function getVisualRepresentationPosition($sampleNumber)
    switch ($sampleNumber) {
        case 1:
            // Example #1: automatic positioning on footnote. This will insert the signature, and future signatures,
            // ordered as a footnote of the last page of the document
            return PadesVisualPositioningPresets::getFootnote(getRestPkiClient());
        case 2:
            // Example #2: get the footnote positioning preset and customize it
            $visualPosition = PadesVisualPositioningPresets::getFootnote(getRestPkiClient());
            $visualPosition->auto->container->left = 2.54;
            $visualPosition->auto->container->bottom = 2.54;
            $visualPosition->auto->container->right = 2.54;
            return $visualPosition;
        case 3:
            // Example #3: automatic positioning on new page. This will insert the signature, and future signatures,
            // in a new page appended to the end of the document.
            return PadesVisualPositioningPresets::getNewPage(getRestPkiClient());
        case 4:
            // Example #4: get the "new page" positioning preset and customize it
            $visualPosition = PadesVisualPositioningPresets::getNewPage(getRestPkiClient());
            $visualPosition->auto->container->left = 2.54;
            $visualPosition->auto->container->top = 2.54;
            $visualPosition->auto->container->right = 2.54;
            $visualPosition->auto->signatureRectangleSize->width = 5;
            $visualPosition->auto->signatureRectangleSize->height = 3;
            return $visualPosition;
        case 5:
            // Example #5: manual positioning
            return ['pageNumber' => 0, 'measurementUnits' => 'Centimeters', 'manual' => ['left' => 2.54, 'bottom' => 2.54, 'width' => 5, 'height' => 3]];
        case 6:
            // Example #6: custom auto positioning
            return ['pageNumber' => -1, 'measurementUnits' => 'Centimeters', 'auto' => ['container' => ['left' => 2.54, 'right' => 2.54, 'bottom' => 2.54, 'height' => 12.31], 'signatureRectangleSize' => ['width' => 5, 'height' => 3], 'rowSpacing' => 1]];
            return null;
 * This file receives the form submission from pades-signature.php. We'll call REST PKI to complete the signature.
// The file RestPkiLegacy.php contains the helper classes to call the REST PKI API for PHP 5.3+. Notice: if you're using
// PHP version 5.5 or greater, please use one of the other samples, which make better use of the extended capabilities
// of the newer versions of PHP -
require_once 'RestPkiLegacy.php';
// The file util.php contains the function getRestPkiClient(), which gives us an instance of the RestPkiClient class
// initialized with the API access token
require_once 'util.php';
use Lacuna\PadesSignatureFinisher;
// Get the token for this signature (rendered in a hidden input field, see pades-signature.php)
$token = $_POST['token'];
// Instantiate the PadesSignatureFinisher class, responsible for completing the signature process
$signatureFinisher = new PadesSignatureFinisher(getRestPkiClient());
// Set the token
// Call the finish() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns the signed PDF
$signedPdf = $signatureFinisher->finish();
// Get information about the certificate used by the user to sign the file. This method must only be called after
// calling the finish() method.
$signerCert = $signatureFinisher->getCertificate();
// At this point, you'd typically store the signed PDF on your database. For demonstration purposes, we'll
// store the PDF on a temporary folder publicly accessible and render a link to it.
$id = uniqid();
$appDataPath = "app-data";
if (!file_exists($appDataPath)) {
file_put_contents("{$appDataPath}/{$id}.pdf", $signedPdf);

 * This file receives the form submission from xml-element-signature.php. We'll call REST PKI to complete the signature.
// The file RestPkiLegacy.php contains the helper classes to call the REST PKI API
require_once 'RestPkiLegacy.php';
// The file util.php contains the function getRestPkiClient(), which gives us an instance of the RestPkiClient class
// initialized with the API access token
require_once 'util.php';
use Lacuna\XmlSignatureFinisher;
// Get the token for this signature (rendered in a hidden input field, see xml-element-signature.php)
$token = $_POST['token'];
// Instantiate the XmlSignatureFinisher class, responsible for completing the signature process
$signatureFinisher = new XmlSignatureFinisher(getRestPkiClient());
// Set the token
// Call the finish() method, which finalizes the signature process and returns the signed XML
$signedXml = $signatureFinisher->finish();
// Get information about the certificate used by the user to sign the file. This method must only be called after
// calling the finish() method.
$signerCert = $signatureFinisher->getCertificate();
// At this point, you'd typically store the signed XML on your database. For demonstration purposes, we'll
// store the PDF on a temporary folder publicly accessible and render a link to it.
$filename = uniqid() . ".xml";
// make sure the "app-data" folder exists (util.php)
file_put_contents("app-data/{$filename}", $signedXml);
<!DOCTYPE html>
 * This file initiates a XML signature of an element of the XML using REST PKI and renders the signature page. The form
 * is posted to another file, xml-element-signature-action.php, which calls REST PKI again to complete the signature.
// The file RestPkiLegacy.php contains the helper classes to call the REST PKI API
require_once 'RestPkiLegacy.php';
// The file util.php contains the function getRestPkiClient(), which gives us an instance of the RestPkiClient class
// initialized with the API access token
require_once 'util.php';
use Lacuna\XmlElementSignatureStarter;
use Lacuna\StandardSecurityContexts;
use Lacuna\StandardSignaturePolicies;
// Instantiate the XmlElementSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature elements and start the
// signature process
$signatureStarter = new XmlElementSignatureStarter(getRestPkiClient());
// Set the XML to be signed, a sample Brazilian fiscal invoice pre-generated
// Set the ID of the element to be signed
// Set the signature policy
// Optionally, set a SecurityContext to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain. Since we're using the
// XML_ICPBR_NFE_PADRAO_NACIONAL policy, the security context will default to PKI Brazil (ICP-Brasil)
// Note: By changing the SecurityContext above you can accept only certificates from a custom PKI for tests.
// Call the startWithWebPki() method, which initiates the signature. This yields the token, a 43-character
// case-sensitive URL-safe string, which identifies this signature process. We'll use this value to call the
// signWithRestPki() method on the Web PKI component (see javascript below) and also to complete the signature after
// the form is submitted (see file xml-element-signature-action.php). This should not be mistaken with the API access token.
$token = $signatureStarter->startWithWebPki();

 * This file receives the form submission from authentication.php. We'll call REST PKI to validate the authentication.
// The file RestPki.php contains the helper classes to call the REST PKI API
require_once 'RestPki.php';
// The file util.php contains the function getRestPkiClient(), which gives us an instance of the RestPkiClient class
// initialized with the API access token
require_once 'util.php';
// Get the token for this authentication (rendered in a hidden input field, see authentication.php)
$token = $_POST['token'];
// Get an instance of the Authentication class
$auth = getRestPkiClient()->getAuthentication();
// Call the completeWithWebPki() method with the token, which finalizes the authentication process. The call yields a
// ValidationResults which denotes whether the authentication was successful or not (we'll use it to render the page
// accordingly, see below).
$vr = $auth->completeWithWebPki($token);
if ($vr->isValid()) {
    $userCert = $auth->getCertificate();
    // At this point, you have assurance that the certificate is valid according to the SecurityContext specified on the
    // file authentication.php and that the user is indeed the certificate's subject. Now, you'd typically query your
    // database for a user that matches one of the certificate's fields, such as $userCert->emailAddress or
    // $userCert->pkiBrazil->cpf (the actual field to be used as key depends on your application's business logic) and
    // set the user as authenticated with whatever web security framework your application uses. For demonstration
    // purposes, we'll just render the user's certificate information.
<!DOCTYPE html>
 * 3. Co-signature of a previously signed CMS    : "cmsfile" filled
// The file RestPkiLegacy.php contains the helper classes to call the REST PKI API for PHP 5.3+. Notice: if you're using
// PHP version 5.5 or greater, please use one of the other samples, which make better use of the extended capabilities
// of the newer versions of PHP -
require_once 'RestPkiLegacy.php';
// The file util.php contains the function getRestPkiClient(), which gives us an instance of the RestPkiClient class
// initialized with the API access token
require_once 'util.php';
use Lacuna\CadesSignatureStarter;
use Lacuna\StandardSignaturePolicies;
$userfile = isset($_GET['userfile']) ? $_GET['userfile'] : null;
$cmsfile = isset($_GET['cmsfile']) ? $_GET['cmsfile'] : null;
// Instantiate the CadesSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature elements and start the signature
// process
$signatureStarter = new CadesSignatureStarter(getRestPkiClient());
if (!empty($userfile)) {
    // If the URL argument "userfile" is filled, it means the user was redirected here by the file upload.php (signature
    // with file uploaded by user). We'll set the path of the file to be signed, which was saved in the "app-data" folder
    // by upload.php
} else {
    if (!empty($cmsfile)) {
         * If the URL argument "cmsfile" is filled, the user has asked to co-sign a previously signed CMS. We'll set the
         * path to the CMS to be co-signed, which was previously saved in the "app-data" folder by the file
         * cades-signature-action.php. Note two important things:
         * 1. The CMS to be co-signed must be set using the method "setCmsToSign" or "setCmsFileToSign", not the method
         *    "setContentToSign" nor "setFileToSign".
 * This file initiates a XML signature of the entire XML using REST PKI and renders the signature page. The form
 * is posted to another file, xml-full-signature-action.php, which calls REST PKI again to complete the signature.
// The file RestPki.php contains the helper classes to call the REST PKI API
require_once 'RestPki.php';
// The file util.php contains the function getRestPkiClient(), which gives us an instance of the RestPkiClient class
// initialized with the API access token
require_once 'util.php';
use Lacuna\FullXmlSignatureStarter;
use Lacuna\StandardSecurityContexts;
use Lacuna\StandardSignaturePolicies;
// Instantiate the FullXmlSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature elements and start the
// signature process
$signatureStarter = new FullXmlSignatureStarter(getRestPkiClient());
// Set the XML to be signed, a sample Brazilian fiscal invoice pre-generated
// Set the location on which to insert the signature node. If the location is not specified, the signature will appended
// to the root element (which is most usual with enveloped signatures).
$signatureStarter->setSignatureElementLocation('//ls:signaturePlaceholder', \Lacuna\XmlInsertionOptions::APPEND_CHILD, array('ls' => ''));
// Set the signature policy
// Set a SecurityContext to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain
// Note: By changing the SecurityContext above you can accept only certificates from a certain PKI, for instance,
// ICP-Brasil (\Lacuna\StandardSecurityContexts::PKI_BRAZIL).
// Call the startWithWebPki() method, which initiates the signature. This yields the token, a 43-character
// case-sensitive URL-safe string, which identifies this signature process. We'll use this value to call the
// signWithRestPki() method on the Web PKI component (see javascript below) and also to complete the signature after
// the form is submitted (see file xml-full-signature-action.php). This should not be mistaken with the API access token.