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function makeSQL($postArray, $formNum) { foreach ($postArray as $k => $v) { ${$k} = $v; } if ($formNum == "0") { $fname = safe($fname); $mname = safe($mname); $lname = safe($lname); $nickname = safe($nickname); $street_address = safe($street_address); $city = safe($city); $state = safe($state); $zip = safe($zip); $country = safe($country); $email = safe($email); $phone = safe($phone); $high_school = safe($high_school); $high_school_city = safe($high_school_city); $high_school_state = safe($high_school_state); $high_school_country = safe($high_school_country); $anticipated_grad_year = safe($anticipated_grad_year); if (isset($nycounty) && $nycounty != "") { $nycounty = safe($nycounty); } if (isset($paArea) && $paArea != "") { $paArea = safe($paArea); } $role = "student"; // ('student','parent','donor','alumni') if ($gender == "male") { $gender = "m"; } else { if ($gender == "female") { $gender = "f"; } else { $gender = ""; } } $dob = $dob_year; $dob .= '-'; $dob .= $dob_month; $dob .= '-'; $dob .= $dob_day; $hash_id = makeHash($fname, $lname, $dob_year, $dob_month, $dob_day); $this_ethnicity = ""; foreach ($postArray['ethnicities'] as $ethnicity) { if ($postArray[$ethnicity] != "") { $this_ethnicity .= $ethnicity . ":" . $postArray[$ethnicity]; $this_ethnicity .= ","; } } if ($this_ethnicity != "") { $this_ethnicity = substr($this_ethnicity, 0, strlen($this_ethnicity) - 1); } // clean up for db insert $academic_interests = safe($academic_interests); $extra_curricular = safe($extra_interests); $three_words = safe($three_words); $questions_and_comments = safe($questions_and_comments); $ethnicity = $this_ethnicity; $parent1_fname = safe($parent1_fname); $parent1_lname = safe($parent1_lname); $parent1_relationship = substr($parent1_type, 0, 1); $parent1_email = safe($parent1_email); $parent1_phone = safe($parent1_phone); $parent1_phonetype = $parent1_phonetype; $parent2_fname = safe($parent2_fname); $parent2_lname = safe($parent2_lname); $parent2_relationship = substr($parent2_type, 0, 1); $parent2_email = safe($parent2_email); $parent2_phone = safe($parent2_phone); $parent2_phonetype = $parent2_phonetype; if ($mailinglist != "") { $mail_list = "1"; } else { $mail_list = "0"; } if ($additional_questions != "") { $call = "1"; } else { $call = "0"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO forms.admission_form_submission \n\t\t\t(form_id, firstname, middlename, lastname, nickname, email, role, gender, street_address, street_address_2, \n\t\t\t city, state, country, postal_code, phone, dob, high_school, high_school_city, high_school_state, \n\t\t\t high_school_country, anticipated_grad_year, academic_interests, extra_curricular, three_words, ethnicity, \n\t\t\t reference, mail_list, `call`, comment, date_submitted, vr_email, vr_campaign, vr_term, hash_id, \n\t\t\t parent1_fname, parent1_lname, parent1_relationship, parent1_email, parent1_phone, parent1_phonetype, \n\t\t\t parent2_fname, parent2_lname, parent2_relationship, parent2_email, parent2_phone, parent2_phonetype, \n\t\t\t dup_flag, typage_wedcall, typage_thcall, typage_question, counselor) \n\t\t\t VALUES (\n\t\t\t {$formNum}, '{$fname}', '{$mname}', '{$lname}', '{$nickname}', '{$email}', '{$role}', '{$gender}', '{$street_address}', \n\t\t\t '{$street_address_2}', '{$city}', '{$state}', '{$country}', '{$zip}', '{$phone}', '{$dob}', '{$high_school}', '{$high_school_city}', \n\t\t\t '{$high_school_state}', '{$high_school_country}', '{$anticipated_grad_year}', '{$academic_interests}', '{$extra_curricular}', \n\t\t\t '{$three_words}', '{$ethnicity}', '{$how_did_you_hear}', '{$mail_list}', '{$call}', '{$questions_and_comments}', NOW(), \n\t\t\t '', '', '', '{$hash_id}', '{$parent1_fname}', '{$parent1_lname}', '{$parent1_relationship}', '{$parent1_email}', \n\t\t\t '{$parent1_phone}', '{$parent1_phonetype}', '{$parent2_fname}', '{$parent2_lname}', '{$parent2_relationship}', \n\t\t\t '{$parent2_email}', '{$parent2_phone}', '{$parent2_phonetype}', '{$dup_flag}', '', '', '', '{$counselor}')"; } else { if ($formNum == "1") { $fname = safe($fname); $mname = safe($mname); $lname = safe($lname); $nickname = safe($nickname); $street_address = safe($street_address); $city = safe($city); $state = safe($state); $zip = safe($zip); $country = safe($country); $email = safe($email); $phone = safe($phone); $high_school = safe($high_school); $high_school_city = safe($high_school_city); $high_school_state = safe($high_school_state); $high_school_country = safe($high_school_country); $anticipated_grad_year = safe($anticipated_grad_year); if (isset($nycounty) && $nycounty != "") { $nycounty = safe($nycounty); } if (isset($paArea) && $paArea != "") { $paArea = safe($paArea); } $role = "student"; // ('student','parent','donor','alumni') if ($gender == "male") { $gender = "m"; } else { if ($gender == "female") { $gender = "f"; } else { $gender = ""; } } $dob = getDOB($dob_y, $dob_m, $dob_d); $hash_id = makeHash($fname, $lname, $dob_y, $dob_m, $dob_d); $tinfo = getTerritoryInfo($high_school_state, $territories); $counselor = $tinfo['fields_recruiter']; $sql = "INSERT INTO forms.admission_form_submission\n(form_id, firstname, middlename, lastname, nickname, email, role, gender, street_address, street_address_2, city, state, country, postal_code, phone, dob, high_school, high_school_city, high_school_state, high_school_country, anticipated_grad_year, date_submitted, vr_email, vr_campaign, vr_term, hash_id, dup_flag,counselor) \nVALUES ({$formNum}, '{$fname}', '{$mname}', '{$lname}', '{$nickname}', '{$email}', '{$role}', '{$gender}', '{$street_address}', '{$street_address_2}', '{$city}', '{$state}', '{$country}', '{$zip}', '{$phone}', '{$dob}', '{$high_school}', '{$high_school_city}', '{$high_school_state}', '{$high_school_country}', '{$anticipated_grad_year}', NOW(), '{$vr_email}', '{$vr_campaign}', '{$vr_term}', '{$hash_id}','{$dup_flag}','{$counselor}');\n"; } else { $this_ethnicity = ""; foreach ($postArray['ethnicities'] as $ethnicity) { if ($postArray[$ethnicity] != "") { $this_ethnicity .= $ethnicity . ":" . $postArray[$ethnicity]; $this_ethnicity .= ","; } } if ($this_ethnicity != "") { $this_ethnicity = substr($this_ethnicity, 0, strlen($this_ethnicity) - 1); } // clean up for db insert $academic_interests = safe($academic_interests); $extra_curricular = safe($extra_interests); $three_words = safe($three_words); $additional_questions = safe($questions_and_comments); $ethnicity = $this_ethnicity; $parent1_fname = safe($parent1_fname); $parent1_lname = safe($parent1_lname); $parent1_relationship = substr($parent1_type, 0, 1); $parent1_email = safe($parent1_email); $parent1_phone = safe($parent1_phone); $parent1_phonetype = $parent1_phonetype; $parent2_fname = safe($parent2_fname); $parent2_lname = safe($parent2_lname); $parent2_relationship = substr($parent2_type, 0, 1); $parent2_email = safe($parent2_email); $parent2_phone = safe($parent2_phone); $parent2_phonetype = $parent2_phonetype; $db_id = $db_id; $counselor = $counselor; $sql = "UPDATE forms.admission_form_submission SET \n\t\t\tacademic_interests = '{$academic_interests}',\n\t\t\textra_curricular = '{$extra_curricular}',\n\t\t\tthree_words = '{$three_words}',\n\t\t\tcomment = '{$additional_questions}',\n\t\t\tethnicity = '{$ethnicity}',\n\t\t\tparent1_fname = '{$parent1_fname}',\n\t\t\tparent1_lname = '{$parent1_lname}',\n\t\t\tparent1_relationship = '{$parent1_relationship}',\n\t\t\tparent1_email = '{$parent1_email}',\n\t\t\tparent1_phone = '{$parent1_phone}',\n\t\t\tparent1_phonetype = '{$parent1_phonetype}',\n\t\t\tparent2_fname = '{$parent2_fname}',\n\t\t\tparent2_lname = '{$parent2_lname}',\n\t\t\tparent2_relationship = '{$parent2_relationship}',\n\t\t\tparent2_email = '{$parent2_email}',\n\t\t\tparent2_phone = '{$parent2_phone}',\n\t\t\tparent2_phonetype = '{$parent2_phonetype}',\n\t\t\tcounselor = '{$counselor}' \n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = {$db_id}"; } } return $sql; }
$headers = "From: {$from}\r\n"; $headers .= 'Cc: recruit@simons-rock.edu' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Bcc: dscheff@simons-rock.edu' . "\r\n"; if (!$test_env) { if (!isset($recruiter_email_handle)) { $recruiter_email_handle = getCounselorEmailHandle($_POST['counselor']); } mail($recruiter_email_handle, $emailArray['subj'], $emailArray['body'], $headers); } $emailArray['body'] .= "\n\nRECRUITER EMAIL HANDLE: {$recruiter_email_handle}\n\n"; $emailArray['body'] .= "\n\nPATH: {$redirStr}\n\n"; $headers = "From: {$from}\r\n"; mail("*****@*****.**", $emailArray['subj'], $emailArray['body'], $headers); } if ($doRedir == true && $formNum == 2) { $territoryInfo = getTerritoryInfo($territory, $territories); $fields_recruiter = $_POST['counselor']; $email = $email; $doRedir = $territoryInfo['doRedir']; $redirStr = "http://forms.simons-rock.edu/admission/thankyou.php?email={$email}&couns={$fields_recruiter}&tid={$db_id}"; header("Location: {$redirStr}"); } } } if ($doRedir) { if ($formNum == '1') { $form1Display = 'none'; $form2Display = ''; echo "\r\n\t\t\t<script>\r\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('left').style.display='none';\r\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('right').style.width='1020px';\r\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('right').style.float='left';\r\n\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('righttop').style.width='1018px';\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t</script>"; $page3Display = 'none'; } else {
<?php $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $couns = $_REQUEST['couns']; $tinfo = getTerritoryInfo($_REQUEST['state'], $territories); $couns = $tinfo['fields_recruiter']; if ($couns == "davidson") { $pic = "leslie-globe.gif"; $couns_name = "Leslie Davidson"; $couns_fname = "Leslie"; $couns_pron = "her"; } elseif ($couns == "pitt") { $pic = "joel-sml.jpg"; $couns_name = "Joel Pitt"; $couns_fname = "Joel"; $couns_pron = "him"; } elseif ($couns == "dubrowski") { $pic = "amanda-thumb.jpg"; $couns_name = "Amanda Dubrowski"; $couns_fname = "Amanda"; $couns_pron = "her"; } elseif ($couns == "corso") { $pic = "joe-sml.jpg"; $couns_name = "Joe Corso"; $couns_fname = "Joe"; $couns_pron = "him"; } elseif ($couns == "taylor") { $pic = "aft-headshot.jpg"; $couns_name = "Alexandra Taylor"; $couns_fname = "Alexandra"; $couns_pron = "her";