Ejemplo n.º 1
function saveRackCode()
    // For the test to succeed, unescape LFs, strip CRs.
    $newcode = dos2unix($_REQUEST['rackcode']);
    $parseTree = getRackCode($newcode);
    if ($parseTree['result'] != 'ACK') {
        showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR1', array($parseTree['load']));
    saveScript('RackCode', $newcode);
    saveScript('RackCodeCache', base64_encode(serialize($parseTree)));
    showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK');
Ejemplo n.º 2
function verifyCodeAJAX()
    global $pageno, $tabno;
    $pageno = 'perms';
    $tabno = 'edit';
    genericAssertion('code', 'string');
    $result = getRackCode(dos2unix($_REQUEST['code']));
    if ($result['result'] == 'ACK') {
        echo "ACK\n";
    } else {
        echo "NAK\n" . $result['load'];
Ejemplo n.º 3
if (getConfigVar('DB_VERSION') != CODE_VERSION) {
    echo '<p align=justify>This Racktables installation seems to be ' . 'just upgraded to version ' . CODE_VERSION . ', while the ' . 'database version is ' . getConfigVar('DB_VERSION') . '.<br>No user will be ' . 'either authenticated or shown any page until the upgrade is ' . "finished.<br>Follow <a href='?module=upgrade'>this link</a> and " . 'authenticate as administrator to finish the upgrade.</p>';
if (!mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8')) {
    throw new RackTablesError('Failed setting multibyte string encoding to UTF-8', RackTablesError::INTERNAL);
$rackCodeCache = loadScript('RackCodeCache');
if ($rackCodeCache == NULL or !strlen($rackCodeCache)) {
    $rackCode = getRackCode(loadScript('RackCode'));
    saveScript('RackCodeCache', base64_encode(serialize($rackCode)));
} else {
    $rackCode = unserialize(base64_decode($rackCodeCache));
    if ($rackCode === FALSE) {
        saveScript('RackCodeCache', '');
        $rackCode = getRackCode(loadScript('RackCode'));
// avoid notices being thrown
// Depending on the 'result' value the 'load' carries either the
// parse tree or error message. The latter case is a bug, because
// RackCode saving function was supposed to validate its input.
if ($rackCode['result'] != 'ACK') {
    throw new RackTablesError($rackCode['load'], RackTablesError::INTERNAL);
$rackCode = $rackCode['load'];
// Only call buildPredicateTable() once and save the result, because it will remain
// constant during one execution for constraints processing.
$pTable = buildPredicateTable($rackCode);
// Constraints parse trees aren't cached in the database, so the least to keep