loginGlobalCounter(); loginGlobalLog('login'); if ($user_name == 'admin') { $super = 1; } } } else { vikingError("User does not exist"); } } if ($post_action == 'post_login_super' && $super == 1) { echo "bennny<br>"; $user_name = $_POST['a4_user_name']; $id = getObjectIdbyName($sel_db, $user_name); if ($id) { $temp_name = getObjectName($sel_db, $id); if ($temp_name = $user_name) { $par['user'] = $user_name; $par['user_event'] = 1; } } else { vikingError("User does not exist"); } } if ($post_action == 'post_add_user') { $user_name = $_POST['a4_user_name']; $user_pswd1 = $_POST['a4_user_pswd1']; $user_pswd2 = $_POST['a4_user_pswd2']; $user_id = createUser($user_name, $user_pswd1, $user_pswd2); // $id = getObjectIdbyName($sel_db,$user_name); // if($id == 'void')
public function getName() { return getObjectName($this->steam_obj) . ".pyramide"; }
public function getName() { return getObjectName($this->steamContainer) . ".wiki"; }
public function getName() { return getObjectName($this->steam_obj) . ".forum"; }
public function getName() { return getObjectName($this->steam_obj) . ".portal"; }
require_once 'cfg_admin.php'; logincheck(); $arrLogs = $db->select('logs', '1 ORDER BY `utc` DESC'); function getUsername($id) { static $cache = array(); if (empty($cache[$id])) { $cache[$id] = $GLOBALS['root']->select_one('cms_users', 'username', 'id = ' . (int) $id); } return $cache[$id]; } function getObjectName($table, $id) { static $cache = array(); if (empty($cache[$table][$id])) { $cache[$table][$id] = is_int(strpos($table, '_implementations')) ? substr($table, 0, -16) . ': ' . $GLOBALS['db']->select_one('implementations', 'title', 'type = \'' . substr($table, 0, -16) . '\' AND implementation_id = ' . (int) $id) : '?'; } return $cache[$table][$id]; } tpl_header(); echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">'; foreach ($arrLogs as $log) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' . $log->action . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . getUsername($log->user_id) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . getObjectName($log->table_name, $log->pk_value) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . date('D Y-m-d H:i:s', $log->utc) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $log->extra . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>';
public function getName() { return getObjectName($this->steam_obj) . ".fragebogen"; }
$logparams = array(); if ($loglist) { $i = 0; foreach ($loglist as $log) { if (is_array($log)) { $logid[] = $log["id"]; /* transform LDAP user uri to a simple string */ $loguser[] = getObjectName($log["user"]); $logcommit[] = $log["commit"]; $logdate[] = $log["date"]; $logplug[] = $auditManager->getCode($log["plugin"]); if (count($log["objects"]) > 0) { $logobject[] = getObjectName($log["objects"][0]["object"]); $logtypeobject[] = $auditManager->getCode($log["objects"][0]["type"]); if (isset($log["objects"][1]["object"])) { $logaction[] = $auditManager->getCode($log["action"]) . " (" . getObjectName($log["objects"][1]["object"]) . ")"; } else { $logaction[] = $auditManager->getCode($log["action"]); } } else { $logobject[] = " "; $logtypeobject[] = " "; $logaction[] = $auditManager->getCode($log["action"]); } $logparams[$i]["logid"] = $log["id"]; $logparams[$i]["logref"] = $logref; $i++; } } } $n = new LogListInfos($logdate, _("Date"));
$sel_name = $_SESSION['a5_object_name']; // Initiate database if necessary $file = getXmlFileName($sel_db); if (!file_exists($file)) { createDb($sel_db, 5); $sel_object = 1; $_SESSION['a5_db'] = $sel_db; $_SESSION['a5_object'] = $sel_object; echo "Database initiated !"; } // GET ============================================== $temp = $_GET['a5_object_id']; if ($temp) { $sel_object = $temp; $_SESSION['a5_object_id'] = $temp; $_SESSION['a5_object_name'] = getObjectName($sel_db, $sel_object); } // POST ============================================= if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $post_action = $_POST['a5_post_action']; if ($post_action == 'post_create_product') { $sel_name = $_POST['a5_product_name']; $sel_proce = $_POST['a5_product_price']; $sel_status = $_POST['a5_product_status']; $sel_text = $_POST['a5_product_text']; $sel_id = getNextNodeId($sel_db); $father_id = 1; createObject($sel_db, $father_id, $sel_name, $sel_id); if ($sel_db && $sel_id) { $image_name = uploadImage($sel_db, $sel_id); if ($image_name) {
function addLink($from_struct, $from_object, $to_struct, $to_object) { // <object name="Heater control" id="3" type="linkFrom">T24 45</object> global $error; // Not possible to link to smae structure if ($from_struct == $to_struct) { return; } //echo("Create link: $from_struct,$from_object,$to_struct,$to_object<br>"); if ($from_struct && $from_object && $to_struct && $to_object) { $object_name_from = getObjectName($from_struct, $from_object); $object_name_to = getObjectName($to_struct, $to_object); //$lid = createNode('generate',$from_struct,$from_object,$object_name_from,$from_object,'linkFrom'); createNode($from_struct, $from_object, $to_struct, $to_object, 'linkOut'); $value = $to_struct . " " . $object_name_to . " " . $to_object; setNodeValue($from_struct, $from_object, 'type', 'linkFrom', $value); // echo("new lid = $lid<br>"); createNode($to_struct, $to_object, $from_struct, $from_object, 'linkIn'); $value = $from_struct . " " . $object_name_from . " " . $from_object; setNodeValue($to_struct, $to_object, 'type', 'linkTo', $value); } else { echo "Unable to create link: {$from_struct},{$from_object},{$to_struct},{$to_object}"; } }
function showObject($app, $db_name, $object_id) { global $par; $path = $par['path']; $open_file = $par['p1']; //echo("showObject: $db_name,$object_id<br/>"); //if($object_id == 1)echo("$db_name<br/>"); $file = getXmlFileName($db_name); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->load($file); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $question = "//object"; $objects = $xpath->query($question); foreach ($objects as $object) { $id = $object->getAttribute('id'); $name = $object->getAttribute('name'); $type = $object->getAttribute('type'); //echo("Aid= $id $object_id<br/>"); if ($id == $object_id && $type == 'node') { echo "<b>{$name} {$id}</b><br/>"; $childs = $object->childNodes; foreach ($childs as $child) { $attr_name = $child->attributes->getNamedItem("name")->nodeValue; $attr_id = $child->attributes->getNamedItem("id")->nodeValue; $attr_type = $child->attributes->getNamedItem("type")->nodeValue; //$attr_lid = $child->attributes->getNamedItem("lid")->nodeValue; //if($attr_type != 'node')echo("Show: $attr_name $attr_id $attr_type<br/>"); if ($attr_type == 'linkOut') { $temp = getObjectName($attr_name, $attr_id); //$temp = getNodeValue($db_name,$attr_id,$attr_lid,'type','linkFrom'); if ($temp) { $sid = $par[$attr_name]; displayLinkOut($app, $db_name, $object_id, $attr_name, $attr_id, $temp, $sid); } } if ($attr_type == 'linkIn') { $temp = getObjectName($attr_name, $attr_id); //$temp = getNodeValue($db_name,$attr_id,$attr_lid,'type','linkTo'); if ($temp) { $sid = $par[$attr_name]; displayLinkIn($app, $db_name, $object_id, $attr_name, $attr_id, $temp, $sid); } } if ($attr_type == 'text') { $temp = getNodeValue($db_name, $attr_id, 'type', 'text'); if ($temp) { displayObjectText($temp); } } if ($attr_type == 'image') { $temp = getNodeValue($db_name, $attr_id, 'type', 'image'); //if($temp)echo("Image: $temp<br/>"); //$image_name = getObjectImageName($db_name,$object_id); //if($temp == $image_name) $image_name = $temp; if ($temp) { displayObjectImage($image_name); } } if ($attr_type == 'file') { $temp = getNodeValue($db_name, $attr_id, 'type', 'file'); $file_name = $temp; if ($temp) { if ($open_file == "open_file") { echo "<a href={$path}&a3_sid={$sys_id}&p1=close_file>" . FILE_CLOSE . "</a><br/>"; displayObjectFile($file_name); } else { echo "<a href={$path}&a3_sid={$sys_id}&p1=open_file>" . FILE_OPEN . "</a><br/>"; } } } } } } echo "<hr>"; }
} else { $item = "index"; } $sidemenu->forceActiveItem($item); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); $log = get_log_by_id($_GET["logid"]); if ($log[0]["commit"]) { $style = "audit_ok"; } else { $style = "audit_nok"; } $f = new ValidatingForm(array("class" => $style)); $f->push(new Table()); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Date"), new HiddenTpl("date")), array("value" => $log[0]["date"])); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("User that initiated the event"), new HiddenTpl("user")), array("value" => getObjectName($log[0]["user"]) . " (" . $log[0]["user"] . ")")); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Event"), new HiddenTpl("action")), array("value" => $auditManager->getCode($log[0]["action"]))); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Plugin"), new HiddenTpl("plugin")), array("value" => $auditManager->getCode($log[0]["plugin"]))); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Client"), new HiddenTpl("interface")), array("value" => $log[0]["client-type"])); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Client hostname"), new HiddenTpl("hostname")), array("value" => $log[0]["client-host"])); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Agent hostname"), new HiddenTpl("ahostname")), array("value" => $log[0]["agent-host"])); $i = 1; foreach ($log[0]["objects"] as $obj) { $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Object"), new HiddenTpl("obj" . $i)), array("value" => $obj["object"])); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Object type"), new HiddenTpl("type" . $i)), array("value" => $auditManager->getCode($obj["type"]))); if (isset($obj["current"])) { foreach ($obj["current"] as $current) { if ($current) { $current_val = trim($current); } else { $current_val = "(empty)";
//====================================== // Template // function viking_0_function1() //====================================== define("TEMPLATE", "Mall"); // Declarations ===================================== // read SESSION parameters =============================== $sel_db = $_SESSION['0_db']; $sel_object = $_SESSION['0_object_id']; $sel_name = $_SESSION['0_object_name']; // GET ============================================== $temp = $_GET['object_id']; if ($temp) { $sel_object = $temp; $sel_name = getObjectName($sel_db, $sel_object); } // POST ============================================= if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $post_action = $_POST['post_action']; if ($post_action == 'post_select_db') { $sel_db = $_POST['database']; $sel_object = 1; $index = '1.'; } } // Set par array values $par['3_db'] = $sel_db; $par['3_object'] = $sel_object; $par['3_name'] = $sel_name; // set SESSION parameters ===============================