Ejemplo n.º 1
function latexAppendQuestion($name, $desc, $type, $answer)
    $typeArray = getTypeArray($type);
    $question_string = "";
    if ($typeArray['type'] == "text") {
        if ($name != "") {
            $question_string .= '\\textbf{' . latexSpecialChars($name) . '}';
            //add main in bold
        if ($desc != "") {
            if ($name != "") {
                $question_string .= '\\newline';
            $question_string .= '\\emph{' . latexSpecialChars($desc) . '}';
            //add description in italics
        $question_string .= '\\newline\\newline';
        return $question_string;
    } else {
        if ($typeArray['type'] == "latex") {
            $question_string .= $desc;
            return $question_string;
        } else {
            if ($typeArray['type'] == "code") {
                $question_string .= '\\text{' . get_html_to_latex(page_convert($desc)) . '}';
                return $question_string;
            } else {
                if ($typeArray['type'] == "repeat") {
                    $num = $typeArray['num'];
                    $subtype_array = explode("|", $typeArray['subtype']);
                    $desc_array = explode("|", $desc);
                    $name_array = explode("|", $name);
                    if ($answer != '') {
                        $answer_array = toArray($answer, "|", "=");
                    } else {
                        $answer_array = array_fill(0, count($name_array) * $num, '');
                    //find minimum length, which will be the number to repeat for
                    $min_length = min(count($subtype_array), count($desc_array), count($name_array));
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $min_length * $num; $i++) {
                        $index = $i % $min_length;
                        $n = intval($i / $min_length);
                        $thisName = getRepeatThisValue($name_array, $index, $n);
                        $thisDesc = getRepeatThisValue($desc_array, $index, $n);
                        $thisType = str_replace(",", ";", getRepeatThisValue($subtype_array, $index, $n));
                        $question_string .= latexAppendQuestion($thisName, $thisDesc, $thisType, $answer_array[$i]);
                } else {
                    if ($name != "") {
                        $question_string .= '\\textbf{' . latexSpecialChars($name) . '}';
                        //add question in bold
                    //add description (in bold) for essays and short answer
                    if (($typeArray['type'] == "essay" || $typeArray['type'] == "short") && $desc != "") {
                        if ($name != "") {
                            $question_string .= '\\newline';
                        $question_string .= '\\emph{' . latexSpecialChars($desc) . '}';
                        //add description in italics
                    //add a separator depending on main type of the question
                    if ($typeArray['type'] == "essay") {
                        $question_string .= "\n\n";
                    if ($typeArray['type'] == "select" && $typeArray['method'] != "dropdown") {
                        //in this case, we add tick marks and check the correct ones
                        $choices = explode(";", $desc);
                        //get answer as array in case we're using multiple selection
                        $config = $GLOBALS['config'];
                        $answerArray = explode($config['form_array_delimiter'], $answer);
                        //this is used to indent the answer choices
                        $question_string .= "\n\\begin{quote}\n";
                        //output each choice with check box before it on a separate line in the quote
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($choices); $i++) {
                            $choice = $choices[$i];
                            if ($i != 0) {
                                $question_string .= "\\\\\n ";
                            if (in_array($choice, $answerArray)) {
                                $question_string .= '\\xbox';
                            } else {
                                $question_string .= '\\tickbox';
                            $question_string .= " \\hspace{4pt} " . latexSpecialChars($choice);
                        $question_string .= "\\end{quote}";
                    } else {
                        //append the response
                        if ($typeArray['type'] == "essay") {
                            if ($answer != "") {
                                $question_string .= '\\begin{quote} ' . latexSpecialChars($answer) . '\\end{quote}';
                            } else {
                                $question_string .= '\\vspace{5ex}';
                        } else {
                            if ($answer != "") {
                                $question_string .= '\\begin{quote} ' . latexSpecialChars($answer) . ' \\end{quote}';
                            } else {
                                $question_string .= '\\vspace{1ex}';
                    $question_string .= "\n\n";
    return $question_string;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function responseStatistics($club_id, $include_short, $limit)
    global $config;
    $club_id = escape($club_id);
    //first, get a map of variables ids that either type=short or type=select
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, varname, vartype FROM supplements WHERE club_id = '{$club_id}' ORDER BY orderId");
    $responseMap = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $typeArray = getTypeArray($row['vartype']);
        if ($typeArray['type'] == "short" && $include_short || $typeArray['type'] == "select") {
            $responseMap[$row['id']] = array($row['varname'], array());
    //now get the user responses
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT answers.var_id, answers.val FROM answers, applications WHERE answers.application_id = applications.id AND applications.club_id = '{$club_id}' AND applications.submitted = ''");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        if (array_key_exists($row[0], $responseMap)) {
            //this is true unless supplements desynchronize
            //response might have multiple parts with form_array_delimiter
            $responseArray = explode($config['form_array_delimiter'], $row[1]);
            foreach ($responseArray as $response) {
                if (!array_key_exists($response, $responseMap[$row[0]][1])) {
                    //if we haven't encountered this response yet for this question
                    $responseMap[$row[0]][1][$response] = 0;
                } else {
                    if ($responseMap[$row[0]][1][$response] >= $limit) {
                        //if we're going to be displaying too many options
    return $responseMap;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function getAnsArray($q)
    $x = preg_grep_keys("/a{$q}\\_\\d/", $_POST);
    foreach ($x as $key => $value) {
        $x[$key] = addslashes($value);
    return $x;
function getTypeArray($q)
    $x = preg_grep_keys("/t{$q}\\_\\d/", $_POST);
    unset($x["t" . $q . "_0"]);
    return $x;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['num_q']; $i++) {
    $survey[] = ['question' => addslashes($_POST['q' . $i]), 'type' => $_POST['t' . $i . '_0'], 'answer' => getAnsArray($i), 'ans_types' => getTypeArray($i)];
//Eventually the below code will append statements to an sql query
$sql[] = "INSERT INTO `2601166_entity_surveys` (`title`,`open`,`close`) VALUES ('{$survey[0]}',CURDATE(),'{$_POST['close']}');";
for ($i = 1; $i < count($survey); $i++) {
    $sql[] = "INSERT INTO brandon.2601166_entity_questions (question, q_num, type_id) VALUES ('{$survey[$i]['question']}', '{$i}', '{$survey[$i]['type']}');";
    $sql[] = "INSERT INTO brandon.2601166_xref_surveys_questions (survey_id, question_id) VALUES (@CUR_SURVEY_ID, @CUR_QUESTION_ID);";
    for ($c = 1; $c <= count($survey[$i]['answer']); $c++) {
        $sql[] = "INSERT INTO brandon.2601166_entity_answers (answer, a_num, type_id) VALUES ('{$survey[$i]['answer']['a' . $i . '_' . $c]}', '{$c}', '{$survey[$i]['ans_types']['t' . $i . '_' . $c]}');";
        $sql[] = "INSERT INTO brandon.2601166_xref_questions_answers (question_id, answer_id) VALUES (@CUR_QUESTION_ID, @CUR_ANSWER_ID);";
Ejemplo n.º 4
function writeField($id, $answer_id, $name, $desc, $type, $answer = "", $mutable = true, $repeat_id = 256)
    //see if style provides this function
    $styleFunction = style_function("writeField");
    if ($styleFunction !== FALSE) {
        return $styleFunction($str);
    $mutableString = "";
    if (!$mutable) {
        $mutableString = "readonly=\"readonly\"";
    //trim the string fields
    $name = trim($name);
    $desc = trim($desc);
    $type = trim($type);
    $fieldName = "a_" . $id . "_" . $answer_id . "_" . $repeat_id;
    $type_array = getTypeArray($type);
    $maxLength = $type_array['length'];
    $lengthRemaining = $maxLength - strlen($answer);
    if ($type_array['type'] == "essay") {
        $height = "";
        if ($type_array['size'] == "large") {
            $height = "height:200px";
        } else {
            if ($type_array['size'] == "huge") {
                $height = "height:400px";
        echo '<label for="">';
        if ($type_array['status'] != "optional") {
            echo "<em>*</em>";
        echo "{$name}</label>";
        echo "<textarea ";
        if ($type_array['showchars']) {
            echo "onKeyDown=\"limitText(this.form.{$fieldName}, this.form.countdown{$fieldName}, {$maxLength});\" ";
            echo "onKeyUp=\"limitText(this.form.{$fieldName}, this.form.countdown{$fieldName}, {$maxLength});\" ";
        echo "name=\"{$fieldName}\" {$mutableString} style=\"resize:vertical;{$height}\" />" . htmlspecialchars($answer) . "</textarea>";
        echo "<p class=\"formHint\">{$desc}";
        if ($type_array['showchars']) {
            echo "<br />Characters Remaining: <input type=\"text\" name=\"countdown{$fieldName}\" style=\"background-color:none;border:solid 1px #FFFFFF;font-size:10px;max-width:50px;color:#71777D\" value=\"{$lengthRemaining}\" readonly=\"readonly\" class=\"changeBackground\" />";
        echo "</p>";
    } else {
        if ($type_array['type'] == "short") {
            echo '<label for="">';
            if ($type_array['status'] != "optional") {
                echo "<em>*</em>";
            echo "{$name}</label>";
            echo "<input ";
            if ($type_array['showchars']) {
                echo "onKeyDown=\"limitText(this.form.{$fieldName}, this.form.countdown{$fieldName}, {$maxLength});\" ";
                echo "onKeyUp=\"limitText(this.form.{$fieldName}, this.form.countdown{$fieldName}, {$maxLength});\" maxlength=\"{$maxLength}\" ";
            echo "type=\"text\" name=\"{$fieldName}\" {$mutableString} value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($answer) . "\" /> ";
            echo "<p class=\"formHint\">{$desc}";
            if ($type_array['showchars']) {
                echo "<br />Characters remaining: <input type=\"text\" name=\"countdown{$fieldName}\" style=\"background-color:none;border:solid 1px #FFFFFF;font-size:10px;max-width:50px;color:#71777D\" value=\"{$lengthRemaining}\" readonly=\"readonly\" class=\"changeBackground\" />";
            echo "</p>";
        } else {
            if ($type_array['type'] == "select") {
                echo '<p class="label">';
                if ($type_array['status'] != "optional") {
                    echo "<em>*</em>";
                echo "{$name}</p>";
                $choices = explode(";", $desc);
                $tname = "checkbox";
                if ($type_array['method'] == "multiple") {
                    $tname = "checkbox";
                    $fieldName .= "[]";
                    //for multiple selection, PHP needs to know with an [] at the end of field name
                    echo "<ul>";
                } else {
                    if ($type_array['method'] == "single") {
                        $tname = "radio";
                        echo "<ul>";
                    } else {
                        if ($type_array['method'] == "dropdown") {
                            $tname = false;
                            echo "<select name=\"{$fieldName}\"{$mutableString}>";
                //for checkboxes, answer will be an array separated by $config['form_array_delimiter']
                // we just explode it anyway for convenience and get one element if it's single selection
                $config = $GLOBALS['config'];
                $answerArray = explode($config['form_array_delimiter'], $answer);
                foreach ($choices as $choice) {
                    $selectedString = "";
                    if (in_array($choice, $answerArray)) {
                        if ($tname === false) {
                            $selectedString = " selected";
                        } else {
                            $selectedString = " checked";
                    if ($tname == false) {
                        echo "<option{$selectedString} value=\"{$choice}\">{$choice}</option>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<li><label for=\"\"><input{$selectedString} type=\"{$tname}\" name=\"{$fieldName}\"{$mutableString} value=\"{$choice}\" /> {$choice}</label></li>";
                if ($tname == false) {
                    echo "</select>";
                } else {
                    echo "</ul>";
                //need to add some sort of hint factor for selects (change hint so that it is a type variable)
            } else {
                if ($type_array['type'] == "text") {
                    echo '<label for="">';
                    if ($type_array['status'] != "optional") {
                        echo "<em>*</em>";
                    echo "{$name}</label>{$desc}";
                } else {
                    if ($type_array['type'] == "repeat") {
                        $num = $type_array['num'];
                        $subtype_array = explode("|", $type_array['subtype']);
                        $desc_array = explode("|", $desc);
                        $name_array = explode("|", $name);
                        if ($answer != '') {
                            $answer_array = toArray($answer, "|", "=");
                        } else {
                            $answer_array = array_fill(0, count($name_array) * $num, '');
                        //find minimum length, which will be the number to repeat for
                        $min_length = min(count($subtype_array), count($desc_array), count($name_array));
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $min_length * $num; $i++) {
                            $index = $i % $min_length;
                            $n = intval($i / $min_length);
                            $thisName = getRepeatThisValue($name_array, $index, $n);
                            $thisDesc = getRepeatThisValue($desc_array, $index, $n);
                            $thisType = str_replace(",", ";", getRepeatThisValue($subtype_array, $index, $n));
                            if ($type_array['globalstatus'] == 1) {
                                $thisType .= "; status:optional";
                            writeField($id, $answer_id, $thisName, $thisDesc, $thisType, $answer_array[$i], $mutable, $i);
                    } else {
                        if ($type_array['type'] == "code") {
                            echo page_convert($desc);
                        } else {
                            if ($type_array['type'] == "upload") {
                                echo '<label for="">';
                                if ($type_array['status'] != "optional") {
                                    echo "<em>*</em>";
                                echo "{$name}</label>";
                                echo "<input type=\"file\" name=\"{$fieldName}\" {$mutableString} />";
                                echo "<p class=\"formHint\">{$desc}<br />Currently Uploaded: ";
                                if ($answer != "") {
                                    $answer_parts = explode(":", $answer, 3);
                                    $file_id = $answer_parts[1];
                                    $file_name = $answer_parts[2];
                                    echo "<a href=\"../download.php?file={$file_id}&filename={$file_name}\">View Here</a>";
                                } else {
                                    echo "None";
                                echo '</p>';
Ejemplo n.º 5
function customSubmit($instance_id, $sectionheader = "Custom", $extrainfo = "Custom")
    $instance_id = escape($instance_id);
    //make sure all fields have been filled completely
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT custom.vartype FROM custom_response LEFT JOIN custom ON custom_response.var_id = custom.id WHERE custom_response.instance_id='{$instance_id}' AND custom_response.val = ''");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $typeArray = getTypeArray($row[0]);
        if ($typeArray['status'] == "required") {
            return -2;
    //create the PDF
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT custom.varname, custom.vardesc, custom.vartype, custom_response.val FROM custom_response LEFT JOIN custom ON custom_response.var_id = custom.id WHERE custom_response.instance_id = '{$instance_id}' ORDER BY custom.orderId");
    $createResult = generatePDFByResult($result, "../submit/", $sectionheader, $extrainfo);
    if (!$createResult[0]) {
        //if error during PDF generation
        return -1;
    $filename = $createResult[1];
    return $filename;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function checkCompletedApplication($user_id, $club_id, $application_id)
    $user_id = escape($user_id);
    $club_id = escape($club_id);
    $application_id = escape($application_id);
    //verify application belongs to user and hasn't been submitted
    $checkResult = checkApplication($user_id, $application_id, true);
    if ($checkResult[0] !== 0) {
        return array("This application cannot be submitted at this time (has not been started or not in available window).");
    if ($club_id != $checkResult[1]) {
        return array("Club ID is incorrect!");
    $warnings = array();
    if ($club_id == 0) {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT baseapp.varname, baseapp.vartype, basecat.name FROM answers, baseapp, basecat WHERE answers.application_id = '{$application_id}' AND answers.var_id = baseapp.id AND answers.val = '' AND basecat.id = baseapp.category ORDER by basecat.orderId");
        $category = "";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $typeArray = getTypeArray($row[1]);
            if ($typeArray['status'] == "required") {
                if ($category != $row[2]) {
                    array_push($warnings, "<b>" . $row[2] . "</b>");
                    $category = $row[2];
                array_push($warnings, "<ul class=\"errorlist\"><li><p>" . $row[0] . "</p></li></ul>");
    } else {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT supplements.varname, supplements.vartype FROM answers, supplements WHERE answers.application_id='{$application_id}' AND answers.var_id = supplements.id AND answers.val = ''");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            $typeArray = getTypeArray($row[1]);
            if ($typeArray['status'] == "required") {
                array_push($warnings, $row[0]);
    return $warnings;