function get_pct_badges($badge_name_prefix, $badge_pctiles, $badge_images) { $badges = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $badges[$i] = get_badge($badge_name_prefix . "_" . $i, "Top " . $badge_pctiles[$i] . "% in average credit", $badge_images[$i]); } return $badges; }
function get_badges($badge_name_prefix, $badge_level_names, $badge_images, $sub_project) { $badges = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($badge_level_names); $i++) { $badges[$i] = get_badge($badge_name_prefix . "_" . $sub_project["short_name"] . "_" . $i, "{$badge_level_names[$i]} in " . $sub_project["name"] . " credit", $sub_project["short_name"] . $badge_images[$i]); } return $badges; }
function auto_share($userid, $quizid, $badge = FALSE, $badge_name = FALSE) { $auth = $this->auth($userid); $row1 = $this->db->query("SELECT point, amount FROM score WHERE user_id='{$userid}' AND quiz_id='{$quizid}' LIMIT 1")->row(); $row2 = $this->db->query("SELECT share_created, share_took, share_onehundred, share_badge FROM user WHERE username='******' LIMIT 1")->row(); $send = FALSE; if ($badge == FALSE) { if ($row1->point > $row1->amount && $row2->share_created == 1) { $tweet = 'I just created the quiz \'' . get_title($quizid, FALSE) . '\' on @OneExtraLap! Come & take it! ' . get_quiz_link($quizid); $send = TRUE; } if ($row1->point == $row1->amount && $row2->share_onehundred == 1) { $tweet = 'I just got 100% in the quiz \'' . get_title($quizid, FALSE) . '\' on @OneExtraLap! You can do it too! ' . get_quiz_link($quizid); $send = TRUE; } elseif ($row1->point <= $row1->amount && $row2->share_took == 1) { $tweet = 'I just got ' . get_percentage($row1->point, $row1->amount) . ' in the quiz \'' . get_title($quizid, FALSE) . '\' on @OneExtraLap! Can you beat me? ' . get_quiz_link($quizid); $send = TRUE; } } else { if ($row2->share_badge == 1) { $badge_info = get_badge($badge); $tweet = 'I just unlocked the badge \'' . $badge_name . '\' on @OneExtraLap!' . $badge; $send = TRUE; } } if ($send == TRUE) { $this->twitter->call('statuses/update', array('status' => trim($tweet))); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function badges($id, $page) { $return = $this->global_function->initialize('badges'); $username = $return['username']; $return['badge_id'] = $id; $return['badges'] = $this->search_model->get_your_badges($username); if ($this->config->item('enable_badge') == FALSE) { $this->global_function->load_view($return, TRUE, 503); } elseif ($this->search_model->check_badge_existance($id) == FALSE) { $this->global_function->load_view($return, TRUE, 404); } else { $name = get_badge($id); $return['main'] = $this->search_model->get_badge($id, $username); $return['total'] = $this->search_model->get_badges_total(); $return['body_title'] = 'Badge: ' . $name['name']; $return['content_type'] = 'badges'; $this->global_function->load_view($return); } }
echo $row->tag; ?> "><?php echo $row->tag; ?> </a> </div> <div class="right tag_count number"><?php echo $row->number; ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } if ($content_type == 'badges') { $badge = get_badge(FALSE, $row->id); ?> <ul class="individual"> <li class="first_column"><?php echo get_avatar($row->user_id); ?> </li> <li class="second_column"><?php echo get_fullname($row->user_id); ?> </li> <li class="third_column timespan">Unlocked <?php echo convert_timespan($row->time); ?> </li> </ul>
function draw_activity($activity) { ob_start(); echo "» "; if (isset($activity->u_id) && isset($activity->b_id)) { /* User on group got a badge */ $user = get_userdata($activity->u_id); $badge = get_badge($activity->b_id); echo "Medlem <a href=\"#fancyboxinfo\">{$user->first_name}</a> fikk badgen <a href=\"#fancyboxinfo\">{$badge->navn}</a> <img src=\"{$badge->icon}\" title=\"{$badge->besk}\" />."; } else { if (isset($activity->u_id)) { $user = get_userdata($activity->u_id); /* New member */ echo "<a href=\"#fancyboxinfo\">{$user->first_name}</a> koblet til gruppen."; } else { if (isset($activity->k_id)) { /* New score */ $contest = get_contest($activity->k_id); echo "Scoret {$contest->score} poeng i <a href=\"#fancyboxinfo\">{$contest->navn}</a>."; } else { if (isset($activity->b_id)) { $badge = get_badge($activity->b_id); /* New badge */ echo "Fikk badgen <a href=\"#fancyboxinfo\">{$badge->navn}</a> <img src=\"{$badge->icon}\" title=\"{$badge->besk}\" />."; } else { echo "Invalid acitivity ID."; } } } } $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $data; }
</div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="top"></div> <div class="title first">Badges</div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="title first">Your Badges</div> <?php } ?> <div class="badge"> <ul> <?php foreach ($badges->result() as $row) { $badge = get_badge($row->badge_id); ?> <li> <a class="badge badge<?php echo $badge['class']; ?> " href="/badges/<?php echo $row->badge_id; ?> " title="<?php echo $badge['explanation']; ?> , <?php echo $badge['point']; ?> points"><?php
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