<td width="5%" align="center"><b>Employee Name</b></td> <td width="15%" align="center"><b>Designation</b></td> <td align="center"><b>Basic</b></td> <td align="center"><b>Hrs</b></td> <td align="center"><b>Cal/Pay</b></td> <td align="center"><b>Side/Amount</b></td> <td align="center"><b>N/Payable</b></td> </tr> <? while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result_prj)) { $emp_id=$row['id']; $total_salary_earing=0; $total_salary_basic=getSalaryDetail("basic",$emp_id,getdbDate($month)); if($row['employee_typ']=='daily_wages') { $salary_basic=$total_salary_basic/8; } else { $salary_basic=($total_salary_basic/31)/8; } $good_work=getGoodWorkBydate($emp_id,getdbDate($month)); if($good_work!="") { ?> <tr <? if ($sno%2==1) { ?> bgcolor="#F8F8F8" <? } ?> class="tableTxt"> <td width="5%" align="center"><?=$sno?></td> <td width="5%" align="center"><?=$row['ticket_no']?></td>
$daysago = floor($difference / 60 / 60 / 24); //Calculates Days Old $i = 0; while ($i <= $daysago + 1) { if ($i != 0) { $date = $date + 86400; } else { $date = $date - 86400; } $today = date('Y-m-d', $date); $yy = date('Y', $date); $mm = date('m', $date); $dd = date('d', $date); $date1 = $yy . "-" . $mm . "-" . $dd; if (getLeavestatusBydate($emp_id, $date1) == 'P') { $total_salary_basic = $total_salary_basic + getSalaryDetail("basic", $emp_id, $date1) / $day2; } $i++; } $bonus = $total_salary_basic * 8.33 / 100; ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> <td> <?php echo $month_year; ?> </td> <td> <?php
<tr class="gredBg"> <td width="10%" align="center"><b>S.No.</b></td> <td width="10%" align="center"><b>Emp Id</b></td> <td width="30%" align="center"><b>Employee Name</b></td> <td width="10%" align="center"><b>Designation</b></td> <td width="10%" align="center"><b>Basic</b></td> <td width="10%" align="center"><b>Hrs</b></td> <td width="10%" align="center"><b>Shift</b></td> <td align="center"><b>Check Here</b></td> </tr> <? $sno_d =1; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result_prj)){ $emp_id=$row['id']; $total_salary_earing=0; $total_salary_basic=getSalaryDetail("basic",$emp_id,getdbDate($date_upto)); if($row['employee_typ']=='daily_wages'){ $salary_basic=$total_salary_basic/8; }else{ $salary_basic=($total_salary_basic/31)/8; } $good_work=getGoodWorkBydate($emp_id,getdbDate($date_upto)); if($good_work!=""){?> <tr <? if ($sno_d%2==1) { ?> bgcolor="#F8F8F8" <? } ?> class="tableTxt"> <td width="5%" align="center"><?php echo $sno_d; ?> </td> <td width="5%" align="center"><?php echo $row['ticket_no']; ?>
} $total_esi = ceil("$total_esi"); $total_deductions = round($total_pf + $total_esi + $total_advance + $other_deductions + $prof_tax + $tds + $total_loan + $monthDeduction); $net_salary = $total_earning - $total_deductions; $grand_days = $grand_days + $Total; /** Over Time Calculation */ $select_otp = mysql_query("select * from mpc_ot_policy where status = 1"); $fetch_otp = mysql_fetch_array($select_otp); $otp = $fetch_otp['policy_type']; $rec_id_ot = $fetch_otp['rec_id']; $tot_ot = 0; $check_date = $month; $tgw = 0; $basic_rate = getSalaryDetail("basic", $emp_id, $date1); // echo "select * from mpc_good_work_master where emp_id=$emp_id"; $select_ot = mysql_query("select * from mpc_good_work_master where emp_id=$emp_id"); while ($fetch_ot = mysql_fetch_array($select_ot)) { $pay_date = date('m', strtotime($fetch_ot['date'])); if ($pay_date == $check_date) { $good_work = str_replace(":", ".", "$fetch_ot[good_work]"); if ($otp == 1) { if ($rec_id_ot == 1) { $ot_amount = round(($basic_rate / $dd / 8) * $good_work); } if ($rec_id_ot == 2) { $ot_amount = round((($basic_rate / $dd / 8 ) * $good_work) * 2); } } if ($otp == 2) {
$side_allowance = $side_allowance + (getSalaryDetail("side_allowance", $emp_id, $date1) / $day2); $other_deductions = $other_deductions + (getSalaryDetail("other_deductions", $emp_id, $date1) / $day2); } $i++; } $total_earning = $total_salary_basic + $total_lta + $total_convence + $total_medical + $total_hra + $side_allowance; $total_pf = ($total_salary_basic * getAccountDetail('pf_rate', $emp_id)) / 100; $total_esi = ($total_earning * getAccountDetail('esic_rate', $emp_id)) / 100; $total_advance = getadvance($emp_id, $mm, $yy); $total_loan = getloan($emp_id); $prof_tax = getSalaryDetail("professional_tax", $emp_id, $date1); $tds = getSalaryDetail("other_deductions", $emp_id, $date1); $total_deductions = $total_pf + $total_esi + $total_advance + $other_deductions + $prof_tax + $tds; $net_salary = $total_earning - $total_deductions; $dept_total_salary_basic = $dept_total_salary_basic + $total_salary_basic; $dept_total_lta = $dept_total_lta + $total_lta; $dept_total_convence = $dept_total_convence + $total_salary_basic; $dept_total_medical = $dept_total_medical + $total_medical; $dept_total_hra = $dept_total_hra + $total_hra; $dept_side_allowance = $dept_side_allowance + $side_allowance; $dept_total_salary_basic = $dept_total_salary_basic + $other_deductions; $dept_prof_tax = $dept_prof_tax + $prof_tax;
} $basic_rate=getSalaryDetail("basic",$emp_id,$date1); $total_earning=$total_salary_basic+$total_lta+$total_convence+$total_medical+$total_hra+$side_allowance; $total_pf=($total_salary_basic*getAccountDetail('pf_rate',$emp_id))/100; $total_esi=($total_earning*getAccountDetail('esic_rate',$emp_id))/100; $total_advance=getadvance($emp_id,$mm,$yy); $total_loan=getloanDeduction($emp_id,$mm,$yy); $prof_tax=getSalaryDetail("professional_tax",$emp_id,$date1); $tds=getSalaryDetail("tds",$emp_id,$date1); $monthDeduction=getSalaryDeduction($emp_id,$mm,$yy); $sql = "SELECT sum(salary_fine) as salary_fine,sum(salary_damage) as salary_damage,sum(salary_canteen) as salary_canteen ,sum(salary_society_welfare) as salary_society_welfare, sum(salary_electrical) as salary_electrical, sum(salarly_security) as salarly_security ,sum(salary_house_rent) as salary_house_rent FROM mpc_salary_deduction where emp_id = '".$emp_id."' and MONTH(salary_deduction_date)='".$month."' and YEAR(salary_deduction_date) ='".$year."'"; $result_fine = mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Error in : ".$sql."<br>".mysql_errno()." : ".mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result_fine)>0) { $row_salary_deduction=mysql_fetch_array($result_fine); } $total_esi=ceil("$total_esi"); $total_deductions=round($total_pf)+$total_esi+$total_advance+$other_deductions+$prof_tax+$tds+$total_loan+$monthDeduction;
} } } } } } } } } } $i++; } $pre = $present + $Pl + $h + $wo; $pay_count = $pay_count + $Pl + $h + $wo; $total_pre = $pre + $total_pre; $total_salary_basic = round(getSalaryDetail("basic", $emp_id, $date1) / $day2 * $pay_count); $pf_rate = getAccountDetail('pf_rate', $emp_id); $total_pf = round($total_salary_basic * getAccountDetail('pf_rate', $emp_id) / 100); $total_epf_employer = $total_salary_basic * 3.67 / 100; $total_fpf_employer = $total_salary_basic * 8.33 / 100; if ($pf_rate > 0) { ?> <tr <?php if ($sno % 2 == 1) { ?> bgcolor="#F8F8F8" <?php } ?> class="tableTxt"> <td width="5%" align="center"><?php echo $sno;
</td> <td><?php echo $month_days = date("t", strtotime($year . "-" . $i . "-01")); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $no_present = getleavecountMonthly($emp_id, "P", $i, $year); ?> </td> <td><?php if ($i <= date('m')) { $total_month = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $month_days; $j++) { $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, $j, $year); $dd = date('d', $date); $salary_ann = getSalaryDetail("basic", $emp_id, $year . '-' . $i . '-' . $dd); if (getofficeDetail('employee_typ', $emp_id) == 'daily_wages') { $per_day = $salary_ann / $month_days; } else { $per_day = $salary_ann / $month_days; } $total_month = $total_month + $per_day; } $total_month = round($total_month, 2); echo round($no_present * $total_month / $month_days); } ?> </td> <!--<td> </td> <td> </td>--> <td colspan="2"><?php
</td> <td width="15%" align="left"> <?php echo getofficeDetail('employee_typ', $emp_id); ?> </td> <td width="15%" align="left"> <?php echo getdesignationMaster('emp_category', 'rec_id', getdesignationDetail('designation_id', $emp_id, getdbDateSepretoe($txt_from_date))); ?> </td> <td width="15%" align="left"> <?php echo getSalaryDetail('basic', $emp_id, getdbDateSepretoe($txt_from_date)); ?> </td> <td width="15%" align="left"> <?php echo getDatetime(getofficeDetail('date_joining', $emp_id)); ?> </td> <td width="15%" align="left"> <?php echo getDatetime($row['dob']); ?> </td>