public function can_access($token, $permission)
     //$a->token $b->permission
     $role_id = $this->get_role_user($this->get_user_id_from_token($token));
     $c = get_conn();
     $statement = $c->prepare("SELECT permision_id from permisions where permission= ?");
     $permission_id = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
     if (isset($permission_id[0])) {
         $p_id = $permission_id[0];
     } else {
         return 0;
     $statement = $c->prepare("SELECT count(*) from role_permission where role_id= ? and permission_id=?");
     $statement->execute(array($role_id, $p_id));
     $count = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
     try {
         if ($count[0] == 1) {
             return 1;
         } else {
             return 0;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function set_page_count($url, $count)
    $conn = get_conn();
    $res = $conn->query("UPDATE click SET count ='" . $count . "' WHERE url = '" . mysql_escape_string($url) . "'");
    if ($res === false) {
        trigger_error('Error running SQL' . $conn->error, E_USER_ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function main()
    while (1) {
        echo "#WAKEUP\n";
        $conn = get_conn();
        if (!$conn) {
        $sql = "select mview_id from flexviews.mview_compute_schedule where unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_computed_at) > compute_interval_seconds";
        $stmt = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
        if (!$stmt) {
        echo "#Delta computation phase starting\n";
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
            $pid = pcntl_fork();
            echo "#Spawning a child for {$row['mview_id']}\n";
            if ($pid == 0) {
                refresh_mview($row['mview_id'], 'COMPUTE');
            } else {
        while ($childCount) {
            echo "#{$childCount} children remain\n";
        $conn = get_conn();
        $sql = "select mview_id from flexviews.mview_apply_schedule where unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(last_applied_at) > apply_interval_seconds";
        $stmt = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
        if (!$stmt) {
        echo "#Delta application phase starting\n";
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
            $pid = pcntl_fork($status);
            echo "#Spawning a child for {$row['mview_id']}\n";
            if ($pid == 0) {
                refresh_mview($row['mview_id'], 'APPLY');
            } else {
        while ($childCount) {
            echo "#{$childCount} children remain\n";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function getManagedEntity($ppcEntityId, $idField, $increaseStart, $decreaseStart, $end)
     $query = "SELECT SUM(b1.cost) AS total_cost, SUM(b1.revenue)-SUM(b1.cost) AS total_profit, COALESCE(increase.profit,0) AS increase_profit, COALESCE(decrease.profit,0) AS decrease_profit\n                  FROM bid_management_data b1 LEFT JOIN\n                        (SELECT b2.{$idField}, SUM(b2.revenue)-SUM(b2.cost) AS profit\n                         FROM bid_management_data b2\n                         WHERE b2.{$idField} = {$ppcEntityId} AND b2.data_date BETWEEN '{$increaseStart}' AND '{$end}'\n                         GROUP BY b2.{$idField}) AS increase ON increase.{$idField} = b1.{$idField} LEFT JOIN\n                        (SELECT b3.{$idField}, SUM(b3.revenue)-SUM(b3.cost) AS profit\n                         FROM bid_management_data b3\n                         WHERE b3.{$idField} = {$ppcEntityId} AND b3.data_date BETWEEN '{$decreaseStart}' AND '{$end}'\n                         GROUP BY b3.{$idField}) AS decrease ON decrease.{$idField} = b1.{$idField} ";
     $conn = get_conn();
     $result = mysql_query($query, $conn) or die(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__ . 'I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
     $managedEntity = $this->instantiateManagedEntity($row);
     return $managedEntity;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function __construct()
     global $dbhost, $sys_dbname, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpsw, $charset;
     $this->db = get_conn($dbhost, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpsw, $charset);
     if ($this->db->ErrorNo() > 0) {
         echo $this->db->ErrorMsg();
     if (EZBOSS_DB_DEBUG == true) {
         $this->db->debug = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function __construct($catID, $examName, $examID)
     $this->_examID = (int) $examID;
     $this->_examName = $examName;
     $this->_catID = (int) $catID;
     $this->_conn = get_conn();
     $this->_userID = (int) $_SESSION['userID'];
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function save($rule)
     $conn = get_conn();
     $cost_threshold = mysql_real_escape_string($rule->cost_threshold);
     $increase_percent = mysql_real_escape_string($rule->increase_percent);
     $increase_days = mysql_real_escape_string($rule->increase_days);
     $decrease_percent = mysql_real_escape_string($rule->decrease_percent);
     $decrease_days = mysql_real_escape_string($rule->decrease_days);
     $apply = $rule->apply ? 1 : 0;
     $query = "\n    INSERT INTO bid_rule (\n        id,\n        ppc_entity_id,\n        ppc_entity_type,\n        rule_type,\n        cost_threshold,\n        increase_percent,\n        increase_days,\n        decrease_percent,\n        decrease_days,\n        apply\n        )\n    VALUES (\n            {$rule->id},\n            {$rule->entityId},\n            {$rule->entityType},\n            {$rule->ruleType},\n            {$cost_threshold},\n            {$increase_percent},\n            {$increase_days},\n            {$decrease_percent},\n            {$decrease_days},\n            {$apply}\n        )\n      ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n        id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id),\n        ppc_entity_id = VALUES(ppc_entity_id),\n        ppc_entity_type = VALUES(ppc_entity_type),\n        rule_type = VALUES(rule_type),\n        cost_threshold = VALUES(cost_threshold),\n        increase_percent = VALUES(increase_percent),\n        increase_days = VALUES(increase_days),\n        decrease_percent = VALUES(decrease_percent),\n        decrease_days = VALUES(decrease_days),\n        apply = VALUES(apply)\n            ";
     mysql_query($query, $conn) or die(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__ . 'I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
     $rule->id = mysql_insert_id();
     return $rule;
function get_json_text($catID, $userID)
    $conn = get_conn();
    $cat_info_array = get_cat_info_array($conn, $catID, $userID);
    $number_of_exams = $cat_info_array['number_of_exams'];
    $cat_name = $cat_info_array['cat_name'];
    $info_array = array("category_name" => $cat_name, "number_of_exams" => $number_of_exams, "exams" => array());
    $query = "select * from exam where catID={$catID}";
    $result = $conn->query($query);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_exams; $i++) {
        $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
        $exam_name = $row['exam_name'];
        $number_of_questions = $row['number_of_questions'];
        $examID = $row['examID'];
        $temp_exam_array = array("exam_name" => $exam_name, "number_of_questions" => $number_of_questions, "questions" => array());
        load_question_data($conn, $examID, $temp_exam_array, $number_of_questions);
        $info_array["exams"][] = $temp_exam_array;
    return json_encode($info_array);
Ejemplo n.º 9
function delete_answers($questionID, $question_type)
    $conn = get_conn();
    $questionID = (int) $questionID;
    $query = "DELETE FROM {$question_type} WHERE questionID={$questionID}";
    if (!$conn->query($query)) {
        die(__LINE__ . " " . $conn->error);
Ejemplo n.º 10
function pointcrud($inp, $owner_uid, $admin)
    $db = get_conn();
    switch ($inp['action']) {
        case 'list':
            $where = array();
            if (isset($inp['id']) && !empty($inp['id'])) {
                $where[] = "id = " . $inp['id'];
            if ($admin != 1) {
                $where[] = sprintf(" owner = %d", $owner_uid);
            // pending approval
            if (isset($inp['contribute']) && $inp['contribute'] == 1) {
                $where[] = "contribute=1";
            $where_str = count($where) > 0 ? "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where) : "";
            $sql = sprintf("SELECT id,name,alias,type,class,number,status,ele,mt100,checked,comment,ST_X(coord) AS y,ST_Y(coord) as x,owner,contribute FROM point2 %s ORDER BY %s OFFSET %d LIMIT %d", $where_str, $inp['jtSorting'], $inp['jtStartIndex'], $inp['jtPageSize']);
            if (($rs = $db->GetAll($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail sql: {$sql}";
        case 'create':
            $sql = sprintf("SELECT count(*) as count FROM point2 WHERE owner=%d", $owner_uid);
            if (($rs = $db->GetAll($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail {$sql}" . $db->ErrorMsg();
            // 限制最多點數
            if ($rs[0]['count'] >= 100) {
                $errmsg[] = "too many rows: limit 100";
            if (isset($inp['checked'])) {
                $checked = 1;
            } else {
                $checked = 0;
            if (isset($inp['contribute'])) {
                $contribute = 1;
            } else {
                $contribute = 0;
            $pp = sprintf("ST_GeomFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%f %f)')", $inp['y'], $inp['x']);
            $inp['number'] = empty($inp['number']) ? "NULL" : intval($inp['number']);
            $inp['ele'] = empty($inp['ele']) ? "NULL" : intval($inp['ele']);
            $sql = sprintf("insert into point2 (id, name,alias,type,class,number,status,ele,mt100,checked,comment,coord,owner,contribute) values ( DEFAULT, '%s','%s','%s','%s',%s\n\t\t\t\t,'%s', %s,'%s','%s','%s',%s, %d, %d) returning id", $inp['name'], $inp['alias'], $inp['type'], $inp['class'], $inp['number'], $inp['status'], $inp['ele'], $inp['mt100'], $checked, pg_escape_string($inp['comment']), $pp, $owner_uid, $contribute);
            if (($rs = $db->GetAll($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail {$sql}" . $db->ErrorMsg();
            $newid = $rs[0]['id'];
            $sql = sprintf("SELECT id,name,alias,type,class,number,status,ele,mt100,checked,comment,ST_X(coord) AS y,ST_Y(coord) AS x,contribute,owner FROM point2 WHERE id=%d AND owner=%d", $newid, $owner_uid);
            if (($rs = $db->GetAll($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail {$sql}" . $db->ErrorMsg();
        case 'update':
            if (isset($inp['checked']) && $inp['checked'] == 1) {
                $checked = 1;
            } else {
                $checked = 0;
            if (isset($inp['contribute'])) {
                $contribute = intval($inp['contribute']);
            } else {
                $contribute = 0;
            $pp = sprintf("ST_GeomFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%f %f)')", $inp['y'], $inp['x']);
            $inp['number'] = empty($inp['number']) ? "NULL" : intval($inp['number']);
            $inp['ele'] = empty($inp['ele']) ? "NULL" : intval($inp['ele']);
            // 1. 檢查身份
            $sql = sprintf("select owner from point2 where id=%d", $inp['id']);
            if (($rs = $db->GetAll($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail {$sql}" . $db->ErrorMsg();
            $point_owner_id = $rs[0]['owner'];
            if (!$admin) {
                if ($owner_uid != $point_owner_id) {
                    $errmsg[] = "not owner";
                $sql = sprintf("update point2 set name='%s',alias='%s',type='%s',class='%s',number=%s,status='%s',ele=%s,mt100='%s',checked='%s',comment='%s',coord=%s,contribute='%s' WHERE id=%s and owner=%d", $inp['name'], $inp['alias'], $inp['type'], $inp['class'], $inp['number'], $inp['status'], $inp['ele'], $inp['mt100'], $checked, pg_escape_string($inp['comment']), $pp, $contribute, $inp['id'], $owner_uid);
            } else {
                $sql = sprintf("update point2 set name='%s',alias='%s',type='%s',class='%s',number=%s,status='%s',ele=%s,mt100='%s',checked='%s',comment='%s',coord=%s,contribute='%s',owner=%d WHERE id=%s", $inp['name'], $inp['alias'], $inp['type'], $inp['class'], $inp['number'], $inp['status'], $inp['ele'], $inp['mt100'], $checked, pg_escape_string($inp['comment']), $pp, $contribute, $inp['owner'], $inp['id']);
            if (($rs = $db->Execute($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail sql: {$sql}";
            $sql = sprintf("SELECT id,name,alias,type,class,number,status,ele,mt100,checked,comment,ST_X(coord) AS y,ST_Y(coord) as x,owner,contribute FROM point2 WHERE id=%d", $inp['id']);
            if (($rs = $db->GetAll($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail {$sql}" . $db->ErrorMsg();
        case 'delete':
            if (!$admin) {
                $sql = sprintf("DELETE from point2 WHERE id=%d and owner=%d", $inp['id'], $owner_uid);
            } else {
                $sql = sprintf("DELETE from point2 WHERE id=%d", $inp['id']);
            if (($rs = $db->Execute($sql)) === false) {
                $errmsg[] = "fail sql: {$sql}";
    if (count($errmsg) > 0) {
        $jTableResult = array();
        $jTableResult['Result'] = "ERROR";
        $jTableResult['Message'] = implode("|", $errmsg);
        print json_encode($jTableResult);
    $jTableResult = array();
    $jTableResult['Result'] = "OK";
    if ($inp['action'] == 'create' || $inp['action'] == 'update') {
        $jTableResult['Record'] = $rs[0];
    } else {
        $jTableResult['Records'] = $rs;
    print json_encode($jTableResult);
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/exam-simulator/private/functions/sql_functions.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/exam-simulator/private/functions/session_functions.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/exam-simulator/private/functions/input.php";
if (logged_in()) {
    $username = fix_string($_POST['new_username']);
    $password = fix_string($_POST['new_password']);
    $msg = "";
    if (!username_valid($username)) {
        $msg .= "<li>The username provided is not valid</li>";
    if (!password_valid($password)) {
        $msg .= "<li>The password provided is not valid</li>";
    $conn = get_conn();
    $password = encrypt_password($password);
    if (username_available($conn, $username) && $msg == "") {
        new_user($conn, $username, $password);
        $msg = '<script>location.href = \'//localhost/exam-simulator/public/index.php\'</script>';
    } else {
        $msg .= "<li>The username already exists.</li>";
    echo $msg;
} else {
 public function logout($a)
     $cursor = get_conn();
     if ($cursor == False) {
         $ret['message'] = "Error connecting to database";
         $ret['status_code'] = 100;
         $ret['success'] = False;
         print json_encode($ret);
     } else {
         try {
             $statement2 = $cursor->prepare("DELETE FROM tokens WHERE token=?");
             $ret['message'] = "Logged out Succesful";
             $ret['status_code'] = 200;
             $ret['success'] = True;
             print json_encode($ret);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $ret['message'] = "Invalid token";
             $ret['status_code'] = 100;
             $ret['success'] = False;
             print json_encode($ret);
function get_comments($question_id)
    $conn = get_conn();
    $query = "select comment, left_by from comments where question_id={$question_id}";
    $result = $conn->query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        die(__LINE__ . " " . $conn->error);
    $returned_array = array();
    $rows = $result->num_rows;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
        $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
        $returned_array[$i] = array($row['comment'], $row['left_by']);
    return $returned_array;
Ejemplo n.º 14

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/database_connect.php';
$dbh = get_conn();
/* ---------------------------- bid_rules ------------------------------ */
$query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bid_rule";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
$query = "CREATE TABLE bid_rule (\n                            id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                            ppc_entity_id INT NOT NULL,\n                            ppc_entity_type SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            rule_type SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            cost_threshold FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            increase_percent FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            increase_days FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            decrease_percent FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            decrease_days FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            apply TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            PRIMARY KEY(id),\n                            UNIQUE KEY(ppc_entity_id, ppc_entity_type, rule_type)\n                            ) ENGINE = MyISAM ";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
/* ---------------------------- ppc_keywords ------------------------------ */
$query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ppc_keywords";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
$query = "CREATE TABLE ppc_keywords (\n                            id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                            adgroup_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            keyword_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                            text VARCHAR(255),\n                            match_type VARCHAR(255),\n                            status VARCHAR(255),\n                            search_max_cpc FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            new_status VARCHAR(255),\n                            new_search_max_cpc FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            current_url TEXT,\n                            new_url TEXT,\n                            keyword_bid_rule_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            PRIMARY KEY(id),\n                            UNIQUE KEY(adgroup_id, keyword_id)\n                            ) ENGINE = MyISAM ";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
/* ---------------------------- ppc_ads ------------------------------ */
$query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ppc_ads";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
$query = "CREATE TABLE ppc_ads (\n                            id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                            adgroup_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            ad_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                            ad_name VARCHAR(255),\n                            current_url TEXT,\n                            PRIMARY KEY(id),\n                            UNIQUE KEY(adgroup_id, ad_id)\n                            ) ENGINE = MyISAM ";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
/* ---------------------------- ppc_adgroups ------------------------------ */
$query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ppc_adgroups";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
$query = "CREATE TABLE ppc_adgroups (\n                            id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                            adgroup_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                            campaign_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            adgroup_name VARCHAR(255),\n                            status VARCHAR(255),\n                            content_max_cpc FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            search_max_cpc FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            new_status VARCHAR(255),\n                            new_content_max_cpc FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            default_url TEXT,\n                            adgroup_bid_rule_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            keyword_bid_rule_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            PRIMARY KEY(id),\n                            UNIQUE KEY(campaign_id, adgroup_id)\n                            ) ENGINE = MyISAM ";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
/* ---------------------------- ppc_campaigns ------------------------------ */
$query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ppc_campaigns";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
$query = "CREATE TABLE ppc_campaigns (\n                            id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                            campaign_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                            campaign_name VARCHAR(255),\n                            master_account VARCHAR(255),\n                            account VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                            engine VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                            status VARCHAR(255),\n                            budget FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            new_status VARCHAR(255),\n                            new_budget FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            campaign_bid_rule_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            adgroup_bid_rule_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            keyword_bid_rule_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n                            PRIMARY KEY(id),\n                            UNIQUE KEY(engine, account, campaign_id)\n                            ) ENGINE = MyISAM ";
mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die('I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
/* ---------------------------- bid_management_data ------------------------------ */
$query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bid_management_data";
Ejemplo n.º 15
    if (isset($_POST['question_keyword_answer_id']) && isset($_POST['keyword_answers'])) {
        $question_keyword_answer_id = fix_input_array($_POST['question_keyword_answer_id']);
        $keyword_answers = fix_input_array($_POST['keyword_answers']);
        if (count($keyword_answers) > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($question_keyword_answer_id); $i++) {
                $keyword_answers[$i] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $keyword_answers[$i]);
                // remove non alphanumeric characters
                $keyword_answers[$i] = strtoupper($keyword_answers[$i]);
                $kwID_answer[$question_keyword_answer_id[$i]] = array_unique(explode(' ', $keyword_answers[$i]));
                $kwID_answer[$question_keyword_answer_id[$i]] = array_values($kwID_answer[$question_keyword_answer_id[$i]]);
    if (isset($_POST['num_of_questions']) && isset($_POST['num_of_correct_answers']) && isset($_POST['questionID_order'])) {
        $num_of_questions = fix_string($_POST['num_of_questions']);
        $num_of_correct_answers = fix_string($_POST['num_of_correct_answers']);
        $questionID_order = fix_string($_POST['questionID_order']);
        $questionID_order = explode(',', $questionID_order);
    $marked = new MarkedExam($saID_answer, $multID_answerID, $kwID_answer);
    $get_script = "\$.getScript('javascript/taken_exam.js');";
    $content = $marked->get();
    get_main_template($content, $get_script);
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 16
function edit_task($task, $last_edit, $taskID, $userID)
    $conn = get_conn();
    $userID = (int) mysql_fix_string($conn, $userID);
    $task = mysql_fix_string($conn, $task);
    $last_edit = mysql_fix_string($conn, $last_edit);
    $taskID = (int) mysql_fix_string($conn, $taskID);
    $query = "UPDATE ajx_org_todo \n\t\t\t  SET task='{$task}', last_edited='{$last_edit}'\n\t\t\t  WHERE userID={$userID} AND taskID={$taskID}";
    get_result($conn, $query);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function saveAds($ads)
     if (count($ads) > 0) {
         $chunks = array_chunk($ads, MAX_INSERT_ROWS);
         foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO ppc_ads (\n                id,\n                ad_id,\n                adgroup_id,\n                ad_name,\n                current_url\n                ) VALUES";
             foreach ($chunk as $ad) {
                 $conn = get_conn();
                 $name = mysql_real_escape_string($ad->name, $conn);
                 $query .= "(\n                        {$ad->id},\n                    '{$ad->adId}',\n                        {$ad->adgroup->id},\n                    '{$name}',\n                    '{$ad->currentUrl}'\n                    ),";
             $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 1);
             $query .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                id = VALUES(id),\n                ad_id = VALUES(ad_id),\n                adgroup_id = VALUES(adgroup_id),\n                ad_name = VALUES(ad_name),\n                current_url = VALUES(current_url)\n                ";
             mysql_query($query, $conn) or die(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__ . 'I cannot execute the query because: ' . mysql_error());
Ejemplo n.º 18
function get_lastest_point($num = 5)
    $db = get_conn();
    $sql = sprintf("SELECT id,name,alias,type,class,number,status,ele,mt100,checked,comment,ST_X(coord) AS y,ST_Y(coord) AS x,owner FROM point2 WHERE owner=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d", $num);
    return $db->getAll($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    $real_do = 0;
if (isset($opt['d'])) {
    $cache_dir = $opt['d'];
} else {
    $cache_dir = "/home/nas/twmapcache/twmap_gpx";
$start_mid = isset($opt['m']) ? intval($opt['m']) : 0;
$do_count = 0;
if (isset($opt['c'])) {
    $do_count = intval($opt['c']);
if ($do_count < 1) {
    $do_count = 0;
$db = get_conn();
$sql = sprintf("select max(mid) from gpx_wp");
$rs = $db->getAll($sql);
// 取出最大 map id
$maxid = intval($rs[0][0]) + 1;
if ($start_mid > $maxid) {
    $maxid = $start_mid;
$keepon_only = isset($opt['k']) ? "AND keepon_id != 'NULL'" : "";
$sql = sprintf("select mid,title,filename,keepon_id FROM \"map\" WHERE gpx=1 AND flag <> 2 AND mid >= %d %s ORDER BY cdate", $maxid, $keepon_only);
$rs = $db->getAll($sql);
printf("Total %d, from mid %d\n", count($rs), $maxid);
$i = 1;
if (count($rs) > 0) {
    foreach ($rs as $row) {
        // debug==	三筆就好 if ($i++ > 3) break;