function hookAdminItemsShow($args)
     $item = $args['item'];
     if (!get_option('audio_recorder_item_show')) {
     $user = current_user();
     $role = is_object($user) ? $user->role : false;
     switch (get_option('audio_recorder_role')) {
         case 'admins':
             if ($role !== 'admin' && $role !== 'super') {
         case 'guests':
         case 'public':
         case 'editors':
             if (!get_acl()->isAllowed($user, 'edit', $item)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function setUp()
     $acl = get_acl();
     $acl->allow(null, 'TestResource', 'allowedPrivilege');
     $acl->deny(null, 'TestResource', 'deniedPrivilege');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Create a navigation menu of links.
 * @package Omeka\Function\View\Navigation
 * @param array $navLinks The array of links for the navigation.
 * @param string $name Optionally, the name of a filter to pass the links
 *  through before using them.
 * @param array $args Optionally, arguments to pass to the filter
 * @return Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu The navigation menu object. Can
 *  generally be treated simply as a string.
function nav(array $navLinks, $name = null, array $args = array())
    if ($name !== null) {
        $navLinks = apply_filters($name, $navLinks, $args);
    $menu = get_view()->navigation()->menu(new Omeka_Navigation($navLinks));
    if ($acl = get_acl()) {
    return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Cache collection data.
 public function cacheCollections()
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $sql = "\n        SELECT c.*, ct.parent_collection_id,\n        FROM {$db->Collection} c\n        LEFT JOIN {$db->CollectionTree} ct\n        ON = ct.collection_id";
     // check whether the acl exists -- it doesn't within a background process
     $acl = get_acl();
     // Cache only those collections to which the current user has access.
     if ($acl && !$acl->isAllowed(current_user(), 'Collections', 'showNotPublic')) {
         $sql .= ' WHERE c.public = 1';
     // Order alphabetically if configured to do so.
     if (get_option('collection_tree_alpha_order')) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY';
     $this->_collections = $db->fetchAll($sql);
  * Handle the POST for adding an item via the public form.
  * Validate and save the contribution to the database.  Save the ID of the
  * new item to the session.  Redirect to the consent form.
  * If validation fails, render the Contribution form again with errors.
  * @param array $post POST array
  * @return bool
 protected function _processForm($post)
     if (!empty($post)) {
         //for the "Simple" configuration, look for the user if exists by email. Log them in.
         //If not, create the user and log them in.
         $user = current_user();
         $simple = get_option('contribution_simple');
         if (!$user && $simple) {
             $user = $this->_helper->db->getTable('User')->findByEmail($post['contribution_simple_email']);
         // if still not a user, need to create one based on the email address
         if (!$user) {
             $user = $this->_createNewGuestUser($post);
             if ($user->hasErrors()) {
                 $errors = $user->getErrors()->get();
                 //since we're creating the user behind the scenes, skip username and name errors
                 foreach ($errors as $error) {
                     $this->_helper->flashMessenger($error, 'error');
                 return false;
         // The final form submit was not pressed.
         if (!isset($post['form-submit'])) {
             return false;
         if (!$this->_validateContribution($post)) {
             return false;
         $contributionTypeId = trim($post['contribution_type']);
         if ($contributionTypeId !== "" && is_numeric($contributionTypeId)) {
             $contributionType = get_db()->getTable('ContributionType')->find($contributionTypeId);
             $itemTypeId = $contributionType->getItemType()->id;
         } else {
             $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('You must select a type for your contribution.'), 'error');
             return false;
         $itemMetadata = array('public' => false, 'featured' => false, 'item_type_id' => $itemTypeId);
         $collectionId = get_option('contribution_collection_id');
         if (!empty($collectionId) && is_numeric($collectionId)) {
             $itemMetadata['collection_id'] = (int) $collectionId;
         $fileMetadata = $this->_processFileUpload($contributionType);
         // This is a hack to allow the file upload job to succeed
         // even with the synchronous job dispatcher.
         if ($acl = get_acl()) {
             $acl->allow(null, 'Items', 'showNotPublic');
             $acl->allow(null, 'Collections', 'showNotPublic');
         try {
             //in case we're doing Simple, create and save the Item so the owner is set, then update with the data
             $item = new Item();
             $item = update_item($item, $itemMetadata, array(), $fileMetadata);
         } catch (Omeka_Validator_Exception $e) {
             return false;
         } catch (Omeka_File_Ingest_InvalidException $e) {
             // Copying this cruddy hack
             if (strstr($e->getMessage(), "'contributed_file'")) {
                 $this->_helper->flashMessenger("You must upload a file when making a {$contributionType->display_name} contribution.", 'error');
             } else {
             return false;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
         $this->_addElementTextsToItem($item, $post['Elements']);
         // Allow plugins to deal with the inputs they may have added to the form.
         fire_plugin_hook('contribution_save_form', array('contributionType' => $contributionType, 'record' => $item, 'post' => $post));
         //if not simple and the profile doesn't process, send back false for the error
         $this->_processUserProfile($post, $user);
         $this->_linkItemToContributedItem($item, $contributor, $post);
         $this->_sendEmailNotifications($user, $item);
         return true;
     return false;
  * Handle the POST for adding an item via the public form.
  * Validate and save the contribution to the database.  Save the ID of the
  * new item to the session.  Redirect to the consent form.
  * If validation fails, render the Contribution form again with errors.
  * @param array $post POST array
  * @return bool
 protected function _processForm($post)
     if (!empty($post)) {
         //for the "Simple" configuration, look for the user if exists by email. Log them in.
         //If not, create the user and log them in.
         $user = current_user();
         $simple = get_option('contribution_simple');
         if (!$user && $simple) {
             $user = $this->_helper->db->getTable('User')->findByEmail($post['contribution_simple_email']);
         // if still not a user, need to create one based on the email address
         if (!$user) {
             $user = $this->_createNewGuestUser($post);
             if ($user->hasErrors()) {
                 $errors = $user->getErrors()->get();
                 //since we're creating the username with name, only show name errors
                 foreach ($errors as $error) {
                     $this->_helper->flashMessenger($error, 'error');
                 return false;
         // The final form submit was not pressed.
         if (!isset($post['form-submit'])) {
             return false;
         if (!$this->_validateContribution($post)) {
             return false;
         $contributionTypeId = trim($post['contribution_type']);
         if ($contributionTypeId !== "" && is_numeric($contributionTypeId)) {
             $contributionType = get_db()->getTable('ContributionType')->find($contributionTypeId);
             $itemTypeId = $contributionType->getItemType()->id;
         } else {
             $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('You must select a type for your contribution.'), 'error');
             return false;
          * Ver        Date       Author          Description
          * --------  ----------  --------------  ----------------------
          * 1.0       09/02/2015  mrs175          1. added check for form public box, and added plugin option which is currently unused
         // the item is public if the contributedItemPublic plugin option (in hook beforeSaveItem in ContributionPlugin.php is set to true
         // and if the "Publish my contribution on the web" box is checked
         $itemMetadata = array('public' => get_option('contributedItemPublic') and $post['contribution-public'] === '1', 'featured' => false, 'item_type_id' => $itemTypeId, 'tags' => $post['contribution_form_tags']);
         $collectionId = get_option('contribution_collection_id');
         if (!empty($collectionId) && is_numeric($collectionId)) {
             $itemMetadata['collection_id'] = (int) $collectionId;
         $fileMetadata = $this->_processFileUpload($contributionType);
         // This is a hack to allow the file upload job to succeed
         // even with the synchronous job dispatcher.
         if ($acl = get_acl()) {
             $acl->allow(null, 'Items', 'showNotPublic');
             $acl->allow(null, 'Collections', 'showNotPublic');
         try {
             //in case we're doing Simple, create and save the Item so the owner is set, then update with the data
             $item = new Item();
             $item = update_item($item, $itemMetadata, array(), $fileMetadata);
         } catch (Omeka_Validator_Exception $e) {
             return false;
         } catch (Omeka_File_Ingest_InvalidException $e) {
             // Copying this cruddy hack
             if (strstr($e->getMessage(), "'contributed_file'")) {
                 $this->_helper->flashMessenger("You must upload a file when making a {$contributionType->display_name} contribution.", 'error');
             } else {
             return false;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
          * Ver        Date       Author          Description
          * --------  ----------  --------------  ----------------------
          * 1.0       09/02/2015  mrs175          1. user cannot submit anonymously, and added conditionals for youtube video contributions
         $post['contribution-anonymous'] = '0';
         if ($contributionType->item_type_id == 3) {
             $this->_addElementTextsToItem($item, $post['Elements']);
             get_specific_plugin_hook_output('YouTubeImport', 'process_contribution_form', array('item' => $item));
         } else {
             $post['Elements'] = $_POST['Elements'];
             $this->_addElementTextsToItem($item, $post['Elements']);
         if (!isset($_POST['youtubeURLValid']) || 1 == intval(trim($_POST['youtubeURLValid']))) {
             //if not simple and the profile doesn't process, send back false for the error
             $this->_processUserProfile($post, $user);
             $this->_linkItemToContributedItem($item, $contributor, $post);
             //$this->_sendEmailNotifications($user, $item);
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Please check the youtube link you entered. If you have entered the correct link then this video is either not public or not viewable outside'), 'error');
             return false;
     return false;