Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Performance functions
include "functions/functions.performance.php";
$js = false;
if (AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES !== false) {
    $js = array("include/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js", "js/childnap.js");
xhtml_head(T_("Performance"), true, array("css/table.css"), $js, false, false, false, false, false);
$operator_id = get_operator_id();
$questionnaire_id = get_questionnaire_id($operator_id);
if ($questionnaire_id) {
    $shift_id = is_on_shift($operator_id);
    if ($shift_id) {
         * Get the outcomes for all operators on this shift
        $rs = get_CPH_by_shift($questionnaire_id, $shift_id);
        print "<div>" . T_("This shift") . "</div>";
        xhtml_table($rs, array("firstName", "completions", "CPH"), array(T_("Operator"), T_("Completions"), T_("Completions per hour")), "tclass", array("operator_id" => $operator_id));
    $rs = get_CPH_by_questionnaire($questionnaire_id);
    print "<div>" . T_("This project") . "</div>";
    xhtml_table($rs, array("firstName", "completions", "CPH"), array(T_("Operator"), T_("Completions"), T_("Completions per hour")), "tclass", array("operator_id" => $operator_id));
/* Don't display overall performance - not useful to operators?
$rs = get_CPH();
print "<div>" . T_("Overall") . "</div>";
xhtml_table($rs,array("firstName","completions","CPH"),array(T_("Operator"),T_("Completions"),T_("Completions per hour")),"tclass",array("operator_id" => $operator_id));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Display the interviewer with the top CPH for this shift
 * @param int $qid The questionnaire id
 * @param int $sid The current shift id
function display_top_cph_this_shift($qid, $sid)
    global $db;
    $rs = get_CPH_by_shift($qid, $sid);
    if (empty($rs)) {
        print "<h3>" . T_("No calls made for this shift") . "</h3>";
    } else {
        print "<h3>" . T_("Top CPH for this shift") . "</h3><h2>{$rs[0]['firstName']} - " . round($rs[0]['CPH'], 2) . "</h2>";