Ejemplo n.º 1
function checkChinaIP()
    $ip = getClientIP();
    $cIP = explode(".", $ip);
    $ipList = split("\n", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/china_ip"));
    foreach ($ipList as $value) {
        if (!$value) {
        $ips = explode(" ", $value);
        $minIP = explode(".", $ips[0]);
        $maxIP = explode(".", $ips[1]);
        $match = true;
        foreach ($cIP as $idx => $part) {
            if ($part < $minIP[$idx] || $part > $maxIP[$idx]) {
                $match = false;
        if ($match) {
            return true;
    return false;
    //return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * 推广连接
  * www.xxx.com/action/Method/站长ID/游戏ID/cpa、cps、。。。/子ID/?ref=url
  * yy.51yx.com/index/tg/12312312/13/2/11/?ref=url
 public function tg()
     $master_id = $_GET[2];
     $game_id = $_GET[3];
     $type = $_GET[4];
     //推广类型 cpa/cps
     $sub_code = $_GET[5];
     $ref = $_GET['ref'];
     setcookie(WEBMASTER, $master_id, 0, '/', DOMAIN);
     setcookie(AD_GAME_ID, $game_id, 0, '/', DOMAIN);
     setcookie(SPREAD_TYPE, $type, 0, '/', DOMAIN);
     //CPS 为2	CPA:1   其它:0
     setcookie(SUB_CODE, $sub_code, 0, '/', DOMAIN);
     $ip = getClientIP();
     $content = $master_id . ',' . $game_id . ',\'' . $sub_code . '\' ' . $ip;
     @log_info($content, $file = "tg_click_");
     if ($ref) {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
function setSessionFile($data)
    $dir = getSysDir();
    $handle = fopen($dir . '/etc/session/sess' . md5(getClientIP()), 'wt');
    $res = fwrite($handle, $data);
    return $res;
function addToLog($userid, $action, $description)
    $userid = makeStringSafe($userid);
    $action = makeStringSafe($action);
    $description = makeStringSafe($description);
    $mysqldate = getCurrentMySQLDateTime();
    $ip = getClientIP();
    $hostname = getClientHostname();
    doQuery("INSERT INTO " . getDBPrefix() . "_log SET user_id = '" . $userid . "', action_type = '" . $action . "', action_description = '" . $description . "', date = '" . $mysqldate . "', ip = '" . $ip . "', hostname='" . $hostname . "'");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function createInstantReport($message, $senderid, $requestid, $route, array $response)
     // Request id
     $dataToInsert['user_id'] = 1;
     // active user id
     $dataToInsert['request_id'] = $requestid;
     $dataToInsert['request_route'] = $route;
     $dataToInsert['senderid'] = $senderid;
     $dataToInsert['message'] = $message;
     $dataToInsert['data'] = $response;
     $dataToInsert['sender_ip'] = getClientIP();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function activation()
     $json = $_GET['jsoncallback'];
     $user_name = $_REQUEST['user_name'];
     $game_id = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
     $card_no = $_REQUEST['card_no'];
     $query = $this->common_model->checkActivationCode($card_no);
     if ($query) {
         if (empty($json)) {
             echo json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'e1'));
         } else {
             echo $json . "(" . json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'e1')) . ")";
     $query = $this->common_model->checkUserActivation($game_id, $user_name);
     if ($query) {
         if (empty($json)) {
             echo json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'e3'));
         } else {
             echo $json . "(" . json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'e3')) . ")";
     $query = $this->common_model->checkActivation($game_id, $user_name, $card_no);
     if ($query) {
         if (empty($json)) {
             echo json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'e2'));
         } else {
             echo $json . "(" . json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'e2')) . ")";
     $active_ip = getClientIP();
     $result = $this->common_model->activation($card_no, $user_name, $active_ip, $game_id);
     if ($result) {
         if (empty($json)) {
             echo json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'succ'));
         } else {
             echo $json . "(" . json_encode(array('actionErrors' => 'succ')) . ")";
 public function check_formlimitation($formID, $dayrange = 1, $limitation = 5)
     $WebSiteID = $this->session->userdata('WebSiteID');
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) Total FROM tbl_restrictions_form_limitations WHERE WebSiteID='" . $WebSiteID . "' AND FormID='" . $formID . "' AND ClientIP='" . getClientIP() . "' AND CreateTime> DATEADD(day,-" . $dayrange . ",GETDATE())";
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     $row = $query->row();
     $Total = $row->Total;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_restrictions_form_limitations (WebSiteID, FormID, ClientIP) VALUES ('" . $WebSiteID . "','" . $formID . "','" . getClientIP() . "')";
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($Total >= $limitation) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function writeLog($msg)
    $time = Date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
    $ip = getClientIP();
    $info = "{$time}--{$ip} ------>{$msg}";
    //echo  $info;
    $fp = fopen("/data/web/open.valsun.cn/log.txt", "a+");
    if ($fp) {
        $flag = fwrite($fp, $info . "\r\n");
        if (!$flag) {
            echo "写入文件失败<br>";
    } else {
        echo "打开文件失败";
Ejemplo n.º 9
function writeLog($msg)
    $time = Date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
    $log_path = WEB_PATH . 'log.txt';
    $ip = getClientIP();
    $info = "{$time}--{$ip} ------>{$msg}";
    //echo  $info;
    $fp = fopen($log_path, "a+");
    if ($fp) {
        $flag = fwrite($fp, $info . "\r\n");
        if (!$flag) {
            echo "写入文件失败<br>";
    } else {
        echo "打开文件失败";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static function userInfoCache($token, $userid)
     $data = Auth::getUserInfo($token);
     $userinfo = json_decode($data, TRUE);
     if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
         $errCode = 1;
         $errMsg = '解析鉴权系统返回json出错!';
         return false;
     $sql = "select lastUpdateTime from pc_user where userPowerId = {$userid}";
     $row = self::$dbConn->fetch_first($sql);
     $time = time();
     $ip = getClientIP();
     $username = mysql_real_escape_string($userinfo['userName']);
     $phone = mysql_real_escape_string($userinfo['phone']);
     $email = mysql_real_escape_string($userinfo['email']);
     if (!empty($row)) {
         if (json_decode(intval($userinfo['lastUpdateTime']), TRUE) > $row['lastUpdateTime']) {
             //鉴权系统信息已更新 更新本地数据
             $up_sql = "update pc_user set userName = '******', userTel='{$phone}', userMail='{$email}', userIp = '{$ip}', userActive = userActive+1, lastUpdateTime={$time} where userPowerId={$userid}";
         } else {
             //信息没有更新 则只更新登陆次数
             $up_sql = "update pc_user set userActive=userActive+1 where userPowerId={$userid}";
             //echo $up_sql;exit;
     } else {
         //没找到结果集 新增用户数据
         $in_sql = "insert into pc_user values (null, {$userid}, '{$username}', '', '' , '' , '' , '', '', '', '{$phone}', '{$email}', '{$ip}', 1, '', {$time}, 0, {$time})";
     self::cacheUserInfoToMemcache($userid, $userinfo['power']);
     return $userinfo;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function getGlobal()
     $m_user = $this->load("User");
     $cookie_auth = $this->getCookie('auth');
     if ($cookie_auth) {
         $clean = array();
         list($identifier, $token) = explode(':', $cookie_auth);
         if (ctype_alnum($identifier) && ctype_alnum($token)) {
             $clean['identifier'] = $identifier;
             $clean['token'] = $token;
         $record = $m_user->Where(array("identifier" => $clean['identifier']))->Field("id,email,identifier,identifier_token,login_time,point,refuse")->SelectOne();
         if ($record && $record["refuse"]) {
             if ($clean['token'] != $record['identifier_token']) {
             } elseif ($clean['identifier'] != md5("SALTISDIFFCULT" . md5($record["email"] . "SALTISDIFFCULT"))) {
             } else {
                 if ($record["login_time"] < strtotime(date("Y-m-d"))) {
                     $m_user->UpdateByID(array("login_time" => time(), "login_ip" => getClientIP(), "point" => $record["point"] + 2), $record["id"]);
                 $this->setSession('uid', $record["id"]);
                 $this->setSession('email', $record["email"]);
     //根据session uid 获取该用户的信息
     $session_uid = $this->getSession("uid");
     $session_email = $this->getSession("email");
     if (isset($session_uid) && !empty($session_uid)) {
         $current_user_info = $m_user->Where(array("id" => $session_uid))->Field("id,email,username")->SelectOne();
         $current_user_info = deep_htmlspecialchars_decode($current_user_info);
         $this->getView()->assign("current_user_info", $current_user_info);
Ejemplo n.º 12


 * 获取客户端ip 
 function getClientIP() {
    $ip = "unknown";  
     * 访问时用localhost访问的,读出来的是“::1”是正常情况。 
     * ::1说明开启了ipv6支持,这是ipv6下的本地回环地址的表示。 
     * 使用ip地址访问或者关闭ipv6支持都可以不显示这个。 
     * */  
    if (isset($_SERVER)) {  
        if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {  
            $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];  
        } elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_ip"])) {  
            $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_ip"];  
        } else {  
            $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];  
    } else {  
        if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) {  
            $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');  
        } elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_ip')) {  
            $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_ip');  
        } else {  
            $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');  
Ejemplo n.º 13
function detectCountry($mysqli, $cod_pais = '')
    /*$url = "http://ipinfo.io/";
      $ch = curl_init();
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);*/
    //Con esta opcion almaceno el resultado en una variable
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    if (isset($cod_pais) && $cod_pais != '') {
        $pais = $cod_pais;
    } else {
        // Usamos la API de GEO plugin + mas el header TTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
        $data = unserialize(file_get_contents('http://www.geoplugin.net/php.gp?ip=' . getClientIP()));
        $pais = $data['geoplugin_countryCode'];
    if ($pais) {
        //$resp = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
        $cod_pais = $pais;
        $query = "SELECT id, pais, flag FROM paises WHERE cod_pais='{$cod_pais}'";
        $result = $mysqli->query($query);
        $tablaPaisdatos = $result->fetch_assoc();
        $tablaPais = array('id' => $tablaPaisdatos['id'], 'cod_pais' => $cod_pais, 'pais' => $tablaPaisdatos['pais'], 'flag' => $tablaPaisdatos['flag']);
        if ($cod_pais != 'US') {
            $query2 = "SELECT id, idioma, cod_idioma FROM idiomas WHERE idiomas.id = (select id_idioma from pais_idioma where pais_idioma.id_pais = {$tablaPaisdatos['id']})";
            $result2 = $mysqli->query($query2);
            $idioma = $result2->fetch_assoc();
            $idioma_sel = $idioma['idioma'];
        } else {
            $idioma = array("id" => "2", "idioma" => "Ingles", "cod_idioma" => "IN");
            $idioma_sel = "Ingles";
        $_SESSION['pais'] = array('id' => $tablaPais['id'], 'cod_pais' => $tablaPais['cod_pais'], 'pais' => $tablaPais['pais'], 'flag' => $tablaPais['flag'], 'idioma' => $idioma_sel, 'cod_idioma' => $idioma['cod_idioma'], 'id_idioma' => $idioma['id']);
    } else {
        $_SESSION['pais'] = array('pais' => 'Argentina', 'cod_pais' => "AR", 'idioma' => 'ES', 'flag' => 'images/flags/ar.png', 'id_idioma' => '1', 'cod_idioma' => 'ES', 'id' => '1');
        $_SESSION['ciudad'] = 'Rosario';
 $txtAuthorizeLoginId = $row["authorize_loginid"];
 $txtAuthorizeTransKey = $row["authorize_transkey"];
 $txtCurrency = "USD";
 $txtAuthorizeEmail = $row["authorize_email"];
 $txtAuthorizeTestMode = $row["authorize_test_mode"];
 if ($txtAuthorizeTestMode == "Y") {
     $txtAuthorizeTestMode = "on";
 } else {
     $txtAuthorizeTestMode = "off";
 $gift_coupon_flag = 0;
 $message = "";
 $paymentsuccessful = false;
 $paymenterror = "";
 $referrer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
 $Cust_ip = getClientIP();
 $txtAddress = $txtAddress1;
 if (!$ddlCountry) {
     $ddlCountry = $bill_country;
 if (!$txtState) {
     $txtState = $bill_state;
 $Company = "-NA-";
 $Phone = $txtPhone;
 if ($txtLastName == "") {
     $txtLastName = "-NA-";
 require "../authorize-product-listing.php";
 //process the card and return result. Comment this line and uncomment the two lines below to make payment test mode
 //$paymentsuccessful = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 $loginUser = strAddslashes(trim($_POST['login-user']));
 $loginPwd = stripslashes(trim($_POST['login-pwd']));
 if (strlen($loginUser) < 2 || strlen($loginUser) > 45 || strlen($loginPwd) < 6 || strlen($loginPwd) > 18) {
     echo "0 用户名或者密码不符合要求";
 } else {
     $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname);
     if (!emailcheck($loginUser)) {
         $LoginType = "lower(`name`)";
     } else {
         $LoginType = "`email`";
     $userArr = $TB->getMemberInfo($LoginType, strtolower($loginUser));
     if (!empty($userArr['uid'])) {
         if ($userArr['password'] == md5($loginPwd)) {
             $loginTime = time();
             $loginIp = getClientIP();
             loginCookie($userArr['uid'], $userArr['name'], $userArr['groupid'], $loginIp, $loginTime);
             $loginInfo['securekey'] = createSecureKey(10);
             $loginInfo['lastdate'] = $loginTime;
             $loginInfo['lastip'] = $loginIp;
             if ($userArr['lastdate'] != date("Y.m.d")) {
                 $loginInfo['integral'] = array("`integral`+1");
             $DB->query($DB->update_sql("`" . $table_member . "`", $loginInfo, "`uid`=" . $userArr['uid']));
             echo "1 登录成功";
         } else {
             echo "0 您输入的密码不正确";
     } else {
         echo "0 通行证账号不存在";
Ejemplo n.º 16
     //							   echo "<br>varuploadfiles(3)==".$var_uploaded_files;
     if ($var_uploaded_files != "") {
         $vAttacharr = explode("|", $var_uploaded_files);
         foreach ($vAttacharr as $key => $value) {
             $split_name_url = explode("*", $value);
             $mime->fattach("../attachments/" . $split_name_url[0], "Attached here is " . $split_name_url[1]);
 //insert into reply table
 $sql = "insert into sptbl_replies(nReplyId,nTicketId,nStaffId,vStaffLogin,";
 $sql .= " dDate,tReply,tPvtMessage,vReplyTime,vMachineIP) values('','" . mysql_real_escape_string($var_tid) . "',";
 $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION["sess_staffid"]) . "',";
 $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION["sess_staffname"]) . "',now(),'" . mysql_real_escape_string($var_replymatter) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($var_pvtmessage) . "',";
 $sql .= "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($var_timespent) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string(getClientIP()) . "')";
 executeQuery($sql, $conn);
 $var_insert_id = mysql_insert_id($conn);
 //Insert the actionlog
 if (logActivity()) {
     $sql = "Insert into sptbl_actionlog(nALId,nStaffId,vAction,vArea,nRespId,dDate) Values('','" . $_SESSION["sess_staffid"] . "','" . TEXT_ADDITION . "','Reply','" . mysql_real_escape_string($var_insert_id) . "',now())";
     executeQuery($sql, $conn);
 //save attachment
 $sql_insert_attach = "insert into sptbl_attachments(nReplyId,vAttachReference,vAttachUrl) values";
 //						 echo "<br>varuploadfiles(4)==".$var_uploaded_files;
 if ($var_uploaded_files != "") {
     $vAttacharr = explode("|", $var_uploaded_files);
     foreach ($vAttacharr as $key => $value) {
         $split_name_url = explode("*", $value);
         $sql_insert_attach .= "('{$var_insert_id}','" . mysql_real_escape_string($split_name_url[1]) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($split_name_url[0]) . "'),";
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function login()
     if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User')) {
         $this->User->id = $this->Session->read('Auth.User.id');
         $this->User->saveField('last_login_ip', getClientIP());
         $this->User->saveField('last_login_time', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         //$this->Session->setFlash('You are logged in!');
         $this->redirect('/users/profile', null, false);
Ejemplo n.º 18
function getClientHostnameFromIP()
    return gethostbyaddr(getClientIP());
Ejemplo n.º 19
     die("1 " . $checkname);
 $passwd = stripslashes(trim($_POST['userpwd']));
 $repasswd = stripslashes(trim($_POST['repwd']));
 if (strlen($passwd) < 6 || strlen($passwd) > 18) {
     die("1 密码长度应控制在6至18个字符之间。");
 if ($passwd != $repasswd) {
     die("1 两次输入的密码不一致。");
 $email = strtolower(trim($_POST['useremail']));
 if (strlen($email) > 45 || !emailcheck($email)) {
     die("1 电子邮件地址不合法。");
 $actionTime = time();
 $actionIp = getClientIP();
 $DB->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_dbname);
 if ($DB->fetch_one("SELECT COUNT(`bid`) FROM `" . $table_black . "` WHERE `uname`='" . $actionIp . "'") != 0) {
     echo "1 很抱歉,系统拒绝了您的注册!请与管理员联系。";
 } else {
     if ($DB->fetch_one("SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `" . $table_member . "` WHERE lower(`name`)='" . strtolower($uname) . "'") != 0) {
         echo "1 用户昵称已被占用";
     } else {
         if ($DB->fetch_one("SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `" . $table_member . "` WHERE `email` = '" . $email . "'") != 0) {
             echo "1 电子邮箱地址已被注册";
         } else {
             $passport_info['name'] = $uname;
             $passport_info['email'] = $email;
             $passport_info['password'] = md5($passwd);
             $passport_info['securekey'] = createSecureKey(8);
             $passport_info['regdate'] = $actionTime;
Ejemplo n.º 20

//file that has the main logic for the php and the webapp
//including the nesesary things for the database connection
require_once "../secure/database.php";
//include the helper functions
require_once "helperFunctions.php";
//starting the session
if (isset($_POST['HomeDescription'])) {
    //create connection with database
    $conn = pg_connect(HOST . " " . DBNAME . " " . USERNAME . " " . PASSWORD) or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
    //set up varibles
    $description = htmlspecialchars($_POST['HomeDescription']);
    //updateprepare stamtnet
    $resultForUpdating = pg_prepare($conn, "updating", 'UPDATE lab8.user_info
        SET description = $1 WHERE username LIKE $2') or die("Updating prepare Fail: " . pg_last_error());
    //update execute stamtnet
    $resultForUpdating = pg_execute($conn, "updating", array($description, $_SESSION['user'])) or die("Updating Execute fail: " . pg_last_error());
    //update the log with the action that just occured
    $resultForlog = pg_prepare($conn, "logUpdate", "INSERT INTO lab8.log\n          VALUES(DEFAULT,\$1,\$2,DEFAULT,\$3)") or die("logUpdate prepare fail: " . pg_last_error());
    $resultForlog = pg_execute($conn, "logUpdate", array($_SESSION['user'], getClientIP(), "Updated Description")) or die("logupdate execute fail: " . pg_last_error());
    //close all the connections
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * 通过接口注册通用的方法
  * @param $user_name	用户名
  * @param $pwd			密码,做过base64编码
  * @param $poster		海报码
  * @param $realname	真实姓名
  * @param $identity	身份证
  * @param $email		邮箱
 private function regCommon($user_name, $pwd, $poster = '', $realname = '', $identity = '', $email = '', $reg_from_id = 0)
     //		$user_name = strtolower($user_name);
     $ip = getClientIP();
     $from_id = $_COOKIE[WEBMASTER];
     $game_id = $_COOKIE[AD_GAME_ID];
     $type = $_COOKIE[SPREAD_TYPE];
     $sub_code = $_COOKIE[SUB_CODE];
     $invite = $_COOKIE[INVITE];
     //调用Java接口 验证,取account_id.
     $regSign = md5($user_name . $pwd . REG_USER_KEY);
     $data = array('passport' => $user_name, 'password' => $pwd, 'ip' => $ip, 'realname' => $realname, 'idcard' => $identity, 'sign' => $regSign);
     $rereg = $this->get_request_file(REG_USER_URL, $data);
     $re_array = json_decode($rereg);
     if (empty($re_array) || $re_array[0]->result == 'fail') {
         return false;
     $account_id = $re_array[0]->account_id;
     $period = 0;
     $cps_end_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     if ($type == 2) {
         $union = $this->member_model->from('union_webmaster')->getOne('*', array('webmaster_id' => $from_id), UNION_ . $from_id, 3600 * 12);
         if ($union['status'] == 1) {
             $period = empty($union['share_month']) ? 0 : $union['share_month'];
         //			$period = empty($union['share_month'])?0:$union['share_month'];
         $cps_end_time = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$period}\tmonth"));
         if ($game_id == 14) {
             $this->getAndUseCard($game_id, $account_id, $user_name, $pwd, $ip);
     $week = date('N');
     $hour = date('H');
     $user = array('account_id' => $account_id, 'account' => $user_name, 'email' => $email, 'reg_ip' => $ip, 'reg_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'from_id' => empty($from_id) ? $reg_from_id : $from_id, 'game_id' => empty($game_id) ? 0 : $game_id, 'poster' => empty($poster) ? 0 : $poster, 'type' => empty($type) ? 0 : $type, 'period' => $period, 'cooper_id' => 0, 'sub_code' => empty($sub_code) ? 0 : $sub_code, 'cps_end_time' => $cps_end_time, 'week' => $week, 'hour' => $hour, 'invite' => empty($invite) ? 0 : $invite);
     $a = $this->member_model->from('account')->insert($user);
     $_SESSION['validn'] = '';
     $_SESSION[SESS_USER] = $user;
     $crypt_key = md5($user_name . time() . ENCRYPT_KEY);
     $inter_pwd = md5(strtoupper(md5(base64_decode($pwd))));
     $cookie_pwd = crypt_encode($inter_pwd, $crypt_key);
     //		log_info("member :".getClientIP()."\t".var_export($_SESSION[SESS_USER],true));
     setcookie(SDK, $crypt_key, time() + 3600 * 5, '/', DOMAIN);
     setcookie(SDU, crypt_encode($user_name, $crypt_key), time() + 3600 * 5, '/', DOMAIN);
     setcookie(SDP, $cookie_pwd, time() + 3600 * 5, '/', DOMAIN);
     //记录用户登陆 分流页用
     $other = json_encode(array('msg' => 'loginSucceed', 'result' => '', 'account_id' => $account_id, 'account' => $user_name));
     setcookie('servers', $other, time() + 1800, '/', '.51yx.com');
     //TODO 调用广告注册
     //		md5 = Constants.getMD5(Constants.JAVA_TO_PHP_KEY+svalue+registerIP+userName).substring(0,16).toLowerCase();
     //		url = new URL(" http://c.51yx.com/client/regdata.php?cid="+svalue+"&pp="+userName+"&ip="+registerIP+"&key="+md5);
     //		JAVA_TO_PHP_KEY = "!@#Condor)(*";
     $condor_adsys_id = $_COOKIE['condor_adsys_id'];
     if (!empty($condor_adsys_id)) {
         $adsys_pub_key = "!@#Condor)(*";
         $adsys_key = strtolower(substr(md5($adsys_pub_key . $condor_adsys_id . $ip . $user_name), 0, 16));
         $adsys_url = "http://c.51yx.com/client/regdata.php?cid={$condor_adsys_id}&pp={$user_name}&ip={$ip}&key={$adsys_key}";
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 if (!isset($userGroup[$loginArr['group']]['verify']) || $userGroup[$loginArr['group']]['verify'] != 0) {
     if (isset($_POST['verifyNum'])) {
         $vfNum = strtolower(trim($_POST['verifyNum']));
         $vfMD5 = md5(base64_encode(md5($vfNum)));
         if (strlen($vfNum) != 4 || !isset($_COOKIE['replyVerify']) || $_COOKIE['replyVerify'] != $vfMD5) {
             die("0 reply");
     } else {
         die("0 请重新加载页面后再发布帖子");
 $userIP = getClientIP();
 if (isset($_POST['anony']) && $post_anonymous == 1 || $loginArr['state'] == 0) {
     $authorid = 0;
     if ($loginArr['state'] == 1 || empty($loginArr['name'])) {
         $expIP = explode(".", $userIP);
         $author = $expIP[0] . "." . $expIP[1] . "." . $expIP[2] . ".*";
     } else {
         $author = $loginArr['name'];
     $loginArr['group'] = 0;
 $guestname = 0;
 if ($loginArr['state'] == 0 && $loginArr['name'] != "") {
     $guestname = 1;
 $banSql = "SELECT COUNT(`bid`) FROM `" . $table_black . "` WHERE ";
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * 从官网登陆游戏
 public function index()
     if (!isset($_GET[2]) || !isset($_GET[3])) {
     $gameid = intval($_GET[2]);
     $serverid = intval($_GET[3]);
     if (!$this->is_login()) {
         //			$game = $this->game_manager->get_game($gameid);
         $this->gotourl("http://www.263wan.com/login.html?reurl=" . urlencode("http://go.263wan.com/playgame/index/{$gameid}/{$serverid}/"));
     $visitor_ip = getClientIP();
     //判断用户登陆,未登陆跳转到登陆页 TODO:未完成
     $user = $_SESSION[SESS_USER];
     if (empty($user['account_id'])) {
         //			$game = $this->game_manager->get_game($gameid);
         //			$this->report("您还未登录,或已登陆超时!请您从官网登陆游戏!",$game['url']);
         $this->gotourl("http://www.263wan.com/login.html?reurl=" . urlencode("http://go.263wan.com/playgame/index/{$gameid}/{$serverid}/"));
     $login_info = $this->check_game($user, $gameid, $serverid, $visitor_ip);
     switch ($login_info['flag']) {
         case 1:
         case 2:
             $this->report("参数错误!", $login_info['game_url']);
         case 3:
             //				if($login_info['game_id'] == 19){ //19:热血武林激活页!
             //					$this->gotourl('http://hd.51yx.com/20111201/');
             //				}else {
             //					$this->report("游戏正在维护,请您稍后重新登录!",$login_info['game_url']);
             //				}
         case 4:
             if ($login_info['game_id'] == 19) {
                 $this->report("游戏测试阶段,激活账号后方可进入游戏!", "http://hd.51yx.com/20111117/");
             } else {
                 $this->report("游戏测试阶段,激活账号后方可进入游戏!", $login_info['game_url']);
         case 5:
     $location_url = $this->play($login_info, $visitor_ip, $gameid, $serverid);
     $this->view->assign('login_info', $login_info);
     $this->view->assign('url', $location_url);
     $this->view->assign('skip_header', true);
     $this->view->assign('skip_left', true);
     $this->view->assign('skip_links', true);
     $this->view->assign('skip_footer', true);
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * TrackInquiryAct::act_trackInfoEn()
  * 查询目的地跟踪信息
  * @param string $carrier 运输方式名称
  * @param string $tracknum 跟踪号
  * @param string $tracklan 语言
  * @return json string 
 public function act_trackInfoEn()
     $carrier = isset($_REQUEST['carrier']) ? post_check($_REQUEST['carrier']) : '';
     $tracknum = isset($_REQUEST['tracknum']) ? post_check($_REQUEST['tracknum']) : '';
     $tracklan = isset($_REQUEST['tracklan']) ? abs(intval($_REQUEST['tracklan'])) : 10000;
     $ip = getClientIP();
     $ipNum = sprintf('%u', ip2long($ip));
     if (in_array($carrier, array('美国邮政'))) {
         $tracklan = 10000;
     if (empty($carrier)) {
         self::$errCode = 10000;
         self::$errMsg = "运输方式参数非法!";
         @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:" . self::$errMsg . "\n");
         return false;
     if (empty($tracknum)) {
         self::$errCode = 10001;
         self::$errMsg = "跟踪号参数非法!";
         @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:" . self::$errMsg . "\n");
         return false;
     $data = array();
     $times = time();
     $maxcount = C("USER_MAX_COUNT");
     $exptime = C("USER_EXPIRES_TIME");
     $res = TrackInquiryModel::showIpStat($ipNum);
     $stats = isset($res['count']) ? $res['count'] : 0;
     $exptimes = isset($res['expires']) ? $res['expires'] : 0;
     $data['trackInfoEn'] = array();
     if ($stats > $maxcount && $exptimes > $times && !in_array($ip, array(''), true)) {
         array_push($data['trackInfoEn'], array("postion" => "server", "event" => "{$ip}:Visits over", "trackTime" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), "stat" => 0));
         @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:Visits over\n");
         return $data;
     if (!$stats) {
         $res = TrackInquiryModel::updateStatInfo($ipNum, array("ip" => $ip, "count" => 1, "expires" => $times + $exptime, "ipNum" => $ipNum));
     } else {
         if ($exptimes < $times) {
             $res = TrackInquiryModel::updateStatInfo($ipNum, array("ip" => $ip, "count" => 1, "expires" => $times + $exptime, "ipNum" => $ipNum));
         } else {
             $res = TrackInquiryModel::updateStatInfo($ipNum, array("ip" => $ip, "count" => $stats + 1, "ipNum" => $ipNum));
     $cacheName = md5("track_number_info" . $carrier . "_" . $tracknum . "_" . $tracklan);
     $memc_obj = new Cache(C('CACHEGROUP'));
     $trackInfo = $memc_obj->get_extral($cacheName);
     $trackInfo = @unserialize($trackInfo);
     if (!empty($trackInfo['trackInfo'])) {
         @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:memcache success\n");
         return $trackInfo;
     } else {
         $trackInfo = TrackInquiryModel::trackInfoEn($carrier, $tracknum, $tracklan);
         if (!in_array($trackInfo['trackInfoEn'][0]['event'], array('Time out', 'time out', 'No data', 'System Interface exceptions,Please try again!'))) {
             $isok = $memc_obj->set_extral($cacheName, serialize($trackInfo), 7200);
             if (!$isok) {
                 self::$errCode = 0;
                 self::$errMsg = 'memcache缓存出错!';
                 @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:" . self::$errMsg . "\n");
                 //return false;
         if (in_array($trackInfo['trackInfoEn'][0]['event'], array('Time out', 'time out'))) {
             @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:" . $trackInfo['trackInfo'][0]['event'] . "\n");
         if ($trackInfo['trackInfoEn'][0]['postion'] == 'No data') {
             @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:" . $trackInfo['trackInfo'][0]['event'] . "\n");
         if (empty($trackInfo['trackInfoEn'])) {
             @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:接口获取数据异常\n");
         @write_a_file(self::$logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $ip . "=====" . $carrier . "=====" . $tracknum . "=====" . $tracklan . "=====event:api interface success\n");
         return $trackInfo;
    $productid = $_GET["productid"];
} else {
    if (isset($_POST["productid"]) and $_POST["productid"] != "") {
        $productid = $_POST["productid"];
if ($productid == '') {
 * Impression counter by Binu Chandran.E
$impressionFound = false;
//Client IP Address
$ip = getClientIP();
//Check last visit for this product from same Ip address
//With in 24 hrs
$imQuery = "SELECT product_impression_id\n              FROM " . $tableprefix . "product_impression\n             WHERE product_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($productid) . "'\n               AND ip = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($ip) . "'\n               AND ADDDATE(visited_on, INTERVAL 24 HOUR) > NOW()";
$result = mysql_query($imQuery) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    $imRow = mysql_fetch_object($result);
    if ($imRow->product_impression_id > 0) {
        $impressionFound = true;
if ($impressionFound === false) {
    //Add new visit
    $imQuery = "INSERT INTO " . $tableprefix . "product_impression\n                SET product_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($productid) . "',\n                ip = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($ip) . "'";
    mysql_query($imQuery) or die(mysql_error());
Ejemplo n.º 26
} elseif (!Sql_Table_exists($GLOBALS['tables']['config'])) {
    $GLOBALS['require_login'] = 0;
if (!empty($_GET['pi']) && isset($GLOBALS['plugins'][$_GET['pi']])) {
    $page_title = $GLOBALS['plugins'][$_GET['pi']]->pageTitle($page);
} else {
    $page_title = $GLOBALS['I18N']->pageTitle($page);
print '<title>' . NAME . ' :: ';
if (isset($GLOBALS['installation_name'])) {
    print $GLOBALS['installation_name'] . ' :: ';
print "{$page_title}</title>";
if (!empty($GLOBALS['require_login'])) {
    #bth 7.1.2015 to support x-forwarded-for
    $remoteAddr = getClientIP();
    if ($GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'] && is_file('auth/' . $GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'])) {
        require_once 'auth/' . $GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'];
    } elseif ($GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'] && is_file($GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'])) {
        require_once $GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'];
    } else {
        if ($GLOBALS['admin_auth_module']) {
            logEvent('Warning: unable to use ' . $GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'] . ' for admin authentication, reverting back to phplist authentication');
            $GLOBALS['admin_auth_module'] = 'phplist_auth.inc';
        require_once 'auth/phplist_auth.inc';
    if (class_exists('admin_auth')) {
        $GLOBALS['admin_auth'] = new admin_auth();
    } else {
        print Fatal_Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Admin Authentication initialisation failure'));
 $qstion = $var_desc;
 $vAttachmentfiles = $var_uploadfiles;
 $priority = $var_prty;
 if (isValidCredentials($var_userid, $deptid, $priority)) {
     $var_final_flag = true;
     //Modification on October 3, 2005
     $sql = "Select nDeptId from sptbl_depts where nDeptParent='{$deptid}'";
     $rs = executeSelect($sql, $conn);
     if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) {
         $var_continue_exec = false;
     //End Modification
     if ($var_continue_exec == true) {
         //get ip address
         $varclip = getClientIP();
         //insert into ticket
         $sql_insert_ticket = "insert into sptbl_tickets(nTicketId,nDeptId,vRefNo,nUserId,vUserName,vTitle,tQuestion,vPriority,dPostDate,vMachineIP,dLastAttempted)";
         $sql_insert_ticket .= "values('','{$deptid}','1','{$var_userid}','" . mysql_real_escape_string($var_username) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($title) . "','";
         $sql_insert_ticket .= mysql_real_escape_string($qstion) . "','{$priority}',now(),'{$varclip}',now())";
         executeQuery($sql_insert_ticket, $conn);
         $var_insert_id = mysql_insert_id($conn);
         $var_ticketid = $var_insert_id;
         //update reference number
         //	modified on 15-11-06 by roshith	for constatnt length ref.no.
         // 'zero' added for 2 digit companyid
         if ($var_compid < 10) {
             $var_compid = "0" . $var_compid;
         $dept_id = $deptid;
         // to send mail
Ejemplo n.º 28
     //							   echo "<br>varuploadfiles(3)==".$var_uploaded_files;
     if ($var_uploaded_files != "") {
         $vAttacharr = explode("|", $var_uploaded_files);
         foreach ($vAttacharr as $key => $value) {
             $split_name_url = explode("*", $value);
             $mime->fattach("../attachments/" . $split_name_url[0], "Attached here is " . $split_name_url[1]);
 //insert into reply table
 $sql = "insert into sptbl_replies(nReplyId,nTicketId,nStaffId,vStaffLogin,";
 $sql .= " dDate,tReply,tPvtMessage,vReplyTime,vMachineIP) values('','" . addslashes($var_tid) . "',";
 $sql .= "'" . addslashes($_SESSION["sess_staffid"]) . "',";
 $sql .= "'" . addslashes($_SESSION["sess_staffname"]) . "',now(),'" . addslashes($var_replymatter) . "','" . addslashes($var_pvtmessage) . "',";
 $sql .= "'" . addslashes($var_timespent) . "','" . addslashes(getClientIP()) . "')";
 executeQuery($sql, $conn);
 $var_insert_id = mysql_insert_id($conn);
 //Insert the actionlog
 if (logActivity()) {
     $sql = "Insert into sptbl_actionlog(nALId,nStaffId,vAction,vArea,nRespId,dDate) Values('','" . $_SESSION["sess_staffid"] . "','" . TEXT_ADDITION . "','Reply','" . addslashes($var_insert_id) . "',now())";
     executeQuery($sql, $conn);
 //save attachment
 $sql_insert_attach = "insert into sptbl_attachments(nReplyId,vAttachReference,vAttachUrl) values";
 //						 echo "<br>varuploadfiles(4)==".$var_uploaded_files;
 if ($var_uploaded_files != "") {
     $vAttacharr = explode("|", $var_uploaded_files);
     foreach ($vAttacharr as $key => $value) {
         $split_name_url = explode("*", $value);
         $sql_insert_attach .= "('{$var_insert_id}','" . addslashes($split_name_url[1]) . "','" . addslashes($split_name_url[0]) . "'),";
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Check result for the last execution
  * @param NULL
  * @return NULL
 private final function checkResult()
     if (self::$conn->errorCode() != $this->successCode) {
         $this->success = FALSE;
         $error = self::$conn->errorInfo();
         $traceInfo = debug_backtrace();
         if (ENV == 'DEV') {
             Helper::raiseError($traceInfo, $error[2], $this->sql);
         } else {
             // Log error SQL and reason for debug
             $errorMsg = getClientIP() . ' | ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL;
             $errorMsg .= 'SQL: ' . $this->sql . PHP_EOL;
             $errorMsg .= 'Error: ' . $error[2] . PHP_EOL;
             $title = 'LINE__________FUNCTION__________FILE______________________________________' . PHP_EOL;
             $errorMsg .= $title;
             foreach ($traceInfo as $v) {
                 $errorMsg .= $v['line'];
                 $errorMsg .= $this->getUnderscore(10, strlen($v['line']));
                 $errorMsg .= $v['function'];
                 $errorMsg .= $this->getUnderscore(20, strlen($v['function']));
                 $errorMsg .= $v['file'] . PHP_EOL;
             file_put_contents($this->logFile, PHP_EOL . $errorMsg, FILE_APPEND);
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         $this->success = TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 30
     print "    </div>\n";
     $show_upload = true;
     $show_success = false;
     // Check for upload error
 } else {
     if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] == 7) {
         print "    <div id=\"notice\">\n";
         print "      <span>An error occured saving the file. Please try again.</span>\n";
         print "    </div>\n";
         $show_upload = true;
         $show_success = false;
         // Everything is fine
     } else {
         // Generate random file ID
         $file_id = generate_access_id(6);
         $client_ip = getClientIP();
         // Calculate file name
         $file_name = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
         $name_text = $file_name;
         // Calculate file type
         $file_type = $_FILES["file"]["type"];
         // Calculate file size
         $file_size = $_FILES["file"]["size"];
         $file_size_class = new getFileSize();
         $file_size_text = $file_size_class->fileSizeConversion($file_size, 'B');
         // Calculate file expiry time
         switch ($_POST["expire_time"]) {
             case 1800:
                 // 30 minutes
                 $file_expiry = time() + 1800;
                 $expiry_text = "in 30 minutes";