Ejemplo n.º 1
    $squads = '';
    $erg1 = db_query("SELECT name, id FROM prefix_groups ORDER BY pos");
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg1)) {
        $squads .= '<option>' . $row['name'] . '</option>';
    return $squads;
##### A k t i o n e n
if ($menu->getA(1) == 'd' and is_numeric($menu->getE(1))) {
    db_query('DELETE FROM `prefix_awards` WHERE id = "' . $menu->getE(1) . '" LIMIT 1');
if (isset($_POST['ins'])) {
    $datum = get_datum($_POST['datum']);
    $wofur = escape($_POST['wofur'], 'string');
    $text = escape($_POST['text'], 'string');
    $platz = escape($_POST['platz'], 'string');
    $bild = get_homepage(escape($_POST['bild'], 'string'));
    if ($_POST['atype'] == 'user') {
        $team = escape($_POST['name'], 'string');
    } else {
        $team = escape($_POST['team'], 'string');
    if ($menu->getA(1) == 'e' and is_numeric($menu->getE(1))) {
        $id = $menu->getE(1);
        db_query("UPDATE `prefix_awards` SET time = '{$datum}', platz = '{$platz}',\r\n              team = '{$team}', wofur = '{$wofur}', bild = '{$bild}', text = '{$text}' WHERE id = {$id}");
        echo mysql_error();
        $menu->set_url(1, '');
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
    echo $lang['nopermission'];
// status aendern
if ($menu->getA(1) == 'c' and is_numeric($menu->getE(1)) and is_numeric($menu->get(2)) and is_siteadmin('awaycal')) {
    $uid = db_result(db_query("SELECT `uid` FROM `prefix_awaycal` WHERE `id` = " . $menu->getE(1)), 0);
    db_query("UPDATE `prefix_awaycal` SET `pruef` = " . $menu->get(2) . " WHERE `id` = " . $menu->getE(1));
    sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $uid, 'Away-Anfrage', $message3);
if ($menu->getA(1) == 'd' and is_numeric($menu->getE(1)) and is_siteadmin('awaycal')) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM `prefix_awaycal` WHERE `id` = " . $menu->getE(1));
// eintragen
if (isset($_POST['ch'])) {
    $von = get_datum(escape($_POST['von'], 'string'));
    $bis = get_datum(escape($_POST['bis'], 'string'));
    $bet = escape($_POST['betreff'], 'string');
    $uid = $_SESSION['authid'];
    if (empty($_POST['ch'])) {
        away_sendpmtoleaders($message1, $uid, 0);
        db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_awaycal` (`uid`,`von`,`bis`,`betreff`) VALUES (" . $uid . ",'" . $von . "','" . $bis . "','" . $bet . "')");
    } else {
        $id = escape($_POST['ch'], 'integer');
        $uid = db_result(db_query("SELECT `uid` FROM `prefix_awaycal` WHERE `id` = " . $id), 0);
        if (is_siteadmin('awaycal') or $uid == $_SESSION['authid']) {
            away_sendpmtoleaders($message2, $uid, 1);
            db_query("UPDATE `prefix_awaycal` SET `von` = '" . $von . "', `bis` = '" . $bis . "', `betreff` = '" . $bet . "' WHERE `id` = " . $id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
foreach ($far as $v) {
    if (!empty($_POST[$v])) {
        ${$v} = escape($_POST[$v], 'string');
    } else {
        ${$v} = '';
if (count($far) == $x and chk_antispam('fightus')) {
    $squad = escape($squad, 'integer');
    $abf = "SELECT `mod1`,`mod2`, `mod3`,name FROM prefix_groups WHERE id = " . $squad;
    $erg = db_query($abf);
    $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg);
    $txt = $lang['fightusrequest'];
    list($datum, $zeit) = explode(' - ', $meetingtime);
    $datum = get_datum($datum);
    $datum = $datum . " " . $zeit;
    $clanpage = get_homepage($clanpage);
    # als upcoming war vormerken (kategorie 1)
    db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_wars (datime,`status`,gegner,tag,page,mail,icq,wo,tid,`mod`,game,mtyp,land,txt) VALUES ('" . $datum . "','1','" . $clanname . "','" . $clantag . "','" . $clanpage . "','" . $mailaddy . "','" . $icqnumber . "','" . $meetingplace . "','" . $squad . "','" . $xonx . "','" . $game . "','" . $matchtype . "','" . $clancountry . "','" . $message . "')");
    # pm an den leader
    sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod1'], 'Fightus Anfrage', $txt, -1);
    # Wenn Co Leader != Leader
    if ($row['mod1'] != $row['mod2']) {
        sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod2'], 'Fightus Anfrage', $txt, -1);
    if ($row['mod3'] != $row['mod2'] and $row['mod1'] != $row['mod3']) {
        sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod3'], 'Fightus Anfrage', $txt, -1);
    # informieren
    echo sprintf($lang['leaderofxalert'], $row['name']);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_usercheck (`check`,email,datime,ak)\r\n    VALUES ('" . $id . "','" . escape($_POST['email'], 'string') . "',NOW(),3)");
            $page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
            $text = $lang['changedthemail'] . sprintf($lang['registconfirmlink'], $page, $id);
            icmail($_POST['email'], $lang['mail'] . ' ' . $lang['changed'], $text);
            $fmsg = $lang['pleaseconfirmmail'];
        #remove account
        if (isset($_POST['removeaccount'])) {
            $id = $_SESSION['authid'] . '-remove-' . md5(uniqid(rand()));
            db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_usercheck (`check`,email,datime,ak)\r\n    VALUES ('" . $id . "','" . escape($_POST['email'], 'string') . "',NOW(),5)");
            $page = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
            $text = $lang['removeconfirm'] . sprintf($lang['registconfirmlink'], $page, $id);
            icmail($_POST['email'], html_entity_decode($lang['removeaccount'], ILCH_ENTITIES_FLAGS, ILCH_CHARSET), $text);
            $fmsg = $lang['pleaseconfirmremove'];
        #remove account
        # statische felder speichern
        db_query("UPDATE prefix_user\r\n\t\t\t  SET\r\n          homepage = '" . get_homepage(escape($_POST['homepage'], 'string')) . "',\r\n          wohnort = '" . escape($_POST['wohnort'], 'string') . "',\r\n          icq = '" . escape($_POST['icq'], 'string') . "',\r\n          msn = '" . escape($_POST['msn'], 'string') . "',\r\n          yahoo = '" . escape($_POST['yahoo'], 'string') . "',\r\n          " . $avatar_sql_update . "\r\n          aim = '" . escape($_POST['aim'], 'string') . "',\r\n          staat = '" . escape($_POST['staat'], 'string') . "',\r\n          geschlecht = '" . escape($_POST['geschlecht'], 'string') . "',\r\n          status = '" . escape($_POST['status'], 'string') . "',\r\n          opt_mail = '" . escape($_POST['opt_mail'], 'string') . "',\r\n          opt_pm = '" . escape($_POST['opt_pm'], 'string') . "',\r\n          opt_pm_popup = '" . escape($_POST['opt_pm_popup'], 'string') . "',\r\n          gebdatum = '" . get_datum(escape($_POST['gebdatum'], 'string')) . "',\r\n          sig = '" . substr(escape($_POST['sig'], 'string'), 0, $allgAr['forum_max_sig']) . "'\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = " . $_SESSION['authid']);
        # change other profil fields
        # definie and print msg
        $fmsg = isset($fmsg) ? $fmsg : $lang['changesuccessful'];
        wd('?user-8', $fmsg, 3);
} else {
    $tpl = new tpl('user/login');
    $tpl->set_out('WDLINK', '?user-8', 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (chk_antispam('fightus') != true) {
        $fehler .= '&middot;&nbsp;' . $lang['incorrectspam'] . '<br/>';
        $fightusspam = false;
    } else {
        $fightusspam = true;
if (count($far) == $x and $fightusspam == true) {
    $squad = escape($squad, 'integer');
    $abf = "SELECT `mod1`,`mod2`, `mod3`,`name` FROM `prefix_groups` WHERE `id` = " . $squad;
    $erg = db_query($abf);
    $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg);
    $txt = $lang['fightusrequest'];
    $sekunde = '00';
    $datum = get_datum($date) . ' - ' . $stunde . ':' . $minute . ':' . $sekunde;
    $clanpage = get_homepage($clanpage);
    // als upcoming war vormerken (kategorie 1)
    db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_wars` (`datime`,`status`,`gegner`,`tag`,`page`,`mail`,`icq`,`wo`,`tid`,`mod`,`game`,`mtyp`,`land`,`txt`) VALUES ('" . $datum . "','1','" . $clanname . "','" . $clantag . "','" . $clanpage . "','" . $mailaddy . "','" . $icqnumber . "','" . $meetingplace . "','" . $squad . "','" . $xonx . "','" . $game . "','" . $matchtype . "','" . $clancountry . "','" . $message . "')");
    // pm an den leader
    sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod1'], 'Fightus Anfrage', $txt, -1);
    // Wenn Co Leader != Leader
    if ($row['mod1'] != $row['mod2']) {
        sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod2'], 'Fightus Anfrage', $txt, -1);
    if ($row['mod3'] != $row['mod2'] and $row['mod1'] != $row['mod3']) {
        sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], $row['mod3'], 'Fightus Anfrage', $txt, -1);
    // informieren
    echo sprintf($lang['leaderofxalert'], $row['name']);
} else {