('page_title', $goods['goods_name'] . ' - ' . Conf::get('site_title'));
     $this->import_resource(array('script' => 'jquery.jqzoom.js', 'style' => 'res:jqzoom.css'));
     return true;
 function edit()
     $id = empty($_GET['id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!IS_POST) {
         /* 是否存在 */
         $gcategory = $this->_gcategory_mod->get_info($id);
         //XXX 还只解决两种语言,多语言有待修改(最好是用javascript)
         $gcategory['cate_name_it'] = get_part_string($gcategory['cate_name'], 'it', false);
         $gcategory['cate_name_sc'] = get_part_string($gcategory['cate_name'], 'sc', false);
         if (!$gcategory) {
         $this->assign('gcategory', $gcategory);
         $this->assign('parents', $this->_get_options($id));
         /* 当前页面信息 */
         $this->_curlocal(LANG::get('member_center'), 'index.php?app=member', LANG::get('my_category'), 'index.php?app=my_category', LANG::get('gcategory_edit'));
         $this->assign('page_title', Lang::get('member_center') . Lang::get('my_category'));
         $this->import_resource(array('script' => 'jquery.plugins/jquery.validate.js'));
         header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=" . CHARSET);
     } else {
         $data = array('cate_name' => $_POST['cate_name'], 'parent_id' => $_POST['parent_id'], 'sort_order' => $_POST['sort_order'], 'if_show' => $_POST['if_show']);
         /* 检查名称是否已存在 */
         if (!$this->_gcategory_mod->unique(trim($data['cate_name']), $data['parent_id'], $id)) {
         /* 保存 */
         $rows = $this->_gcategory_mod->edit($id, $data);
         if ($this->_gcategory_mod->has_error()) {