Ejemplo n.º 1
  * 3G办广场轮播列表
  * @author Medz Seven <*****@*****.**>
 public function w3gSlideShow()
     // # 设置页面字段
     $this->pageKeyList = array('image', 'url', 'doaction');
     // # 添加tab
     array_push($this->pageTab, array('title' => '轮播列表', 'tabHash' => 'w3gSlideShow', 'url' => U('admin/Mobile/w3gSlideShow')));
     array_push($this->pageTab, array('title' => '添加轮播', 'tabHash' => 'addW3gSlideShow', 'url' => U('admin/Mobile/addW3gSlideShow')));
     // # 分页获取数据,20条
     $list = D('w3g_slide_show')->findPage(20);
     // # 加入操作按钮
     foreach ($list['data'] as $key => $value) {
         // # 参数
         $aid = $value['image'];
         $id = $value['id'];
         // # 添加图片
         $value = '<a href="%s" target="_blank"><img src="%s" width="300px" height="140px"></a>';
         $value = sprintf($value, getImageUrlByAttachId($aid), getImageUrlByAttachId($aid, 300, 140));
         $list['data'][$key]['image'] = $value;
         // # 添加操作按钮
         $value = '[<a href="%s">编辑</a>]&nbsp;-&nbsp;[<a href="%s">删除</a>]';
         $value = sprintf($value, U('admin/Mobile/addW3gSlideShow', array('id' => $id, 'tabHash' => 'addW3gSlideShow')), U('admin/Mobile/delW3gSlideShwo', array('id' => $id)));
         $list['data'][$key]['doaction'] = $value;
     // # 设置无选择按钮
     $this->allSelected = false;
     // # 显示列表,并注销list变量
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * 频道首页页面
  * @return void
 public function index()
     // 添加样式
     $this->appCssList[] = 'channel.css';
     // 获取频道分类列表
     $channelCategory = model('CategoryTree')->setTable('channel_category')->getCategoryList();
     $this->assign('channelCategory', $channelCategory);
     // 频道分类选中
     $cid = intval($_GET['cid']);
     $categoryIds = getSubByKey($channelCategory, 'channel_category_id');
     if (!in_array($cid, $categoryIds) && !empty($cid)) {
         return false;
     $channelConf = model('Xdata')->get('channel_Admin:index');
     if (empty($cid)) {
         $cid = $channelConf['default_category'];
         if (empty($cid)) {
             $cid = array_shift($categoryIds);
     $this->assign('cid', $cid);
     // 获取用户与频道分类的关注状态
     $followStatus = model('ChannelFollow')->getFollowStatus($this->mid, $cid);
     $this->assign('followStatus', $followStatus);
     // 获取模板样式
     $templete = t($_GET['tpl']);
     if (empty($templete) || !in_array($templete, array('load', 'list'))) {
         $categoryConf = model('CategoryTree')->setTable('channel_category')->getCatgoryConf($cid);
         $templete = empty($categoryConf) ? $channelConf['show_type'] == 1 ? 'list' : 'load' : ($categoryConf['show_type'] == 1 ? 'list' : 'load');
     $templete = 'load';
     $this->assign('tpl', $templete);
     $channel_count = model('Channel')->where('channel_category_id=' . $cid . ' AND status=1')->count();
     $this->assign("channel_count", $channel_count);
     $channel_follower_count = model("ChannelFollow")->where('channel_category_id=' . $cid)->count();
     $this->assign("channel_follower_count", $channel_follower_count);
     $channel_category = D("channelCategory")->where('channel_category_id=' . $cid)->getField('ext');
     $channel_category = unserialize($channel_category);
     $channel_banner = getImageUrlByAttachId($channel_category['attach'], 1000);
     $this->assign('channel_banner', $channel_banner);
     $this->assign('channel_desc', $channel_category['desc']);
     $order = $_GET['order'] == null ? 0 : $_GET['order'];
     $this->assign("order", intval($order));
     // 设置页面信息
     $titleHash = model('CategoryTree')->setTable('channel_category')->getCategoryHash();
     $title = empty($cid) ? '频道首页' : $titleHash[$cid];
     $this->setDescription(implode(',', getSubByKey($channelCategory, 'title')));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * 获取application幻灯数据
  * @return array
  * @author Medz Seven <*****@*****.**>
 public function getSlideShow()
     $list = D('application_slide')->field('`title`, `image`, `type`, `data`')->select();
     foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
         $value['image'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($value['image']);
         $list[$key] = $value;
     return $list;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * 微吧管理首页-修改微吧信息
  * @return void
 public function index()
     $weiba_id = intval($_GET['weiba_id']);
     $this->assign('weiba_id', $weiba_id);
     $weiba_detail = D('weiba')->where('weiba_id=' . $weiba_id)->find();
     if ($weiba_detail['logo']) {
         $weiba_detail['logo_url'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($weiba_detail['logo']);
     $this->assign('weiba_detail', $weiba_detail);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * 获取礼物详细
  * @request int $id 礼物ID
  * @return array
  * @author Seven Du <*****@*****.**>
 public function getInfo()
     $id = intval(Common::getInput('id'));
     $data = GiftModel::getInstance()->getById($id);
     $data['image'] && ($data['image'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($data['image']));
     $data['count'] = LogModel::getInstance()->getUserCount($id);
     $data['info'] = preg_replace('/\\<img(.*?)src\\=\\"\\/(.*?)\\"(.*?)(\\/?)\\>/is', '<img\\1src="SITE_URL/\\2"\\3\\4>', $data['info']);
     $data['info'] = str_replace('SITE_URL', parse_url(SITE_URL, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url(SITE_URL, PHP_URL_HOST) . '/', $data['info']);
     /* # 剔除width和height和align,防止宽高溢出 */
     $data['info'] = preg_replace('/(width|height|align)\\=\\"(.*?)\\"/is', '', $data['info']);
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * 微吧管理首页-修改微吧信息
  * @return void
 public function index()
     $weiba_id = intval($_GET['weiba_id']);
     $weiba_detail = D('weiba')->where('weiba_id=' . $weiba_id)->find();
     if ($weiba_detail['logo']) {
         $weiba_detail['logo_url'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($weiba_detail['logo']);
     $weiba_cates = D('WeibaCategory')->getAllWeibaCate();
     $this->assign('weiba_cates', $weiba_cates);
     $this->assign('weiba_detail', $weiba_detail);
     $this->setTitle('基本信息 ' . $weiba_detail['weiba_name']);
     $this->setKeywords('基本信息 ' . $weiba_detail['weiba_name']);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * 频道首页页面
  * @return void
 public function index()
     global $ts;
     $xdata = M('Xdata');
     $tip = $xdata->getConfig('tip', 'config', 'bboard_Admin');
     $big_logo = $xdata->getConfig('big_logo', 'config', 'bboard_Admin');
     $this->assign('tip', $tip);
     $this->assign('big_logo', getImageUrlByAttachId($big_logo));
     //  dump(getImageUrlByAttachId($big_logo));exit;
     // 添加样式
     $this->appCssList[] = 'bboard/bboard.css';
     // 获取频道分类列表
     $topic = D('topic')->getData(20);
     $this->assign('topic', $topic);
  * 渲染关注按钮模板
  * @example
  * $data['manage_uid'] integer 用户ID
  * @param  array  $data 渲染的相关配置参数
  * @return string 渲染后的模板数据
 public function render($data)
     $var = array();
     $manage = D('weiba_follow')->where(array('follower_uid' => $data['manage_uid'], 'level' => array('in', array(2, 3))))->findAll();
     $map['weiba_id'] = array('in', getSubByKey($manage, 'weiba_id'));
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $var['manageWeibaList'] = D('weiba')->where($map)->findAll();
     $var['manageWeibaListCount'] = D('weiba')->where($map)->count();
     foreach ($var['manageWeibaList'] as $k => $v) {
         $var['manageWeibaList'][$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo'], 50, 50);
     is_array($data) && ($var = array_merge($var, $data));
     // 渲染模版
     $content = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/manageWeibaList.html', $var);
     unset($var, $data);
     // 输出数据
     return $content;
  * 渲染关注按钮模板
  * @example
  * $data['follower_uid'] integer 用户ID
  * @param array $data 渲染的相关配置参数
  * @return string 渲染后的模板数据
 public function render($data)
     $var = array();
     $var['type'] = 'FollowWeibaList';
     $follow = D('weiba_follow')->where('follower_uid=' . $data['follower_uid'])->findAll();
     $map['weiba_id'] = array('in', getSubByKey($follow, 'weiba_id'));
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $var['weibaList'] = D('weiba')->where($map)->findAll();
     $var['weibaListCount'] = D('weiba')->where($map)->count();
     foreach ($var['weibaList'] as $k => $v) {
         $var['weibaList'][$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo'], 30, 30);
     is_array($data) && ($var = array_merge($var, $data));
     // 渲染模版
     $content = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/followWeibaList.html", $var);
     unset($var, $data);
     // 输出数据
     return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * 默认登录页
  * @return void
 public function login()
     // 添加样式
     $this->appCssList[] = 'login.css';
     if (model('Passport')->isLogged()) {
     // 获取邮箱后缀
     $registerConf = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:register');
     $this->assign('emailSuffix', explode(',', $registerConf['email_suffix']));
     $this->assign('register_type', $registerConf['register_type']);
     $data = model('Xdata')->get("admin_Config:seo_login");
     !empty($data['title']) && $this->setTitle($data['title']);
     !empty($data['keywords']) && $this->setKeywords($data['keywords']);
     !empty($data['des']) && $this->setDescription($data['des']);
     $login_bg = getImageUrlByAttachId($this->site['login_bg']);
     // if(empty($login_bg))
     // 	$login_bg = APP_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/login/banner.png';
     $this->assign('login_bg', $login_bg);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * 默认登录页
  * @return void
 public function login()
     // 添加样式
     $this->appCssList[] = 'login.css';
     if ($GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] > 0) {
         U('public/Index/index', '', true);
     // 获取邮箱后缀
     $registerConf = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:register');
     $this->assign('emailSuffix', explode(',', $registerConf['email_suffix']));
     $this->assign('register_type', $registerConf['register_type']);
     $data = model('Xdata')->get("admin_Config:seo_login");
     !empty($data['title']) && $this->setTitle($data['title']);
     !empty($data['keywords']) && $this->setKeywords($data['keywords']);
     !empty($data['des']) && $this->setDescription($data['des']);
     $login_bg = getImageUrlByAttachId($this->site['login_bg']);
     if (empty($login_bg)) {
         $login_bg = APP_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/body-bg2.jpg';
     $this->assign('login_bg', $login_bg);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * 轮播列表
  * @return void
  * @author Medz Seven <*****@*****.**>
 public function index()
     $this->pageKeyList = array('title', 'image', 'type', 'data', 'doAction');
     array_push($this->pageTab, array('title' => '轮播列表', 'tabHash' => 'index', 'url' => U('admin/Application/index')));
     array_push($this->pageTab, array('title' => '添加轮播', 'tabHash' => 'addSlide', 'url' => U('admin/Application/addSlide')));
     $list = D('application_slide')->findPage(20);
     foreach ($list['data'] as $key => $value) {
         // # 参数
         $aid = $value['image'];
         $id = $value['id'];
         $list['data'][$key]['type'] = $this->type[$value['type']];
         // # 添加图片
         $value = '<a href="%s" target="_blank"><img src="%s" width="300px" height="140px"></a>';
         $value = sprintf($value, getImageUrlByAttachId($aid), getImageUrlByAttachId($aid, 300, 140));
         $list['data'][$key]['image'] = $value;
         // # 添加操作按钮
         $value = '[<a href="%s">编辑</a>]&nbsp;-&nbsp;[<a href="%s">删除</a>]';
         $value = sprintf($value, U('admin/Application/addSlide', array('id' => $id, 'tabHash' => 'addSlide')), U('admin/Application/delSlide', array('id' => $id)));
         $list['data'][$key]['doAction'] = $value;
     $this->allSelected = false;
 public function core_display_tpl()
     if (!$this->checkAvailability()) {
     $config = $config ? $config : model('AddonData')->lget('beautifyLogin');
     if (!$config['template']) {
         $config['template'] = 1;
     if (!$config['color']) {
         $config['color'] = "FFFFFF";
     switch ($config['template']) {
         case 1:
             // By Zue
             $templateFile = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/html/zue/login.html';
         case 2:
             // By Cali
             $templateFile = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/html/cali/login.html';
     $siteConf = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:site');
     $config['login_bg'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($siteConf['login_bg']);
     $config['_title'] = $siteConf['site_slogan'];
     $config['_keywords'] = $siteConf['site_header_keywords'];
     $config['_description'] = $siteConf['site_header_description'];
     $config['site']['site_slogan'] = $siteConf['site_slogan'];
     $config['site']['site_name'] = $siteConf['site_name'];
     $config['site']['logo'] = getSiteLogo($siteConf['site_logo']);
     $config['site']['sys_version'] = $siteConf['sys_version'];
     // 获取当前Js语言包
     $this->langJsList = setLangJavsScript();
     $config['langJsList'] = $this->langJsList;
     echo fetch($templateFile, $config, $param['charset'], $param['contentType']);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function index()
     $indexList = D('weiba_post')->where('is_del=0 AND top=2')->order('is_index_time desc')->findAll();
     foreach ($indexList as &$v) {
         $imgIds = explode(',', $_POST['imageIds']);
         if ($imgIds) {
             $v['index_img_url'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($imgIds[0]);
     $this->assign('indexList', $indexList);
     $order = '`top` desc,FIELD(recommend+digest,0,1,2) desc,last_reply_time desc';
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $map['is_index'] = 0;
     $list = D('weiba_post')->where($map)->order($order)->limit(20)->select();
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     // 推荐微吧
     if (!($weibalist = S('rec_weibalist'))) {
         $weibalist = D('weiba')->where('is_del=0 and status=1')->order('recommend desc,follower_count desc,thread_count')->limit(4)->select();
         S('rec_weibalist', $weibalist);
     $this->assign('weibalist', $weibalist);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * 微吧审核
  * @return void
 public function weibaAudit()
     $_REQUEST['tabHash'] = 'weibaAudit';
     // 设置列表主键
     $this->_listpk = 'weiba_id';
     $this->pageButton[] = array('title' => '搜索', 'onclick' => "admin.fold('search_form')");
     $this->pageButton[] = array('title' => '通过', 'onclick' => "admin.doWeibaAudit('', 1)");
     $this->pageButton[] = array('title' => '驳回', 'onclick' => "admin.doWeibaAudit('', -1)");
     $this->searchKey = array('weiba_name');
     $this->pageKeyList = array('weiba_id', 'weiba_name', 'weiba_cate', 'info', 'uid', 'uinfo', 'live', 'ctime', 'DOACTION');
     if (!empty($_POST['weiba_name'])) {
         $maps['weiba_name'] = array('like', '%' . t($_POST['weiba_name']) . '%');
         $map['weiba_id'] = array('in', getSubByKey(D('weiba')->where($maps)->field('weiba_id')->findAll(), 'weiba_id'));
     $map['status'] = 0;
     // 数据的格式化与listKey保持一致
     $listData = D('weiba')->where($map)->order('ctime desc')->findPage(20);
     $weibacate = D('weiba_category')->findAll();
     $cids = array();
     foreach ($weibacate as $c) {
         $cids[$c['id']] = $c['name'];
     foreach ($listData['data'] as $k => $v) {
         $listData['data'][$k]['weiba_name'] = '<a target="_blank" href="' . U('weiba/Index/detail', array('weiba_id' => $v['weiba_id'])) . '">' . $v['weiba_name'] . '</a>';
         $listData['data'][$k]['logo'] && ($listData['data'][$k]['logo'] = '<img src="' . getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo']) . '" width="50" height="50">');
         $create_uid = model('User')->getUserInfoByUids($v['uid']);
         $listData['data'][$k]['uid'] = $create_uid[$v['uid']]['space_link'];
         $listData['data'][$k]['uinfo'] = $create_uid[$v['uid']]['group_icon'];
         $listData['data'][$k]['live'] = $create_uid[$v['uid']]['credit_info']['level']['name'];
         $listData['data'][$k]['ctime'] = friendlyDate($v['ctime']);
         $listData['data'][$k]['weiba_cate'] = $cids[$v['cid']];
         $listData['data'][$k]['DOACTION'] = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="admin.doWeibaAudit(' . $v['weiba_id'] . ',1);">通过</a>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="admin.doWeibaAudit(' . $v['weiba_id'] . ',-1);">驳回</a>';
  * 执行发布帖子
  * @return void
 public function doPost()
     if (!CheckPermission('weiba_normal', 'weiba_post')) {
         $this->error('对不起,您没有权限进行该操作!', true);
     $weibaid = intval($_POST['weiba_id']);
     if (!$weibaid) {
         $this->error('请选择微吧!', true);
     $weiba = D('weiba', 'weiba')->where('weiba_id=' . $weibaid)->find();
     if (!CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
         switch ($weiba['who_can_post']) {
             case 1:
                 $map['weiba_id'] = $weibaid;
                 $map['follower_uid'] = $this->mid;
                 $res = D('weiba_follow')->where($map)->find();
                 if (!$res && !CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
                     $this->error('对不起,您没有发帖权限,请关注该微吧!', true);
             case 2:
                 $map['weiba_id'] = $weibaid;
                 $map['level'] = array('in', '2,3');
                 $weiba_admin = D('weiba_follow')->where($map)->order('level desc')->field('follower_uid')->findAll();
                 if (!in_array($this->mid, getSubByKey($weiba_admin, 'follower_uid')) && !CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
                     $this->error('对不起,您没有发帖权限,仅限管理员发帖!', true);
             case 3:
                 $map['weiba_id'] = $weibaid;
                 $map['level'] = 3;
                 $weiba_admin = D('weiba_follow')->where($map)->order('level desc')->field('follower_uid')->find();
                 if ($this->mid != $weiba_admin['follower_uid'] && !CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
                     $this->error('对不起,您没有发帖权限,仅限圈主发帖!', true);
     $checkContent = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $_POST['content']);
     $checkContent = str_replace('<br />', '', $checkContent);
     $checkContent = str_replace('<p>', '', $checkContent);
     $checkContent = str_replace('</p>', '', $checkContent);
     $checkContents = preg_replace('/<img(.*?)src=/i', 'img', $checkContent);
     $checkContents = preg_replace('/<embed(.*?)src=/i', 'img', $checkContents);
     if (strlen(t($_POST['title'])) == 0) {
         $this->error('帖子标题不能为空', true);
     if (strlen(t($checkContents)) == 0) {
         $this->error('帖子内容不能为空', true);
     preg_match_all('/./us', t($_POST['title']), $match);
     if (count($match[0]) > 30) {
         // 汉字和字母都为一个字
         $this->error('帖子标题不能超过30个字', true);
     if ($_POST['attach_ids']) {
         $attach = explode('|', $_POST['attach_ids']);
         foreach ($attach as $k => $a) {
             if (!$a) {
         $attach = array_map('intval', $attach);
         $data['attach'] = serialize($attach);
     $data['weiba_id'] = $weibaid;
     $data['title'] = t($_POST['title']);
     $data['content'] = h($_POST['content']);
     $data['post_uid'] = $this->mid;
     $data['post_time'] = time();
     $data['last_reply_uid'] = $this->mid;
     $data['last_reply_time'] = $data['post_time'];
     $data['tag_id'] = intval($_POST['tag_id']);
     $imgIds = explode(',', $_POST['imageIds']);
     foreach ($imgIds as $imgId) {
         $imgId = intval($imgId);
         if ($imgId > 0) {
             $imgsrc = getImageUrlByAttachId($imgId);
             if ($imgsrc) {
                 $data['content'] .= '<p><img src="' . $imgsrc . '" /></p>';
     $res = D('weiba_post')->add($data);
     if ($res) {
         // D('weiba')->where('weiba_id='.$data['weiba_id'])->setInc('thread_count');
         // 同步到分享
         $feed_id = D('weibaPost', 'weiba')->syncToFeed($res, $data['title'], t($checkContent), $this->mid);
         D('weiba_post')->where('post_id=' . $res)->setField('feed_id', $feed_id);
         // $this->assign('jumpUrl', U('weiba/Index/postDetail',array('post_id'=>$res)));
         // $this->success('发布成功');
         // 添加积分
         model('Credit')->setUserCredit($this->mid, 'publish_topic');
         $map['post_uid'] = $this->mid;
         $map['is_del'] = 0;
         $digest_count = intval(M('weiba_post')->where($map)->count());
         model('UserData')->setKeyValue($this->mid, 'post_count', $digest_count);
         return $this->ajaxReturn($res, '发布成功', 1);
     } else {
         $this->error('发布失败', true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
function catCP($name)
    $conf = M('Xdata')->lget('mag_Admin');
    foreach ($conf as $v) {
        if (isset($v[$name])) {
            return getImageUrlByAttachId($v[$name]);
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * 获取推荐活动
  * @request int $num 获取的数量,默认5条
  * @return array
  * @author Seven Du <*****@*****.**>
 public function getTopEvent()
     $num = Common::getInput('num');
     $num or $num = 5;
     $data = Event::getInstance()->getRightEvent($num);
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $value['area'] = model('Area')->getAreaById($value['area']);
         $value['area'] = $value['area']['title'];
         $value['city'] = model('Area')->getAreaById($value['city']);
         $value['city'] = $value['city']['title'];
         $value['image'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($value['image']);
         $value['cate'] = Cate::getInstance()->getById($value['cid']);
         $value['cate'] = $value['cate']['name'];
         $data[$key] = $value;
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * 用户个人主页 --using
  * @param  int     $user_id
  *                          用户UID
  * @param  varchar $uname
  *                          用户名
  * @return array   状态+提示 或 用户信息
 public function show()
     $num = $_REQUEST['num'];
     $num = intval($num);
     $num or $num = 10;
     if (empty($this->user_id) && empty($this->data['uname'])) {
         $uid = $this->mid;
     } else {
         if ($this->user_id) {
             $uid = intval($this->user_id);
         } else {
             $uid = model('User')->where(array('uname' => $this->data['uname']))->getField('uid');
     if ($this->mid != $uid) {
         $privacy = model('UserPrivacy')->getPrivacy($this->mid, $uid);
         if ($privacy['space'] == 1) {
             return array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '您没有权限进入TA的个人主页');
     $userInfo = $this->get_user_info($uid);
     if (!$userInfo['uname']) {
         return array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '该用户不存在或已被删除');
     // $userInfo['can_'] = CheckPermission('core_normal','feed_del');
     $user_info['is_admin'] = CheckPermission('core_admin', 'feed_del') ? '1' : '0';
     $user_info['uid'] = $userInfo['uid'];
     $user_info['uname'] = $userInfo['uname'];
     $user_info['remark'] = $userInfo['remark'];
     $user_info['sex'] = $userInfo['sex'] == 1 ? '男' : '女';
     $user_info['intro'] = $userInfo['intro'] ? formatEmoji(false, $userInfo['intro']) : '';
     $user_info['location'] = $userInfo['location'] ? $userInfo['location'] : '';
     $user_info['avatar'] = $userInfo['avatar']['avatar_big'];
     $user_info['experience'] = t($userInfo['user_credit']['credit']['experience']['value']);
     $user_info['charm'] = t($userInfo['user_credit']['credit']['charm']['value']);
     $user_info['weibo_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['weibo_count']));
     $user_info['follower_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['follower_count']));
     $user_info['following_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['following_count']));
     $follower = model('Follow')->where('fid=' . $user_info['uid'])->order('follow_id DESC')->field('uid')->limit($num)->findAll();
     $following = model('Follow')->where('uid=' . $user_info['uid'])->order('follow_id DESC')->field('fid')->limit($num)->findAll();
     $follower_arr = $following_arr = array();
     foreach ($follower as $k => $v) {
         $follower_info = $this->get_user_info($v['uid']);
         $follower_arr[$k]['uid'] = $follower_info['uid'];
         $follower_arr[$k]['uname'] = $follower_info['uname'];
         $follower_arr[$k]['remark'] = $follower_info['remark'];
         $follower_arr[$k]['avatar'] = $follower_info['avatar']['avatar_big'];
     foreach ($following as $k1 => $v1) {
         $following_info = $this->get_user_info($v1['fid']);
         $following_arr[$k1]['uid'] = $following_info['uid'];
         $following_arr[$k1]['uname'] = $following_info['uname'];
         $following_arr[$k1]['remark'] = $following_info['remark'];
         $following_arr[$k1]['avatar'] = $following_info['avatar']['avatar_big'];
     $user_info['follower'] = $follower_arr;
     $user_info['following'] = $following_arr;
     $user_info['follow_status'] = model('Follow')->getFollowState($this->mid, $uid);
     $user_info['is_in_blacklist'] = t(D('user_blacklist')->where('uid=' . $this->mid . ' and fid=' . $uid)->count());
     $user_info['photo_count'] = model('Attach')->where(array('is_del' => 0, 'attach_type' => 'feed_image', 'uid' => $uid))->count();
     $user_info['photo'] = $this->user_photo($uid);
     $map['uid'] = $uid;
     $map['type'] = 'postvideo';
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $user_info['video_count'] = M('feed')->where($map)->count();
     $user_info['video'] = $this->user_video($uid);
     $user_info['level_src'] = $userInfo['user_credit']['level']['src'];
     // 用户认证图标
     $groupIcon = array();
     $userGroup = model('UserGroupLink')->getUserGroupData($uid);
     foreach ($userGroup[$uid] as $g) {
         $g['is_authenticate'] == 1 && ($groupArr[] = $g['user_group_name']);
     $user_info['authenticate'] = empty($groupArr) ? '无' : implode(' , ', $groupArr);
     /* # 获取用户认证理由 */
     $user_info['certInfo'] = D('user_verified')->where('verified=1 AND uid=' . $uid)->field('info')->getField('info');
     /* # 获取用户封面 */
     $user_info['cover'] = D('user_data')->where('`key` LIKE "application_user_cover" AND `uid` = ' . $uid)->field('value')->getField('value');
     $user_info['cover'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($user_info['cover']);
     // 用户组
     $user_group = model('UserGroupLink')->where('uid=' . $uid)->field('user_group_id')->findAll();
     foreach ($user_group as $v) {
         $user_group_icon = D('user_group')->where('user_group_id=' . $v['user_group_id'])->getField('user_group_icon');
         if ($user_group_icon != -1) {
             $user_info['user_group'][] = THEME_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/usergroup/' . $user_group_icon;
     // 勋章
     $list = M()->query('select b.small_src from ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'medal_user a inner join ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'medal b on a.medal_id=b.id where a.uid=' . $uid . ' order by a.ctime desc limit 10');
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         $smallsrc = explode('|', $v['small_src']);
         $user_info['medals'][] = $smallsrc[1];
     $user_info['gift_count'] = M('gift_user')->where($map)->count();
     $user_info['gift_list'] = $gift_list;
     $user_info['user_credit'] = $userInfo['user_credit'];
     $user_info['tags'] = (array) model('Tag')->setAppName('public')->setAppTable('user')->getAppTags($uid, true);
     // 没登陆过智播没有usid的 直接生成一个
     $live_user_mod = M('live_user_info');
     if (!($usid = $live_user_mod->where(array('uid' => $userInfo['uid']))->getField('usid'))) {
         $live_user_info = file_get_contents(SITE_URL . '/api.php?api_version=live&mod=LiveUser&act=postUser&uid=' . $userInfo['uid']);
         $live_user_info = json_decode($live_user_info, true);
         $live_user_info['status'] == 1 && ($user_info['usid'] = $live_user_info['data']['usid']);
     } else {
         $user_info['usid'] = $usid;
     if ($uid == $this->mid) {
         $userAccountinfo = D('user_account')->where(array('uid' => $this->mid))->find();
         if (!$userAccountinfo) {
             $user_info['account'] = '';
             $user_info['account_type'] = 0;
         } else {
             $length = strlen($userAccountinfo['account']);
             $user_info['account'] = substr_replace($userAccountinfo['account'], '****', 3, $length - 3);
             $user_info['account_type'] = $userAccountinfo['type'];
     return $user_info;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * 注册流程 - 第四步骤
 public function step4()
     // 未登录
     empty($_SESSION['mid']) && $this->redirect('public/Passport/login');
     $this->appCssList[] = 'login.css';
     $weiba_recommend = D('weiba')->where('recommend=1 and is_del=0')->limit(8)->findAll();
     foreach ($weiba_recommend as $k => $v) {
         $weiba_recommend[$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo'], 230, 296);
     $this->assign('weiba_recommend', $weiba_recommend);
     $related_recommend_user = model('RelatedUser')->getRelatedUserByType(5,8);
     if(in_array('tag', $this->_config['interester_rule'])){
     	$related_tag_user = model('RelatedUser')->getRelatedUserByType(4,8);
     if(in_array('area', $this->_config['interester_rule'])){
     	$related_city_user = model('RelatedUser')->getRelatedUserByType(3,8);
     $userInfo = model('User')->getUserInfo($this->mid);
     $location = explode(' ', $userInfo['location']);
     $this->assign('location', $location[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * 用户个人主页 --using
  * @param integer $user_id
  *            用户UID
  * @param varchar $uname
  *            用户名
  * @return array 状态+提示 或 用户信息
 public function show()
     $num = $_REQUEST['num'];
     $num = intval($num);
     $num or $num = 5;
     if (empty($this->user_id) && empty($this->data['uname'])) {
         $uid = $this->mid;
     } else {
         if ($this->user_id) {
             $uid = intval($this->user_id);
         } else {
             $uid = model('User')->where(array('uname' => $this->data['uname']))->getField('uid');
     if ($this->mid != $uid) {
         $privacy = model('UserPrivacy')->getPrivacy($this->mid, $uid);
         if ($privacy['space'] == 1) {
             return array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '您没有权限进入TA的个人主页');
     $userInfo = $this->get_user_info($uid);
     if (!$userInfo['uname']) {
         return array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '该用户不存在或已被删除');
     // dump ( $userInfo );
     $user_info['uid'] = $userInfo['uid'];
     $user_info['uname'] = $userInfo['uname'];
     $user_info['realname'] = $userInfo['realname'];
     $user_info['company'] = $userInfo['company'];
     $user_info['position'] = $userInfo['position'];
     $user_info['sex'] = $userInfo['sex'] == 1 ? '男' : '女';
     $user_info['intro'] = $userInfo['intro'] ? $userInfo['intro'] : '暂无简介';
     $user_info['location'] = $userInfo['location'] ? $userInfo['location'] : '';
     $user_info['avatar'] = $userInfo['avatar']['avatar_big'];
     $user_info['experience'] = t($userInfo['user_credit']['credit']['experience']['value']);
     $user_info['charm'] = t($userInfo['user_credit']['credit']['charm']['value']);
     $user_info['weibo_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['weibo_count']));
     $user_info['favorite_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['favorite_count']));
     $user_info['follower_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['follower_count']));
     $user_info['following_count'] = t(intval($userInfo['user_data']['following_count']));
     $user_info['realname'] = $userInfo['realname'];
     $user_info['honor'] = $userInfo['honor'];
     $follower = model('Follow')->where('fid=' . $user_info['uid'])->order('follow_id DESC')->field('uid')->limit($num)->findAll();
     $following = model('Follow')->where('uid=' . $user_info['uid'])->order('follow_id DESC')->field('fid')->limit($num)->findAll();
     $follower_arr = $following_arr = array();
     foreach ($follower as $k => $v) {
         $follower_info = $this->get_user_info($v['uid']);
         $follower_arr[$k]['uid'] = $follower_info['uid'];
         $follower_arr[$k]['uname'] = $follower_info['uname'];
         $follower_arr[$k]['avatar'] = $follower_info['avatar']['avatar_big'];
     foreach ($following as $k1 => $v1) {
         $following_info = $this->get_user_info($v1['fid']);
         $following_arr[$k1]['uid'] = $following_info['uid'];
         $following_arr[$k1]['uname'] = $following_info['uname'];
         $following_arr[$k1]['avatar'] = $following_info['avatar']['avatar_big'];
     $user_info['follower'] = $follower_arr;
     $user_info['following'] = $following_arr;
     $user_info['follow_status'] = model('Follow')->getFollowState($this->mid, $uid);
     $user_info['is_in_blacklist'] = t(D('user_blacklist')->where('uid=' . $this->mid . ' and fid=' . $uid)->count());
     $user_info['photo_count'] = model('Attach')->where(array('is_del' => 0, 'attach_type' => 'feed_image', 'uid' => $uid))->count();
     $user_info['photo'] = $this->user_photo($uid);
     $map['uid'] = $uid;
     $map['type'] = 'postvideo';
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $user_info['video_count'] = M('feed')->where($map)->count();
     $user_info['video'] = $this->user_video($uid);
     $user_info['level_src'] = $userInfo['user_credit']['level']['src'];
     // 用户认证图标
     $groupIcon = array();
     $userGroup = model('UserGroupLink')->getUserGroupData($uid);
     foreach ($userGroup[$uid] as $g) {
         $g['is_authenticate'] == 1 && ($groupArr[] = $g['user_group_name']);
     $user_info['authenticate'] = empty($groupArr) ? '无' : implode(' , ', $groupArr);
     /* # 获取用户认证理由 */
     $verifiedInfo = D('user_verified')->where('verified=1 AND uid=' . $uid)->field('info,realname')->find();
     $user_info['certInfo'] = $verifiedInfo['info'];
     //$user_info['realname'] = $verifiedInfo['realname'];
     /* # 获取用户封面 */
     $user_info['cover'] = D('user_data')->where('`key` LIKE "application_user_cover" AND `uid` = ' . $uid)->field('value')->getField('value');
     $user_info['cover'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($user_info['cover']);
     // 用户组
     $user_group = model('UserGroupLink')->where('uid=' . $uid)->field('user_group_id')->findAll();
     foreach ($user_group as $v) {
         $user_group_icon = D('user_group')->where('user_group_id=' . $v['user_group_id'])->getField('user_group_icon');
         if ($user_group_icon != -1) {
             $user_info['user_group'][] = THEME_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/usergroup/' . $user_group_icon;
     // 勋章
     $list = M()->query('select b.small_src from ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'medal_user a inner join ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'medal b on a.medal_id=b.id where a.uid=' . $uid . ' order by a.ctime desc limit 4');
     $user_info['medals'] = array();
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         $smallsrc = explode('|', $v['small_src']);
         $user_info['medals'][] = $smallsrc[1];
     // 礼品
     $map['toUserId'] = $uid;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $gifts = M('gift_user')->field('id,fromUserId,toUserId,giftPrice,giftImg')->where($map)->limit(4)->order('id DESC')->findAll();
     // giftId,giftName,giftNum,
     $gift_list = array();
     foreach ($gifts as $k => $v) {
         $map3['img'] = $v['giftImg'];
         $gift_detail = D('gift')->where($map3)->find();
         $gift_list[$k]['name'] = $gift_detail['name'];
         $gift_list[$k]['id'] = $v['id'];
         $gift_list[$k]['giftId'] = $gift_detail['id'];
         $gift_list[$k]['giftName'] = $gift_detail['name'];
         $gift_list[$k]['image'] = api('Gift')->realityImageURL($gift_detail['img']);
         //SITE_URL . '/apps/gift/Tpl/default/Public/gift/' . $gift_detail ['img']; // http://dev.thinksns.com/t4/apps/gift/Tpl/default/Public/gift
     $user_info['gift_count'] = M('gift_user')->where($map)->count();
     $user_info['gift_list'] = $gift_list;
     $user_info['user_credit'] = $userInfo['user_credit'];
     $user_info['tags'] = model('Tag')->setAppName('public')->setAppTable('user')->getAppTags($uid);
     // $user_info['honor']=$this->get_honor($uid);
     return $user_info;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * index
  * 好友的广场
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function index()
     $setting = model('Xdata')->lget('square');
     $map = array();
     if ($setting['channel'] == '1') {
         $setting['channelid'] = explode(',', $setting['channelid']);
         $map['status'] = 1;
         if (!$setting['channelid']) {
             $list = D('Channel', 'channel')->where($map)->order('rand()')->limit(8)->findAll();
         } else {
             $map['feed_channel_link_id'] = array('in', $setting['channelid']);
             $list = D('Channel', 'channel')->where($map)->order('rand()')->limit(8)->findAll();
         $feedIds = getSubByKey($list, 'feed_id');
         // 获取分享信息
         $feedInfo = model('Feed')->getFeeds($feedIds);
         $feedInfos = array();
         foreach ($feedInfo as $val) {
             $feedInfos[$val['feed_id']] = $val;
         $cmap['c.feed_id'] = array('IN', $feedIds);
         $categoryInfo = D()->table('`' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'channel` AS c LEFT JOIN `' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'channel_category` AS cc ON cc.channel_category_id = c.channel_category_id')->field('c.`feed_id`,c.`feed_channel_link_id`, c.`status`, cc.channel_category_id, cc.`title`')->where($cmap)->findAll();
         $categoryInfos = array();
         foreach ($categoryInfo as $val) {
             $categoryInfos[$val['feed_id']][] = $val;
         // 组装信息
         foreach ($list as &$value) {
             $info = @unserialize($feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['feed_data']);
             $value['uid'] = $feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['user_info']['uid'];
             $value['uname'] = $feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['user_info']['uname'];
             $image = matchImages($feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['body']);
             $value['img'] = '';
             if ($feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['type'] == 'postimage') {
                 if ($info['attach_id']) {
                     $value['img'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($info['attach_id'][0], 236, 177, true);
             $value['content'] = $info['body'] ? t($info['body']) : t($info['content']);
             $value['comment_count'] = $feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['comment_count'];
             $value['digg_count'] = $feedInfos[$value['feed_id']]['digg_count'];
             $value['categoryInfo'] = $categoryInfos[$value['feed_id']];
         $this->assign('channel', $list);
     $map = array();
     if ($setting['weiba'] == '1') {
         $setting['weibaid'] = str_replace(",", ',', $setting['weibaid']);
         $setting['weibaid'] = explode(',', $setting['weibaid']);
         $weibaId = array();
         foreach ($setting['weibaid'] as $k => $vo) {
             $vo = intval(trim($vo));
             if ($vo > 0 && !in_array($vo, $weibaId)) {
                 $weibaId[] = $vo;
         $weiba = M('weiba');
         $map['is_del'] = 0;
         $map['status'] = 1;
         if ($weibaId) {
             $map['weiba_id'] = array('in', $weibaId);
             $order = 'field(weiba_id,' . implode(',', $weibaId) . ')';
             $weiba_recommend = $weiba->where($map)->order($order)->limit(6)->select();
         if (!$weibaId || !$weiba_recommend) {
             $weiba_recommend = array();
         //当推荐微吧不足3 或 6 时自动补齐
         $count = count($weiba_recommend);
         if ($count < 3 || $count > 3 && $count < 6) {
             if ($count != 0) {
                 $map['weiba_id'] = array('not in', $weibaId);
             } elseif (isset($map['weiba_id'])) {
             $order = 'recommend DESC,follower_count DESC';
             $limit = ($count < 3 ? 3 : 6) - $count;
             $array = $weiba->limit($limit)->select();
             $weiba_recommend = array_merge($weiba_recommend, $array);
         foreach ($weiba_recommend as $k => $v) {
             $weiba_recommend[$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo']);
             $sql = "SELECT post_id,title FROM `" . C('DB_PREFIX') . "weiba_post` WHERE weiba_id=" . $v['weiba_id'] . " AND ( `is_del` = 0 ) ORDER BY recommend desc,recommend_time desc,post_time desc LIMIT 3";
             $weiba_post = M('weiba_post')->query($sql);
             if ($weiba_post) {
                 foreach ($weiba_post as $kk => $vv) {
                     $weiba_post[$kk]['title'] = t($vv['title']);
                 $weiba_recommend[$k]['post'] = $weiba_post;
         $this->assign('weiba_recommend', $weiba_recommend);
         $maps['is_del'] = 0;
         $fwid = D('weiba')->where('is_del=1 OR status=0')->order($order)->select();
         $fids = getSubByKey($fwid, 'weiba_id');
         if ($fids) {
             $maps['weiba_id'] = array('not in', $fids);
         $order = 'is_index_time desc';
         $maps['is_index'] = 1;
         $list = D('weiba_post')->field("weiba_id,post_id,title,content,index_img")->where($maps)->order($order)->select();
         if (count($list) < 6) {
             $limit = 6 - count($list);
             $post_ids = getSubByKey($list, 'post_id');
             $maps['post_id'] = array('not in', $post_ids);
             $maps['is_index'] = 0;
             $order = 'top desc,last_reply_time desc';
             $_list = D('weiba_post')->field("post_id,title,content")->where($maps)->order($order)->limit($limit)->select();
         $weiba_hot = array_merge($list, $_list);
         if ($weiba_hot[0]['index_img'] != null) {
             $index_img = model('Attach')->getAttachById($weiba_hot[0]['index_img']);
             $weiba_hot[0]['index_img'] = getImageUrl($index_img['save_path'] . $index_img['save_name'], '290', '100', true, false);
         foreach ($weiba_hot as $key => &$value) {
             $value['content'] = t($value['content']);
         $this->assign("weiba_hot", $weiba_hot);
     } else {
         $this->assign('weiba_recommend', '');
     if ($setting['relateduser'] == '1') {
         $user_recommend = model('RelatedUser')->getRelatedUserSquare(6);
         foreach ($user_recommend as $k => $vo) {
             // 用户兴趣
             $tags = model('Tag')->setAppName('public')->setAppTable('user')->getAppTags($vo['userInfo']['uid']);
             //$user_recommend[$k]['userInfo']['tags'] =  implode (',',$tags);
             $user_recommend[$k]['userInfo']['tags'] = $tags;
         $this->assign('user_recommend', $user_recommend);
         $setting = model('Xdata')->lget('square');
         $_user_recommend_verified = D('user_verified')->where('verified=1 and uid=' . $setting['user_recommend_uid'])->find();
         $setting = model('Xdata')->lget('square');
         $_user_recommend = model("User")->getUserInfo($_user_recommend_verified['uid']);
         $_user_recommend['verified_info'] = $_user_recommend_verified;
         $icon = getSubByKey($_user_recommend['user_group'], 'user_group_icon', array('user_group_id', $_user_recommend['verified_info']['usergroup_id']));
         $icon = array_pop($icon);
         $_user_recommend['verified_info']['icon'] = basename(substr($icon, 0, strpos($icon, '.')));
         $this->assign('_user_recommend', $_user_recommend);
         $_user_recommend_feedimages = $this->getUserAttachData($_user_recommend_verified['uid']);
         foreach ($_user_recommend_feedimages as $key => &$value) {
             $value['src'] = getImageUrl($value['savepath'], '103', '100', true, false);
             $value['uid'] = $_user_recommend_verified['uid'];
         $this->assign('_user_recommend_feedimages', $_user_recommend_feedimages);
         $pmap['post_uid'] = $_user_recommend_verified['uid'];
         $pmap['is_del'] = 0;
         $_user_recommend_posts = D('weiba_post')->field("post_id,title")->where($pmap)->limit(5)->order('post_time desc')->select();
         $this->assign('_user_recommend_posts', $_user_recommend_posts);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private function login_vars($data)
     $data = model('Xdata')->lget('hook_login_page');
     $logo = explode('|', $data['logo']['logo']);
     $logo[1] && ($data['logo']['logo'] = getImageUrl($logo[1]));
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $feedlimit = $data['feed']['feed_num'] ? $data['feed']['feed_num'] : 10;
     switch ($data['feed']['feed_source']) {
         case 2:
             $map['uid'] = array('in', explode(',', $data['feed']['feed_user']));
         case 3:
             $users = model('UserVerified')->field('uid')->group('uid')->order('id desc')->limit($feedlimit)->findAll();
             $map['uid'] = array('in', getSubByKey($users, 'uid'));
     $feeds = model('Feed')->where($map)->order("feed_id desc")->limit($feedlimit)->field('feed_id')->findAll();
     $feedids = getSubByKey($feeds, 'feed_id');
     $loginlastfeed = model('Feed')->getFeeds($feedids);
     foreach ($loginlastfeed as &$v) {
         switch ($v['app']) {
             case 'weiba':
                 $v['from'] = getFromClient(0, $v['app'], '微吧');
                 $v['from'] = getFromClient($v['from'], $v['app']);
     $data['loginlastfeed'] = $loginlastfeed;
     $limit = $data['user']['user_num'] ? $data['user']['user_num'] : 12;
     switch ($data['user']['user_source']) {
         case 1:
             $users = model('UserData')->where("`key`='follower_count'")->order('`value`+0 desc')->field('uid')->limit($limit)->findAll();
             $uids = getSubByKey($users, 'uid');
         case 2:
             $uids = explode(',', $data['user']['users']);
             $uids = array_slice($uids, 0, $limit);
         case 3:
             $users = model('UserVerified')->field('uid')->group('uid')->order('id desc')->limit($limit)->findAll();
             $uids = getSubByKey($users, 'uid');
         case 4:
             $feedmap['is_del'] = 0;
             $feedmap['is_audit'] = 1;
             $feedmap['is_active'] = 1;
             $feedmap['is_init'] = 1;
             $users = model('User')->where($feedmap)->field('uid')->order('ctime desc')->limit($limit)->findAll();
             $uids = getSubByKey($users, 'uid');
     $uids = array_unique(array_filter($uids));
     if ($uids) {
         $ulist = model('User')->getUserInfoByUids($uids);
         $data['userlist'] = $ulist;
     $data['navilist'] = model('Navi')->getBottomNav();
     $announcement = model('Xarticle')->where('type=1')->order('id desc')->limit(1)->findAll();
     $data['announcement'] = $announcement;
     if ($data['logo']['weiba_recommend'] != 2) {
         $weiba_recommend = D('weiba')->order('follower_count desc')->where('recommend=1 and is_del=0')->limit(5)->findAll();
         foreach ($weiba_recommend as $k => $v) {
             $weiba_recommend[$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo']);
         $data['logo']['weiba_recommend_list'] = $weiba_recommend;
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * 获取用户积分
  * 返回积分值的数据结构
  * <code>
  * array(
  * 'score' =>array(
  * 'credit'=>'1',
  * 'alias' =>'积分',
  * ),
  * 'experience'=>array(
  * 'credit'=>'2',
  * 'alias' =>'经验',
  * ),
  * '类型' =>array(
  * 'credit'=>'值',
  * 'alias' =>'名称',
  * ),
  * )
  * </code>
  * @param  int  $uid
  * @return bool array
 public function getUserCredit($uid)
     if (empty($uid)) {
         return false;
     $userCredit = S('getUserCredit_' . $uid);
     if ($userCredit != false) {
         return $userCredit;
     $userCreditInfo = M('credit_user')->where("uid={$uid}")->find();
     // 用户积分
     if (!$userCreditInfo) {
         $data['uid'] = $uid;
         // 用户积分
     foreach ($this->creditType as $v) {
         $userCredit['credit'][$v['name']] = array('value' => intval($userCreditInfo[$v['name']]), 'alias' => $v['alias']);
     $userCredit['creditType'] = $this->getTypeList();
     // 获取积分等级规则
     $level = $this->getLevel();
     $data = $userCredit['credit'][$this->type]['value'];
     foreach ($level as $k => $v) {
         if ($data >= $v['start'] && $data <= $v['end']) {
             $userCredit['level'] = $v;
             $userCredit['level']['level_type'] = $this->type;
             $userCredit['level']['nextNeed'] = $v['end'] - $data;
             $userCredit['level']['nextName'] = $level[$k + 1]['name'];
             if (is_numeric($userCredit['level']['image'])) {
                 $userCredit['level']['src'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($userCredit['level']['image']);
             } else {
                 $userCredit['level']['src'] = THEME_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/level/' . $userCredit['level']['image'];
         if ($data > $v['end'] && !isset($level[$k + 1])) {
             $userCredit['level'] = $v;
             $userCredit['level']['nextNeed'] = '';
             $userCredit['level']['nextName'] = '';
             if (is_numeric($userCredit['level']['image'])) {
                 $userCredit['level']['src'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($userCredit['level']['image']);
             } else {
                 $userCredit['level']['src'] = THEME_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/level/' . $userCredit['level']['image'];
     S('getUserCredit_' . $uid, $userCredit, 604800);
     return $userCredit;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * 搜索微吧
  * @param
  *        	varchar keyword 搜索关键字
  * @param
  *        	integer limit 每页显示条数
  * @param
  *        	integer page 第几页
  * @param
  *        	integer uid 用户UID
  * @return array 微吧列表
 public function searchWeibaForApi($keyword, $limit, $page, $uid)
     $limit = intval($limit);
     $page = intval($page);
     $start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     $end = $limit;
     $map['is_del'] = 0;
     $where['weiba_name'] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
     $where['intro'] = array('like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
     $where['_logic'] = 'or';
     $map['_complex'] = $where;
     $weibaList = D('weiba')->where($map)->limit("{$start},{$end}")->order('follower_count desc,thread_count desc')->findAll();
     if ($weibaList) {
         foreach ($weibaList as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['logo']) {
                 $weibaList[$k]['logo_url'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo']);
             if (D('weiba_follow')->where('follower_uid=' . $uid . ' AND weiba_id=' . $v['weiba_id'])->find()) {
                 $weibaList[$k]['followstate'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $weibaList[$k]['followstate'] = 0;
         return $weibaList;
     } else {
         return array();
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * 微吧排行榜
  * @return void
 private function _weibaOrder()
     $weiba_order = D('weiba')->where('is_del=0 and status=1')->order('follower_count desc,thread_count desc')->limit(10)->findAll();
     foreach ($weiba_order as $k => $v) {
         $weiba_order[$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo'], 30, 30);
     $map['post_uid'] = $this->mid;
     $postCount = D('weiba_post')->where($map)->count();
     $reply = D('weiba_reply')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->group('post_id')->findAll();
     $replyCount = count($reply);
     $favoriteCount = D('weiba_favorite')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->count();
     $followCount = D('weiba_follow')->where('follower_uid=' . $this->mid)->count();
     $data['postCount'] = $postCount ? $postCount : 0;
     $data['replyCount'] = $replyCount ? $replyCount : 0;
     $data['favoriteCount'] = $favoriteCount ? $favoriteCount : 0;
     $data['followCount'] = $followCount ? $followCount : 0;
     $this->assign('weiba_order', $weiba_order);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * 微吧排行榜
  * @return void
 private function _weibaOrder()
     $weiba_order = D('weiba')->where('is_del=0')->order('follower_count desc,thread_count desc')->limit(10)->findAll();
     foreach ($weiba_order as $k => $v) {
         $weiba_order[$k]['logo'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($v['logo']);
     $this->assign('weiba_order', $weiba_order);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function latelyRoomList()
     $limit = floor($_GET['limit']);
     $limit = $limit <= 0 ? 10 : $limit;
     $list = model('WebMessage')->getRoomList($limit, false);
     $data = array();
     foreach ($list as $key => $rs) {
         $data[$key]['room_id'] = $rs['list_id'];
         $data[$key]['msg_new'] = $rs['msg_new'];
         if ($rs['type'] == 2) {
             $data[$key]['title'] = '来自群消息';
             if ($rs['title']) {
                 $data[$key]['title'] = '群:' . $rs['title'];
             if ($rs['logo'] > 0) {
                 $data[$key]['src'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($rs['logo'], 50, 50);
             if (!isset($data[$key]['src']) or !$data[$key]['src']) {
                 $data[$key]['src'] = THEME_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/message/group.png';
         } else {
             $_uid = intval(trim(str_replace('_' . $this->mid . '_', '_', '_' . $rs['min_max'] . '_'), '_'));
             $_user = getUserInfo($_uid);
             $data[$key]['title'] = '联系人:' . $_user['uname'];
             $data[$key]['src'] = $_user['avatar_small'];
             $data[$key]['uid'] = $_uid;
             $data[$key]['min_max'] = $rs['min_max'];
     /* # 评论, 赞, 通知,AT */
     $info = array();
     /* # 评论 */
     $info['comment'] = model('UserData')->where('`uid`=' . $this->mid . " AND `key`='unread_comment'")->getField('value');
     /* # 赞 */
     $info['digg'] = model('UserData')->where('`uid`=' . $this->mid . " AND `key`='unread_digg'")->getField('value');
     /* # 通知 */
     $info['notice'] = D('notify_message')->where('`uid` = ' . $this->mid . ' AND `is_read` != 1')->field('`id`')->count();
     /* # At me */
     $info['at'] = model('UserData')->where('`uid`=' . $this->mid . " AND `key`='unread_atme'")->getField('value');
     $this->ajaxReturn($data, $info);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * 获取当前用户积分	--using
  * @return array 任务列表
 function task_list()
     $uid = $this->mid;
     $list = M('task_user')->where(' uid=' . $this->mid)->findAll();
     foreach ($list as $u) {
         $my[$u['tid']] = $u;
         if ($u['status'] == 1) {
             if ($u['receive'] == 1) {
                 $my[$u['tid']]['status'] = 2;
                 // 已领取奖励
             } else {
                 $my[$u['tid']]['status'] = 1;
                 // 已完成,未领取奖励
         } else {
             $my[$u['tid']]['status'] = 0;
             // 未完成
     $list = M('task')->where('is_del=0')->order('task_type asc, task_level asc')->findAll();
     $has_del = false;
     // 增加用户数据
     foreach ($list as $k => $vo) {
         if (isset($my[$vo['id']])) {
             // 每日任务数据初始化
             $time = strtotime(date('Ymd'));
             if ($vo['task_type'] == 1 && $my[$vo['id']]['ctime'] < $time && $has_del == false) {
                 // 删除历史
                 $dmap['task_type'] = 1;
                 $dmap['uid'] = $uid;
                 $has_del = true;
                 $list[$k]['status'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $list[$k]['status'] = $my[$vo['id']]['status'];
         } else {
             $list[$k]['status'] = 0;
             // 每日任务数据初始化
             if ($vo['task_type'] == 1 && $has_del == false) {
                 // 删除历史
                 $dmap['task_type'] = 1;
                 $dmap['uid'] = $uid;
                 $has_del = true;
             // 初始化新的数据
             $udata['uid'] = $uid;
             $udata['tid'] = $vo['id'];
             $udata['task_level'] = $vo['task_level'];
             $udata['task_type'] = $vo['task_type'];
             $udata['ctime'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
             $udata['status'] = 0;
             $udata['desc'] = '';
             $udata['receview'] = 0;
             // 加入任务表
     // 更新未完成的任务
     $userdata = model('UserData')->getUserData($uid);
     $model = model('Task');
     foreach ($list as $k => $t) {
         if ($t['status'] != 0) {
         $condition = json_decode($t['condition']);
         $conkey = key($condition);
         // 判断任务是否完成
         $res = $model->_executeTask($conkey, $condition->{$conkey}, $uid, $t['task_type'], $userdata);
         $list[$k]['conkey'] = array_shift(array_keys((array) json_decode($t['condition'])));
         $list[$k]['progress_rate'] = $model->getAmountHash($list[$k]['conkey']);
         if ($res) {
             // 刷新用户任务执行状态
             M('task_user')->setField('status', 1, 'tid=' . $t['id'] . ' and uid=' . $uid);
             $list[$k]['status'] = 1;
     // dump($list);
     $task_list = array();
     foreach ($list as $vo) {
         $key = $vo['task_type'] . $vo['task_level'];
         $task_list[$key]['title'] = $vo['task_name'];
         $task_list[$key]['task_type'] = $vo['task_type'];
         $task_list[$key]['task_level'] = $vo['task_level'];
         $task['task_id'] = $vo['id'];
         $task['task_name'] = $vo['step_name'];
         $task['step_desc'] = $vo['step_desc'];
         $score = json_decode($vo['reward'], true);
         $task['reward'] = $score['score'];
         $task['status'] = $vo['status'];
         $task['conkey'] = $vo['conkey'];
         $task['progress_rate'] = empty($vo['progress_rate']) ? '0 / 1' : $vo['progress_rate'];
         $score['medal'] = (array) $score['medal'];
         if (!empty($vo['headface'])) {
             $attach = explode('|', $vo['headface']);
             // $task ['img'] = getImageUrl ( $attach [1] );
             $task['img'] = (string) getImageUrlByAttachId($attach[0]);
         } else {
             $task['img'] = '';
         $task_list[$key]['list'][] = $task;
     $res = array();
     foreach ($task_list as $k => $v) {
         $count = $num = 0;
         foreach ($v['list'] as $vv) {
             $num += $vv['status'] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
             $num2 += $vv['status'] == 2 ? 1 : 0;
             $count += 1;
         $v['receive'] = 0;
         // 未领取完
         $v['status'] = 0;
         // 未开始
         if ($k < 22) {
             if ($count == $num) {
                 $v['status'] = 2;
                 // 已完成
                 $num2 == $count && ($v['receive'] = 1);
             } elseif ($num == 0) {
                 $v['status'] = 0;
                 // 未开始
             } else {
                 $v['status'] = 1;
                 // 进行中
             $res[] = $v;
         } else {
             $i = count($res) - 1;
             if ($count == $num) {
                 $v['status'] = 2;
                 // 已完成
                 $num2 == $count && ($v['receive'] = 1);
                 $res[] = $v;
             } elseif ($res[$i]['status'] == 2) {
                 $v['status'] = 1;
                 $res[] = $v;
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * 获取频道分类下的微博 --using
  * @param
  *        	integer channel_category_id 频道分类ID
  * @param
  *        	integer max_id 上次返回的最后一条feed_id
  * @param
  *        	integer count 微博条数
  * @param
  *        	integer type 微博类型 0-全部 1-原创 2-转发 3-图片 4-附件 5-视频
  * @return json 指定分类下的微博
 public function channel_detail()
     $cid = intval($this->data['channel_category_id']);
     if (!$cid) {
         return array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '请选择频道');
     $max_id = $this->max_id ? intval($this->max_id) : 0;
     $count = $this->count ? intval($this->count) : 20;
     // if(!empty($max_id)){
     // $channel_detail = D('channel_category')->where('channel_category_id='.$cid)->field('channel_category_id,title')->find();
     // }else{
     // $channel_detail = array();
     // }
     /* 频道信息 */
     $channel_detail = S('api_channel_info_' . $cid);
     if (!$channel_detail) {
         $channel_detail = D('channel_category')->where(array('channel_category_id' => array('eq', $cid)))->find();
         $channel_detail = array_merge($channel_detail, unserialize($channel_detail['ext']));
         $channel_detail['banner'] = '';
         if ($channel_detail['attach']) {
             $channel_detail['banner'] = getImageUrlByAttachId($channel_detail['attach']);
         S('api_channel_info_' . $cid, $channel_detail);
     // 频道下的微博
     $where = 'c.status = 1';
     $where .= ' AND c.channel_category_id =' . $cid;
     !empty($max_id) && ($where .= " AND c.feed_id < {$max_id}");
     $type = $this->data['type'];
     if (in_array($type, array('postimage', 'postfile', 'postvideo'))) {
         $where .= " AND f.type='{$type}' ";
     } elseif ($type == 'post') {
         $where .= ' AND f.is_repost=0';
     } elseif ($type == 'repost') {
         $where .= ' AND f.is_repost=1';
     $order = 'c.feed_id DESC';
     $sql = 'SELECT distinct c.feed_id FROM `' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'channel` c LEFT JOIN `' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'feed` f ON c.feed_id = f.feed_id WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $count . '';
     $feed_ids = getSubByKey(D()->query($sql), 'feed_id');
     $channel_detail['feed_list'] = api('Weibo')->format_feed($feed_ids);
     return $channel_detail;