/** * @return string the requested menu item URI */ function getCurrentURI() { $menu = getResource(); if (array_key_exists($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $menu)) { return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { foreach (array_keys(getResource()) as $href) { if (preg_match("@^/rest{$href}@", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { return $href; } } } return key($menu); }
/** * Return an image tag containing a member's avatar. * * @param array $member An array of the member's details. (email is required in this implementation.) * @param string $avatarFormat The format of the member's avatar (as stored in the database - jpg|gif|png.) * @param string $className CSS class names to apply to the avatar. */ function avatar($member = array(), $className = "") { $esoTalkDefault = getResource("core/skin/avatar.png", true); if (empty($member["email"])) { $url = $esoTalkDefault; } else { $default = C("plugin.Gravatar.default"); if (!$default or empty($member)) { $default = $esoTalkDefault; } $protocol = C("esoTalk.https") ? "https" : "http"; $url = "{$protocol}://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5(strtolower(trim($member["email"]))) . "?d=" . urlencode($default) . "&s=64"; } return "<img src='{$url}' alt='' class='avatar {$className}'/>"; }
?> <a href='<?php echo URL("admin/plugins/toggle/{$k}?token=" . ET::$session->token); ?> ' class='button toggle'><?php echo $plugin["loaded"] ? "<i class='icon-check'></i> " . T("Enabled") : "<i class='icon-check-empty'></i> " . T("Enable"); ?> </a> </span> </div> <?php if (file_exists(PATH_PLUGINS . "/{$k}/icon.png")) { ?> <img src='<?php echo getResource("addons/plugins/{$k}/icon.png"); ?> ' alt=''/><?php } ?> <strong><?php echo $plugin["info"]["name"]; ?> </strong> <small class='description'><?php echo $plugin["info"]["description"]; ?> </small> </li> <?php
?> <a href='<?php echo URL("admin/plugins/toggle/{$k}?token=" . ET::$session->token); ?> ' class='button toggle'><?php echo $plugin["loaded"] ? "<span class='icon-tick'></span> " . T("Disable") : T("Enable"); ?> </a> </span> </div> <?php if (file_exists(PATH_PLUGINS . "/{$k}/icon.png")) { ?> <img src='<?php echo getResource("plugins/{$k}/icon.png"); ?> ' alt=''/><?php } ?> <strong><?php echo $plugin["info"]["name"]; ?> </strong> <small class='version'><?php echo $plugin["info"]["version"]; ?> </small> <small class='description'><?php echo $plugin["info"]["description"]; ?>
function FormatBotAutoReplies($_chat, $_answers, $_alternate = true, $html = "", $single = "") { global $LZLANG, $GROUPS, $CONFIG; $tth = "."; $bind = " " . $LZLANG["client_or"] . " "; if (!empty($GROUPS[$_chat->DesiredChatGroup]) && $GROUPS[$_chat->DesiredChatGroup]->IsHumanAvailable()) { $resultpc = queryDB(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_chat->ChatId) . "' AND `repost`=0 AND `receiver`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->SystemId) . "';"); if ($this->WelcomeManager && DBManager::GetRowCount($resultpc) >= $this->WelcomeManagerOfferHumanChatAfter) { $tth = " " . $LZLANG["client_or"] . " <a class=\"lz_chat_human\" onclick=\"var _this = this;lz_chat_set_talk_to_human(true,true);this.className='';this.style.cursor='wait';setTimeout(function(){_this.style.cursor='default'; },3000);\">" . $LZLANG["client_talk_to_human"] . "</a>."; $bind = ", "; } } $lm = empty($CONFIG["gl_dtfbc"]) ? $bind . " <a class=\"lz_chat_mail\" onclick=\"lz_chat_require_leave_message();\">" . $LZLANG["client_leave_a_message"] . "</a>" : ""; if (count($_answers) == 0) { return $LZLANG["client_bot_no_result_found"] . $lm . $tth; } else { if (count($_answers) > 0) { $html .= $LZLANG["client_your_result"] . "<br>"; $html .= "<ul class=\"lz_chat_bot_resource\">"; foreach ($_answers as $qa) { if (!empty($qa->ResourceId)) { $res = getResource($qa->ResourceId); $target = $qa->NewWindow ? "target=\"_blank\" " : ""; $html .= "<li>"; if ($res["type"] == 2) { $html .= "<a class=\"lz_chat_link\" href=\"" . $res["value"] . "\" " . $target . ">" . $res["title"] . "</a>"; } else { if ($res["type"] == 3 || $res["type"] == 4) { $html .= "<a class=\"lz_chat_link\" href=\"" . LIVEZILLA_URL . "getfile.php?id=" . $res["id"] . "\" " . $target . ">" . $res["title"] . "</a>"; } else { $html .= "<b>" . $res["title"] . "</b><br><br>" . str_replace("<a ", "<a " . $target, str_replace("<A", "<a", $res["value"])); } } $html .= "</li>"; } else { if (!empty($qa->Answer)) { $single = $qa->Answer . "<br><br>"; break; } } } $html .= "</ul>"; } } if (!empty($single)) { $html = $single; } return $html . ($_alternate ? $LZLANG["client_bot_result_found"] . $lm . $tth : ""); }
private function SEND_PHP_MAIL($_receiver = "", $result = "") { if (strpos($_receiver, ",") !== false) { $emails = explode(",", $_receiver); foreach ($emails as $mail) { if (!empty($mail)) { $result = $this->SEND_PHP_MAIL(trim($mail), $result); } } return $result; } $mailtext = $this->MailText; $ehash = md5(date('r', time())); $EOL = "\r\n"; if (empty($this->FakeSender)) { $headers = "From: " . $this->Account->Email . $EOL; } else { $headers = "From: " . $this->FakeSender . $EOL; } $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $this->ReplyTo . $EOL; $headers .= "Date: " . date("r") . $EOL; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $EOL; $headers .= "X-Mailer: LiveZilla.net/" . VERSION . $EOL; if ($this->Attachments != null) { $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" . $ehash . "\"" . $EOL . $EOL; $headers .= "--" . $ehash . $EOL; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed" . $EOL; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $EOL . $EOL; $headers .= $mailtext . $EOL . $EOL; $headers .= "--" . $ehash . $EOL; foreach ($this->Attachments as $resId) { $res = getResource($resId); if ($res == null) { continue; } $content = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents("./uploads/" . $res["value"]))); $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $res["title"] . "\"" . $EOL; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $EOL; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $res["title"] . "\"" . $EOL . $EOL; $headers .= $content . $EOL . $EOL; $headers .= "--" . $ehash . $EOL; } $mailtext = ""; $headers .= "--" . $ehash . "--" . $EOL; } else { $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed" . $EOL; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $EOL . $EOL; } if (@mail($_receiver, $this->Subject, $mailtext, $headers)) { return 1; } else { return "The email could not be sent using PHP mail(). Please try another Return Email Address or use SMTP."; } }
?> <li><a href='<?php echo URL("admin/appearance/uninstall/{$k}?token=" . ET::$session->token); ?> '><i class='icon-remove'></i><?php echo T("Uninstall"); ?> </a></li> </ul> <div class='preview'> <?php if (file_exists(PATH_SKINS . "/{$k}/preview.jpg")) { ?> <img src='<?php echo getResource("addons/skins/{$k}/preview.jpg"); ?> ' alt='<?php echo $k; ?> '/> <?php } else { ?> <span><?php echo T("No preview"); ?> </span><?php } ?> </div>
<?php /* yadl_spaceid - Skip Stamping */ error_reporting(E_ALL); function getResource($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } $url = 'http://search.yahooapis.com/NewsSearchService/V1/newsSearch?appid=YahooDemo&language=en&output=php&' . getenv('QUERY_STRING'); //$response = file_get_contents($url); $response = getResource($url); if ($response === false) { die('Request failed'); } $resultSet = unserialize($response); $resultSet = $resultSet['ResultSet']; $list = ''; // HTML output $headlines = array(); // track headlines to filter dupes foreach ($resultSet['Result'] as $result) { if (!isset($headlines[$result['Title']])) { $headlines[$result['Title']] = true; $list .= <<<END_OF_HTML <li> <a href="{$result['ClickUrl']}"><q>{$result['Title']}</q></a>
/**************************************************************************************** * LiveZilla getfile.php * * Copyright 2014 LiveZilla GmbH * All rights reserved. * LiveZilla is a registered trademark. * * Improper changes to this file may cause critical errors. ***************************************************************************************/ define("IN_LIVEZILLA", true); if (!defined("LIVEZILLA_PATH")) { define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./"); } require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/definitions.inc.php"; require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/definitions.protocol.inc.php"; require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/functions.global.inc.php"; require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/objects.global.users.inc.php"; require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/definitions.dynamic.inc.php"; if (isset($_GET["id"]) && initDataProvider()) { $id = $_GET["id"]; if (strpos($id, ".") === false && !isnull($res = getResource($id))) { if (file_exists("./uploads/" . $res["value"]) && strpos($res["value"], "..") === false) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize("./uploads/" . $res["value"])); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . urlencode($res["title"])); exit(file_get_contents("./uploads/" . $res["value"])); } } } header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
static function GetMatches($_list, $_question, $_language) { $answers = array(); foreach ($_list as $reply) { if ($reply->SearchType != 5) { $reply->Tags = str_replace(array("!", ".", "?", "=", ")", "(", "-", "_", ":", "#", "~", "?"), "", strtolower($reply->Tags)); } if (!$reply->MatchesLanguage($_language)) { continue; } $tags = explode(",", $reply->Tags); $count = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($reply->SearchType == 5) { if (@preg_match($reply->Tags, $_question) === 1) { $count++; } } else { if ($reply->SearchType < 4 && strpos($_question, $tag) !== false || jokerCompare($tag, $_question)) { $count++; } } } if ($reply->SearchType == 0 && $count == substr_count($reply->Tags, ",") + 1 || $reply->SearchType > 0 && $count >= $reply->SearchType || $reply->SearchType >= 4 && $count > 0) { if (empty($reply->Answer)) { if (getResource($reply->ResourceId) !== null) { $answers[$count . "-" . count($answers)] = $reply; } } else { $answers = array(); $answers[$count . "-" . count($answers)] = $reply; break; } } } krsort($answers); return $answers; }
/** * Return an image tag containing a member's avatar. * * @param int $memberId The member's ID. * @param string $avatarFormat The format of the member's avatar (as stored in the database - jpg|gif|png.) * @param string $className CSS class names to apply to the avatar. */ function avatar($memberId = 0, $avatarFormat = "", $className = "") { // Otherwise, construct the avatar path from the provided information. if ($memberId and $avatarFormat) { $file = "uploads/avatars/{$memberId}.{$avatarFormat}"; $url = getWebPath($file); } // If the user doesn't have an avatar, return the skin's default one. if (!$avatarFormat) { $url = getResource("skins/base/avatar.png"); } return "<img src='{$url}' alt='' class='avatar {$className}'/>"; }
<title><?php echo sanitizeHTML($data["pageTitle"]); ?> </title> <?php echo $data["head"]; ?> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<?php echo getResource("core/skin/favicon.png"); ?> "> +v<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<?php echo getResource("core/skin/apple-touch-icon.png"); ?> "> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<?php echo getResource("core/skin/apple-touch-icon.png"); ?> "> </head> <body class='<?php echo $data["bodyClass"]; ?> '> <?php $this->trigger("pageStart"); ?> <div id='messages'> <?php foreach ($data["messages"] as $message) {
?> <li><a href='<?php echo URL("admin/appearance/uninstall/{$k}?token=" . ET::$session->token); ?> '><?php echo T("Uninstall"); ?> </a></li> </ul> <div class='preview'> <?php if (file_exists(PATH_SKINS . "/{$k}/preview.jpg")) { ?> <img src='<?php echo getResource("skins/{$k}/preview.jpg"); ?> ' alt='<?php echo $k; ?> '/> <?php } else { ?> <span><?php echo T("No preview"); ?> </span><?php } ?> </div>
static function GetMatches($_list, $_question, $_language, $_chat, $_internal, $lmsi = false, $lmse = false, $lpi = null, $lpe = null) { $answers = array(); foreach ($_list as $reply) { if ($_chat != null) { $reply->Answer = $_chat->TextReplace($reply->Answer); } if ($_internal != null) { $reply->Answer = $_internal->TextReplace($reply->Answer); } if ($reply->SearchType != 5) { $reply->Tags = str_replace(array("!", ".", "?", "=", ")", "(", "-", "_", ":", "#", "~", "?"), "", strtolower($reply->Tags)); } if (!$reply->MatchesLanguage($_language)) { continue; } if (empty($_chat->AllocatedTime) && !$reply->Waiting) { if (!($_internal != null && $_internal->IsBot)) { continue; } } $tags = explode(",", $reply->Tags); $count = 0; if (!empty($_chat)) { if ($lmsi === false && ($reply->SendInactivityTimeInternal > -1 || $reply->SendInactivityTimeExternal > -1)) { $lpi = Chat::GetLastPost($_chat->ChatId, true); $lpe = Chat::GetLastPost($_chat->ChatId, false); $lmsi = $lpi != null ? $lpi->Created : 0; $lmse = $lpe != null ? $lpe->Created : 0; } $lm = max($lmsi, $lmse); $lastMessageExternal = $lmse > $lmsi && !empty($lm); $lastMessageInternal = $lmsi >= $lmse; if (empty($lm)) { $lm = $_chat->AllocatedTime; } if (!empty($lm)) { if ($reply->SendInactivityTimeInternal > -1 && $lastMessageExternal && $lmsi > 0) { if (time() - $lm > $reply->SendInactivityTimeInternal) { $answers[$count . "-" . count($answers)] = $reply; } } if ($reply->SendInactivityTimeExternal > -1 && $lastMessageInternal) { if (time() - $lm > $reply->SendInactivityTimeExternal) { if (!($lpi != null && $reply->Answer == $lpi->Text)) { $answers[$count . "-" . count($answers)] = $reply; } } } if ($reply->CloseChat && !empty($_chat) && !empty($_internal)) { if (count($answers) > 0 && isset($answers["0-0"]) && $answers["0-0"] == $reply) { $_chat->InternalClose($_internal->SystemId); } } } } if ($reply->SendInactivityTimeInternal == -1 && $reply->SendInactivityTimeExternal == -1) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($reply->SearchType == 5) { if (@preg_match($reply->Tags, $_question) === 1) { $count++; } } else { if ($reply->SearchType < 4 && strpos($_question, $tag) !== false || jokerCompare($tag, $_question)) { $count++; } } } if ($reply->SearchType == 0 && $count == substr_count($reply->Tags, ",") + 1 || $reply->SearchType > 0 && $count >= $reply->SearchType || $reply->SearchType >= 4 && $count > 0) { if (empty($reply->Answer)) { if (getResource($reply->ResourceId) !== null) { $answers[$count . "-" . count($answers)] = $reply; } } else { $answers = array(); $answers[$count . "-" . count($answers)] = $reply; break; } } } } return $answers; }
<?php /* yadl_spaceid - Skip Stamping */ header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // always modified header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Content-Type:text/xml"); $url = 'http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?' . getenv('QUERY_STRING'); function getResource($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } $feed = getResource($url); echo $feed;
<?php echo $form->open(); ?> <div class='section'> <ul class='form'> <li> <label>Default imageset</label> <div class='checkboxGroup' id='gravatarDefaults'> <label class='radio'><?php echo $form->radio("default", ""); ?> <img src='<?php echo getResource("skins/base/avatar.png"); ?> ' class='avatar'> esoTalk default</label> <label class='radio'><?php echo $form->radio("default", "mm"); ?> <img src='http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0?d=mm' class='avatar'> Mystery Man</label> <label class='radio'><?php echo $form->radio("default", "identicon"); ?> <img src='http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0?d=identicon' class='avatar'> Identicon</label> <label class='radio'><?php echo $form->radio("default", "monsterid"); ?> <img src='http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0?d=monsterid' class='avatar'> MonsterID</label> <label class='radio'><?php
/** * Return an image tag containing a member's avatar. * * @param array $member An array of the member's details. (memberId is required in this implementation.) * @param string $avatarFormat The format of the member's avatar (as stored in the database - jpg|gif|png.) * @param string $className CSS class names to apply to the avatar. * * @package esoTalk */ function avatar($member = array(), $className = "") { $url = getResource("core/skin/avatar.png"); // Construct the avatar path from the provided information. if (!empty($member["memberId"]) and !empty($member["avatarFormat"])) { $file = "uploads/avatars/{$member["memberId"]}.{$member["avatarFormat"]}"; $url = getWebPath($file); } return "<img src='{$url}' alt='' class='avatar {$className}'/>"; }
<html> <head> <title>Sveglie - Leila</title> <?php include "functions.php"; getResource(); ?> <link href="res/css/sveglie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="res/js/jquery-2.2.0.min.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php getMenu(); ?> <div class="main"> <div style="position:relative; height:300px; width:100%; background:#8ce196;"> <article style="position:relative; margin:10 auto; " class="clock"> <div class="hours-container"> <div class="hours"></div> </div> <div class="minutes-container"> <div class="minutes"></div> </div> <div class="seconds-container"> <div class="seconds"></div> </div> </article> </div>
throw new Exception('Invalid response'); } return json_decode($data['content'], true); // echo $data['content']; exit; /* eval('?>' . $data['content'] . '<?'); */ // return $LANG; } function fill_en($en, &$dict) { foreach ($en as $k => $v) { if (!isset($dict[$k])) { $dict[$k] = $v; } } } $info = getResource('foodle', 'foodle'); // print_r($info); exit; $base = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/dictionaries/'; $def_en = json_decode(file_get_contents($base . 'foodle.en.js'), true); $langcodes = array('en'); foreach ($info['available_languages'] as $lang) { if ($lang['code'] === 'en') { continue; } echo 'Processing Language ' . $lang['name'] . "\n"; $trans = getTranslation('foodle', 'foodle', $lang['code']); $transinfo = getTranslationInfo('foodle', 'foodle', $lang['code']); if ($transinfo['untranslated_entities'] > $transinfo['translated_entities']) { echo "Skipping language export, because too few translated terms.\n"; continue; }
/** * Generate all of the HTML to be outputted inside of the <head> tag. * * @return string The HTML to go inside <head>. */ public function head() { $head = "<!-- This page was generated by esoTalk (http://esotalk.org) -->\n"; // Add the canonical URL tag. if (!empty($this->canonicalURL)) { $head .= "<link rel='canonical' href='{$this->canonicalURL}'>\n"; } // Add remote stylesheets. if (!empty($this->cssFiles["remote"])) { foreach ($this->cssFiles["remote"] as $url) { $head .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$url}'>\n"; } } unset($this->cssFiles["remote"]); // Go through CSS stylesheets and aggregate them, then add appropriate tags to the header. // Here we loop through "groups" of CSS files (usually "global" and "local".) foreach ($this->cssFiles as $key => $files) { // If CSS aggregation is enabled, and there's more than one file in this "group", proceed with aggregation. if (count($files) > 1 and C("esoTalk.aggregateCSS") and !ET::$controller instanceof ETAdminController) { $files = $this->aggregateFiles($files, "css"); } else { foreach ($files as &$file) { $file = PATH_ROOT . "/" . $file; } } unset($file); // For each of the files that we need to include in the page, add a <link> tag. foreach ($files as $file) { $head .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . getResource($file) . "?" . @filemtime($file) . "'>\n"; } } // Output all necessary config variables and language definitions, as well as other variables. $esoTalkJS = array("webPath" => ET::$webPath . ((C("esoTalk.urls.friendly") and !C("esoTalk.urls.rewrite")) ? "/index.php" : ""), "userId" => ET::$session->user ? (int) ET::$session->userId : false, "token" => ET::$session->token, "debug" => C("esoTalk.debug"), "language" => $this->jsLanguage) + (array) $this->jsData; $head .= "<script>var ET=" . json_encode($esoTalkJS) . "</script>\n"; // Add remote JavaScript. if (!empty($this->jsFiles["remote"])) { foreach ($this->jsFiles["remote"] as $url) { $head .= "<script src='{$url}'></script>\n"; } } unset($this->jsFiles["remote"]); // Same thing as above, but with JavaScript! foreach ($this->jsFiles as $files) { // If JS aggregation is enabled, and there's more than one file in this "group", proceed with aggregation. if (count($files) > 1 and C("esoTalk.aggregateJS") and !ET::$controller instanceof ETAdminController) { $files = $this->aggregateFiles($files, "js"); } else { foreach ($files as &$file) { $file = PATH_ROOT . "/" . $file; } } unset($file); // For each of the files that we need to include in the page, add a <script> tag. foreach ($files as $file) { $head .= "<script src='" . getResource($file) . "?" . filemtime($file) . "'></script>\n"; } } // Finally, append the custom HTML string constructed via $this->addToHead(). $head .= $this->head; $this->trigger("head", array(&$head)); return $head; }
} function getPerson($id) { # implements GET method for person # Example: GET /staffapi/person/13 echo "Getting person: " . $id; } function deletePerson($id) { # implements DELETE method for person # Example: DELETE /staffapi/person/13 echo "Deleting person: " . $id; } # Main # ---- $resource = getResource(); $request_method = getMethod(); $parameters = getParameters(); # Redirect to appropriate handlers. if ($resource[0] == "staffapi") { if ($request_method == "POST" && $resource[1] == "person") { postPerson($parameters); } else { if ($request_method == "GET" && $resource[1] == "persons") { getPersons(); } else { if ($request_method == "GET" && $resource[1] == "person") { getPerson($resource[2]); } else { if ($request_method == "DELETE" && $resource[1] == "person") { deletePerson($resource[2]);