/** * Generate User Menu Assigned by Profile. * @param type $id_profile * @return type */ function generateMenu($id_profile, $id_user) { global $array_label; $query_result = getMenu($id_profile); $a_menu = array(); $s_menu = array(); if (mysql_num_rows($query_result) == 0) { array_push($a_menu, array("label" => $array_label['login_no_menu'], "id_group_phase" => 0)); $a_temp = array("id_group_phase" => "0", "id_phase" => "0", "name" => $array_label['login_no_menu'], "total" => 0, "assigned" => 0); array_push($s_menu, $a_temp); } else { $temp = ""; while ($showtablerow = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) { $phase_label = $showtablerow['label']; $a_temp = array("id_group_phase" => $showtablerow['id_group_phase'], "id_phase" => $showtablerow['id_phase'], "name" => $showtablerow['name'], "total" => 0, "assigned" => 0); array_push($s_menu, $a_temp); if ($phase_label != $temp) { $temp = $phase_label; array_push($a_menu, array("label" => $showtablerow['label'], "id_group_phase" => $showtablerow['id_group_phase'])); } } $s_menu = updateInstanceWork($s_menu, $id_user); } return array("a_menu" => $a_menu, "s_menu" => $s_menu); }
function smarty_function_moduleEditMenu($params, &$container) { $specialModules = array_flip($container->main->getSpecialModules()); if (!isset($specialModules[$container->main->selectedTab]) && canUserEditModule($container->main, $container->moduleID)) { $result = getVariables($container->moduleID); $result .= getMenu($container->main, $container->moduleID); return $result; } else { return ''; } }
public function run() { $settings = Style::getSettings(); //Reverse the Menu, we've right float getMenu()->flip(); foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { if ($value != null) { getDisplay()->setTemplateVariable($settings, $value); } } }
/** * @param $mList * @param int $pid * @return array * description:菜单递归方法 */ function getMenu($mList, $pid = 0) { $arr = array(); foreach ($mList as $array) { if ($array['pid'] == $pid) { $array['child'] = getMenu($mList, $array['id']); $arr[$array['id']] = $array; } } return $arr; }
function getMenu($categoryId = 0) { $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, title, menuTitle, override, slug, categoryId, type FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC"); $items = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) { $items[] = '<li' . ($_GET['locationName'] == $row['slug'] ? ' class="current-menu-item"' : '') . '><a href="' . ($row['override'] ? $row['override'] : gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html') . '">' . ($row['menuTitle'] ? $row['menuTitle'] : $row['title']) . (isParent($row['id']) ? ' <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' : '') . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>'; } if (count($items)) { return '<ul class="nav-menu dropdown-menu">' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>'; } else { return ''; } }
/** * @return string the requested menu item URI */ function getCurrentURI() { $menu = getMenu(); if (array_key_exists($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $menu)) { return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { foreach (array_keys(getMenu()) as $href) { if (preg_match("@^{$href}@", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { return $href; } } } return key($menu); }
/** * $Id: func.php, v 1.0.0 2009/01/07 datazen Exp $ :: updated 2012/06/20 maestro Exp $ * * gnsPLANET.com - The Foundation of Development & Research for the New Millenium * http://www.gnsplanet.com/ * * 3G Development - The Ultimate in Design, Functionality and Service * http://www.3g-dev.com/ * * Copyright © 2010 gnsPLANET, LLC. All rights reserved. * Copyright © 2012 3G Development. All rights reserved. * */ function getMenu($categoryId = 0) { $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, menuTitle, slug, categoryId, type FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC"); $items = array(); $cnt = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) { $items[] = '<li><a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html">' . $lvl . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>'; } if (count($items)) { return '<ul>' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>'; $cnt++; } else { return ''; } }
function getMenu($categoryId = 0, $level = 0) { $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, title, menuTitle, override, slug, categoryId, type, siteIndex FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC"); $items = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) { if ($row['siteIndex'] != 1) { $items[] = '<li class="' . ($_GET['locationName'] == $row['slug'] ? 'active' : '') . (isParent($row['id']) ? ' dropdown' : '') . '"><a href="' . ($row['override'] ? $row['override'] : gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html') . '"' . (isParent($row['id']) ? ' class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"' : '') . '>' . ($row['menuTitle'] ? $row['menuTitle'] : $row['title']) . (isParent($row['id']) ? ' <b class="caret"></b>' : '') . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id'], $level + 1) . '</li>'; } } if (count($items)) { return '<ul' . ($level < 1 ? ' class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"' : ' class="dropdown-menu"') . '>' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>'; } else { return ''; } }
function getMenu($uid, $pid) { $q = "\tselect \tA.id\t\t\t\tas menu_id" . "\t,\t\tA.pid\t\t\t\tas menu_pid" . "\t,\t\tA.label\t\t\t\tas text" . "\t,\t\tA.icon\t\t\t\tas iconCls" . "\t,\t\tA.module\t\t\tas module" . "\t,\t\tMAX(B.permission)\tas permission" . "\tfrom\t_menu\t\t\t\tA" . "\t,\t\t_group_menu\t\t\tB" . "\t,\t\t_user_group\t\t\tC" . "\twhere\tA.pid\t\t\t\t= ?" . "\tand\t\tA.id\t\t\t\t= B._menu_id" . "\tand\t\tB._group_id\t\t\t= C._group_id" . "\tand\t\tC._user_id\t\t\t= ?" . "\tand\t\tC._profile_id\t\t= ?" . "\tand\t\tB.permission\t\t> 0" . "\tand\t\tA.type\t\t\t\tin (1,3)" . "\tgroup by A.id" . "\torder by A.id"; $ps = Jaring::$_db->prepare($q); $ps->execute(array($pid, $uid, Jaring::$_c_profile_id)); $rs = $ps->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $ps->closeCursor(); foreach ($rs as &$menu) { $menu['enableToggle'] = true; $submenu = getMenu($uid, $menu['menu_id']); if (count($submenu) > 0) { $menu['arrowAlign'] = "right"; $menu['menu'] = $submenu; } } return $rs; }
function getMenu($pid = 0) { global $webdb; if (isShopUser()) { $where = " and (sid='0' or sid='" . $_SESSION['shop_id'] . "')"; } else { $where = " and sid=0 "; } $sql = "select * from web_prod_type where parent_id=" . $pid . " " . $where; $menuAry = $webdb->getList($sql); if (sizeof($menuAry) > 0) { foreach ($menuAry as $key => $val) { $sub_menu = getMenu($val['id']); if ($sub_menu) { $menuAry[$key]['children'] = $sub_menu; } } return $menuAry; } else { return false; } }
/** * $Id: func.php, v 1.0.0 2009/01/07 datazen Exp $ :: updated 2012/06/20 maestro Exp $ * * gnsPLANET.com - The Foundation of Development & Research for the New Millenium * http://www.gnsplanet.com/ * * 3G Development - The Ultimate in Design, Functionality and Service * http://www.3g-dev.com/ * * Copyright © 2010 gnsPLANET, LLC. All rights reserved. * Copyright © 2012 3G Development. All rights reserved. * */ function getMenu($categoryId = 0) { $children = mysql_query("SELECT id, menuTitle, slug, categoryId, type FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $categoryId . " AND menu = 1 AND status = 1 ORDER BY sort ASC"); $items = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($children)) { // check if current category has pages $parent = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE categoryId = " . (int) $row['id'] . " AND type = 1")); // if item is a category and has pages, or item is a page, show it // commented out for now to add links to all menu items // and show all items with a "status" of 1 and "show in menu" of 1 //if (!empty($parent) || $row['type'] == 1) { // old method to remove link of categories with pages //$items[] = '<li>' . (($row['type'] == 1) ? '<a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html">' . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>' : '<a>' . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>') . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>'; $items[] = '<li><a href="' . gen_seo_friendly_titles($row['slug']) . '.html">' . $row['menuTitle'] . '</a>' . getMenu($row['id']) . '</li>'; //} } if (count($items)) { return '<ul>' . implode('', $items) . '</ul>'; } else { return ''; } }
function getMenu($parent = 'All') { $module = new owebp_OwebpModule(); $rStr = ''; if ($parent == 'All') { $rStr .= '<ul>'; } foreach ($module->table as $record) { if ($record['parent'] == $parent) { $rStr .= '<li>' . $record['value']; $rStr .= '<ul>'; foreach ($record['collections'] as $collection) { $rStr .= '<li><a href="/' . $collection . '">' . ucwords(join(' ', split('_', $collection))) . '</a></li>'; } $rStr .= getMenu($record['value']); $rStr .= '</ul>'; $rStr .= '</li>'; } } if ($parent == 'All') { $rStr .= '</ul>'; } return $rStr; }
} } $html .= "<div class='container menu-cont'>"; $html .= "<div class='InitTop col-xs-4'>"; $html .= "<div class='menu-bg-l'></div>"; $html .= "<div>"; require "login.topo.php"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<a href='{$dados_relevantes->SITE}/'><div class='Logo'></div></a>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<div class='Bandeiras col-xs-8'>"; $html .= "<div class='Pouzada'>"; $html .= getLabel('LABEL_POUZADA', $_SESSION['LANGUAGE']); $html .= "</div>"; $html .= getInternacionalizacao(); $html .= getMenu($dados_relevantes->SITE); $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<div class='ResetFloat'></div>"; if (isset($_GET["actionType"])) { $url = $_GET["actionType"] . ".php"; if (is_file($url)) { require $url; } else { if ($_GET["actionType"] == "") { require 'pagina.inicial.php'; } else { echo "<script>window.location.href = '/404.html';</script>"; //die('Página não encontrada'); } }
include_once 'class/master.inc.php'; $usuario = new Usuario(); $chamado = new Chamado(); $categoria = new Categoria(); if (isset($_GET)) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'abrir': $chamado->CriarChamado($usuario->GetId($_SESSION['login']), utf8_decode($_POST['titulo']), utf8_decode($_POST['mensagem']), $_POST['os'], $_POST['categoria']); $tplMensagem = '<p class="success" id="sucesso">Helpdesk aberto com sucesso.</p>'; break; } } $tplCategoria = "<option>(vazio)</option>"; if ($categoria->RetornarCategorias()) { foreach ($categoria->RetornarCategorias() as $cat) { $tplCategoria .= "<option value='" . $cat['id_categoria'] . "'>" . $cat['descricao'] . "</option>"; } } $tplHelpdeskAberto = ""; $todosChamados = $chamado->GetTodosChamados('', $usuario->GetId($_SESSION['login']), ''); if ($todosChamados != "") { foreach ($todosChamados as $helpdesk) { $tplHelpdeskAberto .= '<p><a href="detalhe.php?id=' . $helpdesk['id_chamado'] . '" class="tooltip" title="' . utf8_encode($helpdesk['titulo']) . '">' . $helpdesk['id_chamado'] . '</a> - <strong>' . $categoria->GetDescricao($helpdesk['categoria']) . '</strong> - OS ' . $helpdesk['os'] . ' - ' . utf8_encode($helpdesk['titulo']) . ' </p>'; } } else { $tplHelpdeskAberto = "<blockquote>Nenhum helpdesk aberto no momento.</blockquote>"; } $pagina = new Template('templates/principal.tpl'); $pagina->trocarTags(array('CABECALHO' => 'templates/cabecalho.tpl', 'RODAPE' => 'templates/rodape.tpl', 'MENU' => getMenu(), 'USUARIO' => $usuario->GetNome($_SESSION['login']), 'CATEGORIA' => $tplCategoria, 'HELPDESK_ABERTO' => $tplHelpdeskAberto, 'MENSAGEM' => $tplMensagem)); $pagina->mostrar();
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past /* algemene controller */ //error_reporting(E_ALL); //commentarieer @define('__ROOT__', dirname(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mvc_2013")); require_once __ROOT__ . "/data/plantendao.php"; require_once __ROOT__ . "/data/soortendao.php"; require_once __ROOT__ . "/man/templateManager.php"; require_once __ROOT__ . "/content/inhoud.php"; //require_once "content/dyn_elementen.php"; //default waarden $tpl['title'] = "de Plantenshop, een vdab jQuery tutorial"; // title in head $tpl['body_id'] = ""; // id van body tag $tpl['links'] = getMenu(); // inhoud linkerkolom $tpl['rechts'] = ""; // inhoud rechterkolom $tpl['paginaScripts'] = ""; // pagina specifiek scripts //gebruikt ondersteunende functies in inhoud.php $tpl['paginaStylesheets'] = ""; // pagina specifiek link element $tpl['dyn'] = ""; // om verborgen dynamische elementen op te roepen via script, //********welke pagina********************** if (isset($_GET['page'])) { //specifieke pagina $page = $_GET['page']; switch ($page) { case "about":
/** * Returns array containing all pages an the path from specified page to root * * @param string $path Path to the page, "." if you want to use $spid, else use the path in this parameter. * @param integer $spid ID of the sitepage to get the menu structure from. * @returns array */ function getPathToRoot($path=".", $spid=0) { global $page, $v; if (($path==".") && ($spid==0)) $spid=$page; $currentMenuId = getDBCell("sitepage", "MENU_ID", "SPID = $spid"); $currentSPID = $page; if (getSPType($currentSPID) > 1) $currentSPID = getDBCell("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = $currentMenuId ORDER BY POSITION"); $currentSPName = getMenu($spid, $v, true); $path = array(); while ($currentMenuId != 0) { array_push($path, $currentSPID); $currentMenuId = getDBCell("sitemap", "PARENT_ID", "MENU_ID = $currentMenuId"); $currentSPID = getDBCell("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = ".$currentMenuId); $currentSPName = getMenu($currentSPID, $v, true); } return $path; }
$TITLE = CMS_TITLE . " - {$TITLE}"; } else { $TITLE = CMS_TITLE; } ///Gets the content according to the user's permissions $CONTENT = getContent($pageId, $action, $userId, $permission); ///Gets the inherited code (if any) from the parent page $INHERITEDINFO = inheritedinfo($pageIdArray); ///Gets the breadcrumb $BREADCRUMB = breadcrumbs($pageIdArray, " » "); //Gets the searchbar $SEARCHBAR = getSearchbar($userId, $pageId); //Gets the page-speciit keywords $PAGEKEYWORDS = getPagetags($pageId); ///Gets the menubar consisting of the child pages from the current location upto a certain depth $MENUBAR = getMenu($userId, $pageIdArray); ///The Login form to be displayed from login.lib.php if ($userId == 0) { $LOGINFORM = loginForm(); } else { $userNameFromId = getUserName($userId); $LOGINFORM = "Welcome {$userNameFromId}."; } ///Gets the list of allowed actions for the current page $ACTIONBARPAGE = getActionbarPage($userId, $pageId); ///Gets the list of allowed actions for the current module on the page $ACTIONBARMODULE = getActionbarModule($userId, $pageId); ///Initializes the widgets in the page populateWidgetVariables($pageId); ///If its disabled, then all the links in the generated page are converted into non-pretty URLs using regex if ($rewriteEngineEnabled == 'false') {
require "curl_menu.php"; // require 'conn.php'; session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $password = $_SESSION['password']; $hiddenfild = $_SESSION['hiddenfild']; $url = $_POST['url']; if (!empty($url)) { $_SESSION['url'] = $url; } $schoolyear = $_GET['schoolyear']; $semester = $_GET['semester']; if (!empty($schoolyear)) { $url = $_SESSION['url'] . '?schoolyear=' . $schoolyear . '&semester=' . $semester; } $contents = getMenu($hiddenfild, $username, $password, $url); //echo $contents; preg_match_all('/<table([\\s\\S]*?)width="95[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/table>/', $contents, $table); //用正则表达式将课表的表格取出 //print_r($table); preg_match_all('/<select([\\s\\S]*?)[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/select>/', $table[2][0], $class_date); //学期时间; //preg_match_all('/<span([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/',$table[2][1],$title_data);//标题 //print_r($title_data[0][0]); // //preg_match_all('/<font([\s\S]*?)<\/font>/',$table[2][2],$title_tip);//提示 //print_r($title_tip[0][0]); preg_match_all('/<tr height="25">([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/tr>/', $table[2][3], $info_data); //信息 //print_r($info_data); ?>
$_SESSION["menu_usuario"] = getMenu("menu_con.txt"); $_SESSION["id_usuario"] = 1; $_SESSION["id_local"] = $v_dados_rede['id_local']; $_SESSION["nm_local"] = $v_dados_rede['nm_local']; $_SESSION["sg_local"] = $v_dados_rede['sg_local']; $_SESSION["cs_nivel_administracao"] = 0; ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript"> top.location = 'index.php'; </script> <? } else { $treefile = getMenu("menu_ini.txt"); //"language/menus/menu_ini.txt"; require "include/treemenu.php"; ?> <p> <form name="form1" method="post" action="menu_esq.php"> <table width="24%" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td valign="middle" class="label_peq_sem_fundo"><div align="right"><?php echo $oTranslator->_('kciq_msg user'); ?> :</div></td> <td class="dado_peq_sem_fundo"><div align="left"><input name="frm_nm_usuario_acesso" type="text" id="frm_nm_usuario_acesso" size="12" class="normal" onFocus="SetaClassDigitacao(this);" onBlur="SetaClassNormal(this);" ></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" class="label_peq_sem_fundo"><div align="right"><?php echo $oTranslator->_('kciq_msg password');
// require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))) . "/config.php"); // require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))) . "/functions.php"); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/functions.php"; procLockCheck(getPDO()); procLocking(getPDO()); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Tokyo'); $tags = []; $times = []; timeTest("ProcStart"); memoryGetUse("base"); $queryList = getSQLQuery(getPDO()); $censorList = getCensorList(getPDO(), $queryList["SELECT_CENSOR"]); $regexList = getRegex(getPDO(), $queryList["SELECT_REGEX"]); $fixedList = getFix(getPDO(), $queryList["SELECT_FIX"]); $menuUrl = getMenu(getPDO(), $queryList["SELECT_MENUURL"]); $isMenuSteal = false; $isThreadSteal = true; $isResSteal = true; $isProc = true; if ($isMenuSteal) { foreach ($menuUrl as $value) { $ip = useIp(getPDO(), getUseIpMod(getPDO())); $html = menuSteal(getPDO(), $ip, "menuSteal", $value["menu_url"], $queryList["INSERT_IP_ACCESS"], getUa(getPDO(), $queryList["SELECT_UA"]), "open2ch.net"); $regex = getDiRegex(getPDO(), "menuStealRegex", $value["kind"], $queryList["SELECT_DIREGEX"]); $menuListArray = menuReArray(menuDataPregMatch($html, $regex)); menuInsert(getPDO(), $menuListArray, $value["kind"], $queryList["INSERT_MENU"]); } unset($value); } // $menuList = [
<html> <head> <title>Sveglie - Leila</title> <?php include "functions.php"; getResource(); ?> <link href="res/css/sveglie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="res/js/jquery-2.2.0.min.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap-3.3.5-dist/js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php getMenu(); ?> <div class="main"> <div style="position:relative; height:300px; width:100%; background:#8ce196;"> <article style="position:relative; margin:10 auto; " class="clock"> <div class="hours-container"> <div class="hours"></div> </div> <div class="minutes-container"> <div class="minutes"></div> </div> <div class="seconds-container"> <div class="seconds"></div> </div> </article> </div>
<button class="btn btn-danger"><i class="ace-icon fa fa-cogs"></i></button> </div> </div> <ul class="nav nav-list"> <?php use Common\Controller\AuthController; use Think\Auth; $auth_rule = M('auth_rule'); $menu = $auth_rule->field("id,name,pid,title,css")->where('status=1')->order('sort')->select(); $auth = new Auth(); foreach ($menu as $k => $v) { if (!$auth->check($v['name'], $_SESSION['aid']) && $_SESSION['aid'] != 1) { unset($menu[$k]); } } $menu = getMenu($menu); ?> <?php if (is_array($menu)) { foreach ($menu as $key => $vo) { ?> <li class="<?php if (CONTROLLER_NAME == $vo['name']) { ?> active open<?php } ?> "> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> <i class="menu-icon fa <?php echo $vo["css"];
?> "><i class="icon-pencil"></i> <?php echo _t('MY_PREFERENCES'); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="?act=logout"><i class="icon-off"></i> <?php echo _t('SIGN_OUT'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="nav" style="float:right"> <?php $activemenu = "top_right_menu"; $topMenuItems = getMenu($activemenu); if ($conf[$activemenu]) { $acMenu = @unserialize($conf[$activemenu]); if ($acMenu) { $topMenuItems = $acMenu; } } $menuItems = $topMenuItems; $level = 0; foreach ($menuItems as $key => $menu) { $id = $menu['id']; $element1 = $menu; $element2 = $menuItems[$key + 1]; //$level = $element1['level']; $url = $defaultMenuItems[$menu['slug']]['url']; $title = $menu['title'];
"><?php echo $m->category_location; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <li class="haschild"><a href="<?php echo $category_base; ?> /philippines?cat=destination">Destinations</a> <ul> <?php $menu = getMenu("destination"); foreach ($menu as $m) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $category_base . "/philippines/" . $m->parent_slug . "/" . $m->slug; ?> "><?php echo $m->category_location; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <li><a href="<?php
<?php require_once "lib.php"; $arr = array('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange'); $rand_key = array_rand($arr); $color = $arr[$rand_key]; $arr = array('item' => array('url' => '?act=main', 'title' => 'Главная'), 'item_1' => array('url' => '?act=about', 'title' => 'О компании'), 'item_2' => array('url' => '?act=products', 'title' => 'Товары'), 'item_3' => array('url' => '?act=contact', 'title' => 'Контакты')); $serialize = serialize($arr); $need_file = fopen("menu.dat", "w+"); fwrite($need_file, $serialize); fclose($need_file); function getMenu($argumet) { $arr_1 = unserialize($argumet); return $arr_1; } $arr_2 = getMenu($serialize); ?> <h1>Главное меню</h1><br> <?php foreach ($arr_2 as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $key_1 => $value_1) { if ($key_1 === 'url') { ?> <a href="<?php echo $value_1; ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php if ($key_1 === 'title') {
$chamado->AtenderChamado($_GET['id']); header("location: atender.php"); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'alterarCat') { $chamado->AlterarCategoria($_GET['id'], $_GET['categoria']); header("location: atender.php"); } $helpdesk = $chamado->GetTodosChamados('', '', "0"); if ($helpdesk) { foreach ($helpdesk as $hd) { $tplCategoria = '<select name="categoria" id="categoria" class="select">'; if ($categoria->RetornarCategorias()) { foreach ($categoria->RetornarCategorias() as $cat) { $tplCategoria .= "<option value='" . $cat['id_categoria'] . "' " . ($hd['categoria'] == $cat['id_categoria'] ? 'selected' : '') . ">" . $cat['descricao'] . "</option>"; } } $tplCategoria .= '</select>'; if ($hd['atendimento'] == 0) { $atendimento = "<a href='?action=atender&id=" . $hd['id_chamado'] . "' class='tooltip' title='Atender'><img src='images/atender.png' /></a>"; $class = "atender"; } else { $atendimento = "<a href='detalhe.php?id=" . $hd['id_chamado'] . "' class='tooltip' title='Em Atendimento'><img src='images/atendendo.png' /></a>"; $class = "atendendo"; } $tplHelpdesks .= '<tr><td>' . $hd['id_chamado'] . '</td><td>' . $hd['data_abertura'] . '</td><td>' . $hd['usuario'] . '</td><td>' . $tplCategoria . '</td><td>' . $hd['os'] . '</td><td><a href="#' . $hd['id_chamado'] . '" class="toggle id">' . utf8_encode($hd['titulo']) . '</a></td><td>' . $atendimento . '</td><td>' . $hd['atendente'] . '</td></tr>'; $tplHelpdesks .= '<tr id="' . $hd['id_chamado'] . '" class="mensagem ' . $class . '"><td colspan="9">' . utf8_encode($hd['mensagem']) . '</td></tr>'; $tplHelpdesks .= '<input type="hidden" id="id" value="' . $hd['id_chamado'] . '">'; } } $pagina = new Template('templates/atender.tpl'); $pagina->trocarTags(array('CABECALHO' => 'templates/cabecalho.tpl', 'RODAPE' => 'templates/rodape.tpl', 'MENU' => getMenu(), 'SCRIPTS' => $tplScripts, 'USUARIO' => $usuario->GetNome($_SESSION['login']), 'HELPDESKS' => $tplHelpdesks)); $pagina->mostrar();
?> ressources/kbhff_2012.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php echo isset($library_src) ? $library_src : ''; ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/ressources/jquery.form.js"></script> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.ico" /> </head> <body> <span id="tt"> <span ID="title" style="float: left;" onClick="window.location.href='/minside/';" title="Til min forside">KØBENHAVNS<br> FØDEVAREFÆLLESSKAB <span id="green">/ MEDLEMSSYSTEM</span></span> <button class="form_button" style="float: right; margin-top:33px;" onClick="window.location.href='http://kbhff.dk';">GÅ TIL KBHFF</button> <img src="/images/banner.jpg" alt="Københavns Fødevare Fællesskab" width="800" height="188" border="0"> <?php echo getMenu(site_url(), $this->session->userdata('permissions'), $this->session->userdata('uid')); ?> <h1><?php echo $heading; ?> </h1> <?php echo "<!--"; print_r($team); $models = count($team); echo "-->"; echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="5"><tr>'; echo '<td valign="top"><strong>System #0 - ingen teams</strong><br>Vælg: <input type="radio" name="team" value="0"><br></td>'; if (is_array($team)) { if ($models > 0) {
<?php $menu = getMenu(); $smal_cart = getSmalCart(); function getMenu() { return Lib_Menu::getInstance()->getMenu(); } function getSmalCart() { return Lib_SmalCart::getInstance()->getCartData(); }
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title><?php echo getTitle(); ?> </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/template.php"> <link href="css/night.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div class="wraper"> <header> <section> <nav> <?php echo getMenu(); ?> </nav> </header> <article> <?php echo getContent(); ?> </article> </section> <footer> @ Remco de Zwart 2016 </footer> </div> </body> </html>
<?php $_controller = 'pages'; $_action = 'index'; if ($_GET) { if (isset($_GET['controller'])) { $_controller = strtolower($_GET['controller']); } if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $_action = strtolower($_GET['action']); } } include 'config.php'; include 'helpers/menu.helper.php'; $data = array(); $data['page_title'] = $site_name; $data['menu'] = getMenu(); $_controller_path = CONTROLLERS_PATH . '/' . $_controller . '.controller.php'; if (file_exists($_controller_path)) { require_once $_controller_path; call_user_func($_action, $_GET); } else { die('Error'); } include 'templates/index.ctp';