 * 数据漫游检查
 * @access dataRoamCheck
 * @param string $do    1是点击触发  2是数据自动穿透(钩子)
 * @param string $type  执行范围 (‘update,insert,delete’)
 * @param string $do  当即执行标示
 * @return false|integer
 private static function dataRoamTargetModelNotice($roamid, $tablename, $where)
     $MisSystemDataRoamCompareDao = M("mis_system_data_roam_compare");
     $compareMap = array();
     $compareMap['targettable'] = $tablename;
     $compareMap['roamtype'] = 1;
     $compareMap['masid'] = $roamid;
     $MisSystemDataRoamCompareList = $MisSystemDataRoamCompareDao->where($compareMap)->select();
     // 		echo $MisSystemDataRoamCompareDao->getLastSql();
     // 		print_R($MisSystemDataRoamCompareList);
     foreach ($MisSystemDataRoamCompareList as $key => $val) {
         //targettable 目标
         $targettableModel = D($val['targettable']);
         $targetMap = array();
         $targetMap['_string'] = $where;
         $targetList = M($tablename)->query('select * from ' . $tablename . ' ' . $where . '');
         // 			print_R($targettableModel->getLastSql());
         $roleexp = getSelectByName('roleexp', $val['roleinexp']);
         $compare = 0;
         if ($val['operatetype'] == 1) {
             $compare = $targetList[$val['compare']];
         } else {
             $compare = $val['compareval'];
         $result = self::autoCaculate($targetList[$val['tfield']], html_entity_decode($roleexp), $compare);
         if ($result) {
             if ($val['msginfo']) {
                 return $val['msginfo'];
             } else {
                 $fieldsAll = $this->changesourcefield($val['targettable'], '1');
                 return $fieldsAll[$val['tfield']]['showname'] . "(" . getDigits($targetList[$val['tfield']]) . ")【" . getSelectByName('roleinexp', $val['roleinexp']) . "】" . $fieldsAll[$val['compare']]['showname'] . "(" . getDigits($targetList[$val['compare']]) . ")" . "判断不成立,请查证后再提交!";
  * @Title: financeBusinessInvoice
  * @Description: todo(财务报表 应收实收)   
  * @author renling 
  * @date 2014-3-31 上午11:36:10 
  * @throws
 public function financeBusinessInvoice()
     $time = transTime(time(), 'Y-m');
     $time = str_replace('-', '年', $time);
     $time = $time . "月";
     $this->assign("title", $time . "应收实收账款对比");
     $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceModel = D('MisFinanceBusinessInvoice');
     // 		$time="2014年01月";
     $time = $time . '-1';
     //月开始时间 例如 2013-10-1 0:00:00
     $time = str_replace('年', '-', $time);
     $time = str_replace('月', '', $time);
     $time = str_replace(' ', '', $time);
     $begindate = strtotime($time);
     $endtime = strtotime('next month', $begindate) - 1;
     //月结束时间 例如 2013-10-31 23:59:59
     $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList = $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceModel->query("SELECT SUM(amount) AS 'amount',SUM(financeamount) AS 'financeamount' ,depttype FROM mis_finance_business_invoice  WHERE financestatus=1  and createtime>=" . $begindate . " and createtime<=" . $endtime . " GROUP BY (depttype)");
     //查询数据不存在 默认为0
     if (!$MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList) {
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[0]['amount'] = 0;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[0]['financeamount'] = 0;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[0]['depttype'] = 1;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[1]['amount'] = 0;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[1]['financeamount'] = 0;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[1]['depttype'] = 2;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[2]['amount'] = 0;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[2]['financeamount'] = 0;
         $MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList[2]['depttype'] = 3;
     $FinanceArray[0] = array("name" => "amount", "title" => "应收款");
     $FinanceArray[1] = array("name" => "financeamount", "title" => "实收款");
     $xAxis = array("categories" => array());
     $series = array();
     // 系列创建完成 开始创建数据
     foreach ($FinanceArray as $fkey => $fval) {
         $seriesdata = array();
         foreach ($MisFinanceBusinessInvoiceList as $key => $val) {
             if (!in_array($val['depttype'], array_keys($depttype))) {
                 $depttype[$val['depttype']] = 1;
                 $xAxis["categories"][] = getSelectByName('customertype', $val['depttype']);
             $seriesdata[] = floatval(str_replace(",", "", getDigits($val[$fval['name']])));
         $series[] = array('name' => $fval['title'], 'data' => $seriesdata);
     $this->assign("headerFormat", "<span>{point.key}</span><table>");
     $this->assign("pointFormat", "<tr><td >{series.name}: </td><td ><b>{point.y}元</b></td></tr>");
     $this->assign("text", "金额(元)");
     $this->assign("distype", "column");
     $this->assign("xAxis", json_encode($xAxis));
     $this->assign("series", json_encode($series));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $path = base_url() . 'site/views/modules/mod_online/number';
    $ret = '<img src="' . $path . '/' . $digit_type . '/' . $digit . '.png"';
    $ret .= ' />';
    return $ret;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
$rs = $this->online->hits();
$is_online = $this->online->get_is_online();
<div align="center">
$path = base_url() . 'site/mod/mod_online/icon/';
$digit_type = get_params('number', $attr);
$number_digits = get_params('total_number', $attr);
$arr = getDigits($rs->c_count, $number_digits);
foreach ($arr as $digit) {
    echo showDigitImage($digit_type, $digit);
<h2>Thống kê truy cập</h2>
<table class="widget-entry" style="width: 100%;">
        <td style="width: 20px;"><img src="<?php 
echo $path . 'vall.png';
" alt=""></td>
echo lang('counter.online');