Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function search()
     if ($_GET) {
         $inputs = I('get.inputs');
         $lang = LANG_SET;
         $data = self::lists(20, I('get.type'), $inputs, $lang);
         // 可以申请的年份
         $appYears = getApplyForYears();
         $this->assign('year', $appYears[0]);
         $this->assign('data', $data['data']);
         $this->assign('html', $data['html']);
         $this->assign('count', $data['count']);
         $this->assign('type', I('get.type'));
         $this->assign('get', json_encode($_GET));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function lists()
     $regdate = 0;
     $is_active = -1;
     $username = '';
     $name = '';
     $email = '';
     $year = 0;
     $bd = '';
     $data = self::getParam($_GET);
     if ((int) $data['regdate']) {
         $regdate = $data['regdate'];
     if ($data['is_active'] === '0' || $data['is_active'] === '2') {
         $is_active = $data['is_active'];
     if ($data['username']) {
         $username = $data['username'];
     if ($data['name']) {
         $name = $data['name'];
     if ($data['email']) {
         $email = $data['email'];
     if ((int) $data['year']) {
         $year = $data['year'];
     if ($data['bd'] && $data['bd'] != '中介负责人') {
         $bd = $data['bd'];
     $data = self::getSubAccountList(20, $regdate, $is_active, $username, $name, $email, $year, $bd);
     $this->assign('data', $data['data']);
     $this->assign('html', $data['html']);
     $this->assign('account', $data['account']);
     $this->assign('get', json_encode($_GET));
     $this->assign('showYearList', getApplyForYears());
     $bdList = M('user_agent')->field('bd')->where("bd<>''")->group('bd')->select();
     $this->assign('bdList', $bdList);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * 学生有申请的列表.
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 public function studentList()
     // 允许申请的部门
     $allowParts = AgentAuth::getAllowParts([AgentAuth::READ]);
     $part_ids = [];
     foreach ($allowParts as $row) {
         $part_ids[] = $row['id'];
     $modelAppStatus = new ApplyStatusModel();
     // 已有申请的年份
     $allAppYears = $modelAppStatus->fetchApplyYears($part_ids);
     // 当前允许申请的年份
     $allowAppYears = getApplyForYears();
     // 从第几个年份显示
     $_tmp_year = $allowAppYears[0];
     // 增加一个 全部 的部门
     array_unshift($allowParts, ['id' => '', 'name' => 'All']);
     // 默认显示的部门名称
     $default_show_part_name = 'All';
     // 页面展示的全部年份
     $showYears = $allowAppYears;
     foreach ($allAppYears as $row) {
         $showYears[] = intval($row['year']);
     $showYears = array_unique($showYears);
     // 去重
     // 排序
     // 获取 左右 移动控制默认显示的第几页
     $_tmp_key = array_search($_tmp_year, $showYears);
     // selectYear(integer), startDate(string), endDate(string), dept(integer), firstName(string),
     // familyName(string),  birth(string)
     $defaultWhere = ['selectYear' => '', 'startDate' => '', 'endDate' => '', 'dept' => '', 'firstName' => '', 'familyName' => '', 'birth' => ''];
     // 列表数据
     $lists = [];
     foreach ($showYears as $row) {
         $defaultWhere['selectYear'] = $row;
         $lists[$row] = $this->fetchApplyStuList($defaultWhere, TRUE, 20);
         // 替换分页请求的控制器为 ajaxGetStudentList
         $pageList = $lists[$row]['pageList'];
         $pageList = str_replace(ACTION_NAME, 'ajaxGetStudentList', $pageList);
         $lists[$row]['pageList'] = $pageList;
     $this->assign('controlPage', $_tmp_key + 1);
     $this->assign('lists', $lists);
     $this->assign('defaultDeptName', $default_show_part_name);
     $this->assign('allowParts', $allowParts);
     $this->assign('showYears', $showYears);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * 大学列表页面
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 public function lists()
     // 当前的语系, LANG_SET
     $lang = LANG_SET;
     // 搜索条件区域的学科下拉数据集
     $subjectList = M('subject')->field(array('su_id AS subjectid', 'name AS subjectname'))->where("lang='{$lang}'")->order('su_id ASC')->select();
     // 页面搜索条件区域的静态数据集
     $staticList = C('SCHOOL_LIST_PAGE');
     // 区域数据集
     $staticAreaList = $staticList['districts'][$lang];
     // 城市数据集(在页面上取当前语系的值 )
     $staticCityList = $staticList['cities'];
     // 排名数据集
     $staticRankList = $staticList['rank'];
     // 获取数据
     $lists = $this->getSchoolList(TRUE);
     // 可以申请的年份
     $appYears = getApplyForYears();
     $this->assign('year', $appYears[0]);
     $this->assign('currLang', $lang);
     $this->assign('subjectList', $subjectList);
     $this->assign('staticAreaList', $staticAreaList);
     $this->assign('staticCityList', $staticCityList);
     $this->assign('staticRankList', $staticRankList);
     $this->assign('schoolList', $lists['lists']);
     $this->assign('pageList', str_replace(ACTION_NAME, 'getSchoolList', $lists['pageList']));
     if (is_wap()) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * 信息统计.
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 public function info()
     $lang = 'en-us';
     // 当前可以申请的年份
     $allowAppYears = getApplyForYears();
     // 全部有申请的年份
     $appliedYears = $this->fetchAppliedYearsData();
     $_appliedYears = [];
     // 将有申请的年份转换成一维数组
     foreach ($appliedYears as $row) {
         $_appliedYears[] = intval($row['year']);
     // 排序
     // 最近有申请的年份
     // $showYear = end($_appliedYears);
     $showYear = $allowAppYears[0];
     // 显示的年份改成 当前可申请年份的第一个.
     /*if(!is_numeric($showYear)) {
      		$showYear = $allowAppYears[0];
     $_appliedYears = array_merge($_appliedYears, $allowAppYears);
     $_appliedYears = array_unique($_appliedYears);
     // 去重
     // 排序
     // diy 列表数据
     $diyData = $this->fetchDiyRegData($showYear, TRUE, 20);
     $diyData['pageList'] = str_replace(ACTION_NAME, 'ajaxGetDiyRegList', $diyData['pageList']);
     // 最新申请学校数据
     $schoolData = $this->fetchNewApplySchoolData($showYear, '', $lang, TRUE, 20);
     $schoolData['pageList'] = str_replace(ACTION_NAME, 'ajaxGetNewAppSchoolList', $schoolData['pageList']);
     $this->assign('yesterdayNewUserNum', $this->fetchYesterdayNewUserNum());
     $this->assign('yesterdayNewApplyNum', $this->fetchYesterdayNewApplyNum());
     $this->assign('showSubmitTypeId', '');
     $this->assign('showSubmitTypeName', '全部');
     $this->assign('submitTypeList', $this->_userTypes);
     $this->assign('diyList', $diyData);
     $this->assign('schoolAppList', $schoolData);
     $this->assign('showYear', $showYear);
     // 当前显示的年份
     $this->assign('applyYearList', $_appliedYears);
     // 年份列表数据
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * 获取已有申请的全部年份值.
  * lists 表示全部的年份列表, curr 表示当前要显示的年份.
  * @access private
  * @return array
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 private function fetchAppliedYearsData()
     $field = 'year';
     $where = "is_del=0 AND is_complete=1";
     $model = M('apply_status');
     $lists = $model->field($field)->where($where)->group('year')->select();
     if (NULL === $lists || FALSE === $lists) {
         $lists = [];
     $_appliedYears = [];
     // 将有申请的年份转换成一维数组
     foreach ($lists as $row) {
         $_appliedYears[] = intval($row['year']);
     // 排序
     // 当前可以申请的年份
     $allowAppYears = getApplyForYears();
     // 最近有申请的年份
     // $showYear = end ($_appliedYears);
     // 2015-10-17 改成当前学年
     $showYear = $allowAppYears[0];
     $_appliedYears = array_merge($_appliedYears, $allowAppYears);
     $_appliedYears = array_unique($_appliedYears);
     // 去重
     // 排序
     if (!is_numeric($showYear)) {
         // 没有已申请的年份取第一个可申请的年份
         $showYear = $allowAppYears[0];
     $result['lists'] = $_appliedYears;
     $result['curr'] = $showYear;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * 提交申请第 1 步.
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 public function appSubmit1()
     // 校验一级中介是否有权限添加申请
     if (!AgentAuth::checkTopAgentOfApply()) {
         $this->error('No permission');
     // 当前语系
     $lang = 'en-us';
     // 点击详情页面的 Submit new application 需要传 按钮所在的 年份 和 学生 id
     // 从 appSubmit2 中的 Back 返回时, 需要传  申请主键 id
     // 点击详情页面的 Re-submit 按钮时, 传 申请主键 id
     // 从学生详情页面点申请传过来的参数, 第 2 步也要传
     $studentId = intval(I('post.studentId', ''));
     $appYear = I('post.selectYear', '');
     // 此参数在 第 2 步不用传
     // 是从第 2 步传过来的, 也用于 详情页面的 re-submit 重新提交
     $appStatusId = I('post.appStatus', '');
     // 操作类型 1 : 添加, 2 : 编辑
     $operFlag = intval(I('post.oper', 1));
     // 根据操作类型, 设置不同的权限
     $authRule = [];
     if (1 === $operFlag) {
         $authRule[] = AgentAuth::ADD;
     } else {
         $authRule[] = AgentAuth::WRITE;
     // 可申请的年份
     $allowYears = getApplyForYears();
     //$uid = session('uid'); // 当前登录用户
     if (empty($studentId)) {
         $this->error('Parameters error');
     // 实例化 MemberStu 模型
     $modelStu = new MemberStuModel();
     // 学生信息
     $stuInfo = $modelStu->fetchStuInfo($studentId);
     if (empty($stuInfo)) {
         $this->error('Parameters error');
     // 权限验证
     $res = AgentAuth::checkStu($studentId, $authRule);
     if ($res['status'] !== 9) {
         $this->error('No permission');
     $appInfo = [];
     $modelAppStatus = new ApplyStatusModel();
     if (!empty($appStatusId)) {
         $appInfo = $modelAppStatus->fetchApplyInfo($appStatusId, $lang);
         // 从第 2 步传过来的 ano 没有找到该申请信息.
         if (empty($appInfo)) {
             $this->error('Parameters error');
     // 大学列表
     $schoolList = $this->fetchUniversityData($lang);
     // programme type
     $progTypeList = $modelAppStatus->fetchApplyProgTypeData($lang);
     // programe type 对应的 name
     $progTypeName = '';
     if (!empty($appInfo)) {
         $key = $appInfo['type'];
         $progTypeName = isset($progTypeList[$key]) ? $progTypeList[$key] : '';
     $this->assign('operFlag', $operFlag);
     $this->assign('appStatusId', $appStatusId);
     $this->assign('progTypeList', $progTypeList);
     $this->assign('progTypeName', $progTypeName);
     $this->assign('applyInfo', $appInfo);
     $this->assign('schoolList', $schoolList);
     $this->assign('appYear', $appYear);
     $this->assign('stuInfo', $stuInfo);
     $this->assign('allowYears', $allowYears);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * 用户中心弹出层数据.
  * @access private
  * @return array
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 private function getPopLayerData()
     // 当前语系
     $lang = LANG_SET;
     $defaultLang = 'en-us';
     $uid = session('uid');
     //------------------ 计算当前可申请的年份
     $resYears = getApplyForYears();
     // ------------------ 国家数据
     $countryList = ['zh-cn' => [1 => '中国', 2 => '英国'], 'en-us' => [1 => 'China', 2 => 'United Kingdom']];
     $resCountrys = isset($countryList[$lang]) ? $countryList[$lang] : $countryList[$defaultLang];
     // ---------------------- 学科数据
     $subjectList = M('Subject')->field(['su_id', 'name', 'lang'])->where('su_id < 8 AND lang=:lang')->bind(':lang', $lang)->select();
     // ---------------------- 英语成绩要求类型
     $langScoreType = ['zh-cn' => ['IELTS' => '雅思'], 'en-us' => ['IELTS' => 'IELTS']];
     $resLangScoreType = isset($langScoreType[$lang]) ? $langScoreType[$lang] : $langScoreType[$defaultLang];
     // ------------------------------申请的基本信息 apply_info
     if ($uid) {
         $resApplyInfo = M('apply_info')->where('uid=:uid')->bind(':uid', $uid)->find();
     } else {
         $resApplyInfo = unserialize(authcode(cookie('applyInfo'), 'DECODE', C('AUTH_KEY')));
     if ($resApplyInfo === NULL || $resApplyInfo === FALSE) {
         $resApplyInfo = [];
     $return = ['years' => $resYears, 'country' => $resCountrys, 'subject' => $subjectList, 'langScoreType' => $resLangScoreType, 'applyInfo' => $resApplyInfo];
     return $return;