Ejemplo n.º 1
     $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog);
     // Filter list:
     $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => $user_modeartion_statuses, 'user_perm' => 'moderate', 'post_statuses' => array('published', 'community', 'protected'), 'order' => 'DESC', 'comments' => 30));
     // Set param prefix for URLs
     $param_prefix = 'cmnt_fullview_';
     if (!empty($CommentList->param_prefix)) {
         $param_prefix = $CommentList->param_prefix;
     // Get ready for display (runs the query):
 if ($user_perm_moderate_cmt && $CommentList->result_num_rows) {
     // We have comments awaiting moderation
     $opentrash_link = get_opentrash_link(true, false, array('class' => 'btn btn-default'));
     $refresh_link = '<span class="floatright">' . action_icon(T_('Refresh comment list'), 'refresh', $admin_url . '?blog=' . $blog, ' ' . T_('Refresh'), 3, 4, array('onclick' => 'startRefreshComments( \'' . request_from() . '\' ); return false;', 'class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '</span> ';
     $show_statuses_param = $param_prefix . 'show_statuses[]=' . implode('&amp;' . $param_prefix . 'show_statuses[]=', $user_modeartion_statuses);
     $block_item_Widget->title = $refresh_link . $opentrash_link . T_('Comments awaiting moderation') . ' <a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=comments&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;' . $show_statuses_param . '" style="text-decoration:none">' . '<span id="badge" class="badge badge-important">' . $CommentList->get_total_rows() . '</span></a>' . get_manual_link('collection-dashboard');
     echo '<div class="evo_content_block">';
     echo '<div id="comments_block" class="dashboard_comments_block">';
     echo '<div id="comments_container">';
     // GET COMMENTS AWAITING MODERATION (the code generation is shared with the AJAX callback):
     show_comments_awaiting_moderation($Blog->ID, $CommentList);
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => $statuses, 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_ID' => $Item->ID, 'comments' => 20, 'expiry_statuses' => $expiry_statuses));
        // We do not want to comment actions use new redirect
        param('save_context', 'boolean', false);
        param('redirect_to', 'url', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=items&blog=' . $blog . '&p=' . $Item->ID, '&'), false, true);
        param('item_id', 'integer', $Item->ID);
        param('currentpage', 'integer', 1);
        param('show_comments', 'string', $show_comments, false, true);
        // display status filter
			<div class="bFeedback">
			<a id="comments"></a>
        echo T_('Comments'), ', ', T_('Trackbacks'), ', ', T_('Pingbacks') . ' (' . generic_ctp_number($Item->ID, 'feedbacks', 'total') . ')';
        $opentrash_link = get_opentrash_link();
        $refresh_link = '<span class="floatright">' . action_icon(T_('Refresh comment list'), 'refresh', 'javascript:startRefreshComments(' . $Item->ID . ')') . '</span> ';
        echo $refresh_link . $opentrash_link;
        if ($display_params['disp_rating_summary']) {
            // Display a ratings summary
            echo '<h3>' . $Item->get_feedback_title('comments', '#', '#', '#', 'total') . '</h3>';
            echo $Item->get_rating_summary();
            echo '<br />';
			<div class="tile"><label><?php 
        echo T_('Show') . ':';
Ejemplo n.º 3
if (check_comment_mass_delete($CommentList)) {
    // A form for mass deleting is availabl, Display link
    $block_item_Widget->global_icon(T_('Delete all comments!'), 'delete', regenerate_url('action', 'action=mass_delete'), T_('Mass delete...'), 3, 3);
if ($CommentList->is_filtered()) {
    // List is filtered, offer option to reset filters:
    $block_item_Widget->global_icon(T_('Reset all filters!'), 'reset_filters', '?ctrl=comments&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;filter=reset', T_('Reset filters'), 3, 3);
$emptytrash_link = '';
// Display recycle bin placeholder, because users may have rights to recycle particular comments
$opentrash_link = '<span id="recycle_bin" class="floatright"></span>';
if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'editall')) {
    if ($CommentList->is_trashfilter()) {
        $emptytrash_link = '<span class="floatright">' . action_icon(T_('Empty recycle bin'), 'recycle_empty', $admin_url . '?ctrl=comments&amp;blog=' . $CommentList->Blog->ID . '&amp;action=emptytrash', T_('Empty recycle bin...'), 5, 3) . '</span> ';
    } else {
        $opentrash_link = get_opentrash_link(false);
$block_item_Widget->title = $opentrash_link . $emptytrash_link . T_('Feedback (Comments, Trackbacks...)');
// Display filters title
echo $CommentList->get_filter_title('<h3>', '</h3>', '<br />', NULL, 'htmlbody');
$display_params = array('header_start' => '<div class="NavBar center">', 'header_text' => '<strong>' . T_('Pages') . '</strong>: $prev$ $first$ $list_prev$ $list$ $list_next$ $last$ $next$', 'header_text_single' => T_('1 page'), 'header_end' => '</div>', 'footer_start' => '', 'footer_text' => '<div class="NavBar center"><strong>' . T_('Pages') . '</strong>: $prev$ $first$ $list_prev$ $list$ $list_next$ $last$ $next$<br />$page_size$</div>', 'footer_text_single' => '<div class="NavBar center">$page_size$</div>', 'prev_text' => T_('Previous'), 'next_text' => T_('Next'), 'list_prev_text' => T_('...'), 'list_next_text' => T_('...'), 'list_span' => 11, 'scroll_list_range' => 5, 'footer_end' => '');
// Display navigation:
// Display list of comments:
// comments_container value is -1, because in this case we have to show all comments in current blog (Not just one item comments)
echo '<div id="comments_container" value="-1">';
Ejemplo n.º 4
         case 'cancel':
             // The changes were canceled, Display old content
             $edited_Comment->content('htmlbody', 'true');
 case 'get_opentrash_link':
     // Used to get a link 'Open recycle bin' in order to show it in the header of comments list
     // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
     // Set admin skin, used for buttons, @see button_class()
     $admin_skin = $UserSettings->get('admin_skin', $current_User->ID);
     require_once $adminskins_path . $admin_skin . '/_adminUI.class.php';
     $AdminUI = new AdminUI();
     param('blog', 'integer', 0);
     echo get_opentrash_link(true, true, array('before' => ' <span id="recycle_bin">', 'after' => '</span>', 'class' => 'btn btn-default'));
 case 'delete_comment':
     // Delete a comment from the list on dashboard, on comments full text view screen or on a view item screen
     // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
     $result_success = false;
     // Set admin skin, used for buttons, @see button_class()
     $admin_skin = $UserSettings->get('admin_skin', $current_User->ID);
     require_once $adminskins_path . $admin_skin . '/_adminUI.class.php';
     $AdminUI = new AdminUI();
     // Check comment moderate permission below after we have the $edited_Comment objects
     $is_admin_page = true;
     $blog = param('blogid', 'integer');
     $comment_ID = param('commentid', 'integer');
     $statuses = param('statuses', 'string', NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 5
         $SQL = new SQL();
         $SQL->WHERE('user_login LIKE "' . $DB->escape($text) . '%"');
         echo implode("\n", $DB->get_col($SQL->get()));
     // don't show ajax response end comment, because the result will be processed with jquery hintbox
     $add_response_end_comment = false;
 case 'get_opentrash_link':
     // Used to get a link 'Open recycle bin' in order to show it in the header of comments list
     // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
     echo get_opentrash_link(true, true);
 case 'set_comment_status':
     // Used for quick moderation of comments in dashboard, item list full view and comment list screens
     // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
     // Check comment moderate permission below after we have the $edited_Comment object
     $is_admin_page = true;
     $blog = param('blogid', 'integer');
     $moderation = param('moderation', 'string', NULL);
     $status = param('status', 'string');
     $expiry_status = param('expiry_status', 'string', 'active');
     $limit = param('limit', 'integer', 0);
     $edited_Comment =& Comment_get_by_ID(param('commentid', 'integer'), false);
     if ($edited_Comment !== false) {
         // The comment still exists