/** * author display_name * */ function wpi_get_author_name($type = 'hcard') { global $authordata; $name = $display_name = apply_filters('the_author', $authordata->display_name); $name = $display_name = ent2ncr(htmlentities2($name)); $author_url = $authordata->user_url; $author_url = $author_url != 'http://' ? $author_url : WPI_URL; switch ($type) { case 'link': /** simple links * */ $attribs = array('href' => $author_url, 'class' => 'url fn dc-creator', 'rel' => 'colleague foaf.homepage foaf.maker', 'title' => 'Visit ' . $display_name . ''s Website', 'rev' => 'author:' . $authordata->user_nicename); $output = _t('a', $display_name, $attribs); break; case 'hcard': /** convert to microformats * address:a:span */ // split the name $name = explode('name', $name); if (is_array($name)) { if (Wpi::hasCount($name)) { if (isset($name[0])) { $output = _t('span', $name[0], array('class' => 'nickname')); } if (isset($name[1])) { $output = _t('span', $name[0], array('class' => 'given-name')) . ' '; $output .= _t('span', $name[1], array('class' => 'family-name')); } } } else { $output = _t('span', $author_name, array('class' => 'nickname')); } // author post url; $url = get_author_posts_url($authordata->ID, $authordata->user_nicename); $url = apply_filters(wpiFilter::FILTER_LINKS, $url); $attribs = array('href' => $url, 'class' => 'url fn dc-creator', 'rel' => 'colleague foaf.homepage foaf.maker', 'title' => 'Visit ' . $display_name . ''s Author page', 'rev' => 'author:' . $authordata->user_nicename); $output = _t('a', $output, $attribs); // microID sha-1 hash $hash = get_microid_hash($authordata->user_email, $author_url); // wrap hcard $output = _t('cite', $output, array('class' => 'vcard microid-' . $hash)); break; default: $output = $name; break; } return apply_filters(wpiFilter::FILTER_AUTHOR_NAME . $type, $output); }
foreach ($comments as $comment) { $alt = $cnt % 2 ? 'light' : 'normal'; $alt .= ' list-' . $cnt; $alt = apply_filters(wpiFilter::FILTER_COMMENTS_SELECTOR, $alt); ?> <li id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?> " class="<?php echo $alt; ?> hreview"><?php $author_uri = get_comment_author_url(); $author_uri = $author_uri != '' && $author_uri != 'http://' ? $author_uri : get_permalink($post->ID) . '#comment-' . get_comment_ID(); $microid = get_microid_hash(get_comment_author_email(), $author_uri); ?> <ul class="reviewier-column cf r"> <li class="span-3 fl rn hcard"> <address class="vcard microid-mailto+http:sha1:<?php echo $microid; ?> dc-source"><img src="<?php wpi_comment_avatar_src(); ?> " width="80" height="80" alt="<?php comment_author(); ?> 's photo" class="url cc rn <?php echo wpiGravatar::commentGID();
function author_microid() { $hash = get_microid_hash(get_the_author_email(), get_the_author_url()); echo 'microid-' . $hash; }
function wpi_comment_guide($post, $comments, $cnt) { $alt = $cnt % 2 ? 'light' : 'normal'; ?> <li id="comment-00" class="hreview <?php echo $alt; ?> "> <ul class="reviewier-column cf r"> <li class="span-3 fl rn hcard"> <address class="vcard microid-mailto+http:sha1:<?php echo get_microid_hash(get_comment_author_email(), WPI_URL); ?> "> <?php $photo_url = THEME_IMG_URL . 'default-avatar.png'; ?> <img src="<?php echo wpi_img_url('avatar-wrap.png'); ?> " width="80" height="80" alt="stalker's photo" style="background-image:url('<?php echo wpi_get_random_avatar_uri(); ?> ');background-position:42% 16%;background-color:#2482B0" class="url gravatar photo rn" longdesc="#comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?> " /> <a href="<?php echo WPI_URL; ?> " class="url fn db"> <?php echo WPI_BLOG_NAME; ?> </a> </address> </li> <li class="span-16 fl review-content"> <dl class="review r cf"> <dt class="item title summary"> <a href="#comment-00" class="url fn" title="<?php the_title(); ?> "> <span>RE:</span> <?php the_title(); ?> - 'Commenting Guidlines' ↓</a> </dt> <dd class="reviewer-meta"> <span class="date-since"> <?php echo apply_filters(wpiFilter::FILTER_POST_DATE, $post->post_date); ?> </span> on <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="<?php echo date('Y-m-dTH:i:s:Z', $post->post_date); ?> "> <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y'); ?> at <?php the_time(); ?> </abbr> <span class="rating dn">5</span> <span class="type dn">url</span> </dd> <dd class="reviewer-entry"> <big class="comment-count fr">0%</big> <p id="comment-guidline" class="description">If you want to comment, please read the following guidelines.These are designed to protect you and other users of the site.</p> <ol class="xoxo"> <li><strong>Be relevant:</strong> Your comment should be a thoughtful contribution to the subject of the entry. Keep your comments constructive and polite. </li> <li><strong>No advertising or spamming:</strong> Do not use the comment feature to promote commercial entities/products, affiliates services or websites. You are allowed to post a link as long as it's relevant to the entry.</li> <li><strong>Keep within the law:</strong> Do not link to offensive or illegal content websites. Do not make any defamatory or disparaging comments which might damage the reputation of a person or organisation.</li> <li><strong>Privacy:</strong> Do not post any personal information relating to yourself or anyone else - (ie: address, place of employment, telephone or mobile number or email address).</li> </ol> <p>In order to keep these experiences enjoyable and interesting for all of our users, we ask that you follow the above guidlines. Feel free to engage, ask questions, and tell us what you are thinking! insightful comments are most welcomed.</p> <?php if (count($comments) == false) { ?> <p class="no-comments notice rn prepend-3">be the first to comment.</p><?php } ?> </dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </li> <?php // wp_include_comments_adsense_banner(1); }