$procedure = array('procedure', 'xlink:href'); $myProcedure = getOffering($output, $procedure); // get procedure as one array $myProcedure = getCleanProc($myProcedure); //$myProcHtml = getHTMLProc($myProcedure, $procedure); //print_r($myProcedure); // d. observedProperty $observedProperty = array('observedProperty', 'xlink:href'); $myObservedProperty = getOffering($output, $observedProperty); $myObservedProperty = CleanOffering($myObservedProperty, $observedProperty); $myObservedProperty = getOnlyOffering($myObservedProperty); //$myHTMLobsProp = getHTMLProc($myObservedProperty, $observedProperty); //echo "</br></br>"; // e. featureOfInterest $featureOfInterest = array('featureOfInterest', 'xlink:href'); $myFeatureOfInterest = getOffering($output, $featureOfInterest); $myFeatureOfInterest = CleanOffering($myFeatureOfInterest, $featureOfInterest); $myFeatureOfInterest = getOnlyFOI($myFeatureOfInterest); //$myFOIhtml = getHTMLProc($myFeatureOfInterest, $featureOfInterest); //print_r($myFOIhtml); //***************** // Note: Careful Hardcoaded Section $mySplitObsProp = SplitObsProp($myObservedProperty); // 2 dimensional array $mySplitObsProp = realignSensors($mySplitObsProp); // realign the array elements returns 2D array $rawObsProp = $mySplitObsProp[0]; $realObsProp = $mySplitObsProp[1]; // select procedure // select observed property //
$myCapURL = GetCapURL($_POST['userurl'], $CapString); session_start(); $_SESSION['rawURL'] = $_POST['userurl']; $_SESSION['myCapURL'] = $myCapURL; //to store URL as an session variable //1. GetCapabilities $getCstring = ''; // echo "<h2> The Details of Sensors in SOS </h2>"; // use post_data function to post xml string and catch response $output = post_data($myCapURL, $getCstring); if ($output) { //print_r($output); // c. procedure $procedure = array('procedure', 'xlink:href'); $myProcedure = getOffering($output, $procedure); // get procedure as one array $myProcedure = getCleanProc($myProcedure); //$myProcHtml = getHTMLProc($myProcedure, $procedure); echo "<p> Select Procedure </p>"; //print_r($myProcedure); echo "<form method='post' action='" . $phpSelf . "'>\n\t\t\t<select name='descsensor' >"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($myProcedure); $i++) { echo "<option value='" . $myProcedure[$i] . "' >" . $myProcedure[$i] . "</option>"; } echo "</select>\n\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='Describe Sensor'/>\n\t\t\t</form>"; } else { echo $error; } } echo "</div>";