/** * count * @param Db $db * @return array */ function getCountRecFood(&$db) { $sql = "select favor,cometrue from recommendedfood,users \n\t\t\twhere recommendedfood.user_id=users.user_id\n\t\t\tand users.school_id={$_POST['school_id']};"; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res !== false) { $return = array(); $return['count'] = 0; $return['wish_satisfied_rate'] = 0.0; $return['lineover_rate'] = 0.0; $return['line'] = 500; //心愿线数量 $return['count'] = sizeof($res); if ($return['count'] === 0) { return $return; } $linecount = 0; $truecount = 0; foreach ($res as $value) { if ($value['cometrue']) { $truecount++; } if ($value['favor'] >= 500) { $linecount++; } } $return['lineover_rate'] = $linecount / $return['count']; $return['wish_satisfied_rate'] = $truecount / $return['count']; return $return; } else { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } }
function getReply(&$db, &$value) { $sql = "select content,time from complaint_replies\n\twhere complaint_id={$value['complaint_id']};"; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); exit; } else { $value['reply'] = false; if (!empty($res)) { $value['reply'] = true; $value['reply_content'] = $res[0]['content']; $value['reply_time'] = $res[0]['time']; } } }
function getMethod(&$db, &$value) { $sql = "select content,imageurl from foodmethod where recommend_id={$value['recommend_id']} order by sequence;"; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res !== false) { $value['content'] = array(); $value['imagefile'] = array(); if (empty($res)) { $value['content'] = null; } foreach ($res as $val) { $value['content'][] = $val['content']; $value['imagefile'][] = $val['imageurl']; } } else { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); exit; } }
function getAcceptRate(&$db) { $sql = "select count(*) from canteen_complaints where canteen_id={$_POST['canteen_id']};"; $res = $db->query($sql); //食堂投诉数量 if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } else { if ($res[0]['count(*)'] == 0) { return 100; } $sql2 = "select count(*) from canteen_complaints,complaint_replies where \n\t\t canteen_id={$_POST['canteen_id']} and canteen_complaints.complaint_id=complaint_replies.complaint_id;"; $res2 = $db->query($sql2); //食堂回复数 if ($res2 === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } else { if ($res2[0]['count(*)'] == 0) { return 0; } return $res2[0]['count(*)'] / $res[0]['count(*)']; } } }
$sql = "select grade from food_grade where user_id={$_POST['user_id']} and canteen_id={$_POST['canteen_id']} and food_id={$_POST['food_id']};"; } } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, "post参数没有设置或错误", null); exit; } } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, "url for参数设置错误", null); exit; } } //读取数据库 $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 } else { if (empty($res)) { echo getJsonResponse(0, "成功", null); $db->close(); exit; } $json = getJsonResponse(0, "成功", $res[0]['grade']); $cache->set($cachename, $json, 1200); echo $json; } $db->close(); } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, "url for参数没有设置", null); }
function checkExist(&$db, $which) { $sql = ''; if ($which == 'canteen') { $sql = "select count(*) from canteen_grade where user_id={$_POST['user_id']} and canteen_id={$_POST['canteen_id']};"; } else { $sql = "select count(*) from food_grade where user_id={$_POST['user_id']} and canteen_id={$_POST['canteen_id']} and food_id={$_POST['food_id']};"; } $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } else { if ($res[0]['count(*)'] == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
//if(isset($_SESSION['s_username'])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $_REQUEST['action'] = ""; } switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case "getProductDescription": if (isset($_REQUEST['productId'])) { $response = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . "/api/artigos/" . str_replace('.', '!', $_REQUEST['productId'])); $response2 = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . "/api/QuantidadeArtigoArmazens/" . str_replace('.', '!', $_REQUEST['productId'])); $response = array('status' => 'ok', 'articleDescription' => $response, 'articleWarehouses' => $response2); echo json_encode($response); } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'reason' => 'Bad Product ID!')); } break; case "getWarehouseDescription": if (isset($_REQUEST['warehouseId'])) { $response = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . "/api/armazens/" . str_replace('.', '!', $_REQUEST['warehouseId'])); $response = array('status' => 'ok', 'warehouseDescription' => $response); echo json_encode($response); } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'reason' => 'Bad Warehouse ID!')); } break; default: echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'reason' => 'No Action Set!')); break; } //}else{ // echo json_encode(array('status'=>'error', 'reason'=>'Not Logged In!')); //}
} else { echo getJsonResponse(0, "成功修改", null); } } $db->close(); } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'post参数没有设置', null); } } else { if ($_GET['content'] == 'sex') { if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['new_sex'])) { $sql = "update users set sex='{$_POST['new_sex']}' where user_id={$_POST['user_id']};"; if ($_POST['new_sex'] == '男' || $_POST['new_sex'] == '女') { if (false === $db->execute($sql)) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); } else { echo getJsonResponse(0, "成功修改", null); } $db->close(); } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'post参数错误,sex', null); } } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'post参数没有设置', null); } } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'url参数错误', null); } } } }
if ($db->execute("insert into food_comments_images values({$commentid},'{$savePath}');") === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); $db->rollback(); $db->close(); exit; } } else { //上传图片失败 echo getJsonResponse(4, $uf->errorMsg, null); $db->rollback(); //回滚 $db->close(); exit; } } } $db->commit(); echo getJsonResponse(0, "success", array("comment_id" => $commentid)); } else { //插入失败 echo getJsonResponse(1, $mysqli->error, null); $db->rollback(); //回滚 Log::error_log('database error:' . $mysqli->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); } $db->close(); } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, "post参数错误", null); exit; }
//计算食物排名 $food_info = $db->query("select canteens.canteen_id,canteenname,food.food_id,foodname,price,favor,dislike,imageurl,canteen_food.grade\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom canteens,food,canteen_food\n\t\t\t\t\twhere canteens.canteen_id=canteen_food.canteen_id and food.food_id=canteen_food.food_id and \n\t\t\t\t\tcanteen_food.canteen_id in \n\t\t\t\t\t(select canteen_id from school_canteen where school_id={$value['school_id']})\n\t\t\t\t\torder by grade desc limit 0,10;"); if ($food_info === false) { Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //echo $db->error; exit; } else { if (empty($food_info)) { continue; } foreach ($food_info as &$value3) { countComments($db, $value3); } } //usort($food_info,"compare"); $json2 = getJsonResponse(0, 'success', $food_info); $cachename = "ranking.php" . md5("getfood&schoolid={$value['school_id']}") . '.txt'; $cache->set($cachename, $json2); //echo json2; } } function countfood(&$db, &$value) { $res = $db->query("select count(*) from canteen_food where canteen_id={$value['canteen_id']};"); if ($res === false) { Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); $db->close(); exit; } $value['food_count'] = $res[0]['count(*)']; }
$smarty->assign("selected", $_REQUEST['warehouse']); } } else { $warehousesWithArticles = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . '/api/artigosarmazens/' . $_REQUEST['warehouse']); $smarty->assign("selected", $_REQUEST['warehouse']); } } else { $warehousesWithArticles = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . '/api/artigosarmazens'); $smarty->assign("selected", 'none'); } $smarty->assign("articles", $warehousesWithArticles); $minValue = 1000000; $maxValue = 0; $minStock = 1000000; $maxStock = 0; $articles = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . '/api/artigos'); foreach ($articles as $article) { $value = $article['Preco']; $stock = $article['StkAtual']; if ($value < $minValue) { $minValue = $value; } if ($value > $maxValue) { $maxValue = $value; } if ($stock < $minStock) { $minStock = $stock; } if ($stock > $maxStock) { $maxStock = $stock; }
<?php chdir("common"); require_once "init.php"; //next example will recieve all messages for specific conversation teste //var_dump($decoded); if (isset($_SESSION['s_username'])) { $smarty->assign("page", "warehouses"); $smarty->assign("username_session", $_SESSION['s_username']); $warehouses = getJsonResponse($REST_URL . '/api/armazens'); $smarty->assign("warehouses", $warehouses); $smarty->display("warehouses.tpl"); } else { header('Location: login.php'); }
function checkUserName(&$db, $username) { $res = $db->query("select user_id from users where username='******';"); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); $db->close(); exit; } if (empty($res)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
<?php chdir("common"); require_once "init.php"; $temp = str_replace(".", "!", $_POST['emailToRecover']); $toSend = $REST_URL . '/api/utilizadores/' . $temp . '=BqdNvUKuFTo82lTdQeRuJ1crEvg4ZYt1'; $password = getJsonResponse($toSend); if ($password['status'] == 'error') { $_SESSION['s_error'] = "Email incorreto!"; } else { $argMail = $password['status']; $to = $_POST['emailToRecover']; $subject = "Warehouse Catalog: Recuperacao de palavra-passe"; $message = "Ola!\n\nEnviamos este email na sequencia do seu pedido para recuperacao da palavra-passe.\n\nA sua password e {$argMail}.\n\n Cumprimentos,\n A Equipa Warehouse Catalog."; $from = "*****@*****.**"; $headers = "From:" . $from; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); $_SESSION['s_ok'] = "Email enviado com sucesso!"; } header('Location: login.php');
function getFavor(&$db, $userid, &$value) { $sql = "select user_id from food_comments_favor where comment_id={$value['comment_id']} and user_id={$userid};"; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res !== false) { if (empty($res)) { $value['is_favor'] = false; } else { $value['is_favor'] = true; } } else { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); exit; } }
$db = Db::getInstance(); $cache = new Cache(); try { if (($val = $cache->get($cachename)) !== false) { echo $val; exit; } else { $db->connect(); $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 } else { if (empty($res)) { echo getJsonResponse(0, "成功", null); $db->close(); exit; } $json = getJsonResponse(0, '成功', $res); if ($cache->set($cachename, $json, 1200) === false) { Log::error_log($cachename . ' ' . $cache->error); } echo $json; } $db->close(); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo getJsonResponse(1, '数据库连接失败', null); Log::error_log("数据库连接错误"); }
echo $val; exit; } $sql = "select school_canteen.canteen_id,canteenname,imageurl from school_canteen,canteens \n\t\t\twhere school_id={$_POST['school_id']} and \n\t\t\tschool_canteen.canteen_id=canteens.canteen_id;"; $db = Db::getInstance(); try { $db->connect(); $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 } else { if (!empty($res)) { $json = getJsonResponse(0, "成功", $res); } else { $json = getJsonResponse(0, "成功", null); } $cache->set($cachename, $json, 1200); echo $json; } $db->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo getJsonResponse(1, '数据库连接失败', null); Log::error_log("数据库连接错误"); exit; } } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, 'post参数没有设置', null); exit; }
try { $db->connect(); if ($db->execute($sql) !== false) { if ($db->numRows == 0) { echo getJsonResponse(2, "post id错误", null); } } else { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } if ($_GET['which'] == 'comment') { if ($db->execute($sql2) !== false) { if ($db->numRows == 0) { echo getJsonResponse(2, "post id错误", null); } } else { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } } echo getJsonResponse(0, "success", null); $db->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo getJsonResponse(1, "数据库连接错误", null); Log::error_log("数据库连接错误"); exit; }
$sql = "select * from upgrade where device_id={$_POST['device_id']};"; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); } else { if (empty($res)) { echo getJsonResponse(2, "id错", null); } else { if ($res[0]['major_version_number'] > $major || $res[0]['major_version_number'] == $major && $res[0]['minor_version_number'] > $max || $res[0]['major_version_number'] == $major && $res[0]['minor_version_number'] == $max && $res[0]['revision_number'] > $min) { //需要更新 $return = array(); $return['newversion'] = $res[0]['major_version_number'] . '.' . $res[0]['minor_version_number'] . '.' . $res[0]['revision_number']; $return['apkurl'] = $res[0]['apkurl']; $return['upgrade_content'] = $res[0]['upgrade_content']; echo getJsonResponse(0, "success", $return); } else { echo getJsonResponse(3, "版本已为最新", null); } } } $db->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo getJsonResponse(1, '数据库连接错误', null); Log::error_log("数据库连接错误"); exit; } } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, "参数错误", null); exit; }
function getNew(&$db, &$value) { $sql = "select time>curdate()-3 from canteen_food where canteen_id={$_POST['canteen_id']} \n\t\t\tand food_id={$value['food_id']};"; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($res === false) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); //错误日志 exit; } else { $value['new'] = $res[0]['time>curdate()-3']; } }
echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); $db->rollback(); $db->close(); exit; } } else { //上传图片失败 echo getJsonResponse(4, $uf->errorMsg, null); $db->rollback(); //回滚 $db->close(); exit; } } } } $db->commit(); echo getJsonResponse(0, "success", array("complaint_id" => $complaint_id)); } else { //插入失败 echo getJsonResponse(1, $mysqli->error, null); $db->rollback(); //回滚 Log::error_log('database error:' . $mysqli->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); } $db->close(); } else { echo getJsonResponse(2, "参数没有设置", null); exit; }
/** * 食物做法步骤 * @param unknown $db * @param unknown $foodid * @param unknown $content */ function setContent(&$db, $recid, $content, $imagefile) { if ($content == null) { return; } //$method=explode("||", $content); $method = json_decode($content, true); for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($method); $i++) { if (empty($imagefile[$i - 1])) { $imagefile[$i - 1] = 'http://' . getServerIp() . '/uploads/recommendedfood/default.jpg'; } $sql = "insert into foodmethod values({$recid},{$i},'" . stringToDb($method[$i - 1]) . "','{$imagefile[$i - 1]}');"; $res = $db->execute($sql); if (!$res) { echo getJsonResponse(1, $db->error, null); Log::error_log('database error:' . $db->error . ' in ' . basename(__FILE__)); $db->rollback(); $db->close(); exit; } } }