function deleteAlbum($album_id) { if (albumExists($album_id)) { $images = getAlbumImages($album_id); foreach ($images as $img) { $image_id = $img['ImageID']; deleteImage($image_id); } mysql_query("DELETE FROM `mbg_albums` WHERE `AlbumID` = '{$album_id}'"); return true; } return false; }
<? require_once('session_check.php'); require_once("album.php"); if(existsAlbum($_POST["albumId"])){ addAlbumPhoto($_POST["albumId"],$_FILES["albumImage"]); $eventID = getAlbum($_POST["albumId"])["eid"]; http_response_code(200); if(1){//!isset($_POST["return_json"]) && $_POST["return_json"]){ echo json_encode(getAlbumImages(getAlbum($_POST["albumId"]))); } else header("Location: ../manageAlbums.php?eid=".$eventID); } else{ http_response_code(400); header("Location: ../index.php"); }
<?php include '../admin/config.php'; include '../admin/'; include '../admin/functions.php'; $albums = getAllAlbums('DESC'); $response = []; foreach ($albums as $album) { $albumId = $album['AlbumID']; $response[$albumId] = $album; $response[$albumId]['images'] = getAlbumImages($albumId, 'DESC'); } include '../admin/mysql.close.php'; echo json_encode($response);
function uploadImages($images, $imageAlbums) { global $fbo, $key, $uid, $batchSize, $nohash; $albumImages = getAlbumImages($imageAlbums); $c = count($images); $a = 0; $b = 0; $md5s = array(); // Loop through all the images. Skip by batch size. for ($a = 0; $a < $c; $a += $batchSize) { $imagesToUpload = array(); // empty the array for images to upload. // For for the batch size while $b is less than the batch size OR a + b is less than the total number of images. for ($b = 0; $b < $batchSize && $a + $b < $c; $b++) { $z = $a + $b; // Get the "real" image index number. $image = $images[$z]; // Pull out the image to manipulate $caption = getCaption($image); // Get the caption of the image $md5 = md5_file($image); // Get the MD5 of the image. // Check for duplicate images. if (array_key_exists("md5", $albumImages) && array_search($md5, $albumImages["md5"]) !== false) { disp("Skipping: {$image} already uploaded (MD5 Check)", 3); continue; } // Check for duplicate images in the queue. if (array_search($md5, $md5s) !== false) { disp("Skipping: Identical image to {$image} already queued (MD5 Check)", 3); continue; } $md5s[] = $md5; list($process, $thumb) = makeThumbBatch($image); $temp["image"] = $image; $temp["caption"] = $caption; $temp["process"] = $process; $temp["thumb"] = $thumb; $temp["caption"] = $caption . ($nohash ? "" : "\n\n\n" . $md5); $temp["uploaded"] = false; $temp["errors"] = 0; $imagesToUpload[] = $temp; } while (1) { $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($imagesToUpload); $i++) { if ($imagesToUpload[$i]["uploaded"]) { continue; } disp("Waiting for processing to finish on: " . $imagesToUpload[$i]["image"], 5); // If the process continues to fail, just mark as uploaded and move on. if (waitToProcess($imagesToUpload[$i]["process"])) { disp("Image Conversion Failed, skipping: " . $imagesToUpload[$i]["image"], 2); $imagesToUpload[$i]["uploaded"] = true; continue; } disp("Finished Processing.", 5); try { $fbo->api_client->photos_upload($imagesToUpload[$i]["thumb"], getUploadAID($imageAlbums, $uploadAlbumIdx), $imagesToUpload[$i]["caption"], $uid); $imageAlbums["size"][$uploadAlbumIdx]++; $imagesToUpload[$i]["uploaded"] = true; disp("Uploaded: " . $imagesToUpload[$i]["image"], 3); $j++; } catch (Exception $e) { disp($e->getCode() . " " . $e->getMessage(), 5); switch ($e->getCode()) { case 1: case 2: case 5: disp("Non-fatal error: " . $e->getMessage(), 3); break; case 100: case 101: case 103: case 104: case 120: case 200: disp("Fatal error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n Please submit a bug report: \n", 1); break; case 102: disp("Could not login. Try creating a new auth code.", 1); case 321: disp($e->getMessage() . ". Should have been caught earlier.", 3); $imageAlbums["size"][$uploadAlbumIdx] = 200; break; case 324: disp($e->getMessage() . ". Bad Graphics/ImageMagick output? Skipping " . $imagesToUpload[$i]["image"], 3); $imagesToUpload[$i]["uploaded"] = true; break; case 325: disp($e->getMessage() . ". Allow php_batch_uploader to upload files directly: \n{$key}&ext_perm=photo_upload\n\n", 1); break; } $imagesToUpload[$i]["errors"]++; } } // If all images have been uploaded, break out of the while loop. if ($j == 0) { break; } } } }
<?php $id = $_GET['id']; if (albumExists($id)) { $album = getAlbum($id); $images = getAlbumImages($id); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/album_manage.js"></script> <a href="?action=album&id=<?php echo $id; ?> &edit" class="button" title="Click to edit">Album: <strong><?php echo $album['AlbumName']; ?> </strong></a> <div class="separator"></div> <h1>Manage Album</h1> <?php if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { include "edit_album.php"; } ?> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1"> <input type="hidden" name="album_id" id="album_id" value="<?php echo $album['AlbumID']; ?> "> <input type="file" name="upload_image" id="upload_image" class="button"> </form> <?php
session_start(); require_once("database/album.php"); if(!isset($_GET['id'])){ http_response_code(400); ?><p> No album was specified </p><? exit; } if(!existsAlbum($_GET['id'])){ http_response_code(404); ?><p> The album does not exist in the server </p><? exit; } $album = getAlbum($_GET['id']); $eventId = intval(getAlbum($_GET['id'])['eid']); $albumImages = getAlbumImages($album); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?require_once('includes.php');?> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/view_album.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/album.css" > </head> <body> <?require_once('templates/header.php');?> <section id="album"> <h1> <?echo $album['nome'];?></h1>