} // view course details $header_tag_extras = ""; $header_section_styles = ""; $header_section_metas = ""; $header_section_scripts = ""; $header_section_extras = ""; $body_tag_extras = ""; $body_section_styles = ""; $body_section_scripts = ""; $navbar_signup_login = ""; require '../database/models.php'; $loggedin_user_info = getUserInfoByUserID($_SESSION['user_id']); $logged_in_name = "Welcome " . $loggedin_user_info['name']; // get all files $course = getInfoByCourseID($_REQUEST['page_course_id']); $files = getFilesByCourseID($_REQUEST['page_course_id']); $body_section_content = '<h1> Information About Course: </h1>'; $body_section_content .= '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="upload.php"> ID: <input type="text" readonly name="ID" value="' . $course['ID'] . '"><br> Name: <input type="text" readonly name="name" value="' . $course['name'] . '"><br> Code: <input type="text" readonly name="code" value="' . $course['code'] . '"><br> Semester: <input type="text" readonly name="semester" value="' . $course['semster'] . '"><br> Year: <input type="text" readonly name="year" value="' . $course['year'] . '"><br>'; $body_section_content .= '<p>You can add links to files, remove links or update links or save your files on the cloud.</p><table border=1><tr>'; $i = 1; // add information about the 6 files of the Course foreach ($files as $file) { $body_section_content .= '<td>' . str_replace("_", " ", $file['type']) . ': <input type="text" name="' . $file['type'] . '" value="'; if ($file['data'] == NULL) { $body_section_content .= '" placeholder="Insert Link to file."/><br>';
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) || strcmp($_SESSION['type'], 'instractor') != 0 || !isset($_POST['ID'])) { // redirect unauthorized user at once to homepage header('Location: http://localhost/qa/index.php'); die; } require '../database/models.php'; echo "<h1>Please wait while processing your request</h1><p><ol>"; $course = getInfoByCourseID($_POST['ID']); $names = array('Course_Specifications', 'Materials_&_Labs', 'Assignments_&_Project_Documents', 'Midterm_Exam', 'Final_Exam', 'End_of_Course_Report'); $db_files = getFilesByCourseID($_POST['ID']); // base directory $target_dir = "../uploads/" . $course['code'] . '_' . $course['semster'] . '_' . $course['year'] . '/'; $uploadOk = 1; foreach ($names as $name) { $update_link = $_POST[$name]; $file = 'upload_' . $name; if (!empty($_FILES[$file]["name"])) { $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES[$file]["name"]); // Check if file already exists if (file_exists($target_file)) { echo "<li>Sorry, file already exists.</li>"; $uploadOk = 0; } // Check file size, max 32 MB if ($_FILES[$file]["size"] > 33554432) { echo "<li>Sorry, your file is too large." . $_FILES[$file]["size"] . '</li>'; $uploadOk = 0; }