Ejemplo n.º 1
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible funding info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "MergerID", "Refresh", "FundingID", "AddMerger", "Source", "StateID", "State", "Amount", "Date", "Source", "Remove"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Merger data for company: " . $companyName;
} else {
    $title = "Merger data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanyMerger.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new funding
if (isset($AddMerger)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = 'Functionality not implemented yet';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or possible company info
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Executive data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"Executive.js\" />";
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="Executive.php" method="post">';
// create the section header
echo '<div class="row show-grid">';
// create grid column
Ejemplo n.º 3
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Funding.cls.php";
include_once "Financing.cls.php";
include_once "Company.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FundingDetails.js\" />";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "IPODate", "date", "IPOValue", "IPORaised", "Date", "Amount", "FinancingType", "FinancingProvider1", "FinancingProvider2", "FinancingProvider3", "FinancingProvider4", "Update", "FundingID", "FundingSourceID", "FundingSource", "FundingTypeID", "FundingType", "AwardDate", "AwardAmount", "Comment", "DataSource", "AwdDate", "PrivateFinancingType", "PFAmount", "PFSource", "PublicProgramType", "Announcement", "AISource", "RealizeIPO", "IPODetails", "IPOSource", "PublicProgramSource", "PublicProgramAmount"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Funding Detail Information";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // create a new founder object
    $fundingObj = new Funding();
    $financingObj = new Financing();
    $companyObj = new Company();
    $companyObj->CompanyID = sqlEscapeString($CompanyID);
    $companyObj->IPODate = sqlEscapeString($IPODate);
    $companyObj->IPOValue = sqlEscapeString($IPOValue);
    $companyObj->IPORaised = nullpulldown($IPORaised);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible funding info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "Refresh", "AddEvent", "Source", "Notes", "EEventID", "EventType", "EventMarket", "EventCategory", "EID", "ETypeID", "EventDate", "Amount", "Benificiary", "SourceID", "MarketID", "Comment", "CategoryID", "Remove"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Event data for company: " . $companyName . ". Company ID: " . $CompanyID;
} else {
    $title = "Event data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanyEvent.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new funding
if (isset($AddEvent)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible funding info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "IPODate", "IPOValue", "IPORaised", "Date", "Amount", "FinancingType", "FinancingProvider1", "FinancingProvider2", "FinancingProvider3", "FinancingProvider4", "DataSource", "MergerState", "MergerAmount", "MergerDate", "MergerSource", "AcquisitionSource", "AcquisitionAmount", "AcquisitionDate", "Refresh", "AddFunding", "AddSelectedFunding", "FundingID", "FundingSourceID", "FundingSource", "FundingTypeID", "FundingType", "AwardDate", "AwardAmount", "Comment", "Remove"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Funding data for company: " . $companyName . ". Company ID: " . $CompanyID;
} else {
    $title = "Funding data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanyFunding.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new funding
if (isset($AddFunding)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the company object
include_once "Company.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("Update", "Delete", "CompanyAddressSource", "EstaEntryLoc", "EntryType", "CompanyID", "NewCompanyID", "CheckWebsite", "CompanyName", "Year", "YearID", "SOSID", "Phone", "EntryTypeGroup", "TLOAffiliation", "IFUniAffiliation", "RTPAnchor", "TLOSource", "Email", "C_Remark", "AdditionalSOSID", "Website", "SourceForCompany", "Establishment", "CompanyDescription", "SourceID", "CurrStreet", "CurrCity", "CurrState", "CurrZip", "CompanyNameSource", "CompanyYearSource", "CompanyDescriptionSource", "ParentCompany", "Subsidiary", "EModeID", "SectorID", "SubSectorID", "Technology", "TypeID", "MarketID", "SourceID", "HqOrigin", "HqCurrent", "EnteredNC", "AcquiredBool", "AcquiredDate", "AcquiredBy", "AcquiredValue", "IPOBool", "IPODate", "IPOValue", "IPORaised", "ClosureBool", "ClosureDate", "ActiveBool", "LocationType", "OrigCity", "OrigState", "OrigStreet", "OrigZip", "MailingAddress", "AlternatePhone", "Fax", "Inc_DE", "RTP", "MoveoutNC", "EntryTypeSource", "EstEntryLocationSource", "MoveoutDate", "AffiliationType", "DUNS", "AffiliationID", "ClosureDataSource", "ClosureType"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Company Detail Information";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanyDetails.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
function mssql_escape($data)
    if (is_numeric($data)) {
        return $data;
    $unpacked = unpack('H*hex', $data);
    return '0x' . $unpacked['hex'];
if (isset($Delete)) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible funding info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "Refresh", "AddFunding", "EventSource", "EventType", "EventMarket", "EventCategory", "ID", "TypeID", "EventDate", "Amount", "Benificiary", "SourceID", "MarketID", "Comment", "CategoryID", "Remove"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Event data for company: " . $companyName;
} else {
    $title = "Event data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanyEvent.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new funding
if (isset($AddEvent)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($CompanyID) && !empty($CompanyID)) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Founder.cls.php";
include_once "FounderEdu.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderDetails.js\" />";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("Update", "NameSource", "ContactInfoSource", "HomepageSource", "Delete", "WorkHisID", "Number", "WorkHisDetail", "PositionHeld", "Seniority", "Position_Domain", "W_From", "W_To", "Industry", "GraduatedYr", "Sector", "DegreeLookupID", "FounderEduID", "NewDegreeFrom", "NewMajor", "NewGraduatedYr", "FounderID", "CompanyID", "FirstName", "MidInitial", "LastName", "Suffix", "PhoneNumber", "Email", "Homepage", "F_Remark", "Other_Name"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Founder Detail Information";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderDetails.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
//header('Location: founders.php');
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // create a new founder object
    $founderObj = new Founder();
    // load the founder object with the page parameters
    $founderObj->FounderID = $FounderID;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * For questions, comments please contact software@renci.org
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the workflow step parameter boilerplate helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed and a possible RBP database ID
getExtraParams(array("NewList", "Refresh", "Name", "Description", "Version"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Diagnostic List Overview";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../Overview/Overview.js\" />";
// preset validation flag
$validated = true;
if (isset($Refresh)) {
    // clear all previous data
    $Name = '';
    $Description = '';
    $Version = '';
} else {
    if (isset($NewList)) {
        // validate the parameters
        if (isset($Name) && !empty($Name) && isset($Description) && !empty($Description) && isset($Version) && !empty($Version) && is_numeric($Version)) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible funding info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "ID", "Refresh", "AddSectors", "SectorID", "SubSector1ID", "SubSector2ID", "Remove"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Sector data for company: " . $companyName . ". Company ID: " . $CompanyID;
} else {
    $title = "Funding data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanySectors.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new funding
if (isset($AddSectors)) {
    // validate that the alias name is good
    if (isset($SectorID) && !empty($SectorID) && isset($SubSector1ID) && !empty($SubSector1ID) && isset($SubSector2ID) && !empty($SubSector2ID)) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// save the posted page values
getExtraParams(array("AddFundingSource", "AddFundingType", "SourceID", "SourceName", "TypeID", "TypeName"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Funding Source and Funding Type List";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"Funding.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new founder
if (isset($AddFundingSource)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($SourceName) && !empty($SourceName)) {
        // check for a duplucate name or prev/other name
        $retVal = checkForDuplicateSourceName($SourceName);
        // was this a new founder
        if ($retVal[0] == false) {
            // get the founder object definition loaded
            include_once "FundingSource.cls.php";
            // create a new founder object
Ejemplo n.º 12
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "FounderEdu.cls.php";
include_once "Founder.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderDetails.js\" />";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("Update", "DegreeLookupID", "FounderEduID", "NewDegreeFrom", "NewDegreeType", "NewMajor", "NewGraduatedYr", "FounderID", "CompanyID"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Founder Education Information";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderEdu.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // validate that the education data is good
    if (1) {
        // create a new founderEdu object
        $founderEduObj = new FounderEdu();
        //load the FounderEdu object with the page parameters
        //$founderEduObj->FounderEduID = NULL;
        $founderEduObj->FounderID = $FounderID;
        $founderEduObj->DegreeFrom = sqlEscapeString($NewDegreeFrom);
Ejemplo n.º 13
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed and a possible RBP database ID
getExtraParams(array("validationMessage", "CompanyData", "FoundersData", "FundingData", "NoteData", "ProductData", "ExecutiveData", "EventData", "SearchCompanyName", "SearchCompany", "companySelect", "ViewSelectedCompany", "CompanySearchResult"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Enter Company ID";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"EnterCompanyID.js\" />";
if (isset($SearchCompany)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($SearchCompanyName) && !empty($SearchCompanyName)) {
        // search for company names
        $retVal = searchForCompanyName(sqlEscapeString($SearchCompanyName));
        // companies found
        if ($retVal[0]) {
            // set the validation error flag
            $validated = false;
            // reset the validation error message
            $validationMessage = '';
            // save the search results
Ejemplo n.º 14
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible funding info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "ID", "Refresh", "AddTechnologies", "Technology", "Remove"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Technology data for company: " . $companyName . ". Company ID: " . $CompanyID;
} else {
    $title = "Technology data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"CompanyTechnologies.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new funding
if (isset($AddTechnologies)) {
    // validate that the alias name is good
    if (isset($Technology) && !empty($Technology)) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible founder info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyName", "FounderID", "Refresh", "AddCompany", "CompanyForFounderPulldown", "SearchCompany", "SearchCompanyName", "companySelect", "CompanySearchResult", "AddSelectedCompany"));
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderCompany.js\" />";
$keyword = "'%" . $_POST['keyword'] . "%'";
//$sql = "SELECT top 50 * FROM Companies where CompanyName like " . $keyword . " order by CompanyID ASC";
$sql = "select distinct c.CompanyName from Companies c left join PreviousOtherNames p on c.CompanyID = p.CompanyID where ((c.CompanyName like " . $keyword . ") or (p.OtherName like " . $keyword . ")) order by c.CompanyName";
//$query = $pdo->prepare($sql);
//$query->bindParam(':keyword', $keyword, PDO::PARAM_STR);
include_once "SQLUtils.php";
$list = query($sql);
//$list = doGetCompanyList();
foreach ($list as $rs) {
    // put in bold the written text
    $company_name = str_replace($_POST['keyword'], '<b>' . $_POST['keyword'] . '</b>', $rs['CompanyName']);
    // add new option
    echo '<li onclick="set_item(\'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $rs['CompanyName']) . '\')">' . $company_name . '</li>';
Ejemplo n.º 16
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or possible founder info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "Refresh", "OtherName", "AddAlias", "CompanyName", "SearchCompanyName", "NewAliasName"));
// get the company name
$CompanyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Associated Names for: " . $CompanyName . ". Company ID: " . $CompanyID;
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"PreviousOtherNames.js\" />";
if (isset($AddAlias)) {
    // validate that the alias name is good
    if (isset($NewAliasName) && !empty($NewAliasName)) {
        $NewAliasName = htmlspecialchars($NewAliasName, ENT_QUOTES);
        // create the SQL statement for the insert
        $sql = "EXEC dbo.CreatePreviousOtherName @CompanyID=" . $CompanyID . ", @OtherName=" . "'" . $NewAliasName . "'";
        // insert the record
        $result = nonQuery($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 17
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible founder info
getExtraParams(array("FirstName", "MidInitial", "LastName"));
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"Founder.js\" />";
//$keyword = "'%" . $_POST['keyword'] . "%'";
$firstName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['FirstName'], ENT_QUOTES);
$MidInitial = htmlspecialchars($_POST['MidInitial'], ENT_QUOTES);
$lastName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['LastName'], ENT_QUOTES);
//$keyword = "'%" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['keyword'], ENT_QUOTES) . "%'";
//$sql = "SELECT top 50 * FROM Companies where CompanyName like " . $keyword . " order by CompanyID ASC";
//$sql = "select distinct c.CompanyName from Companies c left join PreviousOtherNames p on c.CompanyID = p.CompanyID where ((c.CompanyName like " . $keyword . ") or (p.OtherName like " . $keyword . ")) order by c.CompanyName";
$sql = "EXEC dbo.checkForDuplicateFounderName @FirstName='" . $firstName . "'" . ", @LastName='" . $lastName . "'" . ", @MidInitial='" . $MidInitial . "'";
//$query = $pdo->prepare($sql);
//$query->bindParam(':keyword', $keyword, PDO::PARAM_STR);
include_once "SQLUtils.php";
$list = query($sql);
//$list = doGetCompanyList();
Ejemplo n.º 18
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Acquisition.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"AcquisitionDetails.js\" />";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "FundingID", "AcquisitionID", "Refresh", "Update", "AddAcquisition", "Source", "State", "Amount", "Date", "Source", "Remove"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Acquisition Detail Information";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"AcquisitionDetails.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // create a new founder object
    $acquisitionObj = new Acquisition();
    // load the founder object with the page parameters
    $acquisitionObj->AcquisitionID = sqlEscapeString($AcquisitionID);
    $acquisitionObj->CompanyID = sqlEscapeString($CompanyID);
    $acquisitionObj->Date = sqlEscapeString($Date);
    $acquisitionObj->Amount = sqlEscapeString($Amount);
    $acquisitionObj->Source = sqlEscapeString($Source);
Ejemplo n.º 19
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or poosible founder info
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "FounderID", "dupeSelect", "Refresh", "AddFounder", "AddSelectedFounder", "pageLink", "duplicatedFounder", "ViewSelectedFounder", "FirstName", "MidInitial", "LastName", "Suffix", "OtherName", "PhoneNumber", "Email", "Cur_Resident", "F_Remark", "VerifiedBy", "Homepage"));
// did we get a company name
if (isset($CompanyID)) {
    // get the company name
    $companyName = getCompanyName($CompanyID);
    // set the title name to be displayed in the header
    $title = "Founder data for company: " . $companyName . ". Company ID: " . $CompanyID;
} else {
    $title = "Founder data";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"Founder.js\" />";
// is this a post to add a new founder
if (isset($AddFounder)) {
    // validation
    if (isset($FirstName) && !empty($FirstName) && isset($LastName) && !empty($LastName) && isset($MidInitial)) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
include_once "SQLUtils.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
//get the checkbox bootstrap stuff
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("UpdateGrid", "CCompanyID", "inputCol", "Refresh", "ExportCSV", "AddCompany", "Description", "EstYear", "Update", "CompanyID", "CheckWebsite", "CompanyName", "Year", "YearID", "SOSID", "Phone", "Email", "C_Remark", "AdditionalSOSID", "Website", "SourceForCompany", "Establishment", "CompanyDescription", "SourceID", "CurrStreet", "CurrCity", "CurrState", "CurrZip", "CompanyNameSource", "CompanyYearSource", "CompanyDescriptionSource", "ParentCompany", "Subsidiary", "EModeID", "SectorID", "SubSector1ID", "SubSector2ID", "Technology", "TypeID", "MarketID", "SourceID", "HqOrigin", "HqCurrent", "EnteredNC", "AcquiredBool", "AcquiredDate", "AcquiredBy", "AcquiredValue", "IPOBool", "IPODate", "IPOValue", "IPORaised", "ClosureBool", "ClosureDate", "ActiveBool", "LocationType", "OrigCity", "OrigState", "OrigStreet", "OrigZip", "MailingAddress", "AlternatePhone", "Fax", "Inc_DE", "RTP", "MoveoutNC", "MoveoutDate", "AffiliationType", "DUNS", "UserName", "AffiliationID", "checkboxinfo", "fileContents", "Checkboxes", "rv", "replace", "replaceMessage", "validationMessage", "validated"));
function isCBChecked($arr, $index)
    if (isset($arr) && !empty($arr)) {
        if (is_array($arr)) {
            if (in_array($index, $arr)) {
                return "checked";
            } else {
                return '';
        } else {
            if ($arr == $index) {
                return "checked";
            } else {
                return '';
Ejemplo n.º 21
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// include the pulldown helpers
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// include the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// save the posted page values
getExtraParams(array("UpdateGrid", "inputCol", "FFounderID", "ExportCSV", "ExportCSVCondensed", "CompanyID", "FounderID", "UserName", "Delete", "dupeSelect", "Refresh", "AddFounder", "AddSelectedFounder", "pageLink", "duplicatedFounder", "ViewSelectedFounder", "FirstName", "MidInitial", "LastName", "Suffix", "OtherName", "PhoneNumber", "Email", "Cur_Resident", "F_Remark", "VerifiedBy", "Homepage", "checkboxinfo", "fileContents", "Checkboxes", "DegreeFrom", "Major", "GraduatedYear", "DegreeDescription", "InstitutionName", "Number", "WorkHisDetail", "PositionHeld", "Seniority", "Position_Domain", "W_From", "W_To", "Industry", "Sector", "CompanyName"));
function isCBChecked($arr, $index)
    if (isset($arr) && !empty($arr)) {
        if (is_array($arr)) {
            if (in_array($index, $arr)) {
                return "checked";
            } else {
                return '';
        } else {
            if ($arr == $index) {
                return "checked";
            } else {
                return '';
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Renaissance Computing Institute,
 * (A Joint Institute between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
 * North Carolina State University, and Duke University)
 * http://www.renci.org
 * For questions, comments please contact software@renci.org
// include the site constants
include_once 'Constants.php';
// include the workflow step parameter boilerplate helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form utils
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the RBP ID and whether they clicked to load a rbp
// set the title name
$title = "View/delete log file";
// output the basic header HTML
include_once "../Includes/Header.php";
// include the dump helper
include_once '../Common/DumpLogFile.php';
// create the form in HTML
echo "<form method='post' action='LogFile.php'>";
// show the buttons
echo '<input type="submit" name="DeleteButton" value="Delete the log file"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo '<input type="submit" name="RefreshButton" value="Refresh"/> </br></br>';
// what just happened
if (isset($_POST['DeleteButton'])) {
    // delete the log file
Ejemplo n.º 23
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Funding.cls.php";
include_once "Financing.cls.php";
include_once "Company.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "IPODate", "date", "IPOValue", "IPORaised", "Date", "Amount", "FinancingType", "FinancingProvider1", "FinancingProvider2", "FinancingProvider3", "FinancingProvider4", "Update", "FundingID", "FundingSourceID", "FundingSource", "FundingTypeID", "FundingType", "AwardDate", "AwardAmount", "Comment", "DataSource", "AwdDate"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Funding Detail Information";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FundingDetails.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // create a new founder object
    $fundingObj = new Funding();
    $financingObj = new Financing();
    $companyObj = new Company();
    $companyObj->CompanyID = sqlEscapeString($CompanyID);
    $companyObj->IPODate = sqlEscapeString($IPODate);
    $companyObj->IPOValue = sqlEscapeString($IPOValue);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * For questions, comments please contact software@renci.org
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed and a possible RBP database ID
getExtraParams(array("CompanyData", "FoundersData", "FundingData", "NoteData", "ProductData", "ExecutiveData", "EventData"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "RTP Company Data Entry Dashboard";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"DashBoard.js\" />";
// was this a post
if (isset($CompanyData)) {
    header('Location: ../Company/Company.php');
} else {
    if (isset($FoundersData)) {
        header('Location: ../Founder/Founders.php');
    } else {
        if (isset($FundingData)) {
            header('Location: ../Funding/Funding.php');
        } else {
            if (isset($NoteData)) {
                header('Location: ../Note/Note.php');
Ejemplo n.º 25
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Founder.cls.php";
include_once "FounderWorkHis.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("Update", "WorkHisID", "Number", "WorkHisDetail", "PositionHeld", "Seniority", "Position_Domain", "W_From", "W_To", "Industry", "Sector", "FounderID"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Founder Work History Information";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderWorkHistory.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // validate that the education data is good
    if (isset($Number) && !empty($Number) || isset($WorkHisDetail) && !empty($WorkHisDetail) || isset($PositionHeld) && !empty($PositionHeld) || $W_From != "-1" && $W_To != "-1" || isset($Seniority) && !empty($Seniority) || isset($Position_Domain) && !empty($Position_Domain) || isset($Industry) && !empty($Industry) || isset($Sector) && !empty($Sector)) {
        // create a new founderEdu object
        $founderWorkHisObj = new FounderWorkHis();
        //load the FounderEdu object with the page parameters
        //$founderWorkHisObj->Number = sqlEscapeString($Number);
        //$founderWorkHisObj->WorkHisID = sqlEscapeString($WorkHisID);
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: del.php Proyecto: zekuny/RTPUI

// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Founder.cls.php";
include_once "FounderEdu.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"FounderDetails.js\" />";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
header('Location: founders.php');
Ejemplo n.º 27
// include the site constants
include_once "Constants.php";
// include the for parameter helper
include_once "GetFormParams.php";
// include the form element helpers
include_once "FormsUtil.php";
// get the user session helper object
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = 'Functionality not implemented yet';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or other possible info
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Note details";
// output the basic header HTML
include "../Includes/header.php";
// message for the user on post operations
if (isset($validationMessage) && !empty($validationMessage)) {
    echo '<div class="' . ($validated == true ? 'info' : 'err') . '">' . $validationMessage . '</div>';
// create a new form
echo '<form action="NoteDetails.php" method="post">';
// TODO more page functionality
// finish the form
echo '</form>';
// finish up the form
include "../Includes/Footer.php";
Ejemplo n.º 28
include_once 'UserHelper.php';
// get the dump utils
include_once 'DumpUtils.php';
// include the founder object
include_once "Event.cls.php";
// include the pulldown helper funcs
include_once "Pulldown.php";
// add the jqx workflow list script which generates the jqxgrid
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"EventDetails.js\" />";
// get the user info object from the session
$userInfo = getUserSessionObj();
// init the validation variables
$validationMessage = '';
$validated = true;
// get whether they clicked proceed or form variables
getExtraParams(array("CompanyID", "Refresh", "Update", "S14", "ECSource", "Source", "SubETypeID", "Notes", "SubEventType", "SubEventTypeID", "EventType", "EventMarket", "EventCategory", "EID", "ETypeID", "EventDate", "Amount", "Benificiary", "SourceID", "MarketID", "Comment", "CategoryID", "Remove", "ClosureDate", "ClosureSource", "NameChangeDate", "NameChangeSource", "NewCompanyName", "AddressChangeDate", "AddressChangeSource", "NewAddress", "ExecutiveChangeDate", "ExecutiveChangeSource", "NewExecutiveName", "Position", "PirorEmployment", "LayoffDate", "LayoffSource", "Announcement", "Realized", "ChangeInNumberOfWorkers", "NewNumberOfWorkers", "StrategicDate", "StrategicSource", "Partner1", "Partner2", "Partner3", "Partner4", "Partner5", "MergerCompaniesDate", "MergerCompaniesSource", "MergerCompaniesType", "AcquiringCompany", "AcquisitionDate", "AcquisitionSource", "AccquiredCompany", "NewGovernmentDate", "NewGovernmentSource", "NewGovernmentAmount", "GovernmentAgency", "UniversitySupportDate", "UniversitySupportSource", "UniversitySupportType", "NameOfProgram", "UniversitySupportAmount", "UniversityName", "MileStonesDate", "MilestonesSource", "MilestonesType", "ClinicalDate", "ClinicalSource", "FDA", "ProductDate", "ProductSource", "ProductType", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8", "S9", "S10", "S11", "S12", "S13"));
// set the title name to be displayed in the header
$title = "Event Detail Information";
$scripts = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"EventDetails.js\" />";
// add flag to detect pages that need update messages
$DirtyPageEnabled = true;
// the update button was hit
if (isset($Update)) {
    // create a new founder object
    $eventObj = new Event();
    // load the founder object with the page parameters
    $eventObj->EID = sqlEscapeString($EID);
    $eventObj->CompanyID = sqlEscapeString($CompanyID);
    $eventObj->ETypeID = sqlEscapeString($ETypeID);
    $eventObj->SubETypeID = sqlEscapeString($SubETypeID);
    $eventObj->EventDate = sqlEscapeString($EventDate);