function create() { global $gorumuser, $gorumauthlevel; $this->activateVariableFields(); LocationHistory::resetPost(); $this->initClassVars(); LocationHistory::savePost($this); if (!$this->validRegistration()) { return FALSE; } unset($this->isAdm); $this->active = FALSE; // Majd az elso bejelentkezes utan lesz true $plainPassword = $this->generatePassword(); $this->setDefaultsOfFieldsThatDontAppearInForm(); if ($gorumauthlevel == Loginlib_GuestLevel) { // don't create a new user, only updating the current // nameless user with the newly registered username and // password: $this->id = $gorumuser->id; modify($this); if (Roll::isFormInvalid()) { return; } } else { if ($gorumauthlevel == Loginlib_BasicLevel || $gorumauthlevel == Loginlib_LowLevel) { generateRandomId($randomId); $this->id = $randomId; create($this); if (Roll::isFormInvalid()) { return; } } } $this->storeAttachment(); load($this); // hogy a notification minden mezot tartalmazhasson $this->sendPassword($plainPassword, Notification_initialPassword, "youWillGetAEmailCheckEmail"); return $plainPassword; }
public static function generateSessionId() { return generateRandomId() . hash("md5", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); }
function createFirstAdmin() { global $gorumauthlevel, $gorumuser, $gorumroll; global $gorumrecognised, $registrationType, $now; global $cookiePath, $user_typ, $noFirstAdmin, $infoText; if (empty($noFirstAdmin)) { $gorumauthlevel = Loginlib_LowLevel; $gorumrecognised = TRUE; $gorumuser = new User(); if (isset($_COOKIE["globalUserId"])) { $gorumuser->id = $_COOKIE["globalUserId"]; } else { generateRandomId($gorumuser->id); } $gorumuser->name = "admin"; $gorumuser->password = getPassword("admin"); if (isset($user_typ["attributes"]["email"])) { $gorumuser->email = ""; } $gorumuser->isAdm = TRUE; if ($registrationType == User_emailCheck) { $gorumuser->active = TRUE; } $gorumuser->lastClickTime = $now; create($gorumuser); // azert hogy az isAdm es hasonlok is ki legyenek benne toltve: load($gorumuser); setcookie("usrPassword", $gorumuser->password, Loginlib_ExpirationDate, $cookiePath); setcookie("sessionUserId", $gorumuser->id, 0, $cookiePath); } }