Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Constructor JavaScript
  * @param string $code_javascript 
  * @param boolean $add_js_to_page [default value: false]
 function __construct($code_javascript, $add_js_to_page = false)
     if (!isset($code_javascript)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->code_javascript = $code_javascript;
     $this->is_javascript_object = true;
     if ($add_js_to_page) {
         $page_object = Page::getInstance($_GET['p']);
         if (gettype($code_javascript) != "object") {
             // search in javascript if begin by $(document).ready(
             // then put javascript to the end (for AJAX because doc is already loaded)
             $tmp_code_javascript = trim(str_replace("\t", "", $code_javascript));
             $pos_doc_ready = find($tmp_code_javascript, "\$(document).ready(", 1);
             $pos_jquery_ready = find($tmp_code_javascript, "jQuery(document).ready(", 1);
             if ($pos_doc_ready >= 18 && $pos_doc_ready <= 30 || $pos_jquery_ready >= 23 && $pos_jquery_ready <= 35) {
                 // 30|35: beacause of tag //<![CDATA[
                 $page_object->addObject($this, false, true);
             } else {
         } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor Hidden
  * @param mixed $page_or_form_object 
  * @param string $name 
  * @param string $id 
  * @param string $value 
 function __construct($page_or_form_object, $name = '', $id = '', $value = '')
     if (!isset($page_or_form_object) || gettype($page_or_form_object) != "object" || !is_subclass_of($page_or_form_object, "Page") && get_class($page_or_form_object) != "Form") {
         throw new NewException("Argument page_or_form_object for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() error", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (is_subclass_of($page_or_form_object, "Page")) {
         $this->class_name = get_class($page_or_form_object);
         $this->page_object = $page_or_form_object;
         $this->form_object = null;
     } else {
         $this->page_object = $page_or_form_object->getPageObject();
         $this->class_name = get_class($this->page_object) . "_" . $page_or_form_object->getName();
         $this->form_object = $page_or_form_object;
     if ($name == "") {
         $name = $this->page_object->createObjectName($this);
         $this->name = $name;
     } else {
         $exist_object = $this->page_object->existsObjectName($name);
         $this->name = $name;
         if ($exist_object != false) {
             throw new NewException("Tag name \"" . $name . "\" for object " . get_class($this) . " already use for other object " . get_class($exist_object), 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
         $this->page_object->addEventObject($this, $this->form_object);
     if ($id == "") {
         $this->id = $name;
     } else {
         $this->id = $id;
     $this->value = $value;
     $this->default_value = $value;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function decryptMessage($crypttext, $priv_key, $passphrase = 'passphrase')
    $crypttext = base64_decode($crypttext);
    $res = openssl_pkey_get_private($priv_key, $passphrase);
    if ($res != false) {
        if (openssl_private_decrypt($crypttext, $text, $res)) {
            return $text;
        } else {
            $error = "";
            while ($msg = openssl_error_string()) {
                $error .= $msg . "<br />\n";
            $error = __(DECRYPT_ERROR) . (DEBUG && $error != "" ? " : " . $error : "");
            throw new NewException($error, 0, false);
    } else {
        $error = "";
        while ($msg = openssl_error_string()) {
            $error .= $msg . "<br />\n";
        $error = "Error parsing private key" . ($error != "" ? " : " . $error : "");
        throw new NewException($error, 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
    return "";
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Constructor DataRowIterator
  * @param mixed $db_table_object 
 function __construct($db_table_object)
     if (!isset($db_table_object)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->db_table_object = $db_table_object;
     $this->rows_num = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Constructor Url
  * @param mixed $url 
 function __construct($url)
     if (!isset($url)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->url = $url;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Constructor Criteo
  * @param mixed $criteo_zone_id 
  * @param string $width 
  * @param string $height 
 function __construct($criteo_zone_id, $width = '', $height = '')
     if (!isset($criteo_zone_id)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->criteo_zone_id = $criteo_zone_id;
     $this->width = $width;
     $this->height = $height;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Constructor DockMenuItem
  * @param mixed $img 
  * @param mixed $value 
  * @param string $link 
 function __construct($img, $value, $link = '')
     if (!isset($img) && !isset($value)) {
         throw new NewException("2 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->img = $img;
     $this->value = $value;
     $this->link = $link;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Constructor VideoYoutube
  * @param mixed $youtube_video_key 
  * @param integer $width 
  * @param integer $height 
 function __construct($youtube_video_key, $width, $height)
     if (!isset($youtube_video_key) && !isset($width) && !isset($height)) {
         throw new NewException("3 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->youtube_video_key = $youtube_video_key;
     $this->width = $width;
     $this->height = $height;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Method setMenuItems
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $menu_items_object 
  * @return MenuItem
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function setMenuItems($menu_items_object)
     if (get_class($menu_items_object) != "MenuItems") {
         throw new NewException("Error MenuItem->setMenuItems(): {$menu_items_object} is not a MenuItems object", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->menu_items = $menu_items_object;
     if ($GLOBALS['__PAGE_IS_INIT__']) {
         $this->object_change = true;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Constructor Adsense
  * @param mixed $google_ad_client 
  * @param mixed $google_ad_slot 
  * @param mixed $google_ad_width 
  * @param mixed $google_ad_height 
 function __construct($google_ad_client, $google_ad_slot, $google_ad_width, $google_ad_height)
     if (!isset($google_ad_client) && !isset($google_ad_slot) && !isset($google_ad_width) && !isset($google_ad_height)) {
         throw new NewException("4 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->google_ad_client = $google_ad_client;
     $this->google_ad_slot = $google_ad_slot;
     $this->google_ad_width = $google_ad_width;
     $this->google_ad_height = $google_ad_height;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Constructor Font
  * @param object $content_object 
  * @param string $font_size 
  * @param string $font_family 
  * @param string $font_weight 
 function __construct($content_object, $font_size = '', $font_family = '', $font_weight = '')
     if (!isset($content_object)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->content_object = $content_object;
     $this->font_size = $font_size;
     $this->font_family = $font_family;
     $this->font_weight = $font_weight;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Method askUserToSharePosition
  * @access public
  * @param boolean $refresh_page [default value: false]
  * @param string $js_onsuccess 
  * @return GeoLocalisation
  * @since 1.0.98
 public function askUserToSharePosition($refresh_page = false, $js_onsuccess = '')
     if (gettype($js_onsuccess) != "string" && get_class($js_onsuccess) != "JavaScript") {
         throw new NewException(get_class($this) . "->askUserToSharePosition(): \$js_onsuccess must be a string or JavaScript object.", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (get_class($js_onsuccess) == "JavaScript") {
         $js_onsuccess = $js_onsuccess->render();
     $_SESSION['geolocalisation_user_share_js'] = $js_onsuccess . ($refresh_page ? "refreshPage();" : "");
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Constructor SwfObject
  * @param string $id 
  * @param string $swf_file 
  * @param integer $width 
  * @param integer $height 
  * @param string $optional_text 
 function __construct($id, $swf_file, $width, $height, $optional_text = '')
     if (!isset($id) || !isset($swf_file) || !isset($width) || !isset($height)) {
         throw new NewException("4 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->id = $id;
     $this->swf_file = $swf_file;
     $this->width = $width;
     $this->height = $height;
     $this->text = $optional_text;
     $this->addJavaScript(BASE_URL . "wsp/js/swfobject.js", "", true);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Method _open
  * @access static
  * @return mixed
  * @since 1.1.0
 private static function _open()
     $file = "wsp/wsp_banned_visitors";
     $mode = 'a+';
     $option_perms = 0666 & ~umask();
     $mask = 0666 & ~$option_perms;
     $old_mask = umask($mask);
     $result = fopen($file, $mode);
     if (!$result) {
         throw new NewException("The WSP framework needs to create the file " . $file . ". Please give write rights on the folder or create manually the file (with write rights).", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Constructor PaypalBuyCheck
  * @param mixed $amount 
  * @param mixed $business_paypal_account 
 function __construct($amount, $business_paypal_account)
     if (!isset($amount) || !isset($business_paypal_account)) {
         throw new NewException("2 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatories", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (!is_numeric($amount)) {
         throw new NewException(get_class($this) . " error: \$amount need to be numeric.", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->amount = $amount;
     $this->business_paypal_account = $business_paypal_account;
     if (!extension_loaded("curl")) {
         throw new NewException("PaypalBuyCheck: You need to install PHP lib CURL.", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Constructor ContactForm
  * @param Page $page_object 
  * @param string $send_method 
  * @param string $table_style 
 function __construct($page_object, $send_method, $table_style = '')
     if (!isset($page_object) || !isset($send_method)) {
         throw new NewException("2 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (gettype($page_object) != "object" || !is_subclass_of($page_object, "Page")) {
         throw new NewException("Argument page_object for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() error", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->page_object = $page_object;
     $this->mail_to = SMTP_MAIL;
     $this->mail_to_name = SMTP_NAME;
     $table_main = new Table();
     $form = new Form($this->page_object);
     $name = new TextBox($form, "contact_name");
     $name_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRowColumns(__(CONTACTFORM_NAME) . ":&nbsp;", $name->setFocus())->setColumnWidth(2, "100%");
     $email = new TextBox($form, "contact_email");
     $email_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRowColumns(__(CONTACTFORM_EMAIL) . ":&nbsp;", $email);
     $subject = new TextBox($form, "contact_subject");
     $subject_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRowColumns(__(CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT) . ":&nbsp;", $subject);
     $editor = new Editor($form, "contact_message");
     $editor_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRow(new Object(__(CONTACTFORM_MESSAGE) . ": ", "<br/>", $editor))->setColspan(3)->setAlign(RowTable::ALIGN_LEFT);
     $this->captcha = new Captcha($form, "contact_captcha");
     $this->send_button = new Button($form, "contact_send", "", __(CONTACTFORM_SEND));
     $this->render = $form;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Constructor PhotoGallery
  * @param mixed $path 
  * @param string $picture_ext [default value: jpg,jpeg,png,gif]
  * @param string $folder_pic [default value: wsp/img/folder_image_128x128.png]
 function __construct($path, $picture_ext = 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif', $folder_pic = 'wsp/img/folder_image_128x128.png')
     if (!isset($path)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->original_path = $path;
     if (isset($_GET['gallery_event'])) {
         $path = $path . $_GET['gallery_event'];
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         throw new NewException("Unable to find the path " . $path, 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->picture_ext = explode(',', $picture_ext);
     $this->folder_pic = $folder_pic;
     $this->addCss(BASE_URL . "wsp/css/jquery.lightbox-0.5.css", "", true);
     $this->addCss(BASE_URL . "wsp/css/jquery.dataTables.css", "", true);
     $this->addJavaScript(BASE_URL . "wsp/js/jquery.lightbox-0.5.min.js", "", true);
     $this->addJavaScript(BASE_URL . "wsp/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js", "", true);
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Method setAjaxWaitMessage
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $message_or_object 
  * @return Authentication
  * @since 1.2.1
 public function setAjaxWaitMessage($message_or_object)
     if (gettype($message_or_object) == "object") {
         if (get_class($message_or_object) != "Object") {
             throw new NewException("Error " . get_class($this) . "->setAjaxWaitMessage(): \$message_or_object must be an Object and not " . get_class($message_or_object) . ".", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->ajax_wait_message = $message_or_object;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Method add
  * @access public
  * @param string $js_url 
  * @param string $conditional_comment 
  * @param boolean $combine [default value: false]
  * @param string $js_script 
  * @param boolean $async [default value: false]
  * @since 1.0.59
 public function add($js_url, $conditional_comment = '', $combine = false, $js_script = '', $async = false)
     if (!in_array($js_url, $this->js_scripts)) {
         $this->js_scripts[] = $js_url;
         $this->conditional_comment[] = $conditional_comment;
         $this->combine[] = $combine;
         if ($GLOBALS['__AJAX_PAGE__'] == true && $GLOBALS['__AJAX_LOAD_PAGE__'] == false && $GLOBALS['__PAGE_IS_INIT__'] == true) {
             $this->is_for_ajax[] = true;
         } else {
             $this->is_for_ajax[] = false;
         if ($combine && $js_script != "") {
             throw new NewException(get_class($this) . "->add() error: you can't add script with combine mode", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
         $this->script[] = $js_script;
         $this->is_async[] = $async;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Method getAjaxRender
  * @access public
  * @return string javascript code to update initial html of object RowTable (call with AJAX)
  * @since 1.0.85
 public function getAjaxRender()
     $html = "";
     if ($this->object_change && !$this->is_new_object_after_init) {
         if ($this->id == "") {
             throw new NewException(get_class($this) . "->getAjaxRender() error: To update this object with Ajax event you must define an id (" . get_class($this) . "->setId())", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
         $html .= "\$('#wsp_rowtable_" . $this->id . "').html(\"" . str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\r", "", addslashes($this->render(true)))) . "\");\n";
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Method displayJavascriptTag
  * @access public
  * @return WebSitePhpObject
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function displayJavascriptTag()
     if (!$this->is_javascript_object) {
         throw new NewException("displayJavascriptTag Error : You display JavaScript tag only for Javascript object", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->display_javascript_tag = true;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Method setContextMenuOnTreeViewItem
  * @access public
  * @param ContextMenu $context_menu_object 
  * @param TreeViewItem|TreeViewFolder|TreeViewFile|TreeView $treeview_item_object 
  * @return TreeView
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function setContextMenuOnTreeViewItem($context_menu_object, $treeview_item_object)
     if (get_class($context_menu_object) != "ContextMenu") {
         throw new NewException("Error TreeView->setContextMenuOnTreeViewItem(): {$context_menu_object} is not a ContextMenu object", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (get_class($treeview_item_object) != "TreeViewItem" && get_class($treeview_item_object) != "TreeViewFolder" && get_class($treeview_item_object) != "TreeViewFile" && get_class($treeview_item_object) != "TreeView") {
         throw new NewException("Error TreeView->setContextMenuOnTreeViewItem(): {$treeview_item_object} is not a TreeViewItem object", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if ($treeview_item_object->getParentTreeViewItem() == null) {
         throw new NewException("Error TreeView->setContextMenuOnTreeViewItem(): you must associate object " . get_class($treeview_item_object) . " to an other TreeViewItem before setting the ContextMenu", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->context_menu_item[$treeview_item_object->getId()] = $context_menu_object;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Method rounded
  * @access public
  * @return ToolTip
  * @since 1.1.0
 public function rounded()
     if (preg_match("/^(jtools|tipped)\$/", $this->style)) {
         throw new NewException("Error " . get_class($this) . ": The style \"" . $this->style . "\" is already rounded.", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->add_css = true;
     $this->rounded = true;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Method onDragEndJs
  * @access public
  * @param string|JavaScript $js_function 
  * @return DraggableEvent
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function onDragEndJs($js_function)
     if (gettype($js_function) != "string" && get_class($js_function) != "JavaScript" && !is_subclass_of($js_function, "JavaScript")) {
         throw new NewException(get_class($this) . "->onDragEndJs(): \$js_function must be a string or JavaScript object.", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (get_class($js_function) == "JavaScript" || is_subclass_of($js_function, "JavaScript")) {
         $js_function = $js_function->render();
     $this->ondragend = trim($js_function);
     if ($GLOBALS['__PAGE_IS_INIT__']) {
         $wsp_object = $this->getPage()->getObjectId($this->draggable_id);
         if ($wsp_object != null) {
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Method halt
  * @access public
  * @param string $message all occurred errors as array
  * @since 1.0.59
 public function halt($message)
     if ($this->debug) {
         throw new NewException($message . " (filename: " . $this->name . ")", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Method render
  * @access public
  * @param boolean $ajax_render [default value: false]
  * @return string html code of object Box
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function render($ajax_render = false)
     $html = "";
     if ($this->browser_ie_version != false && $this->browser_ie_version <= 7) {
         $this->shadow = false;
     if ($this->force_box_with_picture) {
         $this->shadow = true;
     if (!$ajax_render) {
         $html .= "<div id=\"wsp_box_" . $this->id . "\" class=\"\">\n";
     $html .= "<div id=\"drag_box_" . $this->id . "\" align=\"left\" class=\"";
     if ($this->move) {
         $html .= "draggable";
     $html .= "\"";
     if ($this->width != "" || $this->height != "") {
         $html .= " style=\"";
         if ($this->width != "") {
             if (is_integer($this->width)) {
                 $html .= "width:" . $this->width . "px;";
             } else {
                 $html .= "width:" . $this->width . ";";
         if ($this->height != "") {
             if (is_integer($this->height)) {
                 $html .= "height:" . $this->height . "px;";
             } else {
                 $html .= "height:" . $this->height . ";";
         $html .= "\"";
     $html .= ">\n";
     if (!$this->force_box_with_picture) {
         if (!$this->css3) {
             if ($this->browser_ie_version != false && $this->browser_ie_version <= 7) {
                 // do nothing
             } else {
                 $angle_class = "AngleRond" . ucfirst($this->style_header);
                 $shadow_class = "";
                 $html .= "<div style=\"height:5px;";
                 if ($this->shadow) {
                     $shadow_class = "Ombre";
                     $html .= "position: relative; top: -5px;";
                 $html .= "\">\n";
                 $html .= "\t<b class=\"" . $angle_class . " pix1" . ucfirst($this->style_header) . $shadow_class . ($this->box_gradient ? " pix1Gradient" : "") . "\"></b>\n";
                 $html .= "\t<b class=\"" . $angle_class . " pix2" . $shadow_class . ($this->box_gradient ? " pix2Gradient" : "") . "\"></b>\n";
                 $html .= "\t<b class=\"" . $angle_class . " pix3" . $shadow_class . ($this->box_gradient ? " pix3Gradient" : "") . "\"></b>\n";
                 $html .= "\t<b class=\"" . $angle_class . " pix4" . $shadow_class . ($this->box_gradient ? " pix4Gradient" : "") . "\"></b>\n";
                 $html .= "\t<b class=\"" . $angle_class . " pix5" . $shadow_class . ($this->box_gradient ? " pix5Gradient" : "") . "\"></b>\n";
                 $html .= "</div>\n";
             if ($this->shadow) {
                 $html .= "\t<div class=\"ombre" . ucfirst($this->style_header) . "\">\n";
             $html .= "\t\t<div";
             if ($this->shadow) {
                 $html .= " class=\"boiteTxt\"";
             $html .= " >\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t<table class=\"table_" . $this->style_header . "_angle BoxOverFlowHidden";
         if ($this->css3) {
             $html .= " Css3RadiusBox" . $this->style_header;
             if ($this->shadow) {
                 $html .= " Css3ShadowBox" . $this->style_header;
         $html .= "\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"";
         if ($this->height != "") {
             $html .= " height=\"" . $this->height . "\"";
         $html .= " style=\"table-layout:fixed;" . ($this->browser_ie_version != false && $this->browser_ie_version <= 7 ? "border-top:1px solid " . $this->box_border_color . ";" : "") . "\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t<tr>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"header_" . $this->style_header . "_bckg header_" . $this->style_header . "_bckg_a";
         if ($this->css3) {
             $html .= " Css3RadiusBoxTitle" . $this->style_header;
             if ($this->box_gradient) {
                 $html .= " Css3GradientBoxTitle" . $this->style_header;
         $html .= "\"";
         if (!$this->css3) {
             $html .= " style=\"padding: " . ($this->browser_ie_version != false ? $this->browser_ie_version != false && $this->browser_ie_version <= 7 ? 4 : 0 : 2) . "px 0px 4px 5px;\"";
         $html .= ">";
         if ($this->icon_48_pixels != "") {
             $html .= "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"width:48px;\"><span style=\"position:absolute;margin-top:-24px;margin-left:-2px;\">";
             $html .= "<img src=\"" . $this->icon_48_pixels . "\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\"";
             if ($this->icon_48_pixels_text != "") {
                 $html .= " title=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_48_pixels_text) . "\" alt=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_48_pixels_text) . "\"";
             $html .= "></span></td><td>";
         if ($this->icon_16_pixels != "") {
             $html .= "<img src=\"" . $this->icon_16_pixels . "\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"";
             if ($this->icon_16_pixels_text != "") {
                 $html .= " title=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_16_pixels_text) . "\" alt=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_16_pixels_text) . "\"";
             $html .= "> ";
         if ($this->tagH != "") {
             $html .= "<" . $this->tagH . " style=\"font-weight:bold;\">";
         if ($this->link != "") {
             $html .= "<a href=\"" . $this->link . "\">";
         if (gettype($this->title) != "object") {
             $html .= $this->title;
         } else {
             if (gettype($this->title) == "object" && method_exists($this->title, "render")) {
                 $html .= $this->title->render();
             } else {
                 $html .= $this->title;
         if ($this->link != "") {
             $html .= "</a>";
         if ($this->tagH != "") {
             $html .= "</" . $this->tagH . ">";
         if ($this->icon_48_pixels != "") {
             $html .= "</td></tr></table>";
         $html .= "</td>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</tr>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t<tr id=\"" . $this->id . "\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"table_" . $this->style_content . "_bckg\" width=\"9999\" valign=\"" . $this->valign . "\" style=\"height:100%;padding:4px;border-top:1px solid " . $this->box_border_color . ";\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t<div ";
         if ($this->align == Box::ALIGN_JUSTIFY) {
             $html .= "style=\"text-align:justify;\" ";
         } else {
             $html .= "align=\"" . $this->align . "\" ";
         $html .= ">\n";
         if ($this->content != null) {
             if (gettype($this->content) == "object" && method_exists($this->content, "render")) {
                 $html_content = $this->content->render($ajax_render);
             } else {
                 $html_content = $this->content;
             /*if (find($html_content, "<a href=") > 0) {
                   $html .= "						".str_replace("<a href=\"", "<a class=\"box_style_".$this->style_content."\" href=\"", str_replace("<a href='", "<a class='box_style_".$this->style_content."' href='", $html_content))."\n";
                   $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagOpen();
                   $html .= "$('.box_style_".$this->style_content."').each(function() { if ($(this).parent().hasClass('ui-state-default') || (!$(this).parent().hasClass('ui-state-default') && $(this).parent().parent().hasClass('ui-state-default'))) { $(this).removeClass('box_style_".$this->style_content."'); } });\n";
                   $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagClose();
               } else {*/
             $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $html_content . "\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</tr>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t</table>\n";
         if (!$this->css3) {
             $html .= "\t\t</div>\n";
             if ($this->shadow) {
                 $html .= "\t</div>\n";
     } else {
         $html .= "\t\t<div id=\"left" . ucfirst($this->style_header) . "\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t<div id=\"right" . ucfirst($this->style_header) . "\" style=\"padding-bottom:" . ($this->browser_ie_version <= 7 ? 5 : 3) . "px;";
         if ($this->height != "") {
             $html .= "height:100%;";
         $html .= "\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t<div id=\"top" . ucfirst($this->style_header) . "\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<div style=\"height:30px;\"></div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t<div class=\"header_" . $this->style_header . "_bckg header_" . $this->style_header . "_bckg_a\" style=\"background:none;padding-bottom:3px;position:relative;top:-20px;height:0px;\">";
         if ($this->icon_48_pixels != "") {
             $html .= "<img src=\"" . $this->icon_48_pixels . "\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" style=\"position:absolute;top:-16px;left:-4px;\"";
             if ($this->icon_48_pixels_text != "") {
                 $html .= " title=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_48_pixels_text) . "\" alt=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_48_pixels_text) . "\"";
             $html .= "><span style=\"width:40px;display:block;float:left;height:1px;\">&nbsp;</span>";
         if ($this->icon_16_pixels != "") {
             $html .= "<img src=\"" . $this->icon_16_pixels . "\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"";
             if ($this->icon_16_pixels_text != "") {
                 $html .= " title=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_16_pixels_text) . "\" alt=\"" . str_replace("\"", " ", $this->icon_16_pixels_text) . "\"";
             $html .= "> ";
         if ($this->tagH != "") {
             $html .= "<" . $this->tagH . " style=\"font-weight:bold;\">";
         if ($this->link != "") {
             $html .= "<a href=\"" . $this->link . "\">";
         if (gettype($this->title) != "object") {
             $html .= $this->title;
         } else {
             if (gettype($this->title) == "object" && method_exists($this->title, "render")) {
                 $html .= $this->title->render();
             } else {
                 $html .= $this->title;
         if ($this->link != "") {
             $html .= "</a>";
         if ($this->tagH != "") {
             $html .= "</" . $this->tagH . ">";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t<div style=\"clear:both;margin-left:" . ($this->browser_ie_version != false && $this->browser_ie_version > 7 ? -9 : -7) . "px;\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t<div id=\"wsp_box_content_" . $this->id . "\" class=\"table_" . $this->style_content . "_bckg\" style=\"padding-left:0px;border:1px solid " . $this->box_border_color . ";";
         $html .= "display:table-cell;";
         if (is_integer($this->width)) {
             $html .= "width:" . ($this->width - 12) . "px;";
         } else {
             throw new NewException("width attribute in " . get_class($this) . " must be an integer", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
         if ($this->valign == Box::VALIGN_CENTER) {
             $html .= "vertical-align:middle;";
         } else {
             $html .= "vertical-align:" . $this->valign . ";";
         if ($this->height != "") {
             if (is_integer($this->height)) {
                 $html .= "height:" . ($this->height - 20) . "px;";
             } else {
                 $html .= "height:" . $this->height . ";";
         $html .= "\">\n";
         if ($this->height != "" && is_integer($this->height) && $this->valign == RoundBox::VALIGN_CENTER) {
             $html .= "<div style=\"display:table;height:100%;#position:relative;width:100%;\" class=\"BoxOverFlowHidden\">\n";
             $html .= "\t<div style=\"#position:absolute;#top:50%;display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;width:100%;\">\n";
             $html .= "\t\t<div style=\"#position:relative;#top:-50%;\">\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<div";
         if ($this->align == Box::ALIGN_JUSTIFY) {
             $html .= " style=\"width:98%;text-align:justify;";
         } else {
             $html .= " align=\"" . $this->align . "\" style=\"width:98%;";
         $html .= "margin:5px;padding-right:5px;\">\n";
         if ($this->content != null) {
             if (gettype($this->content) == "object" && method_exists($this->content, "render")) {
                 $html_content = $this->content->render($ajax_render);
             } else {
                 $html_content = $this->content;
             /*if (find($html_content, "<a href=") > 0) {
                   $html .= "						".str_replace("<a href=\"", "<a class=\"box_style_".$this->style_content."\" href=\"", str_replace("<a href='", "<a class='box_style_".$this->style_content."' href='", $html_content))."\n";
                   $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagOpen();
                   $html .= "$('.box_style_".$this->style_content."').each(function() { if ($(this).parent().hasClass('ui-state-default') || (!$(this).parent().hasClass('ui-state-default') && $(this).parent().parent().hasClass('ui-state-default'))) { $(this).removeClass('box_style_".$this->style_content."'); } });\n";
                   $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagClose();
               } else {*/
             $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $html_content . "\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         if ($this->height != "" && is_integer($this->height) && $this->valign == RoundBox::VALIGN_CENTER) {
             $html .= "\t\t</div>\n";
             $html .= "\t</div>\n";
             $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t\t</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t\t</div>\n";
         $html .= "\t\t</div>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     if (!$ajax_render) {
         $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "<br/>\n";
     if ($this->move) {
         $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagOpen();
         $html .= "\$(\"#wsp_box_" . $this->id . "\").draggable({opacity: 0.8, scroll: true";
         if ($this->move_revert) {
             $html .= ", revert: true";
         $html .= "});\n";
         if ($this->resizable) {
             $html .= "\$(\"#drag_box_" . $this->id . "\").resizable();\n";
             $html .= "\$(\"#drag_box_" . $this->id . "\").find('.ui-resizable-e').remove();\n";
             $html .= "\$(\"#drag_box_" . $this->id . "\").find('.ui-resizable-s').remove();\n";
             $html .= "\$(\"#drag_box_" . $this->id . "\").find('.ui-resizable-se').remove();\n";
         $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagClose();
     $this->object_change = false;
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Method getAjaxRender
  * @access public
  * @return string javascript code to update initial html of object TreeViewItem (call with AJAX)
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function getAjaxRender()
     $html = "";
     if ($this->object_change && !$this->is_new_object_after_init) {
         $treeview_object = $this->getTreeViewObject();
         $old_value = $this->old_value;
         $old_value_id = $this->old_value;
         if (gettype($this->old_value) == "object") {
             if (in_array(get_class($this->old_value), $this->array_object_ok)) {
                 if (get_class($this->old_value) == "Button") {
                 $old_value = $this->old_value->render($ajax_render);
                 $old_value_id = $this->old_value->getValue();
             } else {
                 throw new NewException("Error TreeViewItem: value need to be a string, " . implode(", ", $array_object_ok), 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
         $value = $this->value;
         $value_id = $this->value;
         if (gettype($this->value) == "object") {
             if (in_array(get_class($this->value), $this->array_object_ok)) {
                 if (get_class($this->value) == "Button") {
                 $value = $this->value->render($ajax_render);
                 $value_id = $this->value->getValue();
             } else {
                 throw new NewException("Error TreeViewItem: value need to be a string, " . implode(", ", $array_object_ok), 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
         $id = $this->getId();
         if ($old_value_id != $value_id) {
             $tmp_node_id = substr($id, strlen($id) - strlen($value_id), strlen($id));
             $id = str_replace($tmp_node_id, strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", str_replace("-", "_", url_rewrite_format($old_value_id)))), $id);
         $html .= "\$('#" . $id . "_id').parent(\"span\").parent(\"li\").removeClass(\"closed\")";
         if ($this->is_close) {
             $html .= ".addClass(\"closed\")";
         $html .= ";";
         if ($value != $old_value) {
             $html .= "\$('#" . $id . "_id').html(\"&nbsp;" . str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\r", "", str_replace('"', '\\"', addslashes($value)))) . "\");";
             $html .= "\$('#" . $id . "_id').attr(\"id\", \"" . $this->getId() . "_id\");";
             $html .= "\$('#" . $id . "').attr(\"id\", \"" . $this->getId() . "\");";
             $html .= $this->generateHtmlChangeSubItemId($this, strlen($this->getId()), $id);
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Method setField
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $attribute_name 
  * @param mixed $field 
  * @return boolean
  * @since 1.2.1
 public function setField($attribute_name, $field)
     if (!in_array(get_class($field), $this->objects_ok_array)) {
         throw new NewException(get_class($this) . "->setField() error: field need to be " . implode(", ", $this->objects_ok_array) . ".", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (in_array(get_class($this->fields_array[$attribute_name]), $this->objects_ok_array)) {
         $this->fields_array[$attribute_name] = $field;
         return true;
     return false;
  * Method getObjectEventValidationRender
  * @access protected
  * @param string $on_event 
  * @param string $callback 
  * @param string $params 
  * @param boolean $abort_last_request [default value: false]
  * @return string
  * @since 1.0.35
 protected function getObjectEventValidationRender($on_event, $callback, $params = '', $abort_last_request = false)
     if ($callback != "" && $this->form_object == null && (isset($_GET['dialogbox_level']) || isset($_GET['tabs_object_id']))) {
         if (get_class($this) == "Button" && $this->is_link || get_class($this) == "Picture" || get_class($this) == "SortableEvent" || get_class($this) == "ContextMenuEvent" || get_class($this) == "DroppableEvent" || get_class($this) == "UploadFile") {
             // it's ok for these cases
         } else {
             throw new NewException("Object " . get_class($this) . " must link to a Form Object when he have a callback method in a DialogBox or a Tabs", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $html = "";
     if ($this->on_form_is_changed_js != "" && $this->form_object != null && get_class($this->form_object) == "Form") {
         $obj_id = $this->getId();
         if (get_class($this) == "ComboBox" || get_class($this) == "SelectList") {
             $obj_id = $this->getEventObjectName();
         $html .= "if (\$('#" . $this->form_object->getId() . "_WspFormChange').val() != ';" . $obj_id . ";') { ";
         if ($this->on_form_is_changed_revert) {
             $html .= "revertLastFormChangeObjectToDefaultValue('" . get_class($this) . "', '" . $obj_id . "', '" . $this->form_object->getId() . "');";
         $html .= $this->on_form_is_changed_js . " }\n";
     if ($on_event != "" || $callback != "") {
         // force Editor copy to Hidden
         $js_force_editor_copy = "";
         $event_object_name = "Editor";
         if ($this->form_object != null) {
             $event_object_name .= "_" . $this->form_object->getName();
         $eventObject = $this->page_object->getEventObjects($event_object_name);
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($eventObject); $i++) {
             $object = $eventObject[$i];
             $js_force_editor_copy .= "copyEditorContent_" . $object->getName() . "ToHidden();";
         if (get_class($this) == "Object") {
             $html .= "stopEventPropagation(event);\n";
         $html = $html . $js_force_editor_copy;
         // object encryption
         $encrypt_html = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_SESSION['websitephp_register_object']); $i++) {
             $object = $_SESSION['websitephp_register_object'][$i];
             if (get_class($object) != "Form" && method_exists($object, "isEncrypted") && $object->isEncrypted()) {
                 $tmp_object = $object;
                 if (get_class($tmp_object) == "Editor") {
                     $object = $this->page_object->getObjectId($tmp_object->getHiddenId());
                 if ($this->is_ajax_event) {
                     $encrypt_html .= "encryptedObjectValueArray" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "[encryptedObjectValueArray" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . ".length] = new Array();\n";
                     $encrypt_html .= "encryptedObjectValueArray" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "[encryptedObjectValueArray" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . ".length-1][0] = '" . $object->getId() . "';\n";
                     $encrypt_html .= "encryptedObjectValueArray" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "[encryptedObjectValueArray" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . ".length-1][1] = \$('#" . $object->getId() . "').val();\n";
                 if (get_class($tmp_object) == "Editor") {
                     $encrypt_html .= $this->encryptObjectData($object, '', $tmp_object);
                 } else {
                     $encrypt_html .= $this->encryptObjectData($object);
                 $encrypt_html .= "\$('#" . $object->getName() . "').val(encrypt_data);\n";
         if ($callback != "") {
             $html .= "ResetCallbackObjectValue();\n\$('#Callback_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "').val('" . $callback . "(" . $params;
             if ($this->callback_args != "") {
                 if ($params != "") {
                     $html .= ",";
                 $html .= $this->callback_args;
             $html .= ")');\n";
         if ($this->is_ajax_event && $callback != "" || $this->form_object != null && $callback != "" || $callback != "") {
             $html .= "if (\$('#Callback_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "').val() == '') { return false; }\n";
         if ($on_event != "" || $this->is_ajax_event) {
             if ($on_event != "") {
                 $html .= str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $on_event);
                 if ($on_event[strlen($on_event) - 1] != ";") {
                     $html .= ";";
                 $html .= "\n";
             if ($callback != "") {
                 if ($this->is_ajax_event) {
                     $html .= $encrypt_html;
                     $html .= "callAjax" . get_class($this) . "_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "_event(\$('#Callback_" . $this->getEventObjectName() . "').val(), " . ($abort_last_request ? "true" : "false") . ");\n";
                 } else {
                     if ($this->form_object != null) {
                         $html .= $encrypt_html;
                         $html .= "\$('#" . $this->form_object->getId() . "').submit();\n";
                     } else {
                         $html .= "location.href='" . $this->generateCurrentUrlWithCallback() . "';\n";
         } else {
             if ($this->form_object != null) {
                 $html .= $encrypt_html;
                 $html .= "\$('#" . $this->form_object->getId() . "').submit();\n";
             } else {
                 if ($callback != "") {
                     $html .= "location.href='" . $this->getPage()->getBaseURL() . "/" . $this->generateCurrentUrlWithCallback() . "';\n";
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Method render
  * @access public
  * @param boolean $ajax_render [default value: false]
  * @return string html code of object LiveValidation
  * @since 1.0.35
 public function render($ajax_render = false)
     if (!isset($this->object)) {
         throw new NewException("1 argument for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() is mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (get_class($this->object) == "Form") {
     $html = $this->getJavascriptTagOpen();
     if (get_class($this->object) == "Editor") {
         $id = $this->object->getHiddenId();
     } else {
         $id = $this->object->getId();
     $html .= "\tLV_" . $id . " = new LiveValidation('" . $id . "'";
     if ($this->onlyOnSubmit) {
         $html .= ", {onlyOnSubmit: true}";
     $html .= ");\n";
     $html .= "\tLV_" . $id . $this->validate_js . ";\n";
     if ($this->valid_init) {
         $html .= "\tLV_" . $id . ".validate();\n";
     if (method_exists($this->object, "getFormObject")) {
         $form_object = $this->object->getFormObject();
         if ($form_object != null) {
             // search all button of the form
             $event_object_name = "Button_" . $form_object->getName();
             $eventObject = $form_object->getPageObject()->getEventObjects($event_object_name);
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($eventObject); $i++) {
                 if (find($eventObject[$i]->getOnClickJs(), "/*LV_condition_zone*/", 0, 0) > 0) {
                     $eventObject[$i]->onClickJs(str_replace("/*LV_validate_zone*/", "LV_" . $id . ".validate();/*LV_validate_zone*/", $eventObject[$i]->getOnClickJs()));
                     $eventObject[$i]->onClickJs(str_replace("/*LV_condition_zone*/", "&&LiveValidationForm_" . $form_object->getName() . "_" . $id . "()/*LV_condition_zone*/", $eventObject[$i]->getOnClickJs()));
                 } else {
                     $html .= "\tlv_error_alert_id = '';\n\tlv_error_alert_field_name = '';\n\tlv_error_alert_msg = '';\n\tLV_ErrorAlert_" . $form_object->getName() . " = function() { ";
                     $error_dialogbox_msg = new DialogBox(__(ERROR), __(LIVE_VALIDATION_FORMULAR_ERROR_MSG));
                     $error_dialogbox_field = new DialogBox(__(ERROR), __(LIVE_VALIDATION_FORMULAR_FIELD_ERROR));
                     if (DEBUG) {
                         $error_dialogbox = new DialogBox(__(ERROR), __(LIVE_VALIDATION_FORMULAR_ERROR_DEBUG));
                     } else {
                         $error_dialogbox = new DialogBox(__(ERROR), __(LIVE_VALIDATION_FORMULAR_ERROR));
                     $html .= "\tif (lv_error_alert_msg != '') {\n";
                     $html .= "\t\t" . $error_dialogbox_msg->render() . "\n";
                     $html .= "\t} else if (lv_error_alert_field_name != '') {\n";
                     $html .= "\t\t" . $error_dialogbox_field->render();
                     $html .= "\t} else {\n";
                     $html .= "\t\t" . $error_dialogbox->render() . "\n";
                     $html .= "\t}\n";
                     $html .= " };\n";
                     $eventObject[$i]->onClickJs("LV_" . $id . ".validate();/*LV_validate_zone*/if(LiveValidationForm_" . $form_object->getName() . "_" . $id . "()/*LV_condition_zone*/){" . $eventObject[$i]->getOnClickJs() . "}else{LV_ErrorAlert_" . $form_object->getName() . "();return false;}");
             $html .= "\tLiveValidationForm_" . $form_object->getName() . "_" . $id . " = function() {\n";
             $html .= "\t\tif (\$('#" . $id . "').attr('disabled')) {\n";
             $html .= "\t\t\treturn true;\n";
             $html .= "\t\t} else {\n";
             $html .= "\t\t\tvar valid=(LV_" . $id . ".message!='Thankyou!'||LV_" . $id . ".message==null)?false:true;\n";
             $html .= "\t\t\tif (valid) return true;\n";
             $html .= "\t\t\tlv_error_alert_id = '" . $id . "';\n";
             if ($this->field_name != "") {
                 $html .= "\t\t\tlv_error_alert_field_name = '" . addslashes($this->field_name) . "';\n";
             } else {
                 $html .= "\t\t\tlv_error_alert_field_name = '';\n";
             if ($this->alert_msg != "") {
                 $html .= "\t\t\tlv_error_alert_msg = '" . addslashes($this->alert_msg) . "';\n";
             } else {
                 $html .= "\t\t\tlv_error_alert_msg = '';\n";
             $html .= "\t\t\treturn false;\n";
             $html .= "\t\t}\n";
             $html .= "\t};\n";
         } else {
             throw new NewException("To use LineValidation for object " . get_class($this->object) . " you must add him in a form (form object is null).", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     } else {
         throw new NewException("LineValidation error: method getFormObject is missing for object " . get_class($this->object) . ".", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $html .= $this->getJavascriptTagClose();
     $this->object_change = false;
     return $html;