Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @package:SMS
 * @MyHelper::countMyFriends().
 * @Author:Techno Services
function countMyFriends()
    $ci =& get_instance();
    if (current_url() == base_url()) {
        $user_id = getSession('token');
    } else {
        $user_id = getIdByUsername(getUsernameByUrl());
    return $ci->friend_model->countMyFriends($user_id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
unset ($user, $_SESSION['user']);
if ($_POST['submit']) {
	$secretcode = '3485ghfgh98ghfdghq31qqqzxfjkdfgddkjwer08448534gdfgbdfg'; /* Used for activation code generation */
	$username = secureData($_POST['username']);
	$rulername = secureData($_POST['rulername']);
	$planetname = secureData($_POST['planetname']);
	$password = secureData($_POST['password']);
	$password2 = secureData($_POST['password2']);
	$email = secureData($_POST['email']);
	$email2 = secureData($_POST['email2']);

	if (getIdByUsername($username)) { $msg = '<font color=red>That username is already taken.</font>'; }
	elseif (getIdByRulername($rulername)) { $msg = '<font color=red>That rulername is already taken.</font>'; }
	elseif (getIdByPlanetname($planetname)) { $msg = '<font color=red>That planetname is already taken.</font>'; }
	elseif (getIdByEmail($email)) { $msg = '<font color=red>The email address you\'re trying to use, is already taken.</font>'; }
	elseif ($password != $password2) { $msg = '<font color=red>The passwords don\'t match!</font>'; }
	elseif ($email != $email2) { $msg = '<font color=red>The e-mails don\'t match!</font>'; }
	elseif (!$username || !$planetname || !$password || !$password2 || !$email) { $msg = '<font color=red>Empty fields are not allowed.</font>'; }
	else {
		$activation_code = md5($username.time().$email.$secretcode); /* Generate a unique md5 has by using the username, current time, email address and a private code. */
		$galaxy_id = getRandomGalaxyId();
		if (getFreeGalaxySpot($galaxy_id)) { $galaxy_spot = getFreeGalaxySpot($galaxy_id); }
		else { $msg = 'Registration failed. Your data was inserted correctly, but the galaxy spot is not right. Contact the crew'; }
		$password = md5($password);
		$sql_newplayer = "INSERT INTO `$table[players]` (`username` , `password` , `email` , `activated` , `activation_code` , `rulername`,`planetname` , `galaxy_id` , `galaxy_spot`)
							VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', '0', '$activation_code', '$rulername','$planetname', '$galaxy_id', '$galaxy_spot')";
		mysql_query($sql_newplayer) or die(mysql_error());