Ejemplo n.º 1
function get_category_children($parent_id)
    $cat_list = array($parent_id);
    $query = tep_db_query('select categories_id from ' . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' where parent_id = ' . (int) $parent_id);
    while ($cat = tep_db_fetch_array($query)) {
        $children = get_category_children($cat['categories_id']);
        $cat_list = array_merge($cat_list, $children);
    return $cat_list;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function getchild($id)
    $result = explode('/', get_category_children($id));
    $childs = array();
    foreach ($result as $i) {
        if (!empty($i)) {
            $childs[] = get_category($i);
    return $childs;
function get_category_children($id, $before = '/', $after = '')
    if (0 == $id) {
        return '';
    $chain = '';
    $cat_ids = get_all_category_ids();
    foreach ($cat_ids as $cat_id) {
        if ($cat_id == $id) {
        $category = get_category($cat_id);
        if ($category->category_parent == $id) {
            $chain .= $before . $category->cat_ID . $after;
            $chain .= get_category_children($category->cat_ID, $before, $after);
    return $chain;
 * Retrieve category children list separated before and after the term IDs.
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @param int $id Category ID to retrieve children.
 * @param string $before Optional. Prepend before category term ID.
 * @param string $after Optional, default is empty string. Append after category term ID.
 * @param array $visited Optional. Category Term IDs that have already been added.
 * @return string
function get_category_children( $id, $before = '/', $after = '', $visited = array() ) {
	if ( 0 == $id )
		return '';

	$chain = '';
	/** TODO: consult hierarchy */
	$cat_ids = get_all_category_ids();
	foreach ( (array) $cat_ids as $cat_id ) {
		if ( $cat_id == $id )

		$category = get_category( $cat_id );
		if ( is_wp_error( $category ) )
			return $category;
		if ( $category->parent == $id && !in_array( $category->term_id, $visited ) ) {
			$visited[] = $category->term_id;
			$chain .= $before.$category->term_id.$after;
			$chain .= get_category_children( $category->term_id, $before, $after );
	return $chain;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function widget_sub($args) {
	$options = get_option('widget_sub');
	if (is_category()) {
		$category = get_category($cat);
		if (get_category_children($category->cat_ID) != '') { 
					$before_title . $options['title_category'] . $after_title,
					'<ul class="clearfix">',
	if (is_page()) {
		$page = wp_list_pages('&child_of='.$post->ID.'&echo=0');
		if ($page) {
					$before_title . $options['title_page'] . $after_title,
					'<ul class="clearfix">',
Ejemplo n.º 6
function get_category_children($id, $before = '/', $after = '')
    if (0 == $id) {
        return '';
    $chain = '';
    // TODO: consult hierarchy
    $cat_ids = get_all_category_ids();
    foreach ($cat_ids as $cat_id) {
        if ($cat_id == $id) {
        $category = get_category($cat_id);
        if (is_wp_error($category)) {
            return $category;
        if ($category->parent == $id) {
            $chain .= $before . $category->term_id . $after;
            $chain .= get_category_children($category->term_id, $before, $after);
    return $chain;
    function widget($args, $instance)
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);

        echo $before_widget;
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
        $args = array('depth' => '1');
        $categories = get_categories($args);
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            // check if category has child
            if (get_category_children($cat->term_id) != "") {
                echo '<span class="parent-category-title">' . $cat->name . '</span><br />';
                wp_dropdown_categories(array('id' => $cat->term_id, 'class' => 'child-cat-select', 'child_of' => $cat->term_id, 'show_option_none' => 'Select ' . $cat->name, 'hide_if_empty' => 1));
                echo '<br />';
        echo $after_widget;
		<script type="text/javascript"><!--
			jQuery(".child-cat-select").change(function() { 
				if (jQuery(this).val() > 0) {
					location.href = "<?php 
        echo get_option('home');
/?cat=" + jQuery(this).val();
Ejemplo n.º 8
	function get_posts() {
		global $wpdb, $pagenow, $request, $user_ID;

		// Shorthand.
		$q = $this->query_vars;	

		// First let's clear some variables
		$whichcat = '';
		$whichauthor = '';
		$result = '';
		$where = '';
		$limits = '';
		$distinct = '';
		$join = '';

		if ( !isset($q['posts_per_page']) || $q['posts_per_page'] == 0 )
			$q['posts_per_page'] = get_settings('posts_per_page');
		if ( !isset($q['what_to_show']) )
			$q['what_to_show'] = get_settings('what_to_show');
		if ( isset($q['showposts']) && $q['showposts'] ) {
			$q['showposts'] = (int) $q['showposts'];
			$q['posts_per_page'] = $q['showposts'];
		if ( (isset($q['posts_per_archive_page']) && $q['posts_per_archive_page'] != 0) && ($this->is_archive || $this->is_search) )
			$q['posts_per_page'] = $q['posts_per_archive_page'];
		if ( !isset($q['nopaging']) ) {
			if ($q['posts_per_page'] == -1) {
				$q['nopaging'] = true;
			} else {
				$q['nopaging'] = false;
		if ( $this->is_feed )
			$q['posts_per_page'] = get_settings('posts_per_rss');
		$add_hours = intval(get_settings('gmt_offset'));
		$add_minutes = intval(60 * (get_settings('gmt_offset') - $add_hours));
		$wp_posts_post_date_field = "post_date"; // "DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)";

		// If a month is specified in the querystring, load that month
		if ( (int) $q['m'] ) {
			$q['m'] = '' . preg_replace('|[^0-9]|', '', $q['m']);
			$where .= ' AND YEAR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 0, 4);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>5)
				$where .= ' AND MONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 4, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>7)
				$where .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 6, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>9)
				$where .= ' AND HOUR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 8, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>11)
				$where .= ' AND MINUTE(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 10, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>13)
				$where .= ' AND SECOND(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 12, 2);

		if ( (int) $q['hour'] ) {
			$q['hour'] = '' . intval($q['hour']);
			$where .= " AND HOUR(post_date)='" . $q['hour'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['minute'] ) {
			$q['minute'] = '' . intval($q['minute']);
			$where .= " AND MINUTE(post_date)='" . $q['minute'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['second'] ) {
			$q['second'] = '' . intval($q['second']);
			$where .= " AND SECOND(post_date)='" . $q['second'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['year'] ) {
			$q['year'] = '' . intval($q['year']);
			$where .= " AND YEAR(post_date)='" . $q['year'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['monthnum'] ) {
			$q['monthnum'] = '' . intval($q['monthnum']);
			$where .= " AND MONTH(post_date)='" . $q['monthnum'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['day'] ) {
			$q['day'] = '' . intval($q['day']);
			$where .= " AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)='" . $q['day'] . "'";

		if ('' != $q['name']) {
			$q['name'] = sanitize_title($q['name']);
			$where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['name'] . "'";
		} else if ('' != $q['pagename']) {
			$q['pagename'] = sanitize_title(basename(str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($q['pagename']))));
			$q['name'] = $q['pagename'];
			$where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['pagename'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['w'] ) {
			$q['w'] = ''.intval($q['w']);
			$where .= " AND WEEK(post_date, 1)='" . $q['w'] . "'";

		if ( intval($q['comments_popup']) )
			$q['p'] = intval($q['comments_popup']);

		// If a post number is specified, load that post
		if (($q['p'] != '') && intval($q['p']) != 0) {
			$q['p'] =  (int) $q['p'];
			$where = ' AND ID = ' . $q['p'];

		if (($q['page_id'] != '') && (intval($q['page_id']) != 0)) {
			$q['page_id'] = intval($q['page_id']);
			$q['p'] = $q['page_id'];
			$where = ' AND ID = '.$q['page_id'];

		// If a search pattern is specified, load the posts that match
		if (!empty($q['s'])) {
			$q['s'] = addslashes_gpc($q['s']);
			$search = ' AND (';
			$q['s'] = preg_replace('/, +/', ' ', $q['s']);
			$q['s'] = str_replace(',', ' ', $q['s']);
			$q['s'] = str_replace('"', ' ', $q['s']);
			$q['s'] = trim($q['s']);
			if ($q['exact']) {
				$n = '';
			} else {
				$n = '%';
			if (!$q['sentence']) {
				$s_array = explode(' ',$q['s']);
				$q['search_terms'] = $s_array;
				$search .= '((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[0].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[0].$n.'\'))';
				for ( $i = 1; $i < count($s_array); $i = $i + 1) {
					$search .= ' AND ((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[$i].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[$i].$n.'\'))';
				$search .= ' OR (post_title LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\')';
				$search .= ')';
			} else {
				$search = ' AND ((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\'))';

		// Category stuff

		if ((empty($q['cat'])) || ($q['cat'] == '0') || 
				// Bypass cat checks if fetching specific posts
				( $this->is_single || $this->is_page )) {
		} else {
			$q['cat'] = ''.urldecode($q['cat']).'';
			$q['cat'] = addslashes_gpc($q['cat']);
			if (stristr($q['cat'],'-')) {
				// Note: if we have a negative, we ignore all the positives. It must
				// always mean 'everything /except/ this one'. We should be able to do
				// multiple negatives but we don't :-(
				$eq = '!=';
				$andor = 'AND';
				$q['cat'] = explode('-',$q['cat']);
				$q['cat'] = intval($q['cat'][1]);
			} else {
				$eq = '=';
				$andor = 'OR';
			$join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->post2cat.post_id) ";
			$cat_array = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $q['cat']);
			$whichcat .= ' AND (category_id '.$eq.' '.intval($cat_array[0]);
			$whichcat .= get_category_children($cat_array[0], ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' ');
			for ($i = 1; $i < (count($cat_array)); $i = $i + 1) {
				$whichcat .= ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' '.intval($cat_array[$i]);
				$whichcat .= get_category_children($cat_array[$i], ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' ');
			$whichcat .= ')';
			if ($eq == '!=') {
				$q['cat'] = '-'.$q['cat']; // Put back the knowledge that we are excluding a category.

		// Category stuff for nice URIs

		if ('' != $q['category_name']) {
			if (stristr($q['category_name'],'/')) {
				$q['category_name'] = explode('/',$q['category_name']);
				if ($q['category_name'][count($q['category_name'])-1]) {
					$q['category_name'] = $q['category_name'][count($q['category_name'])-1]; // no trailing slash
				} else {
					$q['category_name'] = $q['category_name'][count($q['category_name'])-2]; // there was a trailling slash
			$q['category_name'] = sanitize_title($q['category_name']);
			$tables = ", $wpdb->post2cat, $wpdb->categories";
			$join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->post2cat.post_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->categories ON ($wpdb->post2cat.category_id = $wpdb->categories.cat_ID) ";
			$whichcat = " AND (category_nicename = '" . $q['category_name'] . "'";
			$q['cat'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_ID FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE category_nicename = '" . $q['category_name'] . "'");
			$whichcat .= get_category_children($q['cat'], " OR category_id = ");
			$whichcat .= ")";

		// Author/user stuff

		if ((empty($q['author'])) || ($q['author'] == '0')) {
		} else {
			$q['author'] = ''.urldecode($q['author']).'';
			$q['author'] = addslashes_gpc($q['author']);
			if (stristr($q['author'], '-')) {
				$eq = '!=';
				$andor = 'AND';
				$q['author'] = explode('-', $q['author']);
				$q['author'] = ''.intval($q['author'][1]);
			} else {
				$eq = '=';
				$andor = 'OR';
			$author_array = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $q['author']);
			$whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author '.$eq.' '.intval($author_array[0]);
			for ($i = 1; $i < (count($author_array)); $i = $i + 1) {
				$whichauthor .= ' '.$andor.' post_author '.$eq.' '.intval($author_array[$i]);
			$whichauthor .= ')';

		// Author stuff for nice URIs

		if ('' != $q['author_name']) {
			if (stristr($q['author_name'],'/')) {
				$q['author_name'] = explode('/',$q['author_name']);
				if ($q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-1]) {
					$q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-1];#no trailing slash
				} else {
					$q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-2];#there was a trailling slash
			$q['author_name'] = sanitize_title($q['author_name']);
			$q['author'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename='".$q['author_name']."'");
			$whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author = '.intval($q['author']).')';

		$where .= $search.$whichcat.$whichauthor;

		if ((empty($q['order'])) || ((strtoupper($q['order']) != 'ASC') && (strtoupper($q['order']) != 'DESC'))) {

		// Order by
		if (empty($q['orderby'])) {
			$q['orderby']='date '.$q['order'];
		} else {
			// Used to filter values
			$allowed_keys = array('author','date','category','title');
			$q['orderby'] = urldecode($q['orderby']);
			$q['orderby'] = addslashes_gpc($q['orderby']);
			$orderby_array = explode(' ',$q['orderby']);
			if (!in_array($orderby_array[0],$allowed_keys)) {
				$orderby_array[0] = 'date';
			$q['orderby'] = $orderby_array[0].' '.$q['order'];
			if (count($orderby_array)>1) {
				for ($i = 1; $i < (count($orderby_array)); $i = $i + 1) {
					// Only allow certain values for safety
					if (in_array($orderby_array[$i],$allowed_keys)) {
						$q['orderby'] .= ',post_'.$orderby_array[$i].' '.$q['order'];

		$now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59');

		if ($pagenow != 'post.php' && $pagenow != 'edit.php') {
			$where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";
			$distinct = 'DISTINCT';

		if ($this->is_page) {
			$where .= ' AND (post_status = "static"';
		} else {
			$where .= ' AND (post_status = "publish"';

		// Get private posts
		if (isset($user_ID) && ('' != intval($user_ID)))
			$where .= " OR post_author = $user_ID AND post_status != 'draft' AND post_status != 'static')";
			$where .= ')';

		// Apply filters on where and join prior to paging so that any
		// manipulations to them are reflected in the paging by day queries.
		$where = apply_filters('posts_where', $where);
		$join = apply_filters('posts_join', $join);

		// Paging
		if (empty($q['nopaging']) && ! $this->is_single) {
			$page = $q['paged'];
			if (empty($page)) {
				$page = 1;

			if (($q['what_to_show'] == 'posts')) {
				$pgstrt = '';
				$pgstrt = (intval($page) -1) * $q['posts_per_page'] . ', ';
				$limits = 'LIMIT '.$pgstrt.$q['posts_per_page'];
			} elseif ($q['what_to_show'] == 'days') {
				$startrow = $q['posts_per_page'] * (intval($page)-1);
				$start_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT max(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $startrow,1");
				$endrow = $startrow + $q['posts_per_page'] - 1;
				$end_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT min(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $endrow,1");

				if ($page > 1) {
					$where .= " AND post_date >= '$end_date' AND post_date <= '$start_date'";
				} else {
					$where .= " AND post_date >= '$end_date'";

		// Apply post-paging filters on where and join.  Only plugins that
		// manipulate paging queries should use these hooks.
		$where = apply_filters('posts_where_paged', $where);
		$where .= " GROUP BY $wpdb->posts.ID";
		$join = apply_filters('posts_join_paged', $join);
		$request = " SELECT $distinct * FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE 1=1".$where." ORDER BY post_" . $q['orderby'] . " $limits";

		if ($q['preview']) {
			$request = 'SELECT 1-1'; // dummy mysql query for the preview
			// little funky fix for IEwin, rawk on that code
			$is_winIE = ((preg_match('/MSIE/',$HTTP_USER_AGENT)) && (preg_match('/Win/',$HTTP_USER_AGENT)));
			if (($is_winIE) && (!isset($IEWin_bookmarklet_fix))) {
				$preview_content =  preg_replace('/\%u([0-9A-F]{4,4})/e',  "'&#'.base_convert('\\1',16,10).';'", $preview_content);

		$this->posts = $wpdb->get_results($request);
		$this->posts = apply_filters('the_posts', $this->posts);
		$this->post_count = count($this->posts);
		if ($this->post_count > 0) {
			$this->post = $this->posts[0];

		// Save any changes made to the query vars.
		$this->query_vars = $q;
		return $this->posts;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    if (isset($params['category'])) {
        $posts_parent_category = $params['category'];
if ($posts_parent_category != false) {
    $add_post_q .= ' parent-category-id="' . intval($posts_parent_category) . '" ';
if (!isset($params['global']) and $posts_parent_page != false and $posts_parent_category != false and intval($posts_parent_category) > 0) {
    $str0 = 'table=categories&limit=1000&data_type=category&what=categories&' . 'parent_id=0&rel_id=' . $posts_parent_page;
    $page_categories = db_get($str0);
    $sub_cats = array();
    $page_categories = db_get($str0);
    if (is_array($page_categories)) {
        foreach ($page_categories as $item_cat) {
            $sub_cats[] = $item_cat['id'];
            $more = get_category_children($item_cat['id']);
            if ($more != false and is_array($more)) {
                foreach ($more as $item_more_subcat) {
                    $sub_cats[] = $item_more_subcat;
    if (is_array($sub_cats) and in_array($posts_parent_category, $sub_cats)) {
        $add_post_q .= ' selected-category-id=' . intval($posts_parent_category);
if (isset($params['is_shop']) and $params['is_shop'] == 'y') {
    $add_post_q .= ' content_type="product"   ';
} else {
    $add_post_q .= '  ';
            $GLOBALS['category_name'] = $GLOBALS['category_name'][count($GLOBALS['category_name']) - 1];
            // no trailing slash
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['category_name'] = $GLOBALS['category_name'][count($GLOBALS['category_name']) - 2];
            // there was a trailling slash
    $GLOBALS['category_name'] = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-]|', '', $GLOBALS['category_name']);
    $_joinCriteria =& new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('post2cat'), 'ID', 'post_id');
    $_joinCriteria->cascade(new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('categories'), 'category_id', 'cat_ID'));
    $_wCriteria =& new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('category_nicename', $GLOBALS['category_name']));
    $categoryHandler =& wp_handler('Category');
    $categoryObject =& $categoryHandler->getByNiceName($GLOBALS['category_name']);
    if ($categoryObject) {
        $GLOBALS['cat'] = $categoryObject->getVar('cat_ID');
        $_catc = trim(get_category_children($GLOBALS['cat'], '', ' '));
        $_catc_array = explode(' ', $_catc);
        for ($_i = 0; $_i < count($_catc_array); $_i++) {
            $_wCriteria->add(new Criteria('category_id', intval($_catc_array[$_i])), 'OR');
// author stuff
if (test_param('author') && get_param('author') != 'all') {
    $GLOBALS['author'] = '' . urldecode(get_param('author')) . '';
    $GLOBALS['author'] = addslashes_gpc($GLOBALS['author']);
    if (stristr($GLOBALS['author'], '-')) {
        $_eq = '!=';
        $_andor = 'AND';
Ejemplo n.º 11
				<a title="Post Another Confession" class="btn-secondary-cta post-another-confession" href="#">Post Another Confession</a>
		<div class="mod-filter-confessions-faq clearfix">
			<h2>Read the Latest Confessions</h2>
			<div class="filter-wrap">
				<span class="label">Filter by:</span>
				<div class="dropdown-custom">
					<select id='tagDropdown' class="tagDropdown" title="Tags" style="z-index: 10; opacity: 0;" >
						<option data-alias="<?php 
echo $url;
" value="all">View All</option>
$childAJQCategroy = '';
$childAJQCategroy = get_category_children('231');
$arrChildAJQCategroy = explode('/', $childAJQCategroy);
foreach ($arrChildAJQCategroy as $intCatId) {
    if (empty($intCatId)) {
    $strCatName = '';
    $strCatName = get_the_category_by_ID($intCatId);
    echo "<option data-alias=\"/confessions/?tags=" . $strCatName . "\" value ='" . $strCatName . "' >#" . strtolower($strCatName) . "</option>";
					<span class="dropdown-custom-select"><?php 
if (isset($_REQUEST['tags'])) {
    echo $_REQUEST['tags'];
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * gets all parents and child categories for the category passed
  * @returns array parent and children array merged to return a general array of related categories
  * @author Ryan R. Bayne
  * @package CSV 2 POST
  * @since 8.1.3
  * @version 1.1
 public function get_related_categories($category_id)
     // get the categories parents
     $parent_array = self::get_category_parents_id($category_id, false, '/', false);
     // remove empty values as is usually returned by get_category_parents()
     $parent_array = array_diff($parent_array, array('', ' '));
     // get the categories children
     $child_string = get_category_children($category_id, '/');
     // turn string to array for the merge
     $child_array = explode('/', $child_string);
     // remove possible empty values (not sure if the child function returns them as the parent one does
     $child_array = array_diff($child_array, array('', ' '));
     // return a merge
     return array_merge($parent_array, $child_array);
    function list_cats($optionall = 1, $all = 'All', $sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc', $file = '', $list = true, $optiondates = 0, $optioncount = 0, $hide_empty = 1, $use_desc_for_title = 1, $children = FALSE, $child_of = 0, $categoryObjects = null, $recurse = 0, $feed = '', $feed_image = '', $exclude = '', $hierarchical = FALSE, $echo = true)
        $list_cats = '';
        // Optiondates now works
        if ('' == $file) {
            $file = wp_siteurl() . '/index.php';
        $excludeCriteria = null;
        if (!empty($exclude)) {
            $excats = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $exclude);
            if (count($excats)) {
                $excludeCriteria = new CriteriaCompo();
                foreach ($excats as $excat) {
                    $exclusions .= ' AND cat_ID <> ' . intval($excat) . ' ';
                    $excludeCriteria->add(new Criteria('cat_ID', $excat, '!='));
                    $catc = trim(get_category_children($excat, '', ' '));
                    $catc_array = explode(' ', $catc);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($catc_array); $i++) {
                        $excludeCriteria->add(new Criteria('category_id', intval($catc_array[$i]), '!='));
        $categoryHandler =& wp_handler('Category');
        if (!$categoryObjects) {
            $criteria =& new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('cat_ID', 0, '>'));
            if ($excludeCriteria) {
            $criteria->setSort('cat_' . $sort_column);
            $categoryObjects =& $categoryHandler->getObjects($criteria, false, 'cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description cat_description, category_parent');
        if (empty($GLOBALS['category_posts']) || !count($GLOBALS['category_posts'])) {
            $criteria =& new CriteriaCompo('post_status', 'publish');
            if ($excludeCriteria) {
            $joinCriteria =& new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('post2cat'), 'cat_ID', 'category_id', 'INNER');
            $joinCriteria->cascade(new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('posts'), 'post_id', 'ID', 'INNER'));
            $categoryPostsObjects =& $categoryHandler->getObjects($criteria, false, 'cat_ID, COUNT(' . wp_table('post2cat') . '.post_id) AS cat_count', false, $joinCriteria);
            if ($categoryPostsObjects) {
                foreach ($categoryPostsObjects as $categoryObject) {
                    if (intval($hide_empty) != 1 || $categoryObject->getExtraVar('cat_count') > 0) {
                        $GLOBALS['category_posts'][$categoryObject->getVar('cat_ID')] = $categoryObject->getExtraVar('cat_count');
        if (intval($optiondates) == 1) {
            $criteria =& new CriteriaCompo('post_status', 'publish');
            if ($excludeCriteria) {
            $joinCriteria =& new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('post2cat'), 'cat_ID', 'category_id', 'INNER');
            $joinCriteria->cascade(new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('posts'), 'post_id', 'ID', 'INNER'));
            $categoryDateObjects =& $categoryHandler->getObjects($criteria, false, 'cat_ID, DAYOFMONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastday,
		                                                     MONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastmonth', false, $joinCriteria);
            foreach ($categoryDateObjects as $categoryObject) {
                $category_lastday["" . $categoryObject->getVar('cat_ID')] = $categoryObject->getExtraVar('lastday');
                $category_lastmonth["" . $categoryObject->getVar('cat_ID')] = $categoryObject->getExtraVar('lastmonth');
        if (intval($optionall) == 1 && !$child_of && $categoryObjects) {
            $all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
            $link = "<a href=\"" . $file . '?cat=all">' . $all . "</a>";
            if ($list) {
                $list_cats .= "\n\t<li>{$link}</li>";
            } else {
                $list_cats .= "\t{$link}<br />\n";
        $num_found = 0;
        $thelist = "";
        foreach ($categoryObjects as $categoryObject) {
            $category = $categoryObject->exportWpObject();
            $child_list = '';
            if ((!$hierarchical || $category->category_parent == $child_of) && ($children || $category->category_parent == 0)) {
                if ($hierarchical && $children) {
                    $child_list = list_cats($optionall, $all, $sort_column, $sort_order, $file, $list, $optiondates, $optioncount, $hide_empty, $use_desc_for_title, $hierarchical, $category->cat_ID, $categoryObjects, 1, $feed, $feed_image, $exclude, $hierarchical);
                if (intval($hide_empty) == 0 || isset($GLOBALS['category_posts']["{$category->cat_ID}"]) || $child_list) {
                    $link = '<a href="' . get_category_link(0, $category->cat_ID, $category->category_nicename) . '" ';
                    if ($use_desc_for_title == 0 || empty($category->cat_description)) {
                        $link .= 'title="' . sprintf("View all posts filed under %s", htmlspecialchars($category->cat_name)) . '"';
                    } else {
                        $link .= 'title="' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($category->cat_description)) . '"';
                    $link .= '>';
                    $link .= apply_filters('list_cats', $category->cat_name) . '</a>';
                    if (!empty($feed_image) || !empty($feed)) {
                        $link .= ' ';
                        if (empty($feed_image)) {
                            $link .= '(';
                        $link .= '<a href="' . get_category_rss_link(0, $category->cat_ID, $category->category_nicename) . '"';
                        if (!empty($feed)) {
                            $title = ' title="' . $feed . '"';
                            $alt = ' alt="' . $feed . '"';
                            $name = $feed;
                            $link .= $title;
                        $link .= '>';
                        if (!empty($feed_image)) {
                            $link .= "<img src=\"{$feed_image}\" border=\"0\"{$alt}{$title}" . ' />';
                        } else {
                            $link .= $name;
                        $link .= '</a>';
                        if (empty($feed_image)) {
                            $link .= ')';
                    if (intval($optioncount) == 1) {
                        $link .= ' (' . intval($GLOBALS['category_posts']["{$category->cat_ID}"]) . ')';
                    if (intval($optiondates) == 1) {
                        $link .= ' ' . $category_lastday["{$category->cat_ID}"] . '/' . $category_lastmonth["{$category->cat_ID}"];
                    if ($list) {
                        $thelist .= "\t<li>{$link}\n";
                    } else {
                        $thelist .= "\t{$link}<br />\n";
                    if ($hierarchical && $children) {
                        $thelist .= $child_list;
                    if ($list) {
                        $thelist .= "</li>\n";
        if (!$num_found && !$child_of) {
            if ($list) {
                $before = '<li>';
                $after = '</li>';
            return _echo($before . "No categories" . $after . "\n", $echo);
        if ($list && $child_of && $num_found && $recurse) {
            $pre = "\t\t<ul class='children'>";
            $post = "\t\t</ul>\n";
        } else {
            $pre = $post = '';
        $thelist = $pre . $thelist . $post;
        if ($recurse) {
            return $thelist;
        $list_cats .= apply_filters('list_cats', $thelist);
        return _echo($list_cats, $echo);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    function index($params, $config)
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            if (isset($params['is_shop'])) {
                print lnotif('Your products module is empty');
            } elseif (isset($params['global'])) {
                print lnotif('Your content module is empty');
            } else {
                print lnotif('Your posts module is empty');
        $post_params_paging = $post_params;
        $post_params_paging['page_count'] = true;
        $cfg_data_hide_paging = get_option('data-hide-paging', $params['id']);
        if ($cfg_data_hide_paging === false) {
            if (isset($post_params['hide_paging']) and trim($post_params['hide_paging']) != 'false') {
                $post_params['hide-paging'] = $post_params['hide_paging'];
            if (isset($post_params['hide-paging']) and trim($post_params['hide-paging']) != 'false') {
                $cfg_data_hide_paging = 'y';
        if ($cfg_data_hide_paging != 'y') {
            $pages_of_posts = get_content($post_params_paging);
            $pages_count = intval($pages_of_posts);
        } else {
            $pages_count = 0;
        $paging_links = false;
        if (intval($pages_count) > 1) {
            //$paging_links = mw()->content_manager->paging_links(false, $pages_count, $paging_param, $keyword_param = 'keyword');
        $read_more_text = get_option('data-read-more-text', $params['id']);
        $add_cart_text = get_option('data-add-to-cart-text', $params['id']);
        if ($add_cart_text == false or $add_cart_text == "Add to cart") {
            $add_cart_text = _e("Add to cart", true);
        if (!isset($params['return'])) {
            $module_template = get_option('data-template', $params['id']);
            if ($module_template == false and isset($params['template'])) {
                $module_template = $params['template'];
            if ($module_template != false) {
                if (strtolower($module_template) == 'none') {
                    if (isset($params['template'])) {
                        $module_template = $params['template'];
                $template_file = module_templates($config['module'], $module_template);
            } else {
                $template_file = module_templates($config['module'], 'default');
            if ($template_file == false) {
                $template_file = module_templates($config['module'], 'default');
            if (isset($template_file) and is_file($template_file) != false) {
                include $template_file;
                if (isset($params['ajax_paging']) or isset($params['ajax-paging'])) {
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        $(document).ready(function () {
                    print $params['id'];
                    print $params['id'];
').find('a[data-page-number]').click(function (e) {
                                var pn = $(this).attr('data-page-number');
                    print $params['id'];
').attr('paging_param', 'current_page');
                    print $params['id'];
').attr('current_page', pn)
                    print $params['id'];
                                return false;
                if (isset($params['is_shop'])) {
                    <script type="text/javascript">
            } else {
                print lnotif('No default template for ' . $config['module'] . ' is found');
Ejemplo n.º 15
    function widget($args, $instance)
        // 输出显示在页面上
        $id = $instance['id'];
        $before_content = $instance['before_content'];
        $after_content = $instance['after_content'];
        if (is_category()) {
            $cat2 = get_query_var('cat');
            $cat = get_category_root_id($cat2);
            $category = get_category($cat);
            if (get_category_children($cat) != "") {
<div class="widget_left widget_nav_menu">

<div class="widge_hd">
                echo $category->name;

    <ul> <?php 
                if (get_category_children($cat) != "") {
                    wp_list_categories("child_of=" . $cat . "&depth=0&hide_empty=0&title_li=");


        if (is_single()) {
            $cat2 = get_query_var('cat');
            $cat = get_category_root_id(the_category_ID(false));
            $category = get_category($cat);
            if (get_category_children($cat) != "") {
<div class="widget_left widget_nav_menu">

<div class="widge_hd">
                echo $category->name;
                echo $category->slug;

    <ul> <?php 
                if (get_category_children($cat) != "") {
                    wp_list_categories("child_of=" . $cat . "&depth=0&hide_empty=0&title_li=");

        if (is_page()) {
            global $wpdb;
            global $post;
            $post_data = get_post($post->ID, ARRAY_A);
            $slug = $post_data['post_name'];
            $name = $slug;
            $parent_id = get_post($post->post_parent, ARRAY_A);
            $parent_slug = $parent_id['post_name'];
            $parent_title = get_the_title($post->post_parent);
            $parent_link = get_page_link($post->post_parent);
            $childrensd = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=" . $post->ID . "&echo=0&depth=1");
            if ($childrensd != "" || $post->post_parent) {
       <div class="widget_left widget_nav_menu">

<div class="widge_hd">
                if ($post->post_parent) {
                    echo $parent_title;
                } else {
                    echo get_the_title();
                if ($post->post_parent) {
                    echo $parent_slug;
                } else {
                    echo $slug;

                if ($post->post_parent) {
          <ul class="nav_left">  <?php 
                    $children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=" . $post->post_parent . "&echo=0&depth=1");
                    if ($children) {
                        echo $children;
                } else {
         <ul class="nav_left"> <?php 
                    $children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=" . $post->ID . "&echo=0&depth=1");
                    if ($children) {
                        echo $children;
Ejemplo n.º 16

} elseif (is_category()) {

<div class="page_top_in">
    $cat = get_category_root_id(the_category_ID(false));
    $cat2 = get_query_var('cat');
    $category2 = get_category($cat2);
    $category = get_category($cat);
<h3>    <?php 
    if (get_category_children($cat) != "") {
        echo $category->name . ' <a>' . $category->slug . ' </a>';
    } else {
        echo $category2->name . ' <a>' . $category2->slug . ' </a>';

<div id="page_muen_nav">  <b><?php 
if (get_option('mytheme_word_t11') == "") {
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static function PrintSubCategoryMenu()
     if (is_category()) {
         global $cat;
         if (get_category_children($cat) != "") {
             echo "<div class=\"page-children article\"><ul>";
             wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=0&title_li=&child_of=' . $cat);
             echo "</ul>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
function dropdown_cats($optionall = 1, $all = 'All', $sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc', $optiondates = 0, $optioncount = 0, $hide_empty = 1, $optionnone = FALSE, $selected = 0, $hide = 0)
    global $wpdb, $wp_id, $siteurl, $cat;
    //    if (($file == 'blah') || ($file == '')) $file = $siteurl . '/index.php';
    if (!$selected) {
        $selected = $cat;
    $sort_column = 'cat_' . $sort_column;
    $query = "\n        SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename,category_parent, category_description cat_description,\n        COUNT({$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]}.post_id) AS cat_count,\n        DAYOFMONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastday, MONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastmonth\n        FROM {$wpdb->categories[$wp_id]} LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]} ON (cat_ID = category_id)\n        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts[$wp_id]} ON (ID = post_id)\n        WHERE cat_ID > 0\n        ";
    if ($hide) {
        $query .= " AND cat_ID != {$hide}";
        $query .= get_category_children($hide, " AND cat_ID != ");
    $query .= " GROUP BY cat_ID";
    if (intval($hide_empty) == 1) {
        $query .= " HAVING cat_count > 0";
    $query .= " ORDER BY {$sort_column} {$sort_order}, post_date DESC";
    $categories = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    echo "<select name='cat' class='postform'>\n";
    if (intval($optionall) == 1) {
        $all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
        echo "\t<option value='all'>{$all}</option>\n";
    if (intval($optionnone) == 1) {
        echo "\t<option value='0'>None</option>\n";
    if ($categories) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $cat_name = apply_filters('list_cats', $category->cat_name);
            echo "\t<option value=\"" . $category->cat_ID . "\"";
            if ($category->cat_ID == $selected) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';
            echo '>';
            echo stripslashes($cat_name);
            if (intval($optioncount) == 1) {
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;(' . $category->cat_count . ')';
            if (intval($optiondates) == 1) {
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $category->lastday . '/' . $category->lastmonth;
            echo "</option>\n";
    echo "</select>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 19
                            <p class="nocomments">This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.</p>
/* This variable is for alternating comment background */
$oddcomment = '';
                <!-- You can start editing here. -->
$in_subcategory_companies = false;
foreach (explode("/", get_category_children(get_cat_id('Companies'))) as $child_category) {
    if (in_category($child_category)) {
        $in_subcategory_companies = true;
if ($comments) {
    if (in_category(get_cat_id('Companies')) || $in_subcategory_companies) {
                  	<h1 class="Smallbox"><?php 
        comments_number('No Testimonials', 'One Testimonial', '% Testimonials');
Ejemplo n.º 20
function gridlock_dropdown_cats($optionall = 1, $all = 'All', $sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc', $optiondates = 0, $optioncount = 0, $hide_empty = 1, $optionnone = FALSE, $selected = 0, $hide = 0)
    global $wpdb;
    if ($file == 'blah' || $file == '') {
        $file = get_settings('home') . '/';
    if (!$selected) {
        $selected = $cat;
    $sort_column = 'cat_' . $sort_column;
    $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename,category_parent,\n\t\t\tCOUNT({$wpdb->post2cat}.post_id) AS cat_count,\n\t\t\tDAYOFMONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastday, MONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastmonth\n\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->categories} LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->post2cat} ON (cat_ID = category_id)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} ON (ID = post_id)\n\t\t\tWHERE cat_ID > 0\n\t\t\t";
    if ($hide) {
        $query .= " AND cat_ID != {$hide}";
        $query .= get_category_children($hide, " AND cat_ID != ");
    $query .= " GROUP BY cat_ID";
    if (intval($hide_empty) == 1) {
        $query .= " HAVING cat_count > 0";
    $query .= " ORDER BY {$sort_column} {$sort_order}, post_date DESC";
    $categories = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    if (intval($optionall) == 1) {
        $all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
        echo "\t<option value='0'>{$all}</option>\n";
    if (intval($optionnone) == 1) {
        echo "\t<option value='-1'>" . __('None') . "</option>\n";
    if ($categories) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $cat_name = apply_filters('list_cats', $category->cat_name, $category);
            echo "\t<option value=\"" . $category->cat_ID . "\"";
            if ($category->cat_ID == $selected) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';
            echo '>';
            echo $cat_name;
            if (intval($optioncount) == 1) {
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;(' . $category->cat_count . ')';
            if (intval($optiondates) == 1) {
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $category->lastday . '/' . $category->lastmonth;
            echo "</option>\n";
if ('' != $category_name) {
    if (stristr($category_name, '/')) {
        $category_name = explode('/', $category_name);
        if ($category_name[count($category_name) - 1]) {
            $category_name = $category_name[count($category_name) - 1];
            // no trailing slash
        } else {
            $category_name = $category_name[count($category_name) - 2];
            // there was a trailling slash
    $category_name = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-]|', '', $category_name);
    $tables = ", {$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]}, {$wpdb->categories[$wp_id]}";
    $join = " LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]} ON ({$wpdb->posts[$wp_id]}.ID = {$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]}.post_id) LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->categories[$wp_id]} ON ({$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]}.category_id = {$wpdb->categories[$wp_id]}.cat_ID) ";
    $whichcat = " AND (category_nicename = '{$category_name}') ";
    $whichcat .= get_category_children($cat, " OR category_id = ");
    $cat = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_ID FROM {$wpdb->categories[$wp_id]} WHERE category_nicename = '{$category_name}'");
// author stuff
if (empty($author) || $author == 'all' || $author == '0') {
    $whichauthor = '';
} else {
    $author = '' . urldecode($author) . '';
    $author = addslashes_gpc($author);
    if (stristr($author, '-')) {
        $eq = '!=';
        $andor = 'AND';
        $author = explode('-', $author);
        $author = '' . intval($author[1]);
    } else {
        $eq = '=';
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Retrieve category children list separated before and after the term IDs.
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @deprecated 2.8.0 Use get_term_children()
 * @see get_term_children()
 * @param int $id Category ID to retrieve children.
 * @param string $before Optional. Prepend before category term ID.
 * @param string $after Optional, default is empty string. Append after category term ID.
 * @param array $visited Optional. Category Term IDs that have already been added.
 * @return string
function get_category_children($id, $before = '/', $after = '', $visited = array())
    _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.8.0', 'get_term_children()');
    if (0 == $id) {
        return '';
    $chain = '';
    /** TODO: consult hierarchy */
    $cat_ids = get_all_category_ids();
    foreach ((array) $cat_ids as $cat_id) {
        if ($cat_id == $id) {
        $category = get_category($cat_id);
        if (is_wp_error($category)) {
            return $category;
        if ($category->parent == $id && !in_array($category->term_id, $visited)) {
            $visited[] = $category->term_id;
            $chain .= $before . $category->term_id . $after;
            $chain .= get_category_children($category->term_id, $before, $after);
    return $chain;
Ejemplo n.º 23
	function &get_posts() {
		global $wpdb, $pagenow, $user_ID;

		do_action('pre_get_posts', array(&$this));

		// Shorthand.
		$q = $this->query_vars;	

		// First let's clear some variables
		$whichcat = '';
		$whichauthor = '';
		$whichpage = '';
		$result = '';
		$where = '';
		$limits = '';
		$distinct = '';
		$join = '';

		if ( !isset($q['posts_per_page']) || $q['posts_per_page'] == 0 )
			$q['posts_per_page'] = get_settings('posts_per_page');
		if ( !isset($q['what_to_show']) )
			$q['what_to_show'] = get_settings('what_to_show');
		if ( isset($q['showposts']) && $q['showposts'] ) {
			$q['showposts'] = (int) $q['showposts'];
			$q['posts_per_page'] = $q['showposts'];
		if ( (isset($q['posts_per_archive_page']) && $q['posts_per_archive_page'] != 0) && ($this->is_archive || $this->is_search) )
			$q['posts_per_page'] = $q['posts_per_archive_page'];
		if ( !isset($q['nopaging']) ) {
			if ($q['posts_per_page'] == -1) {
				$q['nopaging'] = true;
			} else {
				$q['nopaging'] = false;
		if ( $this->is_feed ) {
			$q['posts_per_page'] = get_settings('posts_per_rss');
			$q['what_to_show'] = 'posts';

		if (isset($q['page'])) {
			$q['page'] = trim($q['page'], '/');
			$q['page'] = (int) $q['page'];
			$q['page'] = abs($q['page']);
		$add_hours = intval(get_settings('gmt_offset'));
		$add_minutes = intval(60 * (get_settings('gmt_offset') - $add_hours));
		$wp_posts_post_date_field = "post_date"; // "DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)";

		// If a month is specified in the querystring, load that month
		if ( (int) $q['m'] ) {
			$q['m'] = '' . preg_replace('|[^0-9]|', '', $q['m']);
			$where .= ' AND YEAR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 0, 4);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>5)
				$where .= ' AND MONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 4, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>7)
				$where .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 6, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>9)
				$where .= ' AND HOUR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 8, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>11)
				$where .= ' AND MINUTE(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 10, 2);
			if (strlen($q['m'])>13)
				$where .= ' AND SECOND(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 12, 2);

		if ( (int) $q['hour'] ) {
			$q['hour'] = '' . intval($q['hour']);
			$where .= " AND HOUR(post_date)='" . $q['hour'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['minute'] ) {
			$q['minute'] = '' . intval($q['minute']);
			$where .= " AND MINUTE(post_date)='" . $q['minute'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['second'] ) {
			$q['second'] = '' . intval($q['second']);
			$where .= " AND SECOND(post_date)='" . $q['second'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['year'] ) {
			$q['year'] = '' . intval($q['year']);
			$where .= " AND YEAR(post_date)='" . $q['year'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['monthnum'] ) {
			$q['monthnum'] = '' . intval($q['monthnum']);
			$where .= " AND MONTH(post_date)='" . $q['monthnum'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['day'] ) {
			$q['day'] = '' . intval($q['day']);
			$where .= " AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)='" . $q['day'] . "'";

		// Compat.  Map subpost to attachment.
		if ( '' != $q['subpost'] )
			$q['attachment'] = $q['subpost'];
		if ( '' != $q['subpost_id'] )
			$q['attachment_id'] = $q['subpost_id'];

		if ('' != $q['name']) {
			$q['name'] = sanitize_title($q['name']);
			$where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['name'] . "'";
		} else if ('' != $q['pagename']) {
			$q['pagename'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode(urldecode($q['pagename'])));
			$page_paths = '/' . trim($q['pagename'], '/');
			$q['pagename'] = sanitize_title(basename($page_paths));
			$q['name'] = $q['pagename'];
			$page_paths = explode('/', $page_paths);
			foreach($page_paths as $pathdir)
				$page_path .= ($pathdir!=''?'/':'') . sanitize_title($pathdir);
			$all_page_ids = get_all_page_ids();
			$reqpage = 0;
			if (is_array($all_page_ids)) { foreach ( $all_page_ids as $page_id ) {
				$page = get_page($page_id);
				if ( $page->fullpath == $page_path ) {
					$reqpage = $page_id;
			} }
			$where .= " AND (ID = '$reqpage')";
		} elseif ('' != $q['attachment']) {
			$q['attachment'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode(urldecode($q['attachment'])));
			$attach_paths = '/' . trim($q['attachment'], '/');
			$q['attachment'] = sanitize_title(basename($attach_paths));
			$q['name'] = $q['attachment'];
			$where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['attachment'] . "'";

		if ( (int) $q['w'] ) {
			$q['w'] = ''.intval($q['w']);
			$where .= " AND WEEK(post_date, 1)='" . $q['w'] . "'";

		if ( intval($q['comments_popup']) )
			$q['p'] = intval($q['comments_popup']);

		// If a attachment is requested by number, let it supercede any post number.
		if ( ($q['attachment_id'] != '') && (intval($q['attachment_id']) != 0) )
			$q['p'] = (int) $q['attachment_id'];

		// If a post number is specified, load that post
		if (($q['p'] != '') && intval($q['p']) != 0) {
			$q['p'] =  (int) $q['p'];
			$where = ' AND ID = ' . $q['p'];

		if (($q['page_id'] != '') && (intval($q['page_id']) != 0)) {
			$q['page_id'] = intval($q['page_id']);
			$q['p'] = $q['page_id'];
			$where = ' AND ID = '.$q['page_id'];

		// If a search pattern is specified, load the posts that match
		if (!empty($q['s'])) {
			$q['s'] = addslashes_gpc($q['s']);
			$search = ' AND (';
			$q['s'] = preg_replace('/, +/', ' ', $q['s']);
			$q['s'] = str_replace(',', ' ', $q['s']);
			$q['s'] = str_replace('"', ' ', $q['s']);
			$q['s'] = trim($q['s']);
			if ($q['exact']) {
				$n = '';
			} else {
				$n = '%';
			if (!$q['sentence']) {
				$s_array = explode(' ',$q['s']);
				$q['search_terms'] = $s_array;
				$search .= '((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[0].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[0].$n.'\'))';
				for ( $i = 1; $i < count($s_array); $i = $i + 1) {
					$search .= ' AND ((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[$i].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$s_array[$i].$n.'\'))';
				$search .= ' OR (post_title LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\')';
				$search .= ')';
			} else {
				$search = ' AND ((post_title LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\') OR (post_content LIKE \''.$n.$q['s'].$n.'\'))';

		// Category stuff

		if ((empty($q['cat'])) || ($q['cat'] == '0') || 
				// Bypass cat checks if fetching specific posts
				( $this->is_single || $this->is_page )) {
		} else {
			$q['cat'] = ''.urldecode($q['cat']).'';
			$q['cat'] = addslashes_gpc($q['cat']);
			if (stristr($q['cat'],'-')) {
				// Note: if we have a negative, we ignore all the positives. It must
				// always mean 'everything /except/ this one'. We should be able to do
				// multiple negatives but we don't :-(
				$eq = '!=';
				$andor = 'AND';
				$q['cat'] = explode('-',$q['cat']);
				$q['cat'] = intval($q['cat'][1]);
			} else {
				$eq = '=';
				$andor = 'OR';
			$join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->post2cat.post_id) ";
			$cat_array = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $q['cat']);
			$whichcat .= ' AND (category_id '.$eq.' '.intval($cat_array[0]);
			$whichcat .= get_category_children($cat_array[0], ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' ');
			for ($i = 1; $i < (count($cat_array)); $i = $i + 1) {
				$whichcat .= ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' '.intval($cat_array[$i]);
				$whichcat .= get_category_children($cat_array[$i], ' '.$andor.' category_id '.$eq.' ');
			$whichcat .= ')';
			if ($eq == '!=') {
				$q['cat'] = '-'.$q['cat']; // Put back the knowledge that we are excluding a category.

		// Category stuff for nice URIs

		global $cache_categories;
		if ('' != $q['category_name']) {
			$cat_paths = '/' . trim(urldecode($q['category_name']), '/');
			$q['category_name'] = sanitize_title(basename($cat_paths));
			$cat_paths = explode('/', $cat_paths);
			foreach($cat_paths as $pathdir)
				$cat_path .= ($pathdir!=''?'/':'') . sanitize_title($pathdir);

			$all_cat_ids = get_all_category_ids();
			$q['cat'] = 0; $partial_match = 0;
			foreach ( $all_cat_ids as $cat_id ) {
				$cat = get_category($cat_id);
				if ( $cat->fullpath == $cat_path ) {
					$q['cat'] = $cat_id;
				} elseif ( $cat->category_nicename == $q['category_name'] ) {
					$partial_match = $cat_id;
			//if we don't match the entire hierarchy fallback on just matching the nicename
			if (!$q['cat'] && $partial_match) {
				$q['cat'] = $partial_match;

			$tables = ", $wpdb->post2cat, $wpdb->categories";
			$join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->post2cat.post_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->categories ON ($wpdb->post2cat.category_id = $wpdb->categories.cat_ID) ";
			$whichcat = " AND (category_id = '" . $q['cat'] . "'";
			$whichcat .= get_category_children($q['cat'], " OR category_id = ");
			$whichcat .= ")";

		// Author/user stuff

		if ((empty($q['author'])) || ($q['author'] == '0')) {
		} else {
			$q['author'] = ''.urldecode($q['author']).'';
			$q['author'] = addslashes_gpc($q['author']);
			if (stristr($q['author'], '-')) {
				$eq = '!=';
				$andor = 'AND';
				$q['author'] = explode('-', $q['author']);
				$q['author'] = ''.intval($q['author'][1]);
			} else {
				$eq = '=';
				$andor = 'OR';
			$author_array = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $q['author']);
			$whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author '.$eq.' '.intval($author_array[0]);
			for ($i = 1; $i < (count($author_array)); $i = $i + 1) {
				$whichauthor .= ' '.$andor.' post_author '.$eq.' '.intval($author_array[$i]);
			$whichauthor .= ')';

		// Author stuff for nice URIs

		if ('' != $q['author_name']) {
			if (stristr($q['author_name'],'/')) {
				$q['author_name'] = explode('/',$q['author_name']);
				if ($q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-1]) {
					$q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-1];#no trailing slash
				} else {
					$q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name'])-2];#there was a trailling slash
			$q['author_name'] = sanitize_title($q['author_name']);
			$q['author'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename='".$q['author_name']."'");
			$whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author = '.intval($q['author']).')';
		$where .= $search.$whichcat.$whichauthor;

		if ((empty($q['order'])) || ((strtoupper($q['order']) != 'ASC') && (strtoupper($q['order']) != 'DESC'))) {

		// Order by
		if (empty($q['orderby'])) {
			$q['orderby']='date '.$q['order'];
		} else {
			// Used to filter values
			$allowed_keys = array('author', 'date', 'category', 'title', 'modified');
			$q['orderby'] = urldecode($q['orderby']);
			$q['orderby'] = addslashes_gpc($q['orderby']);
			$orderby_array = explode(' ',$q['orderby']);
			if (!in_array($orderby_array[0],$allowed_keys)) {
				$orderby_array[0] = 'date';
			$q['orderby'] = $orderby_array[0].' '.$q['order'];
			if (count($orderby_array)>1) {
				for ($i = 1; $i < (count($orderby_array)); $i = $i + 1) {
					// Only allow certain values for safety
					if (in_array($orderby_array[$i],$allowed_keys)) {
						$q['orderby'] .= ',post_'.$orderby_array[$i].' '.$q['order'];

		$now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59');
		//only select past-dated posts, except if a logged in user is viewing a single: then, if they
		//can edit the post, we let them through
		if ($pagenow != 'post.php' && $pagenow != 'edit.php' && !($this->is_single && $user_ID)) {
			$where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";
			$distinct = 'DISTINCT';

		if ( $this->is_attachment ) {
			$where .= " AND (post_status = 'attachment')";
		} elseif ($this->is_page) {
			$where .= " AND (post_status = 'static')";
		} elseif ($this->is_single) {
			$where .= " AND (post_status != 'static')";
		} else {
			$where .= " AND (post_status = 'publish'";

			if (isset($user_ID) && ('' != intval($user_ID)))
				$where .= " OR post_author = $user_ID AND post_status != 'draft' AND post_status != 'static')";
				$where .= ')';				

		if (! $this->is_attachment )
			$where .= " AND post_status != 'attachment'";

		// Apply filters on where and join prior to paging so that any
		// manipulations to them are reflected in the paging by day queries.
		$where = apply_filters('posts_where', $where);
		$join = apply_filters('posts_join', $join);

		// Paging
		if (empty($q['nopaging']) && ! $this->is_single && ! $this->is_page) {
			$page = abs(intval($q['paged']));
			if (empty($page)) {
				$page = 1;

			if (($q['what_to_show'] == 'posts')) {
				$q['offset'] = abs(intval($q['offset']));
				if ( empty($q['offset']) ) {
					$pgstrt = '';
					$pgstrt = (intval($page) -1) * $q['posts_per_page'] . ', ';
					$limits = 'LIMIT '.$pgstrt.$q['posts_per_page'];
				} else { // we're ignoring $page and using 'offset'
					$pgstrt = $q['offset'] . ', ';
					$limits = 'LIMIT ' . $pgstrt . $q['posts_per_page'];
			} elseif ($q['what_to_show'] == 'days') {
				$startrow = $q['posts_per_page'] * (intval($page)-1);
				$start_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT max(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $startrow,1");
				$endrow = $startrow + $q['posts_per_page'] - 1;
				$end_date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT min(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $endrow,1");

				if ($page > 1) {
					$where .= " AND post_date >= '$end_date' AND post_date <= '$start_date'";
				} else {
					$where .= " AND post_date >= '$end_date'";

		// Apply post-paging filters on where and join.  Only plugins that
		// manipulate paging queries should use these hooks.
		$where = apply_filters('posts_where_paged', $where);
		$groupby = " $wpdb->posts.ID ";
		$groupby = apply_filters('posts_groupby', $groupby);
		$join = apply_filters('posts_join_paged', $join);
		$orderby = "post_" . $q['orderby'];
		$orderby = apply_filters('posts_orderby', $orderby); 
		$request = " SELECT $distinct * FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE 1=1" . $where . " GROUP BY " . $groupby . " ORDER BY " . $orderby . " $limits";
		$this->request = apply_filters('posts_request', $request);

		$this->posts = $wpdb->get_results($this->request);

		// Check post status to determine if post should be displayed.
		if ( !empty($this->posts) && $this->is_single ) {
			$status = get_post_status($this->posts[0]);
			if ( ('publish' != $status) && ('static' != $status) ) {
				if ( ! (isset($user_ID) && ('' != intval($user_ID))) ) {
					// User must be logged in to view unpublished posts.
					$this->posts = array();
				} else {
					if ('draft' == $status) {
						// User must have edit permissions on the draft to preview.
						if (! current_user_can('edit_post', $this->posts[0]->ID)) {
							$this->posts = array();
						} else {
							$this->is_preview = true;
							$this->posts[0]->post_date = current_time('mysql');
					} else {
						if (! current_user_can('read_post', $this->posts[0]->ID))
							$this->posts = array();
			} else {
				if (mysql2date('U', $this->posts[0]->post_date_gmt) > mysql2date('U', $now)) { //it's future dated
					$this->is_preview = true;
					if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $this->posts[0]->ID)) {
						$this->posts = array ( );


		$this->posts = apply_filters('the_posts', $this->posts);
		$this->post_count = count($this->posts);
		if ($this->post_count > 0) {
			$this->post = $this->posts[0];
		// Save any changes made to the query vars.
		$this->query_vars = $q;
		return $this->posts;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function _b_wp_contents_show($options, $wp_num = "")
     $no_posts = empty($options[0]) ? 10 : $options[0];
     $tpl_file = empty($options[1]) ? 'wp_contents.html' : $options[1];
     $category = empty($options[2]) ? "all" : intval($options[2]);
     $GLOBALS['dateformat'] = get_settings('date_format');
     $GLOBALS['timeformat'] = get_settings('time_format');
     $_criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('post_status', 'publish'));
     $_criteria->add(new Criteria('post_date', current_time('mysql'), '<='));
     if (empty($category) || $category == 'all' || $category == '0') {
         $_joinCriteria = null;
     } else {
         $_joinCriteria =& new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('post2cat'), 'ID', 'post_id');
         $_wCriteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
         $_wCriteria->add(new Criteria('category_id', intCriteriaVal($category)), 'OR');
         $_catc = trim(get_category_children($category, '', ' '));
         if ($_catc !== "") {
             $_catc_array = explode(' ', $_catc);
             for ($_j = 0; $_j < count($_catc_array); $_j++) {
                 $_wCriteria->add(new Criteria('category_id', intCriteriaVal($_catc_array[$_j])), 'OR');
     $_criteria->setGroupBy(wp_table('posts') . '.ID');
     $postHandler =& wp_handler('Post');
     $postObjects =& $postHandler->getObjects($_criteria, false, '', 'DISTINCT', $_joinCriteria);
     //		echo $postHandler->getLastSQL();
     $lposts = array();
     foreach ($postObjects as $postObject) {
         $lposts[] =& $postObject->exportWpObject();
     if ($lposts) {
         // Get the categories for all the posts
         $_post_id_list = array();
         foreach ($lposts as $post) {
             $_post_id_list[] = $post->ID;
             $GLOBALS['category_cache'][wp_id()][$post->ID] = array();
         $_post_id_list = implode(',', $_post_id_list);
         $_post_id_criteria =& new Criteria('post_id', '(' . $_post_id_list . ')', 'IN');
         $_joinCriteria =& new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('post2cat'), 'ID', 'post_id');
         $_joinCriteria->cascade(new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('categories'), 'category_id', 'cat_ID'));
         $postObjects =& $postHandler->getObjects($_post_id_criteria, false, 'ID, category_id, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent', true, $_joinCriteria);
         foreach ($postObjects as $postObject) {
             $_cat->ID = $postObject->getVar('ID');
             $_cat->category_id = $postObject->getExtraVar('category_id');
             $_cat->cat_name = $postObject->getExtraVar('cat_name');
             $_cat->category_nicename = $postObject->getExtraVar('category_nicename');
             $_cat->category_description = $postObject->getExtraVar('category_description');
             $_cat->category_parent = $postObject->getExtraVar('category_parent');
             $GLOBALS['category_cache'][wp_id()][$postObject->getVar('ID')][] =& $_cat;
         // Do the same for comment numbers
         $_post_id_criteria =& new Criteria('comment_post_ID', '(' . $_post_id_list . ')', 'IN');
         $_criteria =& new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('post_status', 'publish'));
         $_criteria->add(new Criteria('comment_approved', '1 '));
         $_joinCriteria =& new XoopsJoinCriteria(wp_table('comments'), 'ID', 'comment_post_ID');
         $postObjects =& $postHandler->getObjects($_criteria, false, 'ID, COUNT( comment_ID ) AS ccount', false, $_joinCriteria);
         foreach ($postObjects as $postObject) {
             $GLOBALS['comment_count_cache'][wp_id()]['' . $postObject->getVar('ID')] = $postObject->getExtraVar('ccount');
         // Get post-meta info
         if ($meta_list = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_results('SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM ' . wp_table('postmeta') . ' WHERE post_id IN(' . $_post_id_list . ') ORDER BY post_id, meta_key', ARRAY_A)) {
             // Change from flat structure to hierarchical:
             $GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()] = array();
             foreach ($meta_list as $metarow) {
                 $mpid = $metarow['post_id'];
                 $mkey = $metarow['meta_key'];
                 $mval = $metarow['meta_value'];
                 // Force subkeys to be array type:
                 if (!isset($GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid]) || !is_array($GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid])) {
                     $GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid] = array();
                 if (!isset($GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid]["{$mkey}"]) || !is_array($GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid]["{$mkey}"])) {
                     $GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid]["{$mkey}"] = array();
                 // Add a value to the current pid/key:
                 $GLOBALS['post_meta_cache'][wp_id()][$mpid]["{$mkey}"][] = $mval;
     $blog = 1;
     $block = array();
     $block['use_theme_template'] = get_xoops_option(wp_mod(), 'use_theme_template');
     $block['style'] = block_style_get(false);
     $block['divid'] = 'wpBlockContent' . $wp_num;
     $block['template_content'] = "";
     $i = 0;
     $GLOBALS['previousday'] = 0;
     foreach ($lposts as $post) {
         $GLOBALS['post'] = $post;
         if ($block['use_theme_template'] == 0) {
             $content = array();
             $content['date'] = the_date($GLOBALS['dateformat'], '', '', false);
             $content['time'] = the_time('', false);
             $content['title'] = the_title('', '', false);
             $content['permlink'] = get_permalink();
             $content['author'] = the_author_posts_link('', false);
             $content['category'] = the_category('', '', false);
             $content['body'] = the_content(_WP_TPL_MORE, 0, '', false);
             $content['linkpage'] = link_pages('<br />Pages: ', '<br />', 'number', 'next page', 'previous page', '%', '', false);
             if (get_xoops_option(wp_mod(), 'wp_use_xoops_comments') == 0) {
                 $content['comments'] = comments_popup_link(_WP_TPL_COMMENT0, _WP_TPL_COMMENT1, _WP_TPL_COMMENTS, '', 'Comments Off', false);
             } else {
                 $content['comments'] = xcomments_popup_link(_WP_TPL_COMMENT0, _WP_TPL_COMMENT1, _WP_TPL_COMMENTS, '', 'Comments Off', false);
                 $content['comments'] .= " | ";
                 $content['comments'] .= comments_popup_link(_WP_TPL_TRACKBACK0, _WP_TPL_TRACKBACK1, _WP_TPL_TRACKBACKS, '', 'Trackback Off', false);
             $content['trackback'] = trackback_rdf(0, false);
             $block['contents'][] = $content;
         } else {
             include get_custom_path('content_block-template.php');
             $block['template_content'] .= ob_get_contents();
     $_wpTpl =& new WordPresTpl('theme');
     $_wpTpl->assign('block', $block);
     if (!$_wpTpl->tpl_exists($tpl_file)) {
         $tpl_file = 'wp_contents.html';
     $block['content'] = $_wpTpl->fetch($tpl_file);
     $GLOBALS['previousday'] = 0;
     $GLOBALS['day'] = 0;
     $GLOBALS['comment_count_cache'][wp_id()] = array();
     return $block;
Ejemplo n.º 25
<div id="secondary">
if (is_single() || is_category()) {
    global $cat;
    $category = get_the_category();
    $category_ID = $cat;
    if (is_single()) {
        $category_ID = $category[0]->cat_ID;
    $cats = get_category(get_category_root_id($category_ID));
    if ($category_ID != get_category_root_id($category_ID) || get_category_children($category_ID)) {
	<aside class="cat">
        echo '<h3>' . $cats->name . '</h3>';
        wp_list_categories("child_of=" . get_category_root_id($category_ID) . "&depth=0&hide_empty=0&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=&orderby=id&show_count=0");
function dropdown_cats($optionall = 1, $all = 'All', $sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc',
		$optiondates = 0, $optioncount = 0, $hide_empty = 1, $optionnone=FALSE,
		$selected=0, $hide=0) {
	global $wpdb;
	if ( ($file == 'blah') || ($file == '') )
		$file = get_settings('home') . '/';
	if ( !$selected )
	$sort_column = 'cat_'.$sort_column;

	$query = "
		SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename,category_parent,
		COUNT($wpdb->post2cat.post_id) AS cat_count,
		DAYOFMONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastday, MONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastmonth
		FROM $wpdb->categories LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON (cat_ID = category_id)
		LEFT JOIN $wpdb->posts ON (ID = post_id)
		WHERE cat_ID > 0
	if ( $hide ) {
		$query .= " AND cat_ID != $hide";
		$query .= get_category_children($hide, " AND cat_ID != ");
	$query .=" GROUP BY cat_ID";
	if ( intval($hide_empty) == 1 )
		$query .= " HAVING cat_count > 0";
	$query .= " ORDER BY $sort_column $sort_order, post_date DESC";

	$categories = $wpdb->get_results($query);
	echo "<select name='cat' class='postform'>\n";
	if ( intval($optionall) == 1 ) {
		$all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
		echo "\t<option value='0'>$all</option>\n";
	if ( intval($optionnone) == 1 )
		echo "\t<option value='-1'>".__('None')."</option>\n";
	if ( $categories ) {
		foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
			$cat_name = apply_filters('list_cats', $category->cat_name, $category);
			echo "\t<option value=\"".$category->cat_ID."\"";
			if ( $category->cat_ID == $selected )
				echo ' selected="selected"';
			echo '>';
			echo $cat_name;
			if ( intval($optioncount) == 1 )
				echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;('.$category->cat_count.')';
			if ( intval($optiondates) == 1 )
				echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$category->lastday.'/'.$category->lastmonth;
			echo "</option>\n";
	echo "</select>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 27
			<!-- koalabo-blogbottom -->
			<ins class="adsbygoogle"
			(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

$parentID = 14;
$catChildren = get_category_children($parentID);
$catIDs = explode('/', $catChildren);
$html = '';
$html .= '<form class="controls" id="Filters">';
$html .= '<fieldset class="fil_cat">';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($catIDs); $i++) {
    $cats = get_category($catIDs[$i]);
    $catsslug = $cats->slug;
    $catsname = $cats->name;
    $catsparent = $cats->parent;
    $catscount = $cats->count;
    if ($catsparent == $parentID) {
        if ($catscount != 0) {
            $html .= '<button class="' . $catsslug . 'button filter" data-filter=".' . $catsslug . '">' . $catsname . '</button>';
Ejemplo n.º 28
 * The Template for displaying all single posts
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Twenty_Twelve
 * @since Twenty Twelve 1.0

 <div id="secondary" class="widget-area widget-top" role="complementary">
        <ul class="category-list">
$this_category = get_the_category()[0];
if (get_category_children($this_category->cat_ID)) {
    $parent = $this_category->cat_ID;
} else {
    $parent = $this_category->parent;
$args = array('orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'asc', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'title_li' => '', 'include' => $parent);
$child_args = array('orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'asc', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'title_li' => '', 'child_of' => $parent);

	<div id="primary" class="site-content content-bottom">
		<div id="content" role="main">
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function &get_posts()
     global $wpdb, $pagenow, $user_ID;
     do_action_ref_array('pre_get_posts', array(&$this));
     // Shorthand.
     $q =& $this->query_vars;
     $q = $this->fill_query_vars($q);
     // First let's clear some variables
     $distinct = '';
     $whichcat = '';
     $whichauthor = '';
     $whichpage = '';
     $result = '';
     $where = '';
     $limits = '';
     $join = '';
     $search = '';
     $groupby = '';
     if (!isset($q['post_type'])) {
         $q['post_type'] = 'post';
     $post_type = $q['post_type'];
     if (!isset($q['posts_per_page']) || $q['posts_per_page'] == 0) {
         $q['posts_per_page'] = get_option('posts_per_page');
     if (isset($q['showposts']) && $q['showposts']) {
         $q['showposts'] = (int) $q['showposts'];
         $q['posts_per_page'] = $q['showposts'];
     if (isset($q['posts_per_archive_page']) && $q['posts_per_archive_page'] != 0 && ($this->is_archive || $this->is_search)) {
         $q['posts_per_page'] = $q['posts_per_archive_page'];
     if (!isset($q['nopaging'])) {
         if ($q['posts_per_page'] == -1) {
             $q['nopaging'] = true;
         } else {
             $q['nopaging'] = false;
     if ($this->is_feed) {
         $q['posts_per_page'] = get_option('posts_per_rss');
         $q['nopaging'] = false;
     $q['posts_per_page'] = (int) $q['posts_per_page'];
     if ($q['posts_per_page'] < -1) {
         $q['posts_per_page'] = abs($q['posts_per_page']);
     } else {
         if ($q['posts_per_page'] == 0) {
             $q['posts_per_page'] = 1;
     if ($this->is_home && (empty($this->query) || $q['preview'] == 'true') && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && get_option('page_on_front')) {
         $this->is_page = true;
         $this->is_home = false;
         $q['page_id'] = get_option('page_on_front');
     if (isset($q['page'])) {
         $q['page'] = trim($q['page'], '/');
         $q['page'] = (int) $q['page'];
         $q['page'] = abs($q['page']);
     $add_hours = intval(get_option('gmt_offset'));
     $add_minutes = intval(60 * (get_option('gmt_offset') - $add_hours));
     $wp_posts_post_date_field = "post_date";
     // "DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)";
     // If a month is specified in the querystring, load that month
     if ((int) $q['m']) {
         $q['m'] = '' . preg_replace('|[^0-9]|', '', $q['m']);
         $where .= ' AND YEAR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 0, 4);
         if (strlen($q['m']) > 5) {
             $where .= ' AND MONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 4, 2);
         if (strlen($q['m']) > 7) {
             $where .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 6, 2);
         if (strlen($q['m']) > 9) {
             $where .= ' AND HOUR(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 8, 2);
         if (strlen($q['m']) > 11) {
             $where .= ' AND MINUTE(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 10, 2);
         if (strlen($q['m']) > 13) {
             $where .= ' AND SECOND(post_date)=' . substr($q['m'], 12, 2);
     if ((int) $q['hour']) {
         $q['hour'] = '' . intval($q['hour']);
         $where .= " AND HOUR(post_date)='" . $q['hour'] . "'";
     if ((int) $q['minute']) {
         $q['minute'] = '' . intval($q['minute']);
         $where .= " AND MINUTE(post_date)='" . $q['minute'] . "'";
     if ((int) $q['second']) {
         $q['second'] = '' . intval($q['second']);
         $where .= " AND SECOND(post_date)='" . $q['second'] . "'";
     if ((int) $q['year']) {
         $q['year'] = '' . intval($q['year']);
         $where .= " AND YEAR(post_date)='" . $q['year'] . "'";
     if ((int) $q['monthnum']) {
         $q['monthnum'] = '' . intval($q['monthnum']);
         $where .= " AND MONTH(post_date)='" . $q['monthnum'] . "'";
     if ((int) $q['day']) {
         $q['day'] = '' . intval($q['day']);
         $where .= " AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)='" . $q['day'] . "'";
     // Compat.  Map subpost to attachment.
     if ('' != $q['subpost']) {
         $q['attachment'] = $q['subpost'];
     if ('' != $q['subpost_id']) {
         $q['attachment_id'] = $q['subpost_id'];
     if ('' != $q['name']) {
         $q['name'] = sanitize_title($q['name']);
         $where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['name'] . "'";
     } else {
         if ('' != $q['pagename']) {
             $reqpage = get_page_by_path($q['pagename']);
             if (!empty($reqpage)) {
                 $reqpage = $reqpage->ID;
             } else {
                 $reqpage = 0;
             if ('page' == get_option('show_on_front') && $reqpage == get_option('page_for_posts')) {
                 $this->is_singular = false;
                 $this->is_page = false;
                 $this->is_home = true;
                 $this->is_posts_page = true;
             } else {
                 $q['pagename'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode(urldecode($q['pagename'])));
                 $page_paths = '/' . trim($q['pagename'], '/');
                 $q['pagename'] = sanitize_title(basename($page_paths));
                 $q['name'] = $q['pagename'];
                 $where .= " AND (ID = '{$reqpage}')";
         } elseif ('' != $q['attachment']) {
             $q['attachment'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode(urldecode($q['attachment'])));
             $attach_paths = '/' . trim($q['attachment'], '/');
             $q['attachment'] = sanitize_title(basename($attach_paths));
             $q['name'] = $q['attachment'];
             $where .= " AND post_name = '" . $q['attachment'] . "'";
     if ((int) $q['w']) {
         $q['w'] = '' . intval($q['w']);
         $where .= " AND WEEK(post_date, 1)='" . $q['w'] . "'";
     if (intval($q['comments_popup'])) {
         $q['p'] = intval($q['comments_popup']);
     // If a attachment is requested by number, let it supercede any post number.
     if ($q['attachment_id'] != '' && intval($q['attachment_id']) != 0) {
         $q['p'] = (int) $q['attachment_id'];
     // If a post number is specified, load that post
     if ($q['p'] != '' && intval($q['p']) != 0) {
         $q['p'] = (int) $q['p'];
         $where = ' AND ID = ' . $q['p'];
     if ($q['page_id'] != '' && intval($q['page_id']) != 0) {
         $q['page_id'] = intval($q['page_id']);
         if ('page' == get_option('show_on_front') && $q['page_id'] == get_option('page_for_posts')) {
             $this->is_singular = false;
             $this->is_page = false;
             $this->is_home = true;
             $this->is_posts_page = true;
         } else {
             $q['p'] = $q['page_id'];
             $where = ' AND ID = ' . $q['page_id'];
     // If a search pattern is specified, load the posts that match
     if (!empty($q['s'])) {
         // added slashes screw with quote grouping when done early, so done later
         $q['s'] = stripslashes($q['s']);
         if ($q['sentence']) {
             $q['search_terms'] = array($q['s']);
         } else {
             preg_match_all('/".*?("|$)|((?<=[\\s",+])|^)[^\\s",+]+/', $q[s], $matches);
             $q['search_terms'] = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return trim($a, "\\"\'\\n\\r ");'), $matches[0]);
         $n = $q['exact'] ? '' : '%';
         $searchand = '';
         foreach ((array) $q['search_terms'] as $term) {
             $term = addslashes_gpc($term);
             $search .= "{$searchand}((post_title LIKE '{$n}{$term}{$n}') OR (post_content LIKE '{$n}{$term}{$n}'))";
             $searchand = ' AND ';
         $term = addslashes_gpc($q['s']);
         if (!$q['sentence'] && count($q['search_terms']) > 1 && $q['search_terms'][0] != $q['s']) {
             $search .= " OR (post_title LIKE '{$n}{$term}{$n}') OR (post_content LIKE '{$n}{$term}{$n}')";
         if (!empty($search)) {
             $search = " AND ({$search}) ";
     // Category stuff
     if (empty($q['cat']) || $q['cat'] == '0' || ($this->is_single || $this->is_page)) {
         $whichcat = '';
     } else {
         $q['cat'] = '' . urldecode($q['cat']) . '';
         $q['cat'] = addslashes_gpc($q['cat']);
         $join = " LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->post2cat} ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->post2cat}.post_id) ";
         $cat_array = preg_split('/[,\\s]+/', $q['cat']);
         $in_cats = $out_cats = $out_posts = '';
         foreach ($cat_array as $cat) {
             $cat = intval($cat);
             $in = strstr($cat, '-') ? false : true;
             $cat = trim($cat, '-');
             if ($in) {
                 $in_cats .= "{$cat}, " . get_category_children($cat, '', ', ');
             } else {
                 $out_cats .= "{$cat}, " . get_category_children($cat, '', ', ');
         $in_cats = substr($in_cats, 0, -2);
         $out_cats = substr($out_cats, 0, -2);
         if (strlen($in_cats) > 0) {
             $in_cats = " AND {$wpdb->post2cat}.category_id IN ({$in_cats})";
         if (strlen($out_cats) > 0) {
             $ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->post2cat} WHERE {$wpdb->post2cat}.category_id IN ({$out_cats})");
             if (is_array($ids) && count($ids > 0)) {
                 foreach ($ids as $id) {
                     $out_posts .= "{$id}, ";
                 $out_posts = substr($out_posts, 0, -2);
             if (strlen($out_posts) > 0) {
                 $out_cats = " AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID NOT IN ({$out_posts})";
             } else {
                 $out_cats = '';
         $whichcat = $in_cats . $out_cats;
         $groupby = "{$wpdb->posts}.ID";
     // Category stuff for nice URLs
     if ('' != $q['category_name']) {
         $reqcat = get_category_by_path($q['category_name']);
         $q['category_name'] = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode(urldecode($q['category_name'])));
         $cat_paths = '/' . trim($q['category_name'], '/');
         $q['category_name'] = sanitize_title(basename($cat_paths));
         $cat_paths = '/' . trim(urldecode($q['category_name']), '/');
         $q['category_name'] = sanitize_title(basename($cat_paths));
         $cat_paths = explode('/', $cat_paths);
         $cat_path = '';
         foreach ((array) $cat_paths as $pathdir) {
             $cat_path .= ($pathdir != '' ? '/' : '') . sanitize_title($pathdir);
         //if we don't match the entire hierarchy fallback on just matching the nicename
         if (empty($reqcat)) {
             $reqcat = get_category_by_path($q['category_name'], false);
         if (!empty($reqcat)) {
             $reqcat = $reqcat->cat_ID;
         } else {
             $reqcat = 0;
         $q['cat'] = $reqcat;
         $tables = ", {$wpdb->post2cat}, {$wpdb->categories}";
         $join = " LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->post2cat} ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->post2cat}.post_id) LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->categories} ON ({$wpdb->post2cat}.category_id = {$wpdb->categories}.cat_ID) ";
         $whichcat = " AND category_id IN ({$q['cat']}, ";
         $whichcat .= get_category_children($q['cat'], '', ', ');
         $whichcat = substr($whichcat, 0, -2);
         $whichcat .= ")";
         $groupby = "{$wpdb->posts}.ID";
     // Author/user stuff
     if (empty($q['author']) || $q['author'] == '0') {
         $whichauthor = '';
     } else {
         $q['author'] = '' . urldecode($q['author']) . '';
         $q['author'] = addslashes_gpc($q['author']);
         if (stristr($q['author'], '-')) {
             $eq = '!=';
             $andor = 'AND';
             $q['author'] = explode('-', $q['author']);
             $q['author'] = '' . intval($q['author'][1]);
         } else {
             $eq = '=';
             $andor = 'OR';
         $author_array = preg_split('/[,\\s]+/', $q['author']);
         $whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author ' . $eq . ' ' . intval($author_array[0]);
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($author_array); $i = $i + 1) {
             $whichauthor .= ' ' . $andor . ' post_author ' . $eq . ' ' . intval($author_array[$i]);
         $whichauthor .= ')';
     // Author stuff for nice URLs
     if ('' != $q['author_name']) {
         if (stristr($q['author_name'], '/')) {
             $q['author_name'] = explode('/', $q['author_name']);
             if ($q['author_name'][count($q['author_name']) - 1]) {
                 $q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name']) - 1];
                 #no trailing slash
             } else {
                 $q['author_name'] = $q['author_name'][count($q['author_name']) - 2];
                 #there was a trailling slash
         $q['author_name'] = sanitize_title($q['author_name']);
         $q['author'] = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE user_nicename='" . $q['author_name'] . "'");
         $whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author = ' . intval($q['author']) . ')';
     $where .= $search . $whichcat . $whichauthor;
     if (empty($q['order']) || strtoupper($q['order']) != 'ASC' && strtoupper($q['order']) != 'DESC') {
         $q['order'] = 'DESC';
     // Order by
     if (empty($q['orderby'])) {
         $q['orderby'] = 'post_date ' . $q['order'];
     } else {
         // Used to filter values
         $allowed_keys = array('author', 'date', 'category', 'title', 'modified', 'menu_order');
         $q['orderby'] = urldecode($q['orderby']);
         $q['orderby'] = addslashes_gpc($q['orderby']);
         $orderby_array = explode(' ', $q['orderby']);
         if (empty($orderby_array)) {
             $orderby_array[] = $q['orderby'];
         $q['orderby'] = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($orderby_array); $i++) {
             // Only allow certain values for safety
             $orderby = $orderby_array[$i];
             if ('menu_order' != $orderby) {
                 $orderby = 'post_' . $orderby;
             if (in_array($orderby_array[$i], $allowed_keys)) {
                 $q['orderby'] .= ($i == 0 ? '' : ',') . "{$orderby} {$q['order']}";
         if (empty($q['orderby'])) {
             $q['orderby'] = 'post_date ' . $q['order'];
     if ($this->is_attachment) {
         $where .= " AND (post_type = 'attachment')";
     } elseif ($this->is_page) {
         $where .= " AND (post_type = 'page')";
     } elseif ($this->is_single) {
         $where .= " AND (post_type = 'post')";
     } else {
         $where .= " AND (post_type = '{$post_type}' AND (post_status = 'publish'";
         if (is_admin()) {
             $where .= " OR post_status = 'future' OR post_status = 'draft'";
         if (is_user_logged_in()) {
             if ('post' == $post_type) {
                 $cap = 'read_private_posts';
             } else {
                 $cap = 'read_private_pages';
             if (current_user_can($cap)) {
                 $where .= " OR post_status = 'private'";
             } else {
                 $where .= " OR post_author = {$user_ID} AND post_status = 'private'";
         $where .= '))';
     // Apply filters on where and join prior to paging so that any
     // manipulations to them are reflected in the paging by day queries.
     $where = apply_filters('posts_where', $where);
     $join = apply_filters('posts_join', $join);
     // Paging
     if (empty($q['nopaging']) && !$this->is_singular) {
         $page = abs(intval($q['paged']));
         if (empty($page)) {
             $page = 1;
         if (empty($q['offset'])) {
             $pgstrt = '';
             $pgstrt = (intval($page) - 1) * $q['posts_per_page'] . ', ';
             $limits = 'LIMIT ' . $pgstrt . $q['posts_per_page'];
         } else {
             // we're ignoring $page and using 'offset'
             $q['offset'] = abs(intval($q['offset']));
             $pgstrt = $q['offset'] . ', ';
             $limits = 'LIMIT ' . $pgstrt . $q['posts_per_page'];
     // Apply post-paging filters on where and join.  Only plugins that
     // manipulate paging queries should use these hooks.
     $where = apply_filters('posts_where_paged', $where);
     $groupby = apply_filters('posts_groupby', $groupby);
     if (!empty($groupby)) {
         $groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
     $join = apply_filters('posts_join_paged', $join);
     $orderby = apply_filters('posts_orderby', $q['orderby']);
     $distinct = apply_filters('posts_distinct', $distinct);
     $fields = apply_filters('posts_fields', "{$wpdb->posts}.*");
     $limits = apply_filters('post_limits', $limits);
     $found_rows = '';
     if (!empty($limits)) {
         $found_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
     $request = " SELECT {$found_rows} {$distinct} {$fields} FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$join} WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$groupby} ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limits}";
     $this->request = apply_filters('posts_request', $request);
     $this->posts = $wpdb->get_results($this->request);
     if (!empty($limits)) {
         $found_posts_query = apply_filters('found_posts_query', 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
         $this->found_posts = $wpdb->get_var($found_posts_query);
         $this->found_posts = apply_filters('found_posts', $this->found_posts);
         $this->max_num_pages = ceil($this->found_posts / $q['posts_per_page']);
     // Check post status to determine if post should be displayed.
     if (!empty($this->posts) && ($this->is_single || $this->is_page)) {
         $status = get_post_status($this->posts[0]);
         //$type = get_post_type($this->posts[0]);
         if ('publish' != $status) {
             if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
                 // User must be logged in to view unpublished posts.
                 $this->posts = array();
             } else {
                 if ('draft' == $status) {
                     // User must have edit permissions on the draft to preview.
                     if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $this->posts[0]->ID)) {
                         $this->posts = array();
                     } else {
                         $this->is_preview = true;
                         $this->posts[0]->post_date = current_time('mysql');
                 } else {
                     if ('future' == $status) {
                         $this->is_preview = true;
                         if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $this->posts[0]->ID)) {
                             $this->posts = array();
                     } else {
                         if (!current_user_can('read_post', $this->posts[0]->ID)) {
                             $this->posts = array();
     $this->posts = apply_filters('the_posts', $this->posts);
     $this->post_count = count($this->posts);
     if ($this->post_count > 0) {
         $this->post = $this->posts[0];
     return $this->posts;
function dropdown_cats($optionall = 1, $all = 'All', $sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc', $optiondates = 0, $optioncount = 0, $hide_empty = 0, $optionnone = false, $selected = 0, $hide = 0, $hierarchical = true, $child_of = 0, $link = false, $level = 0)
    global $wpdb, $wp_id, $siteurl, $cat;
    if (!$selected) {
        $selected = $cat;
    $query = "\n        SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename,category_parent, category_description cat_description,\n        COUNT({$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]}.post_id) AS cat_count,\n        DAYOFMONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastday, MONTH(MAX(post_date)) AS lastmonth\n        FROM {$wpdb->categories[$wp_id]} LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->post2cat[$wp_id]} ON (cat_ID = category_id)\n        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts[$wp_id]} ON (ID = post_id)\n        WHERE cat_ID > 0\n        ";
    if ($hide) {
        $query .= " AND cat_ID != {$hide}";
        $query .= get_category_children($hide, " AND cat_ID != ");
    $query .= " GROUP BY cat_ID";
    $query .= " ORDER BY cat_{$sort_column} {$sort_order}, post_date DESC";
    $categories = $wpdb->get_results($query);
    if ($level == 0) {
        echo "<select name='cat' class='postform'>\n";
    if (intval($optionall) == 1) {
        $all = apply_filters('list_cats', $all);
        echo "\t<option value='all'>{$all}</option>\n";
    if (intval($optionnone) == 1) {
        echo "\t<option value='0'>None</option>\n";
    if ($categories) {
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            if (!$hierarchical || $child_of == $category->category_parent) {
                if (intval($hide_empty) != 1 || $category->cat_count > 0) {
                    $pad = str_repeat('&#8211; ', $level);
                    $cat_name = apply_filters('list_cats', $pad . $category->cat_name);
                    if ($link) {
                        echo "\t<option value=\"" . get_category_link(false, $category->cat_ID, $category->category_nicename) . "\"";
                    } else {
                        echo "\t<option value=\"" . $category->cat_ID . "\"";
                    if ($category->cat_ID == $selected) {
                        echo ' selected="selected"';
                    echo '>';
                    echo $cat_name;
                    if (intval($optioncount) == 1) {
                        echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;(' . $category->cat_count . ')';
                    if (intval($optiondates) == 1) {
                        echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $category->lastday . '/' . $category->lastmonth;
                    echo "</option>\n";
                dropdown_cats(0, '', $sort_column, $sort_order, $optiondates, $optioncount, $hide_empty, $optionnone, $selected, $hide, $hierarchical = true, $category->cat_ID, $link, $level + 1);
    if ($level == 0) {
        echo "</select>\n";