function getSentence($length) { $result = getWord(); for ($i = 0; $i < $length - 1; $i++) { $result .= ' ' . getWord(); } return $result; }
function getSentence($parts) { $randLength = mt_rand(2, 6); //first wrd with uppercase getWordUpp($parts); echo " "; //calling functions 4 to 8 times for ($i = 0; $i < $randLength; $i++) { getWord($parts); echo " "; } getWord($parts); echo ". "; }
function getWord($n) { if ($n < 10) { return $GLOBALS['digits'][$n - 1]; } elseif ($n > 10 and $n < 20) { return $GLOBALS['teens'][$n - 11]; } elseif ($n % 10 == 0 and $n % 100 != 0 and $n < 100) { return $GLOBALS['tens'][$n / 10 - 1]; } elseif ($n % 100 == 0 and $n % 1000 != 0) { return $GLOBALS['digits'][$n / 100 - 1] . "hundred"; } elseif ($n % 1000 == 0) { $i = $n / 1000; return $GLOBALS['digits'][$i - 1] . "thousand"; } elseif ($n > 20 and $n < 100) { return $GLOBALS['tens'][($n - $n % 10) / 10 - 1] . $GLOBALS['digits'][$n % 10 - 1]; } elseif ($n > 100 and $n < 1000) { $remainder = $n % 100; $hundreds = ($n - $remainder) / 100; return $GLOBALS['digits'][$hundreds - 1] . "hundredand" . getWord($remainder); } }
function getWord($index, $word) { global $arResult; global $counter; //stop recursion if (!count($word) > $index) { return; } for ($i = $index; $i < count($word); $i++) { $tempWord = $word; if ($i != $index) { //changing positions of letters $tempWord[$index] = $word[$i]; $tempWord[$i] = $word[$index]; $stringTempWord = implode($tempWord); //filling result array $arResult[] = $stringTempWord; $counter++; } //calling recursion getWord($index + 1, $tempWord); } return; }
$_SESSION['streak'] = 0; $result = "<span style='color:#E15119'>WRONG..</span>"; } $changeLog[] = "</ul></div>"; //******************************************************************************* //********CHECK IF PLAYER LEVELED UP & PREPARE DISPLAY VARIABLES***************** //******************************************************************************* $lvUp = setLevelUp($userID, 'quiz'); //change lv's if needed //Prepare Summary of Guess Results (correct/incorrect) for User Display $previousQ = "<span style='color:green;'>" . getWord($_POST['questionID'], $questionFromBank) . "</span>"; if (getSkill('vStyle', $userID) == 'kanjiH') { $previousA = "<span style='color:green;'>" . getReading($answerID, $answerFromBank) . "</span>"; } else { $previousA = "<span style='color:green;'>" . getWord($answerID, $answerFromBank) . "</span>"; } $origQ = getWord($_POST['questionID'], $questionFromBank); $lv = getStat('lv', $userID); $currentConf = getStat('conf', $userID); $maxconf = getStat('maxconf', $userID); $currConfPerc = $currentConf / $maxconf * 100; $vsLv = getSkill($cvset . '_' . $vstyle . '_lv', $userID); $vsProg = getSkill($cvset . '_' . $vstyle . '_prog', $userID); $vsProgMax = getSkill($cvset . '_' . $vstyle . '_prog_max', $userID); } include '../display_mc.php'; ?>
<td><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v"></i></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="text-danger text-center"><?php echo $d['size']; ?> </i></td> <td class="text-center"><abbr title="<?php echo $top[$prNum]['reading']; ?> "><?php echo $top[$prNum]['kanji']; ?> </abbr></td> <td><?php echo getWord(getOppositeWordID($top[$prNum]['id'], 'jtest'), 'etest'); ?> </abbr></td> <td class="text-danger text-center"><?php echo $d['levels']; ?> </i></td> </tr> </table> </div><!-- end RIGHT COLUMN--> </div> </div> </div> </section> <hr> <!--<section>
return $suffix[$suffix_key]; } $cartArray = $_SESSION['minishop2']['cart']; $n = count($cartArray) - $limit; $products = ''; $arr = array_slice($cartArray, 0, $limit); foreach ($arr as $val) { if ($product = $modx->getObject('msProduct', $val['id'])) { $products .= '<img src="' . $product->get('thumb') . '" height="25" class="b-minicart-preview" alt="" title="" />'; } } if ($products == '') { $products = 'Ваша корзина пуста'; } else { $products .= '<a href="/cart" class="btn btn-default">Оформить заказ</a>'; } $res = ''; switch ($action) { case 'updateCart': if ($n > 0) { $word = getWord($n); $res = $products . ' и еще ' . $n . ' ' . $word; } else { $res = $products; } break; } $res = $modx->toJSON(array('success' => 'ok', 'data' => $res)); if (!empty($res)) { die($res); }
<?php for ($beers = 99; $beers >= 0; $beers--) { $oneLess = $beers - 1; $bottles = getWord($beers); $bottlesOneLess = getWord($oneLess); if ($beers > 0) { echo "{$beers} {$bottles} of beer on the wall, {$beers} {$bottles} of beer.\n" . "Take one down and pass it around, {$oneLess} {$bottlesOneLess} of beer on the wall.\n\n"; } else { echo "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer,\n" . "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n"; } } /** * Gibt die Einzahl- oder Mehrzahl-Form * für das Wort "bottle" zurück. * * @param int $count * @return string */ function getWord(int $count) : string { return $count === 1 ? 'bottle' : 'bottles'; }
<input type="hidden" id="ratingtid" value="{$id}" /> <div id="rating_selector"> \t<span class="rating star" title="{$tracker_lang['vote_1']}" data-value="1"> \t<span class="rating star" title="{$tracker_lang['vote_2']}" data-value="2"> \t<span class="rating star" title="{$tracker_lang['vote_3']}" data-value="3"> \t<span class="rating star" title="{$tracker_lang['vote_4']}" data-value="4"> \t<span class="rating star" title="{$tracker_lang['vote_5']}" data-value="5"> \t</span></span></span></span></span> </div> SELECTOR; $is_voted = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query('SELECT rating FROM ratings WHERE torrent = ' . $id . ' AND user = '******'id'])); if (mysql_error()) { sqlerr(); } if ($is_voted) { $stars .= ratingpic($row['rating']) . "(" . $row["rating"] . " " . $tracker_lang['from'] . " 5 " . $tracker_lang['with'] . " " . $row["numratings"] . " " . getWord($row["numratings"], array($tracker_lang['votes_1'], $tracker_lang['votes_2'], $tracker_lang['votes_3'])) . ")" . ' Ваша оценка <b>' . $is_voted['rating'] . '</b> - <b>' . $tracker_lang['vote_' . $is_voted['rating']] . '</b>'; } else { $stars .= $rating_selector; } tr($tracker_lang['rating'], $stars, 1); } tr($tracker_lang['added'], $row["added"]); tr($tracker_lang['views'], $row["views"]); tr($tracker_lang['hits'], $row["hits"]); tr($tracker_lang['snatched'], $row["times_completed"] . " " . $tracker_lang['times']); $keepget = ""; $uprow = isset($row["username"]) ? "<a href=userdetails.php?id={$row["owner"]}>" . htmlspecialchars_uni($row["username"]) . "</a>" : "<i>{$tracker_lang['details_anonymous']}</i>"; /* if ($owned) $uprow .= " $spacer<$editlink><b>[{$tracker_lang['edit']}]</b></a>"; */
//overall conf stat setSkill($progressVoc, $userID, getSkill($progressVoc, $userID) - $skillWrongPen); //cvset prog skill setStat('gold', $userID, getStat('gold', $userID) - $gcPen); //gold incrUserDeckStat('stats_incorrect', $cvset, $vstyle, $userID); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($skills); $i++) { setStat($skills[$i], $userID, getScore($skills[$i], $userID) - $scoreDecr); $changeLog[] = "<li>" . getStatInfo($skills[$i], 'display_name') . ": <span class='text-danger'>-{$scoreDecr} Confidence points</span></li>"; } $_SESSION['streak'] = 0; } //Update Statistics //insertFlashcardResults($user_id,$deck_id,$word_id,$word_lv,$vstyle_id,$correct,$time_taken); //****************************************************** //****CHECK IF PLAYER LEVELED UP & PREPARE DISPLAY VARIABLES*** //******************************************** $lvUp = setLevelUp($userID, 'quiz'); //change lv's if needed //***Used to give display correct answer if user guessed wrong $original_kanji = getWord($_POST['questionID'], $questionFromBank); $reading_tmp = getReading($_POST['questionID'], $questionFromBank); $original_reading = $original_kanji == $reading_tmp ? '-' : getReading($_POST['questionID'], $questionFromBank); $original_translation = getWord($answerID, 'etest'); } include '../mc_get.php'; include '../include/kanjiRE.php'; ?>
<html> <head> <title>STEP HW7</title> </head> <body> <?php function getWord($pos) { $urls = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $n = rand(0, count($urls) - 1); $word = file_get_contents($urls[$n] . "getword?pos=" . $pos); return $word; } $word1 = getWord(""); $word2 = getWord(""); $word3 = getWord(""); $word4 = getWord(""); echo $word1 . "! he said " . $word2 . " as he jumped into his convertible " . $word3 . " and drove off with his " . $word4 . " wife."; ?> </body> <html>
<?php if (empty($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { die; } $wordId = $_GET['id']; require_once 'config.php'; require 'design_head.php'; $word = getWord($wordId); print_r($word); require 'design_foot.php';
<?php // See if we should clear cookies if (isset($_GET['clear'])) { clearCookies(); } // Set a new cookie $value = getWord() . "-" . getWord() . "-" . getWord(); $cookieName = "CS337-Test-Cookie-" . time(); $expiration = time() + 3600; setcookie($cookieName, $value, $expiration); function clearCookies() { foreach ($_COOKIE as $cookieName => $v) { // Set expiration to some time in the past $expiration = time() - 3600; setcookie($cookieName, null, $expiration); } } // Get a random word from a wordlist function getWord() { $numWords = 31860; $randWordRow = rand(1, $numWords); $wordlist = fopen('wordlist.txt', 'r'); $i = 0; while ($i < $randWordRow) { $word = fgets($wordlist); $i++; } chop($word);
<?php include "module_index_head.php"; include "bddconnect.php"; $words = getWord($_GET["id"]); ?> <html> <head> <title> cloud </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <ul class="cloud" style="list-style-type : none;"> <?php foreach ($words as $word) { ?> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="index.php?word=<?php echo utf8_encode($word["mot"]); ?> "> <li class="link<?php
<?php $Page = empty($_GET['Page']) ? '' : trim(strip_tags(substr($_GET['Page'], 0, 64))); // XSS prevention. $Action = empty($_GET['Action']) ? '' : trim(strip_tags(substr($_GET['Action'], 0, 64))); // XSS prevention. require_once realpath('Protected/'); // 2Do: create the non-AJAX version: /* One more thing. If you want, you don't even have to change the URL for doing the ajax version. jQuery sets the "X-Requested-With" request header to "XmlHttpRequest" for ajax requests, so you could just check for that on the server and return JSON if you find it and your regular HTML if you don't. */ if (!empty($Page) && file_exists(realpath($HomeDir . 'Protected/Modules/' . $Page . '.inc'))) { require realpath($HomeDir . 'Protected/Modules/' . $Page . '.inc'); } elseif (!empty($Page)) { echo getWord($Page); } else { echo getWord('About'); } echo "\n";
$db = new SQLite3($dbFile); $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($sock !== false) { if (socket_bind($sock, $address, $port) !== false) { if (socket_listen($sock) !== false) { $working = true; echo "Hello. Now you can join " . $address . ':' . $port . "\n"; system("start http://" . $address . ':' . $port); do { $socket = socket_accept($sock); if ($socket !== false) { $buffer = socket_read($socket, 4096, PHP_BINARY_READ); if ($buffer !== false) { if (strpos($buffer, "GET") !== FALSE || strpos($buffer, "POST") !== FALSE) { if (strpos($buffer, " / ")) { $word = getWord($db); if ($word === false) { $HTML = file_get_contents('http/finish.htm'); } else { $HTML = file_get_contents('http/index.htm'); $HTML = str_replace('{WORD}', $word['word'], $HTML); $HTML = str_replace('{WORDID}', $word['id'], $HTML); $HTML = str_replace('{TRANSLATE}', $word['translate'], $HTML); } $HEADER = file_get_contents('http/200.txt'); $HEADER = str_replace('{length}', strlen($HTML), $HEADER); $ANSWER = $HEADER . $HTML; } else { if (strpos($buffer, '/check')) { $ANSWER = file_get_contents('http/redirectIndex.txt'); if (strpos($buffer, 'isOk=yes')) {
$answerChoices[$rand]['id'] = $answerID; $answerChoices[$rand][$element] = $answer; //print_r($answerChoices); //Finalized Variables Used in kanjiRE.php $question = $vstyle == 'audioR' || $vstyle == 'audioK' ? getWordInfo('audio_filename', $questionID, $questionFromBank) : getWord($questionID, $questionFromBank); if (isSentencesDeck(getVocStat('cvset', $userID)) == '1') { $sentences = getSentences($questionID); } else { $sentences = False; } } elseif (getSkill('vStyle', $userID) == 'engK' || getSkill('vStyle', $userID) == 'engKR') { //*************************************************************************************************** //*************************************English<-->Kanji+Hiragana; Hiragana*************************** //*************************************************************************************************** //$choiceQ = 5; $questionFromBank = 'etest'; $answerFromBank = 'jtest'; //get word $questionID = getQuizWordID($userID, getSkill('vStyle', $userID)); //echo "newQuesID is: $questionID <br />"; $question = getWord($questionID, $questionFromBank); $answerID = getAnswerIDVocab($questionID, $questionFromBank); $answer = getWord($answerID, $answerFromBank); //get random words in HIRAGANA $answerChoices = getRandomWords($choiceQ, $answerFromBank, $answerID, $userID, 'word'); //need to get hiragana, not kanji //hide answer within choices $rand = rand(0, $choiceQ - 1); $answerChoices[$rand] = $answer; list($choice1, $choice2, $choice3, $choice4, $choice5) = $answerChoices; }
function noRepeat() { include 'config.php'; $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db($dbname); $cvset = getSkill('cvset', $userID); $query = sprintf("SELECT id FROM jtest WHERE {$cvset} !=0 AND {$cvset} <='%s' AND word != reading ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", mysql_real_escape_string(getSkill($cvset . "_lv", $userID))); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); list($question) = mysql_fetch_row($result); //echo $question; $word = getWord($question, 'jtest'); $r = getReading($question, 'jtest'); //echo "$word::$r </br>"; if (getWord($question, 'jtest') == getReading($question, 'jtest')) { echo "Found duplicate word({$word}) and reading({$r}), finding another </br>"; noRepeat(); } else { return $question; } }
function get_elapsed_time_plural($time_start, $decimals = 0) { $divider['years'] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; $divider['months'] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 / 12; $divider['weeks'] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; $divider['days'] = 60 * 60 * 24; $divider['hours'] = 60 * 60; $divider['minutes'] = 60; $langs['years'] = array("год", "года", "лет"); $langs['months'] = array("месяц", "месяца", "месяцев"); $langs['weeks'] = array("неделю", "недели", "недель"); $langs['days'] = array("день", "дня", "дней"); $langs['hours'] = array("час", "часа", "часов"); $langs['minutes'] = array("минуту", "минуты", "минут"); foreach ($divider as $unit => $div) { ${'elapsed_time_' . $unit} = floor((TIMENOW - $time_start) / $div); if (${'elapsed_time_' . $unit} >= 1) { break; } } $elapsed_time = ${'elapsed_time_' . $unit} . ' ' . getWord(${'elapsed_time_' . $unit}, $langs[$unit]); return $elapsed_time; }
exit; } } require_once ""; if (isset($_POST['data']) && $_POST['data']) { $data = $_POST['data']; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['data']) && $_SESSION['data']) { $data = $_SESSION['data']; $_SESSION['data'] = null; } } if (!$data) { // Pick the word/letter if ($_SESSION['type'] == "Words") { $data = getWord(); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "Letters") { $data = getLetter(); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "Sentences") { $data = getSentence(rand(1, 6)); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "Koch Method") { $data = getKochSentence($_SESSION['koch_size'], rand(1, 6)); } } } } } ?>
?> <tr> <td class="text-center"><small><?php echo $word['q']; ?> </small></td> <td class="text-center" > <abbr title="<?php echo $word['reading']; ?> "><?php echo $word['kanji']; ?> </abbr> </td> <td class="text-left"> <?php echo getWord(getOppositeWordID($word['id'], 'jtest'), 'etest'); ?> </td> <td class="text-center"><?php echo $word['lv']; ?> </td> </tr><?php } ?> </table>
array_push($arr, strlen($str)); $start = $arr[$pos - 1]; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if ($k == $pos) { $str1 = substr_amit($str, $start, $v); } } return $str1; } function substr_amit($str, $start, $end) { $arr = array(); $str1 = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) { $arr[$i] = $str[$i]; } foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if ($k == $start) { $str1 .= $v; } if ($k > $start && $k < $end) { $str1 .= $v; } if ($k == $end) { $str1 .= $v; } } return $str1; } echo getWord("I AM AMIT KUMAR MONDAL", 2);