function genLinks($zipfile)
    global $clickthroughstr;
    global $BUILD_DIR_SEG;
    $filetarget = "{$clickthroughstr}{$zipfile}";
    $filelink = "<a style=\"align:left\" href=\"{$filetarget}\">{$zipfile}</a>";
    $filesize = getDropSize($zipfile);
    echo "<td>{$filelink}</td>\n";
    echo "<td>{$filesize}</td>\n";
    // TODO: investgate using https:// to Eclipse Foundation's database of checksums
    // TODO: can make some future variables so it has one value on "build" server, and another value on
    // downloads, such as in buildproperties.php (value would get changed in "promtoe" script).
    // Also handy/needed when doing "local test builds".
    // Remember, md5 and sha1 are still in "checksum" directory, for at least initial Luna release, just not linked to. See bug
    echo "<td><a href=\"{$BUILD_DIR_SEG}/checksum/{$zipfile}.sha512\">[SHA512]</a></td>";
function generateDropSize($zipfile)
    $filesize = getDropSize($zipfile);
    return "<td>{$filesize}</td>";