/** * My Handy Restaurant * * http://www.myhandyrestaurant.org * * My Handy Restaurant is a restaurant complete management tool. * Visit {@link http://www.myhandyrestaurant.org} for more info. * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Fabio De Pascale * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @author Fabio 'Kilyerd' De Pascale <*****@*****.**> * @package MyHandyRestaurant * @copyright Copyright 2003-2005, Fabio De Pascale * @copyright Copyright 2006-2012, Gjergj Sheldija */ function discount_save_to_source($discount_value) { $olddiscount = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'sources', 'discount', $_SESSION['sourceid']); $newdiscount = $olddiscount - abs($discount_value); $query = "UPDATE `sources` SET `discount` = '{$newdiscount}'\n\t\tWHERE `id` = '" . $_SESSION['sourceid'] . "'"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return mysql_errno(); } return 0; }
$t_groups = $tablePreStr . "groups"; $t_group_members = $tablePreStr . "group_members"; $t_group_subject = $tablePreStr . "group_subject"; $t_group_subject_comment = $tablePreStr . "group_subject_comment"; //定义读操作 dbtarget('r', $dbServs); $dbo = new dbex(); $show_action = 0; //权限判断 $role = api_proxy("group_member_by_role", $group_id, $user_id); $role = $role[0]; if (($role == 0 || $role == 1) && isset($role)) { $show_action = 1; } $condition = "group_id={$group_id} and title like '%{$key_word}%'"; $order_by = "order by add_time desc"; $type = "getRs"; $dbo->setPages(20, $page_num); //设置分页 $subject_rs = get_db_data($dbo, $t_group_subject, $condition, $order_by, $type); $page_total = $dbo->totalPage; //分页总数 //显示控制 $isset_data = ""; $none_data = "content_none"; $isNull = 0; if (empty($subject_rs)) { $isNull = 1; $isset_data = "content_none"; $none_data = ""; }
$share_row = get_db_data($dbo, $t_share, $id_cols, $order_by, $type); if ($share_row['type_id'] == 6) { $link_re = $share_row['out_link']; } else { $link_re = $share_row['movie_link']; } //操作显示控制 $action_ctrl = 'content_none'; if ($share_row['user_id'] == $ses_uid) { $action_ctrl = ''; } $share_com_rs = array(); $type = "getRs"; $dbo->setPages(20, $page_num); //设置分页 $comment_rs = get_db_data($dbo, $t_share_com, $id_cols, $order_by, $type); $page_total = $dbo->totalPage; //分页总数 $isNull = 0; $show_com = ''; $show_error = 'content_none'; $show_out_link = ''; //锁定控制 if ($share_row['is_pass'] == 0 && $is_admin == '') { $show_error = ''; $error_str = $s_langpackage->s_lock; } } //控制数据显示 if (empty($comment_rs)) { $isNull = 1;
$cols .= " and group_name like '%{$search}%' "; } //按群组标签名 if (get_argg('tag')) { $search = short_check(get_argg('tag')); $cols .= " and tag like '%{$search}%' "; } //按群组类型 if (get_argg('group_type_id')) { $search = intval(get_argg('group_type_id')); $cols .= " and group_type_id='{$search}' "; } $page_num = trim(get_argg('page')); $condition = "{$cols} and is_pass=1"; $order_by = "order by member_count desc"; $type = "getRs"; $dbo->setPages(20, $page_num); //设置分页 $search = get_db_data($dbo, $t_groups, $condition, $order_by, $type); $page_total = $dbo->totalPage; //分页总数 //显示控制 $isset_data = ""; $none_data = "content_none"; $isNull = 0; if (empty($search)) { $isNull = 1; $isset_data = "content_none"; $none_data = ""; } $g_join_num = $g_langpackage->g_join_num;
function dishes_list_search($data) { $output = ''; $search = strtolower(trim($data['search'])); if (empty($search)) { return ''; } $query = "SELECT dishes.*\n\tFROM `dishes`\n\tWHERE (LCASE(`name`) LIKE '" . $search . "%'\n\t\tOR LCASE(`name`) LIKE '% " . $search . "%'\n\t\t)"; if (!get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "invisible_show")) { $query .= "AND `visible`='1'"; } $query .= "\n\tAND dishes.deleted='0'\n\tORDER BY name ASC"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return ''; } $output .= '<table bgcolor="' . COLOR_TABLE_GENERAL . '"> <tr> <th scope=col>' . ucfirst(phr('ID')) . '</th> <th scope=col>' . ucfirst(phr('NAME')) . '</th> <th scope=col>' . country_conf_currency(true) . '</th> </tr> '; // ascii letter A $i = 65; unset($GLOBALS['key_binds_letters']); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $class = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], "categories", "htmlcolor", $arr['category']); $dishcat = $arr['category']; $dishid = $arr['id']; $dishobj = new dish($arr['id']); $dishname = $dishobj->name($_SESSION['language']); if ($dishname == null || strlen(trim($dishname)) == 0) { $dishname = $arr['name']; } $dishprice = $arr['price']; if ($dishcat > 0) { // letters array follows if ($i < 91) { $GLOBALS['key_binds_letters'][$i] = $dishid; $local_letter = chr($i); $i++; } else { $local_letter = ''; } $output .= '<tr> <td bgcolor="' . $class . '">' . $local_letter . '</td>'; $output .= '<td bgcolor="' . $class . '" onclick="order_select(' . $dishid . ',\'order_form\'); return false;"><a href="#" onclick="JavaScript:order_select(' . $dishid . ',\'order_form\'); return false;">' . $dishname . '</a></td>'; $output .= '<td bgcolor="' . $class . '">' . $dishprice . '</td> </tr>'; } } $output .= ' </table>'; return $output; }
function print_orders($sourceid) { /* name: print_orders($sourceid) returns: 0 - no error 1 - no orders to be printed 2 - template parsing error 3 - error setting orders printed other - mysql error number */ $sourceid = $_SESSION['sourceid']; debug_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BEGIN PRINTING"); $query = "SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE `sourceid`='{$sourceid}' AND `printed` IS NULL AND `suspend`='0' ORDER BY dest_id ASC, priority ASC, associated_id ASC, id ASC"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return mysql_errno(); } if (!mysql_num_rows($res)) { return ERR_ORDER_NOT_FOUND; } $newassociated_id = ""; $tablenum = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'sources', "name", $sourceid); $tpl_print = new template(); $output['orders'] = ''; $msg = ""; while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $oldassociated_id = $newassociated_id; $newassociated_id = $arr['associated_id']; if (isset($priority)) { $oldpriority = $priority; } else { $oldpriority = 0; } $priority = $arr['priority']; if ($oldassociated_id != "") { $olddestid = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', "destid", get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'orders', 'dishid', $oldassociated_id)); $olddest = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "dest", $olddestid); $olddestname = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "name", $olddestid); } else { $olddestid = 0; } $destid = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', "destid", get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'orders', 'dishid', $newassociated_id)); $dest = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "dest", $destid); $destname = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "name", $destid); $dest_language = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "language", $destid); if ($destid != $olddestid || $priority != $oldpriority) { if ($destid != $olddestid && $olddestid != "") { $tpl_print->assign("date", printer_print_date()); $tpl_print->assign("gonow", printer_print_gonow($oldpriority, $dest_language)); $tpl_print->assign("page_cut", printer_print_cut()); // strips the last newline that has been put $output['orders'] = substr($output['orders'], 0, strlen($output['orders']) - 1); if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) { $print_tpl_file = 'ticket_takeaway'; } else { $print_tpl_file = 'ticket'; } if ($err = $tpl_print->set_print_template_file($olddestid, $print_tpl_file)) { return $err; } if ($err = $tpl_print->parse()) { $msg = "Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " - "; $msg .= 'error: ' . $err . "\n"; echo nl2br($msg) . "\n"; error_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, $msg); return ERR_PARSING_TEMPLATE; } $tpl_print->restore_curly(); $msg = $tpl_print->getOutput(); $tpl_print->reset_vars(); $output['orders'] = ''; $msg = str_replace("'", "", $msg); if ($outerr = print_line($olddestid, $msg)) { return $outerr; } } elseif ($priority != $oldpriority && $oldpriority != "") { $tpl_print->assign("date", printer_print_date()); $tpl_print->assign("gonow", printer_print_gonow($oldpriority, $dest_language)); $tpl_print->assign("page_cut", printer_print_cut()); // strips the last newline that has been put $output['orders'] = substr($output['orders'], 0, strlen($output['orders']) - 1); if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) { $print_tpl_file = 'ticket_takeaway'; } else { $print_tpl_file = 'ticket'; } if ($err = $tpl_print->set_print_template_file($destid, $print_tpl_file)) { return $err; } if ($err = $tpl_print->parse()) { $msg = "Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " - "; $msg .= 'error: ' . $err . "\n"; error_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, $msg); echo nl2br($msg) . "\n"; return ERR_PARSING_TEMPLATE; } $tpl_print->restore_curly(); $msg = $tpl_print->getOutput(); $tpl_print->reset_vars(); $output['orders'] = ''; $msg = str_replace("'", "", $msg); if ($outerr = print_line($destid, $msg)) { return $outerr; } } if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) { $takeaway_data = takeaway_get_customer_data($sourceid); $output['takeaway'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_TAKEAWAY')) . " - "; $output['takeaway'] .= $takeaway_data['takeaway_hour'] . ":" . $takeaway_data['takeaway_minute'] . "\n"; $output['takeaway'] .= $takeaway_data['takeaway_surname'] . "\n"; $tpl_print->assign("takeaway", $output['takeaway']); } $output['table'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_TABLE')) . ": " . $tablenum; $tpl_print->assign("table", $output['table']); $user = new user($_SESSION['userid']); $output['waiter'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_WAITER')) . ": " . $user->data['name']; $tpl_print->assign("waiter", $output['waiter']); $output['priority'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_PRIORITY')) . ": " . $priority . "\n"; $tpl_print->assign("priority", $output['priority']); $output['people'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_PEOPLE')) . ": " . table_people_number($sourceid) . "\n"; $tpl_print->assign("people", $output['people']); $table = new table($sourceid); $table->fetch_data(true); if ($cust_id = $table->data['customer']) { $cust = new customer($cust_id); $output['customer'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'CUSTOMER')) . ": " . $cust->data['surname'] . ' ' . $cust->data['name']; $tpl_print->assign("customer_name", $output['customer']); $output['customer'] = $cust->data['address']; $tpl_print->assign("customer_address", $output['customer']); $output['customer'] = $cust->data['zip']; $tpl_print->assign("customer_zip_code", $output['customer']); $output['customer'] = $cust->data['city']; $tpl_print->assign("customer_city", $output['customer']); $output['customer'] = ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'VAT_ACCOUNT')) . ": " . $cust->data['vat_account']; $tpl_print->assign("customer_vat_account", $output['customer']); } } $output['orders'] .= printer_print_row($arr, $destid); $printed_orders[] = $arr['id']; if ($newassociated_id != $oldassociated_id) { // if we're in this function, it means that we changed associated_id id // and also that mods have been printed on the same sheet if (CONF_PRINT_BARCODES && $arr['dishid'] != MOD_ID) { $output['orders'] .= print_barcode($newassociated_id); } } if (CONF_PRINT_BARCODES && $arr['dishid'] != MOD_ID) { $output['orders'] .= print_barcode($newassociated_id); } $tpl_print->assign("orders", $output['orders']); } $destid = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', "destid", get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'orders', 'dishid', $newassociated_id)); $dest = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "dest", $destid); $destname = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "name", $destid); $dest_language = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "language", $destid); if (CONF_PRINT_BARCODES) { $tpl_print->assign("barcode", print_barcode($newassociated_id)); } $tpl_print->assign("date", printer_print_date()); $tpl_print->assign("gonow", printer_print_gonow($priority, $dest_language)); $tpl_print->assign("page_cut", printer_print_cut()); // strips the last newline that has been put $output['orders'] = substr($output['orders'], 0, strlen($output['orders']) - 1); if (table_is_takeaway($sourceid)) { $print_tpl_file = 'ticket_takeaway'; } else { $print_tpl_file = 'ticket'; } if ($err = $tpl_print->set_print_template_file($destid, $print_tpl_file)) { return $err; } if ($err = $tpl_print->parse()) { $err_msg = "Error in " . __FUNCTION__ . " - "; $err_msg .= 'error: ' . $err . "\n"; error_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, $err_msg); echo nl2br($err_msg) . "\n"; return ERR_PARSING_TEMPLATE; } $tpl_print->restore_curly(); $msg = $tpl_print->getOutput(); $tpl_print->reset_vars(); $output['orders'] = ''; $msg = str_replace("'", "", $msg); if ($outerr = print_line($destid, $msg)) { return $outerr; } foreach ($printed_orders as $val) { if ($err = print_set_printed($val)) { return $err; } } // there was an error setting orders as printed if ($err) { return ERR_ORDER_NOT_SET_AS_PRINTED; } return 0; }
function categories_list_pos($data = '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM `categories` WHERE `deleted`='0' ORDER BY id ASC"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return ''; } while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $catid = $arr['id']; $catimg = $arr['image']; if (!$catimg) { $catimg = IMAGE_CATEGORY_DEFAULT; } $backcommand = "order_create1"; $bgcolor = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'categories', 'htmlcolor', $catid); $link = 'orders.php?command=dish_list&data[category]=' . $catid; if (isset($data['quantity']) && $data['quantity']) { $link .= '&data[quantity]=' . $data['quantity']; } if (isset($data['priority']) && $data['priority']) { $link .= '&data[priority]=' . $data['priority']; } $output .= ' <a class="CategoryElement" href="#" onclick="loadDish(\'' . $link . '\');return(false);"> <span style="text-indent:64px;display:block;height:100%;background:url(' . $catimg . ') no-repeat 1px 3px;"> <strong>' . $arr['name'] . '</strong> </span> </a> '; } return $output; }
} if ($deleteconfirm) { $delete = $_SESSION["delete"]; unset($_SESSION["delete"]); delete_rows($delete); } else { if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $delete = $_GET['delete']; } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { $delete = $_POST['delete']; } if (is_array($delete)) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t" . GLOBALMSG_RECORDS_DELETE_CONFIRM . "<br><br>\n"; $_SESSION["delete"] = $delete; for (reset($delete); list($key, $value) = each($delete);) { $description = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], "account_mgmt_main", "description", $key); echo "<LI>" . $description . "</LI>"; } echo "\n\t\t\t\t<table><tr><td>\n\t\t\t\t<form action=\"db.php\" method=\"GET\">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"command\" value=\"delete\">\n"; echo "\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deleteconfirm\" value=\"1\">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . ucfirst(phr('YES')) . "\">\n\t\t\t\t</form></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td><form action=\"index.php\" method=\"GET\">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . ucfirst(phr('NO')) . "\">\n\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr></table>\n\t\t\t\t"; } else { echo GLOBALMSG_RECORD_NONE_SELECTED_ERROR . ".<br>"; } } break; } if ($command != "delete") { unset($_SESSION["delete"]); } echo "<br><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:history.go(-1); return false\">" . ucfirst(phr('GO_BACK')) . "</a><br>\n"; echo "<br><a href=\"index.php\">" . ucfirst(phr('GO_MAIN_REPORT')) . "</a><br>";
function bill_print_receipt_id($receipt_id, $destid) { $msg = ""; $dest_language = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dests', "language", $destid); $table = 'account_mgmt_main'; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE `id`='{$receipt_id}'"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return 0; } $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res); $internal_id = $arr['internal_id']; $type = $arr['type']; if ($type == 3) { $msg .= ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_INVOICE')) . " " . ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_NUMBER_ABBR')) . ": {$internal_id}"; } elseif ($type == 4) { $msg .= ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_BILL')) . " " . ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_NUMBER_ABBR')) . ": {$internal_id}"; } elseif ($type == 5) { $msg .= ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_RECEIPT')) . " " . ucfirst(lang_get($dest_language, 'PRINTS_NUMBER_ABBR')) . ": {$internal_id}"; } return $msg; }
dbtarget('r', $dbServs); $dbo = new dbex(); $share_rs = array(); switch ($mod) { case "mine": $id_cols = "user_id={$ses_uid}"; break; default: $id_cols = "user_id={$userid}"; break; } $order_by = "order by add_time desc"; $type = 'getRs'; $dbo->setPages(20, $page_num); //设置分页 $share_rs = get_db_data($dbo, $t_share, $id_cols, $order_by, $type); $page_total = $dbo->totalPage; //分页总数 $button_show_mine = ""; $button_show_his = "content_none"; if ($is_self == 'Y') { $str_title = $s_langpackage->s_mine; } else { $holder_name = get_hodler_name($url_uid); $str_title = str_replace("{holder}", $holder_name, $s_langpackage->s_who_share); $button_show_mine = "content_none"; $button_show_his = ""; } //控制数据显示 $content_data_none = "content_none"; $content_data_set = "";
function toplist_show() { global $tpl; $_SESSION['order_added'] = 0; $query = "SELECT * FROM `last_orders`"; $res = common_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!$res) { return ERR_MYSQL; } if (!mysql_num_rows($res)) { return 1; } while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $dishid = $arr['dishid']; if ($dishid == MOD_ID || $dishid == SERVICE_ID) { continue; } if (!isset($toplist[$dishid])) { $toplist[$dishid] = 0; } $toplist[$dishid]++; } if (!is_array($toplist)) { return 0; } arsort($toplist); reset($toplist); $chk[1] = ""; $chk[2] = ""; $chk[3] = ""; $tmp = ' <form action="orders.php" method="POST" name="toplist_form"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="command" VALUE="create"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="dishid" VALUE="0">'; if (CONF_TOPLIST_HIDE_QUANTITY) { $tmp .= ' <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="data[quantity]" VALUE="1">'; } if (CONF_TOPLIST_HIDE_PRIORITY) { $tmp .= ' ' . ucfirst(phr('PRIORITY')) . ': <input type="radio" ' . $chk[1] . ' name="data[priority]" value=1>1 <input type="radio" ' . $chk[2] . ' name="data[priority]" value=2>2 <input type="radio" ' . $chk[3] . ' name="data[priority]" value=3>3'; } $tmp .= ' <table bgcolor="' . COLOR_TABLE_GENERAL . '"> <tbody> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="4"> <b>' . ucfirst(phr('TOPLIST')) . '(' . ucfirst(phr('LASTS')) . ' ' . CONF_TOPLIST_SAVED_NUMBER . ')</b> <a href="orders.php?command=set_show_toplist"> <img src="' . ROOTDIR . '/images/waiter/fileclose.png" border="0" alt="' . ucphr('HIDE_TOPLIST') . '"> </a> </td> </tr> '; $i = 0; while ($i < get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "top_list_show_top")) { if (list($key, $value) = each($toplist)) { $category = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'dishes', 'category', $key); $bgcolor = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'categories', 'htmlcolor', $category); $tmp .= ' <tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">'; if (table_is_takeaway($_SESSION['sourceid'])) { $tmp .= ' <input type="hidden" name="data[priority]" value=1>'; } elseif (!$i && !CONF_TOPLIST_HIDE_PRIORITY) { $tmp .= ' <td rowspan="' . (get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "top_list_show_top") + 1) . '" bgcolor="' . COLOR_TABLE_GENERAL . '"> 1<input type="radio" ' . $chk[1] . ' name="data[priority]" value=1><br /> 2<input type="radio" ' . $chk[2] . ' name="data[priority]" value=2><br /> 3<input type="radio" ' . $chk[3] . ' name="data[priority]" value=3><br /> </td>'; } if (!$i && !CONF_TOPLIST_HIDE_QUANTITY) { $qtydata['nolabel'] = 1; $tmp .= ' <td rowspan="' . (get_conf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "top_list_show_top") + 1) . '" bgcolor="' . COLOR_TABLE_GENERAL . '"> ' . quantity_list($qtydata) . ' </td>'; } $dishobj = new dish($key); $dishname = $dishobj->name($_SESSION['language']); $tmp .= ' <td> ' . $value . ' </td>'; $tmp .= ' <td valign="middle" onclick="order_select(\'' . $key . '\',\'toplist_form\');"> <a href="#" onclick="JavaScript:order_select(\'' . $key . '\',\'toplist_form\'); return false;"> ' . $dishname . ' </a> </td>'; $tmp .= ' </tr>'; } $i++; } $tmp .= ' </table> </form>'; $tpl->assign('toplist', $tmp); return 0; }
/** * Check if the given table is takeaway * * This function reads the takeaway field value in the sources table and returns it. * * @param integer $table_id * @return integer takeaway value from sources table */ function table_is_takeaway($table_id) { $takeaway = get_db_data(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_SESSION['common_db'], 'sources', "takeaway", $table_id); return $takeaway; }