function getMoveList($store_str) { global $db, $ecs, $smarty; $result = get_filter(); if ($result === false) { $inorout = isset($_REQUEST['io']) && !empty($_REQUEST['io']) ? $_REQUEST['io'] : 'out'; $where_and = ''; if ($inorout == 'in') { //录入中状态的转拨单,被入仓库的相关人不可以查看到 $where_and = ' and status > 0 '; } $filter['store_id_out'] = empty($_REQUEST['store_id_out']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['store_id_out']); $filter['store_id_in'] = empty($_REQUEST['store_id_in']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['store_id_in']); $filter['status'] = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? intval($_REQUEST['status']) : -1; $filter['add_time1'] = empty($_REQUEST['add_time1']) ? '' : (strpos($_REQUEST['add_time1'], '-') > 0 ? local_strtotime($_REQUEST['add_time1']) : $_REQUEST['add_time1']); $filter['add_time2'] = empty($_REQUEST['add_time2']) ? '' : (strpos($_REQUEST['add_time2'], '-') > 0 ? local_strtotime($_REQUEST['add_time2']) : $_REQUEST['add_time2']); if ($filter['store_id_out']) { $where_and .= " and store_id_out=" . $filter['store_id_out'] . " "; } if ($filter['store_id_in']) { $where_and .= " and store_id_in=" . $filter['store_id_in'] . " "; } if ($filter['status'] > -1) { $where_and .= " and status=" . $filter['status'] . " "; } if ($filter['add_time1']) { $where_and .= " AND out_time>= '" . $filter['add_time1'] . "' "; } if ($filter['add_time2']) { $where_and .= " AND out_time<= '" . $filter['add_time2'] . "' "; } /* 记录总数 */ $sql = "select count(*) from " . $ecs->table('store_move') . " where store_id_" . $inorout . " in(" . $store_str . ")" . $where_and . " and supplier_id=" . $_REQUEST[storetypeid]; $filter['record_count'] = $db->getOne($sql); $filter = page_and_size($filter); $sql = "select * from " . $ecs->table('store_move') . " where store_id_" . $inorout . " in(" . $store_str . ")" . $where_and . " and supplier_id=" . $_REQUEST[storetypeid] . " order by move_id desc"; set_filter($filter, $sql); } else { $sql = $result['sql']; $filter = $result['filter']; } $ret = $db->selectLimit($sql, $filter['page_size'], $filter['start']); //$ret = $db->query($sql); $info = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($ret)) { $info[$row['move_id']]['move_id'] = $row['move_id']; $info[$row['move_id']]['out_store_name'] = getStoreName($row['store_id_out']); $info[$row['move_id']]['in_store_name'] = getStoreName($row['store_id_in']); $info[$row['move_id']]['out_store_user'] = getUserName($row['store_user_out']); $info[$row['move_id']]['in_store_user'] = $row['store_user_in'] > 0 ? getUserName($row['store_user_in']) : ''; $info[$row['move_id']]['number'] = getMoveGoodsNum($row['move_id'], $inorout == 'out' ? 1 : 2); $info[$row['move_id']]['addtime'] = local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['add_time']); $info[$row['move_id']]['outtime'] = $row['out_time'] > 0 ? local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['out_time']) : ''; $info[$row['move_id']]['intime'] = $row['in_time'] > 0 ? local_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['in_time']) : ''; $info[$row['move_id']]['status_info'] = getMoveStatus($row['status']); $info[$row['move_id']]['status'] = $row['status']; $info[$row['move_id']]['doing'] = getStatusDo($row['move_id'], $row['status'], $inorout); } $smarty->assign('inorout', $inorout); return array('arr' => $info, 'filter' => $filter, 'page_count' => $filter['page_count'], 'record_count' => $filter['record_count']); //return $info; }
// Categories $categories = getCategories($storeId); // Products $searchTerm = $_GET["terms"]; $products = searchOnStore($storeId, $searchTerm, 30); $products = array_map("updatePath", $products); // Vat $vat_oux = getStoreById($storeId); $vat = $vat_oux[0]["vat"]; //loged in user $smarty->assign('userPermission', 'guest'); if (isset($_SESSION['storesLogin'][$storeId]['userId'])) { $userInfo = $_SESSION['storesLogin'][$storeId]['userId']; if (isset($userInfo)) { $userInfo = getAccount($userInfo); $userPermission = getAccountPermission($userInfo["id"]); $userPermission = $userPermission["name"]; } $smarty->assign('userInfo', $userInfo); $smarty->assign('userPermission', $userPermission); } /* END -- Get store data */ $storeName = getStoreName($domain); $smarty->assign('title', $storeName . " Search results"); $smarty->assign('logoPath', $logoPath); $smarty->assign('categories', $categories); $smarty->assign('products', $products); $smarty->assign('storeDomain', $domain); $smarty->assign('storeId', $storeId); $smarty->assign('vat', $vat); $smarty->display('store/home.tpl');
$docElementId = $product["ID"]; $product = array_merge($product, getProductInfo($product)); $product["BARCODE"] = ''; if ($product["IS_MULTIPLY_BARCODE"] == 'N') { $dbBarCode = CCatalogStoreBarCode::getList(array(), array("PRODUCT_ID" => $product["ELEMENT_ID"])); if ($arBarCode = $dbBarCode->GetNext()) { $product["BARCODE"] = $arBarCode["BARCODE"]; } } elseif ($product["IS_MULTIPLY_BARCODE"] == 'Y') { $dbBarCodes = CCatalogStoreDocsBarcode::getList(array(), array("DOC_ELEMENT_ID" => $docElementId)); while ($arBarCode = $dbBarCodes->GetNext()) { $product["BARCODE"][] = $arBarCode["BARCODE"]; } } $storeFromName = getStoreName($product["STORE_FROM"]); $storeToName = getStoreName($product["STORE_TO"]); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var arBarCodes = new Array(); <?php if (is_array($product["BARCODE"])) { foreach ($product["BARCODE"] as $barCode) { ?> arBarCodes.push("<?php echo $barCode; ?> "); <?php } $product["BARCODE"] = '';