Ejemplo n.º 1
                   ($l->auth_name == 'cas'? 'modules/auth/cas.php': 'secure/') . "'>$langEnter</a><br>");
 } elseif (in_array($l->auth_name, $hybridAuthMethods)) { 
     $hybridProviders[] = $l->auth_name;
     if (is_null($hybridLinkId)) {
         $authLink[] = array(
             'showTitle' => true,
             'class' => 'login-option',
             'title' => $langViaSocialNetwork);
         $hybridLinkId = count($authLink) - 1;
 } elseif (!$loginFormEnabled) {
     $loginFormEnabled = true;
     $authLink[] = array(
         'showTitle' => false,
         'class' => 'login-option',
         'title' => empty($l->auth_title)? "$langLogInWith<br>Credentials": q(getSerializedMessage($l->auth_title)),
         'html' => "<form action='$urlServer' method='post'>
                  <div class='form-group'>
                     <label for='uname' class='sr-only'>$langUsername</label>
                     <input type='text' id='uname' name='uname' placeholder='$langUsername'><span class='col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2 fa fa-user'></span>
                  <div class='form-group'>
                     <label for='pass' class='sr-only'>$langPass</label>
                     <input type='password' id='pass' name='pass' placeholder='$langPass'><span id='revealPass' class='fa fa-eye' style='margin-left: -20px; color: black;'></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2 fa fa-lock'></span>
                  <button type='submit' name='submit' class='btn btn-login'>$langEnter</button>
                <div class='text-right'>
                  <a href='modules/auth/lostpass.php'>$lang_forgot_pass</a>
Ejemplo n.º 2
                    $rules[$rule] .= "<li><a href='{$urlAppend}courses/{$course->code}/'>" .
                        q($course->title) . '</a> (' .
                        q($course->public_code) . ')</li>';
                $rules[$rule] .= '</ul>';

            $deps = Database::get()->queryArray('SELECT hierarchy.id, name
                FROM autoenroll_department, hierarchy
                WHERE autoenroll_department.department_id = hierarchy.id AND
                      rule = ?d', $rule);
            if ($deps) {
                $rules[$rule] .= $langAutoEnrollDepartment . ':<ul>';
                foreach ($deps as $dep) {
                    $rules[$rule] .= "<li><a href='{$urlAppend}modules/auth/courses.php?fc={$dep->id}'>" .
                        q(getSerializedMessage($dep->name)) . '</a></li>';
                $rules[$rule] .= '</ul>';
            $rules[$rule] .= "</div></div></div>";
    if ($i) {
        $tool_content .= implode($rules);
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning text-center'>$langNoRules</div>";

draw($tool_content, 3, null, $head_content);

function multiInsert($table, $signature, $key, $values) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief store summarized monthly statistics
 * @global type $langCourse
 * @global type $langCoursVisible
 * @global type $langFaculty
 * @global type $langTeacher
 * @global type $langNbUsers
 * @global type $langTypeClosed
 * @global type $langTypeRegistration
 * @global type $langTypeOpen
function summarizeMonthlyData() {
    global $langCourse, $langCoursVisible, $langFaculty, $langTeacher,
    $langNbUsers, $langTypeClosed, $langTypeRegistration, $langTypeOpen;

    // Check if data for last month have already been inserted in 'monthly_summary'...
    $lmon = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'));
    $last_month = date('m Y', $lmon);
    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id FROM monthly_summary WHERE `month` = ?s", $last_month);

    if (empty($res)) {
        $current_month = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00');
        $prev_month = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', $lmon);

        $login_sum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(idLog) as sum_id FROM loginout WHERE `when` >= ?t AND `when`< ?t AND action = 'LOGIN'", $prev_month, $current_month)->sum_id;
        $cours_sum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(id) as cours_sum FROM course")->cours_sum;
        $prof_sum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(id) as prof_sum FROM user WHERE status = 1")->prof_sum;
        $stud_sum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(id) as stud_sum FROM user WHERE status = 5")->stud_sum;
        $vis_sum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(id) as vis_sum FROM user WHERE status = 10")->vis_sum;

        $mtext = "<table class='table-default'>
                <tr><th>" . $langCourse . "</th>
                <th>" . $langCoursVisible . "</th>
                <th>" . $langFaculty . "</th>
                <th>" . $langTeacher . "</th>
                <th>" . $langNbUsers . "</th></tr>";

        $sql = "SELECT course.title AS name,
                       course.visible AS visible,
                       hierarchy.name AS dept,
                       course.prof_names AS proff,
                       COUNT(user_id) AS cnt
                FROM course JOIN course_department ON course.id = course_department.course
                            JOIN hierarchy ON hierarchy.id = course_department.department
                            LEFT JOIN course_user ON course.id = course_user.course_id
                GROUP BY course.id";
        Database::get()->queryFunc($sql, function($row) use (&$mtext, $langTypeClosed, $langTypeRegistration, $langTypeOpen, $langInactiveCourse) {
            //declare course visibility
            if ($row->visible == COURSE_CLOSED) {
                $cvisible = $langTypeClosed;
            } else if ($row->visible == COURSE_REGISTRATION) {
                $cvisible = $langTypeRegistration;
            } else if ($row->visible == COURSE_OPEN) {
                $cvisible = $langTypeOpen;
            } else {
                $cvisible = $langInactiveCourse;
            $mtext .= "<tr><td>" . $row->name . "</td><td> " . $cvisible . "</td>
                <td class='text-center'>" . getSerializedMessage($row->dept) . "</td>
                <td>" . $row->proff . "</td><td class='text-center'>" . $row->cnt . "</td></tr>";
        $mtext .= '</tbody></table>';
        $sql = "INSERT INTO monthly_summary SET month = ?s, profesNum = ?d, studNum = ?d,
            visitorsNum = ?d, coursNum = ?d, logins = ?d, details = ?s";
        Database::get()->query($sql, $last_month, $prof_sum, $stud_sum, $vis_sum, $cours_sum, $login_sum, $mtext);
Ejemplo n.º 4
$warning = '';

$next = isset($_GET['next'])?
    ("<input type='hidden' name='next' value='" . q($_GET['next']) . "'>"):

$userValue = isset($_GET['user'])? (" value='" . q($_GET['user']) . "' readonly"): '';

$authLink = array();
$loginFormEnabled = false;
$hybridLinkId = null;
$q = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT auth_name, auth_default, auth_title
    FROM auth WHERE auth_default > 0
    ORDER BY auth_default DESC, auth_id");
foreach ($q as $l) {
    $authTitle = empty($l->auth_title)? "$langLogInWith {$l->auth_name}": getSerializedMessage($l->auth_title);
    if (in_array($l->auth_name, $extAuthMethods)) {
        $authUrl = $urlServer . ($l->auth_name == 'cas'? 'modules/auth/cas.php': 'secure/');        
        $authLink[] = array(false, "
            <div class='col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2' style='padding-top:40px;'>
                <a class='btn btn-primary btn-block' href='$authUrl' style='line-height:40px;'>$langEnter</a>
            </div>", $authTitle);
    } elseif (in_array($l->auth_name, $hybridAuthMethods)) {
        $hybridProviderHtml = "<a class='' href='{$urlServer}index.php?provider=" .
            $l->auth_name . "'><img src='$themeimg/$l->auth_name.png' alt='Sign-in with $l->auth_name' title='Sign-in with $l->auth_name' style='margin-right: 0.5em;'>" . ucfirst($l->auth_name) . "</a>";
        if (is_null($hybridLinkId)) {
            $authLink[] = array(false, $hybridProviderHtml, $langViaSocialNetwork);
            $hybridLinkId = count($authLink) - 1;
        } else {
            $authLink[$hybridLinkId][1] .= '<br>' . $hybridProviderHtml;