public function video($page = "video") { //$this->output->cache(15); $uri = $this->uri->segment(2); $videoId = getIdFromUri($uri); $video = $this->Video_model->getByIdFull($videoId); $data = array(); if ($video) { $data['video'] = $video; $data['server_type'] = $this->_config['server_type']; $seriesId = $video['series_id']; $series = $this->Series_model->getByIdFull($seriesId); $videosOfSeries = $this->Video_model->getRange("series_id=" . $seriesId, 0, 0, 'episode DESC'); $randomGenreId = $series['genre'] ? array_rand($series['genre']) : 0; $suggestSeriesList = $this->Series_model->listSeriesByGenre($randomGenreId, 0, 8, TRUE, $seriesId); $data['videoOfSeries'] = $videosOfSeries; //echo "<pre>"; print_r($videosOfSeries); die(); $data['suggestSeriesList'] = $suggestSeriesList; $data['randomGenre'] = $randomGenreId ? array('id' => $randomGenreId, 'name' => $series['genre'][$randomGenreId]) : array(); $this->layout->title($video['title']); $metaData['description'] = getVideoDescription($video); $metaData['page_link'] = makeLink($video['id'], $video['title'], 'video'); $metaData['image'] = getThumbnail($series['thumbnail'], 'series'); $this->layout->setMeta($metaData); $this->layout->view('video/' . $page, $data); } else { $this->layout->view('home/nodata', array()); } }
function thumbnail($obj, $size = null, $link = false, $pattern = '<div class="post-cover"><a href="{permalink}" title="{title}" style="background-image:url({image})"></a></div>') { $image = getThumbnail($obj->content, $size); if (empty($image)) { return; } if ($link) { return $image; } echo str_replace(array('{title}', '{image}', '{permalink}'), array($obj->title, $image, $obj->permalink), $pattern); }
</strong> results</p> </div> <?php if ($listObject) { ?> <?php foreach ($listObject as $object) { ?> <div class="ui-list-item"> <div class="thumb"> <a href="<?php echo makeLink($object['id'], $object['title'], 'series', $object['country']); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo getThumbnail($object['thumbnail'], 'series'); ?> " alt="<?php echo $object['title']; ?> " class="img-responsive"> </a> </div><!-- /.thumb --> <div class="meta"> <h3 class="title"><a href="<?php echo makeLink($object['id'], $object['title'], 'series', $object['country']); ?> "><?php echo $object['title']; ?> </a></h3>
/** * Assigns the videoinfos to the smarty engine * * @param array associative array containing the item data */ function tpl_show($video) { global $smarty, $config; // imageurl $video['imgurl'] = getThumbnail($video['imgurl'], $video['title']); // make soft linebreaks: $video['filename'] = preg_replace('/(_|\\.|-)/', '$1<wbr />', $video['filename']); // split comma-separated countries, prevent empty array $video['country'] = preg_split('/,\\s*/', $video['country'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // split comma-separated multiple languages, prevent empty array $video['language'] = preg_split('/,\\s*/', $video['language'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // humanreadable filesize: $video['filesize'] = round($video['filesize'] / (1024 * 1024), 2); // break plot and comment $video['plot'] = nl2br($video['plot']); $video['comment'] = nl2br($video['comment']); // cast $video['cast'] = prepare_cast($video['actors']); // prepare the custom fields customfields($video, 'out'); // hide owner if not using multi-user if (!$config['multiuser']) { unset($video['owner']); } // get drilldown url for image if ($video['imdbID']) { require_once './engines/engines.php'; $smarty->assign('link', engineGetContentUrl($video['imdbID'], engineGetEngine($video['imdbID']))); } // add episodes information if (is_array($video['episodes'])) { // allow multiple columns $smarty->assign('listcolumns', session_get('listcolumns')); } $smarty->assign('castcolumns', $config['castcolumns']); $smarty->assign('video', $video); // get genre ids and names $smarty->assign('genres', getItemGenres($video['id'], true)); //2015-10-6 Alex ADD start // get studio ids and names $smarty->assign('studios', getItemStudios($video['id'], true)); //2015-10-6 Alex ADD end // make engines available $smarty->assign('engines', $config['engine']); // allow XML export foreach (array('xls', 'pdf', 'xml') as $export) { if ($config[$export]) { $smarty->assign($export, 'show.php?id=' . $video['id'] . '&'); } } // new-style way of exporting // $smarty->assign('exports', listExports('show.php?id='.$video['id'].'&')); }
<?php if ($data && isset($data['items'])) { $items = $data['items']; ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="slider"> <?php foreach ($items as $itemId => $item) { ?> <div class="item"><a href="<?php echo $item['item_link']; ?> "><img src="<?php echo getThumbnail($item['item_thumbnail'], 'editor'); ?> " alt="<?php echo $item['item_text']; ?> "></a></div><!-- /.item --> <?php } ?> </div><!-- /.slider --> </div><!-- /.col-sm-12 --> </div><!-- /.row --> <?php }
foreach ($dataArr as $dataChunk) { ?> <div class="section-line"> <div class="row pm-row"> <?php foreach ($dataChunk as $data) { ?> <div class="col-sm-3"> <div class="item-video"> <div class="ui-thumb"> <a href="<?php echo makeLink($data['id'], $data['title'], 'series', $data['country']); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo getThumbnail($data['thumbnail'], 'series'); ?> " alt="<?php echo $data['title']; ?> " class="img-responsive" /> <span class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></span> </a> </div><!-- /.ui-thumb --> <div class="ui-meta"> <h3 class="ui-title"><a href="<?php echo makeLink($data['id'], $data['title'], 'series', $data['country']); ?> " class="ui-ellipsis-2"><?php echo $data['title']; ?>
err('Šis profilis neegzistuoja'); return; } echo '<div class="poreikis_left inline">'; // User description echo '<div class="wrap">'; getThumbnail('user', $id); echo '<div class="thumb_desc wide">'; echo '<h2>' . $pagerow['user_fname'] . ' ' . $pagerow['user_lname'] . '</h2>'; echo '<b>Tinklo atstovas</b>'; echo '<br>Gyvena ' . $citiesList[$pagerow['user_city']]; echo '<br>Telefonas +' . $pagerow['user_phone']; echo '<div class="desc">' . $pagerow['user_desc'] . '</div>'; echo '<div class="desc">Profilis sukurtas ' . $pagerow['user_registration_datetime'] . '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; // User description end echo '</div><!-- poreikis_left -->'; echo '<div class="poreikis_right inline">'; echo '<h2>Tinklo atstovui priskirti kuratoriai</h2>'; echo '<ul class="user_list">'; foreach (listData(false, false, false, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_active = 1 AND user_acctype = 1 AND user_parent = {$id}") as $data) { echo '<li><a href="/kuratorius/' . $data['user_id'] . '">'; getThumbnail('user', $data['user_id']); echo '<div class="thumb_desc wide">'; echo $data['user_fname'] . ' ' . $data['user_lname']; echo '</div>'; echo '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div><!-- poreikis_right -->';
$emisor_mail = $_POST['emisor_mail']; $emisor_mensaje = $_POST['emisor_mensaje']; $url_id = $_POST['id']; $video_id = $_POST['video_id']; $receptor_name = $_POST['receptor_name']; $receptor_mail = $_POST['receptor_mail']; //FIN datos function getThumbnail($video_id) { $rpta = "<a href=\"{$url_id}\"><img src=\"{$video_id}/hqdefault.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"224\" />"; return $rpta; } $images = getThumbnail($video_id); echo $images; //$body = file_get_contents(''); $mensaje = "<b>Mensaje:</b><br/>" . getThumbnail($url_id); $mensaje .= $emisor_mensaje; $mensaje .= "<br/><b>visita:</b><br/> <a href=\"{$url_id}\">{$url_id}</a>"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = $emisor_mail; $mail->FromName = $emisor_name; $mail->Subject = $emisor_mail . " Te envio una dedicatoria"; $mail->Body = $body . $mensaje; $mail->IsHTML(true); //$mail->AddAttachment('images/e.png'); $mail->AddAddress($receptor_mail, $receptor_name); if ($mail->Send()) { echo 'MAIL FUE ENVIADO!'; } else { echo 'ERRORR error enviar o mail' . $mail->ErrorInfo; }
</tr> <tr> <td>Episode</td> <td><?php echo empty($episode) ? '' : $episode; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Image (of Series)</td> <td> <?php if ($series) { ?> <img width="100" src="<?php echo getThumbnail($series['thumbnail'], 'series'); ?> "> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Genre (of Series)</td> <td> <?php if ($series) { ?> <?php if ($series['genre']) {
function createImage( $item, $data_field, $suffix = '' ) { $defs = array ( array('ext'=>'tiny','height'=>30,'crop'=>false) ); if( is_null( $item[ $data_field ] ) || empty( $item[ $data_field ] ) ) return; $orig = imagecreatefromstring( $item[ $data_field ] ); $width_orig = imagesx($orig); $height_orig = imagesy($orig); foreach($defs as $def) { $w = $def['width']; $h = $def['height']; $ext = $def['ext']; $crop = $def['crop']; $dims = getSize( $width_orig, $height_orig, $w, $h, true ); $new_width = $dims['w']; $new_height = $dims['h']; if( $crop || $w == $h ) { $thumb = getThumbnail( $orig, $w, $crop ); } else { $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor( $new_width, $new_height ); imagecopyresampled( $thumb, $orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width_orig, $height_orig ); } $path = 'images/notes/' . $item['id'] . '_' . $ext . $suffix . '.jpg'; if( imagejpeg($thumb, WEB_ROOT . $path, 100) ) { imagedestroy($thumb); echo "<img src='../../" . $path . "' /><br/>"; } } }
$thumbnails[] = array("node_id"=>$file->getNodeId(), "filename"=>$filename, "value_id"=>$value_id, "width"=>$maxsize_big, "height"=>$maxsize_big, "angle"=>$angle); } if (!checkThumbnailExists($value_id, $maxsize_small, $maxsize_small)) { $thumbnails[] = array("node_id"=>$file->getNodeId(), "filename"=>$filename, "value_id"=>$value_id, "width"=>$maxsize_small, "height"=>$maxsize_small, "angle"=>$angle); } } } echo "Will now create ".count($thumbnails)." thumbnails\n";flush(); foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) { $start_time = time(); getThumbnail($thumbnail['value_id'], $thumbnail['width'], $thumbnail['height'], $thumbnail['angle']); $time = time()-$start_time; $count++; echo "[$count/".count($thumbnails)."] Successfully created thumbnail for ".$thumbnail['filename']." (NodeID ".$thumbnail['node_id'].") (Size ".$thumbnail['width'].") Time: $time second(s)\n";flush(); } echo "Created $count thumbnails\n";flush(); echo "\n";flush(); echo "Running optimize on database\n";flush(); $result = mysql_list_tables($mysql_db); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { $name = mysql_tablename($result, $i);
<th></th> </thead> <?php if (!empty($listObject)) { ?> <?php foreach ($listObject as $i => $object) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $i + 1 + $offset; ?> </td> <td><img height="100" src="<?php echo getThumbnail($object['item_thumbnail'], 'editor'); ?> "></td> <td><?php echo $object['item_text']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $object['item_link']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $object['order']; ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php
/** * Export XML data * * @param string $where WHERE clause for SQL statement */ function xmlexport($WHERE) { global $config; // get data $result = exportData($WHERE); // do adultcheck if (is_array($result)) { $result = array_filter($result, create_function('$video', 'return adultcheck($video["id"]);')); } $xml = ''; // loop over items foreach ($result as $item) { $xml_item = ''; // loop over attributes foreach ($item as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { if ($key != 'owner_id' && $key != 'actors') { $tag = strtolower($key); $xml_item .= createTag($tag, trim(html_entity_decode_all($value))); } } } // this is a hack for exporting thumbnail URLs if ($item['imgurl'] && $config['xml_thumbnails']) { $thumb = getThumbnail($item['imgurl']); if (preg_match('/cache/', $thumb)) { $xml_item .= createTag('thumbnail', trim($thumb)); } } // genres if (count($row['genres'])) { $xml_genres = ''; foreach ($row['genres'] as $genre) { $xml_genres .= createTag('genre', $genre['name']); } $xml_item .= createContainer('genres', $xml_genres); } // actors $actors = explode("\n", $item['actors']); if (count($actors)) { $xml_actors = ''; foreach ($actors as $actor) { $xml_actor_data = ''; $actor_data = explode("::", $actor); $xml_actor_data .= createTag('name', $actor_data[0]); $xml_actor_data .= createTag('role', $actor_data[1]); $xml_actor_data .= createTag('imdbid', $actor_data[2]); $xml_actors .= createContainer('actor', $xml_actor_data); } $xml_item .= createContainer('actors', $xml_actors); } $xml .= createContainer('item', $xml_item); } $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n" . createContainer('catalog', $xml); // header('Content-type: text/xml'); $mime = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') ? 'application/force-download' : 'application/octet-stream'; header('Content-type: ' . $mime); header('Content-length: ' . strlen($xml)); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=videoDB.xml'); echo $xml; }
<? $extension = pathinfo($args['fvalue'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $type = getfiletype($extension); $_SESSION['murrix']['rightcache']['file'][] = $args['value_id']; ?><a href="?file=<?php echo $args['value_id']; ?> "><? if ($type == "image") { $maxsize = getSetting("THUMBSIZE", 150); $thumbnail = getThumbnail($args['value_id'], $maxsize, $maxsize); if ($thumbnail !== false) echo $thumbnail->Show(true)."<br/>"; else echo img(geticon(getfiletype($extension), 16))." "; } else echo img(geticon(getfiletype($extension), 16))." "; echo $args['value']; ?> </a>
<div class="col-sm-9 wrap-content"> <?php if ($newestVideo) { ?> <div class="section-line"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="item-video item-feature"> <div class="row"> <div class="ui-thumb big-ui-thumb col-sm-5"> <a href="<?php echo makeLink($newestVideo[0]['id'], $newestVideo[0]['title']); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo getThumbnail($newestVideo[0]['series']['thumbnail'], 'series'); ?> " alt="<?php echo $newestVideo[0]['title']; ?> " class="img-responsive" /> <span class="fa fa-play-circle-o"></span> </a> </div><!-- /.ui-thumb --> <div class="ui-meta col-sm-7"> <h3 class="ui-title"><a href="<?php echo makeLink($newestVideo[0]['id'], $newestVideo[0]['title']); ?> " class="ui-ellipsis-2"><?php echo $newestVideo[0]['title']; ?>
$id = $_GET['id']; $pagerow = getRow('users', "user_id = {$id}"); if ($pagerow['user_active'] == 0) { err('Šis profilis panaikintas'); return; } if ($pagerow['user_acctype'] <= 0) { err('Šis profilis neegzistuoja'); return; } // User description echo '<div class="page">'; echo '<div class="page-con">'; echo '<div class="ku_img">'; if (strlen($pagerow['user_thumb']) > 3) { getThumbnail('users', $pagerow['user_id']); } else { echo '<img src="/img/nt_ku.png" alt="nothumb" />'; } echo '</div><div class="ku_desc">'; echo '<h2>' . $pagerow['user_fname'] . ' ' . $pagerow['user_lname'] . '</h2>'; echo '<b>Kuratorius</b>'; echo '<br>'; foreach ($regionsListChildren as $key => $cities) { if (in_array($pagerow['user_city'], $cities)) { echo '<a href="/regionuose?p=puslapis&pageslug=regionuose®=' . $key . '&city=all&ptype=2">' . $regionsList[$key] . '</a> > '; $rgn = $key; } } if (isset($rgn)) { echo '<a href="/regionuose?p=puslapis&pageslug=regionuose®=' . $rgn . '&city=' . $pagerow['user_city'] . '&ptype=2">' . $citiesList[$pagerow['user_city']] . '</a>';
<fieldset> <legend><strong>Series detail</strong></legend> <table class="stats" style="width: 100%;border: 1px #000"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Title</td> <td><?php echo empty($title) ? '' : $title; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Thumbnail</td> <td><img height="100" src="<?php echo getThumbnail($thumbnail, 'series'); ?> "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Description</td> <td><?php echo empty($description) ? '' : $description; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Video Type</td> <td><?php echo $video_type[$type]; ?>
<? $filename = $object->getVarValue("file"); $value_id = $object->resolveVarName("file"); $type = getfiletype(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $data = ""; if ($type == "image") { $maxsize = getSetting("THUMBSIZE", 150); $angle = $object->getMeta("angle", ""); $thumbnail = getThumbnail($value_id, $maxsize, $maxsize, $angle); $_SESSION['murrix']['rightcache']['thumbnail'][] = $thumbnail->id; if ($thumbnail !== false) $data = $thumbnail->Show(true); } if (!empty($data)) $img = $data; else $img = img(geticon($type, 128)); $name = $object->getName(); if ($args['disabled'] != true) { $name = cmd($name, "exec=show&node_id=".$object->getNodeId());
"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Order</td> <td><input type="text" name="order" value="<?php echo empty($order) ? '' : $order; ?> "/></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php if ($item_thumbnail) { ?> <img height ="100" src="<?php echo getThumbnail($item_thumbnail, 'editor'); ?> "> <?php } else { ?> Image<span style="color: red">*</span> <?php } ?> </td> <td><input type="file" name="item_thumbnail" id="item_thumbnail"/></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset>
/** * Export PDF document * * @param string $where WHERE clause for SQL statement */ function pdfexport($WHERE) { global $config; $ypos = $config['pdf_font_size']; // Match the font size for proper vertical offset $page_width = $config['pdf_page_width']; $margin = $config['pdf_margin']; $left_margin = $config['pdf_left_margin']; $right_margin = $config['pdf_right_margin']; $mediaimg_width = $config['pdf_image_media_width']; $font_size = $config['pdf_font_size']; $image_height = $config['pdf_image_height']; $image_width = $config['pdf_image_width']; $font_title = $config['pdf_font_title']; $font_plot = $config['pdf_font_plot']; $text_length = $config['pdf_text_length']; $tempfolder = cache_get_folder(''); if ($config['cache_pruning']) { cache_prune_folder($tempfolder, 3600, false, false, 'videodb*.pdf'); } $filename = $tempfolder . 'videodb' . date('His', time()) . '.pdf'; // setup pdf class $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->Open($filename); $pdf->VerifyFont($font_title); $pdf->VerifyFont($font_title, 'B'); $pdf->VerifyFont($font_plot); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetRightMargin($right_margin); // add downscaling if ($config['pdf_scale']) { $pdf->Scale = $config['pdf_scale']; $pdf->max_width = $config['pdf_image_max_width']; $pdf->max_height = $config['pdf_image_max_height']; } // get data $result = iconv_array('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', exportData($WHERE)); foreach ($result as $row) { set_time_limit(300); // rise per movie execution timeout limit if safe_mode is not set in php.ini $title = $row['title']; if ($row['subtitle']) { $title .= ' - ' . $row['subtitle']; } if ($row['diskid'] || $row['mediatype']) { $title .= ' ['; if ($row['mediatype']) { $title .= $row['mediatype'] . ', '; } if ($row['diskid']) { $title .= $row['diskid']; } $title = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $title) . ']'; } // get drilldown url for image $imdb = $row['imdbID']; $link = $imdb ? engineGetContentUrl($imdb, engineGetEngine($imdb)) : ''; // title $pdf->SetFont($font_title, 'B', $font_size); $pdf->SetXY($left_margin + $image_width + $margin, $ypos); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $title, 0, 1, 'L', 0, $link); // [muddle] technical details unset($tech['V']); if ($row['video_width'] and $row['video_height']) { $vw = $row['video_width']; $vh = $row['video_height']; $tech['V'] = "Video: "; if ($vw > 1920) { $tech['V'] .= "UHD " . $vw . "x" . $vh; } elseif ($vw > 1280) { $tech['V'] .= "HD 1080p"; } elseif ($vw == 1280 or $vh == 720) { $tech['V'] .= "HD 720p"; } elseif ($vw == 720 or $vw == 704) { $tech['V'] .= "SD "; if ($vh == 480) { $tech['V'] .= "NTSC"; } elseif ($vh == 576) { $tech['V'] .= "PAL"; } else { $tech['V'] .= $vw . "x" . $vh; } } else { $tech['V'] .= "LORES " . $vw . "x" . $vh; } } unset($tech['A']); if ($row['audio_codec']) { $tech['A'] = "Audio: " . $row['audio_codec']; } unset($tech['D']); if ($row['created']) { $tech['D'] = "Date: " . $row['created']; } $techinfo = implode(", ", $tech); $pdf->SetFont($font_title, 'B', $font_size - 3); $pdf->SetXY($left_margin + $image_width + $margin, $ypos + 4); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $techinfo, 0, 1, 'L', 0); // plot $plot = leftString($row['plot'], $text_length); $pdf->SetFont($font_plot, '', $font_size - 1); $pdf->SetXY($left_margin + $image_width + $margin, $ypos + 3 + 3); $pdf->SetLeftMargin($left_margin + $image_width + $margin); $pdf->WriteHTML($plot); // image $file = getThumbnail($row['imgurl']); if (preg_match('/^img.php/', $file)) { $file = img(); } // image file present? if ($file) { $pdf->Image($file, $left_margin, $ypos - 2, $image_width, $image_height, '', $link); } // add mediatype image if ($type_image = getMediaImage($row['mediatype'])) { $pdf->Image('./images/media/' . $type_image, $page_width - $mediaimg_width - $right_margin, $ypos - 2, $mediaimg_width, 0, '', ''); } // new position $ypos += $margin; if ($file or $plot) { $ypos += max($image_height, $font_size); } else { $ypos += $font_size; } if ($ypos > 250) { $ypos = $config['pdf_font_size']; $pdf->AddPage(); } } $pdf->Output('videoDB.pdf', 'D'); // get rid of temp file @unlink($filename); }