Ejemplo n.º 1
function event_delete()
    global $config;
    if (!is_user() && $config['anon_permission'] < 2) {
        soft_error(_('You do not have permission to delete events.'));
    $del_array = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    $html = tag('div', attributes('class="box"', 'style="width: 50%"'));
    $ids = 0;
    foreach ($del_array as $del_value) {
        list($drop, $id) = explode("=", $del_value);
        if (preg_match('/^id$/', $drop) == 0) {
        $event = get_event_by_id($id);
        if (!check_user($event['uid']) && $config['anon_permission'] < 2) {
            $html->add(tag('p', _('You do not have permission to remove item') . ": {$id}"));
        if (remove_event($id)) {
            $html->add(tag('p', _('Removed item') . ": {$id}"));
        } else {
            $html->add(tag('p', _('Could not remove item') . ": {$id}"));
    if ($ids == 0) {
        $html->add(tag('p', _('No items selected.')));
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function get_selected_event()
    global $sel_event;
    if (isset($_GET['eve'])) {
        $sel_event = get_event_by_id($_GET['eve']);
    } else {
        $sel_event = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function display_id($id)
    global $db, $year, $month, $day, $config;
    $row = get_event_by_id($id);
    $year = $row['year'];
    $month = $row['month'];
    $day = $row['day'];
    $time_str = formatted_time_string($row['starttime'], $row['eventtype']);
    $date_str = formatted_date_string($row['year'], $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['end_year'], $row['end_month'], $row['end_day']);
    $dur_str = get_duration($row['duration'], $row['eventtype']);
    $subject = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($row['subject'])));
    if (empty($subject)) {
        $subject = _('(No subject)');
    $name = stripslashes($row['username']);
    $desc = parse_desc($row['description']);
    if (check_user($row['uid']) || $config['anon_permission'] >= 2) {
        return tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-main"'), tag('h2', $subject), tag('div', 'by ', tag('cite', $name)), tag('div', create_id_link(_('Modify'), 'event_form', $id), "\n", create_id_link(_('Delete'), 'event_delete', $id)), tag('div', tag('div', _('Date') . ": {$date_str}"), tag('div', _('Time') . ": {$time_str}"), tag('div', _('Duration') . ": {$dur_str}")), tag('p', $desc));
    } else {
        return tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-main"'), tag('h2', $subject), tag('div', 'by ', tag('cite', $name)), tag('div', tag('div', _('Date') . ": {$date_str}"), tag('div', _('Time') . ": {$time_str}"), tag('div', _('Duration') . ": {$dur_str}")), tag('p', $desc));
Ejemplo n.º 4
function event_submit()
    global $calendar_name, $day, $month, $year, $db, $vars, $config, $phpc_script;
    /* Validate input */
    if (isset($vars['id'])) {
        $id = $vars['id'];
        $modify = 1;
    } else {
        $modify = 0;
    if (isset($vars['description'])) {
        $description = $vars['description'];
    } else {
        $description = '';
    if (isset($vars['subject'])) {
        $subject = $vars['subject'];
    } else {
        $subject = '';
    if (empty($vars['day'])) {
        soft_error(_('No day was given.'));
    if (empty($vars['month'])) {
        soft_error(_('No month was given.'));
    if (empty($vars['year'])) {
        soft_error(_('No year was given'));
    if (isset($vars['hour'])) {
        $hour = $vars['hour'];
    } else {
        soft_error(_('No hour was given.'));
    if (!$config['hours_24']) {
        if (array_key_exists('pm', $vars) && $vars['pm']) {
            if ($hour < 12) {
                $hour += 12;
        } elseif ($hour == 12) {
            $hour = 0;
    if (array_key_exists('minute', $vars)) {
        $minute = $vars['minute'];
    } else {
        soft_error(_('No minute was given.'));
    if (isset($vars['durationmin'])) {
        $duration_min = $vars['durationmin'];
    } else {
        soft_error(_('No duration minute was given.'));
    if (isset($vars['durationhour'])) {
        $duration_hour = $vars['durationhour'];
    } else {
        soft_error(_('No duration hour was given.'));
    if (isset($vars['typeofevent'])) {
        $typeofevent = $vars['typeofevent'];
    } else {
        soft_error(_('No type of event was given.'));
    if (isset($vars['multiday']) && $vars['multiday'] == '1') {
        if (isset($vars['endday'])) {
            $end_day = $vars['endday'];
        } else {
            soft_error(_('No end day was given'));
        if (isset($vars['endmonth'])) {
            $end_month = $vars['endmonth'];
        } else {
            soft_error(_('No end month was given'));
        if (isset($vars['endyear'])) {
            $end_year = $vars['endyear'];
        } else {
            soft_error(_('No end year was given'));
    } else {
        $end_day = $day;
        $end_month = $month;
        $end_year = $year;
    if (strlen($subject) > $config['subject_max']) {
        soft_error(_('Your subject was too long') . ". {$config['subject_max']} " . _('characters max') . ".");
    $startstamp = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    $endstamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $end_month, $end_day, $end_year);
    if ($endstamp < mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) {
        soft_error(_('The start of the event cannot be after the end of the event.'));
    $startdate = $db->DBDate($startstamp);
    $starttime = $db->DBDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $startstamp));
    $enddate = $db->DBDate($endstamp);
    $duration = $duration_hour * 60 + $duration_min;
    $table = SQL_PREFIX . 'events';
    if ($modify) {
        $event = get_event_by_id($id);
        if (!check_user($event['uid']) && $config['anon_permission'] < 2) {
            soft_error(_('You do not have permission to modify this event.'));
        $query = "UPDATE {$table}\n" . "SET startdate={$startdate},\n" . "enddate={$enddate},\n" . "starttime={$starttime},\n" . "duration='{$duration}',\n" . "subject='{$subject}',\n" . "description='{$description}',\n" . "eventtype='{$typeofevent}'\n" . "WHERE id='{$id}'";
    } else {
        if (!is_user() && $config['anon_permission'] < 1) {
            soft_error(_('You do not have permission to post.'));
        $id = $db->GenID(SQL_PREFIX . 'sequence');
        $query = "INSERT INTO {$table}\n" . "(id, uid, startdate, enddate, starttime, duration," . " subject, description, eventtype, calendar)\n" . "VALUES ({$id}, '{$_SESSION["uid{$calendar_name}"]}', " . "{$startdate}, {$enddate}, {$starttime}, '{$duration}', " . "'{$subject}', '{$description}', '{$typeofevent}', " . "'{$calendar_name}')";
    $result = $db->Execute($query);
    if (!$result) {
        db_error(_('Error processing event'), $query);
    $affected = $db->Affected_Rows($result);
    if ($affected < 1) {
        return tag('div', _('No changes were made.'));
    return tag('div', attributes('class="box"'), _('Date updated') . ": {$affected}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
function event_form()
    global $vars, $day, $month, $year, $db, $config, $phpc_script, $month_names, $event_types;
    if (isset($vars['id'])) {
        // modifying
        $id = $vars['id'];
        $title = sprintf(_('Editing Event #%d'), $id);
        $row = get_event_by_id($id);
        $subject = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['subject']));
        $desc = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['description']));
        $year = $row['year'];
        $month = $row['month'];
        $day = $row['day'];
        $hour = date('H', strtotime($row['starttime']));
        $minute = date('i', strtotime($row['starttime']));
        $end_year = $row['end_year'];
        $end_month = $row['end_month'];
        $end_day = $row['end_day'];
        $durmin = $row['duration'] % 60;
        $durhr = floor($row['duration'] / 60);
        if (!$config['hours_24']) {
            if ($hour > 12) {
                $pm = true;
                $hour = $hour - 12;
            } elseif ($hour == 12) {
                $pm = true;
            } else {
                $pm = false;
        $typeofevent = $row['eventtype'];
        $multiday = $year != $end_year || $month != $end_month || $day != $end_day;
    } else {
        // case "add":
        $title = _('Adding event to calendar');
        $subject = '';
        $desc = '';
        if ($day == date('j') && $month == date('n') && $year == date('Y')) {
            if ($config['hours_24']) {
                $hour = date('G');
            } else {
                $hour = date('g');
                if (date('a') == 'pm') {
                    $pm = true;
                } else {
                    $pm = false;
        } else {
            $hour = 6;
            $pm = true;
        $minute = 0;
        $end_day = $day;
        $end_month = $month;
        $end_year = $year;
        $durhr = 1;
        $durmin = 0;
        $typeofevent = 1;
        $multiday = false;
    if ($config['hours_24']) {
        $hour_sequence = create_sequence(0, 23);
    } else {
        $hour_sequence = create_sequence(1, 12);
    $minute_sequence = create_sequence(0, 59, 5, 'minute_pad');
    $year_sequence = create_sequence(1970, 2037);
    $html_time = tag('td', create_select('hour', $hour_sequence, $hour), tag('b', ':'), create_select('minute', $minute_sequence, $minute));
    if (!$config['hours_24']) {
        if ($pm) {
            $value = 1;
        } else {
            $value = 0;
        $html_time->add(create_select('pm', array(_('AM'), _('PM')), $value));
    if (isset($id)) {
        $input = create_hidden('id', $id);
    } else {
        $input = '';
    $attributes = attributes('class="phpc-main"');
    $day_of_month_sequence = create_sequence(1, 31);
    return tag('form', attributes("action=\"{$phpc_script}\""), tag('table', $attributes, tag('caption', $title), tag('tfoot', tag('tr', tag('td', attributes('colspan="2"'), $input, create_submit(_("Submit Event")), create_hidden('action', 'event_submit')))), tag('tbody', tag('tr', tag('th', _('Date of event')), tag('td', create_select('day', $day_of_month_sequence, $day), create_select('month', $month_names, $month), create_select('year', $year_sequence, $year))), tag('tr', tag('th', _('Multiple day event')), tag('td', create_checkbox('multiday', '1', $multiday))), tag('tr', tag('th', _('End date (Multiple day events only)')), tag('td', create_select('endday', $day_of_month_sequence, $end_day), create_select('endmonth', $month_names, $end_month), create_select('endyear', $year_sequence, $end_year))), tag('tr', tag('th', _('Event type')), tag('td', create_select('typeofevent', $event_types, $typeofevent))), tag('tr', tag('th', _('Time')), $html_time), tag('tr', tag('th', _('Duration')), tag('td', create_select('durationhour', create_sequence(0, 23), $durhr), _('hour(s)') . "\n", create_select('durationmin', $minute_sequence, $durmin), _('minutes') . "\n")), tag('tr', tag('th', _('Subject') . ' (' . $config['subject_max'] . ' ' . _('chars max') . ')'), tag('td', tag('input', attributes('type="text"', "size=\"{$config['subject_max']}\"", "maxlength=\"{$config['subject_max']}\"", 'name="subject"', "value=\"{$subject}\"")))), tag('tr', tag('th', _('Description')), tag('td', tag('textarea', attributes('rows="5"', 'cols="50"', 'name="description"'), $desc))))));
Ejemplo n.º 6
function modify_event_action($session_uid, $id)
    // needed to set the tab active
    $extras_active = true;
    $events_active = true;
    //check if the user is admin
    if (user_is_admin($session_uid)) {
        $event = get_event_by_id($id);
        // get all users uids
        $uids = get_all_uids();
        require 'templates/event.php';
    } else {
        require 'templates/login.php';
Ejemplo n.º 7

require_once "includes/session.php";
require_once "includes/connection.php";
require_once "includes/functions.php";
require_once "includes/form_functions.php";
require_once "includes/header.php";
if (is_null(check_login())) {
$sel_event = get_event_by_id($_SESSION['event']);
if (!isset($sel_event)) {
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['content']) && !empty($_POST['content'])) {
        $content = mysql_comment_prep($_POST["content"]);
        $query = "INSERT INTO comments (\r\n\t  \t\t\t\tuser_id, question_id, content, date_id\r\n\t  \t\t\t\t) values (\r\n\t  \t\t\t\t{$_SESSION['user_id']}, {$_SESSION['question']}, '{$content}', now()\r\n\t  \t\t\t\t)";
        if (mysql_query($query, $connection)) {
        } else {
            //echo mysql_error();
            echo "<p>Could not post!!</p>";
<div class="content clearfix">
	<div class="chapter grid_8 alpha">
if (!intval($_GET['qes'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
         header('Location: mahasiswa-client.php');
 } else {
     if (isset($_POST["submitKomunitas"])) {
         if ($_POST['captcha_input'] == $_SESSION['captcha']['code']) {
             $value = addDataKomunitas($_POST["namalembaga"], $_POST["deskripsikomunitas"], $_POST["kategori"], $_POST["alamatkomunitas"], $_POST["lat"], $_POST["lng"], $_POST["cp"], $_POST["posisi"], $_POST["nomortelepon"], $_POST["website"], $_POST["medsos"], $_POST["linkgambar"]);
         } else {
             // Captcha salah
             header('Location: komunitas-client.php');
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET["action"])) {
             switch ($_GET["action"]) {
                 case "get_event":
                     if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
                         $value = get_event_by_id($_GET["id"]);
                     } else {
                         $value = "ERROR";
                 case "get_all":
                     $value = get_event_all();
                 case "get_datakader":
                     if (isset($_GET["nimkader"])) {
                         $value = get_datakader_by_nim($_GET["nimkader"]);
                     } else {
                         $value = "ERROR";
                 case "get_komunitas":