function checkCookies($uname, $cookiehash) { $ha = getCookies($uname); if ($ha == $cookiehash) { return true; } return false; }
<?php require_once '../init.php'; require_once '../pager.php'; require_once getCacheFilePath('folders.php'); require_once './../../' . ADMIN_DIR . '/language/language.php'; if (!isAdmin()) { exit($_AL['all.notlogin']); } $curPage = intval($_GET["page"]); $folderid = intval($_GET["folderid"]); if ($folderid > 0) { setCookies("lastfolderid", $folderid); } else { $folderid = intval(getCookies("lastfolderid")); } //preview setCookies("lastfoldertype", 2); $pagerlink = "files.php?page={page}&folderid={$folderid}"; $condition = "folderid={$folderid}"; $orderstr = "id desc"; $pager = new Pager(); $pager->init(10, $curPage, $pagerlink); $attachements = $pager->queryRows($db, "attachments", $condition, "*", $orderstr); foreach ($attachements as $key => $att) { $att['shortfilename'] = htmlFilter(cutStr($att['filename'], 12)); $att['filename'] = htmlFilter($att['filename']); $att['uploadtime'] = getDateStr($att['uploadtime']); $attachements[$key] = $att; } $folderrow = $cache_folders[$folderid];
$timer_begin = getmicrotime(); $db = new db(); $db->connect($_DB); $webcore = new WebCore(); //管理员登录信息 $lg['userid'] = intval(rSESSION('userid')); $lg['isadmin'] = intval(rSESSION('isadmin')); //会员登录信息 $lg['memberid'] = intval(rSESSION('memberid')); $lg['groupid'] = intval(rSESSION('groupid')); $lg['isadmin'] = intval(rSESSION('isadmin')); $lg['membername'] = strFilter(rSESSION('membername')); $lg['displayname'] = htmlFilter(rSESSION('membername')); $lg['memberpass'] = strFilter(rSESSION('memberpass')); $lg['memberauth'] = strFilter(rSESSION('memberauth')); $lg['expire'] = intval(getCookies('expire')); $islogin = isLogin(); if (empty($lg['membername']) || empty($lg['memberpass'])) { $lg['memberid'] = 0; $lg['groupid'] = 0; } elseif (md5($lg['membername'] . $lg['memberpass'] . $cache_global['salt']) != $lg['memberauth']) { //echo md5($lg['membername'].$lg['memberpass'].$cache_global['salt']);exit; $lg['memberid'] = 0; $lg['groupid'] = 0; $lg['membername'] = ''; $lg['memberpass'] = ''; } //var_dump($lg);exit; if ($lg['memberid'] == 0 || $lg['groupid'] == 0) { $lg['groupid'] = GROUP_GUESS; //自动登录
} succeedFlag($proid); break; case "changePronum": $proid = intval($_GET["proid"]); $pronum = intval($_GET["pronum"]); $cartid = intval(getCookies("cartid")); if (!empty($cartid)) { $odt['pronum'] = $pronum; $db->row_update("orderdetails", $odt, "proid={$proid} and cartid={$cartid} and langid={$_SYS['langid']}"); } succeedFlag($proid); break; case "saveorder": try { $cartid = intval(getCookies("cartid")); if (!empty($cartid)) { $odts = $db->row_select("orderdetails", "cartid={$cartid} and langid={$_SYS['langid']}"); if (empty($odts)) { exit($_SLANG['ajaxpublic.nopro']); } $ordertotal = 0; foreach ($odts as $okey => $odt) { $ordertotal += $odt['price'] * $odt['pronum']; } $order['memberid'] = $lg['memberid']; $order['ordernum'] = GenOrderNum($lg, $cartid); $order['name'] = cutStr(strFilter($_POST['name']), 30); $order['phonenum'] = cutStr(strFilter($_POST['phonenum']), 30); $order['email'] = cutStr(strFilter($_POST['email']), 30); $order['address'] = cutStr(strFilter($_POST['address']), 100);
} geoip_close($gi); if ($data['statusCode'] == 'OK') { $countryCode = $data['countryCode']; setcookie("geoipCountry", $data['countryCode'], $cookiesTime); setcookie("geoip", $ip, $cookiesTime); // echo $data['countryCode']; if (in_array($data['countryCode'], $blockedCounntries)) { if (!whilteListIp($ip)) { header('Location: ' . DEFAULT_URL . '/visitor.php'); } } } } else { if (in_array(getCookies('geoipCountry'), $blockedCounntries)) { if (!whilteListIp(getCookies('geoip'))) { header('Location: ' . DEFAULT_URL . '/visitor.php'); } } } function whilteListIp($ipAddress) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM `whitelist_ips` WHERE trim(`ip_address`) = '{$ipAddress}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($query) <= 0) { return false; } return true; } function getCookies($key) { return !empty($_COOKIE[$key]) ? $_COOKIE[$key] : null;
<?php require_once 'inc/init.php'; $action = $_GET['action']; switch ($action) { case "buy": $action = "buy"; break; default: $action = "view"; } $cartid = getCookies("cartid"); if (!empty($cartid)) { $odts = $db->row_select("orderdetails", "cartid={$cartid} and langid={$_SYS['langid']}"); foreach ($odts as $okey => $odt) { $odt['proname'] = htmlFilter($odt['proname']); $odt['displayprice'] = number_format($odt['price'], 2); $odt['itemtotal'] = number_format($odt['price'] * $odt['pronum'], 2); $ordertotal += $odt['price'] * $odt['pronum']; $odt['prourl'] = "../product.php?id={$odt['proid']}"; $protmppic = $webcore->getPics($odt['picid'], $odt['picpath'], 0, true, true); $odt['picpath'] = $protmppic['picpath']; $odts[$okey] = $odt; } } require_once './header.php'; require_once getTemplatePath('cart.htm'); footer();
} if (!empty($voteitemid)) { if (isIntArray($voteitemid) && count($voteitemid) <= $voterow['maxvotes']) { //合法 } else { $votetips = _LANG($_SLANG['vote.max2'], array($voterow['maxvotes'])); } $rows = $db->row_select("voteitems", "voteid={$voteid}"); if ($voterow['level'] > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (stristr(",{$row['voteips']},", "," . getIP() . ",")) { $votetips = $_SLANG['vote.voted']; } } } if ($voterow['level'] == 2 && intval(getCookies("vote{$voteid}")) == 1) { $votetips = $_SLANG['vote.voted']; } //成功投票 if (empty($votetips)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (in_array($row['id'], $voteitemid)) { $tip = getIP(); $db->query_unbuffered("update `{$db->pre}voteitems` set votednum=votednum+1, voteips=" . $db->concat("voteips", "'{$tip}'") . " where id={$row['id']}"); } } //写cookies if ($voterow['level'] == 2) { setCookies("vote{$voteid}", '1'); } $totalrow = $db->row_query_one("SELECT SUM(votednum) as total FROM `{$db->pre}voteitems` WHERE voteid={$voteid} LIMIT 1");
function controller_login_index() { if (empty($_COOKIE['log']) && empty($_COOKIE['pa'])) { view_login(); } else { getCookies(); } }
} $file_size_limit = 20480; $file_num_limit = 99999; $file_types = '*'; $file_newnum = 20; $today_uploaded = 1; $enter = intval($_GET["enter"]); $folderid = intval($_GET["folderid"]); if (isset($_GET["folderid"])) { setCookies("lastfolderid", $folderid); } else { $folderid = intval(getCookies("lastfolderid")); } $folderid = $folderid == 0 ? 1 : $folderid; //list $lastfoldertype = intval(getCookies("lastfoldertype")); if ($enter == 0 && $lastfoldertype == 2) { header("location:files.php?folderid={$folderid}"); exit; } setCookies("lastfoldertype", 1); $types = explode(",", $file_types); $file_types = ""; foreach ($types as $ext) { if (!empty($ext)) { $file_types .= "*.{$ext};"; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" >
if ($uselangid == $setlangid && $hide == 1) { printRes("{$_AL['']}<script>setTimeout(function(){reloadSelf('admin.php?inc=lang&action=list');},2000);</script>"); } $langobj['ishidden'] = $hide; $db->row_update("langs", $langobj, "id={$setlangid}"); writeLangsCache(); printRes("{$_AL['lang.ajax.set.succeed']}<script>reloadTop('admin.php?inc=lang&action=list');</script>"); //succeedFlag(); break; case "dellang": $setlangid = intval($_GET['setlangid']); $row = $db->row_select_one("langs", "isdefault=1"); if ($row['id'] == $setlangid) { exit($_AL['lang.ajax.deldef.failed']); } $uselangid = intval(getCookies('alangid')); if ($uselangid == $setlangid) { exit($_AL['']); } $db->row_delete("langs", "id={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("favs", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("orderdetails", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("orders", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("articles", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("channels", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("contact", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("links", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("msgs", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("procates", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("products", "langid={$setlangid}"); $db->row_delete("settings", "langid={$setlangid}");
} if (!isset($_POST["email"])) { add_return_data(0, 5, "E-mail required"); } $email = $_POST["email"]; if (!$email) { add_return_data(0, 5, "E-mail required"); } if (isset($_POST["contact"])) { $contact = $_POST['contact']; } if (isset($_POST["role"]) && $_POST["role"]) { $role = $_POST['role']; } $user = new User($uname); if ($user->getuser()) { add_return_data(0, 2, "User already exists"); } $data = array("uname" => $uname, "password" => $password, "gender" => $gender, "fname" => $fname, "email" => $email, "contact" => $contact, "role" => $role); $useId = $user->insert($data); $cookies = array("uid" => $useId, "hash" => getCookies($useId)); $returndata["cookies"] = $cookies; if ($useId) { $picId = uploadPic("profilePic", $useId, "userFace"); if ($picId) { if ($user->updateProfileImage($useId, $picId)) { add_return_data(1, 1, "User successfully created"); } } add_return_data(1, 2, "User successfully created but picture cannot be added."); }
<?php $base = "../../"; require_once $base . "users.php"; $returndata = array(); //uname, password if (!isset($_POST['uname']) || !isset($_POST['password'])) { add_return_data(0, 2, "Both Username and Password need to be posted."); } else { $uname = $_POST['uname']; $password = $_POST['password']; $user = new User($uname); if (!$user->checklogin($uname, $password)) { //Username password incorrect send that json. add_return_data(0, 3, "Incorrect username or password"); } else { //Username and password is correct send json to say username password correct and send cookies $userdata = $user->get_user_data(); $returndata["user"] = $userdata; $cookies = array("uid" => $user->get_userid(), "hash" => getCookies($user->get_userid())); $returndata["cookies"] = $cookies; add_return_data(1, 1, "Logged In!"); } }