Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: sites.php Proyecto: Gurgy/LMS
function printSiteList($studentId)
    if ($studentId == 0) {
        // Grabbing 10 random students
        $students = queryGetRandomStudents();
        // See this method to chnage the number of random students
        // Printing Site link for each student
        foreach ($students as $student) {
					<a href="<?php 
            echo getSiteLink($student['id']);
            echo "- " . queryGetStudentName($student['id']);
    } else {
        // Printing personal site link
				<a href="<?php 
        echo getSiteLink($studentId);
        echo "- " . queryGetStudentName($studentId);
        // Grabbing students in users group
        $students = queryGetGroupMembers(queryGetGroupId($studentId));
        // Printing Site link for each student
        foreach ($students as $student) {
            // Making sure the users site isnt printed
            if ($student['id'] != $studentId) {
						<a href="<?php 
                echo getSiteLink($student['id']);
                echo "- " . queryGetStudentName($student['id']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    if ($dataRow['trip03banner1']) {
        echo $dataRow['trip03banner1'];
    } else {
        echo 'default.jpg';
"  />
                                  <div class="imgText">
                                    <span class="fontMedium">
    echo $dataRow['trip03title'];
                                    </span><br />
                                    <a  class="fontSmall" href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink('trips', '', '', $dataRow['trip03uin'], '', $dataRow['trip03title']);
                                    read more

Ejemplo n.º 3

//var_dump( get_browser());
$id = getREQUEST('_Id');
if (!$id) {
    $url = getSiteLink('home');
    //echo $url;
//$objCat= new NewsType();
$obj = new FromPaper();
//$objHitCounter= new HitCounter();
$list = $obj->getById($id);
$data['title'] = 'पत्रपत्रिका बाट';
$data['data'] = $list;
echo defaultModule($strModuleName, $data);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    echo LoadMyImage($uploadUrl, $row[$prefix . 'file'], $row[$prefix . 'title'], 'img-responsive');
    <div class="shadow">
      <h5><a href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink('NewsArticle', '', $row[$prefix . 'title'], $row[$prefix . 'uin']);
    echo $row[$prefix . 'title'];
      <p class="bg2"><?php 
    echo clipMyText($row[$prefix . 'detail'], 500);
	  <a class="" href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink('NewsArticle', '', $row[$prefix . 'title'], $row[$prefix . 'uin']);
">Read More..</a>

<div class="clearfix"></div>

Ejemplo n.º 5
function getSubModule($module)
    if (substr($module, 0, strlen('adversitse')) == 'adversitse') {
        include_once TPL . 'includes/ad' . substr($module, -1) . '.php';
    } elseif ($module == 'frompaper') {
        include_once TPL . 'includes/from_paper.php';
    $objType = new NewsType();
    $cat_datas = $objType->getByModuleName($module);
    if ($cat_datas->rowCount() < 1) {
    $cat_data = '';
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($cat_datas as $row) {
        $id = $row['news01uin'];
        $cat_data = $row;
    $objNews = new News();
    $data = $objNews->getByType($id, 1, 5);
    $prefix = 'news02';
        <header class="heading">
                	<a href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink('News', '', '', $cat_data['news01' . 'uin'], $cat_data['news01' . 'title']);
" class="more">बाँकी अंश</a>
    echo $cat_data['news01' . 'title'];
                <div class="content-holder">
    $lists = '';
    $ct = 0;
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        if ($ct < 2) {
                                    <article class="photo-news">
                                        <img src="uploads/news/<?php 
            echo $row['news02file'];
" alt="img1">
                                            <h3><a href="<?php 
            echo getSiteLink('NewsArticle', '', $row[$prefix . 'title'], $row[$prefix . 'uin']);
            echo $row['news02title'];
            $shortTry = substr($row['news02shortDesc'], 0, 300);
            echo substr($shortTry, 0, strrpos($shortTry, ' ', -1));
        } else {
            $lists .= '<li><a href="' . getSiteLink('NewsArticle', '', $row[$prefix . 'title'], $row[$prefix . 'uin']) . '">' . $row['news02title'] . '</a></li>';
    echo '<ul>' . $lists . '</ul>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
function BuildMenu($parentId, $ParentName = '')
    $ObjMenu = new NewsType();
    $MenuPrefix = $ObjMenu->getPrefix();
    $_result = $ObjMenu->get(array('parent' => $parentId, 'menu' => 0));
    $_class = '';
    if (count($_result) < 1) {
    } else {
    $ulclass = '"" ';
    $exAttr = '';
    if ($parentId < 1) {
        $ulclass = 'nav navbar-nav';
    } else {
        $ulclass = 'dropdown-menu';
        $exAttr = 'role="menu"';
    echo '<ul class="' . $ulclass . '" ' . $exAttr . '>';
    foreach ($_result as $menuItem) {
        $class = '';
        if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
            $curr_module = substr($_GET['page'], 0, strlen($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'module']));
            //echo $curr_module.$menuItem[$MenuPrefix.'module'];
        } else {
            $curr_module = 'home';
        if (strtolower($curr_module) == strtolower($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'module'])) {
            $class = 'active';
        if ($class != '') {
            //echo $curr_module;
        //echo $class;
        $url = '';
        if ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'url'] == "0" || $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'url'] == '') {
            $url = '';
        } elseif ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'hasChild'] == '0') {
            $url = $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'module'];
        } elseif ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'url'] == 1) {
            $url = 'ActivityList';
        } elseif ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'url']) {
            $url = $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'url'];
        $exAttr = '';
        if ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'hasChild']) {
            $class .= ' dropdown';
            $exAttr = 'class = "dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"';
        echo '<li class="' . $class . '" >';
        echo '<a ' . $exAttr . ' href="';
        if ($url == 'ActivityList') {
            echo getSiteLink($url, '', '', $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'uin'], $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'title']);
        } else {
            echo getSiteLink($url, '');
            //echo getSiteLink($url,'',$menuItem[$MenuPrefix,'uin'],$menuItem[$MenuPrefix.'title']);
        echo '" title="' . $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'title' . $_SESSION['lang_type']] . '">';
        if ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'module'] == 'home') {
            echo '<span class="fa fa-home fa-fw"></span>';
        } else {
            echo $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'title' . $_SESSION['lang_type']];
            if ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'hasChild'] == 1) {
                echo '<span class="caret"></span>';
        echo '</a>';
        //$objSub= new NewsType();
        if ($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'hasChild']) {
            $datasubMenu = $ObjMenu->getByParent($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'uin']);
            if (count($datasubMenu) > 0) {
                //echo $menuItem[$MenuPrefix.'uin'].' '.$menuItem[$MenuPrefix.'module'];
                BuildMenu($menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'uin'], $menuItem[$MenuPrefix . 'module']);
        echo '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';
    //return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    echo $uploadUrl . $row[$prefix . 'file'];
" class="img-responsive" alt="<?php 
    echo $row[$prefix . 'title' . $_SESSION['lang_type']];
    <div class="shadow">
      <h5><a href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink($moduleName, '', $row[$prefix . 'title'], $row[$prefix . 'uin']);
    echo clipMyText($row[$prefix . 'detail'], 500);
      <p class="bg2"><?php 
    echo $row[$prefix . 'title' . $_SESSION['lang_type']];
	  <a class="" href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink($moduleName, '', $row[$prefix . 'title'], $row[$prefix . 'uin']);
">Read More..</a>

<div class="clearfix"></div>
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: index.php Proyecto: Gurgy/LMS

// Print loginbuttom if user isnt logged in
if ($student->isPublic) {
<span class="login-button login-button-container" onclick="openHiddenDiv('loginform')">Logga in</span><?php 
} else {
		<span class="login-button-container">
			<a href="<?php 
    echo getSiteLink($student->studentId);
"><span class="login-button">Min sida</span></a>
			<a href="logout.php"><span class="login-button">Logga ut</span></a>

<!-- Display errors -->
<script type="text/javascript">
foreach ($errors as $error) {
    echo "alert('" . $error . "');";