Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Contact address: GUnet Asynchronous eLearning Group,
 *                  Network Operations Center, University of Athens,
 *                  Panepistimiopolis Ilissia, 15784, Athens, Greece
 *                  e-mail: info@openeclass.org
 * ======================================================================== */
include '../../include/baseTheme.php';
include 'auth.inc.php';
$user_registration = get_config('user_registration');
$eclass_prof_reg = get_config('eclass_prof_reg');
$alt_auth_prof_reg = get_config('alt_auth_prof_reg');
$eclass_stud_reg = get_config('eclass_stud_reg');
// student registration via eclass
$alt_auth_stud_reg = get_config('alt_auth_stud_reg');
//user registration via alternative auth methods
$pageName = $langNewUser;
$auth = get_auth_active_methods();
if ($user_registration) {
    // student registration
    if ($eclass_stud_reg != FALSE or $alt_auth_stud_reg != FALSE) {
        $tool_content .= "<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover'>";
        $tool_content .= "<tr><th width='160'>{$langOfStudent}</th></tr>";
        if ($eclass_stud_reg == 2) {
            // allow student registration via eclass
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td><a href='newuser.php'>{$langUserAccountInfo2}</a></td></tr>";
        } elseif ($eclass_stud_reg == 1) {
            // allow student registration via request
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td><a href='formuser.php'>{$langUserAccountInfo1}</a></td></tr>";
        if (count($auth) > 1 and $alt_auth_stud_reg != FALSE) {
            // allow user registration via alt auth methods
            if ($alt_auth_stud_reg == 2) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
function process_login()
    global $warning, $surname, $givenname, $email, $status, $is_admin, $language, $langInvalidId, $langAccountInactive1, $langAccountInactive2, $langNoCookies, $langEnterPlatform, $urlServer, $langHere, $auth_ids, $inactive_uid, $langTooManyFails;
    if (isset($_POST['uname'])) {
        $posted_uname = canonicalize_whitespace($_POST['uname']);
    } else {
        $posted_uname = '';
    $pass = isset($_POST['pass']) ? $_POST['pass'] : '';
    $auth = get_auth_active_methods();
    $is_eclass_unique = is_eclass_unique();
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $auth_allow = 0;
        if (get_config('login_fail_check')) {
            $r = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT 1 FROM login_failure WHERE ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "' \n                                        AND COUNT > " . intval(get_config('login_fail_threshold')) . " \n                                        AND DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, interval " . intval(get_config('login_fail_deny_interval')) . " minute) < last_fail");
        if (get_config('login_fail_check') && $r) {
            $auth_allow = 8;
        } else {
            $sqlLogin = "******";
            if (get_config('case_insensitive_usernames')) {
                $sqlLogin = "******";
            } else {
                $sqlLogin = "******";
            $myrow = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id, surname, givenname, password, username, status, email, lang, verified_mail\n                                FROM user WHERE username {$sqlLogin}", $posted_uname);
            // cas might have alternative authentication defined
            $exists = 0;
            if (!isset($_COOKIE) or count($_COOKIE) == 0) {
                // Disallow login when cookies are disabled
                $auth_allow = 5;
            } elseif ($pass === '') {
                // Disallow login with empty password
                $auth_allow = 4;
            } else {
                if ($myrow) {
                    $exists = 1;
                    if (!empty($auth)) {
                        if (in_array($myrow->password, $auth_ids)) {
                            // alternate methods login
                            $auth_allow = alt_login($myrow, $posted_uname, $pass);
                        } else {
                            // eclass login
                            $auth_allow = login($myrow, $posted_uname, $pass);
                    } else {
                        $tool_content .= "<br>{$langInvalidAuth}<br>";
            if (!$exists and !$auth_allow) {
                Log::record(0, 0, LOG_LOGIN_FAILURE, array('uname' => $posted_uname, 'pass' => $pass));
                $auth_allow = 4;
        if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
            switch ($auth_allow) {
                case 1:
                    $warning .= "";
                case 2:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langInvalidId}</div>";
                case 3:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langAccountInactive1} " . "<a href='modules/auth/contactadmin.php?userid={$inactive_uid}&amp;h=" . token_generate("userid={$inactive_uid}") . "'>{$langAccountInactive2}</a></div>";
                case 4:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langInvalidId}</div>";
                case 5:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoCookies}</div>";
                case 6:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langEnterPlatform} <a href='{$urlServer}secure/index.php'>{$langHere}</a></div>";
                case 7:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langEnterPlatform} <a href='{$urlServer}secure/cas.php'>{$langHere}</a></div>";
                case 8:
                    $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langTooManyFails}</div>";
        } else {
            Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO loginout (loginout.id_user, loginout.ip, loginout.when, loginout.action) " . "VALUES ({$_SESSION['uid']}, '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', NOW(), 'LOGIN')");
            if (get_config('email_verification_required') and get_mail_ver_status($_SESSION['uid']) == EMAIL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED) {
                $_SESSION['mail_verification_required'] = 1;
                $next = "modules/auth/mail_verify_change.php";
            } elseif (isset($_POST['next'])) {
                $next = $_POST['next'];
            } else {
                $next = '';
    // end of user authentication
Ejemplo n.º 3
            $newpass = '******';
        } else {
            $newpass = $auth_ids[$auth];
        $tool_content .= "</div>";
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE user SET password = ?s WHERE id = ?s", $newpass, $u);
        $info->password = $newpass;

    // change user authentication method
    if (isset($_GET['edit']) and $_GET['edit'] = 'auth') {
        $navigation[] = array('url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?u=$u", 'name' => $langEditUser);
        $pageName = "$langEditAuth ". q($info->username);
        $current_auth = 1;
        $auth_names[1] = get_auth_info(1);
        foreach (get_auth_active_methods() as $auth) {
            if($auth < 8) {
                $auth_names[$auth] = get_auth_info($auth);
                if ($info->password == $auth_ids[$auth]) {
                    $current_auth = $auth;
        $tool_content .= "<div class='form-wrapper'>
                            <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' method='post' action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]'>
                            <div class='form-group'>
                            <label class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langEditAuthMethod:</label>
                              <div class='col-sm-10'>" . selection($auth_names, 'auth', intval($current_auth), "class='form-control'") . "</div>
                            <div class='col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10'>
Ejemplo n.º 4
            Session::Messages(($q? $langActSuccess: $langDeactSuccess) . get_auth_info($auth), 'alert-success');
    } elseif (isset($_GET['p'])) {// modify primary authentication method
        if ($_GET['p'] == 1) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE auth SET auth_default = 1 WHERE auth_default <> 0");
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE auth SET auth_default = 2 WHERE auth_id = ?d", $auth);
            Session::Messages($langPrimaryAuthTypeChanged, 'alert-success');
        } else {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE auth SET auth_default = 1 WHERE auth_id = ?d", $auth);
            Session::Messages($langSecondaryAuthTypeChanged, 'alert-success');
} else {
    $auth_active_ids = get_auth_active_methods();
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'><label>$langMethods</label><ul>";
    foreach ($auth_ids as $auth_id => $auth_name) {
        $auth_count = count_auth_users($auth_id);
        $auth_active = in_array($auth_id, $auth_active_ids);
        if ($auth_count > 0 or $auth_active) {
            $auth_search_link = ($auth_count == 0)? '0':
                "<a href='listusers.php?fname=&amp;lname=&amp;am=&amp;user_type=0&amp;auth_type=$auth_id&amp;reg_flag=1&amp;user_registered_at=&verified_mail=3&amp;email=&amp;uname=&amp;department=0'>$auth_count</a>";
            if ($auth_id != 1 and $auth_count > 0) {
                $auth_change_link = " - <a href='auth_change.php?auth=$auth_id'>$langAuthChangeUser</a>";
            } else {
                $auth_change_link = '';
            if (!$auth_active) {
                $auth_warn = "<br><span class='label label-warning'>$langAuthWarnInactive</span>";
            } else {
Ejemplo n.º 5

$tool_content .= "<div class='form-wrapper'>
        <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]$params' method='post' onsubmit='return validateNodePickerForm();'>
formGroup('givenname_form', $langName,
    "<input class='form-control' id='givenname_form' type='text' name='givenname_form'" .
        getValue('givenname_form', $pn) . " placeholder='$langName'>");
formGroup('surname_form', $langSurname,
    "<input class='form-control' id='surname_form' type='text' name='surname_form'" .
        getValue('surname_form', $ps) . " placeholder='$langSurname'>");
formGroup('uname_form', $langUsername,
    "<input class='form-control' id='Username' type='text' name='uname_form'" .
        getValue('uname_form', $pu) . " autocomplete='off' placeholder='$langUsername'>");

$active_auth_methods = get_auth_active_methods();
$eclass_method_unique = count($active_auth_methods) == 1 && $active_auth_methods[0] == 1;

$verified_mail_data = array(0 => $m['pending'], 1 => $m['yes'], 2 => $m['no']);

$nodePickerParams = array(
    'params' => 'name="department"',
    'defaults' => $depid,
    'tree' => null,
    'where' => "AND node.allow_user = true",
    'multiple' => false);
if (isDepartmentAdmin()) {
    $nodePickerParams['allowables'] = $user->getDepartmentIds($uid);
list($tree_js, $tree_html) = $tree->buildNodePicker($nodePickerParams);
$head_content .= $tree_js;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function hybridauth_login() {
    //this is needed so as to include the HybridAuth error codes
    global $language, $language_codes, $siteName, $Institution, $InstitutionUrl;
    if (isset($language)) {
        // include_messages
        include "lang/$language/common.inc.php";
        $extra_messages = "config/{$language_codes[$language]}.inc.php";
        if (file_exists($extra_messages)) {
            include $extra_messages;
        } else {
            $extra_messages = false;
        include "lang/$language/messages.inc.php";
        if ($extra_messages) {
            include $extra_messages;
    // end HybridAuth messages inclusion
    global $warning;
    // include HubridAuth libraries
    require_once 'modules/auth/methods/hybridauth/config.php';
    require_once 'modules/auth/methods/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php';
    $config = get_hybridauth_config();
    // check for errors and whatnot
    $warning = '';
    if (isset($_GET['error'])) {

    // if user select a provider to login with
    // then inlcude hybridauth config and main class
    // then try to authenticate te current user
    // finally redirect him to his profile page
    if (isset($_GET['provider'])) {
        try {
            // create an instance for Hybridauth with the configuration file path as parameter
            $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($config);
            // set selected provider name
            $provider = @trim(strip_tags($_GET["provider"]));
            // try to authenticate the selected $provider
            $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( $provider );
            // grab the user profile
            $user_data = $adapter->getUserProfile();
            //user profile debug print
            //echo $user_data->displayName;
            //echo $user_data->email;
            //echo $user_data->photoURL;
            //echo $user_data->identifier;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // In case we have errors 6 or 7, then we have to use Hybrid_Provider_Adapter::logout() to
            // let hybridauth forget all about the user so we can try to authenticate again.
            // Display the recived error,
            // to know more please refer to Exceptions handling section on the userguide
            switch($e->getCode()) {
                case 0: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError1']); break;
                case 1: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError2']); break;
                case 2: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError3']); break;
                case 3: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError4']); break;
                case 4: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError5']); break;
                case 5: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError6']); break;
                case 6: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError7']); $adapter->logout(); break;
                case 7: Session::Messages($GLOBALS['langProviderError8']); $adapter->logout(); break;
            // debug messages for hybridauth errors
            //$warning .= "<br /><br /><b>Original error message:</b> " . $e->getMessage();
            //$warning .= "<hr /><pre>Trace:<br />" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "</pre>";
            return false;
    } //endif( isset( $_GET["provider"] ) && $_GET["provider"] )
    // *****************************
    // from here on runs an alternative version of proccess_login() where
    // instead of a password, the provider user id is used and matched against
    // the corresponding field in the db table.
    global $surname, $givenname, $email, $status, $is_admin, $language,
    $langInvalidId, $langAccountInactive1, $langAccountInactive2,
    $langNoCookies, $langEnterPlatform, $urlServer, $langHere,
    $auth_ids, $inactive_uid, $langTooManyFails;
    $pass = $user_data->identifier; //password = provider user id
    $auth = get_auth_active_methods();
    //$is_eclass_unique = is_eclass_unique();
    $auth_allow = 0;
    if (get_config('login_fail_check')) {
        $r = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT 1 FROM login_failure WHERE ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "'
                                       AND COUNT > " . intval(get_config('login_fail_threshold')) . "
                                       AND DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, interval " . intval(get_config('login_fail_deny_interval')) . " minute) < last_fail");
    if (get_config('login_fail_check') && $r) {
        $auth_allow = 8;
    } else {
        $auth_id = array_search(strtolower($provider), $auth_ids);
        $myrow = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT user.id, surname,
                    givenname, password, username, status, email, lang,
                    verified_mail, uid
                FROM user, user_ext_uid
                WHERE user.id = user_ext_uid.user_id AND
                      user_ext_uid.auth_id = ?d AND
                      user_ext_uid.uid = ?s",
            $auth_id, $user_data->identifier);
        $exists = 0;
        if (!isset($_COOKIE) or count($_COOKIE) == 0) {
            // Disallow login when cookies are disabled
            $auth_allow = 5;
        } elseif ($myrow) {
            $exists = 1;
            if (!empty($auth)) {
                if (in_array($myrow->password, $auth_ids)) {
                    // alternate methods login
                    //$auth_allow = alt_login($myrow, $provider, $pass); //this should NOT be called during HybridAuth!
                } else {
                    // eclass login
                    $auth_allow = login($myrow, $provider, $pass, $provider);
            } else {
                $tool_content .= "<br>$langInvalidAuth<br>";
        if (!$exists and !$auth_allow) {
            // Since HybridAuth was used and there is not user id matched in the db, send the user to the registration form.
            header('Location: ' . $urlServer . 'modules/auth/registration.php?provider=' . $provider);
            // from this point and on, the code does not need to run since the user is redirected to the registration page
            $auth_allow = 4;
    if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
        switch ($auth_allow) {
            case 1:
            case 2:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-warning'>$langInvalidId</p>";
            case 3:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-warning'>$langAccountInactive1 " .
                    "<a href='modules/auth/contactadmin.php?userid=$inactive_uid&amp;h=" .
                    token_generate("userid=$inactive_uid") . "'>$langAccountInactive2</a></p>";
            case 4:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-warning'>$langInvalidId</p>";
            case 5:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-warning'>$langNoCookies</p>";
            case 6:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-info'>$langEnterPlatform <a href='{$urlServer}secure/index.php'>$langHere</a></p>";
            case 7:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-info'>$langEnterPlatform <a href='{$urlServer}modules/auth/cas.php'>$langHere</a></p>";
            case 8:
                $warning .= "<p class='alert alert-danger''>$langTooManyFails</p>";
    } else {
        Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO loginout (loginout.id_user, loginout.ip, loginout.when, loginout.action) "
                . "VALUES ($_SESSION[uid], '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', NOW(), 'LOGIN')");
        if (get_config('email_verification_required') and
            get_mail_ver_status($_SESSION['uid']) == EMAIL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED) {
            $_SESSION['mail_verification_required'] = 1;
            $next = "modules/auth/mail_verify_change.php";
        } elseif (isset($_POST['next'])) {
            $next = $_POST['next'];
        } else {
            $next = '';