Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function getImage()
     //filemanger library for file type error
     include 'include/mime_type_lib.php';
     $this->data = $this->load->language('filemanager/filemanager');
     $json = array();
     if ($this->request->server['HTTPS']) {
         $server = HTTPS_CATALOG;
     } else {
         $server = HTTP_CATALOG;
     $filename = basename(html_entity_decode($this->request->get['image_url'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
     // Validate the filename length
     if (utf8_strlen($filename) < 3 || utf8_strlen($filename) > 255) {
         $json['error'] = $this->data['error_filename'];
     // Allowed file extension types
     $allowed = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'svg');
     if (!in_array(utf8_strtolower(utf8_substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1)), $allowed)) {
         $json['error'] = $this->data['error_file_type'];
     $filetype = get_file_mime_type($filename);
     // Allowed file mime types
     $allowed = array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif');
     if (!in_array($filetype, $allowed)) {
         $json['error'] = $this->data['error_file_type'];
     if (!$json && $this->request->get['image_url']) {
         $json = array('thumb' => $this->model_tool_image->resize(utf8_substr($this->request->get['image_url'], utf8_strlen($server . 'image/')), 100, 100), 'path' => utf8_substr($this->request->get['image_url'], utf8_strlen($server . 'image/')), 'href' => $this->request->get['image_url']);
     $this->response->addHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
Ejemplo n.º 2
include 'config/config.php';
if ($_SESSION['RF']["verify"] != "RESPONSIVEfilemanager") {
include 'include/utils.php';
include 'include/mime_type_lib.php';
if (strpos($_POST['path'], '/') === 0 || strpos($_POST['path'], '../') !== FALSE || strpos($_POST['path'], './') === 0) {
    die('wrong path');
if (strpos($_POST['name'], '/') !== FALSE) {
    die('wrong path');
$path = $current_path . $_POST['path'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$info = pathinfo($name);
if (!in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext)) {
    die('wrong extension');
$img_size = (string) filesize($path . $name);
// Get the image size as string
$mime_type = get_file_mime_type($name);
// Get the correct MIME type depending on the file.
header('Pragma: private');
header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate');
header("Content-Type: " . $mime_type);
// Set the correct MIME type
header("Content-Length: " . $img_size);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"');
readfile($path . $name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
$max_cycles = 50;
$i = 0;
while ($cycle && $i < $max_cycles) {
    if ($path == $current_path) {
        $cycle = FALSE;
    if (file_exists($path . "config.php")) {
        require_once $path . "config.php";
        $cycle = FALSE;
    $path = fix_dirname($path) . '/';
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
    $info = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
    $mime_type = get_file_mime_type($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
    $extension = get_extension_from_mime($mime_type);
    if ($extension === '' || $extension == 'so') {
        $extension = $info['extension'];
    if (in_array(fix_strtolower($extension), $ext)) {
        $tempFile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
        $targetPath = $storeFolder;
        $targetPathThumb = $storeFolderThumb;
        $_FILES['file']['name'] = fix_filename($info['filename'] . "." . $extension, $transliteration, $convert_spaces, $replace_with);
        // LowerCase
        if ($lower_case) {
            $_FILES['file']['name'] = fix_strtolower($_FILES['file']['name']);
        // Gen. new file name if exists
        if (file_exists($targetPath . $_FILES['file']['name'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Recursively scans a directory for text files (HTML and text only) and returns 
 * the result as an array.
 * @deprecated
 * @param $the_dir
 * @param $the_array
 * @return mixed
function findTextFiles($the_dir, $the_array)
    if (!is_dir($the_dir)) {
        return $the_array;
    $d = dir($the_dir);
    while (false !== ($f = $d->read())) {
        if ($f == "." || $f == "..") {
        if (is_dir("{$the_dir}/{$f}")) {
            // i think depth first is ok, given our cvs repo structure -Bob.
            $the_array = findTextFiles("{$the_dir}/{$f}", $the_array);
        } else {
            $mime = get_file_mime_type("{$the_dir}/{$f}");
            switch ($mime) {
                // we take action on these cases
                case "text/html":
                case "text/plain":
                    array_push($the_array, "{$the_dir}/{$f}");
                    // we consciously skip these types
                // we consciously skip these types
                case "application/pdf":
                case "application/x-zip":
                case "image/gif":
                case "image/jpeg":
                case "image/png":
                case "text/rtf":
                    $GLOBALS['log']->info("no type handler for {$the_dir}/{$f} with get_file_mime_type: {$mime}\n");
    return $the_array;
Ejemplo n.º 5
include 'include/utils.php';
include 'include/mime_type_lib.php';
if (strpos($_POST['path'], '/') === 0 || strpos($_POST['path'], '../') !== FALSE || strpos($_POST['path'], './') === 0) {
    die('wrong path');
if (strpos($_POST['name'], '/') !== FALSE) {
    die('wrong path');
$path = $current_path . $_POST['path'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$info = pathinfo($name);
if (!in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext)) {
    die('wrong extension');
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname={$dbname};host={$host}", $user, $password);
$fm = new fileMgr($pdo);
$img_size = (string) filesize($path . $name);
// Get the image size as string
$mime_type = get_file_mime_type($path . $name);
// Get the correct MIME type depending on the file.
header('Pragma: private');
header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate');
header("Content-Type: " . $mime_type);
// Set the correct MIME type
header("Content-Length: " . $img_size);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"');
readfile($path . $name);
$mysqlPath = $fm->getFidByPath($path . $name);
$fm->download($mysqlPath['fid'], $_SESSION['uuid']);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Moves temporary files associated with the bean from the temporary folder
  * to the upload folder.
  * @param array $args The request arguments.
  * @param SugarBean $bean The bean associated with the file.
  * @throws SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter If the file mime types differ
  *   from $imageFileMimeTypes.
 protected function moveTemporaryFiles($args, SugarBean $bean)
     require_once 'include/upload_file.php';
     require_once 'include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php';
     $fileFields = $bean->getFieldDefinitions('type', array('file', 'image'));
     $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
     // FIXME This path should be changed with BR-1955.
     $basepath = UploadStream::path('upload://tmp/');
     $configDir = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('upload_dir', 'upload');
     foreach ($fileFields as $fieldName => $def) {
         if (empty($args[$fieldName . '_guid'])) {
         $this->verifyFieldAccess($bean, $fieldName);
         $filepath = $basepath . $args[$fieldName . '_guid'];
         if (!is_file($filepath)) {
         if ($def['type'] === 'image') {
             $filename = $args[$fieldName . '_guid'];
             $bean->{$fieldName} = $filename;
         } else {
             // FIXME Image verification and mime type updating
             // should not be duplicated from SugarFieldFile.
             // SC-3338 is tracking this.
             require_once 'include/utils/file_utils.php';
             $filename = $bean->id;
             $mimeType = get_file_mime_type($filepath, 'application/octet-stream');
             $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($def['type']);
             $extension = pathinfo($fieldName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             if (in_array($mimeType, $sf::$imageFileMimeTypes) && !verify_image_file($filepath)) {
                 throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(string_format($GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_UPLOAD_IMAGE_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED'], array($extension)));
             $bean->file_mime_type = $mimeType;
             $bean->file_ext = $extension;
         $destination = rtrim($configDir, '/\\') . '/' . $filename;
         // FIXME BR-1956 will address having multiple files
         // associated with a record.
         rename($filepath, $destination);
Ejemplo n.º 7
if (!in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext)) {
    response(trans('wrong extension' . AddErrorLocation()), 400)->send();
if (!file_exists($path . $name)) {
    response(trans('File_Not_Found' . AddErrorLocation()), 404)->send();
$file_name = $info['basename'];
$file_ext = $info['extension'];
$file_path = $path . $name;
// make sure the file exists
if (is_file($file_path) && is_readable($file_path)) {
    $size = filesize($file_path);
    $file_name = rawurldecode($file_name);
    $mime_type = get_file_mime_type($file_path);
    if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
        ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
    header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file_name . '"');
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
        list($a, $range) = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 2);
        list($range) = explode(",", $range, 2);
        list($range, $range_end) = explode("-", $range);
        $range = intval($range);
        if (!$range_end) {
            $range_end = $size - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Gets the mime type of a file
  * @param string $filename Path to the file
  * @return string|false The string mime type or false if the file does not exist
 public function getMimeType($filename)
     return get_file_mime_type($filename);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Get MIME type for uploaded file
  * @param array $_FILES_element $_FILES element required
  * @return string MIME type
 function getMime($_FILES_element)
     $filename = $_FILES_element['name'];
     $file_ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     //If no file extension is available and the mime is octet-stream try to determine the mime type.
     $recheckMime = empty($file_ext) && !empty($_FILES_element['type']) && $_FILES_element['type'] == 'application/octet-stream';
     if (!empty($_FILES_element['type']) && !$recheckMime) {
         $mime = $_FILES_element['type'];
     } else {
         // Try to get the mime type, using application/octet-stream as a default
         $mime = get_file_mime_type($_FILES_element['tmp_name'], 'application/octet-stream');
     return $mime;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * TAG_TODO: написать очень, очень подробный комментарий сюда
function send_email($mailer, $from, $to, $subject, $body, $headers = array(), $attachments = array(), $server_params = null)
    logthis('[send_email] : sending email "' . $subject . '" from "' . $from . '" to "' . $to . '"');
    // extract emails
    if (!preg_match('~[a-zA-Z0-9.\\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.\\-]+~', $to, $mail_addresses)) {
        logthis('[send_email] : no addresses found!', ZLogger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
        return false;
    // $to may contain such structure: Julia (julia@example.com). Round brackets should be replaced with angle brackets
    $to = preg_replace('~[\\<\\[\\(]*([a-zA-Z0-9.\\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.\\-]+)[\\>\\]\\)]*~', '<$1>', $to);
    // encoding data for mail_mime
    $encoding_parameters = array('head_encoding' => 'base64', 'text_encoding' => 'base64', 'html_encoding' => 'base64', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8');
    // add some important headers
    $headers_primary = array('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject);
    $headers = array_merge($headers_primary, $headers);
    // create mail body generator
    $mime = new Mail_mime($encoding_parameters);
    // by default, no text part
    $alarm = 0;
    // replace image links with attached images
    if ($image_count = preg_match_all('~<img[^>]+src="(?!cid:)([^"]+)"[^>]*>~', $body, $img_data)) {
        for ($img_index = 0; $img_index < $image_count; $img_index++) {
            // generate new CID
            $cid = strtolower(str_replace('-', '', create_guid()));
            // image full CID, must contain sender domain to be displayed inline instead as attachment
            $cid_full = $cid . '@' . preg_replace('~[^@]*@~', '', $from);
            // add image
            $mime->addHTMLImage($img_data[1][$img_index], get_file_mime_type($img_data[1][$img_index]), '', true, $cid);
            // replace local image link to inline
            $new_image_link = str_replace($img_data[1][$img_index], 'cid:' . $cid_full, $img_data[0][$img_index]);
            // new image link
            $body = str_replace($img_data[0][$img_index], $new_image_link, $body);
    // ok, HTML part is ready now
    // add attachments
    foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
        $attachment_filename = $attachment['filename'];
        $attachment_realname = $attachment['realname'];
        $mime->addAttachment($attachment_filename, get_file_mime_type($attachment_filename), $attachment_realname, true, 'base64', 'attachment', '', '', '', 'base64', 'utf-8', '', 'utf-8');
    // generate final headers
    $headers_ready = $mime->headers($headers);
    // get full message body
    $body_ready = $mime->get();
    // now send
    $mail_result = $mailer->send($mail_addresses, $headers_ready, $body_ready);
    // free mem as messages are big
    // log result
    if ($mail_result === true) {
        logthis('[send_email] : ok');
    } else {
        logthis('[send_email] : failed mailing to ' . $to . ' : ' . $mail_result->getMessage(), ZLogger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
    return $mail_result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function force_download()
     include FMPATH . 'config/config.php';
     if ($_SESSION['RF']["verify"] != "RESPONSIVEfilemanager") {
     include FMPATH . 'include/utils.php';
     include FMPATH . 'include/mime_type_lib.php';
     if (strpos($_POST['path'], '/') === 0 || strpos($_POST['path'], '../') !== FALSE || strpos($_POST['path'], './') === 0) {
         die('wrong path');
     if (strpos($_POST['name'], '/') !== FALSE) {
         die('wrong path');
     $path = $current_path . $_POST['path'];
     $name = $_POST['name'];
     $info = pathinfo($name);
     if (!in_array(fix_strtolower($info['extension']), $ext)) {
         die('wrong extension');
     $img_size = (string) filesize($path . $name);
     // Get the image size as string
     $mime_type = get_file_mime_type($path . $name);
     // Get the correct MIME type depending on the file.
     header('Pragma: private');
     header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate');
     header("Content-Type: " . $mime_type);
     // Set the correct MIME type
     header("Content-Length: " . $img_size);
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"');
     readfile($path . $name);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function save($bean, $params, $field, $vardef, $prefix = '')
     $fakeDisplayParams = array();
     $this->fillInOptions($vardef, $fakeDisplayParams);
     require_once 'include/upload_file.php';
     $upload_file = new UploadFile($prefix . $field . '_file');
     //remove file
     if (isset($_REQUEST['remove_file_' . $field]) && $params['remove_file_' . $field] == 1) {
         $bean->{$field} = "";
     $move = false;
     // In case of failure midway, we need to reset the values of the bean
     $originalvals = array('value' => $bean->{$field});
     // Bug 57400 - Some beans with a filename field type do NOT have file_mime_type
     // or file_ext. In the case of Documents, for example, this happens to be
     // the case, since the DocumentRevisions bean is where these fields are found.
     if (isset($bean->file_mime_type)) {
         $originalvals['mime'] = $bean->file_mime_type;
     if (isset($bean->file_ext)) {
         $originalvals['ext'] = $bean->file_ext;
     if (isset($_FILES[$prefix . $field . '_file']) && $upload_file->confirm_upload()) {
         // in order to avoid any discrepancies of MIME type with the download code,
         // call the same MIME function instead of using the uploaded file's mime type property.
         $mimeType = get_file_mime_type($upload_file->get_temp_file_location(), 'application/octet-stream');
         //verify the image
         if (in_array($mimeType, self::$imageFileMimeTypes) && !verify_image_file($upload_file->get_temp_file_location())) {
             $this->error = string_format($GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_UPLOAD_IMAGE_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED'], array($upload_file->file_ext));
         $bean->{$field} = $upload_file->get_stored_file_name();
         $bean->file_mime_type = $upload_file->mime_type;
         $bean->file_ext = $upload_file->file_ext;
         $move = true;
     } else {
         $this->error = $upload_file->getErrorMessage();
     if (!empty($params['isDuplicate']) && $params['isDuplicate'] == 'true') {
         // This way of detecting duplicates is used in Notes
         $old_id = $params['relate_id'];
     if (!empty($params['duplicateSave']) && !empty($params['duplicateId'])) {
         // It's a duplicate
         $old_id = $params['duplicateId'];
     // case when we should copy one file to another using merge-duplicate view
     // $params[$field . '_duplicateBeanId'] contains id of bean from
     // which we should copy file.
     if (!empty($params[$field . '_duplicateBeanId'])) {
         $duplicateModuleId = $params[$field . '_duplicateBeanId'];
     // Backwards compatibility for fields that still use customCode to handle the file uploads
     if (!$move && empty($old_id) && isset($_FILES['uploadfile'])) {
         $upload_file = new UploadFile('uploadfile');
         if ($upload_file->confirm_upload()) {
             $bean->{$field} = $upload_file->get_stored_file_name();
             $bean->file_mime_type = $upload_file->mime_type;
             $bean->file_ext = $upload_file->file_ext;
             $move = true;
         } else {
             $this->error = $upload_file->getErrorMessage();
     } elseif (!$move && !empty($old_id) && isset($_REQUEST['uploadfile']) && !isset($_REQUEST[$prefix . $field . '_file'])) {
         // I think we are duplicating a backwards compatibility module.
         $upload_file = new UploadFile('uploadfile');
     if (empty($bean->id)) {
         $bean->id = create_guid();
         $bean->new_with_id = true;
     if ($move) {
         $temp = !empty($params['temp']);
         // Added checking of final move to capture errors that might occur
         if ($upload_file->final_move($bean->id, $temp)) {
             if (!$temp) {
                 // This fixes an undefined index warning being thrown
                 $docType = isset($vardef['docType']) && isset($params[$prefix . $vardef['docType']]) ? $params[$prefix . $vardef['docType']] : null;
                 $upload_file->upload_doc($bean, $bean->id, $docType, $bean->{$field}, $upload_file->mime_type);
         } else {
             // Reset the bean back to original, but only if we had set them.
             $bean->{$field} = $originalvals['value'];
             // See comments for these properties above in regards to Bug 57400
             if (isset($originalvals['mime'])) {
                 $bean->file_mime_type = $originalvals['mime'];
             if (isset($originalvals['ext'])) {
                 $bean->file_ext = $originalvals['ext'];
             // Report the error
             $this->error = $upload_file->getErrorMessage();
     } elseif (!empty($old_id)) {
         // It's a duplicate, I think
         if (empty($vardef['docUrl']) || empty($params[$prefix . $vardef['docUrl']])) {
             $upload_file->duplicate_file($old_id, $bean->id, $bean->{$field});
         } else {
             $docType = $vardef['docType'];
             $bean->{$docType} = $params[$prefix . $field . '_old_doctype'];
     } elseif (!empty($params[$prefix . $field . '_remoteName'])) {
         // We aren't moving, we might need to do some remote linking
         $displayParams = array();
         $this->fillInOptions($vardef, $displayParams);
         if (isset($params[$prefix . $vardef['docId']]) && !empty($params[$prefix . $vardef['docId']]) && isset($params[$prefix . $vardef['docType']]) && !empty($params[$prefix . $vardef['docType']])) {
             $bean->{$field} = $params[$prefix . $field . '_remoteName'];
             require_once 'include/utils/file_utils.php';
             $extension = get_file_extension($bean->{$field});
             if (!empty($extension)) {
                 $bean->file_ext = $extension;
                 $bean->file_mime_type = get_mime_content_type_from_filename($bean->{$field});
     } elseif (!empty($duplicateModuleId)) {
         $upload_file->duplicate_file($duplicateModuleId, $bean->id, $bean->{$field});
         $bean->{$field} = $params[$field];
         require_once 'include/utils/file_utils.php';
         $extension = get_file_extension($bean->{$field});
         if (!empty($extension)) {
             $bean->file_ext = $extension;
             $bean->file_mime_type = get_mime_content_type_from_filename($bean->{$field});
     if ($vardef['allowEapm'] == true && empty($bean->{$field})) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->info("The {$field} is empty, clearing out the lot");
         // Looks like we are emptying this out
         $clearFields = array('docId', 'docType', 'docUrl', 'docDirectUrl');
         foreach ($clearFields as $clearMe) {
             if (!isset($vardef[$clearMe])) {
             $clearField = $vardef[$clearMe];
             $bean->{$clearField} = '';
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Determines MIME-type encoding as possible.
  * @param string $fileLocation relative path to file
  * @return string MIME-type
 function email2GetMime($fileLocation)
     return get_file_mime_type($fileLocation, 'application/octet-stream');