$result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { $ok = false; $ret = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n"; $ret .= 'Query: ' . $query; } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['reply'])) { $_to = $_REQUEST['to']; $_name = $_REQUEST['name']; } } } } $messages = get_msg_count($_SESSION['webid']); $private_msg = get_msg_count($_SESSION['webid'], 1, 0); } // send a new message using the pingback protocol if (isset($_REQUEST['doit']) && isset($_REQUEST['to'])) { $ret .= sendPing($_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['message'], BASE_URI, true); } // display form to send local messages $ret .= "<div class=\"wall-new r5\">\n"; $ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"messages\">\n"; $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"doit\" value=\"1\" />\n"; $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" id=\"to\" value=\"" . $_to . "\" />\n"; $ret .= "<table border=\"0\">\n"; $ret .= "<tr valign=\"top\">\n"; $ret .= " <td style=\"width: 80px\"><p><a href=\"view?webid=" . urlencode($_SESSION["webid"]) . "\" target=\"_blank\">\n"; $ret .= " <img class=\"r5\" title=\"" . $_SESSION['usr'] . "\" alt=\"" . $_SESSION['usr'] . "\" width=\"64\" src=\"" . $_SESSION['img'] . "\" />\n"; $ret .= " </a></p></td>\n";
$owner_hash = $_REQUEST['user']; // mark all wall messages as read when the user checks his personal wall if ($_SESSION['webid'] == $owner_webid) { $query = "UPDATE pingback_messages SET new='0' WHERE "; $query .= "to_hash='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_hash']) . "' "; $query .= "AND wall='1'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { $ret .= error('Database error while trying to update message status!'); } else { if ($result !== true) { mysql_free_result($result); } } $messages = get_msg_count($_SESSION['webid']); $wall_msg = get_msg_count($_SESSION['webid'], 1, 1); } } else { // display a warning for the user $warning = true; } } else { // generic wall $feed_hash = 'local'; $owner_webid = 'local'; $owner_hash = 'local'; } // delete a post if (isset($_REQUEST['del'])) { // verify if we're logged in or not check_auth(IDP, $page_uri);
$_SESSION['user_hash'] = $_SESSION['myprofile']->get_hash(); } } // Store some data in the session setcookie('tzRemember', '1'); // Log success $log->LogInfo("[SUCCESS] Authenticated " . $webid . " => " . $auth->authnDiagnostic); } else { // log reason why it failed $log->LogInfo("[FAILURE] Fail to authenticate " . $webid . " => " . $auth->authnDiagnostic); } } // Get the number of messages if (isset($_SESSION['webid']) && $_SESSION['webid']) { $messages = get_msg_count($_SESSION['webid']); $wall_msg = get_msg_count($_SESSION['webid'], True, True); } // Bad place to add logic for adding/removing friends. // add a specific person as friend if (isset($_SESSION['myprofile']) && $_SESSION['myprofile']->is_local($webid) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'addfriend') { // add friend and display confirmation $confirmation = $_SESSION['myprofile']->add_friend($_REQUEST['add_webid']); $_SESSION['myprofile'] = new MyProfile($_SESSION['webid'], BASE_URI, SPARQL_ENDPOINT); $_SESSION['myprofile']->load(true); } // remove a specific person from friends if (isset($_SESSION['myprofile']) && $_SESSION['myprofile']->is_local($webid) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'delfriend') { // remove friend and display confirmation $confirmation = $_SESSION['myprofile']->del_friend($_REQUEST['del_webid']); $_SESSION['myprofile'] = new MyProfile($_SESSION['webid'], BASE_URI, SPARQL_ENDPOINT); $_SESSION['myprofile']->load(true);
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_amessage WHERE allianzid='{$userdata['allianzid']}' AND boardid='{$boardid}' ORDER BY time DESC"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $title = c_trim($row['title']); $text = c_trim($row['text']); $username = c_trim($row['username']); $dates = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $row['time']); eval("\$allianz_message_bit .= \"" . $tpl->get("alliance_message_bit") . "\";"); } eval("\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl->get("ali_board_show") . "\");"); exit; } else { $board = explode("\n", $allianz['boards']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($board); $i++) { $allianzboardid = $i + 1; $anzahl_msg = 0; $anzahl_msg = get_msg_count($allianzboardid); $boardname = c_trim($board[$i]); eval("\$allianz_board_bit .= \"" . $tpl->get("alliance_board_bit") . "\";"); } eval("\$tpl->output(\"" . $tpl->get("ali_board") . "\");"); exit; } } if ($action == "kick") { if ($userdata['is_ali_admin'] == 0) { show_error('ln_allianz_e_12', $modul_name); exit; } $kick_counter = 0; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cc" . $n . "_users WHERE allianzid='" . $allianz['aid'] . "'"); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {