Ejemplo n.º 1
    $Form->select_input_array('item_priority', $edited_Item->priority, item_priority_titles(), T_('Priority'), '', array('force_keys_as_values' => true));
    echo ' ';
    // allow wrapping!
    // Load current blog members into cache:
    $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
    // Load only first 21 users to know when we should display an input box instead of full users list
    $UserCache->load_blogmembers($Blog->ID, 21, false);
    if (count($UserCache->cache) > 20) {
        $assigned_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($edited_Item->get('assigned_user_ID'), false, false);
        $Form->username('item_assigned_user_login', $assigned_User, T_('Assigned to'), '', 'only_assignees');
    } else {
        $Form->select_object('item_assigned_user_ID', NULL, $edited_Item, T_('Assigned to'), '', true, '', 'get_assigned_user_options');
    echo ' ';
    // allow wrapping!
    $ItemStatusCache =& get_ItemStatusCache();
    $Form->select_options('item_st_ID', $ItemStatusCache->get_option_list($edited_Item->pst_ID, true), T_('Task status'));
    echo ' ';
    // allow wrapping!
    $Form->date('item_deadline', $edited_Item->get('datedeadline'), T_('Deadline'));
    echo '</div>';
// ################### CATEGORIES ###################
cat_select($Form, true, true, array('fold' => true));
// ################### LOCATIONS ###################
echo_item_location_form($Form, $edited_Item, array('fold' => true));
// ################### PROPERTIES ###################
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Properties') . get_manual_link('post-properties-panel'), array('id' => 'itemform_extra', 'fold' => true));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Generate a title for the current list, depending on its filtering params
  * @todo cleanup some displays
  * @todo implement HMS part of YMDHMS
  * @return array List of titles to display, which are escaped for HTML display
  *               (dh> only checked this for 'authors'/?authors=, where the output was not escaped)
 function get_filter_titles($ignore = array(), $params = array())
     global $month, $disp_detail;
     $params = array_merge(array('category_text' => T_('Category') . ': ', 'categories_text' => T_('Categories') . ': ', 'categories_nor_text' => T_('All but '), 'tag_text' => T_('Tag') . ': ', 'tags_text' => T_('Tags') . ': ', 'author_text' => T_('Author') . ': ', 'authors_text' => T_('Authors') . ': ', 'authors_nor_text' => T_('All authors except') . ': ', 'visibility_text' => T_('Visibility') . ': ', 'keyword_text' => T_('Keyword') . ': ', 'keywords_text' => T_('Keywords') . ': ', 'keywords_exact_text' => T_('Exact match') . ' ', 'status_text' => T_('Status') . ': ', 'statuses_text' => T_('Statuses') . ': ', 'archives_text' => T_('Archives for') . ': ', 'assignes_text' => T_('Assigned to') . ': ', 'group_mask' => '$group_title$$filter_items$', 'filter_mask' => '"$filter_name$"', 'filter_mask_nogroup' => '"$filter_name$"', 'before_items' => '', 'after_items' => '', 'separator_and' => ' ' . T_('and') . ' ', 'separator_or' => ' ' . T_('or') . ' ', 'separator_nor' => ' ' . T_('or') . ' ', 'separator_comma' => ', ', 'display_category' => true, 'display_archive' => true, 'display_keyword' => true, 'display_tag' => true, 'display_author' => true, 'display_assignee' => true, 'display_locale' => true, 'display_status' => true, 'display_visibility' => true, 'display_time' => true, 'display_limit' => true), $params);
     if (empty($this->filters)) {
         // Filters have no been set before, we'll use the default filterset:
         // echo ' setting default filterset ';
     $title_array = array();
     if ($this->single_post) {
         // We have requested a specific post:
         // Should be in first position
         $Item =& $this->get_by_idx(0);
         if (is_null($Item)) {
             $title_array[] = T_('Invalid request');
         } else {
             $title_array[] = $Item->get_titletag();
         return $title_array;
     // Check if the filter mask has an icon to clear the filter item
     $clear_icon = strpos($params['filter_mask'], '$clear_icon$') !== false;
     $filter_classes = array('green');
     $filter_class_i = 0;
     if (strpos($params['filter_mask'], '$filter_class$') !== false) {
         // Initialize array with available classes for filter items
         $filter_classes = array('green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'magenta', 'blue');
     if ($params['display_category']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['cat_array'])) {
             // We have requested specific categories...
             $cat_names = array();
             $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
             $catsel_param = get_param('catsel');
             foreach ($this->filters['cat_array'] as $cat_ID) {
                 if (($tmp_Chapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($cat_ID, false)) !== false) {
                     // It is almost never meaningful to die over an invalid cat when generating title
                     $cat_clear_url = regenerate_url((empty($catsel_param) ? 'cat=' : 'catsel=') . $cat_ID);
                     if ($disp_detail == 'posts-subcat' || $disp_detail == 'posts-cat') {
                         // Remove category url from $ReqPath when we use the cat url instead of cat ID
                         $cat_clear_url = str_replace('/' . $tmp_Chapter->get_url_path(), '', $cat_clear_url);
                     $cat_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', $cat_clear_url) : '';
                     $cat_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['category_text'], $tmp_Chapter->name, $cat_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             if ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '*') {
                 // Categories with "AND" condition
                 $cat_names_string = implode($params['separator_and'], $cat_names);
             } elseif ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '-') {
                 // Categories with "NOR" condition
                 $cat_names_string = implode($params['separator_nor'], $cat_names);
             } else {
                 // Categories with "OR" condition
                 $cat_names_string = implode($params['separator_or'], $cat_names);
             if (!empty($cat_names_string)) {
                 if ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '-') {
                     // Categories with "NOR" condition
                     $cat_names_string = $params['categories_nor_text'] . $cat_names_string;
                     $params['category_text'] = $params['categories_text'];
                 $title_array['cats'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($this->filters['cat_array']) > 1 ? array($params['categories_text'], $params['before_items'] . $cat_names_string . $params['after_items']) : array($params['category_text'], $cat_names_string), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_archive']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms'])) {
             // We have asked for a specific timeframe:
             $my_year = substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 0, 4);
             if (strlen($this->filters['ymdhms']) > 4) {
                 // We have requested a month too:
                 $my_month = T_($month[substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 4, 2)]);
             } else {
                 $my_month = '';
             // Requested a day?
             $my_day = substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 6, 2);
             $arch = $my_month . ' ' . $my_year;
             if (!empty($my_day)) {
                 // We also want to display a day
                 $arch .= ', ' . $my_day;
             if (!empty($this->filters['week']) || $this->filters['week'] === 0) {
                 // We also want to display a week number
                 $arch .= ', ' . T_('week') . ' ' . $this->filters['week'];
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             $arch_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'm')) : '';
             $arch = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['archives_text'], $arch, $arch_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $title_array['ymdhms'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), array($params['archives_text'], $arch), $params['group_mask']);
     // KEYWORDS:
     if ($params['display_keyword']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['keywords'])) {
             if ($this->filters['phrase'] == 'OR' || $this->filters['phrase'] == 'AND') {
                 // Search by each keyword
                 $keywords = trim(preg_replace('/("|, *)/', ' ', $this->filters['keywords']));
                 $keywords = explode(' ', $keywords);
             } else {
                 // Exact match (Single keyword)
                 $keywords = array($this->filters['keywords']);
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             $keyword_names = array();
             foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                 $word_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 's=' . $keyword)) : '';
                 $keyword_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['keyword_text'], $keyword, $word_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $keywords = ($this->filters['exact'] ? $params['keywords_exact_text'] : '') . implode($this->filters['phrase'] == 'OR' ? $params['separator_or'] : $params['separator_and'], $keyword_names);
             $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($keyword_names) > 1 ? array($params['keywords_text'], $params['before_items'] . $keywords . $params['after_items']) : array($params['keyword_text'], $keywords), $params['group_mask']);
     // TAGS:
     if ($params['display_tag']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['tags'])) {
             $tags = explode(',', $this->filters['tags']);
             $tag_names = array();
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $tag_clear_url = regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'tag=' . $tag);
                 if ($disp_detail == 'posts-tag') {
                     // Remove tag url from $ReqPath when we use tag url instead of tag ID
                     $tag_clear_url = str_replace('/' . $tag . ':', '', $tag_clear_url);
                 $tag_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', $tag_clear_url) : '';
                 $tag_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['tag_text'], $tag, $tag_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $tags = implode($params['separator_comma'], $tag_names);
             $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($tag_names) > 1 ? array($params['tags_text'], $params['before_items'] . $tags . $params['after_items']) : array($params['tag_text'], $tags), $params['group_mask']);
     // AUTHORS:
     if ($params['display_author']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['authors']) || !empty($this->filters['authors_login'])) {
             $authors = trim($this->filters['authors'] . ',' . get_users_IDs_by_logins($this->filters['authors_login']), ',');
             $exclude_authors = false;
             if (substr($authors, 0, 1) == '-') {
                 // Authors are excluded
                 $authors = substr($authors, 1);
                 $exclude_authors = true;
             $authors = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', $authors, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $author_names = array();
             if ($authors) {
                 $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                 $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
                 foreach ($authors as $author_ID) {
                     if ($tmp_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID($author_ID, false, false)) {
                         $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'author=' . $author_ID)) : '';
                         $author_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['author_text'], $tmp_User->get('login'), $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             if (count($author_names) > 0) {
                 // Display info of filter by authors
                 if ($exclude_authors) {
                     // Exclude authors
                     $author_names_string = $params['authors_nor_text'] . implode($params['separator_nor'], $author_names);
                 } else {
                     // Filter by authors
                     $author_names_string = implode($params['separator_comma'], $author_names);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($author_names) > 1 ? array($params['authors_text'], $params['before_items'] . $author_names_string . $params['after_items']) : array($params['author_text'], $author_names_string), $params['group_mask']);
     // ASSIGNEES:
     if ($params['display_assignee']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['assignees']) || !empty($this->filters['assignees_login'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if ($this->filters['assignees'] == '-') {
                 $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'assgn')) : '';
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Not assigned'), $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
             } else {
                 $assignees = trim($this->filters['assignees'] . ',' . get_users_IDs_by_logins($this->filters['assignees_login']), ',');
                 $assignees = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', $assignees, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $assignees_names = array();
                 if ($assignees) {
                     $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                     foreach ($assignees as $user_ID) {
                         if ($tmp_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false, false)) {
                             $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'assgn=' . $user_ID)) : '';
                             $assignees_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['assignes_text'], $tmp_User->get_identity_link(array('link_text' => 'name')), $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($assignees_names) > 1 ? array($params['assignes_text'], $params['before_items'] . implode($params['separator_comma'], $assignees_names) . $params['after_items']) : array($params['assignes_text'], implode($params['separator_comma'], $assignees_names)), $params['group_mask']);
     // LOCALE:
     if ($params['display_locale']) {
         if ($this->filters['lc'] != 'all') {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'lc')) : '';
             $loc = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Locale') . ': ', $this->filters['lc'], $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), array(T_('Locale') . ': ', $loc), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_status']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['statuses'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if ($this->filters['statuses'] == '-') {
                 $status_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'status=-')) : '';
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Without status'), $status_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
             } else {
                 $status_IDs = explode(',', $this->filters['statuses']);
                 $ItemStatusCache =& get_ItemStatusCache();
                 $statuses = array();
                 foreach ($status_IDs as $status_ID) {
                     if ($ItemStatus =& $ItemStatusCache->get_by_ID($status_ID)) {
                         $status_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'status=' . $status_ID)) : '';
                         $statuses[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['status_text'], $ItemStatus->get_name(), $status_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($statuses) > 1 ? array($params['statuses_text'], $params['before_items'] . implode($params['separator_comma'], $statuses) . $params['after_items']) : array($params['status_text'], implode($params['separator_comma'], $statuses)), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_visibility']) {
         if (!in_array('visibility', $ignore)) {
             $post_statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
             if (count($this->filters['visibility_array']) != count($post_statuses)) {
                 // Display it only when visibility filter is changed
                 $status_titles = array();
                 $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
                 foreach ($this->filters['visibility_array'] as $status) {
                     $vis_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_statuses=' . $status)) : '';
                     $status_titles[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['visibility_text'], $post_statuses[$status], $vis_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($status_titles) > 1 ? array($params['visibility_text'], $params['before_items'] . implode($params['separator_comma'], $status_titles) . $params['after_items']) : array($params['visibility_text'], implode($params['separator_comma'], $status_titles)), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_time']) {
         // START AT:
         if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min']) || !empty($this->filters['ts_min'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min'])) {
                 $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'dstart')) : '';
                 $title_array['ts_min'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Start at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ymdhms_min']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             } else {
                 if ($this->filters['ts_min'] == 'now') {
                     $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_future')) : '';
                     $title_array['ts_min'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Hide past'), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
                 } else {
                     $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_future')) : '';
                     $title_array['ts_min'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Start at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ts_min']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
         // STOP AT:
         if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_max']) || !empty($this->filters['ts_max'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_max'])) {
                 $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'dstop')) : '';
                 $title_array['ts_max'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Stop at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ymdhms_max']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             } else {
                 if ($this->filters['ts_max'] == 'now') {
                     if (!in_array('hide_future', $ignore)) {
                         $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_past')) : '';
                         $title_array['ts_max'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Hide future'), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
                 } else {
                     $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_past')) : '';
                     $title_array['ts_max'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Stop at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ts_max']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
     // LIMIT TO:
     if ($params['display_limit']) {
         if ($this->single_post) {
             // Single post: no paging required!
         } elseif (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms'])) {
             // no restriction if we request a month... some permalinks may point to the archive!
         } elseif ($this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' || $this->filters['unit'] == 'all') {
             // We're going to page, so there's no real limit here...
         } elseif ($this->filters['unit'] == 'days') {
             // We are going to limit to x days:
             // echo 'LIMIT DAYS ';
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if (empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min'])) {
                 // We have no start date, we'll display the last x days:
                 if (!empty($this->filters['keywords']) || !empty($this->filters['cat_array']) || !empty($this->filters['authors'])) {
                     // We are in DAYS mode but we can't restrict on these! (TODO: ?)
                 } else {
                     // We are going to limit to LAST x days:
                     // TODO: rename 'posts' to 'limit'
                     $unit_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'unit')) : '';
                     $title_array['posts'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(sprintf(T_('Limited to last %d days'), $this->limit), $unit_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
             } else {
                 // We have a start date, we'll display x days starting from that point:
                 $unit_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'unit')) : '';
                 $title_array['posts'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(sprintf(T_('Limited to %d days'), $this->limit), $unit_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
         } else {
             debug_die('Unhandled LIMITING mode in ItemList:' . $this->filters['unit'] . ' (paged mode is obsolete)');
     return $title_array;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get a member param by its name
  * @param mixed Name of parameter
  * @return mixed Value of parameter
 function get($parname)
     switch ($parname) {
         case 't_author':
             // Text: author
             return $this->creator_User->get('preferredname');
         case 't_assigned_to':
             // Text: assignee
             if (!$this->get_assigned_User()) {
                 return '';
             return $this->assigned_User->get('preferredname');
         case 't_status':
             // Text status:
             $post_statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
             return $post_statuses[$this->status];
         case 't_extra_status':
             $ItemStatusCache =& get_ItemStatusCache();
             if (!($Element =& $ItemStatusCache->get_by_ID($this->pst_ID, true, false))) {
                 // No status:
                 return '';
             return $Element->get_name();
         case 't_type':
             // Post type (name):
             if (empty($this->ityp_ID)) {
                 return '';
             $ItemTypeCache =& get_ItemTypeCache();
             $type_Element =& $ItemTypeCache->get_by_ID($this->ityp_ID);
             return $type_Element->get_name();
         case 't_priority':
             return $this->priorities[$this->priority];
         case 'pingsdone':
             // Deprecated by fp 2006-08-21
             return $this->post_notifications_status == 'finished';
         case 'excerpt':
             return $this->get_excerpt2();
     return parent::get($parname);