Ejemplo n.º 1
  <title>Deployment process</title>
  <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="skm.css" TYPE="text/css">


    $hostname = get_host_name($id);
    $account_name = get_account_name($id_account);
    echo "<fieldset><legend>Constructing securities for {$account_name} on host {$hostname}</legend>\n";
    $output = prepare_authorizedkey_file($id, $id_account);

<table class="detail">
    <td class="deployment">

    echo "{$output}\n";

Ejemplo n.º 2
function module_Chart($user_id, $date_start = "2000-01-01", $end_date = "2017-01-01", $query, $graph_for, $title, $added_qry = "", $module = "", $graph_type)
    global $adb, $current_user, $mod_strings, $default_charset;
    global $days, $date_array, $period_type;
    if ($added_qry != "") {
        $query .= $added_qry;
    $result = $adb->query($query);
    $no_of_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    $mod_count_array = array();
    $search_str_array = array();
    $mod_name_array = array();
    $count_by_date[] = array();
    $mod_tot_cnt_array = array();
    $mod_name_val = "";
    $mod_cnt_crtd_date = "";
    $target_val = "";
    $bar_target_val = "";
    $test_target_val = "";
    if ($no_of_rows != 0) {
        while ($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($graph_for == 'sostatus' || $graph_for == 'leadsource' || $graph_for == 'leadstatus' || $graph_for == 'industry' || $graph_for == 'productcategory' || $graph_for == 'postatus' || $graph_for == 'invoicestatus' || $graph_for == 'ticketstatus' || $graph_for == 'priority' || $graph_for == 'category' || $graph_for == 'quotestage' || $graph_for == 'salesstage') {
                $mod_name = getTranslatedString($row[$graph_for]);
                $search_str = $row[$graph_for];
            } else {
                $mod_name = $row[$graph_for];
                $search_str = $row[$graph_for];
            if ($mod_name == "") {
                $mod_name = $mod_strings["Un Assigned"];
                $search_str = " ";
            $crtd_time = $row['createdtime'];
            $crtd_time_array = explode(" ", $crtd_time);
            $crtd_date = $crtd_time_array[0];
            if (!isset($mod_tot_cnt_array[$crtd_date])) {
                $mod_tot_cnt_array[$crtd_date] = 0;
            $mod_tot_cnt_array[$crtd_date] += 1;
            if (in_array($mod_name, $mod_name_array) == false) {
                $uniqueid[$mod_name] = '0';
                array_push($mod_name_array, $mod_name);
                // getting all the unique Names into the array
                if ($graph_for == "productname") {
                    if ($row['qtyinstock'] == '') {
                        $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = 1;
                    } else {
                        $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = $row['qtyinstock'];
            } else {
                if ($graph_for == "productname") {
                    $uniqueid[$mod_name] = $uniqueid[$mod_name] + 1;
                    $mod_name = $mod_name . '[' . $uniqueid[$mod_name] . ']';
                    array_push($mod_name_array, $mod_name);
                    // getting all the unique Names into the array
                    if ($row['qtyinstock'] == '') {
                        $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = 1;
                    } else {
                        $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = $row['qtyinstock'];
            if (in_array($search_str, $search_str_array) == false) {
                array_push($search_str_array, $search_str);
            //Counting the number of values for a type of graph
            if ($graph_for == "productname") {
                if ($row['qtyinstock'] == '') {
                    $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = 1;
                } else {
                    $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = $row['qtyinstock'];
            } else {
                if (!isset($mod_count_array[$mod_name])) {
                    $mod_count_array[$mod_name] = 0;
            //Counting the number of values for a type of graph for a particular date
            if (!isset($count_by_date[$mod_name][$crtd_date])) {
                $count_by_date[$mod_name][$crtd_date] = 0;
            $count_by_date[$mod_name][$crtd_date] += 1;
        $mod_by_mod_cnt = count($mod_name_array);
        if ($mod_by_mod_cnt != 0) {
            $url_string = "";
            $mod_cnt_table = "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3><tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t<th>  Status </th>";
            //Assigning the Header values to the vtiger_table and giving the dates as graphformat
            for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
                $tdate = $date_array[$i];
                $values = Graph_n_table_format($period_type, $tdate);
                $graph_format = $values[0];
                $table_format = $values[1];
                $mod_cnt_table .= "<th>{$table_format}</th>";
            $mod_cnt_table .= "<th>Total</th></tr>";
            //For all type of the array
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($mod_name_array); $i++) {
                $search_str = $search_str_array[$i];
                $mod_name = $mod_name_array[$i];
                $id_name = "";
                if ($mod_name == "Un Assigned") {
                    $mod_name = $mod_strings["Un Assigned"];
                    $search_str = " ";
                if ($graph_for == "accountid") {
                    $name_val_table = get_account_name($mod_name);
                } else {
                    $name_val_table = $mod_name;
                $mod_cnt_table .= "<tr><td>{$name_val_table}</td>";
                $mod_cnt_crtd_date = "";
                //For all the days
                for ($j = 0; $j < $days; $j++) {
                    $tdate = $date_array[$j];
                    if (!isset($count_by_date[$mod_name][$tdate])) {
                        $count_by_date[$mod_name][$tdate] = "0";
                    $cnt_by_date = $count_by_date[$mod_name][$tdate];
                    $mod_cnt_table .= "<td>{$cnt_by_date} </td>";
                    if ($i == 0) {
                        $values = Graph_n_table_format($period_type, $tdate);
                        $graph_format = $values[0];
                        $table_format = $values[1];
                        //passing the created dates to graph
                        if ($mod_graph_date != "") {
                            $mod_graph_date = "{$mod_graph_date},{$graph_format}";
                        } else {
                            $mod_graph_date = "{$graph_format}";
                    //passing the name count by date to graph
                    if ($mod_cnt_crtd_date != "") {
                        $mod_cnt_crtd_date .= ",{$cnt_by_date}";
                    } else {
                        $mod_cnt_crtd_date = "{$cnt_by_date}";
                $mod_count_val = $mod_count_array[$mod_name];
                $tot_mod_cnt = array_sum($count_by_date[$mod_name]);
                $mod_cnt_table .= "<td align=center>{$tot_mod_cnt}</td></tr>";
                if ($graph_for == "accountid") {
                    $name_val = get_account_name($mod_name);
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "smownerid") {
                    $name_val = getOwnerName($mod_name);
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "product_id" || $graph_for == "productid") {
                    $query = "SELECT productname FROM vtiger_products WHERE productid=?";
                    $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                    $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "productname");
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "purchaseorderid") {
                    $query = "SELECT subject FROM vtiger_purchaseorder WHERE purchaseorderid=?";
                    $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                    $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject");
                    $id_name = $mod_name;
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "quoteid") {
                    $query = "SELECT subject FROM vtiger_quotes WHERE quoteid=?";
                    $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                    $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject");
                    $id_name = $mod_name;
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "invoiceid") {
                    $query = "SELECT subject FROM vtiger_invoice WHERE invoiceid=?";
                    $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                    $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "subject");
                    $id_name = $mod_name;
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "campaignid") {
                    //this will return the list of the names of the campaign``:w for the y-axis
                    $query = "SELECT campaignname FROM vtiger_campaign WHERE campaignid=?";
                    $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                    $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "campaignname");
                    $id_name = $mod_name;
                    if ($name_val != "") {
                        $mod_name = $name_val;
                        $search_str = $name_val;
                if ($graph_for == "parent_id" || $graph_for == "related_to") {
                    $seType = getSalesEntityType($mod_name);
                    if ($seType == 'Contacts') {
                        $query = "SELECT lastname, firstname FROM vtiger_contactdetails\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE contactid=?";
                        $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                        $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "lastname");
                        if ($name_val != "") {
                            if (getFieldVisibilityPermission('Contacts', $current_user->id, 'firstname') == '0') {
                                $first_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "firstname");
                                if ($first_name != '') {
                                    $name_val .= " " . $first_name;
                    } else {
                        $query = "SELECT accountname FROM vtiger_account WHERE accountid=?";
                        $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($mod_name));
                        $name_val = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "accountname");
                    $mod_name = $name_val;
                    $search_str = $name_val;
                //Passing name to graph
                $mod_name = str_replace(":", "&#58;", $mod_name);
                if ($mod_name_val != "") {
                    $mod_name_val .= "::{$mod_name}";
                } else {
                    $mod_name_val = "{$mod_name}";
                //Passing count to graph
                if ($mod_cnt_val != "") {
                    $mod_cnt_val .= "::{$mod_count_val}";
                } else {
                    $mod_cnt_val = "{$mod_count_val}";
                if ($module != "") {
                    //Check for Ticket Priority
                    if ($graph_type == "ticketsbypriority") {
                        $graph_for = "ticketpriorities";
                    //added to get valid url in dashbord for tickets by team
                    if ($graph_for == "smownerid") {
                        $searchField = "assigned_user_id";
                    } elseif ($graph_for == 'category') {
                        $searchField = 'ticketcategories';
                    } elseif ($graph_for == 'priority') {
                        $searchField = 'ticketpriorities';
                    } elseif ($graph_for == "accountid") {
                        $searchField = "account_id";
                    } else {
                        $searchField = $graph_for;
                    $cvid = getCvIdOfAll($module);
                    if ($module == "Home") {
                        $cvid = getCvIdOfAll($mod_name);
                        $link_val = "index.php?module=" . $mod_name . "&action=ListView&from_homepagedb=true&type=dbrd&query=true&owner=" . $current_user->user_name . "&viewname=" . $cvid;
                    } else {
                        if ($module == "Contacts" || $module == "Products" && ($graph_for == "quoteid" || $graph_for == "invoiceid" || $graph_for == "purchaseorderid")) {
                            $link_val = "index.php?module=" . $module . "&action=ListView&from_dashboard=true&type=dbrd&query=true&" . $searchField . "=" . $id_name . "&viewname=" . $cvid;
                        } else {
                            $esc_search_str = urlencode($search_str);
                            //$esc_search_str = htmlentities($search_str, ENT_QUOTES, $default_charset);
                            $link_val = "index.php?module=" . $module . "&action=index&from_dashboard=true&search_text=" . $esc_search_str . "&search_field=" . $searchField . "&searchtype=BasicSearch&query=true&type=entchar&operator=e&viewname=" . $cvid;
                    //Adding the links to the graph
                    $link_val = str_replace(':', '&#58;', $link_val);
                    if ($i == 0) {
                        $bar_target_val .= $link_val;
                    } else {
                        $bar_target_val .= "::" . $link_val;
                //The data as per given date
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $urlstring .= $mod_cnt_crtd_date;
                } else {
                    $urlstring .= "K" . $mod_cnt_crtd_date;
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $test_target_val .= $link_val;
                } else {
                    $test_target_val .= "K" . $link_val;
            $mod_cnt_table .= "</tr><tr><td class=\"{$class}\">Total</td>";
            //For all Days getting the vtiger_table
            for ($k = 0; $k < $days; $k++) {
                $tdate = $date_array[$k];
                if (!isset($mod_tot_cnt_array[$tdate])) {
                    $mod_tot_cnt_array[$tdate] = "0";
                $tot = $mod_tot_cnt_array[$tdate];
                if ($period_type != "yday") {
                    $mod_cnt_table .= "<td>{$tot}</td>";
            if ($graph_for == "productname") {
                $cnt_total = array_sum($mod_count_array);
            } else {
                $cnt_total = array_sum($mod_tot_cnt_array);
            $mod_cnt_table .= "<td align=\"center\" class=\"{$class}\">{$cnt_total}</td></tr></table>";
            $mod_cnt_table .= "</table>";
            $title_of_graph = "{$title} : {$cnt_total}";
            $bar_target_val = urlencode($bar_target_val);
            $test_target_val = urlencode($test_target_val);
            $Prod_mod_val = array($mod_name_val, $mod_cnt_val, $title_of_graph, $bar_target_val, $mod_graph_date, $urlstring, $mod_cnt_table, $test_target_val);
            return $Prod_mod_val;
        } else {
            $data = 0;
    } else {
        $data = 0;
        return "<h3> The data is not available with the specified time period</h3>";
    return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// We get the list of keyrings
/* $result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `keyrings`" ); */
if ($step != '1') {

<TITLE>Hosts - accounts - Key Association</TITLE>
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="skm.css" TYPE="text/css">

    $name_account = get_account_name($id_account);
    $name = get_host_name($id);

    start_main_frame("<a href=\"show_all_hosts.php\"> SKM </a> > <a href=\"hosts-view.php?hostgroup={$hostgroup}\">{$hostgroup}</a> > <a href=\"host-view.php?id={$id}&hostgroup={$hostgroup}\"> {$name} </a> > <a href=\"account-view.php?id={$id}&hostgroup={$hostgroup}&id_account={$id_account}\">{$name_account} </a> > Add Key");

    <form name="setup_hak" action="hakk_setup.php" method="post">
    <fieldset><legend>Adding key(s) to account <?php 
    echo "{$account_name}";
Ejemplo n.º 4
     ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . '
     LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . ' ON (referenced_key1 = transaction_id)
     LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES . ' USING(message_type_id)
     transaction_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['transaction_id']) . '"
     AND (
       key1_target = "ledger.transaction_id"
       OR key1_target IS NULL)
   LIMIT 1';
 $result_ledger = mysql_query($query_ledger, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 893021 ", array($query_ledger, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
 if (!($row_ledger = mysql_fetch_array($result_ledger))) {
     return "error 102: unexpected result";
 // Get the name for each of the accounts
 $row_ledger['source_name'] = get_account_name($row_ledger['source_type'], $row_ledger['source_key']);
 $row_ledger['target_name'] = get_account_name($row_ledger['target_type'], $row_ledger['target_key']);
 // Get information from the basket (if there is one)
 if ($_REQUEST['bpid'] > 0) {
     $show_basket_form = true;
     $query_basket_items = '
         ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.*,
         ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.delivery_id,
         ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.member_id,
         ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.product_name,
         ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.random_weight,
         ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . '.message
       LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' USING(product_id,product_version)
       LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . ' USING(basket_id)
       LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . ' ON (referenced_key1 = bpid)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 } else {
     if (strlen($fm_initials) < 2) {
         display_errorbox("You must enter your initials in order to verify compliance with Senate guidelines.");
         print_verify_form($fm_sessionid, $fm_msgid, $fm_listids, $fm_segids, $fm_year, $fm_month, $fm_day, $fm_district, $fm_fromaddr, $fm_fromname, $fm_replyaddr, $fm_iscc, $fm_ccemail, $fm_notes, $fm_initials);
     } else {
         $dbh = open_db();
         $session_rec = db_get_session($dbh, $fm_sessionid);
         if ($session_rec) {
             $got_error = false;
             $username = $session_rec['username'];
             $reviewer = DEFAULT_REVIEWER;
             $requserinfo = db_get_user($dbh, $username);
             $revuserinfo = db_get_user($dbh, $reviewer);
             if ($requserinfo && $revuserinfo && $requserinfo['email'] && $revuserinfo['email']) {
                 $account_id = $session_rec['account_id'];
                 $account_name = get_account_name($bapi, $account_id);
                 $msg_name = get_message_name($bapi, $fm_msgid);
                 $list_names = get_list_names($bapi, $fm_listids);
                 $seg_names = get_segment_names($bapi, $fm_segids);
                 $req_uuid = generate_request_uuid($account_id);
                 $reqinfo = create_request_info(null, $req_uuid, 0, $username, $reviewer, $fm_sessionid, $account_id, $fm_msgid, $account_name, $msg_name, "{$fm_year}-{$fm_month}-{$fm_day}", $fm_district, $fm_fromaddr, $fm_fromname, $fm_replyaddr, $fm_iscc, $fm_ccemail, null, null, null, null, "AWAITING_REVIEW", $fm_notes, null, $fm_listids, $list_names, $fm_segids, $seg_names, null, null);
                 $rc = db_save_request($dbh, $reqinfo);
                 if ($rc === true) {
                     if (send_request_to_reviewer($reqinfo, $requserinfo, $revuserinfo) == true) {
                     } else {
                         display_errorbox("Your request for approval could not be sent to a reviewer.");
                         $got_error = true;
                 } else {
                     display_errorbox("Unable to save request parameters; request not sent.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
function view_authorizedkey_file($id, $id_account)
    // Initialising variables
    $hostname = get_host_name($id);
    $account_name = get_account_name($id_account);
    $now = date("Ymd-His");
    $message = "";
    $authorized_keys = "";
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // We get all keys associated with current keyring
    // -----------------------------------------------
    $keyrings = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `hak` WHERE `id_host` = '{$id}' and `id_account` ='{$id_account}'\n                                          and `id_keyring` != '0'") or die(mysql_error() . "<br>Couldn't execute query: {$query}");
    $nr_keyrings = mysql_num_rows($keyrings);
    if (!empty($nr_keyrings)) {
        while ($keyringrow = mysql_fetch_array($keyrings)) {
            $id_keyring = $keyringrow['id_keyring'];
            $name_keyring = get_keyring_name($id_keyring);
            //$message.="Deploying keyring $name_keyring with id $id_keyring<br>\n";
            // Getting the keys associated to current keyring
            //echo("Select from keyrings-keys id_keyring=$id_keyring\n");
            $keys = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `keyrings-keys` WHERE `id_keyring` = '{$id_keyring}'") or die(mysql_error() . "<br>Couldn't execute query: {$query}");
            $nr_keys = mysql_num_rows($keys);
            if (!empty($nr_keys)) {
                while ($keyrow = mysql_fetch_array($keys)) {
                    $key_id = $keyrow['id_key'];
                    $key_name = get_key_name($key_id);
                    $message .= "  <img src='images/ok.gif'>adding key {$key_name} (id {$key_id})<br>\n";
                    // Getting key value of current key
                    $keyvalue = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `keys` WHERE `id` = '{$key_id}'") or die(mysql_error() . "<br>Couldn't execute query: {$query}");
                    $nr_keyvalue = mysql_num_rows($keyvalue);
                    if (!empty($nr_keyvalue)) {
                        while ($keyvaluerow = mysql_fetch_array($keyvalue)) {
                            $singlekey = $keyvaluerow['key'];
                            $authorized_keys .= "{$singlekey}<br>\n";
                    // end if
                // end while keyrow
            //end if
        // end while keyringrow
    // end if
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // We get all keys associated with current account/host
    // -----------------------------------------------
    $keys = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `hak` WHERE `id_host` = '{$id}' and `id_account` ='{$id_account}'\n                                          and `id_key` != '0'") or die(mysql_error() . "<br>Couldn't execute query: {$query}");
    $nr_keys = mysql_num_rows($keys);
    if (!empty($nr_keys)) {
        while ($keyrow = mysql_fetch_array($keys)) {
            $key_id = $keyrow['id_key'];
            $key_name = get_key_name($key_id);
            $message .= "  <img src='images/ok.gif'>adding key {$key_name} (id {$key_id})<br>\n";
            // Getting key value of current key
            $keyvalue = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `keys` WHERE `id` = '{$key_id}'") or die(mysql_error() . "<br>Couldn't execute query: {$query}");
            $nr_keyvalue = mysql_num_rows($keyvalue);
            if (!empty($nr_keyvalue)) {
                while ($keyvaluerow = mysql_fetch_array($keyvalue)) {
                    $singlekey = $keyvaluerow['key'];
                    $authorized_keys .= "{$singlekey}\n";
            // end if
        // end while keyrow
    //end if
    $handle = fopen("/tmp/authorized_keys", "w");
    fputs($handle, $authorized_keys);
    return $authorized_keys;