Ejemplo n.º 1
    // get the default number of records per page preferred by the current user
    $rssURLArray[] = array("href" => generateURL("show.php", $defaultFeedFormat, array("where" => 'serial RLIKE ".+"'), true, $showRows), "title" => "records added most recently");
    $rssURLArray[] = array("href" => generateURL("show.php", $defaultFeedFormat, array("where" => 'created_date = CURDATE()'), true, $showRows), "title" => "records added today");
    $rssURLArray[] = array("href" => generateURL("show.php", $defaultFeedFormat, array("where" => 'modified_date = CURDATE()'), true, $showRows), "title" => "records edited today");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adjust the width of the right-hand column according to the calling user agent:
// NOTE: strictly, this isn't really necessary but it helps to achieve a similar appearance of the login form on Firefox/Gecko & Safari/WebKit browsers (with all supported GUI languages)
// TODO: figure out a better way (which isn't based on user agent sniffing); the problem could also be avoided by simply stacking <input> fields & their labels on top of each other
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and preg_match("/AppleWebKit/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
    $rightColumnWidth = "215";
} else {
    $rightColumnWidth = "225";
// Get the total number of records:
$recordCount = getTotalNumberOfRecords();
// function 'getTotalNumberOfRecords()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
// Show the login status:
// (function 'showLogin()' is defined in 'include.inc.php')
// (4) DISPLAY header:
// call the 'displayHTMLhead()' and 'showPageHeader()' functions (which are defined in 'header.inc.php'):
displayHTMLhead(encodeHTML($officialDatabaseName) . " -- " . $loc["Home"], "index,follow", "Search the " . encodeHTML($officialDatabaseName), "", true, "", $viewType, $rssURLArray);
// Define variables holding common drop-down elements, i.e. build properly formatted <option> tag elements:
// - "Browse My Refs" form:
$dropDownFieldNameArray2 = array("author" => $loc["DropDownFieldName_Author"], "year" => $loc["DropDownFieldName_Year"], "publication" => $loc["DropDownFieldName_Publication"], "keywords" => $loc["DropDownFieldName_Keywords"], "user_keys" => $loc["DropDownFieldName_UserKeys"]);
$dropDownItems2 = buildSelectMenuOptions($dropDownFieldNameArray2, "//", "\t\t\t\t\t", true);
// function 'buildSelectMenuOptions()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 2
function srwExplainResponse($exportStylesheet)
    global $contentTypeCharset;
    // these variables are specified in 'ini.inc.php'
    global $databaseBaseURL;
    global $officialDatabaseName;
    global $hostInstitutionName;
    global $feedbackEmail;
    global $logoImageURL;
    global $defaultLanguage;
    global $defaultFeedFormat;
    global $loc;
    // defined in 'locales/core.php'
    $srwCollectionDoc = new XMLDocument();
    $srwCollection = srwGenerateBaseTags("explainResponse");
    $srwRecordBranch = new XMLBranch("srw:record");
    srwGeneratePackingSchema($srwRecordBranch, "xml", "zeerex");
    $srwRecordDataBranch = new XMLBranch("srw:recordData");
    $srwExplainBranch = new XMLBranch("explain");
    $srwExplainBranch->setTagAttribute("xmlns", "http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/");
    $srwExplainBranch->setTagAttribute("xmlns:refb", "http://refbase.net/");
    // extract the protocol from the base URL:
    if (preg_match("#^([^:]+)://.*#", $databaseBaseURL)) {
        $databaseProtocol = preg_replace("#^([^:]+)://.*#", "\\1", $databaseBaseURL);
    } else {
        $databaseProtocol = "";
    // extract the host from the base URL:
    if (preg_match("#^[^:]+://(?:www\\.)?[^/]+.*#", $databaseBaseURL)) {
        $databaseHost = preg_replace("#^[^:]+://(?:www\\.)?([^/]+).*#", "\\1", $databaseBaseURL);
    } else {
        $databaseHost = $databaseBaseURL;
    // extract the path on server from the base URL:
    if (preg_match("#^[^:]+://(?:www\\.)?[^/]+/.+#", $databaseBaseURL)) {
        $databasePathOnServer = preg_replace("#^[^:]+://(?:www\\.)?[^/]+/(.+)#", "\\1", $databaseBaseURL);
    } else {
        $databasePathOnServer = "";
    // get the total number of records in the database:
    $recordCount = getTotalNumberOfRecords();
    // function 'getTotalNumberOfRecords()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // get the default number of records per page preferred by the current user:
    $showRows = $_SESSION['userRecordsPerPage'];
    // get date/time information when the database was last modified:
    $lastModified = getLastModifiedDateTime();
    // function 'getLastModifiedDateTime()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // --- begin server info ------------------------------------
    $srwServerInfoBranch = new XMLBranch("serverInfo");
    $srwServerInfoBranch->setTagAttribute("protocol", "SRU");
    $srwServerInfoBranch->setTagAttribute("version", "1.1");
    if (!empty($databaseProtocol)) {
        $srwServerInfoBranch->setTagAttribute("transport", $databaseProtocol);
    $srwServerInfoBranch->setTagContent($databaseHost, "serverInfo/host");
    $srwServerInfoBranch->setTagContent("80", "serverInfo/port");
    // NOTE: this should really be a variable in 'ini.inc.php' or such
    addNewBranch($srwServerInfoBranch, "database", array("numRecs" => $recordCount, "lastUpdate" => $lastModified), $databasePathOnServer . "sru.php");
    // function 'addNewBranch()' is defined in 'webservice.inc.php'
    // IMPORTANT: if you want to allow remote users who are NOT logged in (userID=0) to query the refbase database
    //            via 'sru.php' then either the 'Export' or the 'Batch export' user permission needs to be
    //            enabled at 'user_options.php?userID=0'. This will allow export of XML records via 'sru.php'
    //            but won't allow a user who isn't logged in to export records via the web interface. However, you
    //            should be aware that a direct GET query like 'show.php?author=miller&submit=Export&exportFormat=MODS%20XML'
    //            will be also allowed then!
    // As an alternative, you can provide explicit login information within the 'serverInfo/authentication' tag
    // below. But, obviously, the provided login information should be only given for an account that has the
    // 'Export' permission bit enabled but has otherwise limited access rights!
    // If the 'authentication' element is present, but empty, then it implies that authentication is required
    // to connect to the server, however there is no publically available login. If it contains a string, then
    // this is the token to give in order to authenticate. Otherwise it may contain three elements:
    // 1. user: The username to supply.
    // 2. group: The group to supply.
    // 3. password: The password to supply.
    //		$srwServerInfoAuthenticationBranch = new XMLBranch("authentication");
    //		$srwServerInfoAuthenticationBranch->setTagContent("LOGINEMAIL", "authentication/user");
    //		$srwServerInfoAuthenticationBranch->setTagContent("PASSWORD", "authentication/password");
    //		$srwServerInfoBranch->addXMLBranch($srwServerInfoAuthenticationBranch);
    // --- end server info --------------------------------------
    // --- begin database info ----------------------------------
    $srwDatabaseInfoBranch = new XMLBranch("databaseInfo");
    addNewBranch($srwDatabaseInfoBranch, "title", array("lang" => $defaultLanguage, "primary" => "true"), $officialDatabaseName);
    addNewBranch($srwDatabaseInfoBranch, "description", array("lang" => $defaultLanguage, "primary" => "true"), encodeHTMLspecialchars($loc["ThisDatabaseAttempts"]));
    $srwDatabaseInfoBranch->setTagContent(encodeHTMLspecialchars($hostInstitutionName), "databaseInfo/author");
    $srwDatabaseInfoBranch->setTagContent(encodeHTMLspecialchars($hostInstitutionName) . " (" . $feedbackEmail . ")", "databaseInfo/contact");
    $srwDatabaseImplementationBranch = new XMLBranch("implementation");
    $srwDatabaseImplementationBranch->setTagAttribute("version", "0.9.6");
    $srwDatabaseImplementationBranch->setTagAttribute("identifier", "refbase");
    $srwDatabaseImplementationBranch->setTagContent("Web Reference Database (http://refbase.sourceforge.net)", "implementation/title");
    $srwDatabaseLinksBranch = new XMLBranch("links");
    addNewBranch($srwDatabaseLinksBranch, "link", array("type" => "www"), $databaseBaseURL);
    addNewBranch($srwDatabaseLinksBranch, "link", array("type" => "sru"), $databaseBaseURL . "sru.php");
    addNewBranch($srwDatabaseLinksBranch, "link", array("type" => "rss"), $databaseBaseURL . generateURL("show.php", $defaultFeedFormat, array("where" => 'serial RLIKE ".+"'), true, $showRows));
    // function 'generateURL()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    addNewBranch($srwDatabaseLinksBranch, "link", array("type" => "icon"), $databaseBaseURL . $logoImageURL);
    // --- end database info ------------------------------------
    // --- begin index info -------------------------------------
    $srwIndexInfoBranch = new XMLBranch("indexInfo");
    addNewBranch($srwIndexInfoBranch, "set", array("identifier" => "info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1", "name" => "cql"), "");
    addNewBranch($srwIndexInfoBranch, "set", array("identifier" => "info:srw/cql-context-set/1/dc-v1.1", "name" => "dc"), "");
    addNewBranch($srwIndexInfoBranch, "set", array("identifier" => "http://zing.z3950.org/cql/bath/2.0/", "name" => "bath"), "");
    addNewBranch($srwIndexInfoBranch, "set", array("identifier" => "info:srw/cql-context-set/2/rec-1.1", "name" => "rec"), "");
    // TODO: The index info of the refbase explain response should also list the original refbase field names,
    //       similar to how the COPAC SRU gateway does it (<http://tweed.lib.ed.ac.uk:8080/elf/search/copac>).
    //       Example:
    //			<index search="true" scan="false" sort="false">
    //				<title>Author</title>
    //				<map>
    //					<name>
    //						author
    //					</name>
    //				</map>
    //				<map>
    //					<name set="dc">
    //						creator
    //					</name>
    //				</map>
    //			</index>
    $indexArray = array();
    // TODO: '$indexArray' should be an array of arrays so that it can hold multiple mappings
    $indexArray["dc.creator"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "creator", "_title" => "author(s) of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-author");
    $indexArray["dc.title"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "title", "_title" => "publication title of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-title");
    $indexArray["dc.date"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "date", "_title" => "year of publication of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-year");
    $indexArray["dc.language"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "language", "_title" => "language of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-language");
    $indexArray["dc.description"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "description", "_title" => "abstract or summary of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-abstract");
    $indexArray["dc.contributor"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "contributor", "_title" => "editor(s) of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-editor");
    // the mapping dc.contributor <-> refbase-editor might be suboptimal, but probably as best as we can do for now
    $indexArray["dc.subject"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "subject", "_title" => "topic of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-keywords");
    $indexArray["dc.format"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "format", "_title" => "physical or digital manifestation of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-medium");
    // Note: Currently, we simply expose the contents of the refbase 'type' field as 'dc.type'.
    //       This may not be ideal since it differs from the approved terms that should be used as values for the 'dc.type' element: <http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/>.
    //       However, the document "Using simple Dublin Core to describe eprints" (<http://eprints-uk.rdn.ac.uk/project/docs/simpledc-guidelines/#type>)
    //       recommends type values that are much closer (but still not identical) to our own type values.
    $indexArray["dc.type"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "type", "_title" => "nature or genre of the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-type");
    $indexArray["dc.publisher"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "publisher", "_title" => "publisher", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-publisher");
    $indexArray["dc.coverage"] = array("_set" => "dc", "_index" => "coverage", "_title" => "geographic or topographic area of research", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-area");
    // Note: I'm note sure, if 'bath.name' (or maybe better: 'bath.personalName') can be also used to describe the author/creator ('dc.creator') of a publication
    //      "'Name Search -- Keyword' searches for complete word in headings (or references) for people, corporate bodies, conferences, and geographic names."
    //		$indexArray["bath.name"] = array("_set"          => "bath",
    //		                                 "_index"        => "name",
    //		                                 "_title"        => "author",
    //		                                 "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-author");
    // Note: Not sure again whether 'bath.topicalSubject' can be offered as synonym for 'dc.subject'
    //       "'Topical Subject Search -- Keyword' searches for complete word in a topical subject heading or reference."
    //		$indexArray["bath.topicalSubject"] = array("_set"          => "bath",
    //		                                           "_index"        => "topicalSubject",
    //		                                           "_title"        => "keywords",
    //		                                           "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-keywords");
    // NOTE: I'm not sure if 'isbn' is a valid name for the Bath Context Set? At least, it's not listed at <http://zing.z3950.org/srw/bath/2.0/#2>.
    //       However, 'bath.isbn' is used e.g. by <http://z3950.loc.gov:7090/voyager?operation=explain&version=1.1> and other SRU servers.
    $indexArray["bath.isbn"] = array("_set" => "bath", "_index" => "isbn", "_title" => "international standard book number", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-isbn");
    $indexArray["bath.issn"] = array("_set" => "bath", "_index" => "issn", "_title" => "international standard serial number", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-issn");
    $indexArray["bath.corporateName"] = array("_set" => "bath", "_index" => "corporateName", "_title" => "corporate author of this publication", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-corporate_author");
    $indexArray["bath.conferenceName"] = array("_set" => "bath", "_index" => "conferenceName", "_title" => "conference this publication was presented at", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-conference");
    // NOTE: I'm not sure if 'notes' is a valid name for the Bath Context Set?
    //       'bath.notes' is mentioned at <http://www.loc.gov/z3950/lcserver.html> and <http://zing.z3950.org/srw/bath/2.0/#3>.
    $indexArray["bath.notes"] = array("_set" => "bath", "_index" => "notes", "_title" => "notes about the resource", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-notes");
    $indexArray["rec.identifier"] = array("_set" => "rec", "_index" => "identifier", "_title" => "database record number", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-serial");
    $indexArray["rec.creationDate"] = array("_set" => "rec", "_index" => "creationDate", "_title" => "date/time at which the record was created", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-created_date-created_time");
    // 'sru.php': CQL search term should get splitted into date & time information!
    $indexArray["rec.creationAgentName"] = array("_set" => "rec", "_index" => "creationAgentName", "_title" => "name of the agent responsible for creation of the record", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-created_by");
    $indexArray["rec.lastModificationDate"] = array("_set" => "rec", "_index" => "lastModificationDate", "_title" => "date/time at which the record was last modified", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-modified_date-modified_time");
    // 'sru.php': CQL search term should get splitted into date & time information!
    $indexArray["rec.lastModificationAgentName"] = array("_set" => "rec", "_index" => "lastModificationAgentName", "_title" => "name of the agent responsible for last modifying the record", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-modified_by");
    $indexArray["bib.citekey"] = array("_set" => "bib", "_index" => "citekey", "_title" => "user-specific cite key for the record", "_refbaseIndex" => "refbase-cite_key");
    // Not sure how these fields can be mapped:
    // 		"publication" => "Book title or journal name",
    // 		"abbrev_journal" => "Abbreviated journal name",
    // 		"volume" => "Publication volume",
    // 		"issue" => "Publication issue",
    // 		"pages" => "Range or total number of pages",
    // 		"place" => "Place of publication",
    // 		"series_title" => "Series title",                     // -> could 'bath.seriesTitle' be used? compare with <http://www.loc.gov/z3950/lcserver.html> and <http://copac.ac.uk/interfaces/srw/>
    // 		"abbrev_series_title" => "Abbreviated series title",
    // 		"series_volume" => "Series volume",
    // 		"series_issue" => "Series issue",
    // 		"thesis" => "Thesis",
    // 		"doi" => "Digital object identifier",
    // 		"url" => "Uniform resource locator",
    foreach ($indexArray as $indexKey => $index) {
        $srwIndexBranch = new XMLBranch("index");
        $srwIndexBranch->setTagAttribute("search", "true");
        $srwIndexBranch->setTagAttribute("scan", "false");
        $srwIndexBranch->setTagAttribute("sort", "false");
        $srwIndexBranch->setTagAttribute("refb:index", $index["_refbaseIndex"]);
        addNewBranch($srwIndexBranch, "title", array("lang" => "en"), $index["_title"]);
        $srwIndexMapBranch = new XMLBranch("map");
        addNewBranch($srwIndexMapBranch, "name", array("set" => $index["_set"]), $index["_index"]);
    // --- end index info ---------------------------------------
    // --- begin schema info -------------------------------------
    $srwSchemaInfoBranch = new XMLBranch("schemaInfo");
    // MODS:
    $modsSchemaBranch = new XMLBranch("schema");
    $modsSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("identifier", "http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3");
    // or should 'info:srw/schema/1/mods-v3.2' be used?
    $modsSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("location", "http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-3-0.xsd");
    $modsSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("sort", "false");
    $modsSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("retrieve", "true");
    $modsSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("name", "mods");
    addNewBranch($modsSchemaBranch, "title", array("lang" => "en"), "Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) v3");
    // Simple Dublin Core (DC):
    $dcSchemaBranch = new XMLBranch("schema");
    $dcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("identifier", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/");
    // or should 'info:srw/schema/1/dc-v1.1' be used?
    $dcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("location", "http://dublincore.org/schemas/xmls/simpledc20021212.xsd");
    $dcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("sort", "false");
    $dcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("retrieve", "true");
    $dcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("name", "dc");
    addNewBranch($dcSchemaBranch, "title", array("lang" => "en"), "Simple Dublin Core (DC) v1.1");
    // Simple Dublin Core (OAI_DC):
    // See recommendations for use of simple Dublin Core metadata to describe eprints in eprint archives: <http://eprints-uk.rdn.ac.uk/project/docs/simpledc-guidelines/>
    // Example SRW+DC output from LoC: <http://z3950.loc.gov:7090/voyager?query=dc.creator+%3D+%22miller%22&version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&recordSchema=dc&startRecord=1&maximumRecords=10>
    //		$oaidcSchemaBranch = new XMLBranch("schema");
    //		$oaidcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("identifier", "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/");
    //		$oaidcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("location", "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd");
    //		$oaidcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("sort", "false");
    //		$oaidcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("retrieve", "true");
    //		$oaidcSchemaBranch->setTagAttribute("name", "oai_dc");
    //		addNewBranch($oaidcSchemaBranch, "title", array("lang" => "en"), "Simple Dublin Core for OAI-PMH (OAI_DC)");
    //		$srwSchemaInfoBranch->addXMLBranch($oaidcSchemaBranch);
    // --- end schema info ---------------------------------------
    // --- begin config info -------------------------------------
    $srwConfigInfoBranch = new XMLBranch("configInfo");
    // default:
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "default", array("type" => "retrieveSchema"), "mods");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "default", array("type" => "numberOfRecords"), $showRows);
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "default", array("type" => "stylesheet"), $databaseBaseURL . "srwmods2html.xsl");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "default", array("type" => "contextSet"), "cql");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "default", array("type" => "index"), "cql.serverChoice");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "default", array("type" => "relation"), "all");
    // setting:
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "setting", array("type" => "sortSchema"), "identifier");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "setting", array("type" => "recordPacking"), "xml");
    // supports:
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "proximity"), "false");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "resultSets"), "false");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "relationModifier"), "false");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "booleanModifier"), "false");
    // TODO: set to 'true' when Rob's CQL-PHP has been implemented successfully
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "sort"), "false");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "maskingCharacter"), "true");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "anchoring"), "true");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "emptyTerm"), "false");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "recordXPath"), "false");
    addNewBranch($srwConfigInfoBranch, "supports", array("type" => "scan"), "false");
    // --- end config info ---------------------------------------
    $srwCollectionString = $srwCollectionDoc->getXMLString();
    // Add the XML Stylesheet definition:
    // Note that this is just a hack (that should get fixed) since I don't know how to do it properly using the ActiveLink PHP XML Package ?:-/
    if (!empty($exportStylesheet)) {
        $srwCollectionString = preg_replace("/(?=\\<srw:explainResponse)/i", "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" . $exportStylesheet . "\"?>\n", $srwCollectionString);
    return $srwCollectionString;